doginthecorner · 4 years
@thelcstsister​ liked for a lyric starter
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“Spinning that stone up hill again, like atonement for a bygone sin”
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t-chambler-archived · 4 years
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💛 for a moodboard about our muses’ relationship
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staysaliive · 4 years
Rick and Sally both: orly? *amused and slightly proud*
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deathmaarch · 4 years
cont’d from x
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She wasn’t expecting anyone to be here when she left the her room. Sally spent the morning locked in her room, quietly slipping into an emotional breakdown. She was actually on her way to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water to try and ease some of the post cry evidence. She stopped suddenly as Nikki exited the bathroom and tried to hide her face as she muttered a greeting but was met with a truth bomb instead of hello.
Wiping at her face again, she blinked and inhaled deeply. “I um..I had a rough night.” She admitted, trying not to think about the images in her mind from the night before. “I had a dream…about Lori. I guess more of a nightmare…I just uh.. I miss my sister and it’s hittin’ pretty hard today.”
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  This wasn’t exactly where he expected to run into Sally today, granted she’d been gone for most of the morning. They’d all assumed she was catching up on rest and let her sleep in, but he could see now that..that wasn’t necessarily the case. Genuine empathy and sadness clouded Nikki’s features the second he realized what she was hiding; it wasn’t sympathy or concern, pity or whatever. He understood exactly what Sally meant..and he felt for her in that moment. 
“Oh,” he breathed, almost inaudibly in response. It was hushed, softer than his typical stoicism. Almost instinctively Nikki reached forward to pull Sally into a secure embrace, wrapping both arms tightly around his aunt. “Me too..” he admitted, biting back the bitter irony in their unfortunate club status. Of course he missed Wendy every day, but..some days it was harder. Colder -- emptier. But Sally didn’t have to hide with him, nor did he in return, hence their vulnerability in the moment. He simply stood there with Sally in the quiet for a few seconds, leaning his head against hers, murmuring a faded “I’m sorry.”
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oneeyedbadass · 4 years
@thelcstsister​ from x:
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Carl stops and lowers his head, swallowing a little.  “You sound just like her, y’know.”  He mumbles about the wanting another one after the first cigarette bit.  He just shrugs then.  “Guess so, but you can’t tell me that you weren’t my age when you first tried one.  I literally had wine when I was a kid. Which, is gross, by the way.”
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heartsunspoken · 4 years
Send me a ♥ and I’ll fill out
If we kissed?
[] Quickie.[x] Tongue.[x] Softly bite your lip.[] We wouldn’t.[x] Long and meaningful.[x] Let’s hit up the bedroom.[] You remember last time?[] Awkward…[] Lol no.Would I go out with you?[x] Yes, definitely.[] No.[] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.[] Maybe.[] Nope, you’re like family.[] You’re cute, but probably not.[] Just simply not my type.[] If I knew you better.[x] Already did.[] I don’t know.If we took a picture together, we’d be…[x] Hugging each other.[] Just chilling.[x] Holding hands.[x] Kissing.[x] Acting dumb.[] Normal picture.[] You holding me from behind.You are…[] Cute/Pretty.[] Good looking.[] Sexy.[x] All of the aboveYou + me + room = …[x] Movies.[x] Cuddling.[x] Hanging out.[x] Kissing.[x] Playing games.[x] Everything.[] Wouldn’t let you in. only if you keep pickin’ on meYou should…[] Hit me up.[x] Be mine.[x] Marry me.[] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.[] be studyingIf we got married, I’d…[] Divorce you.[x] Make kids.[] Take your money and bounce.[x] Smash every day. kisses @ u[] I would cheat on you.[x] Be faithful.[] Kill you in your sleep[] We wouldn’t
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hisadvisor · 4 years
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“Are you settling in well?” Milton asks politely, an amicable smile touching his lips. He wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of all the introductions and pleasantries of new people coming to Woodbury, but he could bear it just for the sake of appearances.
starter for @thelcstsister​
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ilyism · 4 years
// Okay but Spencer Reid being afraid of elevators gives me life to this day - his tiny little "Hotch" cry when the elevator stopped made my heart die and I knew it was really over for me lol PS real talk, I have a photo of MGG as Reid on my wall that's been there since high school bc I refuse to take it down 👍🏻
HIS VOICE WAS SO HIGH PITCHED AGAHAH i love how his immediant response is to shoutout all the statistics about elevators he knows lmao. aLSO that photo on your wall is SO valid. if i’d discovered CM sooner i’d probably have one too tbh
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mxndwitch · 5 years
81. Can you roll your Rs? / 87. Do you keep a journal? / 94. What are your strengths?
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
81. Can you roll your Rs?I would hope so, but since I have never learned Spanish properly, I am not entirely sure
87. Do you keep a journal?I used to keep proper journals when I was younger and loved it. Nowadays I have found a new passion in bullet journals and have kept one religiously for two years now. I love how creative you can be with it and that it’s usually low maintenance, bc you can fill it out quickly on a daily basis, yet be mindful at the same time
94. What are your strengths?I think I am resilient. I always try to find reasons to keep going on and so far I have survived all the hardships thrown my way
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thesheriffswife · 4 years
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you (sometimes) // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you// I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you //I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d kill for you// I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice// You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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youkilloryoudie · 4 years
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“I wanted to give you a bit of time to get settled, but earlier when you’d just arrived here, you’d mentioned you were looking for people. If I knew more, maybe I could help.”
starter for @thelcstsister​
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doginthecorner · 4 years
thelcstsister replied to your post: I want it on the record that if you have a problem...
this is literally what i’ve been saying for YEARS ugh it drives me nuts.
Exactly, like this isn’t hard people. Treat each other like adults. 
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t-chambler-archived · 4 years
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"Hey," She walked up to Tara, smiling. "What, not happy to see me?" She tossed something lightly to the woman. It was a new yo-yo. "How about now? It even lights up when you spin it."
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"Sally, I'm like--" She flinched as the other woman tossed something at her. "--literally always happy to see you." Her hands cupped around the item, and then Sally's words sunk in as her jaws dropped. "Are you..." She rushed to get the loop over her finger. "...FUCKING KIDDING ME, SALLY!" She gave it a spin and it lit up. "This is DOPE, SALLY, HOLY SHIT!"
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staysaliive · 4 years
Yes hello,
my best friend is HARASSING ME so I GUESS I’m here now
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deathmaarch · 4 years
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  What an interesting twenty-four hours these had turned out to have been.
They’d started their prior day off in the middle of some abandoned shack, splitting a box of stale cereal and canned fruit fresh picked from whoever’s pantry this used to be. He and Jeff each took a couch that night, lightening the atmosphere some in between split property checks. Their mom needed to pass out for awhile..well they all did, but her especially, so they’d taken over despite the concerned protests. It wasn’t the worst place they’d cleared, wasn’t the best. It just -- was. Another day in the new cycle of norm, that was..until they’d run into the others. A hunter and a real estate agent type, pitching a case about walls, security, community. Sounds fake.
 Until he’d said that name. That one name, his Uncle’s name. Or at least what his mother automatically hoped was his Uncle’s name, despite the blatantly real possibility that it was one of another couple dozen Ricks left in the world. But..mom was hopeful, she needed something to hold onto and before they knew it they were here despite their hesitance. Staring down the streets of Partridge Lane with it’s vegetable garden and porch parties..he was skeptical to say the least. They both were. 
He’d chosen to hang off to the side and observe for awhile, quietly lingering next to the house that his mother was led into - the house that was supposedly Rick and Carl’s. Hues squinted as Nikki took in his surroundings one at a time, house by house. Smaller, shallow breath inhaled from the butt of his cigarette now, preserving what he had left. In..and out through the nose. Scanning the street until he saw a ghost headed straight for the same house. Stepping from the shadows slowly to peek around porch rail once she took her first step, “ ... -- Sally? “  Aunt Sally? Holy fucking shit.
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oneeyedbadass · 4 years
❛ I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so well. ❜
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Lips turn into a slight smirk at his aunt’s words.  They really meant a lot to him, especially coming from his aunt - a person who he looked up to on the regular.  And it wasn’t just because she was his mom’s sister.  “Thanks, Aunt Sally.  You’re the best, y’know that?” Even if he only started learning how to become a medic for Alexandria like yesterday, her faith in him always inspired him to do better.  Though, granted it was hard in this place to even be leaning about saving a life or two, Carl really wanted to save a life than take a life.  “Means a lot coming from you.” 
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