#( * answered. )
wandasaura · 22 days
mmm okay so you’ve just taken a shower, and as you come into the bedroom wanda is demanding softly convincing you to let her put lotion on your body and give you a massage since you’re exhausted from a long week. natasha is already in pj’s in bed, and you lay on your tummy on your towel, relaxing as you let wanda work out the knots and tension in your shoulders and back.
you’d be lying if you said you weren’t growing wetter as her hands work lower to your ass and thighs. wanda gently taps the backs of your thighs, moving to gently position your legs up so she can lotion them properly. that’s when you hear a soft, “oh, looks like someone’s enjoying this.” you can’t help the quiet whine and subtle blush that coats your cheeks at her words, and your pussy is becoming so leaky and needy for her that you’re not sure how much longer you’ll last without her touch.
“can’t have a messy baby after she just took a shower…” she’ll tut. “hm, let me fix this.” as she pulls a string of your arousal from your weeping hole with her fingers. of course she eats you out in your near-helpless position, and maybe natasha has to come to her wife’s aid when their baby is really just becoming too messy …
i have nothing to add at this time. yes.
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justajsworkshop · 12 days
what do you think is the biggest reason people fail to enter the 'void?
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because they accept the physical world as fact and final, and they persist in the story of being someone who can’t/being a person who fails or the void is difficult for.
you’re persisting no matter what. a lot of people just choose to persist in nonfulfillment because it’s what they’re used to. they’re waiting for someone/something else to change that for them when the only person who has authority over that change is themselves.
you can’t fail. you just took your awareness off the version of you who succeeds/has what you want/is what you want to be.
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maximotts · 2 months
what would ph wandanat do if r did the trend on tiktok where she moans in their ear casually like no reason at all she just wanted to be a tease🧍‍♀️🧎‍♀️
I swear someone asked me this a while ago and I think it got lost in the inbox sauce 😭
Wanda can be a bit jumpy so I think it’d probably scare her more than anything until she knew you were just joking around. Most likely consequences would take shape in her swatting your ass and reminded you not to sneak up on her like that because “I could’ve hurt you, silly girl. Put your phone down and come sit with me while I finish this.” She’s doing 0 work now and will instead grope you through her entire business call
Natasha rarely startles though, definitely heard you coming from the moment you giggled to what you thought was just yourself and the camera in the doorway, but she lets you have your fun— until you’re close enough to moan in her ear aka close enough to grab and wrangle into her lap, “If you want to play around so badly, little dove, I’ll give you something to moan about.”
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happer08 · 5 months
Anything with Mat PLEASE
when you woke up mat was still a warm sleeping presences next to you. his warm strong body pressed up against yours as he lightly snored. you moved slowly turning into and pressing closer to him hoping sleep would take you back to the peaceful world maty was is in that moment. opening your eyes you looked up at your sleeping boyfriend, his hair was stark against your white pillow cases, his head was half under the pillow, his chin up with his arms tucked around his head.
He was so pretty at all times, but mornings like this were so different. hips features were soft and peaceful, his perfect pink lips parted just slightly, a whistle of his breath filled the quietly bedroom. you really thought you could spend the rest of your days just looking at him.
rubbing your hand over his bare chest you got closer, leaning into his warmth, soaking it in before the enviable would come.
you never fell back asleep, instead spending your morning staring and admiring mat. he never moved, his lips would twitch every so often, as it looked like he was trying to talk. you smiled and just watched.
maybe an hour later he stirred, taking a sharp breath and stretching his whole body out and rolled to find you. he smiled sleepily as his hair stuck up.
“oh, mornin” his voice was sleep filled and deep.
“mornin sleepyhead”
maty made a small soft noise closing his eyes again and settling back into the warm spot he’d been in.
“you sleep good?” he asked still with his eyes closed.
“mhm, you?”
“the best actually, and i got to wake up my favorite person, that just makes it better”
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neofiled · 11 months
jeno and curruption kink?
mmmm yes jeno is your first boyfriend ever and is very sweet and a gentleman, all the while up until its your first time. youre sitting on his lap and youre all shy but hes secretly turned on by it all, "you like this?" he whispers in your ear as he strokes your thighs, stopping at your pussy and rubbing your clit through your panties and all you can do is whimper. jeno smirks and says, "look at you, you can't even speak properly. dirty girl." you open your mouth but only moans come out and he rasps, "what do you want me to do baby girl? use your words." and he'd be sooo happy to comply with your requests because he feels so fucking proud to be the one to take your innocence away <3
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seethals · 3 months
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an additional 470 gifs of nicole wallace in raising voices: episodes 5 & 6 — bringing the total gif count to 1474. the gifs can be found through the source link. all usage rules can be found on the gif pages themselves. please like and reblog if you found these useful!
content warnings: smoking, kissing, blood, hospitals.
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displacedbias · 5 months
penny from @ask-all-the-kindergarteners hands you a tulip!
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[Felix]: Teddy seems to be... erm, preoccupied at the moment.
[Felix]: --But I promise I'll show him the tulip once he gets back! Thank you again. How sweet of you.
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the-council-above · 4 days
The area around was suddenly very different. The atmosphere changed….someone was here.
A cathedral, a massive ethereal cathedral that also served as a large palace. It was...otherworldly.
Beautiful artwork & depictions coated the interior, alongside various many forms of enchantments & magic, lavish furniture & things from many different cultures. It was absolutely breathtaking.
This beautiful labyrinth existed on the very edge of Inphinity, where no mere mortal & most lesser gods could not reach. It was surrounded by stars & burning lights, twinking constellations & such.
There was only silence. Where was everyone?
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inkedreverie · 1 year
Hello, dear 💕
So you asked for a couple of fic recs, and i’m not sure how long it’s been since you’ve last read one so these might not be the best lol but here goes nothing 😉
1. @oh-my-damn / The Stranger on wattpad is the best smut and romance combo novel you will read, darling! but also check out her masterlist cause every single thing she writes is gold (check her ari fics, they’re a killer!)
2. @evansbby / Preying On You Tonight reached its glorious end a couple of days ago and it was honestly singlehandedly the greatest piece of fanfiction i have ever read
3. @universitypenguin / The Princess and The Lawyer is the best Lloyd fic out there. No competition. Zero.
4. @time-for-a-lullaby / EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Chris (yet go for Arranged first if you havent already read it)
5. @jtargaryen18 / His Inheritance is a whirlwind
6. @onsunnyside cause i have to and its blasphemy if you dont mention her in recs at this point. Also Flamingo King, dear. Yes.
7. @disturbedbydesign / I Love You I Hate You, i believe was the name of the best Ransom fic i have read on her. Her Denis fic is also surprisingly and insanely good!
8. In case you’re into stucky, just in case, @musette22 is ya girl!
I know i’ve left off so many amazing writers cause i’ve read so many amazing fics throughout last year and this one too and i’m sorry for that and if this isn’t helpful and you’ve read everything already 😅🥰
Oh wow! Thank you so much! I haven't read any of these so this is perfect!
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aethergazing · 7 months
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Send ⚔️ to see them in something they might wear for sparring or practicing combat.
@velviquinn | not accepting.
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wandasaura · 1 month
Not really a request but something I can’t get off my mind: r being a brat all day and Natasha trying her best to tame but r just gets more bratty. When Wanda tries she realizes r just isn’t feeling good and doesn’t know how to communicate that
natasha's been trying all day to get you to cooperate with even the simplest of tasks and orders. it started when you refused to get out of bed, but you'd already promised to come into the office with her and it's too late to back out because she's set up little tasks for you that need to be done and she's allotted everyone else's time to different/more important things. you fought her the entire time, whining and stomping your feet and grumbling beneath your breath until she had bent you over the counter and spanked you. that wasn't even enough to pacify your attitude for any longer than a handful of minutes. you fought her about eating lunch when the time rolled around, only munching on a handful of french fries that she'd reluctantly ordered after you'd straight up refused to eat the salad she got you (which should've told her you weren't feeling well, because she'd made sure to specifically order your favorite salad that you only ever get when you come to work with her, but she was so stressed with work and annoyed by your attitude that she didn't think anything of it). you found her on completing the tasks she assigned to you, which was really just running paperwork down to some employees and stapling her documents together (both things that you loved and constantly asked to do), but the final straw was when you returned home three hours early, not even stopping by to see wanda before natasha dragged you out of the building. you'd pushed her away when she tried to pull you into her chest, huffed and told her to fuck off, and if wanda hadn't walked through the door within the same breathe, you would've ended up with a bright red ass. it took wanda approximately six seconds to realize you weren't feeling well, and when she pointed out to natasha how your eyes had a sickly gleam over them and your voice sounded hoarse, everything clicked. you didn't want to get out of bed because you were beyond tired with a rising fever, you didn't want to eat because you felt nauseous, you didn't want to exchange pleasantries with her employees because your throat hurt, you didn't want her touching you because every time she had before, she'd laid a harsh spank to your ass when your body already hurt. she literally feels so bad about how she neglected to really look at you all day, but its quickly made up for when she makes your favorite boxed soup for dinner, letting you lounge against wanda's chest as she spooned it into your mouth, your favorite show that she hates on the television. and the next day, when you're feeling the slightest bit bette but still undeniably sick, she apologizes and cancels all of her meets to lay in bed beside you.
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justajsworkshop · 6 days
I'm the anon who wanted to cry. This is silly but I'll still ask-
HOW do I actually manifest? I've been going through your posts because they resonate so much and I know I'm god. But as someone who likes having directions (Ik you mentioned that you didn't like them), how would I go about say, manifesting appearance changes.
Sorry, please don't hate me (insert cute cat gif)
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if you're asking how, you've skipped step one: be still, and know that i am god. i know you said "i know i'm god," but i think you accept that conceptually on an intellectual level without truly understanding what that means. because if you did, you wouldn't have to ask how, though i can certainly sympathize with the logical, linear mind that wants that answer.
as god, you are all things. you are all possibilities. all realities. all things that could ever exist, and all these moments exist as pure potential everywhere all at once. it's when we put our awareness on one of these potentials/moments and claim it as ours that it becomes, well, ours.
techniques do not manifest. methods do not manifest. step by step guides do not manifest. you manifest. you only need to be aware of being that which you desire to be to manifest.
it's not about how. it's not about when. it's not about what to do. we manifest who and what we are conscious of being, so i ask you: are you aware of being your desired self with your desired appearance?
if not, become aware of them. affirm it. imagine it. decide it. choose it. continue to bring that version of self to your awareness (putting your attention on that desired outcome) and decide: "i am that i am; i am the i am who has my desired appearance/desired relationship/desired wealth/desired health/desired life!"
the actual words or imaginal vividness is not important, and remember that imagining is just remembering and remembering is imagining. so you only need to imagine as vividly as you remember.
god already said yes to all your desires by giving your I AM awareness: your ability to become aware of all things and possibilities via what neville goddard called your "wonderful human imagination." so, the divine mind doesn't need the repetition; you do.
continue to bring that desired self into your awareness and claim it as yours/claim them as you. it's done the moment you say it is so. when you notice yourself putting your awareness on the old self by repeating the old narrative or otherwise implying you're not your desired self, just gently redirect yourself back to the new narrative and claim it again.
we're persisting in a story no matter what. manifestation is just consciously choosing the one you persist in.
recognize that physical reality isn't an entity separate from you. as the physicist john wheeler said, there is no out there out there. more on what that means here from a quantum physics perspective. but really, you are reality. the narrative you tell about yourself, who you are, and everything around you is reality. there's no separation.
and this is what we mean by "everything is you pushed out." everything is god pushed out because physical reality is literally dependent on your narrative (awareness) of being.
manifesting is just choosing what that narrative is.
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happer08 · 5 months
Eyes-from-across-the-room with Barzal at a little bar where he’s playing guitar please! 🙏
“Is that who i think it is?” you asked your roommate as you glancing over at the stage.
“I dont know, who are you looking at?” she sounded more annoyed then you would have liked to hear.
“the guy on the stage with the guitar” you matched her tone and she just shrugged at you before getting up and going to get a drink.
You continued to stare at the guy trying to place his face in your head. He looked so familiar, he was handsome with a well structured face and dark fluffily curly hair, he was big too. His fame was hulking a little over the smaller musicians on the stage with him.
Holy shit that was Mat Barzal.
Your eyes widened as you connected the dots and Mat seemed to notice you at that moment, he looked over and made friendly eye contact as you froze. He flashed a wide knowing grin then tipped his beer at you before sipping it.
The next song stated and you just watched as her performed, taking a few sips of his beer during the show. In awe you watched him get off the stage and walk toward you raking his fingers through his hair before stopping in front of you.
“Hi there” he smiled again.
“H-hi” you choked out a little.
“You okay sweetheart?” he reached out rubbing his warm hand over your upper arm.
Nodding you cleared your throat.
“Let me buy you a drink, then maybe we can get to know each other a little”
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neofiled · 11 months
angry sex ?
tbh idk who would fuck u until ur dumb
omg i could see johnny doing this. you not-so-accidentally made him horny in public even after he told you to behave, so you knew you were in for a rough fuck when you saw the glint in his eye. later that night he would have your ass up, on all fours as he entered you without warning. "you just had to be a fucking tease," johnny grunted as he mercilessly thrusted his hips into you. the stinging slaps he laid on your pussy just heightened the pleasure even more, making you clench around him. "this is what you wanted, right? such a slut for my cock," he hissed, and you were so lost in ecstasy, all you could do was whine, and you dont even realise that tears have rolled down your cheeks. johnny will definitely make you cum multiple times after that. he'll tell you to never try something like that again, but of course you do just so he can fuck you dumb all over again :)
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displacedbias · 16 days
Are they joining this year's gala? :>
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you bet they are!!!!!!!!!
[Open for gala interactions! Both writing and art >:3c]
#kindergala#kindergarten roleswap#kindergarten 2#kindergarten ted#kindergarten felix#kindergarten alice#kindergarten ozzy#no one dare say alice looks like kinderswitch alice *pointing a gun @ you* /lh#or that ted looks like robin from like batman or smth *extra pointing gun @ you* /lh 😭😭#anyway fun fact the roses on their outfits signify their love interests here!! ted's rose is penny's eye colour; alice with ron's hoodie;#felix and ozzy have each other's colours ofc. also extra bonus!! ted's mask is penny's shade of blue#also he in-universe chose his own outfit instead of felix putting it together for him so that's why i tried to make the colours clash a lil#but not too much bc i love colour theory way too much to do that 😭#also his cape is a veryyyyyy dark shade of penny's eyes. and i didn't want him to be too unrecognizable so his scarf and dagger gem is red#and in-universe the scarf was stuffed under his turtleneck thing as part of alice's 'magic' to make him fancier lmao#it's 100% not part of the rest of the outfit. and his weapons are props but he'll prob have them inspected like cosplay security at cons#ALSO INFODUMPS MORE ABT MY DESIGNS. MUSHROOM UMBRELLA AND BUTTERFLY MASK FOR ALICE'S FAE THING#I STRUGGLED SO HARD W/FELIX'S DRESS BTW;;; WHAT TF ARE THOSE RUFFLES FR. AND THE ACCENT COLOUR!!! IT WAS SO HARD TO MATCH W/EVERYTHING ELSE#i settled on dusty rose at least. i wanted it to be more orange but ig the mask isn't like. a set with the dress so yeah#and it's more purpleish and flowy than felix would've preferred bc he's borrowing one of alice's dresses.#also ozzy's outfit was so simple his colours took me the fastest bc he just doesn't have as much detail or variation in colour 😭😭😭#hated /nm doing felozzy's hands btw <3 i'm SO not used to drawing hands like that#visuals.#ted#felix#alice#ozzy#answered.#anonymous#refs.
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erineverly · 1 year
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the  confession  alone  is  more  than  enough  to  throw  erin  completely  off  guard,  but  it’s  the  sound  of  the  all-too-familiar  voice,  echoing  in  the  foyer  of  her  two-bedroom  condo  again,  after  what  feels  like  an  eternity,  that  makes  the  muscles  in  her  legs  stiffen  and  the  hair  on  the  nape  of  her  neck  stand  up.  her  natural  instincts  urging  her  to  pull  him  into  a  hug,  assure  him  that  everything  will  be  okay  in  the  end,  pretend  he’s  still  hers  and  she’s  his  —  that  it’s  the  two  of  them  against  the  world,  the  way  it  used  to  be  a  few  years  back.  oh,  how  easy  it  would  be  to  forget  about  everything  and…  but  the  more  rational  part  of  her  wants  to  just  stand  here,  linger  in  the  doorway  for  a  while  longer,  and  pretend  she  hadn’t  heard  him,  wishes  the  ground  beneath  her  feet  would  open  up  and  swallow  her  whole,  get  her  out  of  this  strange,  uncomfortable  situation.  why  would  he  say  this  now?  why  did  he  have  to  say  this?  
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clearing  her  throat  as  she  contemplates  her  response,  she  absently  brings  one  of  her  now  shaking  hands  to  her  dainty  necklace  and,  to  occupy  her  fingers  with  something,  anything  that  will  help  her  fight  off  the  urge  to  reach  for  the  redhead,  begins to  fidget  with  a  small,  heart-shaped  pendant.  she  opens  her  mouth,  but  closes  it  almost  immediately,  her  heart  pounding  away  in  her  throat,  keeping  her  from  forming  any  coherent  sentence.  for  someone  who’d  been  subconsciously  dreaming  of  something  akin  to  this  moment,  she  feels  completely  lost  and  unprepared,  nowhere  near  ready  for  this  kind  of  conversation.  the  gifts  and  letters  that  he’s  been  sending  her,  all  the  flames  that,  perhaps  involuntarily,  they  have  slowly  rekindled,  every  little  thing  that  she’s  been  trying  to  ignore  for  the  sake  of  their  significant  others  and  her  own  peace  of  mind…  they’re  standing  right  in  front  of  her  now  and  she  can  no  longer  run  away  from  the  feelings  that  she’s  so  desperately  tried  to  suppress  for  the  past  few  months.
gaze  dropping  to  the  floor,  examining  the  pink  nail  polish  on  her  toes,  she  struggles  not  to  get  emotional,  not  to  overthink  the  meaning  of  this  unexpected  visit.   ❝   𝐚.𝐱𝐥,   ❞   she  whispers,  a  soft  plea  ringing  in  her  voice  —  not  here,  not  now,  let’s  not  go  there…  she’s  just  managed  to  put  her  life  back  together,  to  move  on,  or  at  least  that’s  what  she’s  telling  herself.  if  they  have  this  conversation,  it  will  leave  her  nothing  but  a  shell  of  the  woman  she  is.  but  she  can’t  just  close  the  door  in  his  face,  tell  him  to  leave  because  it’s  her  weekend  with  sebastian,  scold  him  for  complicating  every  little  thing,  remind  him  that  he  should  be  writing  letters  and  sending  flowers  to  a  different  woman.  god.  she’s  never  been  strong  enough  to  stay  away  from  him.  she  doesn’t  want  to  stay  away  from  him.   ❝   would  you  like  to  come  in?  it’s  almost  dinner  time.  i’m  making  ‘ghetti  and  meaty-baws,   ❞   she  offers  shyly,  a  hint  of  a  smile  on  her  lips  because  that’s  how  sebastian  calls  them.  meaty  baws.  she  thinks  it’s  adorable.   ❝   speaking  of  bastian,   ❞   she’s  quick  to  change  the  subject,  although  it  breaks  her  heart,   ❝   he’s  been  grouchy  all  day.  i  think  he  might  be  coming  down  with  something.  he  keeps  complaining  about  his  throat  and  has  a  stuffy  nose,  watery  eyes,  sneezing…  you  know  the  drill.  but  i’m  sure  he’ll  be  so  happy  to  see  you,   ❞   she  explains,  opening  the  door  a  little  wider  and  inviting  the  singer  to  come  in  with  a  subtle  hand  gesture.   ❝   see  the  pile  of  blankets  on  the  couch?  he’s  in  there  somewhere.  would  you  like  something  to  drink?  we  have  apple  juice.  i  can  make  you  coffee  or  tea?   ❞
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