onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #38
One Piece World 💙  Crush on Ace requested by liza-d-schuyler
You were angry. Frustrated, pissed off, and everything in between. Your childhood friend was so damn reckless and he almost threw his life away! You were so angry at the Fire Fist but, worst of all… you were afraid. The split second that he hit the ground, a heartbreaking scream left your throat and it was a sound that even surprised you. Thank god for Law and his timing as he was able to get there and save his life. Once you found out that he was going to be okay, you avoided the infirmary or whenever Marco helped him walk around.
You didn’t know how to face him. Every time you looked at him, it brought an ache to your chest at the reality that you almost lost your long time friend… and the man that you were in love with. You shook your head from those thoughts. You were suppose to be mad at him! How could he be so reckless?! You were fuming again as you walked down the hallway. You wanted to cool down from your own thoughts so you decided to get a snack.
You suddenly felt a hand grasp your wrist and you were being tugged in the opposite direction. You were about to shout after seeing who it was but you choked up on your words once you saw that Ace had bandages still wrapped around his chest to his back. You decided to just follow and try not to tear up at the bruises that still colored his skin.
“I know you’re mad but I want to talk with you.” You heard him mumble. You wordlessly followed as he took you to the infirmary and sitting down at one of the beds. You hesitantly sat at the other end of the bed, avoiding his gaze. “Eliza, look at me.” You sighed and looked at him, crossing your arms across your chest.
“You’ve been avoiding me. You still can’t be mad at me, can you?” You looked away and frowned.
“I sure can. If I’m only here for you to point out the obvious, I’m going to head to the kitchen for some food.” As you started to stand up, he grabbed your hand and tugged you back down. A small blush crossed your cheeks as his grip didn’t let go, instead it tightened. 
“We have to talk about what happened.” Your hand was weak in his grip and you kept your gaze away from him, afraid that you would burst out into tears at any moment.
“… Then talk. I can’t exactly leave right now.” You murmured, tugging your hand from his to prove your point. He took it as you trying to escape and held your hand in both of his, startling you.
“Look… I know that it must have been frustrating for you to see what happened-”
“You think?”
“Just listen for now. I don’t regret putting myself in danger for Luffy.” You finally faced him, your eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed, you were ready to yell at him. That is, until, he put one of his hands over your mouth. “Just listen.” He put his hand down and sighed softly. “I don’t regret doing that. I do regret that I scared you so bad. I do regret that I made you worry so bad that you couldn’t even look at me.” You felt the tears sting your eyes as you looked away.
“You were almost taken from us… From me…. In just a split second… Did you even think about that?” You couldn’t hold back the irrational words that left your lips. You knew that in the heat of the moment, Ace would do anything for his younger brother but you were still angry with him. Your anger diffused into sadness and your gaze fell to your hands that were clasped in his. “I… I almost lost you…” 
Admitting those words tugged the tears from your eyes and you looked down as you let out a soft sob. Ace tugged at your hands and hugged you close, resting his head on top of yours and letting you cry into his chest. 
“I don’t want to make you go through that again. I’ll be careful for you.” He stroked your dark brown hair and tilted your head up so that his eyes could meet with your brown ones. “This whole thing just made me realize that anything could happen at any time and I don’t want to just leave you without any answers.” A blush filled his cheeks as well but his eyes were still narrowed.
“What are you talking about?” You mumbled, unable to look away from his gaze.
“I… Eliza… For a long time, I’ve loved you. Ever since we joined Pops’ crew, actually. Other than Luffy, you’re one of the main reasons why I find my life to be valuable.” He moved his hand over to his bandages, wincing at the memory of the wound. “During the surgery, I literally saw my life flash before my eyes and the weight of regret from not telling you how I felt was too much. I… I really do love you.” He drifted off into a murmur. A dark blush was on your cheeks as you felt the tears come back. You hugged him tightly, relishing in the feeling that he was alive, his health was improving, and… he loved you. Your feelings were reciprocated.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #37
One Piece World 💙  Crush on Law requested by watooosh
When he first met you, he was desperately trying to save Luffy’s life, attaching him to machines to keep him alive. He didn’t know how you got on the ship but he realized that it may have been due to the hysteria that happened. 
He had made you leave the room when he was done, telling you that only time would tell about his condition. He admitted to himself that you were stubborn but he was able to get you out and made Penguin make some tea for you to calm down. Now that the chaos had settled down, he found it reasonable to question you on who you were and how you got on to the submarine.
Once you started talking, you seemed to open up easily to the silent captain since you easily went from introducing yourself to telling him about some things of your past. It turned out you were Whitebeard’s daughter but no one knew about your existence since it was by your choice. You wanted to make a name for yourself and be independent. Even though your father was very protective, he reluctantly let you off on your own. You had turned really quiet once you mentioned Ace and Luffy. It turned out that you were really close with the fire fist and even met his little brother and his crew. 
He noticed that you quickly moved away from that portion of the conversation and rubbed at your eyes, moving to ask about his devil fruit. He answered what he could, surprising himself at how easy it was to talk with you. Your grin confused him as you brought up your own devil fruit. He almost jumped out of his skin when you showed your devil fruit, big wings sprouting from your back and spreading wide.
He just stared at your wings and the only comprehendible thing he could say was, “Impressive.” 
He didn’t know how it happened but after Luffy left the sub to train, you brought it upon yourself to visit the doctor and his crew regularly. Your presence was welcomed as your sassy personality butt heads with their captain and it was fun on both ends. He grew accustomed to your presence and he grew a certain fondness for you. He pushed them aside, dismissing whatever feelings were bubbling up as a small infatuation since you were so bubbly and sarcastic. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Bepo’s voice call out. The submarine had floated up to the surface so the crew members could get some fresh air after being stuck in a stuffy submarine for so long. He turned around to look at Bepo who was pointing at the sky with a happy grin on his face. His lips twitched at seeing you land on the submarine and your wings retracted into your back.
“Hey, guys!” You chirped before going over to Bepo first and hugging him tightly. He didn’t know why but Law felt his eye twitch at the fact that you immediately hugged Bepo first. Okay so what if he was fluffy and like an overgrown teddy bear? You could’ve hugged him first-
Wait. Was he really jealous of Bepo of all people? He groaned to himself and rubbed his face with his hand until you came up and poked his cheek.
“Why are you grumpy now?” You teased, smiling at him and making the stupid fluttering in his chest become faster against his ribcage.
“Hmm. Nothing. What are you doing here?” He wanted to curse himself for finding every small detail that you made very cute, even how you raised your eyebrow at him and the way your lips pouted in front of him.
“Don’t want me here? I thought it would be nice to visit you guys!” You grinned and attached yourself to Bepo once again. He didn’t realize until he had done it that he grabbed your arm and dragged you into the submarine only saying ‘Come with me.’ He didn’t know where he was taking you but he continued to take you with him. He heard you giggle behind him. “Too much?” He stopped in his tracks and looked at you.
“What?” You grinned sheepishly.
“It’s just so cute when you get jealous.” He stared at you before sighing and walking again.
“How cruel.” He murmured as you jogged up and hugged his arm, smiling up at him.
“I’m not as dense as you think I am and you’re not as discreet as you think you are.” You teased while his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He grumbled to himself but didn’t push you away.
“… Just don’t push this whole jealousy thing.” You grinned and squeezed his arm gently.
“But, it’s so cute~”
“(Y/N).” You sighed but promised. For now, anyway.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #35
(Not stated) Modern AU 💙  Crush on coworker Law requested by Anon
Being the intern in a hospital was no small feat. There was a lot of scrambling around and following the doctor’s orders. You were working under Trafalgar Law, an experienced but also impassive surgeon, The first couple of weeks you went to the hospital and followed him around, the bored look on his face almost intimidated you. You had heard rumors that interns wouldn’t last a week with him because of the cruel undertones when he talked to them. Maybe that’s why he kept you around. You weren’t the best intern but the way that you answered him crudely at times amused him. You also weren’t willing on giving up this internship. It would be handy to have it for the future.
He was impressed that you stayed so long working under him. In turn, he became much more tolerable and even civil with you. The both of you spent a lot more time together than the nurses did since you had asked him to mentor you while on the internship. He was annoyed at first but now he was used to your presence and didn’t mind it anymore.
Valentine’s Day came around and it was your task for the day to deliver the flowers to the patients’ room. You spent the day just running around the halls, delivering flowers, small stuffed animals, balloons, anything. You were grateful to get off your feet and slumped down in the break room. 
Law had entered the break room and put a vase of flowers down on the counter. You raised your eyebrow at the sight of them and sat up to get a better look.
“Who’s flowers are those?” He slid his lab coat off and hung it up on one of the hooks so he could take his break. He looked through the fridge and took out the lunch he brought to work.
“They’re mine.” 
“Are they for you or for you to give them to someone?” He took a seat at the table you were at and smirked at you.
“Why? Expecting flowers from me?” A dark blush covered your cheeks and your eyes narrowed at him, your crush on him was obvious and he always chose to tease you about it.
“No! Just wondering who would give you flowers.” He took a bite of the onigiri he brought and raised an eyebrow, the smirk still on his face.
“From what I heard, you would.” You could feel the blush reach your ears and crossed your arms, looking to the side. He rolled his eyes and looked over at the flowers. “Don’t be snippy. That was from a patient’s family. As a thank you or something.”
“That’s nice of them.” He shrugged and ate another one of his onigiris. 
“Yeah. I’m not much of a flower guy though.” He pushed the container of his towards you so you could take the last of the onigiris. You hesitated but you took it and ate it. 
“I don’t know. Flowers would compliment the gloomy and dark look you have going on.” He raised an eyebrow at you as you giggled. He hummed softly before closing the container and tucking it back in the fridge to get later. 
“Not gonna happen.” He checked the time on his watch and got up, going over to the hook and putting his lab coat back on. “I’ve got surgery. Make sure you’re there afterwards to check on the patient with the nurses.” You nodded before getting up as well and heading back to work.
He watched you leave before picking up his phone and making a call. When it was all done and over with, he went to the operating room and put on scrubs to start the surgery. 
You had learned that after the surgery he went home after picking up the empty container from the break room’s fridge. After a talking with the patient and finding out how their condition was, you took yourself to the break room to get your stuff and head home. When you walked in, you noticed a vase full of flowers at the table that you usually sat at. You raised an eyebrow and went over, wondering if someone left flowers behind. 
The flowers were beautiful, various bright flowers and near the edge of the vase there were dark calla lilies that contrasted the bright flowers nicely. You didn’t want to snoop but you looked at the card. Maybe you could take them home and bring them back for your coworker. You read the tag and a dark blush filled your cheeks.
To (Y/N), Bright flowers contrast against my gloominess, right?
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #39 (and last one)
One Piece World 💛  Baby Brother Luffy requested by Anon
It took all you could to convince Sanji not to plan anything for Valentine’s Day because you wanted to go explore on the island with your brother. Ever since you got in a relationship with Sanji, you didn’t spend as much time with your baby brother as you wanted. Of course, Luffy didn’t mind since he found other things to preoccupy himself but you still wanted to hang out with him.
After several promises of making it up to him and some kisses, Sanji finally agreed that he wouldn’t plan anything so that you could spend time with the straw hat wearing captain.
Once the ship landed, you had to hold the back of his shirt so that he didn’t run off immediately. You reassured Nami that you would watch over him and make sure he didn’t cause any trouble. It didn’t quite dismiss her worries since the two of you were very similar but she hoped that you would diffuse his excitement even for a little while. Luffy must have been tired of waiting because he held your hand and dragged you off, waving to the crew and yelling something about coming back later.
You let him drag you around until he tired himself out. He wanted to visit all the restaurants in town but you had to remind him that you only had so much to indulge him with, making him pout but he hesitantly agreed on going to a restaurant that seemed to be popular with the locals. 
Unlike your brother, you actually looked through the menu as he overwhelmed the waiter with what he wanted. After discreetly telling the waiter what to take out (for your poor wallet’s sake), your brother looked around the restaurant. Your eyes narrowed at him as you could tell what he wanted to do.
“Don’t you dare.” He jumped out of his hunger daze and looked at you, blinking his big eyes at you.
“Do what?”
“I see those grabby hands of yours and that twinkle in your eye. Just be patient.” He pouted and looked around again, his nose sniffing the air.
“But everything smells so good! We should have ordered more food!” You sighed at his grin and shook your head.
“You’re gonna make me go broke.” Before he could reply, three big plates of food were put on the table and he immediately dug in to the food in front of him. You took some of it when he wasn’t noticing, knowing that he could easily bite your finger if he had the chance. You had expected silence but Luffy never failed in surprising you.
“Are you happy with Sanji?” He asked through a mouth full of food. You blinked and smiled before nodding.
“Yeah. He makes me happy.” Your baby brother nodded, his eyes narrowing a bit.
“Good. I don’t want to kick his ass if he made you upset.” You shook your head and gave him some of the food from your plate making him grin again.
“I can handle myself if anything happens.” He nodded and waved his fork at you that had a piece of meat at the end of it. 
“I’m just saying. If anything happens-”
“When did you become the protective one?” You joked, making him shrug and go back to eating. 
The two of you went around the town after you were done eating and, for once, didn’t catch the Marines’ attention, swiftly avoiding them when you could. The energy level between the two of you had changed through the years (possibly from his training) but you found yourself getting tired. Who knew the island was so big? He must have noticed because he crouched down in front of you.
“Climb on.” You blinked but smiled and got on his back, directing him on how to get back to the ship. 
“Looks like the tables have turned.” You teased lightly as he grinned.
“I told you I’d be doing this for you one day.” Your memory went back to all those times you gave him a piggyback ride when you were younger and he swore to you that he’d get strong one day to carry you too.
“Yeah. You did.” You yawned and reached over to poke his cheek. “Let’s do this again soon.” He grinned and nodded.
“Alright. I missed my big sister anyway.” You squeezed his neck gently and rested your head on his shoulder, listening to his rambling about playing with Usopp and Chopper.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #29
One Piece World 💙  Mutual Crush on Zoro requested by choppercuddles
It was painfully obvious. Even Luffy knew. Luffy. The two of you, however, avoided the subject completely, both utterly embarrassed about your emotions towards the other. Zoro treated you like the other members but you noticed the lingering gazes, the protectiveness (even though he knew that you could handle yourself), and the small things he did when you were around.The lingering touches and the pause that lasted a bit too long after saying goodnight. What really took the cake, though, was when Sanji started an argument with the swordsman. 
You had walked in to get a snack but stopped in your tracks at the two arguing. Sanji immediately looked over and got heart eyes, twirling over to you. As Sanji spouted romantic and flirtatious lines at you, you couldn’t help but glance at the seething swordsman behind him. His eyes were narrowed  and you could see how his fingers twitched on top of the hilt on his sword. If you hadn’t come up with a random excuse to leave with him, you were worried that he would have seriously sliced the blonde’s head off.
After some meddling from Nami and Robin (although if you asked, she would politely smile and walk away without answering), the two of you were awkwardly standing on deck with him scratching the back of his head and you were blushing lightly. You met eyes with him and a blush filled his cheeks too.
“Um...” He cleared his throat as you filled the silence. “ So... Nami said that you wanted to do something with me today.” It was Valentine’s Day after all and you were embarrassingly ecstatic when Nami told you. He cursed under his breath and reached up to cover his cheeks with his hand. 
“She told me the same about you.” After another awkward silence, he grunted and suddenly held his hand out to you. “Well, let’s go.” You blinked and blushed again. You put your hand in his and grinned, enjoying the touch and letting him lead you off the ship to get on the island.
The ‘date’ consisted of mostly walking around and visiting shops that the both of you wanted to visit, immediately getting flustered when shopkeepers called the two of you an adorable couple. Your cheeks were blushing but you were happy at the fact that he didn’t deny it but just dragged you away. Nami had given him a couple of beris to buy you both food (adding to his debt to her) but the smile on your face made the whole debt thing disappear from his thoughts. He watched as you threw the wrapper away from what he bought you and he motioned with his head to the outside of town.
“Carry, let’s go down to the shore.” You nodded to him and headed down to the shore. The two of you sat down on the sand and watched the ocean. Your fingers were touching his but you didn’t pull away and you blushed at the fact that he hadn’t either. Maybe it was finally time to confront the issue the both of you were avoiding.
“Hey, Zoro.” He grunted to let you know that he was listening. “Did you really want to spend the day with me or did Nami force you?” Okay so it wasn’t the question you should have asked but you were honestly curious.You saw a blush fill his cheeks and he sighed.
“She didn’t force me. I really did want to spend the day with you.” With his hand that wasn’t touch yours, he scratched the back of his head and you noticed the blush on his cheeks. “I mean, it’s been pretty obvious lately.” You giggled and rested your head against his shoulder, blushing lightly yourself.
“I have to admit, it’s kind of cute seeing you get jealous.” He grumbled to himself, making you laugh again at catching some of his words. 
“That cook better watch it. I’ll really slice him up next time.” You peaked up at him and grinned.
“Why’s that, Zoro?” He turned a darker red and he groaned. His hand fully held yours, surprising you, and he looked into your hazel eyes.
“Because we’re together now. You like me like I like you, r-right?” His nervousness leaked into his words. Maybe he mistook the signals or he was just imagining your affection? He broke out of his thoughts when he heard you giggle and felt you squeeze his hand. 
“You should know the answer to that.” He sighed in relief and rested his head on top of yours, his hand gripping yours tightly. 
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #32
One Piece World 💙  Crush on Sanji requested by Anon
It was Valentine’s Day and it was obvious that Sanji was going all out. When he normally flirted with any woman, you would get embarrassment for him. Today, the secondhand embarrassment was strong as he twirled around Nami, Robin, and at you. Every time he flirted with you or exaggerated any of his words or actions, you would blush darkly and nervously excuse yourself. Ever since you realized your crush on the blonde, your nervousness went up every time you were alone with him.
You were happy, however, that he seemed to enjoy the small party that the crew threw for Valentine’s Day. After the whole chaos of that night, you volunteered to take the first watch of the night since everyone seemed tired. You sat on the couch of the crow’s nest and looked over at the ocean through the window. Your thoughts would become darker at night and it was hard to deal with but you couldn’t help it. You felt a bit better that no one really knew about your depression, even after being a part of the crew for a year.
You started thinking about tonight and your thoughts went back to Sanji. The blonde was so happy that he was able to spend time with the girls and used this holiday as an excuse to do that. You noticed, however, that he gave Nami and Robin homemade chocolates but you didn’t get any. At this, your negative thoughts hit you like a train. It must have been what you feared. Your crush on him was one sided and that he didn’t even put you on the same pedestal that he did to Nami and Robin. 
You unconsciously curled up into yourself and felt your eyes sting as your insecurities rose up and battered at your emotions. You half blamed the night and the other half blamed it on the holiday. You heard a creak of the trap door and quickly wiped your eyes before looking over. You hoped that whoever it was, that they wouldn’t notice that you almost cried. A small tray landed on the ground and a blonde hair popped up through the opening. You blinked as Sanji grinned once he spotted you. He climbed up and picked up the tray before heading over to you. You were able to see the tray better now as the moonlight lit up his form and the tray in his hands. He plopped down next to you before placing the tray down and holding a box out to you that was resting on the tray. 
“Sanji? What are you doing up here so late? I’m on watch...” You mumbled quietly, your nerves going on edge already as he sat closer to you.
“I wanted to give you your chocolates in private, (Y/N)-swan!” He said, nudging the box closer to you. You gently took it in your hands and blushed at the heart shaped box in your hands. You peaked up at him before taking the lid off and saw a whole stack of heart shaped chocolates, making your cheeks redden again.  
“You made me chocolates, too?” He blinked and tilted his head.
“Of course I did! These are more special so I wanted to give these to you personally.” He blinked and his visible eye widened. “Wait, you didn’t think that I didn’t make you any, did you?!” You looked at the box again and shrugged slightly.
“I didn’t know what to think...” You answered honestly. You squeaked when he grasped your hand in his and a blush filled your cheeks again.
“(Y/N)-swan! I would never forget getting you something! I was so focused on getting these chocolates perfect for you that I almost didn’t get anything for Rboin and Nami!” You stared at him, shocked that he didn’t add the honorific to the end of their names, feeling the blush darken and your heart race against your ribcage.
“W-Why did you wait until now?” You saw that a blush had formed on his cheeks as well and he suddenly directed his attention to pouring tea in a cup for you and him, making you notice that he had brought the tray up for that reason.
“I... There’s a reason why I wanted to give those to you private. I was hoping... I was hoping that you will accept my feelings seriously.” You were flustered at the words coming out of his mouth and he finally met eyes with you.
“I.. What do you mean?” He grasped your hands in both of his, his face flushing red and he cleared his throat before continuing.
“I really like you, (Y/N)-swan, and I was hoping that you’d give me a chance and be with me. As a partner.” You blushed even darker, looking away from his eyes and nodded.
“I-I’d really like that...” He grinned, leaning forward and hugging you gently, careful of the chocolate that were seated on your lap. You welcomed the affection and hugged back gently, hiding your reddened face in his shoulder. 
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #31
(Not stated) Modern AU 💙  Crush on Kid requested by Anon
It was adorable, really. The two of you were complete opposites yet the chemistry was as clear as day. You were the cute, shy girl that embodied perfectly the expectations of the girl next door. Kid was that punk that everyone, except his friends, avoided. His little gang always found trouble and he never said ‘no’ to a fight when provoked. 
You had taken a part time job at a small restaurant that the locals loved and it paid well. It also helped you overcome some of your shyness and quietness. You were grateful to the locals for being patient on your end and finding your shy nature very adorable. You were behind the counter when you saw Kid and his small posse come in. You felt your whole body shiver at the intimidating men in front of you, the one in front was almost a foot taller than you, but you realized that you would hate being judged if you were in their position. With some deep breaths and mental prep talk, you welcomed them and told them your special which was curry udon. He made a disgusted face at the mention of it and you couldn’t help but find it cute, hiding your smile by looking at the counter. You mentioned your other specials and after a bit of back and forth, the group finally ordered a meal the size of a feast. 
You brought the food over and put the bowls of food down on the table. You were about to head back to your spot behind the counter when the voice of the man behind the mask spoke up and stopped you.
“You’re new here, right?” You looked back at them and nodded, noticing that the man with the red hair was already eating the cabbage rolls that you placed down.
“I just started very recently and I’m still getting used to it.” The man nodded and pointed to the red head next to him. 
“Kid and I are regular around here so I guess we’ll see you more often.” You smiled and nodded.
“My name is (Y/N) and I’d be happy to serve you when you guys come in.” The masked man pointed to himself while the red head grunted, acknowledging what you said.
“Killer,” which made you raise your eyebrow at the odd name but didn’t dwell on it too long, “and this is Kid.”
That’s how it all started, Kid and his group would come in and order while also chatting with you. It became a thing where it would be Kid and his posse or just with Killer but lately it’s just been Kid coming by himself. He usually picked up food to go and leave but it’s been a regular thing that he stays and talks with you. The two of you chatting and being friendly with each other surprised a lot of people, including his friends. His friends noticed the happy expression on the man’s face and took every chance they got to poke fun at the both of you (one of the reasons why he showed up alone nowadays). He wouldn’t admit it but he basically memorized your schedule due to him coming in so much. Your coworkers even told you that he wouldn’t show up when you weren’t there.
He was a grump but there was something about the way that he talked with you and the underlying kindness behind his actions. As the days went on, you wanted to see him more than just at the restaurant but, due to your shyness, you told yourself that you were content with just the daily visits. What you didn’t know was that, he was having the same issue but he was becoming more anxious. 
He walked into the restaurant and immediately went over to the counter where you were, ignoring the heat that wanted to come up to his cheeks when you smiled up at him.
“Hey, Kid! What can I get for you today?” He rested his hands on the counter and leaned forward, making you blush at how close he was getting to you. 
“When do you get off?” You cleared your throat, his eyes were staring into yours and it took all you could to not lose focus.
“Um... I-In three hours?” He groaned and looked at your boss that came over to check up on everything.
“I’m taking (Y/N) for the day.” You blinked and eyes widened at how your boss easily agreed as the day wasn’t that busy so far and another coworker was coming in anyway. He went behind the counter and tugged you out. You struggled to keep up with him and your other hand came up to grasp the hand that was pulling you, using all your strength to at least pause him in his tracks.
“Wait, Kid! W-What’s wrong?” He looked at anywhere but you.
“There’s nothing wrong.” You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to say something else. “Just... Just wanted to take you on a date, alright?” You blinked and a dark blush filled your cheeks.
“A-A date?” He groaned under his breath.
“I’m taking you on a date today.” You had just realized that you were still holding your hand in both of his but even if you were embarrassed, you didn’t want to let go just yet. A shy smile lifted your lips as you sheepishly looked up at him. 
“Surprisingly romantic of you. Wanting a date on Valentine’s day?” He blinked and his free hand covered his face, groaning and making you giggle at his flustered expression.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #34
One Piece World ❤️  Dating Ace requested by mollyxmouse
Ace had gone on an errand for the captain and… You missed him. You missed him so much. Even if it had been only three months, the fire wielding man had a grasp on your heart and you had the same effect on him. It was Valentine’s Day and no word from your boyfriend. You did the chores of the day and constantly asked Marco for any updates on Ace and when he would return. You were disheartened each time they said that they had no updates. 
You slumped down on the deck and played with some of your hair. It was originally brown but due to your dislike of how it looked, you dyed it red while he was gone and you hoped that your boyfriend would like it because you liked how it looked. It brought out your blue eyes.
The rest of the day was just filled with boredom and sadness with no word from him. The crew could tell that you missed him but they swore to keep his arrival a surprise like he asked. That was a huge feat since they were so many members that could have leaked the secret. And they almost did! So many of them couldn’t handle the sad look on your face. You yawned and thought it best to head to bed, realizing that you shouldn’t expect him back tonight.
You laid in bed and with the calming waves slowly helping you doze off. Your eyes opened when you heard a thump from the hallway outside your door. You blinked and sat up, looking at the door. You weren’t worried, if it was a raid, the crew would have stopped it so it could only be a crew member. The door swung open and your eyes widened at your boyfriend, waddling in. He dropped a giant bear on the ground and a white box, rubbing his head. In his other arm, he was holding a bouquet of multicolored roses. When he saw you, he grinned and put the flowers down before opening his arms up. You scrambled off the bed and ran over, almost knocking him over with your embrace with a grin on your face. 
“You’re back!” He chuckled and his arms immediately heated you up once they wrapped around you. You sighed and relaxed against them, feeling chills up your spine at having the familiar feeling back.
“Sorry for taking so long, Molly. I got stuck at an island trying to get these different colors of roses.” You giggled and leaned up, your smile matching his. 
“I would have just been happy with you showing up earlier.” He leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to make it up to you.” He pressed his lips against yours, making you smile against his lips while you kissed back. The kiss was slowly deepening and you tangled your fingers against his hair. He winced and pulled away, rubbing at the side of his head. You blinked and cupped his face, tilting his head to see it clearer.
“Did you get this from that thump I heard earlier?” He grinned sheepishly and nodded.
“I couldn’t see so I bumped my head against the landing when you go down the stairs. You tried to hold back from laughing but it didn’t work as you burst out laughing. He laughed along with you, your laughter being contagious.
“You’re so silly!” 
“But I got you all these presents! Doesn’t that count for something?” You smiled and leaned up to press a small kiss on his lips. 
“It does. It’s very romantic of you. I appreciate it.” He grinned and hugged you again, stroking your hair.
“You dyed your hair?” You had completely forgotten and tugged at a couple strands nervously.
“Y-Yeah. What do you think?” He grinned and ran his fingers through your hair.
“Yeah! You look so pretty with it!” You giggled and squeezed him. 
“Thanks, Ace.” You grasped his hand and tugged him to the bed. “But for now, let’s get some sleep. You owe me some major cuddling sessions.” He chuckled and hugged you when the both of you laid down, purposefully raising his temperature so that it kept you warm for the night as the both of you finally went to bed in each other’s arms. 
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #28
One Piece World ❤️  Long Term, Committed relationship Sanji requested by Anon
People often wondered why you and Sanji weren’t married yet. After 7 years of being together, people figured that the two of you would have picked a date. With the lifestyle you both lived, it was simpler to just be together without all the legal things. That didn’t stop him from getting the both of you a simple band for a ring though. He was looking forward to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you and you always knew he went over the top with it every year. This year, however, was different.
The day before, there was a surprise attack from the marines and it caught everyone off guard. Sanji, being fiercely protective of you, stood in front and did as much damage as he could. Unfortunately, that led him a one way ticket to the infirmary once the Sunny was able to get away. You scolded him as you helped wrap up his injuries. He was smiling the whole time knowing that your scolding was just hiding the worry that you felt when you saw all those injuries on his body. 
You already knew his habits so you knew he would try to sneak into the kitchen to prepare something for you. You had decided to stand in front of the infirmary room just to see if your suspicions were right. You were. It was still pretty early and he didn’t want to upset you. When he opened the door, he covered his mouth from yelling in surprise at seeing you in front of him. Your arms were crossed on your chest and you were raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckled nervously and smiled as innocent as he could.
“Morning, pookie~” Your eyes narrowed at him and you poked his chest.
“Don’t ‘pookie’ me. Get back in there.” He pouted and sighed softly. 
“Okay...” He retreated back into the living room and you followed. You plopped down on a chair, instead of on his lap like you were used to, and glared at him.
“You need to heal. Do you want to be bedridden longer than necessary?” He was still pouting and you almost felt bad. Almost.
“I was just gonna make you Valentine’s Day breakfast, sweetie.” You poked his forehead and put your hands on your hips.
“And I said ‘no.’ Now, will you rest? No amount of nicknames will make me give in.” He grinned and held his arms out to you.
“How about some cuddles?” You frowned at his sneaky ways. He knew how much you loved just touching him, even if it was just a simple brush of hands. 
“.... No.” He grinned and wiggled his fingers at you.
“Come on, my dove. Can’t you bless me with your affection on this day of love?” You rolled your eyes and looked to the side.
“Hmm...” He pouted and wiggled his fingers again.
“My love~ Please~” You sighed softly and put your hands in his.
“Fine. Only for a little bit. Chopper will kill me if I accidentally hurt you.” He grinned and pulled you down on his lap, hugging you immediately.
“I’ll protect you.” You smiled and shook your head, cuddling to him and being extremely careful of his injuries. You glanced up at him, his forehead resting against yours with his eyes closed. His bangs were slightly tickling your cheeks and you smiled softly, raising your hand and resting it against his cheek. He opened his eyes at your touch and smiled at you. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re gorgeous.” You smirked at the blush rising on his cheeks. Even after 7 years of being together, he wasn’t used to your blunt compliments. You brushed your fingers across his bangs, making you hum softly at the sight of both of his eyes looking at you. “Even your cute eyebrows.” He chuckled softly and raised his hand to brush your brown hair out of the way to look at your eyes.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to your compliments.” You grinned and brought his face closer so your noses brushed.
“Good. I don’t mind looking at your cute blush all the time.” You pulled him closer and kissed him gently, making him kiss back automatically. You pulled away and whispered against his lips. “Get better quickly, my prince.” Your hand rested on his chest, making a shiver go down his spine. “I’ll be sure to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you any way you like” You purred. He whined and moved his head to hide in your neck.
“Don’t do this to me!” You laughed and hugged him, pressing a kiss to the side of his head.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, lover boy.”
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #36
One Piece World 💛  Father Mihawk requested by Anon
You were his only surviving child so it was obvious that he would be a concerned and protective father but he knew that you couldn’t be by his side forever. That’s why he always kept tabs on you and your crew. He never interfered since he trusted you but he always wants to know that you are okay. He had sent you a letter, letting you know that he was making his way to you so that he could see you on Valentine’s Day. 
This was fine for you since you haven’t seen your father in a long while and it would be nice for him to meet your crew. Your crew was currently situated at an island for supplies and for some sightseeing as the island was filled with beautiful flowers and plants. You went to a bar with your crew, happily cheering with the drinks in your hands and listening to the music. As you drank your water, you heard a throat clear behind you. You turned around and grinned at your father who was standing there, slightly uncomfortable.
You got up and hugged him, his arms immediately hugging back while there were other people whispering about the great Dracule Mihawk that just walked in.
“Dad! I’m glad you got here!” He gently patted your head and pulled away.
“It’s been a while, Daisy.” You smiled at the nickname, having earned it after all the times you went out when you were younger and came back with a bunch of daisies in his hands. 
“Still got that nickname going on, huh?” He shrugged.
“It sticks.” He noticed all the rambunctious crew members around the bar and he raised an eyebrow. “Your crew, I take it?” You grinned and turned around to your crew members.
“Yeah! This is my crew! I’ll introduce you to them!” You introduced your father to your crew members (even though they knew the infamy behind the man) and your father was polite enough to shake hands with your crew. Many stared in awe at him and even looked at their hands as if they never wanted to forget that moment. You took note to tease them about it later.
“I trust that they are keeping you safe?” You raised an eyebrow at him and put your hands on your hips.
“I can handle myself.”
“I understand but you need a strong crew to be safe and to protect each other.”
“Says mister lone wolf.” The two of you stared at each other before he sighed and looked away.
“Good point.” You grinned and grabbed a drink for him, putting it in his hand.
“I win.” He rolled his eyes and took a gulp of the drink.
“I’m just concerned, Daisy.” You sighed softly but smiled up at him.
“I’m fine, dad. I’m glad you came to celebrate with me.” He hummed softly and drank the rest of his drink, watching as you enjoyed yourself with your crew. A hint of a smile on his lips at seeing your untamed red hair bounce with every cheers you made with your crew.
You spent the whole night with your father and the crew at the bar until the two of you went for a walk. The two of you spent the time talking about your adventures and his duties as a shichibukai. The path the two of you walked along had flowers growing on both sides of the path. He smiled softly as you reminded him of the past and how you acted as a child. As the night came to a close, he walked you back to your ship and helping you onto it.
“You don’t want to stay the night, dad?” He shook his head. 
“I’ll head back tonight. Who knows what Perona’s been up to while I’ve been gone.” That made you laugh, never having met the pink haired woman but from what your father has told you, she must be a unique individual.
“Right. Thanks for coming all this way.” He shook his head and smiled, a rare occurrence even to you.
“I’m your father. It doesn’t matter how far away you are, I’ll come to you when you want me to or need me to.” You smiled softly as he walked off to your own bed. You went to your bedroom and blinked, seeing a bouquet of daisies on your nightstand. You smiled softly and sighed playfully.
“Oh, dad...” 
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #33
One Piece World ❤️  Early Dating Law requested by forevoir
You were each other’s first relationship so the both of you were still a bit awkward around each other. It’s been a couple of months since you both got into a relationship. Life on the sea makes it difficult to have a normal relationship but the both of you make it work. 
Penguin and Shachi had told him that a lot of islands were celebrating Valentine’s Day so he took that opportunity to take you out on a date. He knew that you were more introverted but it would be good for the both of you to get out of the sub for a while and get some feelings in your legs. The two of you walked through the town, a light blush on your cheeks as he was holding your hand in his. You could tell that he was embarrassed from the cheesy decorations and the cringe-worthy couples being disgustingly affectionate in public.
“Maya,” He called out for your attention, “let’s get some food.” He murmured, tugging you to a restaurant. You blushed lightly and smiled shyly, figuring out his consideration for you. You didn’t like huge crowds and since it was later into the day, the amount of people would have increased significantly. The two of you sat in a corner booth, one that was shaped like a 3/4th circle so that the two of you could sit next to each other, and he told you that you could order what you want. You had already picked what you wanted to eat so you waited patiently for Law to choose as well. You giggled to yourself when you saw the disgusted looks on his face when he passed an item with any kind of bread in it. You looked around and noticed a waitress coming your way.
You wiggled a bit in your seat at how she came closer and was making obvious bedroom eyes when she spotted your boyfriend. He was attractive, you admitted it, but he was with you. On a date, obviously. So the way she was looking at him, made you on edge. You scooted closer to him and hoped that nothing would provoke you. You just wanted a nice date. 
He didn’t seem to notice but he rested his hand on your knee, nonetheless. He put the menu down and looked at the woman with bored eyes like he did with everyone else. You observed the woman in front of you and you held back from spitting venom. She was obviously flirting with him and from her body language, she didn’t care that you were right there. You glanced at him and noticed that he was getting annoyed too. At a pretty pathetic attempt of a pick up line, it must have been the last straw for him. 
He got out of the booth first and motioned with his head for you to follow. You blinked before scrambling after him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and he glared at her. 
“We’re done here. I’m taking my girlfriend and leaving.” He led you to the door after glaring once more at the stunned woman. You sent your own glare to her and nuzzled him. He sighed and peaked at you from the corner of his eyes. “I didn’t expect that to happen. I’m sorry, (Y/N).” You shook your head, knowing it wasn’t his fault but you were still angry. 
“It’s okay.” You murmured, looking away. He noticed your upset expression and looked around before tugging you between two buildings. You blushed and looked at him, about to answer him when he tilted your head up with his fingers and kissed you. You felt your cheeks redden at the sudden kiss but you didn’t hesitate to kiss back. He pulled away, leaving you breathless. He was staring right into your green eyes and stroked your red hair.
“I’m sorry.” 
“I-It’s okay…” 
“We can pick up some food and cook at the submarine.”
“R-Right.”  He leaned in and pressed another kiss to your lips, making you flustered again. Pulling back, he took your hand in his and tugged you to a shop nearby. You watched his back for a bit before mumbling softly. “You’re mine, Law.” He must have heard you since a small smirk lifted on his lips and that fact made you blush again.
He took you to the submarine after and the two of you made dinner together. While you both ate, he used a tone dial that he got from Luffy and the soft sound of a violin filled the kitchen as the two of you ate., making you smile. 
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #27
Modern AU ❤️  Dating Ace requested by Anon
You felt bad for your boyfriend of three months. He promised you that he would get the day off of work to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you but life had a different idea. He worked a double shift, the morning and afternoon shift, and wouldn’t get out until about 7 at night. His sad text messages in the morning broke your heart and you did all you could to cheer him up throughout the day, sending cute little notes (forgetting your embarrassment for a moment), sending cute animals, and even sending memes that you saw online. As you laid in bed, you decided that you would cheer your boyfriend up on this holiday. Deciding on a resolve, you got up and threw a hoodie on, blushing lightly at the realization that it was Ace’s hoodie. 
After waiting in lines all day, you finally were able to get to Ace’s house with your stuff in hand. You knocked on the door and smiled when you saw that it was Luffy who answered.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Ace is working.” You smiled and nodded.
“I know. I’m gonna surprise him. Mind letting me in?” He was confused but let you in anyway. You took out a box of fried chicken and handed it to Luffy as payment to let you and Ace use the living room for the rest of the night. You didn’t have to tell him twice. You went to work on setting up the living room, taking breaks in between, of course. 
When 7 o’clock rolled around, you grinned to yourself and got your keys before heading to your car. Knowing Ace, he would have probably walked home instead of called you for a ride. He didn’t want to bother you. You were waiting outside his job and sent him a message that you were there to get him when he was done. 
You instantly grew worried at seeing his disheveled form come out of the building and walk towards your car once he spotted you. He got into the car and almost melted into the seat. You smiled slightly before reaching over and holding his hand.
“Tough day?” He sighed and squeezed your hand.
“You have no idea.” A sleepy smiled lifted on his lips before he leaned over and pressed a light kiss to your cheek, making you blush lightly. “Thanks for coming to get me.” 
“You deserve it after such a long day.” He couldn’t have agreed more. He put his feet up against the dashboard as you drove, pouting to himself.
“I wanted to spend all day with you. i had such a good plan.” You giggled at his complaining and squeezes his hand that was still in yours.
“It’s okay. I don’t care about that stuff.” He sighed again and lifted your hand to kiss the back of it. 
“I know but still.” You pulled into his house and went inside with him. Once he turned on the lights of the living room, his eyes widened. You had pushed the couch slightly out of the way (after asking Luffy for his help) and blankets and pillows were piled on the ground, making a comfy looking bed. There were snacks tossed around and the dvd player was set already of one of his favorite movies. He looked at you as you smiled shyly up at him.
“Um... Surprise?” He grinned and hugged you tightly
“You’re so cute. This is one of the best surprises I’ve gotten in a while.” He chirped while nuzzling your long brown hair. He pulled back suddenly and looked you in your brown eyes. “You didn’t go to my room, did you?” You blinked and shook your head.
“N-No?” He grinned and let you go before running to his room. You blinked again but decided to just wait for him. You plopped down on the ground and waited for him to come back. You heard a thud of the door and looked over, eyes widening at your boyfriend. He brought over a giant teddy bear with flowers under his arm along with a box of chocolates. You ran over and helped him put the bear down and took the flowers and chocolates from him. “Ace!
“Surprise!” You sighed softly before giggling and hugging him.
“Geez. You’re too much sometimes.” He hugged you back immediately and nuzzled against you happily. 
You ended up leaning against the bear with Ace’s head on your lap and your fingers either going through his hair or feeding him chocolates from the box he got you. You weren’t all that surprised when you heard small snores coming from him at times. It was cute when you looked down at him and he was nuzzled against your thigh.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #19
One Piece World ❤️  Engaged Law requested by mikariell95
You stared at Law as he scolded you for your actions. He should have expected this to happen, however. You wouldn’t let anyone talk badly about your fiancé even if you got hurt in the process. His calloused hands were wrapping up your knuckles after they had been injured when you punched someone earlier. 
“Hey! Are you listening?!” You looked at your fiancé and shrugged.
“Nope.” He sighed and finished wrapping your knuckles up.
“You’re so reckless. I could have taken care of that bastard neatly instead of you getting injured like this.” He emphasized by showing you your bandaged hand that was held in his. You raised an eyebrow and a slight smile lifted your lips.
“And let you have all the fun? I don’t think so. Besides, that guy deserved it.” You murmured.
In your defense, it wasn’t your fault and it wasn’t Law’s fault either. The two of you decided to go on a date for Valentine’s Day when a drunkard from the bar spotted your fiancé and began babbling. Law was doing his best to walk away with you, gripping your hand tightly so that you didn’t escape his grip. He knew how protective you could be and the man’s drunken words  would only spur you on. When the man spit by Law’s feet, that’s when you threw a punch at the man. You only got one punch in before Law dragged you away, you were waving your hand to lessen the pain of punching the man. 
“That was reckless of you.” You gently held his hand in both of yours, rubbing the back of his palm.
“If you believe so.”
“I do. What if that guy decided to fight back?” You smiled up at him, your heart picking up its pace at how his face relaxed from such a small gesture. 
“Well, you were with me so if I couldn’t handle it, I know you’d help me.” You raised his slightly clod hand to your cheek and nuzzled it lightly. “I couldn’t stand by as someone insulted you like that.” A soft sigh left his lips as his hand raised to gently run his fingers through your white hair and bringing you close. He pressed a small kiss to your forehead before his dark brown eyes meeting your shining green ones.
“What am I going to do with you?” He mumbled, a soft smile on his lips. You grinned up at him, moving your hands to rest against his waist.
“You’re gonna marry me, you know? You should be nicer to me.” He chuckled and nodded, playing with your wavy hair.
“Right. How could I forget?” You giggled at his playfulness and brought him closer so that you could hug him around his waist, resting your head against his stomach (as he was standing in front of you while you sat on a chair). You peaked up at him, suddenly feeling very bashful.
“Did I ruin our date?” He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. 
“No. It was boring on the island anyway.” He smirked before leaning down and being face to face with you. “Besides, I can kiss you and hug you all I want in the privacy of the ship.” You laughed at his mischievous expression as your forehead touched against his.
“What a way to fix a date, Trafalgar.” He shrugged slightly before slipping his hand into yours and lifting it to his lips, kissing your knuckles where the engagement ring he gave you glinted in the light of the infirmary.
“I just hope you had fun today until that whole drunk guy situation happened.” You giggled at that, making him smile softly. “I love you.” You blushed lightly, moving your hands to his cheeks and bringing him close. You weren’t the best at speaking your emotions but he knew well enough that your actions were much louder. You brought him close, him melting immediately into the passionate kiss.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #18
One Piece World ❤️  Dating Kid requested by beemmmv
Kid grunted as he felt your arms fling around his neck and your weight against his back. He could easily carry you but his self control couldn’t stop the grunt that left his lips at the surprise of you suddenly jumping on him. He didn’t shove you off like he would with anyone because he… Anyway, he turned his head to look at you as you grinned at him. 
“What do you want, shorty?” You pouted at his nickname as you slid down his back.
“Don’t be mean to your girlfriend, you jerk.” He sighed as he glared at his crew members that were snickering. 
“All of you, get the hell out!” The members all filed out of the room after his outburst. He looked back at you and raised an eyebrow. “Again, what did you want, Maya?” You only grinned, knowing that his annoyed tone was only a way to show off that he was a tough guy.
“It’s Valentine’s Day.” He blinked and his expression changed into one of panic before he tried, miserably, to keep calm.
“Yeah? I know.” You put your hands on your hips, deciding to have a little fun.
“You did remember, right?” He coughed awkwardly into his fist as he looked to the side, the same hand going behind his head to scratch at his scalp.
“Of course. I’m not an idiot.” You crossed your arms, keeping yourself from smiling at seeing the panic in his eyes.
“That’s good. Should we exchange presents then?” You saw how his body went frigid and that made you laugh. He looked so confused and panicked that it just made you giggle. He teased you so often that it felt nice to tease him back for once.
“Why are you laughing?!” He exclaimed, his cheeks starting to flush red.
“I’m kidding, Kid! I wasn’t expecting you to remember!” You raised your fingers to imitate quotation marks as you continued. “I know how ‘stupid’ this holiday is for you.” You smiled up at him. He groaned and looked to the side as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
“I thought you were seriously pissed.” You giggled and shook your head, moving closer to him and wrapping your arms around him. You nuzzled against his chest and smiling up at him. 
“No. I know the type of guy you are after two years. You’re not very romantic.” He grumbled lowly to himself before reaching around and hugging you to him. 
“I’m… I’m sorry I forgot.” You smiled softly before leaning up and pressing a small kiss to his jaw. 
“I forgive you. But to make it up to me, you have to convince the crew to eat my favorite food for tonight.” He grunted and nodded.
“You got it. Anything else?” You pretended to think before shaking your head.
“Nope. Food’s good.” He sighed a little before resting his head on top of yours. You were surprised that he hadn’t pushed you away yet. He didn’t really show you affection but you were used to it. Your boyfriend showed you how much he cared for you in different ways. He cleared his throat and you glanced up to him, raising an eyebrow at his blushing cheeks and how his eyes were looking at anything but you. “What?”
“Uh… Do you maybe want to uh….” You smiled at him, reaching up with one hand to poke his cheek.
“Come on. Spit it out.” His cheeks seemed to darken under your touch and he groaned, covering his cheek with his hand.
“To… To make it up to you…. Do you maybe want to go to the room and cuddle? “ He said quickly, his eyes roaming around the room faster. You blinked and blushed lightly, surprised at your hard-headed boyfriend’s proposal. Again, he never initiated these kinds of things.
“Um… Did I hear you right?” The blush intensified on his cheeks and he scowled to hide it. 
“Don’t get me wrong, alright?! It’s only because I forgot about today. That’s it!” You grinned at Kid and nuzzled against him, agreeing to his offer after making him wait for your answer.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #23
One Piece World 💙  Crush on Buggy requested by Anon
“Valentine’s Day, psh. Who needs it?!” You overheard your captain say from his seat at the table. You looked over since you were done eating and looked over at Buggy. He was taking angry bites at the leg of meat he was holding. Cabaji and Mohji just sweat dropped at their captain’s complaints.
“Are you just upset that you don’t have a date, captain?” He glared at Cabajii’s direction, making the man shrink back again. “Just an innocent question.” While that was happening, Mohji leaned over to you and whispered.
“You’re staring at him again.” A light blush covered your cheeks as you grinned at him.
“I’m just thinking about helping our captain with his problem with today.” He sweat dropped again, never fully understanding the crush you had on the captain but you were sure of how you felt. You stood up and walked around the crew to take a seat next to your captain. “Buggy~”
He glanced in your direction and raised an eyebrow before taking a swig of his drink. The only one who he can tolerate on his crew and enjoys being in the presence of all the time was you. 
“What is it, (Y/N)?” You smiled and scooted over closer to him so your shoulders touched. 
“I have a solution to fix your hatred of Valentine’s Day.” He took another swig of his drink before scoffing, as if there isn’t a solution in the world that could stop his hatred for the so called ‘holiday.’
“What might that be? Removing the holiday from the calendar?” You giggled and nudged him with your elbow. 
“No. You wish. I have a real solution though.” He sighed and put his glass down before turning to look at you. 
“Alright. Let’s listen to this great plan of yours.” You grinned, a small blush on your cheeks. 
“Well, you’re bitter because you don’t have a Valentine right?”
“I’m not bitter-”
“Anyway, as I was saying, to fix your bitter problem, why don’t I be your Valentine?” He looked at you with wide eyes before reaching for his glass again.
“You must be drunk. Either that or you’re being sarcastic.” Your lips formed into a pout as you grabbed his arm to bring his attention back on you.
“I’m serious!” You noticed that his cheeks were blushing darkly even with the make up covering his face, making you smile. “Let’s be each other’s Valentine’s.” He was about to exclaim loudly when he realized that he didn’t want the crew to hear so he whispered urgently to you.
“If this is a joke-” You grabbed his face with one hand, squeezing his cheeks together. You stared into his eyes with your brown ones and you felt his cheeks heat up under your fingertips.
“Not a joke. I’m serious.” The serious look in your eyes warned him to not interrupt. “I don’t just ask anyone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with me. I like you, captain, so there shouldn’t be a problem, right?” 
This was too much even for Buggy. He did find you attractive and there was always that annoying fluttering in his chest whenever you were around. Maybe... Alright, just for today, he could indulge himself a little. Might as well not spend the holiday alone. At least, that’s what he said to try and convince himself that that’s why he was feeling so happy right now. He grabbed your wrist and pulled it away from his face.
“Alright. I’ll agree to this plan. But only for today!” You grinned and nodded.
“Whatever you say, captain!” He might have pulled away from you but you hugged his arm to your chest, determined to win over his heart at the end of the day.
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onepieceimagines · 8 years
Valentine’s Day Special #20
One Piece World ❤️  Dating Kid requested by Anon named Sadie
Kid sat on a chair with his leg crossed over the other as he watched you. You had really pissed him off this time so as your punishment, he made you clean up the kitchen after a party that celebrated a recent victory. You admit that you went pretty far with the prodding at him. He definitely didn’t appreciate every time you tricked him into believing that you would kiss him only to pull away last second. It was funny at the moment but now you regretted it as you finished cleaning up the floor. You sat on the tiles, pouting at your boyfriend. He raised an eyebrow as your eyes were narrowed at him.
“What? You’re not done.” You crossed your arms across your chest and puffed your cheeks out.
“This is not how I imagined spending Valentine’s Day.” He shrugged, waving his hand dismissively. 
“This is your punishment. Get to it.” You groaned and stood up, walking over to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and grinned.
“Will you forgive me if I gave you an actual kiss?” He raised an eyebrow, his arms still crossed against his chest as you got closer.
“I’m not falling for your tricks again.” He backed away slightly as you got closer, a pout on your lips.
“Come on, dear~ It’s the holiday of love!” He groaned as you moved your hands to his hair, tangling your fingers in his strands. You devious woman. You knew exactly what to do to make him be wrapped around your finger.
“Sadie.” He tried to sound stern but from his tone you could tell the his resolve was dissolving. You smiled softly, leaning forward and brushing your lips against his lightly.
“Please, Kid? If you forgive me, I can make you that drink you really like and I can make up for all those kisses that I teased you with.” A groan left the back of his throat and you knew you won when he rested his hands on your hips. He stood up and his eyes met your emerald ones before smirking.
“It’s a tempting offer.” You giggled and wrapped your arms around his chest, never breaking eye contact.
“I’ll even be nice and not tell on you to the crew. Just for today though. That’s your gift.” A soft grunt left his lips as he ran his fingers through your orange hair. 
“That’s way too nice for you.” You pouted and hit his chest gently.
“Well, I feel bad and it is a holiday. We can be a sickly sweet couple for one day.” He grimaced at the thought and shook his head.
“Maybe not sickly sweet.” He murmured, hating the idea. You laughed at his expression and nodded.
“Fine. Just a little cliche then.”
“That’s better, I guess.” He smirked and lightly tapped his lips. “You gonna make it up to me now.” 
“I guess I can start now.” You hummed softly before leaning up, brushing your lips against his. A smirk filled your lips and you whispered against them. “But first, I’ll make you your drink.” You pulled back and went over to the counter to start making the drink. You heard him growl behind you. 
“That’s it.” You squeaked as he picked you up by the hips and threw you over his shoulder. You couldn’t help but laugh at his frustrated mumbles.
“Too far?” He grunted before turning the corner to carry you to his room. 
“What do you think?” You giggled and shrugged at Killer as Kid carried you past the masked assassin. Said assassin just sighed audibly, already used to the antics between you and the captain just like everyone else in the crew.
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