marshbuice · 5 years
Think in Singles
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Most people think in plurals…
They think & do what the masses are doing.
But I want you to think in singles…
It’s the 1%…
doing shit that few are doing.
So when you’re frustrated…
when you’re fatigued…
When it just seems like it’s not working for you, just ask, “Am I doing what everyone else is doing?”
Or are you doing with the few are doing?
See the singles are the ones that are getting up…
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marshbuice · 5 years
Hope is not a strategy...but it is an ingredient
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I’ve often said that hope is not a strategy…
But it is a key ingredient.
Rebecca Solnit writes,
“To have hope is to embrace the unknown with the unknowable…you must acknowledge that you don’t know everything & you don’t know what’s going to happen. And that’s the only way to keep going. To be open to the possibility and allow yourself to be changed.”
Think about the times when the only thing…
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marshbuice · 5 years
I don’t know what I’m doing
“I don’t know what to do” is NOT the same as “I don’t know what I’m doing.” ..’to do’ is an excuse to quit...”...I’m doing” is a reason to keep on. 💪
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We’ve all said those words…
It’s funny that those are the exact same words that massively successful people say too..
They didn’t initially know what they were doing,
…but they knew where they were going.
They were determined to make it work…they were sure to be a success…they were adamant about changing the game.
So they headed in that mental direction & picked up lessons, skills, connections,…
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marshbuice · 5 years
The dues are in the do
You won’t learn the game of poker...nor anything else for that matter until you do.
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Poker players will tell you the only way to learn poker, is to play poker.
You can read all of the books…& even watch hours and hours of video…
…but you won’t learn the game until you sit at the table and play the game.
That’s the only way you can pay your dues…
…is when you push off and do.
You want to start working out?
Dues are in the do…
Lose weight?
Dues are in the do…
Start a podcast?
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marshbuice · 5 years
“Work your land”
When those who are frustrated ask Tim Storey for advice, he tells them, “Go work your land...”
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com
Tim Storey’s advice on work ethic and success begins with a proverb…
 He who chases fantasies will lack wisdom, but he who works his land will have abundance.
When people come up to Storey, frustrated that it’s not happening fast enough…
…feel that they’re stuck in life…
or that the Too’s are kicking in…
Too old…
Too young…
Too soon…
or that it’s Too late,
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