#saitou furoufushi
auntyokula · 1 year
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killer trio 🔪🩸
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 2 years
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New art of Yamamoto, Unohana, and Saitou from Kubo
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uraharasandals · 2 years
Oh forgive me! I couldn't open your rules on Tumblr so I went to chrome to open them. So this is sfw headcanon about them (OG gotei 13) having a crush on their childhood friend..
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That’s absolutely fine, no worries!! My rules should’ve been in the post I’ve pinned to the top of my feed though, did it not appear? :)
Again, a disclaimer that however these characters appear in the content I make is purely how I perceive them, and not how Kubo wrote them. There’s not enough information canonically to fully flesh them out, but hopefully this is good enough!
Also I omitted Kumoi and Zenjou because I honestly got completely stumped when it came to those two, so apologies for that. If you want theirs to be written out, feel free to send in another request!
(And yes, this ended up being wayyyy too long)
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Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni
Yamamoto is a man of strong and unwavering intentions -- if he has a crush on his childhood friend, it’s likely that such feelings came from a deep place within his heart, and that these feelings are solidified after a long period of contemplation. Whether he acts upon them is another matter, but when he admits those feelings even to himself, know that they come from a place of long and detailed contemplation.
It depends which period of his life he’s currently living. If Yamamoto was living in a (relatively) peaceful time, before the war where he was teaching in the academy he set up, certainly he would be encouraged to act upon those feelings. However, if it was during wartime or immediately post-war, Yamamoto would push them aside. It’s not that he wants to wait for the right timing or feels that you don’t deserve such an important announcement in the wake of such destruction, but rather his mind is occupied by other matters. When it comes to killing the Quincy and manifesting a romantic relationship, the choice is simple. 
Nonetheless, I think he would definitely sit you down and tell you about them over a cup of tea. Yamamoto doesn’t pressure you to giving him an answer, nor into a relationship - but he definitely wants to maintain your friendship. Rather, he would walk into that confession having faith in your friendship, because he ultimately values the strength of your bond and the connection you share over any potential romantic love between you two.
Shihouin Chika
With this man, you’ll need to wrestle an answer out of him before he tells you upfront what exactly he wants to tell you. Spending so much time in proximity with Chika means that you can tell any irregularities in his behaviour, even if he acts like nothing is wrong, so you’ll need to wheedle him because he doesn’t and won’t tell you first. 
But when confronted with it, Chika won’t dance around the topic. He’ll just tell you upfront about his feelings, just like that. Though he acts like he doesn’t care, Chika definitely does. He cares a lot about your response, about your feelings, and your friendship. Childhood friendships are precious to him, especially if you’re someone he actually gets along well with because in nobility circles, true friends are hard to come across. 
A romantic relationship with Chika would hardly deviate from your friendship with him, largely because I don’t think an intimate relationship would change much regardless, except there would be more romantic physical intimacy. In the period of time after you gave him your response, you would probably be very confused because Chika doesn’t seem to be much affected by your acceptance/rejection. It’ll come clearer afterwards - if you accepted his feelings, he would start becoming more physically affectionate (e.g. brushing your cheek with a kiss, which is something he doesn’t do as friends). If you rejected him, you’d realise him withdrawing for a while before resuming the sense of closeness from before. Chika’s not very good with putting his feelings in words (he rehearsed before confessing to you, but even then it was very blunt), so he shows his emotions through actions and behaviour. 
Izuhara Kinroku
I don’t think this man would particularly be interested in keeping up relationships with his childhood friends, so if you managed to arouse interest in him, then you should be proud of yourself, because that’s no small feat. I imagine you would’ve been lingering in the back of his mind for a while, perhaps a memory from the distant past that floats up occasionally. Maybe he catches sight of something and is reminded of you, and a sense of fondness spreads within his chest. 
At any rate, when you’re united -- highly likely after the war, I’d imagine -- he doesn’t say anything. Not that Kinroku was ever a man of much words, but unspoken understanding has always been your chosen language. He treats you with a sense of tenderness - not afraid that you’re easily broken, exactly, but as children, relationships are tinged with a sense of gentleness that is now a stranger to him, whose life was forged on sentiments of harshness and the principle of ‘life or death’ -- and it’s clear that the reunion is rather awkward. 
Is it a crush or is it merely affection for you in a world where he feels apathy for everyone else? Hard to say. Kinroku certainly spends more time with you, talking to you more than he ever has (or at least, any of the other Captains had ever seen), taking walks, all the mundane moments he can steal away from his Division. Even if he realises he has romantic feelings for you, I don’t think he’d admit or make them into a reality. Largely because he doesn’t view them as a necessity to his life, nor does he want to infuse major lifechanging change into his routine. Also probably because he has never experienced romantic feelings for anyone before, or at least to the extent that it’s strong enough for him to act upon them. So he shows his affection by spending more time with you - that, I think, speaks more than enough.
Shijima Chigiri
Chigiri is an enigma both inside and outside. He acts indifferent most of the time, and it's hard to really tell what he's thinking. That said, if you spend enough time with him, you can notice the little hints he let slip. A hint of a smile on his lips when he’s looking at you, handing over a tissue when you’re sniffling, buying the tea leaves you’ve been eyeing for a long time. Small gestures build up to his intentions.
He won’t tell you how he feels. That’s not how Chigiri works, and it’s unlikely you’ll ever realise unless you pay attention. But as his childhood friend, you’ve seen the side of him that was more…open, before he decided to subdue his emotions. There are telltale signs of his feelings, and you also have ways of drawing them out if you want to — he acts more relaxed around you, and the trust from the past starts to resurface. For a few moments, he lets his guard down and actually shows how much he likes you.
For some reason, I imagine him as a nature guy?? As in he’s the type to pick flowers and gift them to you? Insane, I know. Chigiri buried that part of him when he becomes an assassin, and he doesn’t really see it as necessary after he becomes part of the Gotei 13, but with you, that vulnerable side comes out again. Any Squad member or fellow Captain of the Gotei 13 would raise an eyebrow at the 4th Captain carrying flowers of all things, so he has someone leave it at your desk or doorstep. He won’t admit to sending it, but the calligraphy is clearly his, and the message on the piece of paper is enough to give you a small smile.
Obana Danjirou 
Ah, we finally have an honest and straightforward guy. Danjirou doesn’t see the point of dancing around the point of anything — he prefers to be upfront about his feelings about everything, and that’s no exception…except when it comes to romantic feelings.
He doesn’t splutter or lose his composure, exactly. Danjirou just feels a little…embarrassed, I guess? It’s definitely not his first venture with love, but somehow confessing to his childhood crush feels a little strange. You’re one of the few people who knew him before he started killing people for a living, and all his embarrassing stories when he’s a kid and all that, so he knows he can’t put up a front when it comes to you, because you can just see right through it.
He invites you out to a dinner — a nice Japanese restaurant with the food prepared with fine ingredients. Not too expensive, because he doesn’t want it to be too formal (and that’s not how he does things, anyways), and he tells you what has been hanging on the tip of his tongue for the past few weeks. Again, not overtly serious, but genuine enough that you know that he’s not joking around. Danjirou walks you back home afterwards and everything - he doesn’t wait around for an answer and doesn’t demand one, but secretly he hopes you’d say yes. 
Saitou Furoufushi 
Furoufushi’s first priority in life is not romance, and it’ll never be. I don’t think she’d recognise the feelings as romance anyways -- if she has an affection scale, the highest is probably best friend. I don’t think she’s aromantic necessarily -- I believe she’s capable of falling in love if and when that happens, but for now having a close intimate friend is enough for her.
There won’t be much difference in how you’ll be treated physically and even verbally. Maybe you’ll get called your nickname, but that’s how you were referred to all the time anyways, since you were childhood friends. To the external onlooker, you two tumble around like puppies, playfighting and wrestling, all the schtick.
Honestly, I don’t think Furoufushi’s attitude towards you would change much. Again, since she’s not the character who’s too overtly into romantic love, I imagine it’ll just be the same. I don’t think even you would notice. Maybe she wants to spend more time with you, but that’s about the most obvious change you’ll notice. 
Shigyou Nobutsuna 
Nobutsuna...is a hard man to read. His live revolves around few things -- eating, sleeping, killing, etc. Inter-personal relationships with others aren’t on the top of his priority list either, but he does make time for those he cherishes. 
And that includes you, of course. As his childhood friend, you’re already closer to him than most people are, largely because outside of his Gotei 13 duties and everything else he has to do, Nobutsuna doesn’t really have the patience nor energy to ‘get to know’ other people or be close to them. You’re already ahead in the intimacy game, and you know it.
I imagine the only significant change that occurs is again, spending more time together. And maybe physical intimacy. He doesn’t seem like the type who is too eager on that front (not that many people would dare to approach him either, with his appearance), so if he initiates that, you know you’re special. But not anything too much, or obvious. Maybe catching your wrist when you stumble, or leaning against you when he’s tired. He’ll even come to you for small favours. Like bandaging his wounds or something. 
Katori Batsu’unsai 
One would assume that Batsu’unsai is the type to wear her heart on her sleeve. And maybe we’re right - who knows? I certainly imagine her to be that way - a small smile for everyone, a little flustered at times but completely ruthless on the battlefield. 
She doesn’t start out that way, though. Kindness has to be learnt in the chaotic mess of a world that Soul Society was, and you’ve seen the side of her that she tries to keep buried. When you start showing up, she lets her guard down, just a little, around you. 
Batsu’unsai would be the type of woman to be upfront about her feelings, contrary to how her appearance would suggest. She doesn’t shy away from having romantic feelings for a special someone, and she doesn’t dance around the topic. Doesn’t mean she’d be blunt about it, but that she’ll just be more straightforward about it. You can tell the shift in her mood when it happens - and unlike many others, she won’t be excessively afraid of turning a long friendship into a romantic relationship, because she has enough trust in the bond you two share. 
Outokawa Furuoki
Furuoki has a constant stream of admirers from everywhere, and he knows this. Hence why he’s less enthusiastic about starting a relationship, less so with someone he hardly knows. Luckily for you, you two have been friends since a young age. 
In my previous headcanons, I imagine him as a ronin of sorts -- fallen nobility who had to fight to defend himself from outsiders. If you two are childhood friends, it’s likely you two came from the same background, which makes it better because you have a better understanding of the turmoil he’d been through. There’s hardly anyone in his life left that he really whole-heartedly trusts, but if there’s one person, it’d be you.
You two spend a lot of time alone regardless of whether he was actually harbouring romantic feelings for you - having tea together, taking hikes in nature if you’re an outdoor person, or just taking casual walks together in Seireitei if you’re not. The level of intimacy you share is so obvious and so taken for granted (i.e. it’s natural for you to be together) anyways that when the relationship turns romantic, it doesn’t come as a surprise for either of you two. 
Unohana Yachiru
Another one that I imagine you two to be reunited after the war instead of having spent time together from childhood to adulthood. This can be for various reasons - maybe you were scared and distanced yourself from your friend-turned-murderess. Maybe she ran away from where you grew up to take up the art of the sword. Whatever the reason, when you two finally found each other after the war, there’s an obvious sense of familiarity but awkwardness at the same time - it feels like coming to a home that you no longer recognise.
It takes time to reforge and rekindle your relationship. Contrary to your expectations and the rumours, Yachiru doesn’t act as bloodthirsty as you’d thought (or at least, in front of you). And to her, you’re no longer the naive individual from that many years ago.
And it takes even longer for her to admit she has a crush on you. She’ll probably never tell you, due to whatever reasons she tells herself. You’ll have to figure it out yourself, but even then, you’ll never get an answer. Perhaps you two automatically gravitate towards one another, and end up sharing an intimate relationship that way. Who knows? 
Sakahone Shizou
I imagine y’all would’ve been married already. Like come on, this man looks like he’s on the verge of death. If y’all are still going on with the slow-burn game, you don’t have much time. If he hasn’t gotten a grip and confessed, you’re probably already married to someone else. 
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chiisanahoshi · 2 years
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Furoufushi Saito by BLEACH animator - せー (@sey__)
Please, show some love and retweet original post on twitter ❤
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artbyerina · 2 years
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Fanart of Saitou Furoufushi from BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War.
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feralthembo · 2 years
I have had Furoufushi Saitou for barely a week and if anything happened to her I would burn down this house and everyone in it
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viuluominen · 2 years
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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays Everyone!☃️ Manaka Laala x Saitou Furoufushi Christmas Crossover! 🎀💀
Manaka Laala x Saitou Furoufushi ( HD SFW, + CLIP STUDIO FORMAT (similar to PSD) ) : http://rigelnietz.gumroad.com/l/ManakaLaalaxSaitouFuroufushiChristmasCrossover _____________
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Bleach - Oroginal Gotei 13
2. 四楓院 千日 (Shihōin Chika)
3. 厳原 金勒 (Izuhara Kinroku)
4. 志島 知霧 (Shijima Chigiri)
5. 尾花 弾児郎 (Obana Danjirou)
6. 齋藤 不老不死 (Saitou Furoufushi)
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nirbanox · 2 years
All Old Gotei 13 members name:
Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
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Unohana Yachiru
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Shihouin Chika
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Izuhara Kinroku
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Shigyou Nobutsuna
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Saitou Furoufushi
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Katoribatsu Unsai
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Kumoi Entetsu
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Outokawa Furuoki
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Obana Danjiro
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Zenjou Jiuhin
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Sakahone Saizou
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Shijima Chikiri
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auntyokula · 1 year
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Furoufushi wants to congratulate Unohana-san too…
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auntyokula · 2 years
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first relationships just be like…
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auntyokula · 2 years
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want to believe they had a horny relationship
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 2 years
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Saitou Furoufushi from Animation Director Komatsubara Sei
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 2 years
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First Generation of the Gotei 13
1st Division: Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni
2nd Division: Shihouin Chika
3rd Division: Izuhara Kinroku
4th Division: Shijima Chigiri
5th Division: Obana Danjirou
6th Division: Saitou Furoufushi
7th Division: Shigyou Nobutsuna
8th Division: Katori Batsuunsai
9th Division: Kumoi Entetsu
10th Division: Outogawa Furuoki
11th Division: Unohana Yachiru
12th Division: Zenjouji Uhin
13th Division: Sakahone Saizou
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 2 years
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Captain from Key Animator Suzuhana Yuuta
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artbyerina · 2 years
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Happy New Year 2023 !!
First work of the year 2023 🎉✨
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