#saiyan rp
lemonaiyan · 2 years
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“𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟. 𝐢 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭.”
RULES BIO ABOUT | follows from ohniyusu
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(Open Rp) “The Creation of the Saiyan Lover”
A long time Ago on the far side of the west City, There is a Small town called “Malaria-ville”. It was all raning day, Saphira Kicked her ex-boyfriend out of her home after She caught him cheating on her...She was enrage...but then..5 months later..She saw everyone dressed up as saiyans..But her heart felt with sorrows and despair..Until She visit her made scientist friend To talk about her lonely feelings Then..Her mad scientist friend Had an idea and said” I can help you make a Lover...a “Saiyan” Lover.” She was Suprised as she accepted the offer...So the made scientist created a Serum..but then She said” Put alot rage lust in it...i wanted a Man to be Possessive...but not too much..I wanted someone who loves me every day..” but then the mad scientist friend said,” I Must warn you, No body ever make it with So much rage Lust Serum..you are tampering the Force Beyond the comprehention!”...Then Saphira said,” I don’t care...I’m just desparate” When after making a special serum that Will makes it more powerful as broly..but more beyound of it as well...then she holds the Big elixir bottle of the powerful serum...and Then She said,”Now...we need a Test subject..But...Who?” When she brought it home after thanking her friend..>She had to put in the fridge until..She hears the Door knocking..and then..She comes to the Door and opens and saw her beloved neighbor who was there in her whole life and he said..
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muses-of-the-memory · 8 months
Zizzi was in her apartment. Baking some cookies at the moment as she was leaning against the counter at the moment. Looking at her scouter for a little bit.
Xeno Trunks was finishing up with his duty with Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time and he smelled cookies. He then comes to Zizzi's apartment in Conton City.
"Hey there, Zizzi." Trunks greeted. "You making cookies?"
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zenkai-icons · 19 days
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requested by: @divinityunleashed!
source: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Meteor Mission!
unedited, 100x100px
Use / edit to your heart’s content
Please like & reblog if using!
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long-haired-hottie · 9 days
Hey y'all I'm not a new RPer but I'm new to the DBZ RP scene! If y'all could like and reblog this so I could find other 20+ people to write with I'd appreciate it.
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regulus-regent · 5 months
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Based on: [ x ] [ x ]
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
{{ I underestimated how rusty I am at drawing digitally even though I've been trying my best (not pictured because I don't like any of what I've drawn and have deleted them oops 😭) but uh--gentle reminder that I do have an interpretation of SSJ4 which is called "Malevolence". Maiz can access it.
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Tl;Dr - It's within the same family as the Oozaru transformation (which is why she has it) but reversed. The Blutz Waves explodes inside of her body instead of outside*--and aesthetically/physically, it's a mixture of S Broly's Ikari state (golden eyes, but with slit pupils), the Oozaru form (heightened strength and destructive capabilities), and GT's SSJ4 (extra fur in places she didn't have before, personality shift (?), increased muscle-mass and body density (?).
*Note: This is oversimplified for brevity's sake.
What stops me from fully incorporating this into my active threads (aside from the one I have with Jay) are these aspects: the color of her fur (does everyone have the same color? Is hers different from that? Or is it different shades of the same color?), the texture (should she be rough to the touch? Does she feel like a porcupine (strictly just the fur on top) or tree bark/another texture (under the fur)? Does sweat make her slippery and thus, harder to grab onto in a fight?), fur patterns (where should the new hair start and begin?), ki-quality (how does the mastery over her ice & cold/frost creation + generation manifest in this state and does that change at all?), and how beastial to make her act/look . . . (How do I make a monster even more monstrous? Do I emphasize certain traits or heighten all of her ugliness? Do I make her the opposite (smiling, laughing/giggly) for unnerving/Alien/Personal Horror™ points (for whoever has the misfortune of facing her)? Or do I have her be composed in speech and off-putting in other avenues to drive home how dangerous she is in this form? How does she interact with the environment when she's like this and what does that feedback--if applicable--look like? And, does this happen every time she uses this form?*)
*Note #2. Powerful individuals charging up in Z used to cause environment disaster/climate changes, if anyone remembers. This is what I'm referring to; the dance between violent/aggressive/wild ki being released interacting aggressively with the immediate environment/surroundings. Yes, I look at that. Yes, I'm a nerd, I know. 😂
I'm also showing my age (and range of taste) here, but if anyone knows Power Rangers RPM (it's one of my favorite seasons), they actually did something similar to this: the Blue Ranger, I believe, used the special effects (the sparks/fireworks that go off behind them post-transformation and pose) as an attack against an enemy in one of the most badass, meta move I've ever seen across all media.
My train of thought, as you can see, goes there too. If it means doing the most damage to her opponent (or psychologically screwing with them), she'd do it. Granted, she'd have to make that connection, but she would if she found out.
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anya-nion-and-co · 9 months
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n3rdb0x · 1 year
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@acoldsovereign asked 😡😡😡 BITES.
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He'd barely registered and got an arm up in time when she tried to bite him, instead her teeth latching onto his arm. Unbelievable the audacity of it all, ignoring the fact that his dad used this same tactic all the time. "Hey, what's the deal!" He'd try to shake her off before trying anything more wild than that. Gohan truly couldn't tell what to make of this girl and knew damn well that blasting her would just mess up his own arm, shaking was definitely the best way.
Though if she tried to bite harder she was definitely going to catch a hand to the head.
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isirnos · 1 year
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renegadehustlers · 1 year
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░We Are the░ ░Renegade Hustlers!░
Zucchi, Keme, Okra, and Brock have their own stories to tell what's it like blending in the crowd,it is their specialty! They see everything that goes on and make sure to put things in order even if it is life or death. Come down and ask them what it's like being behind the scenes of Lord Frieza��s ship and Z Fighters adventures!
☆ Zucchi ☆
She is bubbly in nature, very loyal to her superiors (specifically Tundra), charismatic, and she is a bit too agreeable. She also tends to be super cocky when fighting, even if she is losing a fight. Her past self is a mystery. However, she was once known to be ruthless.
Likes: Spicy food, video games (even though she’s not very good at it but has her moments), comfortable lifestyle,
Dislikes: Anyone bullying her sister Keme, hates being called old, and being treated like a child.
Fears: Being in closed spaces or being trapped in a small room.
Habits / Mannerisms:
She enjoys showing off her skills and naming random fighting styles that don’t make sense. She tends to be close and personal when it comes to fighting. Her ki blast will be her last resort.
Goals / Motivations: Having fun as much as possible.
□ Keme □
She is quiet, and it is difficult to have a read of her tone. Her light humor is often mistaken as sarcastic and rude. She is passionate about her work. Whatever she puts her mind into it nothing gets in her way. She rarely shows her emotions to anyone except her sister. She does find small things to be beautiful in stressful times.
Likes: Biology, music, and sweets Dislikes: Being alone, losing, and being confused
Fears: Letting anyone get close to her or touch her tail.
Habits / Mannerisms: Zones out when she listens to really good music she likes, she makes a habit of talking to herself, tends to be creative with pulling pranks to the people she doesn't like, and making sure her appearance is perfect
Goals / Motivations: Wanting to find a new home and live a mundane life.
◇ Okra ◇
Personality: He can be loyal, challenging, and short tempered sometimes (but he's working on it). He can be very chill if given the chance for a while. He can come out more like a smart ass or lonely. He can also be sweet, but only if he tries. Likes: He likes Keme, but she doesn't know that. He likes spending time with people, even if he doesn't show it. He will say, "I don't dislike it." He's okay with food, but his favorites are mostly strawberries.
Dislikes: Having to see Keme being mistreated. He hates having losing streaks in a game or challenges. He despises people not listening to him. He doesn't like being alone.
Goals/Motivations: Finding his own adventure instead of following others.
○ Brock ○
He's bubbly just like Zucchi, except he doesn't go head first into combat. He's rather strategic before fighting since he is weaker among the three. Although he is weaker, he is well liked on the ship. Possibly, his talents of playing music saves him from any flying punches to the face or his quick silver tongue gives them a reason to keep him around. Who knows! But he certainly loves the attention.
Likes: Music (he taught it to Keme), admiration by any fan, his fighting dance techniques, and loves everyone having a good time.
Dislikes: Spiders and roaches, or having an art block
Fears: Becoming the worst version of himself.
Goals/Motivations: Wants to find the love of his life so they can travel everywhere just the two of them.
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cxldtyrant · 2 years
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send me a ✧ and my muse will bold all that apply to your muse - Closed
dragonwish asked: ✧ ((From King Cold. Also we need to rp at some point.))
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I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).  
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(Open Rp) Halloween Special in "Bride of the Legendary Yandere"
Long time ago, Saphira got engaged With a Man Name "Dylan James Witcher" Who She's been dating him for 4 years, but there's One Huge Problem between those two was none other was His Mother name "Matilda"…She hated Saphira because Of Her Own kind being a "Man-eater", She Wasn't Having it after she heard the news from Dylan…She was So horrible, Even her Husband Told Matilda to Stop this Nonsense but things Went From bad to worse…When saphira's Family came in for a wonderful dinner..Matilda brought a Live Chickens to her family..Saphira and her Family was appalled and Saphira Told Dylan to get his mother under control..She told dylan and his family that Bringing a Live chicken is a Biggest insult in the kitsune Culture..but Matilda made a sick grinned…and Saphira was Pretty pissed off…but Dylan was a "huge" Mama's boy…His father Apolgize on His wifes behalf…So on the day of the wedding, When she arrives..She saw the venue was ruined including the recieptionist and the cake as well, all ruined and destroyed…and Matilda is wearing Her wedding gown, telling saphira thats she is not good enough to marry her son…And Saphira's blood began to boil and she said" THATS IT!!!Dylan, I thought i told you to Keep your mother under control And Now LOOK AT THIS!!! She's out of control, I can't take it anymore…You have to make a choice! Whats it going to be, your mom or me!" Then..he chose his mother…and Saphira's Father Fired him… His mother was shocked and knowing that her son was working under saphira's fathers company…as Dylans Father…he was Fuming with rage and Slapped Matilda on the face and he shouted and scoldly..and he smacked dylan too, telling him that he's never chose His Own mother over Saphira…after that..the wedding is off..through saphira's lawyer, matilda and her son was force to pay the cancellation fee, and compensation for the damages…And She was Never Seen Dylan and His Horrible Mother again…
10 months later After the incident
Saphira was at the bar, Drowning her sorrow with a Huge amount of Rum runners and saying what a Piece of shit that Dylan is…Nami, Saphira's good Mad Scientist best friend Couldn't stand saphira's heartbroken..But She has an idea..She told Saphira to come to her lab after the drink and said that she has the idea to mend her broken heart…..Saphira Nodded and finished her drink…She went to the lab, So Nami told saphira about what she can do…She decided to make a Wonderful man and The Family That would respect her and her family….It made saphira's Smiles bright a bit…And then Nami asked saphira to ask about what would Her man to be looked like..She told her that she wanted a man who is a saiyan, being Super sweet, strong, brave..Protective..and Became SUPER OVER OBSESSED With saphira at all times But then Nami gasp and asked "Saph..you want her man to become.."Legendary yandere"?!" Saphira felt confused of what it is..but nami told the story and warn her about it," I Must warned you, No Woman would ever be with a Legendary yandere and survived at all!" but after that, Saphira said anyways…after that it was done and Nami told saphira that her man will be at her house by tomorrow..and the family will come by the next day..So the next day..She was asleep..but then she felt the kiss on the cheeks..she open her eyes and saw her saiyan holding a tray full of breakfast in bed and he said…
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Zizzi was feeling incredibly tired today as she had been hit with a sudden feeling of being sleepy but not wanting to sleep. She was completely out of it as she was curled up on her couch. She would pressed her ear piece to let Trunks know. "Hey... I'm just not...zzz." she had fallen asleep for a second before she snapped awake. "UP to come in for missions." She quickly said to him.
"Huh?" Xeno Trunks spoke as he heard Zizzi sleeping in his earpiece communicating with him.
"Are you sure you're okay, Zizzi? You didn't get hit by a Sleep attack, did you?" Trunks asked. "We said for you to get some rest."
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Cyprian got some formal clothing for big events, or if wants to hangs out with friends or feels like it.
Art is done by the amazing Zucchi over on Instagram, I got a few more Cyprian art to post so yeah.
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long-haired-hottie · 6 days
"Bringing people things, displays of skill, eating food, hanging out with your date. I dunno, those sound like regular dates to me. Then again I was raised by humans so I'm probably biased."
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