★ Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.
“Do or do not, Saige. There is no try. And look! I did it without my hands. How is it I can get a girl all fussed up with just my mouth and how I word? Look at me, ruining the moment. How adorable am I?”
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slurred words
“I love Saige,” Gianna answered, almost took quickly. “Oh my god, I wish she was here! She’s so much funner than you are drunk. What kind of drunk just keeps asking me about people. You’re stupid. Saige is fun. So so much fun. I don’t even mean sex. I mean, she’s hot, and an actual angel, but you know. She’s just. She’s fucking great.” 
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carmenqueenx · 9 years
slurred words
“Saige-y Pop! Oh my God, she’s so nice. Okay, I mean sometimes she can be like, a little too nice. But that’s what’s so nice about her. It’s like, whenever you need someone to say something nice you should just go to Saige. And she’s always in a good mood. Again, sometimes it’s like, a little much. But it’s also the best thing ever.”
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autumn-bradford · 9 years
Isn’t that one of the Montgomery parasites? Ew.
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sonyamasterson · 9 years
“My Saige. She reminds me so much of myself when I was her age, only much more sweeter. With her ambition and looks she can do almost anything. Which kind of scares me at times, I don’t want her to end up where I am emotionally. She deserves much much better. She is so blessed to have Sloan, and she knows it. I love those two to the moon and back.”
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rafaeldahar-blog · 9 years
↹ for a best friend headcanon , ♂ for a father headcanon
for a father;
Rafael and his father had never been particularly close. Their relationship wasn’t strained whatsoever, but Rafael had always been attached to his mother, while his brother, Samuel, was attached to their father.
Despite being involved in a lot of criminal activity, Raf’s father was very religious, and he saw the crimes that he did as a means to help their family out of poverty. Once his father had enough money, he left the mob business and invested. Now, his family lives rather lavishly in upstate New York. Another headcanon I have is his father being incredibly intelligent, like Raf, and not only teaching him the values of being a Muslim, but as well as the values of other religions and how a certain set of beliefs can mold a person for better or worse. I’d say that his dad is definitely like a moral compass for him. Anytime Raf is at a loss for what to do in his life, he calls his dad.
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carmenqueenx · 9 years
✣ bringing them food
“Please tell me that’s a cheeseburger. Because I really, really want a cheeseburger right now.”
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♘ for a favorite teacher headcanon, ✻ for an old best friend headcanon
Relationship Headcanons
♘ for a favorite teacher headcanon 
The man was neutral.. notin personality, but in alliance. An assassin of the old kind.Following a code, being the best one could hire. Working for whoeverpayed the most. He had a long list of targets, not only in New Yorkbut also in other cities, other countries. There were rumors of himeven having worked for the government.A man shrouded in mystery,and somehow he ended up as Joshua’s teacher. It might have been pity,might have been luck, might have been the money he had been payed toteach him.And it was that man that taught Joshua most things heknows, taught him to control his anger. To use his smile, to use hischarm, to use the sharp mind that was taught by a horriblechildhood.The man taught Josh how to use the shards of abroken life as weapons.And for that he loves him, admires him..and still ignores his warnings. “You can not be a perfect Assassinwithout respecting life.. especially not without respecting yourown.” The man is maybe the only person that realizes that Josh ison a suicide mission since the time he was sixteen.
✻ for an old best friend headcanon 
Friendship… was it everfriendship when it becomes past tense? Or was it just people thathappened to spend some time with each other? Joshua has a hard timeto still feel truly close connections to anyone. Even those he isclose to are not as close as he once let people.There was afriend at school, when he was already in his foster family. A nerdykid with too large glasses, red hair and a lot of freckles. A victimof bullying. But Josh did not mind, so was he. But Josh never fearedany of his bullies. When you live through true hell at home. When youknew true monsters, why would you care about some stupid jokes ofwanna-be-cool-kids?But his friend suffered from the bullying, itgrew worse and worse.. and finally his parents made him changeschools. Sent him to an expensive boarding school.. they’d write eachother for a while. But what had brought them together were the sharedsuffering and the video games they had sometimes played at hisfriend’s house. Never had Josh told him about his home, never shownhim the bruises.. and so he could not tell him anything in hisletters. And the friendship grew apart, until they’d not even greeteach other anymore when they met each other on the street.
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♥ : Name one thing about the way their emotions work that they despise.
If she could, Gigi would turn off all her emotions entirely, not that she hasn’t already. She runs on apathy and rage, concealed with a wicked grin and an adrenaline induced heart. But there are moments, stupid little moments that she shoves aside when she remembers, when she genuinely cares, especially in the case of her family (Stefanie excluded). It’s hard not to, when there’s good memories laced with the bad, but it’s also hard to forgive. It’s even worse surrounded by all of them.
☎ :List three or more people they would call out for during an emergency.
Her father was her top answer, but he’s dead. Depending on the situation, her go to’s would be Stefanie, Cameron, or Aunt Taryn.
✗ :Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike.
Sarcasm. Quick quips. Direct or indirect insults. Obnoxious and/or irresponsible behavior. Her general demeanor does it usually. 
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Other Sloan? I like Other Sloan. She at least keeps up with me. And unlike Real Sloan, she doesn’t acknowledge the fact that I should probably loosen up. So I like this one. I’ll keep her.
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besosdelamuerte · 9 years
✆ for an ex headcanon , ♖ for a sister headcanon
✆ for an ex headcanon
When he was in high school, Salvatore thought that he could be normal by doing normal teen things - the girlfriend, late nights out, etc. She was sixteen, a fiery sprite of a girl who was all bark and no bite, but she intrigued him. It didn’t last very long. In fact, it barely lasted a few weeks before he realized that he was more or less incapable of being a boyfriend: romance bored him, and a steady monogamous relationship seemed like more effort than it was worth. So, he called it off - broke up with her one day before class in what he thought would be the cleanest way possible. Needless to say, she wasn’t very appreciative. 
♖ for a sister headcanon
When Salvatore was younger, Cecilia was his idol. She always seemed larger than life. Like any younger brother, he followed her around like a little puppy. She was his protector and his comforter. So, it was really no surprise that she was there to bandage his knuckles the first time he got into a real fight - all understanding and no questions. Although, by this time, she’d lost most of the mystical quality surrounding her in his eyes. 
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