wylecat · 4 months
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Cherry lore?
(Older drawing)
Cherry/Sakura!Sans belongs to me
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bluecandygardener · 8 months
New Character Time
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This is Katana and Akuma. They are from an upcoming au called Sakuratale. Katana is kind and majestic while Akuma shouldn't be trusted.
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teamstarlight1 · 1 year
Hello I'm TeamStarlight or you can call me TS, I'm the creator of Lucia (my persona), fallen fates, paralleltale, Sakuratale, yokaitale, ExitTale, SnowheavenTale, ReverseTale and Lemontale. You can ask me or my character plus with my persona any questions
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ghost-kitty-draws · 2 years
Haidjkddj did like
Most of this drawing in a moving car—
Anyways, meet OwlTale Sakura!
A very kind Japanese lady suffering from a Hanahaki-like disease <3
Imagine if the hanahaki disease becomes real this year...
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amy-rose-starlight · 3 years
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Sakura gaster
Sakuratale and lilytale belongs to me
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fourmaumau · 3 years
Sakuratale #2839
(🎨✏️): ¡Hey, es mi familia! (Hey! That's my family!)
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Sakuratale: @yukiblue94
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arapajita · 5 years
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!!please dont remove the caption!!
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metalcrusher-jpeg · 5 years
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gem-16-blog · 6 years
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junjomonstah · 6 years
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🌸💖 Happy valanetines Day from a very pink sans~! 💖🌸
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wylecat · 4 months
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Colored my doodle style, this was so refreshing‼️
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faru-chan · 6 years
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amooncreature · 3 years
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Hi! sᴜɴɴʏ ᴅᴀʏ✧
TETRA / Soft Wool Knit Sweater @Mainstore NEW
TETRA / Dina Denim Ripped Skirt @Mainstore NEW
.::Supernatural::. / Kyary Necklace
LERONSO / Pearl earrings "Whishine"
tram / K0328 hair
Loki / Red Beret
Neverending - Sakura Tales
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amy-rose-starlight · 3 years
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Sakura: i can't wait for Christmas...HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY FOR EVERYONE (early) ^w^
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hauntedfell · 2 years
Under the cherry tree
(story is based around the image made by @mblue-art​ ! still doing a lot of research for this and more parts coming soon!!)
it has been a while that cross was in the omega timeline, it was peaceful to a fault. Monsters still fought among themselves and the few humans that survived their over world genocides. Core frisk and dream have helped Cross get used to life there after the whole… Xevent that happened. He decided to stay after the humans in his world defeated Xgaster. He knew the others wanted him to stay but he can’t… not yet not when there are others that need him the most in the omega timeline.
Brother's insistence he visits home when he can. With dream and the others he has visited a lot of other alternative universes in tracking down Nightmare and his gang. He still doesn’t trust ink for what he did but he is still willing to work with him on jobs. In many of the worlds he would see the alternative versions of nightmare and the others and watched as they got the help they needed or they fell for someone while using them for a plan or some other reason, mostly from what he was able to see the person was able to put up with them and not take their bull.
But they all ended up being the same, the one they picked to pull into their lives wound up showing them little to no fear and somehow knew how to handle them, normally because they came from an abusive background but they didn’t let that hold them back from treating others with respect if they were shown it.
At first he would roll his eyes at that, especially in the Soul-mate worlds they find themselves in at times. Well more often than he would like and when he brought that up to dream he just answered. “It's because love can be the most painful thing anyone can experience, too much of it and it can become an obsession, too little of it and you just feel numb when someone truly loves you.” he said as he watched as a yandere!san’s stalked his soul-mate after killing their friend. “it can be used as a tool to manipulate others as well….”
he said this as if it happened to him as well but he shook his head and smiled at Cross. “but with the right amount of it things can work out well, yes there will be some pain but things will always turn out alright.” he said as he stretched. “Come on, we should head back so this timeline can run its course.” he said as he started to walk away. “and plus there is a festival that’s going to happen soon at home and I wanna get there to help!” he said happily.
With a roll of his eye light’s cross followed dream as they met up with a few of the others that came with them. The others were excitedly talking about the festival as dream used a “short-cut” to get them all back to the omega timeline.
The festival was just something simple to celebrate the town’s founding. It was nice but not really his thing… it brought back a lot of memories for him. With a shake of his skull Cross made his way to the massive hallway that led to the other worlds. When he can he would visit them on his down time just to relax. He liked joining the ones that just felt calm and not hectic. He was going to visit his favorite one outertale until he saw a new door, this one was a dusty pink with petals floating around the door.
Walking over to it cross watches as a name plate appeared on the door and in cursive the name of the au was written. “Sakuratale?” he questioned but laughed a bit to himself. No the strangest name he has ever heard of, but still it caught his interest. As he opened the door he felt a little spark prickle at his phalanges but ignoring it he made his way into the world.
At first it was a bright light as he walked past the threshold only for it to dim enough that cross could uncover his eyes to look around. From what he can tell he was on the surface and the buildings were not skyscrapers from what he was used to but small like that of a village. As he walked he made sure to stay hidden from the locals. As he watched them he could see that they all wore strange clothes that were in different shades of pink, even the men wore some form of clothing with pink on them. Curiosity spiked Cross pulled out a vial that ink gave him a long time ago. Looking at the skeleton’s voice rang in his skull.
“So! With this vial this will be able to change your clothes color to that of what is around the world so you don’t stick out like a sore thumb!” he said as he shoved the vial into his hand. “Won’t I already stick out like a sore thumb with this style?” he asked as he tugged at his coat’s collar only for ink to puke completely forget what he was saying.
With a sigh cross opened the vial and let a few drops of the strange liquid drop onto the white of his clothes. Just a single drop was able to change the white to a lovely shade of pink. “huh just one drop” he said as he quickly capped the vial and put it away. Coming out of his hiding place he walked among the humans and monsters.
They all looked so happy and content with their lives. As he walked he couldn't help but stop to stare a bit as he saw burgerpants with someone, he was laughing as the other hugged his arm and gave his cheek a kiss making him flush bright red as his ears twitched and his tail curled into a heart. “alright that’s different…” he mumbled as he walked away from the scene, for some reason a sappy burgerpants was unsettling.
With a shake of his skull, Cross continued to walk around the village and just took in the sights and just felt the hope and happiness everyone had. After stopping at a stall Cross bought something called a red bean paste bun and tried it and soon found that to be something he really liked to the point he bought a few more to snack on.
After a while Cross was sitting on a roof just enjoying his snack and reading a book he picked up as the people below went on with their lives. There was a tranquil calm that just laid on the place as if nothing wrong could happen. “so… this is a monster’s version of japan…” Cross mumbled to himself as he took another bite of the bun. ”That honestly explains a lot.” he said as he closed the book to look across the village.
From what he learned the surface was at war with themselves for so long that things just started to crumble to the point that humans were forced underground, at first met with hostility till the humans explained what happened to the surface. For years humans and monsters lived together under ground in a very tentative truce but for their children they had to put their differences aside if anyone was to live in peace.
Laying back cross finished his bun and just stared at the sky and he noticed that the sun was starting to set. Getting up cross dusted himself off as he cleaned up his mess and picked up the book. Looking at the cover a bit he put it into his item’s as well as the trash he had. Stuffing his hand into his pocket, Cross looked over the town. “heh… it’s a beautiful day outside….birds are singing, flowers are blooming on days like this Sakuratale, I’ll be seeing you later.” he said as he jumped into the air a bit and used his short-cut to leave the world.
Unknown to cross he caught the attention of a human, she was across the street cleaning her room when she noticed movement from the corner of her eye, looking up that was when she saw him standing on the rooftop of the bookstore she frequents. At first she thought she was seeing things so she rubbed her eyes and looked again but when she did he was gone. “ok I have been staying up too much reading old books… “she mumbled and closed her window. “I should head to bed early… this was one stressful day...”
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on3--cr1sk-blog · 5 years
Un dibujito de Sakuratale frisk totalmente echo por mi
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