#world: conton city
muses-of-the-memory · 8 months
Zizzi was in her apartment. Baking some cookies at the moment as she was leaning against the counter at the moment. Looking at her scouter for a little bit.
Xeno Trunks was finishing up with his duty with Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time and he smelled cookies. He then comes to Zizzi's apartment in Conton City.
"Hey there, Zizzi." Trunks greeted. "You making cookies?"
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divinityunleashed · 7 months
Character Profile - Starburst
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Basic Information:
Name: Starburst
Nicknames: Star
Birthday: N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her | They/Them
Sexuality: Straight
Franchise/Series: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 OC
Species: Majin
Occupation: Time Patroller
Height: 4'9'' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Biography: Personality: Starburst is quick and straight to the point with how she acts. Polite, formal and informal, and relatively calm, she embodies her task as a Time Patroller quite seriously, to the point where sometimes she works a little too hard, and hardly leaves any time for herself outside of training and routine patrols.
Motivations: To watch over Gamindustri V2 and protect it from Dragon Ball hostility, as well as other sources.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Advanced Information: Strengths: Close and Long Distance attacker, balanced combination of physical or Ki based techniques, knows various Swordplay techniques.
Weaknesses: Smol
Fears: Losing control of her pure self, failing a mission.
Backstory: A Majin native to Conton City, Starburst has had plenty of chances to prove herself proper to Chronoa. Eventually, it came a moment when Chronoa was actually endangered by a time rift growing unstable. Starburst stepped in to face off against an augmented Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (The one from Z) alongside various smaller Majin Buu's.
Utilizing techniques used by a wide variety of characters, she repelled the invading entities and protected the Time Nest whilst Future Trunks and the Future Warrior were handling other matters. Chronoa congratulated her for her heroics, much to the dismay of Starburst, to the point where she gave her a high priority mission.
Starburst was entrusted the task of watching over a new world created with the help of others; Gamindustri V2. At first she had no idea who any of these people were, but deep down she knew that this was the responsibility she was waiting for. She took the job, and is now their Guardian Angel so to speak.
Powers: A mixture of Strike and Ki Blasts, Starburst is a variety fighter, able to fight with physical and mental strengths at once. She often incorporates a mixture of unarmed and armed combat; sporting a Blade she crafted herself. Of course, she learned a lot of moves from various different individuals who have appeared in Conton City over time, including:
Toppo (Destructive Fracture)
Jiren (Menacing Flare)
Goku Black (Divine Lasso, Divine Retribution, Sudden Death Beam)
Tapion (Brave Sword Slash)
Majin Buu (Super Vanishing Ball)
Cooler (Hyper Movement)
Transformation: Purification
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Discovered in the midst of a Parallel Quest gone rogue, Starburst has the ability to undergo a transformation known as Purification; transforming her into a Pure Majin. (Kid Buu)
When in this form, she is unpredictable, rage incarnate, and her moveset changes:
Pearl Flash
Vanishing Ball
Quick Sleep
Bouncing Buu Buu Ball
Planet Buster
Teleporting Vanishing Ball
Angry Shout
However, it isn't without it's risks. In this state, all manner of cautiousness and willpower evaporates. She becomes an unpredictable, reckless, dangerous and uncontrollable force of rage, attacking anyone in sight and adopting Kid Buu's personality. In which case, she prefers everyone treat her as a target and knock her out.
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kasarawolf · 1 year
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Capsule Corp Drone, (CC Drone) aka “Little Birdie” / “Birdie Bot.” / “Birdie.”
- The nickname comes from the phrase, “a little birdie told me.” A tool used by Time Patrollers, this little machine records and reports footage to Graders/Instructors. Footage from a BB can be broadcasted live and is often used to stream footage onto overhead displays during tournaments.
They were originally produced to be electronic pets for children and families by the Capsule Corporation. The built in camera feature was supposed to be used to record precious memories or to be used as security cameras within a home while the owners were asleep. However, there was a fault in their programming, where they would throw themselves into danger, (They need to get that perfect photo of the perp breaking into the home!) often being destroyed in the process during the testing phase. Instead of scrapping the project or modifying their code, the little drones were sold to Conton City to be used by Patrollers during Missions, where danger lurks around every corner. The perfect environment for a Birdie to thrive.
- They come with two modes, Photo Mode and Video Mode.
- Not mandatory to take on Patrolling Missions, but it does make filling paper work a hell of a lot easier!
- In Sleep Mode, all wings retract back in, making it look a lot like an egg. The Charging Station is called the “Nest.” Much larger charging stations can be purchased for multiple Birdie Bot’s to charge in at the same time.
- White is the default coloring for all Birdie Bots. Can be customized with your own skins and stickers. (if you own one. You can not modify a rented BB.) The lens can also be interchanged for different colors. The default lens is dark pink.
- When it’s about to start recording, a two note chirp will sound from the BB. (Sounds a lot like a bird chirp, hence the nickname) They do not make sounds during recording, as it could ruin the footage they are capturing.
- The wings on a BB can get squeaky, making it even sound more like a bird. Be sure to keep your Birdie Bot in top condition with regular maintenance!
- Often used during tournaments to get close up shots in fights. Sometimes they get a little too close.
- The two lights on the front can be used to light up a dark room. Works as a camera flash for photos.
- Not unusual for someone to own many of BB’s, due to their self-destructive natures.
- Are quite cheap to purchase, due to how often they break.
- Takes and records photo’s in High Definition.
- Birdie Bots are dare devils and have no fear.
- When purchased or rented out, they come in a capsule.
- Birdie Bot’s have built in speakers, showing at one time, they may have been able to communicate with their owners. However, it seems that this feature was discontinued, after most BB’s were so committed to their directive, they decided to stay silent.
- Possibly non sentient. It is unknown if they have personalities as Birdie Bots have short life expectancies, due to getting in the crosshairs of a ki blast quite often.
- Self destructive. Will do anything to get the perfect shot, even if it means their inevitable termination. (Based on Xenoverse 2’s “Photo Mode.”)
There they arreee~!
Birdie Bots!
These little guys are some bots that I have in my story~ They don't play a big role. They mostly exist to flesh out the world more :)
Any updates to their info will most likely only be added on my Xenoverse 2 FANON GUIDEBOOK!
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megamattzx · 1 year
Preview: Dragon Ball New Frontier Flight of Fate.
It was just a quiet night in Conton City, home of the Time Patrol. The stars shine over the night sky as the world around the city. Cars drove around the streets as people did various businesses an average person would pursue. At the same time, one particular individual observed from the highest floor in the tower that stood over the markets. A Saiyan who seemingly was the age of 24, through his mannerism, suggested that he was a lot older than he seemed to be.
Watching all the events of the city all lit up at night, he felt the cold breeze in the chili air as the wind blew his hair over his balcony as he sat down to drink some hot chocolate. The Saiyan male couldn't help but wonder how things could be the way they were. The taste of hot chocolate felt like heaven after a long stressful day at work from saving the Omniverse as he always did. The constant comparisons to people he knew all too well and even before he was a time patroller.
His messy hair was all over the place unless he used hair gel or transformed into a Super Saiyan or any other transformation he had that would alter the hairstyle in any way, moving from the wind blowing it all over the place, but he didn't care. The breeze felt like a weight of stress was already being lifted from his shoulders, and it felt liberating. Drinking more of his hot chocolate, he took a deep breath and looked over to the city lights of Conton City, home of the entire Time Patrol. He has been a part of the organization for the past 45 years since he was 24.
His tail moved around a bit even though he was sitting down. He was currently in comfortable clothes that were pajamas with green sweatpants with the laces being tied together in the manner of the waste area adjusted to the way he wanted so that he could quickly get out of them but also be able to keep them on, his short sleeve t-shirt primarily white with blue on top and blue writing on it that said the name Goku on could be seen on the T-shirt, as he stared into the city below, deep in thought and concentration as he did some.
A picture was next to him showcasing him when he was much younger with another kid who looked identical to him and three other people as he picked it up and stared down into it. The picture featured him in a blue martial arts key with blue pants, red combat boots, redhead wristbands, a red headband, and a teal shirt underneath the blue Gi.
Next to him in the picture was a young boy around the same age when the photo was taken with an all too familiar orange and blue GI with a long-sleeved shirt. He didn't have a tail, but he had the same messy hair as he did and looked utterly identical except for the clothing and that one difference between them. He couldn't help but smile at that fact. Behind them were three taller individuals in the picture, one wearing a purple martial arts go with his hair spiked up and with a singular bang, his posture showing a sense of calm and easiness as he smiled for the camera when the picture was taken.
The other man behind them looked exactly like this Saiyan, and his apparent look alike though older and wearing an orange and blue GI. All of them have jet-black hair, just like the Saiyan do now. He then looked at the only woman in the picture standing between them with a bright smile. Her hair was tied in a material-style ponytail, and she wore a purple short-sleeve dress of a dynasty-style culture. Her Raven hair matches the rest of the jet-black hair in the group. Her arms around the man's right arm while also tugging on his orange gi. The Saiyan couldn't help but smile at the photo as he reminisced in the past.
"I miss those days…." He said to himself as he remembered how now he was living on his own and had been doing so for the past 45 years, all the while the rest of his family were doing other stuff for the time being. "Back when both of us looked exactly like Dad. I didn't have to worry too much about threats because Dad was always saving the world. Before we joined the Time Patrol." That last remark he made reminded him of a much simpler time. A time when he didn't have to worry about threats looming over him all the time while the whole world was, for the most part, safe and in good hands.
Those were much simpler times, indeed. Times when he didn't have to worry about stepping up and doing his part to save his world. Now, he had to do his part to save his world and every plane of existence, for that matter. There was something that he truly missed over the years. And now he had found it.
"We used to pull pranks on each other all the time, remember Goten?" He spoke to himself again, referring to his identical "twin" as if he knew him personally. Knowing he wouldn't get a response from the picture, he imagined this person agreeing with him and reminiscing as they always did together. Though times had changed, Son Kakarot Goku Jr had joined all his friends and family in joining the Time Patrol, and the Time Patrol was founded. Goku Jr had helped build the Time Patrol and remembered it like yesterday. The day that changed his life forever.
The day when he started to always be in constant danger and always had to train and stay on guard, should he ever be needed, and more often than not, he was. But he couldn't deny that being part of the Time Patrol, one of the vast aspects of protecting the Omniverse, had perks. He had more than a stable income to where he could live like an aristocrat if he wanted to and endless benefits along with it, indeed quite a few rewards for the hard work he put into it. He also built a fearsome reputation as one of the Omniverse's many Heroes. Alongside his father, Son Goku or Son Goku Sr, as some people call him.
And not to mention all of the adventures he had gone through despite all the danger that came with them. However, those adventures were always a downside, especially when they took a toll on him mentally. Some experiences were quite pleasant in hindsight, which excited him. Others, not so much. He stared into the city on the rooftop of his penthouse apartment, which consisted of three floors and could be easily mistaken as a nightclub if he had it set up everything to make it clear that this was mainly a home for him first and foremost.
Before he could do anything else, a ring at the doorbell of the main floor of his apartment was Heard as he began to walk down the stairs. He could have taken the elevator built into the penthouse specifically for those three floors, but he didn't want to leave any room for thoughts when he greeted his potential guest. Upon answering the door, you saw a woman matching the picture that he would look at with her Raven hair. Still, this time with it down and wearing more of a teal-ish blue, green Chinese dress, her serious expression slowly faded upon seeing him, and Goku Jr quickly recognized that this was Chi-Chi.
"Mom! What a present surprise!" The Saiyan said as he saw her. He was surprised she would visit him after work, considering how tired she usually was when running all the education boards for Canton City. Ensuring the future of those who would join the time Patrol or play a much more significant role in Conton City in a societal and economic stature indeed had many perks. Still, he clearly could tell that it can also be an extremely stressful job at times. Despite her looks, her mannerisms showed her true age as the Time Patrol allowed her to stay physically young so that she could do what she did for as long as possible. She did very much appreciate the perks and utilized them to her advantage. That much was clear. He was still surprised that she would take the time to visit him, considering how busy she had been as of late, just like his father, but her visit was undoubtedly not unwelcome. "Why don't you come in? I can get you something to drink while you try to relax. You must have had a stressful day."
Chi-Chi couldn't help but smile from her son's polite surprise to see her, but she could tell he was glad. "It's fine, Kaka," she assured him. "You've been having a stressful month yourself, hopping around dimensions. You need to take this break as much as I do. Probably even more so." She lightly laughed a bit from her teasing, causing Goku Jr to chuckle.
"Is Dad coming over?" He asked his mother with a hint of anticipation as she nodded, causing him to feel relieved a bit.
"He's downstairs at the moment, currently reprimanding a rookie for careless flying." She couldn't help but giggle, and she said that as she couldn't help but notice that Goku had become much more responsible over the years. More accountable than she ever anticipated, nonetheless. The Time Patrol must have genuinely helped him immensely. Though she did always see him at his worst as all the years he spent fighting were finally starting to take a toll on him mentally.
But she could tell that her support of him allowed him to get through it. She pushed him further into accomplishing so much in the Time Patrol. She encouraged him to mix up the different jobs he had to ensure that he could balance everything out, from training rookies to going on missions and even doing stuff at home like farm work; all of this did help him. However, she couldn't help but tease him about becoming a workaholic sometimes.
"I do not want to experience getting an earful from him again." Goku Jr joked as he then began to shrug. "Last time that happened, he put weights on my limbs and increased them every time I got used to it and put me through a training regiment that left me exhausted."
Chi-Chi couldn't help but continue to laugh a bit at her son's remark. She remembered that day well. He and Goten were 16 at the time, and they had been skipping school when Goku caught them in the act; while she did have more of a say in raising Gohan and Goten, she knew full well to trust Goku with the disciplinary stuff when it came to Goku Jr. He was a Pure-Blooded Saiyan. Goku was a lot harder on him because of it. She could never help but notice how scary it was that he looked almost identical to his father, if not for the tail. Sure, Goku used to have one, but he permanently lost it long ago. Part of her was glad that Goku Jr decided to wear different outfits from his father to the point where even his gi was slightly different. Even if it was similar to his father's, it allowed her to tell him apart much more accessible.
"If your father heard you say that, he would put you through twice the training he put you through that day." She retorted back at Goku Jr, causing him to chuckle a bit.
"Fair enough." The Saiyan then told her. Taking a little bit of time to think about what to say next, he remembered how long he had been physically in his twenties. Thinking about it made him realize how much time has gone by—all of the various timelines he explored with different outcomes. And not only that, the fact that he spent a very long time in the state made him realize that he would live a lot longer than he would have anticipated initially.. "I'm surprised Chronoa let us keep our youth for as long as she had." He said before he began to ponder more and more.
"She said we would be like this for as long as we're in the Time Patrol." Chi-Chi reminded him. "And with how things have been going, we might be immortal. All of us started doing it because we all had a responsibility. You're doing it a lot more often now."
"And Goten's probably asleep by now because he has to go to work," Goku Jr added. "Considering how much he works, I'm surprised he's been able to get any sleep as it is."
"It'll be fine, Sonku," Chi-Chi retorted as she tried to assure her son that his brother would be okay. She couldn't deny the fact that she saw her son cock an eyebrow.
"You haven't called me that in a while," Goku Jr mentioned, smiling in the process. He could see his mother smiling as well.
"I will call you by every nickname you went by if I have to," She said jokingly, causing them to laugh again.
"You can call me all of them except Karrot," Goku Jr said outright, causing them to laugh again. She knew how much he hated that particular nickname.
"Alright," she mentioned. Her voice is still soft and reasonable.
Goku Jr was surprised at how much she had mellowed out over the last forty-five years alone. Not something he expected. She also saw him at his lowest many times as well. Just as this happened, Son "Kakarot" Goku, the father of Goku Jr, was seen walking towards the door. "About time you showed up, Old man," Goku Jr jokingly said to his father.
Goku only chuckled at his son's remark. "This "Old Man" can still teach you a thing or two, young man," Goku said jokingly. He couldn't help but realize how much Junior was like him. Though he assumed it was partially because he did most of the discipline. He might have stepped up a lot more with Junior, specifically that Junior must have taken more from his father than his mother; unlike his two brothers, he was a pure-blooded Saiyan.
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nimbus-cloud-90 · 1 year
New Dbz Au Just Dropped!
(From me)
So: Piccolo's not a normal Namek right?
He can use magic, and create the dragon balls (even it was technically Kami if he was completely a warrior he probably shouldn't have been able to do it by law), when that's predominantly a job only reserved for the Healer clan.
And there's his barking voice able to scare others off, his intimidating mannerisms and the whole taking over the world thing which he did TWICE!!
So here's my thought: Demon King used to be a full time god (like Kami), but due to not being able to control it in his final moments (when Goku "killed" him) he gave himself a mortal body (yes kind of like Jesus) and now his godly spirit is inside dumb, vulnerable flesh.
How you ask is it possible for him to be a god in the first place?
Because: His father attained god hood from his lovely (and secret) Eldritch Horror Demon wife (Eldritch beings in my world are almost always gods).
His father is Marimba who was a Demon Clan Namekians, and Demon Clan members in this universe practiced magic because fuck society (it was frowned upon and discouraged for Warrior Clan members to practice magic so they created their own society on the other side of old Namek). So anyway back to the dad: he was....okay at fighting (not awful but he wears himself out pretty quickly) but he did enjoy it.
But he was good at magic. So good he even dabbled in some of the dark arts (which are dangerous and shouldn't be something to be taken lightly), and one day he accidently summoned an Eldritch Horror to Namek. And he got in big trouble.
And he was supposed to kill the Demon as the just found this a just sentence.
But fun fact: he didn't kill the Demon.
He made a deal with it instead.
Now brief intermission to talk about E.H.D: like more Eldritch Horrors looking at it will make you go crazy and this one is no exception to the rules. In fact being in it's presence too long, and how much you talk to it that day contributes to it as well. So the deal that was made was: the E.H.D. promised to stay deep within Namek's dark forest (another thing for another post) and stay as far away from the others as possible if Marimba would keep them alive (really the deal was for Marimba's sake there's no way he would've lived).
And for a few weeks they never incountered again, Marimba forgot he even summoned them in the first place, but one day E.H.D. met back up with him in a dream, and after assuring that the deal wasn't broken they began to talk regularly.
Long story short they fell in love and had Piccolo, who got kicked off the planet because he was deemed too dangerous to keep on the planet (some also thought it was gross that Marimba had sex in the first place but Marimba could care less about their petty gossip. But that was also on Old Namek and New Namek is much cooler about sexuality in general than it once was, even the more sex repulsed aces learned to be respectful to the ones that aren't).
Shortly after Marimba asked to attain god hood, even after being warned that his sanity might not be intact (another explaination about gods and who to obtain godhood in a different post at a different time).
And it's slightly because of this fact that gave him his apathetic nature toward mortals in general and pulled a Zamazu by trying to exterminate his race by putting a dry spell on his planet (the big dought that cause Namekians near extinction).
Safe to say that didn't go as planned so now the married couple spent their days in a small god city (which would become Conton city) and kept an eye on their son.
So then Goku killed him right? Their role started to be a little more involved, supporting him from the sidelines.
And then Nappa killed him they met for the first time (didn't go great but didn't go terribly either) but they were able to let the past stay in the past and they keep in touch regularly.
And in Superhero I headcannon that Piccolo is essentially a god now, so in this au he'd just be a god once more.
So I've shared with the class an idea that's taken over my life for the last couple of days, do with it what you will.
Be sure to stick around for everyone's new favorite sitcom: The Namekian That Fucked Around And Found Out!
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windsofredemption · 2 years
💫 Zamasu 💫
This version of Zamasu is the one erased from the present timeline, before he was able to murder Gowasu and start his Zero Mortal Plan-
Brought back from Erasure by the Supreme Kai of Time, he was given a second chance at life by working in Conton City as a mentor for Time Patrol trainees- Much to his distain.. Not that he has much of a choice, though... if he doesn't cooperate, he will be erased from existance again.
Despite the Ex-Apprentice's hostility towards Mortals at first, he's slowly adjusting and starting to change his views on Mortals and life overall, but it will take time.
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🎃 Pumkin 🎃
A Saiyan from Universe 6, Pumkin was a pirate that once wandered the stars with a crew of her own, leading a good life of thievery and brawling... until the Galatic Patrol finally caught up with her after one botched plan- resulting in her being locked up.
Luckily for her, it seems some have noticed her above average skills , and a deal was struck with the wayward saiyan- she would either serve her time as a time patroller, fixing history before irreversible damage was done to the timeline... oooor Stay in her cell.
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Pumkin decided to take the first option, obviously. The deal was too good to refuse!... Although she didn't realize just WHAT she got into...
🖤 Oswyn 🖤
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A mysterious Kai that was once one of the Supreme Kai, but now wanders, with no universe of his own. Has a bit of controversy around him...
⚔ Kite ⚔ (.Hack//)
(I'll write my own description later on him, for now, have the Wiki description lol)
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twooboomoomoo · 2 years
hello love i'm here to bother you <3 tell me thinks about jeice/regna. even silly or lovey little headcanons if that's easier for you
Hello!!! <3 I will provide headcanons with just enough context to get by.
- Neither of them technically asked the other out, but Jeice is the first to call Regna his 'boyfreind'. It takes three business days for Regna to function again after hearing that.
- They do a lot of talking through scouters. Regna was able to tamper with Jeice's enough that so their calls can't be traced, so they just kinda spend 'nights' talking to eachother.
- Regna thinks is cute how excited Jeice gets over basically anything. He'll tell Regna about old missions and memories he has about the rest of the Force. Even if he sometimes tweaks the stories just a little (Regna knows when he's lying. He's not a good liar, but he thinks it's cute). In turn Regna tells him about life on Bouquātia, the different flowers that grow there, festivals, etc.
- So no context to avoid this getting long, there's a huge city place thing in the center of Hell that's like a no-fire truce zone. Kinda like Conton City but in Hell. Jeice and Regna normally spend the day there when they get time to go on dates. They most often get lunch together: if Regna has it his way they go get noodles, if Jeice gets his way they go get burgers and ice cream.
- Jeice let's Regna brush his hair when they have the time. It's a pain to brush but Regna likes it. Regna lets Jeice do the same, and he's surprisingly good at braiding hair.
- Another long story made short, their first meeting ended with them battling via Rock Paper Scissors. They have been enamored with each other since.
- Since Regna hadn't been in a 'relationship' for like 32 years, his only two wingmen are an old Namekian who has legit no idea what dating is, and a half feral Saiyan who they found on the side of the road pretty much. Needless to say Regna doesn't often initiate dates early in the relationship.
- Jeice on the other hand is very much used to dating people, being a Pretty Boy ™️ and all that. But because I make the rules around here, Regna gets to be Different and Special.
- Regna is a little spoon. I still like the idea of him having to wrap his horns in pool noodles, it's canon. They take turns sleeping on top of eachother in the world's worst pile. He also sleeps in a lot, and gets mad when Jeice wakes up at like 5am to get ready for 6am workouts (that hour is spent brushing his hair).
- Jeice likes how deep Regna's voice is (maybe not 'deep', idk how else to describe it, but like if Regna whispers close enough to Jeice he can feel his voice in his throat. He thinks it's very cute, gets him every time). Regna's voice also gets slightly raspy (is that the word? Rough? He's a smoker so whatever makes sense) when he speaks deep enough. And when Regna speaks in his native language it's cute. He could literally be telling Jeice to die and he'd still find it attractive.
- Regna has to fight to understand half the shit Jeice says. Not a day goes by where Regna doesn't think about his dumb accent. He doesn't think it's cute why would it be cute?
- They compliment eachother on moves and techniques while fighting. It's cute to them, borderline annoying to most onlookers (Periwinkle makes fun of Regna after most fights. "You don't complement me when I fight". They argue like a married couple but that's besides the point)
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dragonballalltime · 1 year
Welcome to DRAGON BALL ALL-TIME! An improvised story, written by two different writers! Please enjoy, if you follow along!=== [BEGIN] [WRITER 1] Years after the events of the DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE games, the Time Patrol was still a thriving group telling off all time-bending baddies! Due to the ever-changing operation though, the patrol was always expanding, so Conton City has since been made larger, and a new city is even in the works! You can already see some additions that have made their mark, such as...
The God of Destruction of Time
Like the Supreme Kai of Time, there too exists a God of Destruction of Time. There's much more to discuss about that, but... Today, we introduce ourselves to the newest to take on the mantle! 
The God of Destruction of Time must go undercover as an ordinary Time Patroller in order to properly dictate what timelines need to be destroyed, vs. ones that simply need their distortions cleared as usual. So, the newest god, Daquiri, is tasked with the same, currently on her way to being introduced to her brand new Time Patrol team!
But... Will she get along with them? Her team leader is quite strict and astute, so the surprisingly meek destroyer god may not be able to keep up her cover for long... Daquiri isn't too comfortable letting others know of her position yet, since if other Patrollers knew that the God of Destruction of Time was among them on missions, they may grow too intimidated and mess up their tasks! So, Daquiri must be the one to survive being intimidated instead... It's a cruel world.
A cruel world that's about to be burst open... Now! [WRITER 2] "So you really don't have any books related to Time Manipulation...? Asking for safety reasons, of course."
"I'm afraid that information is well kept in the Time Vault, or the Capsule Corporation database, depending on the manipulation method."
A pair of patrollers would be discussing matters inside of a lonely library.
One of them appeared to be a Kai, her pointy ears and attire being strong indicators. She wore a badge over her uniform, indicating that she was an 'Elite-ranked Patroller'.
On the other side, a Frieza Clansmen -or rather, clanswomen- listened to her leader.
"I understand that, thanks for clearing it up. In any case, I believe our new team member should be arriving soon." The purple-skinned Kai says, changing the topic.
"Hm? The one that Magma assigned to us himself?" The other woman inquires.
"That would be correct. He didn't rely much information to me, so I expect that they are able to give us more details about themselves." [WRITER 1] Soon, the library wouldn't be as lonely since a new lady walked in during the two's conversation.
The first thing you could tell about her is that she was tall, almost comically so, as she had to bend underneath entryways to not bump into them. The second key factor of the lady's appearance was that she had the face of a dog - not as in she's ugly, but a literal dog! Of course, the God of Destruction Beerus is a cat, so now we have a dog. "... O-oh, yoohoo!" But... The final inkling of her appearance was probably the most important of all. Despite being a big dog, her expression might as well have been a puppy's, her shaky figure joining her soft frame. She gulps a little, keeping up a polite smile.
"I-i'm Eireni, your new teammate!... Wait--" The lady smacks herself immediately. "No, you're Eireni, I'm Daquiri! Uhm... Hi!"
She sweats. Not only was she feeling nervous about being out of her God of Destruction attire and donning casual clothes instead, but she even botched her greeting! 
Daquiri keeps a big smile as she screams internally. "I hope we can be friends!" [WRITER 2] Eiréni and her teammate exchange glances, and then they both reply with a similar smile.
"Welcome, I'm Ava! Please, have a seat." The Frieza clanswomen gestures to a third chair awaiting next to their table.
"Welcome indeed, I am Eiréni, as you have already pointed out. I'll be your team leader from now on." The Kai replies, nodding to the chair as well.
"We can get on all that technical time patrolling stuff later on. But for now, we rather know more about yourself, if you're willing to share." [WRITER 1] "U-uh, thanks!"
Daquiri smiles, smiling and dying inside all the way towards the chair. She sits down, and... Crack! "!!" The chair snapped a bit beneath her large body. However, she just tries to hide it, using her long skirt to cover up the broken leg as she never lets up her intensely sweating smile. "Thanks for the warm greeting!" There was something else she was trying to 'cover up', too. "Oh, me? Well, like I said, my name is Daquiri, and I'm the new God of--" She immediately puts a hand in front of her mouth, thinking, "O-oh, shoot...!"
She almost slipped up already!
"...G-god of... Sewing...!" "I don't even know how to sew??" "Yeah!" 
“........... . . .. . .”
Daquiri kept shaking.
[WRITER 2] "God... of sewing? Can't say I have ever heard state something so daring." Eiréni comments, glancing at Daquiri's chair momentarily after hearing it snap, but continues as if nothing happened.
"Mhm. You must be really good at it, hm? Come to think of it, I could use a new suit, this one is a bit worn out after all these years." Ava pulls at her white suit. [WRITER 1] "Oh, I see! Well, it is quite the suit! I could help you fix it sometime!" Not unless Ava wanted it to be ripped to shreds.
"U-uhm, uhh..." Daquiri clears her throat. "Sooo... Magma, the head of the Elite Time Patrol! He told me some stuff about you two before sticking me in your team!" She says. "Ava, you're... One of the city's librarians, correct? That explains the surroundings then, haha!"
"Aaand... Eireni..." Daquiri began to shake a little more. Something about that Kai's gaze felt so critical... "...O-one of the newest Elites, right?" Gulp. She hopes she didn't get that wrong.
[WRITER 2] "Correct. I'm glad Magma took that into account when arranging our meeting. It would've been somewhat of an issue if you had come here on a busier day." Ava explains.
"Certainly one of the newest, I was ascended not too long ago. It almost caught me off-guard, I thought it would never happen at this point." Eiréni replies. [WRITER 1] "Oh, I see! That's good to hear." Daquiri smiles. "I'm a new Time Patroller myself. I joined because..." She racks her brain. "...N-no particular reason..." She gulps again.
But, then she clears her throat. "Sooo, Ava, got any reading recommendations?" She asks. "Anything on the God of Destruction of Time position, perhaps?" She almost couldn't get more obvious. "It better not say anything weird!"
[WRITER 2] "Hm? Oh, I'm sure there must be some volumes speaking about the topic on the Deities section. Don't expect much though, the position is still fairly new, after all." Ava points out, as she glances over to a specifc aisle.
"That's true. I wonder if they've even appointed anyone yet." Eiréni comments. [WRITER 1] "W-well, there have been a few in the past, but... They all seemed to..."
She shakes her head. "N-not that I would be too studied on the topic, eheh!" Daquiri adjusts her seating.
And that makes her fully break her chair. "GAAAH!" She looked like a spilled plate of spaghetti, laid out on the floor among wood chips.
[WRITER 2] "Erm, are you okay?" Ava goes over to Daquiri to help her stand up.
"Do you have any other chairs around here that aren't made of cheap wood?" Eiréni asks, not as concerned as her teammate. "They can't just go breaking down because someone is shaking nervously on them..." [WRITER 1] "I-I'm oka--" Eireni's final sentence almost made Daquiri burst out and cry. "I-I'm not shaking...!" She was.
Her eyes dart around the room. She wanted to find something to take the attention away from her. "U-uhm, I know!" Spotting a board game on one of the shelves, a thought comes to her immediately. Without giving it much mulling over, she spits out, "H-how about we play '2 Truths 1 Lie'? That'd be a great way to get to know each other!"
She smiles.
And she also sits on her knees in front of the table, there not being much of a difference between that and a chair due to her height. "S-sorry about the chair, by the way! You can take it out of my paycheck!" The God in hiding tries to quickly move past it.
[WRITER 2] "A childish game as a method for an interview? Just who does she-"
"That sounds nice, Daquiri. May I ask you to go first?" Ava interjects, having noticed a subtle annoyance in Eiréni's expression. [WRITER 1] "E-eh? Uhm... Sure! I can try!" She was hoping to have time to think while they went first. Oh no.
"...Eeehm... Uuuhhhh..."
Why was Eireni looking at her like that?? She gulps, trying to think faster.
"O-okay!" Daquiri takes a deep breath. 
"I... Know how to sew."
"I've played basketball with Lord Zen-Oh before."
"I, uh... Like 'Skooby Snacks'."
She exhales. "N-now, you both have to pick which you think is the lie!" Nervous smile.
[WRITER 2] Both Patrollers squinted at Daquiri, carefully processing each statement.
"Hm... I'd say it was playing basketball with Lord Zen-Oh... I've never heard of him interacting with any mortal, outside of a certain incident." Ava replies, then glancing at Eiréni, who seemed deep in thought still.
"What is a 'Skooby Snacks'...?" [WRITER 1] "Oh, uh... They're, uh... Uh... Dog food..." Daquiri mumbles, before scratching the back of her head and laughing while saying, "E-ehehe, yeah! It sounds quite silly, but, uh, I did! He thought I was tall!" She looks around nervously. "No other reason he'd play with a mortal, haha!"
"And, oh, uh, yeah, I lied about being able to sew." She says. "I, uh, wasn't telling the truth earlier when I said I could... Uhhh..."
"Y-your turn!" Daquiri randomly points at one of them, wanting to change the subject. When she found her finger landed towards Eireni, she shook, and changed to Ava. "I-I meant you!"
[WRITER 2] "Oh? Alright." Ava nods, taking a minute to think.
"Let's see... I get my hair done often, I've taken books out of my own library without paying, and I can speak around 20 languages." She listed.
"Hm. You made it quite easy." Eiréni comments. [WRITER 1] "Oh, uh!--" Daquiri goes to comment immediately, but she hears Eireni's remark. "She made it... Easy?" Oh no! What if she gets it wrong??
She panics. 
"Uhm, uhh... Uhm!!..." Not knowing what to do with her hands, she flails somewhat before pointing a finger up and claiming, "Uhh, the lie is about your hair!"
"Wait, no--"
"You've taken books out!"
"No, that would be wrong--"
"20 languages!"
She stiffens. She ended up picking all three! "Aah...!" "U-uh, just go with the last one I said! Final answer!" [WRITER 2] "Wrong, I'm afraid. I would never take a book out without paying its respective value. I might the one in charge of this library, but that does not put me above the rules." Ava corrects.
"Polishing her hair also counts as getting it done, and last time I checked, she knows 19 languages, to be exact." Eiréni clarifies.
"yeah but twenty is a prettier number and makes me sound smarter-"
"Uh-huh. So I take it that it's my turn now, correct?" Eiréni asks, now slightly amused. [WRITER 1] "Wait, so I was right...?" Daquiri looks around, stunned. "Yay!!" She smiles gleefully, all tension from her fading for a moment as she claps her hands excitedly. "W-wow, Ms. Ava! That's wonderful! I only know one language, ehehe!"
She returns to panic. "U-uhm... Yeah!" Daquiri responds to Eireni, finding herself scooting closer to Ava.
[WRITER 2] "Hm." Eiréni places her hand under her chin, thinking.
"I like women." She states.
Dead silence.
"Uhm, Eiréni... You're supposed to state three different things." Ava remarks, nudging her leader.
"My contribution to this game has ended." She replies with a deadpan tone. [WRITER 1] "U-uh--"
Looking like a dog, one might assume that Daquiri was 'not too fond of gay people'. However, she only really seemed shocked by the suddenness of it.
"Is that the lie??" Daquiri dimwittedly asks, having never had an intelligent thought. "I don't get it..." She looks at Ava for help.
Ava merely tilts her head. "Why do you seem so confused?"
[WRITER 1] "I, uhh... Uhh..."
"I didn't know girls could like girls."
"So it's the lie, right?"
"But she didn't say anything else..."
[WRITER 2] "Perhaps we should leave it at that, lest you get further confused." Ava recommends with a slight chuckle.
Eiréni remained silent, just listening to the two while dying inside. [WRITER 1] "Uuuhm.. Okay??"
"Uuh, I guess it's my turn now..."
Daquiri puts a hand on her chin, thinking.
"Hmm... I should saaay... I should say that I'm a god! Then say it's a lie, because then they won't suspect me..."
"But, that would be an actual lie! Aw!"
"Then maybe I should saaay... I don't like Ms. Eireni's hair..."
"But that would be the lie!"
"But I'm supposed to come up with a lie!"
Before long, birds were spinning around her head. She was trying to figure out how to not feel guilty in a game about lies.
"O-okay, I have them!"
"...Uuh... I... Played basketball... With Whis..."
"I like Ms. Eireni's hairstyle."
"The sentence I'm saying right now... Is the truth!"
She smiles with flushed cheeks. "U-uh, guess!"
[WRITER 2] "Hm... You really like playing basketball, hm? However, this time I am certain that it's a lie. I doubt any Angel would dedicate themselves to sports when they have many other important matters to be concerned with." Ava guesses.
"A-and...!" Ahem. "And, should the sentence were you claim to be saying the truth not be true, you wouldn't have been able to state it as fact." Eiréni ends up re-joining the game. [WRITER 1] "Well, uhh... People just like playing it with me since I'm tall!" Daquiri says. "It was on the same day, too! Mr. Whis walked up to me like 'My, my, I had no idea that gods could be so ballin' then he--"
"--I mean, not that I would be a god, uhh--"
Eireni... Proved why Daquiri's lie didn't make sense. That was going to be the lie. "...U-uhm..." Trying not to look dumb, she blurts out, "T-the hair thing was the lie!"
Daquiri holds her head in her hands, wanting to scream as she tries to incoherently murmur an excuse. "I-it's a lie because... I love the hair, not like..!" She really should have thought this game out before picking it...
[WRITER 2] Ava and Eiréni exchange glances once again.
"So we are expected to believe that deities approach you merely for your ability to be 'so ballin'?" The Kai inquires.
"Why not?" The other woman interjects.
"Ava, you should know well at this point that gods do not 'ball', did you forget?"
"Maybe you are the one that doesn't 'ball'?" Ava suggests, snickering. [WRITER 1] "U-uhm, well, I'm sure they would let you, if you wanted! The Supreme Kai of Time shows up for the games sometimes!" The god says. "...Though, uh, she's not very good because she's short... And, uh..."
"Y-your turn!" Dodging any other criticism, she nudges Ava. Despite it being just a nudge, she was so nervous that she couldn't control her strength, so it hurt quite a bit... "O-oh, sorry!!" [WRITER 2] Ava winced slightly, but she just nodded, accepting the apology. Where does all her patience come from?
"I have more hobbies outside of reading."
"...My shirt size is between S and M."
"My favorite color is a very specific shade of blue. ...There you go!" [WRITER 1] "...Hmmm..." Daquiri puts a hand on her chin, inspecting Ava. She tugs at her shirt a little. "No, not it..." She looks at Ava. Daquiri gasps, having an epiphany. "Oh, I know it! You're blue, so clearly, you must like blue! The lie is about your hobbies!" 
She sounded very confident. "I-I don't have very many hobbies myself, ehehe..." She scratches her head shyly, blushing.
[WRITER 2] "uhm"
"Well, at least she didn't make fun of me for it, I guess...?" Ava sighs, nodding to Daquiri.
"You are correct. If I'm not reading or working, I usually find myself without nothing else to do." She admits, somewhat embarrassed. [WRITER 1] "Oh, well, uhm, maybe I could read with you, sometime!" Daquiri suggests, smiling gleefully. "I could show you some of my hobbies, too!"
"Like basketball."
"Which sometimes involves gods... For no particular reason!"
"U-uhm, your turn, Ms. Eireni!" Her cheerfulness began to fade into stiffness yet again.
[WRITER 2] "Oh, uhm, sure thing!" Ava smiles back.
"...Me again?" Eiréni scratches her head. 
"I thought I had lost the game." [WRITER 1] "Y-you did?" Daquiri asks. "I didn't know you could lose..."
"But, uh, I'll go instead, then!" In actuality, she took the chance to not accidentally end up saying something off kilter about Eireni.
But now she has to rack her brain again!
"Aaagh... I-i can't keep lying! I'm running out things to say..."
"...Maybe I can..."
Daquiri began to hold her head, looking quite unsettled.
"I don't want them to judge me...!"
[WRITER 2] "Hm... I didn't know that either..." Ava comments, glancing at Eiréni.
They both turned their gaze back at Daquiri, expectant. [WRITER 1] "...!!"
She notices immediately. Her heart pounds!
"U-uh, just say something!"
"Uh, I just peed myself!"
"I also played basketball with the Grand Priest once."
"I am the God of Destruction of Time."
She began to shake like a cartoon skeleton, making chattering noises.
[WRITER 2] "Uh..."
"That is... disgusting, if true..." Eiréni speaks up. "However, I must assume that is the lie. I'm inclined to believe that you have at least enough dignity to be able to handle yourself in such a situation. Following your previous statements of having 'balled' with other higher ranked deities, I doubt you would lie about someone like the Grand Priest. Being the God of Destruction of Time would explain why you are able to meet up with said deities too." She analyzes, staring directly into Daquiri's eyes as she broke down her thought process.
"That's true, but maybe she did pee herself...? Sometimes you are a bit... You know..." Ava interjects.
"a bit what" [WRITER 1] "............"
With each passing word, Daquiri shakes more, her pupils dilating. There was some kind of strange puddle under her, too...
"Uh no I havent played basketball with the Grand Priest he doesn't like it"
"I peed and also I'm the god of destruction of time"
She screams internally.
"I-i didn't want them to look at me differently...! But... It feels worse to lie and try to be someone else!"
She looks at her wrist. "Oh, wow, would you look at the time!" She didn't have a watch. "Gotta go bye"
Within seconds, she was gone.
[WRITER 2] "!!!!?!??!?"
The duo was utterly shaken, to say the least.
"WE HAVE BEEN SEATING IN FRONT OF A GOD THIS WHOLE AFTERNOON?!" Eiréni exclaims. Ava merely replies with a sigh. "A god that peed on one of my chairs..."
[WRITER 1] Actually, she peed on the floor. She broke the chair a while ago!
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offlineso · 2 years
Dbz xenoverse 2 collector's edition
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The soundtrack has been edited to suit Xenoverse 2, from cutscenes to battle themes. NEW LOCAL AND ONLINE BATTLES: Fight through New, Classic, and Team Battles with up to 6 players, including characters from Dragon Ball Super. 2 - Xbox One Games Overwatch Origins Edition & Dragonball 2 Xenoverse. A complete soundtrack replacement for Xenoverse 2, using the great Bruce Faulconer score from the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Z.YOUR CHARACTER, YOUR WAY: Choose among thousands of customization options to create your own character and build up your power.v.EXHALTING FIGHT AWAITS: Fast paced battles, smooth 60 FPS and gorgeous HD graphics for even more epic fights.Conton City is more than seven times bigger than Toki Toki City! You can now fly around the city with up to 300 other players! BIGGER AND BETTER:Explore a massive, all-new hub with hundreds of players and activities.RELIVE DRAGON BALL EMBLEMATIC EVENTS: Enemies from different timelines enter the story of Dragon Ball.UNITE AND FLY THROUGH TIME TO PROTECT DRAGON BALL’S HISTORY! Take advantage of great prices on Blu-ray, 4K, merchandise, games. DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 will deliver a new hub city and the most character customization choices to date among a multitude of new features and special upgrades. Buy Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: Collectors Edition from Zavvi, the home of pop culture. Last Updated: 2020.11.14 Options Num 1 Infinite Health Num 2 Infinite Ki Num 3 Infinite STM Num 4 Max Combo Num 5.You can pre-order the game on amazon for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.YOUR STORY, YOUR AVATAR, YOUR DRAGON BALL WORLDĭRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 gives players an all new Dragon Ball experience: Fly around Conton City with up to 300 other players, face off against super powered bosses with 6-player teams and create your own character to save the Dragon Ball timeline in style.ĭeveloped to fully utilize the power of current generation gaming consoles and PCs, DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 builds upon the highly popular DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE with enhanced graphics that will further immerse players into the largest and most detailed Dragon Ball world ever developed. Deluxe Edition includes:-Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2-Future Trunks, Early access playable character-Season Pass : Extend your experience and get access to 4 content packs sold separately, including: Game is a great Sequel. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Trainer FLiNG Trainer 48 14 Options If that is still too much, the gamers can pre-order the game and nab a character from the Dragon Ball Super anime and the Tao Pai Pai Stick vehicle to help traverse the world of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.ĭragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Launches on October 25th, 2016 starting at $59.99. The Deluxe Edition includes the season pass and four DLC packs. DBZ XENOVERSE 2 CHARS PROYECT AND NEW DBZ KAKAROTTO SCREENPACK (Read 123707 times) Started by oscar123, December 06, 2019, 01:07:40 PM Email this topic View printable version Share this topic: »
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Zizzi was enjoying some time relaxing in Conton city after working on some missions recently. She was enjoying a nice walk around town at the moment as she looked at the sky. She had her hands in her pockets as she was wondering around.
The Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa was walking out of the Time Nest while her best friend, Tokitoki was flying alongside her and they both see Zizzi wondering around Conton City.
"Oh Zizzi! There you are." Chronoa waved and greeted to the blue Majin Time Patroller.
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kasarawolf · 1 year
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9. Chapter 1 has quite a bit of info dumping. This is because the story takes place 20 years after Future Trunks defeated the androids, so it’s been awhile since the end of that storyline in Z~!
10. Bulma is in her early 70’s in the story! Trunks would be around 40, but due to being in Conton City for various amounts of time, he has aged much slower.
11. Much larger species, like Dragons and Dinosaurs, are extinct in Future Trunks/Kota’s timeline. This is because when the Androids were ravaging the Earth, the planet couldn’t sustain such massive creatures and they eventually all died out. RIP.
12. Conton City is “the Future,” timeline, Future Trunks Timeline is “Present” and the Original Timeline (Where Goku and co reside) is the “Past.” These 3 branches make up “The Main Timeline.” More info about this will be added to my Guide Book once I draw up all the necessary pics!
13. History is not recorded in the Crack of Time. So anything that happens in there is permanent. This is due to Time not existing there. So no redo's or changing history in there!
14. Conton’s history is one long big scroll with no breaks in it, due to it being “the Future” so the Future is always being written upon!
15. Kota is Demisexual. (Even though it’s never said openly in story) I never saw him as someone that would actively date/chase/crush on someone right from the get go in his creation 14 years ago. It wasn’t until Xenoverse 2’s release is when I realllyyy started to think about a potential partner for him. His 3 possible love interests, were my oc's, Gigen, Tomata and an un-named girl (who is STILL in the story, just not named yet lol) However, right from the start, they never really meshed well with him and were quickly dropped. But he could not be forever single, because parts of his character wanted that connection with someone. And thennnn Fu was introduced in 2018 and his personality meshed well with Kota’s, and I was like “oh yup. There he is! Freakin finally the quest for your Significant other is over,” and the rest is history~ and who doesn’t love a “Hero” and “Villain” characters, secretly dating on the side. Just me? Oh. Alrighty then ^_^;
16. There are real world references in the story! Mostly to make it easier to write. Though some things, have off brands/non copyrighted stuff for them made up. Other World references mostly come from Kota, Sakana or TWIG. This is because Sakana, the previous Hero, is from “Other World.” And since Sakana is Kota’s mom, well, no need to explain that xD
17. How the story is written info! A lot of the characters can be unreliable narrators when telling the story. Since the story is told mostly in Kota’s POV and his POV is just all over the place (and then by arc two, Fu’s is incorporated in as well) Sooo yeaahh, good luck with figuring what’s true and what’s not xD (Unless another character confirms the other characters beliefs, which does happen lol) The whole story however, is written in 3rd person.
18. More writing facts. I intentionally gave some lines in the story double meanings. 2 examples (Spoilers removed from both)
EX. 1 Who's thoughts are they? Kota's? Fu's?? BOTH???
Though some thoughts may seem like they are written to be attached to a certain character (very intentional) It never specifies who's thought's we are seeing, (With saying Kota thinks or Fu thinks) during this set scene. Mostly all up to your interpretation as the reader.
EX.2 Is he talking about someone else being alright? Or himself?
This one is one of those "double meanings" segments. Again, mostly up to the interpretation of the reader!
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megamattzx · 1 year
Preview of Dragon Ball New Frontier: Flight of Fate
Chapter 1:
It was just a quiet night in Conton City, home of the Time Patrol. The stars shine over the night sky as the world around the city. Cars drove around the streets as people did various businesses an average person would pursue. At the same time, one particular individual observed from the highest floor in the tower that stood over the markets. A Saiyan who seemingly was the age of 24, through his mannerism, suggested that he was a lot older than he seemed to be.
Watching all the events of the city all lit up at night, he felt the cold breeze in the chili air as the wind blew his hair over his balcony as he sat down to drink some hot chocolate. The Saiyan male couldn't help but wonder how things could be the way they were.  The taste of hot chocolate felt like heaven after a long stressful day at work from saving the Omniverse as he always did. The constant comparisons to people he knew all too well and even before he was a time patroller.
His messy hair was all over the place unless he used hair gel or transformed into a Super Saiyan or any other transformation he had that would alter the hairstyle in any way, moving from the wind blowing it all over the place, but he didn't care. The breeze felt like a weight of stress was already being lifted from his shoulders, and it felt liberating. Drinking more of his hot chocolate, he took a deep breath and looked over to the city lights of Conton City, home of the entire Time Patrol. He has been a part of the organization for the past 45 years since he was 24.
His tail moved around a bit even though he was sitting down. He was currently in comfortable clothes that were pajamas with green sweatpants with the laces being tied together in the manner of the waste area adjusted to the way he wanted so that he could quickly get out of them but also be able to keep them on, his short sleeve t-shirt primarily white with blue on top and blue writing on it that said the name Goku on could be seen on the T-shirt, as he stared into the city below, deep in thought and concentration as he did some.
A picture was next to him showcasing him when he was much younger with another kid who looked identical to him and three other people as he picked it up and stared down into it. The picture featured him in a blue martial arts key with blue pants, red combat boots, redhead wristbands, a red headband, and a teal shirt underneath the blue Gi.
Next to him in the picture was a young boy around the same age when the photo was taken with an all too familiar orange and blue GI with a long-sleeved shirt. He didn't have a tail, but he had the same messy hair as he did and looked utterly identical except for the clothing and that one difference between them. He couldn't help but smile at that fact. Behind them were three taller individuals in the picture, one wearing a purple martial arts go with his hair spiked up and with a singular bang, his posture showing a sense of calm and easiness as he smiled for the camera when the picture was taken.
The other man behind them looked exactly like this Saiyan, and his apparent look alike though older and wearing an orange and blue GI. All of them have jet-black hair, just like the Saiyan do now. He then looked at the only woman in the picture standing between them with a bright smile. Her hair was tied in a material-style ponytail, and she wore a purple short-sleeve dress of a dynasty-style culture. Her Raven hair matches the rest of the jet-black hair in the group. Her arms around the man's right arm while also tugging on his orange gi. The Saiyan couldn't help but smile at the photo as he reminisced in the past.
"I miss those days…." He said to himself as he remembered how now he was living on his own and had been doing so for the past 45 years, all the while the rest of his family were doing other stuff for the time being. "Back when both of us looked exactly like Dad. I didn't have to worry too much about threats because Dad was always saving the world. Before we joined the Time Patrol." That last remark he made reminded him of a much simpler time. A time when he didn't have to worry about threats looming over him all the time while the whole world was, for the most part, safe and in good hands.
Those were much simpler times, indeed. Times when he didn't have to worry about stepping up and doing his part to save his world. Now, he had to do his part to save his world and every plane of existence, for that matter. There was something that he truly missed over the years. And now he had found it.
"We used to pull pranks on each other all the time, remember Goten?" He spoke to himself again, referring to his identical "twin" as if he knew him personally. Knowing he wouldn't get a response from the picture, he imagined this person agreeing with him and reminiscing as they always did together. Though times had changed, Son Kakarot Goku Jr had joined all his friends and family in joining the Time Patrol, and the Time Patrol was founded. Goku Jr had helped build the Time Patrol and remembered it like yesterday. The day that changed his life forever.
The day when he started to always be in constant danger and always had to train and stay on guard, should he ever be needed, and more often than not, he was. But he couldn't deny that being part of the Time Patrol, one of the vast aspects of protecting the Omniverse, had perks. He had more than a stable income to where he could live like an aristocrat if he wanted to and endless benefits along with it, indeed quite a few rewards for the hard work he put into it. He also built a fearsome reputation as one of the Omniverse's many Heroes. Alongside his father, Son Goku or Son Goku Sr, as some people call him.
And not to mention all of the adventures he had gone through despite all the danger that came with them. However, those adventures were always a downside, especially when they took a toll on him mentally. Some experiences were quite pleasant in hindsight, which excited him. Others, not so much. He stared into the city on the rooftop of his penthouse apartment, which consisted of three floors and could be easily mistaken as a nightclub if he hadn't set up everything to make it clear that this was mainly a home for him first and foremost.
Before he could do anything else, a ring at the doorbell of the main floor of his apartment was Heard as he began to walk down the stairs. He could have taken the elevator built into the penthouse specifically for those three floors, but he didn't want to leave any room for thoughts when he greeted his potential guest. Upon answering the door, he saw a woman matching the picture that he would look at with her Raven hair. Still, this time with it down and wearing more of a teal-ish blue, green Chinese dress, her serious expression slowly faded upon seeing him, and Goku Jr quickly recognized that this was Chi-Chi.
"Mom! What a present surprise!" The Saiyan said as he saw her. He was surprised she would visit him after work, considering how tired she usually was when running all the education boards for Canton City. Ensuring the future of those who would join the Time Patrol or play a much more significant role in Conton City in a societal and economic stature indeed had many perks. Still, he clearly could tell that it can also be an extremely stressful job at times. Despite her looks, her mannerisms showed her true age as the Time Patrol allowed her to stay physically young so that she could do what she did for as long as possible. She did very much appreciate the perks and utilized them to her advantage. That much was clear. He was still surprised that she would take the time to visit him, considering how busy she had been as of late, just like his father, but her visit was undoubtedly not unwelcome. "Why don't you come in? I can get you something to drink while you try to relax. You must have had a stressful day."
Chi-Chi couldn't help but smile from her son's polite surprise to see her, but she could tell he was glad. "It's fine, Kaka," she assured him. "You've been having a stressful month yourself, hopping around dimensions. You need to take this break as much as I do. Probably even more so." She lightly laughed a bit from her teasing, causing Goku Jr to chuckle.
"Is Dad coming over?" He asked his mother with a hint of anticipation as she nodded, causing him to feel relieved a bit.
"He's downstairs at the moment, currently reprimanding a rookie for careless flying." She couldn't help but giggle, and she said that as she couldn't help but notice that Goku had become much more responsible over the years. More accountable than she ever anticipated, nonetheless. The Time Patrol must have genuinely helped him immensely. Though she did always see him at his worst as all the years he spent fighting were finally starting to take a toll on him mentally.
But she could tell that her support of him allowed him to get through it. She pushed him further into accomplishing so much in the Time Patrol. She encouraged him to mix up the different jobs he had to ensure that he could balance everything out, from training rookies to going on missions and even doing stuff at home like farm work; all of this did help him. However, she couldn't help but tease him about becoming a workaholic sometimes.
"I do not want to experience getting an earful from him again." Goku Jr joked as he then began to shrug. "Last time that happened, he put weights on my limbs and increased them every time I got used to it and put me through a training regiment that left me exhausted."
Chi-Chi couldn't help but continue to laugh a bit at her son's remark. She remembered that day well. He and Goten were 16 at the time, and they had been skipping school when Goku caught them in the act; while she did have more of a say in raising Gohan and Goten, she knew full well to trust Goku with the disciplinary stuff when it came to Goku Jr. He was a Pure-Blooded Saiyan. Goku was a lot harder on him because of it. She could never help but notice how scary it was that he looked almost identical to his father, if not for the tail. Sure, Goku used to have one, but he permanently lost it long ago. Part of her was glad that Goku Jr decided to wear different outfits from his father to the point where even his gi was slightly different. Even if it was similar to his father's, it allowed her to tell him apart much more accessible.
"If your father heard you say that, he would put you through twice the training he put you through that day." She retorted back at Goku Jr, causing him to chuckle a bit.
"Fair enough." The Saiyan then told her. Taking a little bit of time to think about what to say next, he remembered how long he had been physically in his twenties. Thinking about it made him realize how much time has gone by—all of the various timelines he explored with different outcomes. And not only that, the fact that he spent a very long time in the state made him realize that he would live a lot longer than he would have anticipated initially.. "I'm surprised Chronoa let us keep our youth for as long as she had." He said before he began to ponder more and more.
"She said we would be like this for as long as we're in the Time Patrol." Chi-Chi reminded him. "And with how things have been going, we might be immortal. All of us started doing it because we all had a responsibility. You're doing it a lot more often now."
"And Goten's probably asleep by now because he has to go to work," Goku Jr added. "Considering how much he works, I'm surprised he's been able to get any sleep as it is."
"It'll be fine, Sonku," Chi-Chi retorted as she tried to assure her son that his brother would be okay. She couldn't deny the fact that she saw her son cock an eyebrow.
"You haven't called me that in a while," Goku Jr mentioned, smiling in the process. He could see his mother smiling as well.
"I will call you by every nickname you went by if I have to," She said jokingly, causing them to laugh again.
"You can call me all of them except Karrot," Goku Jr said outright, causing them to laugh again. She knew how much he hated that particular nickname.
"Alright," she mentioned. Her voice is still soft and reasonable.
Goku Jr was surprised at how much she had mellowed out over the last forty-five years alone. Not something he expected. She also saw him at his lowest many times as well. Just as this happened, Son "Kakarot" Goku, the father of Goku Jr, was seen walking towards the door. "About time you showed up, Old man," Goku Jr jokingly said to his father.
Goku only chuckled at his son's remark. "This "Old Man" can still teach you a thing or two, young man," Goku said jokingly.  He couldn't help but realize how much Goku Jr was like him. Though he assumed it was partially because he did most of the discipline.  It was possible that because he stepped up a lot more with His adopted son, specifically, Goku Jr must have taken more from his father than his mother, unlike his two brothers, he was a pure-blooded Saiyan. Though Goku Jr did take up traits from Chi-Chi. One, he was more patient. He was equally as stubborn as both of his parents combined, and equally as patient.
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pxopuprincxss · 4 years
Zizzi was walking around the place as she was glad to have a moment to relax. She had soon noticed Kairi as she walked up to her. "Hello, I don't think I have seen you before." She said as she floated off the ground a bit.
Kairi was out in Conton City during her training to be a Keyblade Master until Sora could be found. She then turns her head to Zizzi. "Oh hi there. Yeah, I'm kinda new here."
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friendlyheartless · 4 years
Zizzi had decided to check up on her friends and give them some snacks that she had made. She hoped that they liked the stuff since she worked hard on them. She would start to look around for big belly now as she walked around for him.
Big Belly the Large Body had shook his belly when he had appeared in Conton City. As he was there, the Large Body Heartless was looking for Zizzi. He hoped maybe she had time to play with him and his jelly belly.
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bluemajingirl · 3 years
"Hey, I know you. You helped my friends in other worlds." Sora said to Zizzi, recognizing her as he was in Conton City. (@muses-of-the-memory)
"Oh, I have helped out them out." She looked a little surprised to see him hear as she was in the middle of eating a candy bar.
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