onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #29
One Piece World 💙  Mutual Crush on Zoro requested by choppercuddles
It was painfully obvious. Even Luffy knew. Luffy. The two of you, however, avoided the subject completely, both utterly embarrassed about your emotions towards the other. Zoro treated you like the other members but you noticed the lingering gazes, the protectiveness (even though he knew that you could handle yourself), and the small things he did when you were around.The lingering touches and the pause that lasted a bit too long after saying goodnight. What really took the cake, though, was when Sanji started an argument with the swordsman. 
You had walked in to get a snack but stopped in your tracks at the two arguing. Sanji immediately looked over and got heart eyes, twirling over to you. As Sanji spouted romantic and flirtatious lines at you, you couldn’t help but glance at the seething swordsman behind him. His eyes were narrowed  and you could see how his fingers twitched on top of the hilt on his sword. If you hadn’t come up with a random excuse to leave with him, you were worried that he would have seriously sliced the blonde’s head off.
After some meddling from Nami and Robin (although if you asked, she would politely smile and walk away without answering), the two of you were awkwardly standing on deck with him scratching the back of his head and you were blushing lightly. You met eyes with him and a blush filled his cheeks too.
“Um...” He cleared his throat as you filled the silence. “ So... Nami said that you wanted to do something with me today.” It was Valentine’s Day after all and you were embarrassingly ecstatic when Nami told you. He cursed under his breath and reached up to cover his cheeks with his hand. 
“She told me the same about you.” After another awkward silence, he grunted and suddenly held his hand out to you. “Well, let’s go.” You blinked and blushed again. You put your hand in his and grinned, enjoying the touch and letting him lead you off the ship to get on the island.
The ‘date’ consisted of mostly walking around and visiting shops that the both of you wanted to visit, immediately getting flustered when shopkeepers called the two of you an adorable couple. Your cheeks were blushing but you were happy at the fact that he didn’t deny it but just dragged you away. Nami had given him a couple of beris to buy you both food (adding to his debt to her) but the smile on your face made the whole debt thing disappear from his thoughts. He watched as you threw the wrapper away from what he bought you and he motioned with his head to the outside of town.
“Carry, let’s go down to the shore.” You nodded to him and headed down to the shore. The two of you sat down on the sand and watched the ocean. Your fingers were touching his but you didn’t pull away and you blushed at the fact that he hadn’t either. Maybe it was finally time to confront the issue the both of you were avoiding.
“Hey, Zoro.” He grunted to let you know that he was listening. “Did you really want to spend the day with me or did Nami force you?” Okay so it wasn’t the question you should have asked but you were honestly curious.You saw a blush fill his cheeks and he sighed.
“She didn’t force me. I really did want to spend the day with you.” With his hand that wasn’t touch yours, he scratched the back of his head and you noticed the blush on his cheeks. “I mean, it’s been pretty obvious lately.” You giggled and rested your head against his shoulder, blushing lightly yourself.
“I have to admit, it’s kind of cute seeing you get jealous.” He grumbled to himself, making you laugh again at catching some of his words. 
“That cook better watch it. I’ll really slice him up next time.” You peaked up at him and grinned.
“Why’s that, Zoro?” He turned a darker red and he groaned. His hand fully held yours, surprising you, and he looked into your hazel eyes.
“Because we’re together now. You like me like I like you, r-right?” His nervousness leaked into his words. Maybe he mistook the signals or he was just imagining your affection? He broke out of his thoughts when he heard you giggle and felt you squeeze his hand. 
“You should know the answer to that.” He sighed in relief and rested his head on top of yours, his hand gripping yours tightly. 
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #11
One Piece World 💙  Crush on Zoro requested by bree-d-rouse-onepiece-trash
It had hit you like a train. You were always close with Zoro, that’s a must after being the second person to join your longtime friend’s crew, but it had hit you just recently that the stoic swordsman caught your attention. You still acted the same around him but it was difficult to keep your heart calm when he was around. Little did you know, he was having the same problem. 
You relied your feelings to your best friend, Luffy. Even though he was clueless on these kinds of things, you felt better relying on him with your feelings. It felt better than being stuck with the feelings all by yourself. When he stared at you blankly, you knew that your secret would be okay with your captain.
When the two of you heard of the Valentine’s Day holiday, you both made snide remarks back and forth about how stupid the holiday seemed to be. Even when you played along with the disinterest of the holiday, there was a small bit of hope that he would participate with the holiday and do something with you. 
On the day of the holiday, you found that you were more excited to land on an island after almost a week at sea. Most of the crew was excited for Valentine’s Day so off they went to get on the island to see what was going on for the holiday. As you were about to step off, you felt a tug at your shirt. You turned around and looked at your leg, seeing Chopper smiling up at you. 
“Here, Bree!” You blinked and a soft blush covered your cheeks as you took the rose he held out for you. 
“What’s this?” He only grinned before skipping off the ship. You looked at the rose petals before spotting the tag on the stem. You blinked and looked at the tag that just said ‘For Bree on V day.’ You smiled to yourself, petting the soft rose petal.  “This is surprisingly cute for you.” You heard a grunt behind you and you could only guess that the swordsman’s cheeks were a red shade. You turned around and smiled at him, taking a step over to him. 
“It’s... It’s kind of a last minute thing.” He murmured, looking to the side with the blush contrasting against his tan skin. Your cheeks matched his as you played with the petals.
“So.. What does this mean?” He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. 
“Uh well... I feel the same way as you do...” Your cheeks burned before a certain question popped up in your head.
“Wait... You’re assuming that I feel some way towards you as more as friends?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow and a smirk on your lips, wondering if you could see him become more flustered. You blinked at his own smirk lifted up on his lips.
“Not assuming. Luffy told me.” You audibly gasped and frowned at the mention of the traitor.
“That little-! I knew I shouldn’t have told him anything!” Zoro chuckled and shook his head, leaning down a bit to meet your eye better. 
“So, now you know that I feel the same.” Your blush returned at his closeness and a smile replaced your frown.
“Yeah... It is Valentine’s Day. We could go do something?” He nodded, a light blush on his cheeks. 
“Yeah. Let’s spend it together.” He scratched his cheek, pointing to the rose. “It’s better if we go soon. Usopp might notice that I took that from his ‘experiment garden’ or whatever.” You laughed and nodded, reaching over and holding his hand in yours.
“Then, let’s spend all day together, Zoro!” You grinned at his flustered state and how he easily let you lead him off the ship. In your other hand, the rose was in a firm grip and the tag waving a little with the breeze.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #3
Modern AU 💙  Zoro crush on a college student, Rannia, requested by Anon
You had known Zoro for a couple of years now and, even after you went to college and he decided to head straight to work, the two of you still stayed in touch and the occasional going out was something to look forward to. He did try college, don’t misunderstand, he just found it boring and not something he wanted to pursue. He worked at the local dojo for now until he had enough money saved up in order to go to the police academy.
As a computer graphics and animation student, you had multiple projects (sometimes at once) and, most of the time, you rarely knew what day it was. After pulling all-nighters for the past couple days for a project, you were ready to get home and fall asleep for a week. As you dragged your feet out of the computer lab, your phone let out a soft sound, indicating a text message. You fished it out and a smile immediately lifted on your tired features at seeing the nickname.
From: Grumpy 😤 Done with class?
You felt a warmth fill your chest that you couldn’t ever explain why whenever Zoro messaged you. You dismissed it as an excitement to see him again after your busy school weeks.
To: Grumpy 😤 Yep. I’m heading home now !!!
From: Grumpy 😤 Plans cancelled then?
You blinked and narrowed your eyes. ‘Plans?’ You checked the date and your eyes widened. Valentine’s Day?! How did that sneak up on you? Well, that explains the hearts scattered around. You sighed and dialed his number, sitting down at a bench. Texting would take too long.
“Hey, Rannia.” You heard his deep voice answer, somehow making your exhaustion slip away for the moment.
“Zoro! I forgot that today we were hanging out!”
“Idiot.” You pouted but it quickly disappeared when you realized that he couldn’t see you.
“You’re so mean to me but I’ll let you be in my presence for today since I’m feeling generous.”
“Oh, what an honor.” You could hear the sarcasm dripping from every word, making you laugh.
“Alright, alright. Cool it. So, how about you come over? We can watch a movie or put a movie on in the background and take a nap?” He chuckled.
“Yeah. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” You hung up after saying your goodbyes and headed home. You walked as fast as you could to your house, hoping you got there first. Maybe you could come up with a prank before he got there? That would be an awesome Valentine’s Day gift.
You must have slowed down while you were daydreaming because once you got to your home, Zoro was sitting on the porch steps already, holding a plastic bag. He frowned at you and reached in the bag, pulling out a bag of chips and chucking it your way. You fumbled for the a grip on the chips before pouting at his direction.
“Aww, you’re here already? I had an elaborate plan for a prank.” He rolled his eyes and stood up. 
“I could just leave.” You waved your hand dismissively.
“Nah. You’re already here.” You grinned at him but then noticed the bag. “What’s that?”
“I brought snacks and uh..... I got you something for Valentine’s Day.” He murmured, a blush filling his cheeks before reaching into the bag and pulling something out. In his hand, there was a small stuffed teddy bear, holding a heart in one hand and the other was holding a rose. You felt a light blush on your cheeks as you snatched the toy from him.
“It’s so cute! For me?” He nodded and raised an eyebrow, failing to bring his blush down.
“It’s not mine. It’d be weird if I kept it.” You wanted to say something snarky but you just hugged the bear close, resting your head on top of its fuzzy head. 
“So cute... Thanks, Zoro. This is really cute.” You smiled at him, causing a blush to rise again on his cheeks.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s put on some cheesy, stupid rom-com while we nap.” You grinned and nodded, heading inside. He glanced at the bag in his hand, his palms sweating slightly at the bag of chips at the bottom of the bag that had a post-it attached with a note. His confession to you after all these years. His grip tightened on the bag before kicking his shoes off and plopping down on the couch. 
It wasn’t romantic but he had no other idea. Your bond was close enough where he knew that if you didn’t feel the same way, you two would be able to return to your friendship, after the initial embarrassment went away that is. 
Little did the two of you know that you actually did feel the same as he did. Even if it did hit you like a train as you read the note on the bag of chips. 
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #2
One Piece World 💙  Zoro crush on reader named Olivia requested by musicmarble
The crew had no idea what “Valentine’s Day” even was but when Luffy heard ‘chocolate’ and Sanji heard ‘love,’ there was no way to get around not celebrating. As expected, Zoro sat to the side, trying and failing to fall asleep. The crew attempted to get him to help decorate or be more involved with the holiday but a scowl from him made them give up on the swordsman.
He tried once again to take a nap but his eye cracked back open at the melodic sound that came from across the deck. His lip twitched at the sound of Brook’s violin dancing around with its owner. The skeleton pranced your way and urged you to sing along with him. You blushed lightly but smiled at him, promising to join him once you were done putting red streamers up. A light pink tint filled Zoro’s cheeks as he watched you chirp happily with Usopp and put another streamer up. The thrumming in his chest was pleasantly annoying and it only confused him further when you turned to look at him. 
Your eyes, the eyes that always catch his attention and he could distinguish the blue-green tint and the yellow in your pupils, widened and a burning blush filled our cheeks before you looked away. He had self-control from feelings like this for such a long time but, now, he couldn’t deny the warmth that filled his chest every time he looked at you. He groaned and turned his head away to try and nap again. He heard a soft thud from next to him and the sound of a page being turned.
“Instead of fretting over your crush, why don’t you use today as an excuse to reveal your feelings?” He grunted as a flipping sound resounded again and he swore he could hear the smile that was on Robin’s lips at the moment.
“I’m not ‘fretting.’”
“Hmm, really? You’ve sighed about three times in the past 10 minutes.” He felt the blush creeping up his neck to his ears.
“Mind your business, woman.” He grumbled as she giggled, making his eye twitch. 
“I’m not suggesting you tell the world your love for her-”
“Who said anything about-?” 
“-I’m just saying that you have an excuse. It’s very simple.” She turned away from her book to look at him and smiled at his eyebrow raise. “Make a card.”
You sat to the side and smiled as everyone danced around and had fun. Brook filled the deck with music while just the smell of Sanji’s feast could make even a full man hungry again. There was one side at the table filled with chocolates and sweets of all kinds. You would sing along to Brook’s songs, the ones you knew, and smiled at your friends fooling around. You couldn’t help but sadden that you couldn’t find Zoro. 
Valentine’s Day didn’t seem like a holiday he’d want to celebrate but you still wanted to be around him. The thought made you blush lightly before you shook your head of your rather embarrassing ideas. You watched as most of the crew got up to dance to Brook’s new song and you hummed along to the music, swaying slightly to the rhythm. You almost jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand grab yours and pull you up. 
You glanced up and blushed, noticing the green hair on the back of the person’s head that dragged you away. 
“Z-Zoro?” He led you to somewhere private and let your hand go before stuffing something in your hand, his head turned the other way and his face was slowly reddening.
“J-Just read it.” He muttered, clearing his throat and cursing himself for stuttering. You looked at the card and smiled softly at the folded paper. On the front, written in his messy scrawl, was ‘To: Olivia.’ You peaked up at him before opening it. You could see that he scratched out lines and the whole page had several attempts at only a beginning. Your eyes scanned the simple line and you were both blushing furiously in front of each other.
Your heart pounded loudly in your ears and you glanced up to him. He shuffled his feet and scratched the back of his neck. 
“So?” You gripped the paper in your hands, your face beet read and a smile lifting on your lips.
“Y-Yeah. T-That’d make me happy…” You fumbled and stuttered over your words but he understood and he moved his hand to scratch at his cheek, a smile imitating yours. 
“Same here. Let’s head up before they come looking for us.” He murmured, grabbing your hand again and leading you up to the deck, You followed behind, his bigger hand in one of yours and in the other held the card with his messy script.
Looks like you’re my weakness but I don’t seem to mind it. These feelings are anything but troublesome around you.
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