missusgrimes · 5 years
‘ i wanted to make you proud.’
* the road starters. / @thelcstsister
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lori’s  features  softened  at  her  sister’s  statement.  ❝ whatever  made  you  think  i’m  not ? ❞
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missusgrimes · 5 years
❝ you don’t give yourself enough credit. ❞
* things that are hard to hear. / @thelcstsister
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❝ i  think  i  give  myself  as  much  as  i  deserve, ❞  lori  responded  bitterly,  her  eyes  downcast.  ❝ after  everything  i’ve  put  him  through…  if  i  were  rick,  i’d  hate  me,  too. ❞  not  that  she  didn’t  already.
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missusgrimes · 5 years
“Am I going to die?”
injury  starters
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❝ oh,  sally,  no, ❞  lori  choked,  fingers  curling  around  her  sister’s  slender  hand.  she  wished  she  could  take  away  all  of  sally’s  pain  and  fear,  or  that  she  could  be  the  one  suffering  instead.  but  there  sally  lay  in  the  icu  hospital  bed,  hooked  up  to  an  array  of  wires  and  tubes  and  monitors,  with  a  slim  chance  of  ever  walking  again — and  there  was  nothing  lori  could  do  to  change  that.  ❝ no.  you’re  gonna  be  okay. ❞  hot  tears  slid  down  lori’s  cheeks  as  she  forced  a  smile  for  the  younger  woman.  ❝ i  know  you  are. ❞
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missusgrimes · 5 years
‘ i can’t do anything right.’
angsty  starters  /  @thelcstsister​
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❝ no,  don’t  you  say  that, ❞  lori  responded  sharply,  an  anger  rising  in  her  chest  towards  the  man  who’d  been  treating  her  sister  like  shit.  did  sally  honestly  believe  that  about  herself ?  is  this  what  he’d  convinced  her  of ?  ❝ that’s  him  talking,  sal.  not  you. ❞
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missusgrimes · 5 years
❝ sal,  it’s  lori.  i,  uh,  i  really  need  to  talk  to  you.  can  you  come  by  after  your  shift ?  it’s — it’s  important. ❞  lori  flipped  her  phone  closed  after  recording  the  message,  praying  it  would  reach  her  sister  soon.  
she  had  bought  the  first  test  on  a  whim,  just  a  way  to  rule  out  the  possibility  altogether  and  ease  her  restless  mind.  but  it  had  done  the  opposite,  instead  confirming  the  very  fear  that  was  nestled  at  the  back  of  lori’s  mind.  in  a  panic,  she  returned  to  the  drugstore  and  purchased  a  second,  this  time  from  a  different  brand,  having  convinced  herself  that  the  first  test’s  results  had  been  some  product  defect.  but  lori  could  no  longer  deny  the  reality  of  her  situation  as  two  pink  lines  appeared  for  a  second  time.
from  where  she  sat  on  the  tiled  bathroom  floor,  phone  held  tightly  in  her  palm,  lori’s  gaze  fell  upon  the  waste bin  that  now  held  two  positive  pregnancy  tests.  lori  didn’t  know  how  long  she  had  been  sitting  there,  paralyzed  with  shock,  though  it  was  long  enough  for  the  tears  on  her  checks  to  dry  and  crust  over.  the  idea  to  call  sally  had  been  the  only  thing  in  the  world  lori  considered  doing  next.  she  was  incapable  of  thinking  about  anything  beyond  that — all  she  knew  was  that  she  needed  her  sister.
a  little  over  a  half  hour  had  passed  when  lori  heard  a  knock  at  the  door,  her  heart  nearly  jumping  from  her  chest  at  the  sound.  she  immediately  answered  it,  and  with  a  quiet  ❝ come  in, ❞  sally  entered  the  apartment.  anything  sally  might’ve  said  at  that  moment  was  completely  drowned  out  by  lori’s  racing  mind,  anticipating  the  announcement  her  life-changing  news.  
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the  door  had  barely  shut  behind  them  when  the  words  that  had  been  bubbling  up  inside  her  finally  spilled  over.  ❝ sally,  i’m  pregnant. ❞
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