l3l-diving-service · 9 months
Happy New Year, fellow Divers!! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2024!!
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l3l-diving-service · 2 years
GG: Three words. Say them and I’ll be yours.
Hayako: Three words.
GG: I know you’re shy, girl. But don’t worry, GG has you covered. I know you’ve said “I love you” in your heart.
Snorkel: *Confused doggie noises*
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l3l-diving-service · 4 months
I DID!! I'm super excited! 🤩
Until I found out that it's on Nintendo Switch, instead of on the Wii. And I don't have a Nintento Switch. And everything I look at costs between $150-$300 dollars. 💔😭
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Salvage Clients: I’m a cheapskate. I’ll give you a finder’s fee and that’s it. I don’t care if I give you obscure and incomplete maps or what they look like, or the fact you have to travel around the world and go to various depths in order to get them.😤😒
Dolphin Show Clients: This is a give and take relationship. If you give me a spectacular performance with your dolphin/whale, then I’ll give you lots of money.🧐
Tourist Clients: Here, take my money!! ALL OF IT!!! Don’t argue with me, TAKE IT!!! I insist!!! Thank you for giving me a memorable vacation!!!🤑😍😁
Photo Clients: This is a nicely taken photo. I would still give you an F, though.🧐
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Marzia: I’ll come by and visit again if I want to hear my father’s song. 🥰
Me: I know you’re the client and all, but I feel rather put upon. I also can’t tell if you’re flirting with me or just being presumptuous that I’ll be at your beck and call. 😐
(Also, no, giving me the guitar and stuff doesn’t even come close to rectify you almost getting me killed by Thanatos — at NIGHT!!! Do you not fathom how much I detest swimming in a shark-infested Aegean Sea, at NIGHT, and with Thanatos in particular, madam?! Did you even PAY ME?! I deserved a good $50k for that near-death experience!!!)😤
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l3l-diving-service · 4 years
What is the most frightening place you’ve ever dived to in Endless Ocean: Blue World (or Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep to you Europeans)? That gives you the shivers no matter how many times you dive there?
For me, it’s TWO places:
1. The Abyss
2. The South Canyons at Night.
Oh, and the Cavern of the Gods at Night when you run into the Goblin sharks. *Shivers*
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l3l-diving-service · 4 years
I’m outlining and writing a couple of whump stories for the Player Character. One will be in Oceana’s POV, and the other will be more a general POV.
Also have plans for a couple of one-shots. Keep an eye out! ^_^
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l3l-diving-service · 4 years
To My Dearest Sister (An Endless Ocean Poem)
The Player Character writes a poetic letter to his little sister whose back in the States, informing her of all that's progressed in the past three months of his employ. Set in Endless Ocean 2: Blue World. (In honor of my little sister's birthday).
Rated: K content and language.
Genre: Family/Poetry
Chapter(s): 1
Word Count: 522 words (not including AN)
Characters: Player Character, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Player Character & Original Female Character(s)
Warnings: None
Story Classification: Poetry
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l3l-diving-service · 4 years
My Plans for Whumptober
Aloha, fellow divers! Just wanted to let you know that I’m planning on doing Whumptober. It’ll be a short story where the Player Character, my OC, will get whumped and the other characters are dealing with the aftermath. So basically, my OC will be physically whumped while the others will have more emotional whump. It’s my hope to get the first chapter done within the next few days. No promises. But I’ll try.
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l3l-diving-service · 4 years
Oceana’s Rebellion (An Endless Ocean Fanfic)
When sleep eludes her, Océane looks back on the events earlier that day — her mother's pendant being the catalyst. Unanswered questions begin to pester her. The desire to reclaim her father's pendant, which she had lost as a child, burns within her. And despite her grandfather's warning, she comes up with a plan in the night to recover the pendant at dawn. Oceana's POV.
Rated: K+ content and language.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Chapter(s): 1
Word Count: 2,056 words (not including AN)
Characters: Oceana Louvier
Relationships: Oceana Louvier & Matthias Louvier (mentioned), Oceana Louvier & Oceana’s Mother (mentioned), Oceana Louvier & Jean-Eric Louvier (mentioned), Oceana Louvier & Player Character (mentioned)
Warnings: None
Story Classification: One-Shot
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