#salvage clients vs dolphin show clients vs tourist clients
l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Salvage Clients: I’m a cheapskate. I’ll give you a finder’s fee and that’s it. I don’t care if I give you obscure and incomplete maps or what they look like, or the fact you have to travel around the world and go to various depths in order to get them.😤😒
Dolphin Show Clients: This is a give and take relationship. If you give me a spectacular performance with your dolphin/whale, then I’ll give you lots of money.🧐
Tourist Clients: Here, take my money!! ALL OF IT!!! Don’t argue with me, TAKE IT!!! I insist!!! Thank you for giving me a memorable vacation!!!🤑😍😁
Photo Clients: This is a nicely taken photo. I would still give you an F, though.🧐
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