#sam & cas + you love your fam but don't have the LIKE them
shallowseeker · 1 year
My favorite new thing is that even when Cas was having a psychological breakdown, he still found a way to rag on Sam about his annoying personality.
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spnwin-reader · 7 months
Loss in common:
Enter Millie, The Prickly-but-Hopeful Fixer
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[We note that, even after all this time, Millie's building carries the MoL Aquarian star of protection, and it's still Winchester Garage, not...whatever-her-maiden-name is.]
When we first meet Millie, she's bitter. As the one who "kept the lantern on," "the one who stayed," she's hurt and defensive, a lot like how Dean grows to be in latter seasons of SPN.
(Even post-demonicity, Dean is still expected to be the soft place to fall for everyone. Even after Jack kills Mary, Cas has this expectation of Dean's soft-heartedness: "it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on.")
Anyway, Millie!
Her reunion with John is part passive-aggressive but loving. We see that Millie, like Dean, has intense abandonment trauma. She speaks abrasively-but-affectionately. She calls John "Kid, Kiddo, etc." which was a go-to with Dean for both Claire Novak and Jack Kline.
JOHN: Love what you've done with the place. MILLIE (passive-aggressive): Well, my husband and son walked out on me, so. It's the best I could do. (growing emotional) Dammit. Welcome home, Kiddo.
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Gruff, abrasive, imperfect? Maybe. But full of love.
Alt John and Millie are united by the common loss of Henry, just as Prime John, Sam, and Dean were united by the common loss of Mary.
John thinks Henry walked out on them, but I think Millie is likely more complex. With her tacit knowledge of the Men of Letters, I think it's reasonable that she at least suspects that he might be dead.
What does that tell us about her? It tells us that the loss of Henry was unbelievably painful--it's probably easier for her to consider he left than the very likely truth: his demise.
She's a fixer. That's what she does.
She holds out hopeless hope.
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JOHN: I'm fine, Mom. MILLIE: The Hell you are. You've been chasing your dad since he walked out that door. I know that's why you enlisted. But it is time to let the past go, kiddo.
But Millie isn't healed either. She hasn't let the past go, even as she pursues her dream of being a mechanic and owning a garage (like her father). Letting the past go hasn't helped her heal.
In fact, carrying on hunting and the MoL business is what seems to soothe her loss, giving her new meaning and purpose. Millie and John's push-pull dynamic with hunting is much like how it was with Ellen and Jo Harvelle.
But overall, we see what Henry's absence wrought. It's just as Henry feared in SPN Prime (9x17 Mother's Little Helper):
HENRY: Therein lies the problem. As our initiation grows closer, I... I worry that this might be a selfish endeavor on my part. JOSIE: Selfish. How? HENRY: If anything were to happen to me, what of John? Millie? JOSIE: They'd be proud to know that you answered the call. HENRY: No. My wife would be a widow, and my son fatherless. I don't expect you to understand. You don't have a fam--[he pauses] I'm sorry, Josie. I didn't mean it that way. JOSIE: I know, Henry. You're a good man. Millie is lucky to have you.
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This directly parallels Cas and his allegiance to his work, Heaven, (Heaven is a truck, and Cas is a truck-driver; Dean thinks he's Josie when he's actually Millie).
It also beings to mind the visual of ("little John") Jack's entrance as he wanders around muttering, "Father. Fa-ther. Father. I need to find him. Castiel. He was supposed to be here," while looking for his long-expected, lost father in 13x01 Lost and Found.
But it's also an off-key parallel to prime John, who would become as Millie was, a bereft widower in the cold, floundering and ill-equipped to handle the dangers of the supernatural world.
Enter Mary, Action Hero
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(Note: Mary's got a short range, so I love how she uses speed to her advantage to get larger targets off-balance.)
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And importantly, John...is NOT allowed to look cool. It's a RULE. He's a dorky...little...guy.
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Mary knocks the demon into a blessed holy water vat, a call-forward to something prime John will do in SPNprime 01x21 Salvation.
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When Alt John and Alt Mary meet:
Mary's father has been absent (missing) from her life for a short time, and John's father Henry has been absent for most of his life, just as when Dean and Cas meet, theirs too is a tale of missing fathers. Cas's father was absent for all of his life, and Dean's flaky dad has been gone for a (relatively) short time. It also very obviously parallels Sam and Dean searching for their missing father.
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When they break inside the Men of Letters clubhouse, Mary keys into John's emotions about his father. This reminds me of of the first time Dean keyed in really hard to Cas's emotions in 5x16.
JOHN: How do you cope with it all? MARY (wryly, jokingly): I'll let you know when I find out. (SPNwin 1x01)
DEAN: Yeah, I get it. I know how you feel. CASTIEL: How do you manage it? DEAN (wryly, jokingly): On a good day, you get to kill [The Whore of Babylon]. (SPN 5x17)
Recent losses of friends & family:
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Additionally, Mary and John have both suffered recent losses. Mary lost her narrative twin Maggie, and John lost his comrade Murph to war.
[Mary's cousin went to Hell, just as Sam's brother went to Hell in season in vintage and mid-SPN.] Mary's hunting family was torn asunder, parents separating.
And John? WIth war, John signed up to fill a void left by his father, to find meaning in life.
We can even recall Dean's words to Gordon in 2x03 Bloodlust, how Dean struggled with the idea of "The Invincible Dad" and how his death made the word more terrifying, how it left a wound of depression inside of him that he sought to fill with meaning through work:
DEAN: Yeah. Yeah, you know. He was just one of those guys. Took some terrible beatings, just kept coming. So you're always thinking to yourself, he's indestructible. He'll always be around, nothing can kill my dad. Then just like that (snaps) he's gone. I can't talk about this to Sammy. You know, I gotta keep my game face on. (clears throat) But, uh, the truth is I'm not handling it very well. Feel like I have this - GORDON: Hole inside you? And it just gets bigger and bigger and darker and darker? Good. You can use it. Keeps you hungry. Trust me. There's plenty out there needs killing, and this'll help you do it. Dean, it's not a crime to need your job.
Dean lost his dad, and Gordon lost his sister. This emptiness is depression. John lost his dad and suffered that loss all his life. He signed up to the war for the GLORY OF PURPOSE. He didn't sign up to the war for more pain and grief, but that's exactly what he got.
What's the thing Dean can't fill up, not with booze or love or even sex? It's grief and pain. It can only be filled with love, which is what Cas's confession narratively does in 15x18.
It's also what Mary's love and the love of the Core 4 will eventually do for John.
SPN Prime season 8 side-parallel: Connections of recent grief ALSO calls to mind season 8, how Sam connected with Amelia when they had both suffered a loss, Sam lost his narrative twin to Purgatory and Amelia lost her husband to war.
Theirs was a fast-paced reactionary relationship born of grief, something that pinged and annoyed Amelia's father, leading him to be very passive-aggressive with Sam. (Her father was a dick, but he's both a soldier himself and does know her best and probably has her best interests in mind. He recognized that was Amelia mid-freakout, OOC. He pings that her out-of-characterness is a weird reaction to grief).
He was right to be concerned about the shallowness and stability of it. These types of reactionary relationships are well-known: they can be very shaky, melodramatic, idealized, and weak when stress-tested.
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Sam (and vintage Dean) both have this tendency to be all-in or all-out when it comes to The Cause. Neither strike a balance very easily. They tend to either be ALL IN for the Perfect War with Perfect War Companions at Your Side...or rushing into something tenuous that represents a weak idea that winds up unsatisfying because it's not genuine: Perfect White Picket Fence or Howling-at-the-Moon Dishibitory Party Life.
In SPNwin, John is doing a lot of running, too. He rushes into the thing with Betty (weak and tenuous), then he rushes into war, he rushes into hunting, and he runs into the relationship with Mary.
This theme of Running into Danger / Running From Danger persists. John certainly struggles with it, BUT in a departure from his past behavior, this new thing with Mary gets a lot of stress-testing, eventually moving from limerence into turbulence, power struggle, and de-idealization. (SPNwin 1x12, The Tears of a Clown)
Mary and her ragtag gang of friends embark on a journey to look for the missing Samuel Campbell the way Sam and Dean look for the errant John Winchester, the way the Banes twins look for their mother Tasha Banes in Twigs, Twine, & Tasha Bane.
Certainly the core 4 are all "running scared" and clinging to one another, having all lost loved ones in a variety of ways. They are united in empathy over their respective losses:
John (dad, comrades)
Mary (narrative sibling, missing dad, splintered family and parental separation)
Carlos (whole family killed by a monster)
Lata (no-contact with her family because they allowed her beloved nanny to die; nonsensical/cruel hierarchy of human society)
Ada (husband lost to madness, son potentially a puppy-destined-to-be-wolf)
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And finally we get Henry's letter:
If you're reading this, then I'm gone. I'm sorry I kept the truth from you, John. There's a dangerous world out there, and our family has fought that danger for centuries. The answers to all your questions are at the address below. I love you and your mother. Always.
I think this idea of Henry Winchester as a secret-keeper, and as Mary-prime as a secret-keeper fed into what we know about John-prime turned into: a neuroses of paranoia and over-preparedness.
But thanks to Dean, Alt John has some new tools to work through this: knowledge. Even his anger is useful, openly telling his mother how disappointed and betrayed he feels over being kept in the dark. For her part, she gives him her emotional truth: that she only wanted to protect him.
It's the first healing step for both of them.
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weasleywinchester · 3 years
Save Yourself - Chapter 15
You Should be Safe with Someone Else
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 16
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Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Yo fam! We back with another chapter, and we're quickly circling back to chapter one! Can't believe I'm almost done with this series! (don't worry, there's still about 10 chapter to go!) Anyways, this chapter is a bit of a tipping point, we're going to start speeding to heartbreak city pretty soon.
Warnings: Guns, Mr. Ketch, mentions of death
Series Summary:
“I promise.” Those two words would trap you in a life you never wanted. You are an artist, a hunter, a Winchester. And yet the pain in Dean’s eyes as demanded you live the life he wants you live, you couldn’t say no. You met the Winchesters by chance, found out they were real people. And you figured it was a once in a life time thing, but then Dean called you, and so did a new job. Both leading to the life you wanted, a family that didn’t begin or end in blood and a once in a life time love. And he said leave it and him behind, forget. But you can’t.
Chapter Summary:
You finally got your world turned right side up: you and Dean were in a better spot, the memory wipe trauma finally went away and you now did a little more hunting as you and the boys tried to get one step ahead of the Devil. But Lucifer likes to throw a wrench into any situation and this time there were two: he is now in the body of the U.S. president and he's having a baby. Luckily Sam's kept in touch with the Men of Letters and they had a few toys to give the devil the boot... except that didn't work out like they planned.
“THEY WHAT?” You roar from the kitchen. Mary winces at the sound of pans clashing to the floor. She already had this conversation with Castiel, and no way was she going to tell you what happened.
“They didn’t have much of a choice, we were surrounded.” Cas sighs, backing into the library, his hands up in defense. You come through a few moments later, knife in hand.
“He’s telling the truth.” Mary says, cautiously walking toward you.
Damn Winchesters, couldn’t space it out longer than a week. You grunt in frustration, stabbing the knife into the table and walking back to the kitchen. Cas shares a worried look with Mary, who simply shrugs and yanks the knife out of the table.
“Ok. How are we getting them back?” You ask over your shoulder as you wash your hands. After a few moments of absolute silence, you turn to the pair. “Cas, how are we getting them back?” There’s always a plan, it may be a Winchester plan, but a plan nonetheless.
His shoulders slump, he’s not sure where to start; he can’t track them because of the warding and he’s not sure where the government would take them. He finally looks at you, and you give him the same eyeroll Dean usually gives.
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“Would Kelly know?” You sigh, leaning against the kitchen island. Cas winces at your question. Well, that’s not good. “Castiel, Where’s Kelly?”
“She, ugh, snuck out.” Cas admits, finding the floor much more interesting than you expression.
“Fuck me.” You breathe out, clamping your eyes shut while you rub your temples. It’d be one thing if she was Lucifer’s main target, but that baby…
“We’ll find them.” Mary reassures both of you. “But for now, we have big shoes to fill.” As much as Dean doesn’t want you hunting alone, there’s not a whole lot of people to keep the monsters at bay.
“You two take care of any local cases and get in contact with Garth, you’ll need his help managing the other hunters. Don’t mention anything about the boys not being around, no need to put everyone on edge.”
“What will you do?” Cas asks, lacing his fingers through yours.
“I have a deal to make.” You sigh, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Quite surprised to hear from you Ms. (Y/L/N).” Mick gives a stiff smile as he lets you into his office.
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“Mrs. Winchester.” You correct him.
“Of course.” He nods for you to sit across from him.
“And if there were any other viable option I wouldn’t be here.” You give him a stiff smile.
“How kind of you to think of us.” Mr. Ketch remarks, managing to keep his eye roll to himself.
“Play nice Mr. Ketch.” Mick kindly warns before handing you a cup of tea. “What exactly can we do for you?”
You take a deep breath in and slowly let it out. Dean’s gunna kill me.
“I need to know when someone tries to kill the president, where does the government take them?” No point in beating around the bush.
Both stare at you, mouths wide open.
“If you don’t know…” you start to stand. Knew this was a mistake.
“Site 94.” Ketch blurts. You’re taken aback by the answer, you figured if Ketch knew anything he wouldn’t offer it to you. You glance at Mick, who is just as shocked. “That would be my assumption, as it’s one of those places that technically doesn’t exist.”
“Can you get me in?” You sit back in your chair.
“Who could you possibly need to talk to in there? I highly doubt you know anyone dangerous enough.” Ketch questions, leaning forward onto his knees.
“Sam and Dean.” You sigh.
Ketch’s frown turns into a look of disbelief.
“Why would they-”
“The President was possessed. That’s why they needed your help in the first place.” You offer. They share a glance and relax back into their chairs.
“Then you’re aware we lent them items as a gesture of good faith. And that faith hasn’t proven to be useful so far. So, what are you offering in exchange?” Mick asks, crossing his legs.
“She has nothing to offer.” Ketch scoffs.
“I’m a Winchester.” You gesture to yourself.
“If you convince the Winchesters," you motion to yourself again, " to team up with you, the rest of the hunters will follow. You can flash your fancy toys all you want, and give as many gestures of good faith as Chuck himself but convincing Dean will take a lot more than that. You get me in… and I’ll help you with Dean. And the rest of the American Hunters.”
Ketch leans forward, prepared to argue but Mick holds a hand up to stop him. He considers how easily and quickly that would establish the men of letters in America.
“And you can guarantee they can be convinced?” Mick counters.
“If you get me to them before they do something the Winchester way.”
“Hardly seems like a fair trade. We’ll be doing a lot of string pulling and favor asking.” Ketch sneers.
“How many American hunters have joined the Men of Letters at this point in time?” You smile. Mick sighs, sharing a look with Ketch.
“Let’s get started then.” He sticks his hand out to you. You nod and take it.
Two months later
“Ms. Hudson,” Sanchez barks as he walks past your desk, “Follow me.”
You jump to your feet, quickly catching up to him. He hands you a tablet that has a diagram of the next room displayed.
“I need you to take notes as we walk.” He continues, tapping the first room on the diagram and displaying older notes. You quickly skim each one as you wait for him to open the door and, unfortunately, you can’t decipher any of the code words.
“Ms. Hudson, I expect your utmost discretion with any information you hear beyond this door.” He gives you a pointed look, to which you give him the same curt nod that has gotten you this far.
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“This is where we part ways. If I take you any further all the advertising of your skills we’ve done for the last two months will be null.” Ketch turns to you, eyeing the military personnel that are patrolling the base; he hands you a slim briefcase and a standard issue handgun. “Men of Letters files about your new place of work, files on Mr. Sanchez and Mr. Camp. We’ve gathered that they will be dealing with the Winchesters. The gun is for obvious reasons and there are various types of bullets that will kill more than just humans. And remember, no questions, no friendly conversation and-”
“Don’t even think about the word Winchester.” You finish. Ketch nods, satisfied with your answer.
You quietly follow behind Sanchez as he stops at each door, telling you a jumble of code words. You try to peek inside at each cell, most of the time there’s a pair of eyes glaring through the peephole. You come to one of the last rooms and you’re surprised no one is staring back at you. You glance at Sanchez, who’s fists are balled tight and his jaw clenched.
And then you hear the sound of an electric razor. You can’t fight the smile that appears on your face. Sanchez rattles off three codewords and slams the peephole shut. He quickly walks you back to your desk, asking for his notes within the hour.
“How does someone as nice as you end up in this line of work?” The security guard, who’s name is Drew, asks.
“Who said I was nice?” You smile back.
“You look like a nice person is what I think he’s getting at. Although I have seen you take on a few intruders, it was very impressive.” Camp comments.
“Mmm. Maybe that’s what I want you to feel. Like a cute little tropical fish. Nice and harmless on the outside, but just a small drop of venom,” you hold your fingers up so they almost look like they’re touching, “and you’re dead within the hour.”
“You ever seen anything like the monsters we keep here?” Camp retorts. He and Sanchez have bought your act of stoic and deadly so far, but Camp has been trying to peel back the layers.
“I’ve seen every kind of monster there is Mr. Camp. Trust me when I say I’ve dealt with the Devil himself.” You smirk. Before he can respond, a group of security guards go running by.
“What happened?” You ask after them. They don’t answer and the three of you share a look. You can hear Sanchez bark through the door and Camp leaps to his feet and disappears down the hall. After about ten minutes you hear murmurs that two of the prisoners are dead.
Please don't let it-
“You two, let’s move!” Sanchez commands as everyone else gears up and runs out the door.
“What’s going on?” You demand, slipping on boots and a jacket.
“Winchesters-have escaped.” He slips, immediate regret plastered on his face. He shakes his head and turns to the rest of the crew. “All right! We got two runners with about a 45-minute head start. These are killers. So you get eyes, you pull the trigger. Let's move out.” he shouts, gesturing for you to come with him. “You know how to shoot one of these?” He hands you a gun and you nod. “Good.”
“We think Sam and Dean were being held somewhere in the Rocky Mountain National Forest.” Mary states. She’s not super happy about working with the Men of Letters, but Cas thought of it as the only option they had left. She tried calling you, but whatever you were up to, you only answered twice a week at most.
“Site 94.” Ketch confirms, Mick nodding in agreement. Mary and Castiel raise their brows at his quick answer, which he finds a bit odd. You must have found it, and the two Winchesters, if you’re calling for a ride. “It's a government facility, off-books. Shadow ops. One of those places that officially doesn't exist.”
“Then how do you know about it?” Mary fires back.
“We gather information. It's our job. Although in this instance I’m surprised you don’t know this information already.” Mick explains, giving her a reassuring smile.
“They told us to meet them off State Route 34.” Cas adds.
“Well, that's a long stretch of road. Where, exactly?
“I'm not sure.” Cas sighs. Ketch and Mick share a look, silently communicating a plan.
“I'll have our techs to put a satellite over the area.” Ketch nods, immediately texting his people.
“You can do that?” Mary asks, that can’t be a thing.
“And so much more.” Mick winks as he goes back to his car.
“Do you have any idea what sort of trouble we're walking into?” Ketch asks Cas. Since their end of the bargain is done, you must have given all the information they need for a clean extraction.
“Oh, good. I do like a surprise. I assume (Y/N) had no trouble getting them out?” Ketch inquires. You may have been a thorn in his side for two months but he was glad to see you could hold your own. You at least have the beginnings of a good Woman of Letters.
“(Y/N)?” Cas’s frown deepens.
“Wasn’t she the one who called?”
“No, Dean did.” Cas stands nose to nose with Ketch. “Why would (Y/N) be with Sam and Dean at site 94?”
“She asked for help, we gave it.” He states. Cas balls his fists, ready to put both of them through Ketch’s smug face. If you’re hurt…
“Cas.” Mary calls from the car. His shoulders relax a fraction and he gives one last pointed look before walking away from Ketch.
You’ve managed to keep up with Sanchez and his men as they tracked the boys deep into the forest. Daylight quickly ran out, the darkness amplifying your nerves. The group found a cabin in the search with a lantern lit in the window, a perfect hideout for the night. As the group of soldiers descended upon a cabin you hung back in the tree line. Gunshots rang through the night, soldiers crying out in pain as whatever trap the boys laid took down each soldier.
In the dim glow of the lantern you see a large figure run out of the back of the cabin. You quickly moved toward it, trying to make as much noise as possible. He puts his gun up to your chest as you over dramatically dropped yours to the floor.
“On the ground.” He booms.
“Sammy, I’m not laying on the cold, wet dirt.” You loudly whisper back.
“(Y/N)?” He steps closer so he can see your face. He looks a bit thin, and sleep seems to have still eluded him.
“Where’s Dean?”
“Hey.” You hear Dean shout, followed by a yelp of pain. You walk towards it, seeing Sanchez on the ground.
“I told you. You're trapped.” Dean smirks.
“Hudson. Shoot him!” Sanchez shouts, as he sees you walk up.
“Oh, it would be my pleasure.”
Dean cocks his head to the side. There’s no way… He slowly turns around as you step forward to put the barrel of your gun to his chest.
“Camp! Shoot him!” Sanchez yells as he waits for Dean to overpower you. Sam quickly stops him, taking his gun and forcing him onto the ground next to Sanchez.
“Do it.” Dean taunts, pushing his chest flush against your gun.
“If I did, I wouldn’t get to do this.” You hand the gun to Sam and wrap your arms around Dean. His mouth quickly finds yours as he dips you into a kiss.
“What the fuck?” Sanchez asks, his world slowly tipping upside down. You’re the sweet little secretary, you’re smart and organized and definitely not capable of being in love with a psychopath.
You laugh against Dean’s lips before pulling away to look over at him.
“It pays to look harmless.” You wink.
“Sam! Dean!” Mary yells as the boys come into view.
“(Y/N).” Cas immediately wraps you in a hug. You wrap your arms around him, feeling his powers heal the blisters on your feet and a few cuts you managed to get. He releases you, his hand caressing your cheek as he turns to “Dean.”
“Hey buddy.” Dean claps Cas on the back. “Did you know she was coming for us?” He whispers.
Dean gives a low grumble, looking over at mom wrapping you in a hug.
“I’m sorry I didn’t watch her closely.” Cas whispers to him. Dean shakes his head, it’s not Cas’s fault. You’d be safer with… well, anyone besides the four of them.
"Ready good lookin?" You shout as Mary and Sam start walking toward the highway.
Dean walks over, lacing his fingers through yours and holding you in place until everyone else gets a few yards ahead.
"You put yourself on the line." He mumbles. The last thing he wants to do is pick a fight, but you can't keep stepping in the line of fire.
"It comes with the territory." You shoot back.
"Baby, you're not safe-"
"Dean. Can we just... can this wait until we get home?" you sigh, stopping just before the highway. He stares at you, his eyes memorizing how beautiful you are. He nods, hoping these final moments won't leave you with regret.
"So wait, you're hunting?" Dean asks his mom. The car ride to his impending death feels familiar and very final this time; he does relax a bit knowing you can pick yourself up after it. And this time you'll have Sam and mom, and they'll convince you to move home, return to normal life and then you'll be safe.
"A little bit." Mary sheepishly admits. She looks at her son in the rearview, smiling at the fact you made your way into his lap. You're snuggled into his chest, your hand toying with his.
"Yeah, I knew you couldn't stay away." Sam smiles at her.
The radio clicks on, the channels blurring together until nothing but static can be heard. The car sputters, slowing to a stop.
"It's time." Sam whispers to Dean
"Time for what?" You ask, your heart dropping at Cas's expression.
"I love you sweetheart." Dean whispers into your hair, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to it. The five of you pile out of the car and Dean sweeps you into a kiss. The way he as you cradled in his arms, the way his mouth is pressing against yours... it feels like a goodbye.
"What's happening?" Mary asks.
"Yeah, Dean." A sultry voice asks; the five of you turn to see her. "'Sup?" her smile widens like a cat who cornered the mouse.
"Billie?" Mary asks, taking a few steps toward her.
"The reaper?" Cas frowns as he turns towards Sam and Dean.
"I don't understand." You and Mary say in unison. Except, deep in your gut, you do. You wrap on arm around Dean, you body slowly becoming more numb as you realize how close you are to falling back into the darkness.
"Mom...that place..." Dean's begins, his voice trembling, "There's only one way we were getting out of there, and that wasn't breathing. So I made a call. "
"Dean talked with her, " Sam continues, "and then Billie came to see me. And we made a deal. We'd get to die and come back one more time, but in exchange..."
"Come midnight, a Winchester goes bye-bye. Like, permanently. And that is something I've been looking forward to for a long time." Billie grins.
"Why would you --" Mary tries to grasp at any understanding why her boys would sacrifice themselves when they have so much to live for.
"We were already dead." Dean cuts her off. "Being locked in that cell with nothing... I've been to Hell. This was worse." He gently unwraps himself for you but keeps your hand firmly in his.
"At least this way, one of us gets to keep fighting. " Sam adds, catching your gaze. You know Dean's first choice would be himself, but you can see Sam has decided it would be him.
"You don't have to do this." Cas growls.
"Yeah, they do. We made a pact. Bound in blood. You break that, there's consequences on a cosmic scale. So who's it gonna be?" Billie looks between Sam and Dean. You grip onto Dean a little harder and reach for Sam's hand, pulling him one step closer to you.
"Me." Mary blurts. The three of you protest, walking toward her but get blasted back by Billie. Her smile is stretched impossibly wide; the ultimate prize of a Winchester who was never supposed to walk this green earth a second time.
"You said come midnight, a Winchester dies? I'm a Winchester." Mary states, putting her gun up to her head.
"Works for me." Billie smirks, her eyes flicking to the three of you pinned on the ground.
Mary takes a shaky breath, picturing her beautiful family and the heroic lives they'll lead and uttering one final "I love you."
"Mary don't!" You scream as Billie yells out in pain. Mary snaps her eyes open, putting her gun down when she sees a silver blade sticking out of Billie's chest.
As she falls to her knees you see Cas standing behind her. You feel her power vanish, the three of you quickly standing up.
"Cass, what have you done?" Dean barks.
"What had to be done. You know this world, this sad, doomed little world, it needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get, and I will not let you die." He walks over to you and takes your hand. "I won't let any of you die."
The four of you stare in awe as Cas makes it a point to look at each one of you.
" And I won't let you sacrifice yourselves. You mean too much to me, to everything. Yeah, you made a deal. You made a stupid deal, and I broke it. You're welcome." He stomps back to the car, sliding into his seat.
"Still think I'm safer with anyone else?" You grumble to Dean, dropping his hand and sliding in next to Cas.
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