#sam and lena were so cute too
listen. i do not ever want anything bad to happen to lena kelley. however i do want her to, at some point, be in so much distress that someone has to comfort her. do you understand.
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obliviouskara · 3 months
okay hear me out cheerleader au but make it supercorp but it gets better bc its kara who's a cheerleader bc she's nice, and cute and has really nice hair and she looks super cute in really short skirts and lena is the smart one but not nerd smart but like genius smart head of the academic school decathlon smart coming from a family of pure scientist and genius smart but she's adopted and lena has this constant need to prove herself worthy of her last name and maybe it doesn't help that her step mother keeps reminding her how she needs to "do better" constantly so she doesn't have a lot of friends maybe it has something to do with the fact that she comes from an elite family and doesn't shy away from acting like they're better than everyone else even tho lena hates it but she's too busy studying to care about what other people think or to have friends except for maybe sam but sam was a friend out of convenience also bc sam's parents work for lena's parents and they were besties since they had to spend a lot of time together when both parents are stuck in meetings and sam also helped lena discover that she might be a little gay. okay, that's a lie she's really really gay but she's too busy to even be gay except maybe for one particular cheerleader who constantly gives her a shy smile and looks at her like she wants to say something but always chickens out the last minute and it doesnt help that every time kara performs she makes sure to lock her eyes on lena the whole time and lena doesnt even like watching football but when sam forced her one time to watch bc sam has a huge crush on one of the players who also happens to be kara's sister, it was then lena find herself mesmerized by the way kara moves her body but lena's sure its a coincidence bc kara's not even gay i mean she never said she was straight either but she's perfect and have only publicly dated men but then whenever they cross paths kara would always say hi and wait, kara knows lena's name?? i mean, lena and kara arent even friends and the only time they talked was on middle school where they had to take care on an egg and be its parents but that was ages ago surely kara wouldn't remember her they barely even spoke but one day kara is walking towards lena and lena panics and starts to freak out and she's conflicted whether to close her locker, bolt and run or jump inside her locker and hide so she ends up slamming her head with her locker instead and she lets out multiple curse words until she hears soft laughter beside her and oh wow, kara danvers is so pretty and she has the prettiest eyes she's ever seen and her lips. It's probably not polite to stare but she can't help it. She's only but a gay teenager and wait, her lips are moving. She's saying something. Kara Danvers, head cheerleader is talking to her and she tries to come back to reality only for her to hear "...so I was hoping you'd be free next week since I'll be having a party" and and and and....
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pippytmi · 6 months
If you are possibly still doing song promts, not sure if you're into country music however, "Unforgettable" by Thomas Rhett is a very cute, romantic song that I believe will suit Supercorp very well, thank you.
It is a warm, sticky summer night, and the stars have never been clearer.
Kara watches them, wistful and maybe a little buzzed, stretched out in the back of her pickup while Alex flicks bottle caps below at the guys. James and Winn don’t even notice; they’re still arguing over whether they should take whiskey shots or shotgun beers, both staunchly on opposite sides of this dilemma.
“Hey,” a thought occurs to Kara suddenly, “where did Sam go?”
“To find Lena, I think,” Alex says, squinting at her next target with halfhearted commitment as she leans over the side of the truck. When she throws the next cap, it misses Winn entirely. “Damn. Open another beer, Kara, I need another shot.”
“Who’s Lena?” The name is somewhat familiar, but Kara can’t place it immediately.
“The Luthor girl. Sam’s friend, you know her.” Alex leans back to root through their cooler, and comes up with two more beers. “She’s the one who flaked when Sam tried to set up that double-date, remember?”
“Right, and I had to third-wheel you guys all night.” Kara sits up in order to scan the crowd curiously, one question at the forefront of her mind: “Is she related to Lex Luthor?”
“Yes, that’s why I said the Luthor girl,” Alex says like one might say keep up. “She’s his half-sister or something, I don’t know.” She uses the bottle opener on her keys to pop open one of the beers, handing it over to Kara and immediately moving on to her own.
Kara takes a distracted swig as she continues to look out into the crowd. The lights strung through the trees offer very little in terms of visibility, and it’s hard to make out faces. “I didn't know he had a sister,” she says.
“It's not something he exactly advertises.” Alex takes a re-do of her earlier shot now that she has a fresh bottle cap, and this time it nails Winn right on the side of the head. “Hey, losers! Quit fighting and come get a drink!”
“Not unless you have some beer cans we can shotgun!” Winn shouts back.
“No, no, he means we need some Jack Daniel’s,” James interjects, and they’re off again, shoving playfully at each other’s shoulders as if they are going to push each other into the bonfire.
Alex rolls her eyes. “Boys,” she says derisively. “Let’s get Nia instead, she deserves a drink far more than they do.” She reaches over to bang at the truck’s backseat window. “Wake up, sleeping beauty!”
“Whoa, watch it!” Kara almost spills her drink in her haste to bat Alex’s hand away. “Take it easy. I just got her all fixed up.”
“Oh sure, when Siobhan takes a baseball bat to the glass it’s all fine and dandy, but I can’t even give it a tap?”
Kara crinkles her nose. “She thought it was her ex’s car in the dark, come on. You can’t blame her for that.”
“You are also her ex,” Alex says impatiently.
“But not the ex she was trying to get revenge on,” Kara points out. “She even apologized to Brittney. I think you should, too.”
Alex gives her a dirty look. “For the last time, I will not call your car that.”
“Don’t be a hater, Alex.”
“Don’t be a fucking weirdo, then—”
Before Kara can even enact her own revenge for that comment, she is briefly blinded by one of two flashlights aimed at her face. Beside her, Alex yelps and covers her eyes.
“There you guys are,” Sam exclaims. “I got lost trying to remember where we were. Why did you park so far away?”
“To keep our drinks from the masses, mostly,” Alex says, and she hops up over the side of the truck to pull Sam into her arms. “And for privacy.”
“Ew,” Kara says, and Alex glares at her over her shoulder.
“For Nia, who is sleeping.”
“Still?” Sam grins, momentarily distracted, when Alex presses a kiss to her cheek. “I wanted to introduce her to Lena.”
Just like her name, Lena Luthor has something about her face that strikes Kara as vaguely familiar. Something in the shine of her eyes in the moonlight, in the way she bites on her bottom lip, in the slope of her nose and the cut of her jaw and the hint of a dimple in her cheek. Kara has never laid eyes on Lena Luthor before, but she finds herself unable to look away.
The only reason Kara even realizes she's been staring at Lena too long is when she hears her name:
“And this is Kara, she's Alex’s sister. She drove us here.”
Now it's Kara's turn to be stared at—or more accurately, scrutinized. “While drunk?” Lena says.
Kara snaps back to reality. “I'm not drunk,” she hastily denies, lest that somehow affect her chances with impressing Lena (coincidentally, something she had not been concerned with until this very second). “I've only had two beers, I'm practically sober.”
But when anyone else might be skeptical, Lena merely tilts her head curiously. “Okay, if you say so,” she says in a manner that’s almost…amused. Kara counts it as a win, either way.
“So are beers all we have around here?” Sam asks. “Clearly, Lena and I need to catch up to everyone.”
“We also have whiskey,” James chimes in, while Winn makes a show of gagging.
“Yeah, just beer and whiskey,” Alex affirms. “Kara did the shopping, so….”
Kara bends down to lift up their cooler as if it’s a treasure chest. “We also have Mang-O-Ritas,” she says magnanimously, passing it down to James to pop open.
“Just a regular beer for me, then,” Sam says. “Lena will have the Mang-O-Rita.”
“I’ve never had one before,” Lena says, crossing her arms and leaning against the side of the truck as Sam procures her drink. “Are they any good?”
Kara jumps off the truck in order to fully join their circle (and, okay, closer to Lena. Maybe). “They’re awesome. Don’t listen to whatever Alex tells you, she will 100% drink three of these in one sitting.” 
“Only when there’s no other option,” Alex protests.
Lena cracks open her can and takes a cautious sip. “Hm,” she says. “That’s…vile.”
“Poor little rich girl,” Sam coos. “Always such a snob about your liquor.”
“Excuse me for preferring a glass of red over this,” Lena says, but she takes a longer drink immediately afterwards, and Kara falls a little bit in love.
It's always been like that, really—Kara falls in love like breathing air. Eliza used to call her a hopeful romantic because she never liked the term hopeless romantic. (“There is nothing hopeless about finding beauty in everything,” Eliza would promise as she kissed Kara's head. Alex would always be nearby gagging, of course).
Eventually, as the fire begins to die down, they break out the whiskey bottle for shots. Lena, Kara can't help but notice, grimaces at the taste in a way that shouldn't be as cute as it is.
“I need a palate cleanser,” Winn gasps afterwards, ever the drama queen. “Stat.”
“I’ve got one right here for you, it's called Bud Light,” Alex quips.
And while Alex and Winn playfully tussle, Kara’s gaze drifts past them and back to Lena. Lena, surprisingly, is looking right back.
“You have grass stains on your jeans,” Lena tells her, and quickly looks away.
Kara glances down. “Oh,” she says, “yeah, it’s the hazard of working on a farm.” She actually got the stains from kneeling down to pet a puppy on the way here, but the farm thing sounds better. “So what do you—” 
She never manages to get the question out, because two cars down, someone screams bloody murder and Kara reflexively whips out the pocket knife in her boot. Everyone else is equally alert, until:
“It’s just fucking Mike Matthews again, falling off that eyesore he calls a truck,” Alex scoffs. 
“Again? They need to impound that thing,” James says.
Kara is about to chime in with her own horror story about Mike’s truck when she feels a tap at her shoulder; Lena waits until Kara whirls around, befuddled, before she asks,
“Can you pour me another shot?”
Kara blinks. Then blinks again. “Yeah,” she says, even though Winn is the one holding the whiskey bottle. “Yeah, of course.”
Winn gladly relinquishes the bottle when Kara asks, and he and James walk down to Mike’s group to “see if they can help” (i.e. gossip). Sam and Alex take advantage of the chaos to sneak away together (probably to make out somewhere). And Kara is left, terrifyingly enough, alone with Lena Luthor.
Lena coughs after downing the second shot, frowning down at her cup like it’s wronged her. “That is still…not good.”
Kara tries to hide her smile as she looks down, nudges an empty beer bottle away. “Why drink it, then?”
“I don’t know.” Lena pauses to chase the taste away with her Mang-O-Rita before musing, “To get out of my comfort zone, maybe. But then again, pretty much everything here is out of my comfort zone.”
“Oh, I get it,” Kara says. “Rich girl pretending to be normal. It’s very Maid in Manhattan. Or…whatever the opposite of that is.”
“You are…definitely drunk,” Lena says with the tone of someone two seconds from laughter.
Kara vehemently shakes her head. “Nope, no, absolutely not.”
“Mm, you kind of seem like you are,” Lena says.
“I am not, and I can prove it to you.” Kara cradles the whiskey bottle to her chest and prepares herself: “I can do the running man.”
“And that proves you’re not drunk how?”
“Because it's going to be the most flawless dance you've ever seen,” Kara says, immediately kicking her leg out in a shaky attempt, and Lena’s laughter explodes until she is actually hunched over with the force of it.
“Oh, God, please do that again.”
“I'm not sure I like your reaction,” Kara sniffs, taking a mock-defensive step back. “I don't want to do it now.”
“No, come on, I loved it. Really,” Lena says. Her Mang-O-Rita has spilled into the grass, and she has to stoop down to pick up the can, ruefully shaking it when she notices it's empty. “Maybe I need to slow down. Is there somewhere we can sit?”
“Yeah,” Kara says, waving the whiskey bottle to beckon Lena to follow, and she guides her to the back of the pickup. She shrugs off her jacket, laying it out for Lena to sit, and Lena gives her a small smile when she does; it feels like they’re in their own world, kept company only by the stars and the occasional crackle of the dying bonfire.
“So you work on a farm?” Lena has to lean slightly against Kara to get comfortable, and Kara holds her breath to keep from jumping.
“Yup, my parents’ farm,” Kara barely remembers to answer. “Nothing glamorous like you and your brother, I'm sure.”
“I didn't know you knew about…that,” Lena says.
Kara shrugs, feels her shoulder directly move against Lena’s. “Kind of hard not to,” she says apologetically. “I mean, the Luthor name is on just about every business in town.” She twists the whiskey bottle between her hands, listens to it slosh. “If it helps…none of us care about that.”
“Really,” Lena says, disbelievingly but still light enough to invite a follow-up, which Kara wastes zero time in grasping.
“One hundred percent,” Kara promises. “We never judge a book by its cover. Not even,” she pauses to whisper this next part, “people who stand up their dates on a dreaded double-date with their sister.”
Lena gasps. “That was not you.”
“It was,” Kara laughs, just self-conscious enough to slick her hair out of her eyes. “Didn’t Sam tell you?”
“No—all she said was you were fun,” Lena says. “And she promised to try and set me up again, another time.” She shifts, now fully shoulder-to-shoulder against Kara. “Oh my God. Is that what tonight is?”
“Alex didn’t tell me anything,” Kara wonders, “but it would make sense…”
Lena scoffs. “This would be a horrible date,” she says, almost to herself. Then, hurriedly, “Not because of you, but because of everything else. The drinks, the place, the…lack of indoor plumbing…” 
“So you’re too good for whiskey, tailgate parties, and porta potties,” Kara lists off. “Hm. I don’t know, Lena. This date is off to a rough start.”
“Oh, shut up.” Lena reaches across their bodies for the whiskey bottle, and her fingers tangle with Kara’s as she takes it. Lena uncaps it and takes a swig, coughing as soon as she lowers the bottle, and Kara smiles even if Lena can’t see it.
“What happened to slowing down?”
“That was before I realized this was a date,” Lena says without a lick of shame. “Sue me—I’m nervous.”
“You don’t have to be,” Kara says softly, and she shuts her eyes, inhales the smoke of the fire and the sweet, floral scent of Lena’s perfume. “We can just be friends, too. No pressure.”
“And you’d be okay with that?” Lena asks, her voice quiet but undoubtedly curious. “Am I not the kind of girl you want to date?”
Kara immediately straightens up. “Are you kidding? I would marry you, probably, if I could. In a good way,” she hastens to explain. “In a…general, you-seem-like-the-kind-of-nice-to-marry. Hypothetically.”
Lena exhales, and there’s a hint of a smile in her own voice when she says, “You’re coming on awful strong for a first date, Kara Danvers.”
“Sorry.” Kara slumps against the floor, sighing as the whiskey finally starts catching up to her, leaving her slightly dizzy and uncoordinated as she stares up at the night sky.
But then Lena is moving, twisting until she is half-hovering over Kara, beautifully framed by moonlight and the haze from the fire beside them. “I can’t promise marriage yet,” she says, “but I think I can do a second date.”
Kara blinks, slowly, and her grin forms before she can even try to hide it. “Really?”
“Only if I can choose the place,” Lena says. “And if you never make me drink that awful margarita again.”
“Deal,” Kara says, making room for Lena to squeeze in beside her, light-headed for a whole new reason as Lena rests her head on Kara’s arm. “But I really think you should give the Mang-O-Rita another try. Just, for the record.”
“Shhh, don’t ruin this,” Lena says, tapping Kara’s mouth with her finger, and Kara keeps on smiling.
(And later, when they’ve sobered up, Kara will kiss Lena goodnight; later still, Lena will deny that she tasted of that damned Mang-O-Rita, but only Kara will know the truth).
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theanxiousghostartist · 3 months
TMAGP 21 Spoilers
We are so back, guys!
This is going to be a mix of reactions and theories. Please bear with me 😅
Celia/Sam Pre- Case Chat: I really liked the character building here, with Sam and Celia opening up to each other. It's really interesting that Sam has a fear of disappointing people (specifically his parents), it further convincing me that he's Eye-aligned. I'm really glad he's still going to research the Institute. It's better that he brings this upon himself rather than being forced into learning about it.
Celia's "immigration status" wasn't picked up on by the OIAR??? I wonder if someone did catch it and didn't say anything, thinking she was an Avatar or Becoming? She says "Anyway, if I had to go back, I couldn't take Jack with me..." This is interesting to me for a few reasons:
1. "If I had to go back" -> This suggests that she doesn't want to go back. I originally thought she was reseaching Alchemy to go back to the TMA-verse, but maybe she's trying to figure out how and why she came over in order to stop her "sleepwalking?"
2. The fact that she couldn't take Jack with her -> This could mean that it is either too dangerous for Jack to go back or (more likely imo), Jack was born in this world, therefore, it would be physically impossible for him to go to another universe without the fears being involved.
3. Putting the two together, another theory comes out -> What if Celia is staying for Jack? It could be either because she would feel terrible leaving him alone and is one of the only people he has, or because of him, she physically cannot go back. This would mean that he is connected to the fears in some way (also, giving possibility for him to be related to Agnes).
Again, I really liked this interaction, and Sam offering to help Celia and Jack gave us some reay cute Celia × Sam fluff.
So the case is made out of letters from a co-treasurer of the Institute, Mr. Leonardo Kennings, to the other treasurers regarding the Millenium Exhibition Dome project, which is set to take place in London at the turn of the century (2000). Kennings starts out by arguing that the project should happen on a date "determined by the stars" and the Institute should not go by the Gregorian calendar, as he argues, going by such a calender would exclude many people from their project. With more doubts about the project, he continues to talk about how he thinks Dr. Welling's calculations are off, theorizing the balance that Welling says will happen, won't, and the scales would tip more towards fear. I wonder if this is how the Fears came into the universe and gained power so quickly. He goes on to talk about his observations of the project, basically saying that the workers seemed ill and "corrupted" (perhaps the Corruption was particularly at play more). He goes on to describe a worker being killed by an older doppelganger of himself (very much Stranger vibes), as they disappear into the pit the doppelganger came from.
I really liked this case; it's definitely one of my favorites.
Lena/Alice Chat:
Alice talking to Fr3D1, and saying the Colin was right, was really intriguing to me, mainly because we know that she knows more than she says. I wonder how much she really knows, and if she will go check up on Colin again.
Lena saying that with Colin gone, her numbers were up, makes me more scared for him, as it feels like she is going to continue to push him out because he knows to much.
Lena showed more emotion again! She is worried for Gwen, which makes sense, as she sent her after one of the most dangerous (possible) externals yet...
Still, let's go, Lena!!
Gwen's experience:
I feel so bad for Gwen, and that bystander 😭
So she's continuously chased by Ink5oul, with them killing the random guy trying to help Gwen. That is until she is caught by [Error]. But while she is running from Ink5oul, she tries to call someone multiple times. My first thought was the police, but that wouldn't be very beneficial to her, especially if the officer(s) had any ink. My second thought was Lena, since she's implied she's been in similar situations to Gwen. But what if she's trying to call someone else? Perhaps someone in the Bouchards (her family and the reason why she got the OIAR job)?
I also really liked seeing more Ink5oul's powers here as well! They can not only transform tattoos they created but any tattoo, no matter how the ink was applied.
Gwen now has a scorpion (or partial) tattoo! I wonder why they chose a scorpion?
And then [Error] comes! They compell Gwen and claim her as their prey, as well as "others." Gwen's compelled story involves the Corruption and worms that are very reminiscent of Jane Prentiss.
After Ink5oul releases her, she runs, but [Error] does not chase. They seem to only want the story, the fear, and not to kill the person. They record the stories on the tap recorder, which is how the person stays alive (well, sort of alive, like the body Alice found). Gwen was able to survive because she got away from the tape recorder, which was left near Ink5oul (it ends up "biting" them).
[Error] theory time!
[Error] is a failed Archivist and Avatar. They were in the middle of Becoming when the Institute turned down and were just enough avatar to survive. However, being trapped for so long without any fear, they Became wrong. It left them more of a shell, and were tied to the nearest thing to them that was also tied to the fears - the tape recorder - which is how they feed on fear. As they feed on more fear, it is possible that they will grow stronger and be able to fully Become. However, there is also a possibility that they are stuck hungry. While other avatars are full for a little while after feeding, they are incapable of feeling full and need to constantly feed through the tape recorder.
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TMAGP 30 Season 1 Finale thoughts - Spoilers
I am screaming
- Sam you’re not wrong. This is because you were curious. As Elias would say “You pressed on. You sought knowledge relentlessly, and you always chose to see”
- “All goes to plan” “there’s a plan?” NO ANSWER??
- COLIN!! Oh God what did you do? What is FR3-d1 doing?
- Goodbye?
- Only 6 minutes in and too much is happening
- Much more at play! - Lena you were protecting everyone!
- Gwen’s got the job? Gwen that’s an evil sounding laugh.
- Sam always humming is cute
- We Want Your Teeth
- That cabbie “I don’t want to be a witness”
- The custodian is getting compelled!
- Is Hilltop Centre just a strip mall for the fears? 😂
- Is the custodian literally melding into the building??
- Please call Alice back!!
- Nobody lets anybody goddamn talk! Alice let Teddy and Colin talk! Sam let Alice talk!
- YES Celia! Tell your tale
- Omg Celia this is because of you?!?!!
- Oh no! Celia are you about to sacrifice Sam?
- WtfwtfwtfwtfwtfWTF
- Oh is Celia being compelled now?
- Sam is still trying to protect Celia after she betrayed him. Sam I love you you’re so stupid
- Oh nobody is going to train Gwen on what to do. Guess you fucked up Babe!
- Where is Sam?!??!!! WHERE IS SAM?
- Wait… I thought there were deaths? Nobody died. What was that editors text chain about?
*edit - The custodian died and his death wasn’t worthless. And it was very well edited and creepy if that’s what the chain was about. I was just expecting a main character death.
- Wtf WTF
- Time for me to pass away I guess
- Good episode though
+ a theory for S2 - Jonah was the one who sent Gwen the emails with all of the information to get Lena fired. Now Gwen has the job and no clue what to do. Want to bet she gets more mysterious emails that guide her and clue her in as to what steps/ decisions she should make? Jonah loves controlling a Bouchard and if he can’t place his eyes in her skull this might be the next best thing. I only half believe that JMJ are actually in the computers and it depresses me too much to think too hard about Jon and Martin being trapped with Jonah but if true, this is compelling (no pun intended).
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 5 months
TMAGP 12 Thoughts: Nostalgia Bait
I have no real preamble on this one. I think it was a fun, straight forward, episode without too too much to really sink out not-soft teeth into here. Also please laugh at that subtitle, I'm very proud of it.
Spoilers for episode 12 below the cut.
A lot of office stuff here it feels like. Not a huge amount to really say on it as like with the rest of this episode it's more building on stuff we've already seen than it is adding new things to the show. Which is obviously not a bad thing but it's fairly straightforward. Celia and Sam are going on a date, which is cute, and Alice is very obviously jealous, which is also cute.
"You wouldn't be tempted?" "No" [bzzt]. Uh huh.
So first things first for the incident, this episode took places on 09/03/2024. 09/03/2024 is the date the incident in episode 10, Saturday Night, was filed. So everything that went down here was the same night that Gwen gave Bonzo the instructions and presumably he just killed whoever had their name in their. We don't really know who that was as of yet. Of the known characters I said it'd likely be Klaus but this was someone new. They're only identified as "Baz" in the episode, assuming the first victim was the main target, and we don't know any Bazs, Basils, or Barrys AFAIK. But if that's someone Gwen would know I think that only leaves two or three people it could be. I think most people will think Baz is a Bouchard or some other family member. I think it's possible that it's either someone on the corporate ladder that Lena eliminates as a show of "this is what it takes to move up in this company". There has been a lot of focus on Gwen's naivety in that area after all. The last main option I see is that it could just be someone fairly "random". Not someone Gwen is necessarily connected to but just some form of threat. Gwen "knows" them more in a general sense of "you know what I'm sending him to do, eliminate a threat". Hard to say just from the incident alone. The lunchbox and theme tune are "real" too, which is fun.
Outside of that not a load to say but it was a fun episode and it's nice to see Bonzo doing Bonzo things. It's really interesting that he appears to have either two "forms" or that he's got some sort of mental manipulation abilities. When Gwen saw Bonzo, despite being aware of him from TV, she reacted with abject horror. The party guests didn't. So either Bonzo didn't look like his current self or he's able to manipulate people's perception of him. Both would account for the reactions he got. Just a guy in a Bonzo suit. Not a sweaty meaty monster.
After that we just see Gwen horrified by the case. Which is an understandable reaction but I don't think its an elucidating one. I wouldn't say how she reacts shows anything beyond terrifying realisation about what the OIAR is. Her brief conversation with Alice also leans in that direction. So if it's a family member it doesn't look like one who's loss is felt as an immediate gut punch.
The only other comment I have on this is how refreshingly different Bonzo is being treated as a primary monster in this show. Unlike in TMA which did a lot of slow build up, small appearances, and things like that we've gotten two episodes very close together where he shows up and is a large focal point of the episode.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
DPHW Theory: 4728 all seems pretty reasonably for what we saw. Death and Helplessness were not major thematic factors but Pain and Weird very much were.
CAT# Theory: 1.
R# Theory: B is totally in line with my ideas on this.
Header talk: Mascot (Kids) -/- Frenzy is what I have been waiting for. Sweet repetition. Sweet, sweet repetition. Episode 10, Saturday Night, was CAT1RB2275 - Mascot (Kids) -/- Murder. An identical Section (Subsection) with a different Crosslink.
This largely confirms that Crosslinks impact DPHW gradings. It doesn't say much about how these things are calculated but I'd wager it's something like Section (Subsection) gets a rating that is then modified by a Crosslink. Rather than all those combinations being in the book. It's not exactly useful information but does give more clarity on the role of the Crosslinks. With both cases having the same CAT#R# it's impossible to say at the moment whether that can be changed by the Crosslink.
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anthroposeen · 5 months
tmagp 13 relisten notes!!
there are spoilers for episode 13 below the cut!
- admits to sam that she asked alice for advice and general information about him. this implies she has a pretty friendly relationship with alice (evidenced by alice buying her a mocha) and seems relatively unthreatened by her past with sam so far.
- "no one, im mysterious" -> evidence for her not being from this dimension, if no one can give a lot of information about her
- reveals jack is her baby! (not followed by a glitch)
- says the past couple years "since the move" (between dimensions?) were weird for her
- believes the incidents they work with are real, and im certain shes in the same boat as the audience rn, trying to categorize them with background knowledge that isnt accurate anymore
- easy to make blush, doesnt know how cute he is, is an overachiever, obsessive, a but repressed, nosy, kind of a recluse, and very easy to wind up
- gifted kid syndrome poster child; he seems to view being turned away by the magnus institute as the beginning of his rejection streak (not admitted to oxford, didnt get first, got fired from his legal firm). i think this will be a major point in his motivations and a fear of rejection and need for validation is going to drive him to receive the greatness he wants (and believes he has earned). i can already see a corruption arc brewing for him, poor thing
- did NOT tell celia about his experiences in the institute or what his "incident" was (referring to lena's interview where she asked him what the worst thing he's seen/experienced was). this isnt super sketchy considering its a first date, but is interesting since he was the one who wanted "all the baggage" out early
- he doesn't want to accept that the incidents are real, but i think he does believe in them. he brought the topic up to celia and has asked alice about it before too, so he may be aware that the incidents are real, but is unwilling to fully conceptualize what that means for himself and his world view
- says that alice doesnt love the idea of him seeing celia, which means he may have picked up on her feelings for him
- feels guilty over instigating the mr.bonzo incident -> whats really interesting is that she doesnt threaten to quit or not be involved, she accepts that she gas another email to look through and another external to interact with, but it seems to upset her
- she asks lena why this (externals and mr bonzo murder) is happening, implying that she can stomach the work if its for a reason
- gives gwen the ABCs of genre-awareness:
- this dimension also has "opposing forces- most of them meaning to be harmful.
- these "forces" need to be "balanced" and controlled in order to maintain order in the world/system -> still working off of a smirke-esque theory that retaining balance will keep the world secure. i dont know if she means balance between forces of good and evil or forces in the supernatural sense
- says the OIAR is managing the bad guys, as in monitoring their actions and directing externals to "balance" things
- actually offended that sam doesnt want to share information with her and isnt having a good time knowing sam and celia are seeing each other
- tells sam "he cant prove anything" about the cases being real, but doesnt tell him hes wrong
- i would fling myself from a sky scraper for you, miss dyer, but please never say bussin or fire again
- "stop trying to make an impact" -> the more she tells sam to cut the x-files shit out, the more she stops protesting his suspicions. her scolding has gone from "nothing is going on, chill out" to "sure, theres a conspiracy, but we are paid to ignore it"
alice/sam's past:
- dated at uni, previously stated they were together for several years. it seems to have been a decent split since they stayed in contact afterward.
- sam was there for her when her parents died, but lost contact after
- she contacted him w the OIAR job details after he made an exceptionally pathetic vague post
- centered around gambling and self harm to achieve success- this draws ties to episode 2 (self harm) and episode 9 (luck). i expect this is more aligned with ep 9, as the self harm seems to be in the interest of changing his odds/luck, and the incident is primarily about gaining external success, not physical change. though, ep 2 could be a personal experience with ink5oul that is not representative with their "force"
- the narrator of this statement was quick to actively sacrifice his own well being to achieve better luck, which is a pretty stark contrast to other people who looked to harm other people in their own interest (violin guy and dice guy, i forgot their names sorry!!)
- zorro trader may be a reoccurring organization in relation to gambling
- the narrators options for his debt were to either pay it back or have a personal adjustment, once he completes the voicemail he is transferred to the adjustments apartment, which was not an option on the original call log and something he did not request
- he is promptly adjusted :)
- i think this could be related to the theme of keeping balance, since the incident narrator claims it isnt wrong to play with the loophole, and it ends with him getting what he owes, which is a nice connection to lena's explanation of the OIAR's purpose
- "im happy you're happy", alice (she is not happy that sam is with celia!!)
extra comments:
- i really didnt expect an explanation of the OIAR and its position in this so early, and im surprised lena was the one to reveal it. this exposes that shes pretty open with the staff she feels are on a need-to-know basis, and it also changes my expectations for how we'll come across a big reveal in this series, since information is being given in a more open way
- i think alice and celia definitely know something but in opposing ways- acting as foils to each other with sam (information seeker) in the middle. celia knows about how the fears work in the tma dimension, and alice knows why and what the OIAR are really doing- together, they solve the puzzle that sam is trying to piece together.
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witchinatree · 2 months
magnus protocol episode 25 ramble
one week into senior year and i already want to kill myself ??? not looking too good for me
anyway it's my favorite day because it's also the day of the umbrella academy season 4 and i'm gonna miss it so much i might cry
magnus time!!!
why are they making fun of alice for being worried about the deadly things stalking them. i am worried too.
i love that things feel back to normal but i also don't because this means horrible things are going to alter them forever
i'm really worried about how gross this statement is going to be i saw things in the vague tag
also i was genuinely going to eat during this episode but i'm just gonna do it after, post school snack can be delayed for the greater good (my stomach)
kieran what happened to you..
there are so many red flags even trying to GET to this place oh my god
maggot mention. this will be horrific.
oh i get it. it's not a grill to feed hungry men. it's grilling hungry men. welcome back cannibalistic themes
the hunger is compelling them :scream emoji:
has anyone seen dead boy detectives?? episode 7 when edwin and charles walk through the gluttony level of hell (briefly) is what this reminds me of. i don't like it. i hated that scene.
wwwwwhat the not-noodles did wwhhhat
this made my day worse this is making my day worse somehow oh my god oh my god i need this to be over. this is my new mag18. i think i have issues with food horror.
shoutout kieran they actually seem really strong for this i guess????? go off. i wish you were vaguer with your writing.
oh. oh... ooooh.... cccan you not...
hi lena babygirl. she needs to file so much paperwork i'm sure. oh my god he got arrested :(
sam bodytackled colin for alice? that's kinda cute sam you're back on my good side. polyoiar back on
i wonder who the minister is? maybe next episode?
poor celia :( and i don't like that they're gonna hire someone new this feels ominous
someone help lena she did not want this
oh celia honey where did you go?? where did you end up??
poor celia :( also what the fuck guys
i will no longer be eating as it turns out. i did not like that one
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akalikai · 4 months
TEDDY??? Okay no this man has shown up too many times he's going to end up back at the OIAR.
"Irritating yet faintly erotic" I LOVE YOU ALICE
"She's really weird but like in a hot way" ALICE YOU'RE DOWN SO BAD PLEASE
"She'll make you forget all about your embarrassing obsession with Sam" GIRL UR PROJECTING SO HARD THE PROTOCULE IS PROTOCULING HELLO?????
Alice my love. You're so. Hhhh. She cares so much but like. Hides it behind humor. I love you sm
Lena is so awkward god I love her she's like genuinely trying to be nice to Sam but she only knows how to be intimidating because of Gwen akdhsjfb.
My God I love Lena too "consider my silence a compliment" GIRL
Oh my God shut up. SHUT UP. IMMEDIATELY AFTER ALICE HAD A DROWNED PERSON START TALKING TO HER. This is interesting because that person was drowned but this one seems to be dehydrated???
Wait wait spiders??? And confusing passageway and locked doors??? Hmm interesting. I know we'd classify this as The Web and The Spiral but I don't think those classifications exist in this world?? Additionally, all the talk of "Mother" makes me this of The Web being called "The mother of puppets"
I also see a bit of The Lonely. The weird filter om "laugh" bothers me.
Sam telling Alice about this being same as her experience ALSO YES SAME HES GETTING IT "sounds like she was trapped in her greatest fear which then actually killed her"
Alice come on sweetie you really shouldn't ignore this come on. You know this.
Okay I can see why Alice and Sam didn't work out in the past. Like in a way, I just don't think they could have been compatible during the time after Alice's parents death because Alice does not handle trauma well and lashes out a bit without noticing it. I'm only saying this because I do kind of feel bad for Sam, he's trying to help Alice to keep her safe but she's shutting down every idea he has.
I do get Alice's side though, in her place, she wants to put it behind her and not think about it. But it's not good for her especially not in the genre she's in lol
"Trouble in paradise" there is ALWAYS going to be trouble in paradise with those two IN FACT I highly doubt there IS a paradise.
Oh boy. What's the next monster Gwen is gonna have to deal with.
Oh no. Oh no poor Gwen, she's never going to open up to anyone again. I mean I understand them thinking she's fucking with them but Jesus. She's traumatized from that.
Okay yeah Alice my girl I love you. But you keep ignoring these things and someone you care about is going to really get hurt.
JACK SOUNDS SO CUTE (who keeps taking Georgie's face) AKBDKSBF
Oh dear. Okay so I'm absolutely sure Celia woke up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere again and called Georgie to watch Jack but said that it was because she went to grab baby food. Georgie knows she's lying.
Celia I like you??? Oooo????
Okay interesting interesting I just feel really bad for poor Gwen now. She's never going to trust them with anything again and she's probably going to be even worse to them. Which like they do kind of deserve but also like I get why they wouldn't believe her immediately? But they should have read the room she seemed genuinely distressed. And I think Alice knows it's real which is why she didn't say anything. But at the same time, she didn't stop Sam and I think it's partially because she wants to pretend it's not real.
Hooo boy lots to think about.
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ashironie · 5 months
spoilers for tmagp ep 12. im making this on tuesday then relistening and adding more thursday.
i’ll be doing 2 in front of every thought i had on my second listen
Alex doing the title card? maybe a norris case? mayhaps?
2 Is getting of in relation to the bonzo lap dance turned dismemberment?
oh god.. first ep without a transcript… what the actual fuck are they saying
2 Oh thank god i have the transcript… sam actually got some rizz
celia and sam in the off room? i assume that’s why it’s so FUCKING ECHOY
2 Panting? man this guy is out of shape
2 awwww i kinda heard this part my first listen through </3. Alice unrequitedly loves Sam and Sam unrequitedly love Celia who unrequitedly loves Lena who unrequitedly loves Gwen who unrequitedly loves Alice (i don’t ship half these but it is funny to joke about imo)
2 SAM IS SUCH A CHARMER I NO LONGER WANT HIM TO DIE FIRST (sorry colin, looks like your up, and so is your time)
awwww, celam fans are gonna eat good with this one
my headphones are also broke so i can’t hear jack
2 something about alice makes tmagp 10x more understandable
aw but you love him for it :7
he is so not over the institute, sam and alice are alike like that, he’s not over tmi she’s not over him
awwww alice stop being such a pessimist! like please do say it, i want sam to get out of this bullshit alive as much as you but like… yk
norris sounds so robotic, i think i even heard him skip a bit. it’s either jonny is too much of a theater kid, or this is actually important to the lore. norris being less human, sounding less emotive, maybe a bit sad? hm? maybe a bit lonely?
2 the skip is on the words “Policy Number: 548651-656” and on “2024” or more specifically the numbers, which isn’t important in don’t think, but really does remind me of tts
fraud?? ooooooOooooOOOOooooo
ha “acting in good faith”
2 love the way Alex says dickheads, it’s so specific and so pointed
hey i know what a stag is!! i watch a british bitch give one to a 70yo! (its a bachelor(ette) party, im pretty sure)
2 don’t you DARE insult my dear dear comic sans
wait why does lena want him murdered?
wait cheer?
ew, i hate bonzo
ohhhhh it looks not bad
2 “Just then the googly eyes turned to me,” im sorry but that will never not be funny. i am both disgusted by bonzo and think everything he does is hilarious.
oh god
WHY ARE THEY LAUGHING? oh they didn’t know
wow dude i feel like that’s overkill bonbon
dut do
why is this SO visiral?
2 ugghhh i love the voice acting
His teeth are not soft
alex saying “bonzo…? bonzo bonzo?” is absolutely hilarious (although i don’t think it can top jonny’s “baaaaa”)
“none of us were left whole” WOW DUDE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKIN HAND?
awww gwen getting her hopes up that alice isn’t fucking with her, so cute
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spaceman-earthgirl · 2 years
Supercorptober 2020 Day 20: Kara
ao3 fic link. series link.
Every time Lena’s phone lights up, and she sees her best friend’s name on the screen, it makes her heart stutter stupidly in her chest and it makes her smile like a schoolgirl with a crush.
She’d almost added a heart after Kara’s name in her contacts, but she didn’t want to make her feelings too obvious.
Sure, she’s started hinting here and there, flirting a bit more openly with Kara, but she’s not quite ready to confess her feelings just yet.
“Is that your girlfriend?”
Lena rolls her eyes at Sam, but it doesn’t stop her smiling. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Yet,” Sam adds and Lena wants to deny it, but it sends too much hope ricocheting around her chest.
Kara’s name flashes on her screen, a text message, and when Lena opens it, she finds a photo attached. It’s from sister’s night, Lena can see Alex in the background, but the main focus of the picture is Kara, ice cream cone in hand, stacked three scoops high. She has the biggest smile on her face and ice cream in the corner of her mouth, and she’s so fucking cute that Lena has to close her eyes for a moment, just to calm the racing of her heart and the warmth in her chest.
God, she loves this woman.
Lena sends a photo back, of herself in bed, laptop nestled in her lap, as she finishes off her work for the day. She receives another selfie, this time of Kara frowning and the caption ‘no working at home!’ and Lena has this sudden crystal clear image in her mind, of Kara lying in bed beside her, frowning while Lena works, of Kara complaining that she wants attention instead. And Lena would give it to her, because how could she focus on her work if Kara was right beside her.
Lena needs to get control of herself, and maybe she needs to ask Kara out, these feelings are getting out of hand.
They had an argument. It was dumb, she knows Kara is just looking out for her, trying to protect her, but Lena can look after herself, and she doesn’t want Kara to get hurt in the process. But they had an argument about it nonetheless and they said some things and Lena just wants to apologise, but she’s not sure if Kara wants to talk to her right now.
But then there’s Kara’s name on her screen and relief in Lena’s chest as she answers the call.
“I’m sorry,” Lena says, cutting straight to it as she answers the phone. 
“No, I’m sorry,” Kara replies and it feels silly, but tears spring to her eyes.
“I know you were just trying to protect me, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”
“And I should’ve listened, I shouldn’t have just assumed what was best for you without talking to you about it. Can I come over so we can talk now? I’d really like to apologise properly.”
Lena sighs, feels herself relax for the first time since their fight yesterday. “You know my balcony door is always open for you.”
Lena feels giddy, when she sees Kara’s name on her phone, even though she just said goodnight to her less than a minute ago.
“Hi,” Lena answers, knows Kara will be able to hear the smile in her voice.
“Hi,” Kara replies, and Lena can definitely hear the smile in hers.
“Did you forget something?” Lena asks. She knows Kara can’t be further than her lobby. It’s been so little time since she left Lena’s front door, Kara may even still be in the elevator.
“I did.”
“Care to elaborate?” Lena asks, too scared to assume what Kara has forgotten. She thinks she knows, she’d regretted not just kissing Kara as they’d both lingered at Lena’s front door, neither quite making a move, even though Lena had made the first move by asking Kara out.
There’s a knock at Lena’s door, and Lena lowers the phone, opens the door to see Kara standing on the other side again.
“I forgot this,” Kara says, stepping into Lena’s space. But she doesn’t kiss Lena, though she’s close to it, but she hovers there, their breath mingling, waiting for Lena to make the final move, to confirm she wants this too.
Lena has never wanted anything more as she closes the last of the gap between them, lips pressing against Kara’s in what turns out to be the best first kiss of Lena’s life.
Lena kicks the door shut and then backs Kara up against it and the Kara doesn’t end up leaving until the next morning.
Kara’s name lights up her screen, a little heart after the name, and it makes Lena smile.
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somuchbetterthanthat · 2 months
Thinking of my shipping stance on Protocol so far, which has not changed that much since the past like, fifteen episodes, but i feel like rambling and nobody read those anyway so i'm indulging
the thing is, Gwen/Alice to me is like, SO canon-endgame-ship material I'm just taking this as obvious that it's Going to Happen and Enjoying the ride to get them here, I'm sure they'll suffer a lot but hopefully they also get to kiss so, good on them, etc. But, so far at least, it doesn't like, pull my heart apart you know. It's /lovely/ and /fun/ and I'm enjoying it, but it's not, say,
ALICE AND SAM; who are, by god, SO compelling, with the angsty still mysterious break up, the fraught friendship that's a wave of "are we okay are we not maybe not after all", the bruises underneath the familiarity, the yearning, the exasperation, the boiling history neither of them actually properly healed from, clearly, in over ten years-- NNGH. They're so good. I'm so into them. I don't want them to get back together but i do need them to kiss SO bad. I want them to be a MESS, I want them to claw their ways painfully to acceptance of each other all over again, proper healing, etc.
now I also thought i would be soooooo into Lena/Gwen when I listened to the first episode. It's like they throw me a ship that I was MEANT to love, and I recognized it, and then my eyes stray away from it and now i'm like "Cool dynamics, sorry it's not keeping me rooted in place screaming" ; i think maybe it's because we've seen so little change between them so far, beyond the now almost certainty that Lena CARES, and can't/won't show it at all.
Also: i wanna like celia/sam but it 1. happened too fast for me 2. I'm still firmly of the belief that even if Celia likes Sam she is using him for her own personal purposes and if it comes down to it, she'll do something that breaks Sam's heart in order to get what she needs/wants. TO BE HONEST THO, considering me, I might ship them harder /when/ that happens (if it happens. It feels like it ought to, but maybe they're just meant to be cute! i dunno!!)
Teddy/Alice are so Friendship coded to me: love them. I think Teddy, Alice, Gwen and Colin were like. S1 Archive coded, in my own mind. Coworkers who hang together sometimes, work friends, loosing each other, etc.
Colin/Freddy (i dunno how to write freddy all the time T-T) still extremely compelling to me in a distant kind of way. Let the computer devour you, Colin!
(JME, of course, is canon in this universe. Shh.)
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Food for thought
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AN: Good morning lovelies! Day 27! Wow! As it's Thursday, it would be rude not to make it Thor's day....
I’m using dialogue prompts from this post by @nightprompts and they can be found emboldened in the text.
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Beta’d by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Dividers by @firefly-graphics, banners and covers by me.
Thanks to @doasyoudesireandlive for the Norwegian endearments.
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Pairing: Thor x Agent!Reader
CW: Oral Fixation, Food Play, Mild Angst, Pining, Ace!Yelena, Explicit Sexual Content, more details than anyone needs about how to eat a Jaffa Cake
Word Count: 3k
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He was watching you again.
The Asgardian prince. Thor.
He appeared from time to time, in a flash of rainbow lights, swung his axe at the bad guys, got Bucky rip-roaring drunk on magic mead and waxed lyrical with Yelena about her sister. Then he’d disappear again, not to be seen again for weeks.
You had noticed though, when he was here, he had a tendency to watch you. At first you thought it was wariness, and unfamiliarity. You were a new agent, brought in to be part of the ‘new’ Avengers team. You weren’t a field agent. You did logistics and on-line support, every so often taking the pilots role for the jet, but you were included in team activities, including movie night. Thor had appeared just in time for the latest mission, and after helping to get one up on the bad guy of the week, he had agreed to stay on for take-out and movies.
“It has been a while since I have sat and watched one of your mortal stories,” he had boomed, voice easily taking over the entire room. And although he had directed his statement to Yelena, who’d invited him to stay, you could make out, from the corner of your eye, that he was looking at you. Which was just great. Because if you’d noticed then Yelena definitely had, which would lead to even more teasing from the Russian.
“He likes you, маленькая жена.”
“He doesn’t even know me, Lena. And I am not his ‘little wife’.”
“He wants to know you though. Trust me. Just because I don’t feel sexual attraction doesn’t mean I don’t recognise when others do. And that man, that God, wants to…”
You’d clamped your hands over your ears and jogged off down the hall, shouting out “lalalalalala” to cover over whatever your friend was going to say next. Not because you didn’t want to know. Oh no! You really did. You absolutely did. But there was no way you were going to let Yelena in on that information. That when you did feel his eyes on you, you felt your whole body suffused with warmth. How you could feel your heart beating between your legs, your core throbbing with need.
He was the most beautiful man, you’d ever set your eyes on and the idea that he would want you…ungh! Well let’s just say that Thor had featured in some of your personal self-care imaginings.
Now here you were a few hours later, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, wearing your PJ shorts and a baggy t-shirt, and holding your tub of chicken and noodles, putting them away with gusto with your chopsticks. Bucky and Sam were on the other sofa, cuddled up and looking sickeningly cute (how those guys could go from gruff and macho to a pair of fucking kittens gave you whiplash), Yelena and Kate were sprawled out on the bean bags on the floor, Kate giving Yelena a foot rub and Thor, well he had just come into the room and you realised too late that the only space left for him was next to you.
You shuffled up and gave him a small smile as he sat, the sofa cushions giving way beneath his large bulk, and you had to adjust your balance, so you didn’t fall against him.
“What are we watching?” 
His whisper was so close to your ear your flesh was tickled by his facial hair. For a moment your mind went blank, images of him tickling other parts of your body with his beard flashing through your brain.
“Huh? Um. I’m not sure. It’s Yelena’s pick, so I hope it’s not too scary.”
“Never fear, little one. I can always protect you.” He gave you a dramatic wink and turned to the large TV screen, leaving you in a scrambled state.
Was he just flirting with you?
Luckily Yelena had been in a silly action mood, and you were able to return most of your attention back to the film, as you continued to eat your food. You were still aware though of Thor, watching you eat. You could almost feel his gaze each time you lifted another morsel of chicken to your lips, or sucked in a bunch of noodles.
Having finished your take-out, you grabbed your favourite movie snack from the table in front of you; a box of British ‘Jaffa Cakes’, a treat you’d discovered on a mission and couldn’t get enough of.
You opened the packet absentmindedly as you watched the good guys getting ready to storm the bad guy’s lair to look for the hostages, although as it was only the second act of the film, there was bound to be some trap or other. Taking out the first chocolate covered sponge cake, you nibbled around the edge, careful not to bit into the disc of orange jello that sat sandwiched between the chocolate and sponge layers. Next, you peeled the jello off the cake base, popping the latter into your mouth. That left you holding the disc of jello, still covered with a thin layer of chocolate. You delicately picked off the larger pieces, eating them, before placing the orange centre on your tongue and letting it dissolve. 
You felt the weight of Thor’s gaze but tried to ignore him as you reached into the packet for a second Jaffa cake. After the third you couldn’t take it anymore, turning to face him.
“What are you looking at?” you hissed, trying not to make your voice too audible to the others.
Thor at least had the good grace to look chagrined at being caught staring, and in the low light of the room you were aware of a pinkening of his skin as he blushed.
“I…um…wondered what it is that you are eating and why you are dissecting it thus?”
Your ire retreated, and you felt a little mean at being so harsh. You nabbed another one of your treats and held it out to him, leaning a little closer so you could talk to him over the sounds of Hollywood gunfire.
“You can eat it all in one go, like a soft cookie, but I think it’s better if you take it apart.” Thor took it between his fingers and gave it a light squeeze and a sniff.
“Is it a cookie or a cake?”
“Would you believe that the UK government spent a long time debating that?”
A bark of laughter left him, making Kate turn around and ‘shush’ him. Yelena just grinned at you, and you rolled your eyes, before turning your attention back to Thor.
“Like this…” You grabbed another of your own and faced him as you took it apart, Thor shyly copying your actions, his eyes fixed on your mouth. As you placed the orange part on your tongue you heard his intake of breath, his eyes going wide, and suddenly he was up, striding out of the room as fast as his legs could take him.
Sam made to get up, but Bucky snagged his boyfriend’s wrist, keeping him in place, but cocked his head in your direction and then in the direction of the door, a clear entreaty for you to go after Thor. You only hesitated for a moment, snagging the rest of the box of Jaffa Cakes off the table as you set off to find him.
It didn’t take you long to find him; he was further down the corridor, striding towards the room that he used when he stayed in the compound. Apparently, it wasn’t a good idea to drink and bi-frost, so quarters had been made available at the behest of King Valkyrie after a previous incident that both she and Thor refused to talk about.
You jogged to catch up with him, grasping hold of his arm.
“Thor? Are you okay?”
He whirled around, a look of pain across his face.
“I am fine. I just felt the urge to be alone.”
You didn’t believe him, and despite the difference in size and strength between you, you managed to steer him to the side of the corridor.
“Nope.” You popped the P. “Not buying it, Thunderpants. What’s given you the willies?”
“The what? No…” He wafted his hand at you. “Nothing upsets me. I am a God.”
His false bravado was equally unconvincing. Without really thinking, you took another Jaffa cake from the pack and took a bite out of it, running your assessing gaze over him. He looked back at you and then suddenly closed his eyes and gulped, a flush making its way up his throat.
Thor took in a deep breath before opening his eyes, the pained look back on his face.
“Please what, Thor? I know we aren’t the closest of friends, but we could change that…”
He moved then, as quick as the lightning he controlled, moving the pair of you, so it was now you against the wall, his body close, pinning you.
“I don’t want to be friends.” His voice was a low growl and your eyes widened in both shock and hurt. Did he hate you? What had you ever done to make him feel this way? You tried to push past him, but you couldn’t move his bulk.
“Then let me go, and I’ll never bother you again, your Highness.”
His eyes narrowed, and you realised he was watching your lips.
“I do not wish to do that either. You really have no idea, do you? I do not want to be friends, because I wish to be more. You have bewitched me. I see you, and all I want is to feel these lips - your lips - on mine.”
He raised his hand, as if he were about to touch your mouth and you couldn’t help the hitch in your breath.
“When you talk, little one, I would have all your words directed to me. When you eat, I wish it were me you were devouring. I want nothing more to feel you against me, so close neither of us knows where one ends and the other begins…You are a treasure to be worshipped. Min skatt.
His words wove an erotic spell and a whimper of need left your throat.
“Thor… I…
But he carried on as if you hadn’t spoken.
“But I know it’s impossible, and I am sorry for burdening you with my feelings, and…”
You’d heard enough and could no longer hold back. You cupped his face with your free hand, feeling his soft beard against your palm.
“Shut and kiss me, Thunderpants.” You didn’t wait for him to take in what you’d said, pulling him down and rising up on your toes to join your lips together. You heard him growl and you felt sparks shoot through you as you tasted each other. Thor pulled you impossibly closer and you wrapped your arms around his neck, barely registering the fact that he was now carrying you and walking down the corridor. In fact you only really noticed your change of venue when you felt yourself being lowered onto his mattress.
Thor broke the kiss and your eyes - that you hadn’t even realised you’d closed - fluttered open, to take in his stormy, lust filled gaze looking down on you.
“Tell me what you want, kjære. Be very clear now how far this can go, because I want all of you, but I will do as you wish.”
Realising you were still holding your now slightly crushed box of Jaffa cakes, you dumped it down next to you on the bed, so you could thread the fingers of both hands into Thor’s hair, bringing your faces so close together that your breath mingled.
“Make love to me, Thor. Make me yours.” You rubbed your nose up and down the side of his, feeling the tension in his arms where he hovered over your body. “Feel my lips where you wish, make them let loose sounds of ecstasy, for your ears alone.”
He initiated the next kiss, his mouth crashing onto yours, the bed dipping as he took his weight on his knees so he could help you shed your clothes and you could help him shed his. Two pairs of hands roamed, mapping naked skin, finding scars, muscle and soft flesh in equal measure. You pushed at him and he allowed you to roll him with a chuckle. You straddled his hips, feeling him nestled against you, but tried not to look…yet. Instead you focused on his chest and chiselled abs. 
He really was built like a god…
His large hands were settled on your hips, just holding you gently, and he was looking up at you with an expression that let you know that he was holding himself back, letting you set the pace, even if it killed him. But you were feeling impish. Leaning to the side you grabbed your squashed snack box, pulling out a sorry looking Jaffa Cake. Tilting your head as though you were objectively studying him, you nibbled around the edge.
“So, the God of Thunder is obsessed with my mouth? My lips? Interesting…” You peeled the jelly off the cake base and placed it over one dusky nipple and the piece of cake over the other. You heard his intake of breath, saw his broad chest inflate and the bits of food move, and you giggled, before bending forward. You pressed kisses over the swell of one pectoral, moving closer and closer to the sponge. Flicking your eyes up to look at him, you snagged the cake off his skin, and when you had it in your mouth, you nipped at his pebbled peak.
“Skatt….” He growled it out, but there was a twinkle in his eye.
“What?” You smiled back, mischievously, before swapping sides to lick up the chocolate covered orange jelly. “You wanted my mouth on you. Speaking of…” 
You slid down him, his length gliding through your folds then up your stomach until you were eye to…well eye with it.
Oh my!
Yup. Definitely god-like…
You took him in your hand, aware of his ragged breath as tried to control his reactions. Your fingers and thumb couldn’t meet around his girth and you clenched on nothingness as you imagined how it would feel inside you. Locking gazes with him again, your tongue snuck out from between your lips and you licked across his tip. You moaned in tandem, before you licked him again, swirling around the head and then taking it into your mouth. You moaned again, the sound vibrating around Thor’s cock as you sought to take him as far into your mouth as you could.The feel of him, the weight, the taste. It was divine. You bobbed your head and stroked him and you felt Thor tremble beneath you.
You squeaked, as he dragged you back up his body, and flipped you both over again. He captured one of your breasts in his mouth and you clung to him, writhing under his touch. His hand traced down your body, squeezing your hip briefly, before sliding into your folds, seeking the wetness there.
“Oh God!” How was it even possible that his touch felt this good? He swirled his finger around your entrance, teasing you like you’d teased him, before pressing it in. After a few thrusts he added a second and then a third, curling them and then spreading them and you clung to the sheets below you.
“Thor, please, I need you. Tease me and take it slow some other time.”
“As you wish…” He moved over you, cock in hand and notched it at the entrance to your weeping pussy. When he pushed in, you saw stars, your back arching. You heard him hiss as he held himself back as your channel clutched at him. Then he was rocking back and forth, feeding himself into you inch by glorious inch, until his hips were flush to the back of your thighs and you could lock your legs around his sculpted waist. 
His face hovered over yours and you pulled him to you, crashing your lips together again as he started to move with slow, steady strokes which allowed you to get used to his size. He felt as good as, no better than, you thought he would be and you moaned into his mouth. He increased his speed bit by bit and you both broke the kiss in order to concentrate on your spiralling pleasure. You pressed your mouth to the firm flesh below his collar bone, moaning into it and nipping at his flesh. Your hands were tangled in his blonde hair, twisting and pulling, revelling in the noises you pulled out of him. But it was the way his cock was pressing against your insides, rubbing you, stretching you that pushed you to the precipice.
“Thor, I’m gonna cum. Oh God! I’m gonna cum.”
“Then cum, min skatt. Cum for me. I need to feel you as you do.” 
A few more thrusts, with Thor pressing his body against your clit and you were crying out, repeating his name over and over, and shuddering in his arms as you milked his cock.
“Norns! I can’t hold back any more!
Thor pulled his cock from the clutch of your body, taking himself in hand and jerking himself, cumming with a groan, in thick white ropes across your lower abdomen. He dropped down next to you on the mattress, cuddling into your side, his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Give me a few moments, kjære, then I will clean you up before making you shout my name again. It should be the only word on those lips of yours.”
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @ohsymphony @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @chemtrails-club @sheismarvelousworld
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paradoxgavel · 8 months
finished the magnus protocol episode 5!
i'm really starting to like that one theory that the entities in this universe have kinda changed from going after people based on what they fear, and going after them based on what they desire. all of the statement, the redcanary one aside, have been about that.
like. ep 1 -wanting to see a dead loved one again, ep 2 - wanting to be perfect, ep 3 - wanting a safe place to lay low, ep 4 - wanting to be a prolific enough musician to rise above his station, and now ep 5 - wanting to be scared by horror movies again.
and obviously it is still scaring these people by turning their wishes against them, but. the rusty quill team mentioned the entities had been reconfigured in the new universe. wonder if that's how.
and also. i love lena. i love a spooky mysterious most likely evil lady. i get the feeling it'd be too obvious for her to be straight-up evil though, so... i feel like her seemingly having killed klaus, the former IT guy, is some kinda misdirect, like there's some higher power at play. whether that's the magnus institute somehow, or starkwall - the military contractors that were mentioned, or even just the ghosts(?) inside FR3-D1, klaus was begging lena to let him go saying "they" wouldn't have to know.
given that colin is now trying to stay hidden from whatever's inside the computers and cameras, i am guessing whatever klaus was talking about had to do with FR3-D1's whole situation. and i'm curious to see whether or not anything comes of sam actually trying to fill out the return forms. :0c
and also alice continues to be cute as hell and i love her slsdkjsldkjf
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
Lena was a hard woman to love.
It was something akin to trying to harness the sun, to try and love Lena Oxton. A woman on the go, in constant flux, never settling, never finding peace. People had tried, they had absolutely tried. Coffee shop dates interrupted by work, sleepless nights spent pacing up and down the halls, runs alone in the cold morning air. They had tried. But others didn’t deserve her lifestyle.
It was something she had resigned herself to. Heroes rarely got their happy ending anyway – look at the pictures on Morrison’s desk that he never spoke about. Consider Ana and Sam, and the dozens of others that had it all splinter and fall apart under the pressure of Overwatch.
It was too much to believe that Lena, Tracer, was free enough to be loved.
That didn’t stop her from hoping, though. Sometimes she remembered back to Abi, the girl she thought she was going to marry, back at the Academy. When the world felt so far away, Lena let herself reflect on the hurried kisses in random closets, of knowing glancing passed over textbooks and across the PT yard at each other. She let herself reminisce on Riley, the fellow barista at her first job at a local coffee shop. They had always smelled like warm spiced cider and laughed just a little too loud at life. Between them, short relationships were cut shorter by her inability to stop, to slow down for them.
It was cute, at first, Lena’s dedication to her job. The sleepless nights that would allow her to deliver coffee in bed to the woman she had left there. The way her fingers danced on the table, or her knee bounced. The random injuries that remain confidential even to pillow-soft words and the ear of lovers. Lena could never turn it off. They would grow tired of it around the three month – sometimes four, if she was lucky – mark when her twitching hands and racing mind wouldn’t still for them. They couldn’t fix her, and it became too tedious for them to continue to love.
Lena had resigned herself to it.
Years with Overwatch had left her changed, a different woman from the happy-go-lucky punk that bore her name previously. But ultimately, she was still Lena. She was still hyperactive, still unable to sit still, still fighting for what she believed in. They would recognize her, with her face stained across posters and propaganda.  Those who allowed themselves to burn close enough to the ricocheting sun that was Lena Oxton would feel a swell of pride with as they watched her arc across the sky, taking down whatever petty purse thief or rogue omnic that struck that day, thwarting the plans of terrorist organizations each time her boots hit the ground.
Then there was Emily.
Emily, who ignored the orders for evacuation. Emily, who stared down a Null Sector omnic, car hefted above its head, and dared him to throw it. Emily, armed with a tether strong enough to wrap around the supernova that was Lena Oxton.
Lena still remembered the burning sensation of skin-against-asphalt as she had tackled the fiery woman to the ground, still remembered the sensation of fried electronics and burning oil against her senses as she had shielded Emily from the blast. It was hardly anything out of the norm of the role of a Hero, but Lena couldn’t forget the way her skin prickled and burned under the clutching grasp of the redhead, the scalding look in her eyes as Emily fumbled for her camera and microphone again.
Lena had peeled herself away from Emily, already preparing for the inevitable dance of ‘not now’, ‘no comment’ that came with most reporters she dealt with. Lena could hear her friends behind her keeping the omnic distracted while she saved the one woman brave enough – or stupid enough – to stay on the street.
But the questions didn’t come. Emily was already hauling the camera up to her bleeding cheek, with the microphone in her free hand.
“As you can see, former members of Overwatch are here to try and contain the threat –”
The end of the battle had come and gone but as Lena cast one last look over the rubble, Emily had already moved onto talking to eyewitnesses; letting the illegal members go with nothing more than a knowing smile.
Four months later, a similar scene. Emily staying right where she wouldn’t, staring down the crumbling building that threatened her life for the story it offered. She hadn’t been as lucky that time, getting caught beneath some falling rubble. Lena had seen her too late, the Blink was still recharging, and she was forced to watch the woman get pinned.
She barely noticed the burns in her hands as she dug Emily out.
Two weeks passed after that mission, and the girl who couldn’t stop had, at least, slowed down. It was a quiet affair, Lena piloting her own craft to land at Heathrow Airport. Instead of the fast pace spring that Lena had with every step, she had a steady, consistent step as she made her way to the London Royal Hospital.
Toting flowers and chocolate, Lena broke the promise that every hero made – to never check up on those fallen by the wayside, those affected as a result. A promise, a curse, sacrilege to go against such a commitment made to Overwatch so many years go.
 Then again, Overwatch was gone, and Lena still stood.
That visit set forth a whirlwind relationship, two stubborn women ready to set the world on fire. Emily grounding Lena just enough to delay the inevitable supernova that was Lena ‘Tracer’ Oxton. Lena embracing Emily’s ambition and passion for the right story, regardless of the danger it put her into. Happy, together. Peace, within each other.
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ajibooks · 8 months
TMP thoughts on second listen of episode 1 (spoilers for TMA and that episode below)
Jordan L. Hawk is one of my favorite authors (for many years), and every time I see his name in the credits, I'm so happy!
I loved Shahan Hamza in Trice Forgotten and he is SO GOOD in this
This party to start things off feels like a callback to the office party recording in the cabin from MAG 161
I wonder if we'll hear from Teddy again. He has that recurring character feel
I am fully in love with Alice already
Can Lena physically leave the premises 🤔
Teddy does not sound surprised about not actually being in control of his own workstation. Web-like shenanigans!
Alice telling Sam she's gonna "mold him like clay" 😬 unpleasant thoughts of my poor lesbian busybody (MAG 126)
Statement about Arthur:
How did Arthur die?
What's the company helpline?
Harriet (writer) and Darla (recipient) have the same last name, Winstead. Is Arthur Harriet's dead partner? I thought it was an older woman missing her husband, but that's not the only possibility. Maybe they are sisters and Arthur was Harriet's boyfriend, or she didn't change her name when they got married.
It actually feels like Harriet and Darla are co-workers, but then why do they have the same last name? Members of a cult?
Gwen's voice is so icy, like Elias's. I love it
I totally could not hear this Colin & Sam section (my hearing is not 100% but I am complaining too about the nature of the recording here)
Colin learning German reminds me of the guy with the manual from MAG 148 (Samson Stiller) 👁️
And speaking of The Eye: Gwen trying to pry personal info out of Sam
Red Canary statement:
I really appreciate Jonny's performance of the repetitive forum post framing device. He did it perfectly. Also, these are all such clearly distinct characters. Fantastic.
None of the forum members who post have a given gender. That's neat.
I can't remember another horror story in which internet community rules were an element of the horror. And it works so well.
Alice and Sam are so cute together. Love their banter
Is Colin talking to us at the end??
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