#sam emerson app
deadcityhq · 5 months
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**CHARACTER NAME:** sam emerson 
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** harrison gilbertson
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if relevant/they’re not old af):** december 3rd, 2003 | 20
**CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant):** the lost boys
**OC OR CANON:** canon
**CHARACTER TYPE (for example: werewolf, shadowhunter, warlock, demon etc):** human and STAYING THAT WAY, THANK YOU
**HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN NEW YORK/WHY ARE THEY THERE ETC:** currently enrolled at nyu, has been attending for the last three years.
**IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):**
so YES all of the movie is canon, and i thiiiiink by az math he would be 15 during the events of the movie. 
going back to actual normal high school after the vampiric events of their first summer in santa carla was pretty strange, all things considered. sam was happy about it, though he had a cautious sort of anxiety that kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. especially considering michael was still a sort-of-vampire. he did his best to make that Not His Business, since michael was real good at doing whatever michael wanted to do and before the whole vampire debacle that usually included pretty people who may or may not be already dating someone else. therefore- not sam’s business. 
sam finished high school and applied for the farthest school away from california that he possibly could- nyu. the goal was to be his own person and all of that shit, a fine arts degree, and maybe a job at ‘forbidden planet’… but of course, michael decided he was coming along too. 
it’s not that sam doesn’t love his brother! he definitely does! but sam’s pretty sure michael’s laboring under the delusion that *he’s* the one who might get himself into a strange situation or two in a new environment… when sam’s pretty sure michael’s the one with that particular track record of making weird dick decisions. 
in spite of how utterly embarrassing it can be to have his brother be an *influencer* posting all sorts of thirst trap pictures on instagram, sam does love his brother. sometimes he’s even glad he came along for the ride. but is he gonna complain about it? absolutely yes he will. complaining is his life’s purpose. 
**THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** a stack of neatly cataloged file boxes full of comic books in plastic sleeves with backboards, graphite smears finding their way onto every surface, the strawberry scent of suave kids 3-in-1 shampoo. 
**MUN NAME/ALIAS:** jesse
**MUN AGE:** 30
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voidedtrisha · 3 years
¡¡Amino Community for The Lost Boys Fandom!!
Well hello everyone! I have decided to make an Amino for our beloved Vampires and Emersons, because none of these communities are active! Feel free to join, but also please follow the guidelines!
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starmo · 5 years
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I'm not dying yOURE dying hfdj
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Hey! Love your stories on Ao3 and I’m so happy that I found some more of your work to read!❤️ If it’s okay can I make a poly request? I was thinking of a girl from our time being sent back to the lost boys and them falling for each other. There can be some angst if you want, such as her being sent back to her dimension but maybe finding a way to go back to their time after months of being away? Thank you for giving us some of the best stories ever! 💕
So, this is a pretty big request (possible spanning over multiple chapters), so I’m gonna actually write/continue this on my ao3 account! I may post the later chapters on here later, but for now I’m gonna keep them on ao3. Here’s the first chapter!
It’s Just a Movie (Fem!Reader x poly!Lost boys) fic
Next Chapter ->
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 1504
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It had been a simple night. Sure, it was halloween and, sure, it was a full moon. A blue moon at that. But that didn’t mean anything, right?
You sure as hell didn’t think so as you went to see a showing of one of your favorite movies, the Lost Boys, with some of your friends. With everything going on with covid, the theaters were empty and your local one had been showing older classics for the past few weeks. They had a selection of horror lined up for halloween night, and your group had chosen to see your favorite vampire movie. 
You had even dressed up for the occasion, donning a dark, almost gothic look. Hell, you practically looked like one of the extras in the opening sequence. You and your friends jammed along to the soundtrack, laughed at Sam’s antics, and nearly cried when you witnessed your four favorite vampires meet their inevitable end. A movie’s gotta have an ending, right? After Grandpa delivered the classic ending line, you and your friends packed it up to head outside. 
Well, they did. You had forgotten your wallet, and you ran back into the theater to grab it. Your friends had promised to wait for you, and you fumbled to put your mask back on as you searched through the dim theater. You used your phone to find it half stuck in one of the chairs, and you quickly jogged out of the auditorium, and then the theater, to find that your friends weren’t waiting for you. And that the streets were far more packed then they had been a second ago. 
Sure, there were people in halloween masks and costumes littered about, but you nearly scoffed when you saw that no one seemed to be taking any of the social distancing rules seriously. You took a step, planning on looking for your friends when you noticed that the theater had almost...changed. The outside didn’t look the same as it did before. Instead, it had the old sign outside, broadcasting what movies were playing inside. Sure, you had expected some older movies, but some of these you hadn’t even heard of. You thought it was weird, considering the theaters would probably want to stick to the most popular ones during a pandemic.
You looked back around, but your friends were nowhere in sight. You thought to walk to the parking lot, but you paused. You heard a whistle, and a wave of relief washed over you. You turned, expecting your friends, and, instead, you were met with a different familiar face. This night couldn’t have gotten any weirder.
You looked him up and down. Teased blonde hair, blue eyes, straight nose, slight stubble on his sharp jawline, a black coat paired with white pants and a mesh shirt? He was even wearing those calf things that your friends had made fun of that one time, because what the hell type of 80s fashion things are those supposed to be? You shook your head, touching one side of your forehead while thinking that perhaps you had hit your head or something while looking for your wallet. There was no way you were looking at Paul from the Lost Boys. He sent you a grin, flashing rows of straight, normal, non-vampire looking teeth, and said, 
“Well, hello there to you too, doll-face. Need some company?” He asked, and you nearly thought about pinching yourself. Holy shit. Before you could answer, you heard, 
“Who’s this?” And you wouldn’t have been surprised if this whole sitation wasn’t boggling your mind. As all the fans knew that where one Lost Boy was, the others weren’t far behind. You turned, and found yourself looking directly into the face of the other natural blonde. You met big, hazel colored eyes, and your eyes instinctively fell to his lips. Just in time to watch his thumb be pushed between them. Clean jaw, cherub face, golden curls, a heavy, colorful jacket, jeans, and leather chaps? There was no mistaking him. The second half of the blonde duo had arrived, and you almost wondered if the others weren’t far behind.
“I don’t know. She seems shy.” Paul said, a smile on his face as he reached out to brush a hand against your cheek. Cold fingers barely brushed against you, and you leaned back. Almost into the blonde on your other side, who had taken the spot right next to you. “I’m Paul, and that’s my buddy Marko.” Paul added, pointing at the blonde with his eyes. Before they trained themselves back onto you. Marko leaned in a bit to say into your ear.
“Your turn.” And it nearly caused you to flinch. He laughed, steadying you. “C’mon, we don’t bite.” He said with a grin, and a shiver nearly ran down your back when the taller of the blondes laughed. Too hard. If you hadn’t been so caught up in the complete and utter shock you had been experiencing you probably would have been thinking more about how these boys were vampires. Sure, it had been fun to talk about them on forums and on different apps, but suddenly you were hit with an urge to run. Especially before the other half of their gang arrived.
“I’m- I’m just looking for my friends.” You quickly blurted. You started walking, but your brain was on hyper-drive. If this was real, if this was really happening, then you were in a horror movie. And the killers had already taken an interest in you. They quickly started following, staying just as close as they had been before.
“Ooh, are they as pretty as you? We can help you find them.” Paul offered, and you almost wanted to accept. He sounded like he was just trying to be helpful, albeit flirt a little. It was the eighties, so you couldn’t quite blame him for being so persistent. Part of you really wanted to accept, but you reminded yourself. Horror movie. Killers. And they probably wanted to make you apart of the menu. You had only taken a few steps, but the shorter of the two jumped in your path. He walked backwards and said,
“C’mon, you don’t wanna walk alone, right? It’s halloween, and all the weirdos are out.” Marko started, and Paul was quick to waggle his fingers and make a spooky sound to accompany his claim. You faltered. You hadn’t necessarily thought about where you wanted to go, and the parking lot was dark. Far darker than the front of the movie theater. And emptier. You gulped, reminding yourself once again. Horror movie. Killers. You looked between them, trying to think of a way to not end up as a juicebox for the two unfairly attractive vampires in front of you.
You had to admit. You had no idea where you could go, and it wasn’t exactly like you knew what the hell was going on. As far as you were concerned, these were some of the only familiar faces you would find. That, or the Emersons. But you had no idea what time it was in their- what could you call this? Dimension? Or was this just some weird dream? Whatever it was, you had no idea if the Emersons even arrived yet or where to find Grandpa’s house. So, you were shit out of luck. You supplied your name before you quickly added,
“My friends and I- We were going to meet on the boardwalk.” You said, and the boys grinned. You knew it had to be one of their favorite places, since they went there every night. At least that's what the movie made it seem like. Maybe, just maybe, you could get there, let the boardwalk distract them, and figure out what you were going to do. And have some fun with two of the biggest heartthrobs from the eighties.
“Sweet! We can totally take you. We just need to wait for the rest of our friends.” Paul said, and suddenly every last bead of hope slipped from your body. Two vampires already had the odds against you, but all four? Especially one of them being David? You would be screwed! Before you could make something up, Marko said,
“Yeah, here they come.” And you wished that whatever this was would end. That you could go back and be in your own dimension. You turned, seeing a brunette wearing just a leather jacket, jeans, and sneakers. His dark, brooding eyes practically shined in the night, and his resting face made you want to shrink in on yourself. To avoid them, your eyes flicked to the blonde besides him. Blue eyes, scruffy cheeks, and a leather jacket-trenchcoat combo paired with leather pants, boots, and leather gloves? Oh, you were so screwed. If you had any doubt in your mind that this was happening, you were sure now.
As the rest of the vampires approached, you tried to calm your oncoming panic attack with a mantra of it’s just a movie. But now you weren’t so sure.
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brideofedoras · 4 years
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Disclaimer: the usual.  I just own my OCs
Word Count: 2300+
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of self harm
Chapter Four (with links to rest of the story)
It had been an exhausting two days being back on duty.  John wanted nothing more than to sleep for a couple of days, but he knew that was out of the question.  A day off to catch up on sleep he’d lost after the break-in at the precinct was all he had gotten, once the reports were written and submitted to the captain.  
God, he hated writing reports.
He dropped down on the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh.  So much had happened in the two days he’d been back on the job.  Another cop dead at the hands of inSyndicate.  His ex-girlfriend involved in that gang.  And…
A soulmate.
He didn’t believe it.  He didn’t want to believe it.  But something told him she was telling the truth.  
Something about her seemed familiar.  Her voice, her scent, he didn’t know, he couldn’t place it.  But her name.  He knew that name from somewhere.  He recognized her, but he’d never seen her before in his life.  Yet something in the back of his memories, the ones locked down so damned tight, stirred.  A snippet had broken free the other night at the Recollectionist.  A voice filled with sadness.  A soft hand.  Vanilla cupcakes.
“It’s my birthday today, but I’m not celebrating.  Why celebrate the day you were first rejected by the people who were meant to love you unconditionally?”  
He fell back against the bed and scrubbed his hands over his face with a frustrated growl.  He couldn’t get her out of his head.  Those baby blue eyes had haunted him since he’d first seen her at the precinct.  He knew those eyes.  Why did he know those eyes? 
He shifted to sit up.  He raked his fingers through his dark brown hair.  Food was a must.  Maybe even a drink.  Shower, definitely.  And a nap.  He’d been up all damn night writing reports after stopping the raid.  He needed at least a three hour rest.  Maybe another memory would jiggle loose along the way.
He took off his watch and set it on the nightstand beside the bed.  A small slip of paper fluttered to the floor from the displaced air.  John leaned down to pluck it up from the rug.  Normally he threw those nasty cookies away but something had compelled him to break open the one that had been left in front of that photograph Sandra had brought to that hospital room.
You have already met your soulmate.  You just don’t know it yet.
He frowned, deep furrows creasing his forehead as he reread that damn fortune for the millionth time.  “Bullshit,” he muttered as he set the fortune in front of the alarm clock.  “I think I’d remember meeting her.”
He had damn near a whole novel emblazoned on his left side, from the top of his hipbone to the bottom of his ribcage.  Delicate handwriting of rambling words.  Emily.
His brow furrowed even more.  “No,” he groaned.  “It’s just a coincidence.”
And he hated coincidences. Especially after Anna.
He pushed to his feet and stalked over to his desk, pulling up the video call app to contact his best friend.
It took a minute for her to answer.  “Not right now, John, it’s a bad time.”
He frowned.  “Sandra, what’s going on?”  He asked when he noticed the background behind her.  “You at the hospital?”
“I’m not hurt,” she quickly shook her head.  “I’m here… with my god daughter.”  She glanced over her shoulder but kept her phone focused on her.  “Is it important?”
“Yeah, but it can wait,” his brow furrowed even more.  “God daughter…  Sam’s girl?”
Sandra’s eyes met his.  “Emily,” she nodded that time.  “She… she had a nasty asthma attack.”
His face scrunched up as he remembered the Emily he’d met yesterday wheezing and using an inhaler.  “Wait a minute.  Is this the same Emily who works with Rudy?”
“Finish suturing this cut, Emerson.  Her O-sat is improving.”
“Hold on,” Sandra’s attention drifted to the personnel behind her.  “Will you be admitting her?”
“No, ma’am.  We’ll observe Ms. Williams for another hour.  Her vitals are perking up, she’ll be going home today.”
“Thank you,” Sandra managed a smile before turning back to her phone.  “Rudy sent her home after they finished up at the precinct,” she said quietly.  “He told me she was wheezing and had used up the last of her inhaler last night when they came in.  I…”  She sucked in a slow, steadying breath.  “If I hadn’t gone to check on her when I did, she might’ve wound up being admitted.”
John felt as if he’d been punched in the stomach.  “How bad, Sandra?”  He watched her eyes, how she averted her gaze and hesitated.  When she reached up to scratch at the back of her neck he cleared his throat.  “Truth, Sandra.  You’re trying to cook up a lie there.”
She sighed heavily.  “You and Emily are the only people alive who know that tell,” she glared at him.  “All I can say is she hurt herself.  If I hadn’t gone to check on her, she would’ve lost a lot of blood.”  She held up her free hand to silently warn him not to ask.  “I can’t answer that question.”
His brows snapped together over his nose.  “You can’t, or you won’t?”
“It’s not my place to say,” she shook her head.  She looked over her shoulder again.  “She’s sleeping?”  She asked.  “Thank you, I need to step away for a moment.”
John waited as Sandra stepped out of the trauma room and walked to a quieter spot in the emergency department.  “She gonna be okay?”
“I hope so,” she shook her head, her expression one he hadn’t seen in a very long time.  When his dad had failed to check in with Sam all those years ago.  “Emily’s a fighter, she’s tough, but…”  She stopped herself, sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out.  Her demeanor changed immediately.  “You called me about something.  What is it?”
“It can wait,” he reminded her.  
“I’ve got at least an hour, John.  If this wasn’t important, you wouldn’t have called.”
“When I met Emily yesterday, she said I’d spoken her words,” he admitted.  “She didn’t speak mine.”
“What the hell did you say to her?”  Sandra’s voice was as hard as her glare.  
“I told her she was mistaken, she never said mine.  She’s not my soulmate, Sandra,” he reared back at the harsh look his best friend was leveling on him.  
“Oh my God…”  Sandra covered her face with her free hand.  “She visited you every day for seventeen months, John.  She talked to you every time she sat with you,” her voice cracked.  “Dammit.”
“I’ve gotta go,” she disconnected the call.
John stared at the blank screen, baffled by the abrupt way Maldonado ended the call and the anger he’d glimpsed in her eyes.  Anger directed at him.
“What the hell did I do?”  He muttered to himself before pushing away from the desk and wandering to the windows to look out over the water.  “She didn’t say my words.”
He lifted his right hand to his left side.  “Even if she had, she wouldn’t want me,” his face twisted in disgust when his leg beeped out the calibration and low charge alerts.  “I’m responsible for her dad’s death.”
He turned from the wall and stalked toward the bathroom.  Shower, food, drink, nap.  Hopefully a full belly and a clear head would knock some of those damned stubborn memories loose.
 Vanilla cupcakes.  His heart thudded in his chest a little harder, a little faster.  A soft, cold hand curled around his.  A slight wheeze echoed through the room.  “Hi, Detective Kennex.”  Soft fingers brushed through his hair, warmth spreading through his chest as the blankets were straightened and her hands lingered.  “Looks like you’ve gotten a shave and a haircut this morning.  They won’t let you wear the scruffy look for long, and that’s a shame.”
He chuckled, though no sound came out.  “They don’t shave the way I like, Sweetheart,” he told her but his mouth didn’t move.  He sighed happily when soft fingertips stroked along his jaw.  
“I think I like the scruffy look more.”
“Oh, do you now?”  He wished he could open his eyes and talk to her.  “Why’s that?”
A soft sigh echoed through the room, mixing in with the quiet beeping of the monitors measuring his vitals.  The sigh ended on a louder wheeze and was followed by a whispered “Dammit” and rustling of clothes.  The hand on his cheek pulled away before he heard the familiar sound of an inhaler being used.  “I’ve been feeling anxious all day,” her soft voice spoke up once more.  “I’m not sure why.  I went to class, scheduled my thesis defence and presentation of the computer program I had written and designed, had lunch with Sandy, and got the call I’d been waiting on…  I’m going for an interview tomorrow with Dr. Rudy Lom for an internship.  I’m nervous about the defence, the presentation and the interview, but that’s not what’s causing my anxiety to flare up.  I don’t…  I can’t explain it, but it’s almost as if someone’s watching me.  And when my anxiety flares up, my asthma flares up.”  
John stiffened.  “Someone’s watching you?  Sweetheart, pay attention to your surroundings, watch the shadows, the alleys, the doorways.  Get a gun, let your friend know where you’re going at all times,” he wished he could tell her.
“Sandy knows I’ll be here for a while, you know me, I’m usually here past visiting hours,” he could hear a smile in her sweet voice.  Damn, he wished he could see her smile.  “The nursing staff bends the rules for me.  Maybe it’s because they’ve taken care of me when I’m admitted for severe asthma attacks or…  no, I’ve only been admitted once for cutting too deep.”  
He frowned at that.  “Sweetheart, what do you mean by that?”  Dammit, he wanted to reach out and pull her into the bed with him so he could hold her.  
“Sometimes my anxiety gets to be too much, and if it doesn’t trigger an asthma attack it drives me to do something to take away that feeling.  I…”  Her footsteps alerted him she was putting some distance between them, her voice indicating she was facing away from him, possibly with her head down.  “I self-harm.”
Those three words were a sucker punch to the gut.  “Baby, no…”  Wake up, dammit, Kennex, that girl needs you!
“I’ve been cutting or burning myself since I was…   Since I was adopted, since that first Christmas when Daddy and Mom got into that argument with Daddy’s sister.”
Adopted?  “Sam’s not your dad?”
“I’ve lived my entire life fearing rejection and abandonment by those I love,” her whisper was so soft he almost didn’t hear her.
 John jerked awake.  “What the hell?”  He grumbled as he shifted from his stomach to his back and scrubbed his hands over his face.  
Was it a dream?  A memory?  Couldn’t have been a dream, it was too vivid, too real.  You don’t smell things in dreams.
Vanilla cupcakes…
Just like the other day at the precinct, when he’d first seen Emily.  And later at Rudy’s lab when she’d walked over to join them.  It was the exact same perfume or lotion or, hell, shampoo, whatever she used to smell pretty.  
He shoved his fingers through his hair as he dragged in a deep, slow breath.  The wheezing.  The sound of an inhaler.  Familiar sounds.
And her voice.  Quiet.  Soft.  Shy.  He knew her voice.  
He remembered her touch.  The heat.  The spark.  The awareness, the longing, the cold and empty feeling after she had pulled away.  The desire to reach for her and hold her.  
Another memory popped to the surface.  Dammit, go away.  Pretty sure it’s not the day I’m supposed to get a shave.  Where’s Emily?  I know she doesn’t visit the same time every day because of class and the internship, but I miss her…  Dammit, I wish I could just wake up and look at her.  Does she still look like the girl in the picture on Sam’s desk?  When was it he brought that one in... four years ago after she had graduated from the university?  Is her hair still long?  Still brown?  God, I hope she didn’t chop it off and lighten it up.  I’m really not into blondes.  Does she still wear glasses?  Those black framed glasses are pretty cute on her.  Cute and smart.  Hell, Sam would kill me if he were still here, if he could read minds.  Does she still have that old truck she rebuilt with her old man?  God, he’d been so damned proud, always talking about her rebuilding that engine without memorizing the maintenance manual on it.
He leaned down to grab the crutches he kept by the bed before making his way to the charging station to check on the progress of his leg.  
Twenty minutes later he had the synthetic on and calibrating and a breakfast burrito cooling on a plate.  He sat down at his desk and pulled up the holographic sticky notes.  He grabbed the stylus and made quick work of writing down everything from that dream, that memory, of Emily Williams visiting him at the hospital.
Vanilla cupcake perfume.
Rudy’s assistant.
That last note he stared at.  
Finish suturing this cut…
If I hadn’t gone to check on her, she would’ve lost a lot of blood…
“Sonofabitch…”  His heart sank when he realized what had happened yesterday.
Sometimes my anxiety gets to be too much.
I self-harm.
I’ve lived my entire life fearing rejection or abandonment by those I love.
He shoved to his feet and ran to the bathroom.  He braced his hands on the rim of the toilet before he threw up.
She hadn’t gotten hurt during an asthma attack.
She had cut herself.
Because of me.
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boystownhq · 4 years
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Gay Men Speed Dating Wednesday, February 12th, 8pm @ SX Sky Bar
A low key, sophisticated approach to Gay Men dating in Chicago. Preferring a 'less is more' environment devoid of typical event trappings. Gone are the name-tags, shouting and over-the-top party trimmings. Meeting your special someone shouldn't be anything but a comfortable and relaxed experience. Creating a private club atmosphere while recognizing our clients are also our product - we reward lovely daters with discounts and complimentary events and refuse service to anyone we don't think you'll fancy meeting. This is where being lovely has its perks!
The perfect opportunity to find a companion for concerts, festivals or shows. Unleash your inner foodie, adventure junkie or health and wellness guru with someone just like yourself.
Official Site
Game Information below.
Dates are distributed via mobile app to attendees. You will be presented with a picture, name, and short bio about the date five minutes before it begins. Each date is meant to last at least twenty-five minutes. If you wish for your date to last longer, simply indicate so on your mobile app when you have five minutes left. If both parties indicate that they would like to continue their date, a different person will simply be presented to their prospect. Otherwise, both parties are expected to move on. If you wish for your date to be concluded earlier, indicate so on your mobile app and you will receive a phone call that will allow you an out.
Drinks are offered at a discounted rate and hors d'oeuvres are free and light, nothing messy or smelly. Do not overdrink or you will be asked to leave.
You are expected to dress for a cocktail party/drinks and at the very least wear a jacket and tie, or a sweater and slacks. They better be some damn nice jeans if you’re wearing them.
Dates are as follows:
First Date
Lucas Marcellin & Zane Devereaux
Cal Wilson & Timothy Turner
Finch Robel & Franklin LeBeau
Jamison Pierce & Shepherd Wilson
Jesse Daniels & Sam Emerson
Jon Bryn & Nicholas Sullivan
Koa Akana & Terence Markov
Second Date
Lucas Marcellin & Koa Akana
Cal Wilson & Shepherd Wilson
Finch Robel & Jesse Daniels
Jamison Pierce & Franklin LeBeau
Jon Bryn & Terence Markov
Nicholas Sullivan & Zane Devereaux
Sam Emerson & Timothy Turner
Third Date
Lucas Marcellin & Sam Emerson
Cal Wilson & Koa Akana
Finch Robel & Nicholas Sullivan
Franklin LeBeau & Jon Bryn
Jamison Pierce & Timothy Turner
Jesse Daniels & Zane Devereaux
Shepherd Wilson & Terence Markov
Final Date
Lucas Marcellin & Cal Wilson
Finch Robel & Timothy Turner
Franklin LeBeau & Koa Akana
Jamison Pierce & Zane Devereaux
Jesse Daniels & Jon Bryn
Nicholas Sullivan & Shepherd Wilson
Sam Emerson & Terence Markov
Feel free to play out as many of your dates or other situations as you like. If you have a problem with one of your pairings, let an admin know. You may take as many days as you want to play out your dates. Finally, have fun! We made sure no one has the same date twice and that no one is paired with the same player more than twice, at least to the best of our knowledge.
Speed Daters Quick Reference
August Ryland: @callmeauggy 
Cal Wilson: @calwilson 
Finch Robel: @finchrobel 
Franklin LeBeau: @franklin-lebeau 
Jamison Pierce: @jamie-boystown 
Jesse Daniels: @mechanicsexy 
Jon Bryn: @jonnyboybryn 
Koa Akana: @koaakana 
Lucas Marcellin: @lucas-marcellin 
Nicholas Sullivan: @nicholasxsullivan 
Sam Emerson: @samuelxemerson 
Shepherd Wilson: @shepherdwilson 
Terenece Markov: @terencemarkov 
Timothy Turner: @timothy-boystown 
Zane Devereaux: @zane-dev 
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bbcbreakingnews · 3 years
England vs. Italy: Live score, highlights, result from Euro 2021 soccer final
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Just one game left at Euro 2021 and it has all the ingredients to be the best one yet.
England will try to win its first major title since the 1966 World Cup when it hosts Italy in the European Championship final at Wembley Stadium in London. It already made history by advancing to its first final in the last 55 years and as host, it is also the favorite to win it.
Italy will be the opponent and the Azzurri won’t be an easy out for England. The Italians, who are chasing their second Euro title and first since 1968, are currently on a 33-game undefeated streak and they’ve played some of the best soccer of the tournament, knocking off quality teams like Belgium and Spain. England’s path in the knockouts included Germany, Ukraine and Denmark.
A capacity crowd is expected at Wembley and the pressure and expectations will be squarely on the English. They will be relying on Harry Kane (four goals), Raheem Sterling (three goals) and a stingy defense (only one goal allowed all tournament) to finally capture their first Euro title.
England vs. Italy live score
  1H 2H Final England – – – Italy – – –
England vs. Italy updates and highlights
2:40 p.m. ET: Some “Sweet Caroline” to pass the final minutes here:
2:20 p.m. ET: The Italian fans at Wembley. Question is whether they can make themselves heard during the game:
2:15 p.m. ET: Warmup time. Italy’s out first. We’re getting there:
1:45 p.m. ET: Fans are taking their places at Wembley:
1 p.m. ET: Things don’t seem to be any better closer to Wembley, where fans are storming barriers.
12:00 p.m. ET: We can’t verify if this actually happened today, but it is cool and hard to pull off:
11:44 a.m. ET: Crowds of people were gathering hours in advance of the final and that was not necessarily a good thing in some places:
England vs. Italy starting lineups
Earlier reports were confirmed that England is going back to a three central defender formation with two wingbacks in Luke Shaw (left) and Kieran Trippier (right). Bukayo Saka makes room for Trippier.
Italy rolls out the same side that got past Spain with Ciro Immobile keeping his role at center forward despite rumors that the head coach was contemplating a switch.
Starting lineup (3-4-3, left to right): 1-Jordan Pickford-GK — 6-Harry Maguire, 5-John Stones, 2-Kyle Walker — 3-Luke Shaw, 4-Declan Rice, 14-Kalvin Phillips, 12-Kieran Trippier — 10-Raheem Sterling, 9-Harry Kane, 19 Mason Mount
Available subs: 23-Sam Johnstone-GK, 13-Aaaron Ramsdale-GK, 15-Tyrone Mings, 16-Conor Coady, 24-Reece James, 7-Jack Grealish, 8-Jordan Henderson, 17-Jadon Sancho, 25-Bukayo Saka, 26-Jude Bellingham, 11-Marcus Rashford, 18-Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Starting lineup (4-3-3, left to right): 21-Gigi Donnarumma-GK — 13-Emerson Palmieri, 19-Leonardo Bonucci, 3-Giorgio Chiellini (C), 2-Giovanni Di Lorenzo — 6-Marco Verratti, 8-Jorginho, 18-Nicolo Barella — 10-Lorenzo Insigne, 17-Ciro Immobile, 14-Federico Chiesa
Available subs: 1-Salvatore Sirigu-GK, 26-Alex Meret-GK, 15-Francesco Acerbi, 23-Alessandro Bastoni, 24-Alessandro Florenzi, 25-Rafael Toloi, 5-Manuel Locatelli, 12-Matteo Pessina, 16-Bryan Cristante, 20-Federico Bernardeschi, 9-Andrea Belotti, 11-Domenico Berardi
How to watch the Euro 2021 final
Date: Sunday, July 11
Time: 3 p.m. ET
TV channel (USA): ESPN in USA
Spanish-language TV (USA): Univision, TUDN
Streaming (USA): fuboTV, ESPN+, TUDN app, TUDN.tv
TV channel (Canada): TSN 1/4 
Streaming (Canada): TSN Direct
USA TV & streaming
The Euro 2021 championship match will be broadcast in the USA by ESPN in English and Univision and TUDN in Spanish.
Both those networks can be streamed on fuboTV (free 7-day trial). ESPN+ will carry the match for subscribers and the match will be available on the TUDN app for authenticated users.
Canada TV & streaming
The match will be carried by TSN 1/4 in Canada and it will also be streamed on TSN Direct, which is available to authenticated users with a TV service provider. Fans can also subscribe to TSN Direct without a provider.
source http://bbcbreakingnews.com/2021/07/11/england-vs-italy-live-score-highlights-result-from-euro-2021-soccer-final/
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resurrectionrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, Zay! You’ve been accepted as Sam Emerson from The Lost Boys! We can’t wait to play.
SEAN NIELSON is 19 YEARS OLD. People say they look like OWEN JOYNER, but they don’t see it. They were once known as SAM EMERSON from THE LOST BOYS, but now they’re just your average VICTIM. I’d watch out if I were you, I wouldn’t want to get on anyone’s bad side. You never know what might happen…
Zay! I can’t begin to describe how excited I was to see your app. I’ve been so obsessed with Julie and the Phantoms since it came out, and I adore The Lost Boys, so I’m totally stoked for this combo! Owen as Sam? I can’t wait! Welcome to Deacon Falls!
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opticien2-0 · 4 years
Starship robots expand into Central Milton Keynes delivering lunch to 180,000 workers
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Starship Technologies robots: coming to an office near you...
As Starship Technologies celebrates two years of commercial operation in the UK, the company is expanding its operations around Milton Keynes with the rollout of its hugely popular robot delivery service right across the town centre.
  The expansion was prompted by the demand and success of the company’s service in other areas across MK, including Monkston, Emerson Valley and Bletchley, and is the first time that robot delivery has been made available in the centre of a UK town.
  Since April 2018, Starship has made more than 100,000 deliveries across MK, with some residents making up to 200 orders per year! In that time, Starship has faced growing calls for the service to expand to other areas of the town, especially the centre where 180,000 people work.
  Using the Starship deliveries app, a resident or worker in central Milton Keynes can order food and drink to be delivered from some of the most popular brands in the town, including Peels Juice Bar, Pepes Piri Piri, Bandit Street Food, Maaya Indian and Legend One Sushi Bar, with more merchants to be added throughout March. This means people can get their lunch delivered by Starship’s fleet of robots from diner to door, giving them the option to have food conveniently delivered around their schedule.
  Central Milton Keynes suffers from traffic congestion that rises above 85% of the road or junction’s capacity, and roads that lead into the town often see 100% or more of its capacity, according to Milton Keynes Council. This new expansion from Starship will help ease congestion in the centre of town by giving people the option of electrically-powered robot delivery, where before they would potentially rely on delivery services that use cars and other environmentally-unfriendly modes of transport. Both residents within the centre of town and workers will be able to order food at the touch of a button.
  The Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor Sam Crooks, explains: “The robots have become an iconic sight in the town and everyone’s excited at the prospect of them delivering in the town centre. For the 180,000 people who work in the centre of MK, this means that they can get their lunch delivered to them conveniently, saving them time during their working day.
  “We’re living in an era where we are more conscious about the individual effect we’re having on the environment, and the centre of MK can get very congested. Hopefully this new service will ease congestion in the centre and make it that bit more environmentally-friendly, whilst giving workers the opportunity to experience robot delivery in a town on the front line of new technological advancements.”
  Andrew Curtis of Starship, adds: “We’ve seen huge surges in demand since we started operating in Milton Keynes two years ago. We’re excited that both residents and workers can now enjoy this low cost and convenient benefit in the centre of Milton Keynes, and we hope that it will make the town an even more attractive place to work in the future.”
from InternetRetailing https://ift.tt/2UiUdaS via IFTTT
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themakersmovement · 5 years
Startups Weekly: VCs celebrate the new year the only way they know how Venture capitalists swore in the new year the only way they know how… by submitting SEC paperwork for new funds! insert party hat/confetti emoji here. As many of us brainstormed our New Year’s resolutions and let our hangovers wear off, several firms began this week what for some is a long and arduous process of raising a VC fund and for others is as simple as a few phone calls to LPs. What else happened this week? Pokémon GO creator Niantic secured $190 million, Mary Meeker announced the name of her fund and a whole bunch of people played with Popsugar’s somewhat sketchy twinning app. Fresh funds: Mary Meeker will raise up to $1.5 billion for Bond, her new VC fund. Union Square Ventures raised $429 million across two new funds. Lightspeed Venture partners announced a $560 million China fund. And biotech firm Atlas Venture brought in $250 million. AR startups are failing: TechCrunch’s Lucas Matney takes a look at struggling augmented reality startups and questions some of the larger players, from Magic Leap to Snap and Niantic. And speaking of Niantic, the Pokémon GO developer closed a $190 million funding round this week at a $3.9 billion valuation. Indian startups start the year off strong: Startups based in India raised more than $10 billion in 2018, per Venture Beat, a record amount of capital for the country. Already this year one company has closed a round larger than $100 million. CarDekho, an online marketplace for car sales in India, has pulled in a new $110 million Series C funding round this week to push deeper into financial services and insurance. Future tech: Boom Supersonic, which is building and designing what it calls the “world’s first economically viable supersonic airliner,” announced a $100 million Series B funding round led by Emerson Capital. Other investors include Y Combinator’s Continuity Fund, Caffeinated Capital, SV Angel, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, Ron Conway, Michael Marks and Greg McAdoo. A startup disrupting the … bottled water business: FloWater has raised $15 million for its reusable water bottle refilling stations to produce purified water. Bluewater, a Swedish company that sells water purifiers, among other things, led the round. VC subsidized vending machines: Vengo makes wall-mounted mini-vending machines the size of large picture frames that it then sells to vending machine distributors, asking for a small fee per month in exchange for access to its software. Now it has $7 million to build out its business. A VC gets a second chance: After SpaceX filed more SEC paperwork as part of its $500 million upcoming fundraise, TechCrunch’s Connie Loizos noticed a familiar name on the document: Steve Jurvetson. Jurvetson is a longtime board member of both Tesla and SpaceX, but after he left DFJ, the venture capital firm he co-founded, in 2017 amid questions about his personal conduct, there was uncertainty around whether he would keep those director positions. Well, it looks like Elon Musk is standing by Jurvetson. And finally, are you smarter than a TechCrunch reporter? Let this test decide.   Want more TechCrunch newsletters? Sign up here.
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Startups Weekly: VCs celebrate the new year the only way they know how – TechCrunch
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Startups Weekly: VCs celebrate the new year the only way they know how
Venture capitalists swore in the new year the only way they know how… by submitting SEC paperwork for new funds! insert party hat/confetti emoji here.
As many of us brainstormed our New Year’s resolutions and let our hangovers wear off, several firms began this week what for some is a long and arduous process of raising a VC fund and for others is as simple as a few phone calls to LPs. What else happened this week? Pokémon GO creator Niantic secured $190 million, Mary Meeker announced the name of her fund and a whole bunch of people played with Popsugar’s somewhat sketchy twinning app.
Fresh funds:
Mary Meeker will raise up to $1.5 billion for Bond, her new VC fund. Union Square Ventures raised $429 million across two new funds. Lightspeed Venture partners announced a $560 million China fund. And biotech firm Atlas Venture brought in $250 million.
AR startups are failing:
TechCrunch’s Lucas Matney takes a look at struggling augmented reality startups and questions some of the larger players, from Magic Leap to Snap and Niantic. And speaking of Niantic, the Pokémon GO developer closed a $190 million funding round this week at a $3.9 billion valuation.
Indian startups start the year off strong:
Startups based in India raised more than $10 billion in 2018, per Venture Beat, a record amount of capital for the country. Already this year one company has closed a round larger than $100 million. CarDekho, an online marketplace for car sales in India, has pulled in a new $110 million Series C funding round this week to push deeper into financial services and insurance.
Future tech:
Boom Supersonic, which is building and designing what it calls the “world’s first economically viable supersonic airliner,” announced a $100 million Series B funding round led by Emerson Capital. Other investors include Y Combinator’s Continuity Fund, Caffeinated Capital, SV Angel, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, Ron Conway, Michael Marks and Greg McAdoo.
A startup disrupting the … bottled water business:
FloWater has raised $15 million for its reusable water bottle refilling stations to produce purified water. Bluewater, a Swedish company that sells water purifiers, among other things, led the round.
VC subsidized vending machines:
Vengo makes wall-mounted mini-vending machines the size of large picture frames that it then sells to vending machine distributors, asking for a small fee per month in exchange for access to its software. Now it has $7 million to build out its business.
A VC gets a second chance:
After SpaceX filed more SEC paperwork as part of its $500 million upcoming fundraise, TechCrunch’s Connie Loizos noticed a familiar name on the document: Steve Jurvetson. Jurvetson is a longtime board member of both Tesla and SpaceX, but after he left DFJ, the venture capital firm he co-founded, in 2017 amid questions about his personal conduct, there was uncertainty around whether he would keep those director positions. Well, it looks like Elon Musk is standing by Jurvetson.
And finally, are you smarter than a TechCrunch reporter?
Let this test decide.
  Want more TechCrunch newsletters? Sign up here.
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kestimac · 7 years
Bandcamp Donates Today's Profits to the ACLU
Today, for any purchase you make on Bandcamp, Bandcamp will donate 100% of it's share of the proceeds to the ACLU. Buy music and do some good! To help you with your shopping, here are all 230 items in my Bandcamp Wishlist: Tornado Wallace - Lonely Planet Moor Mother - Fetish Bones Kelly Lee Owens - Kelly Lee Owens Bleached - Can You Deal? Jim O’Rourke - Steamroom32 Ty Segall - Ty Segall Cherushii - Memory of Water 100% Silk - Sensate Silk Chaos in the CBD - Accidental Meetings EP Allergy Season - Physically Sick Container - LP Kelly Lee Owens - Arthur Weyes Blood - Front Row Seat Julie Byrne - Not Even Happiness Bee Mask - When We Were Eating Unripe Pears Ian William Craig / Olivier Alary - Remixes Noveller - A Pink Sunset For No One Bee Mask - Elegy For Beach Friday Steve Hauschildt - Strands Jenny Hval - Blood Bitch House of Dad - House of Dad Anna Meredith - Varmints Sarah Davachi - Vergers the body - No One Deserves Happiness Peder Mannerfelt - Controlling Body Foodman - Ez Minzoku Sarah Davachi - Barons Court Var - No One Dances Quite Like My Brothers Burial - YOUNG DEATH / NIGHTMARKET Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - IN SUMMER Xiu Xiu - Tempesta Atsepmet Katie Gately - Color Youth Code - A Place to Stand Pod Blotz - The Voltaic Eye Suzanne Kraft - What You Get For Being Young Avalon Emerson - Narcissus In Retrograde serpentwithfeet - blisters DJ Seinfeld - Season 1 EP Xiu Xiu - Fag Patrol Mannequin Pussy - Romantic Route 8 - A Walk In The City / Summer Groove Faka (Non) - Bottoms Revenge SMURPHY - R OV JERICHO ‘EBONY’ vs ‘R’ - Real Truth The Cinematic Orchestra - To Believe feat. Moses Sumney NxWorries - Yes Lawd! Crying - Beyond the Fleeting Gales Telefon Tel Aviv - Fahrenheit Fair Enough Yko - Tao remixes The Caretaker - Everywhere at the end of time VA - Jeremy Underground presents Beauty Via App - Secret Rotation Acronym - Entangled in Vines. SEMANTICA 77 Preoccupations - Preoccupations CockTail d’Amore Music - Sfire: Sfire3 John Talabot Remixes LA-4A - I Feel Lit Igor Tipura - Dwams (Lauer Remix) Chaos In The CBD - Invisible Spectrum Mall Grab - Menace II Society EP The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die - Formlessness Noname - Telefone Aos - 90 East Beach Slang - A Loud Bash of Teenage Feelings M.E.S.H. - Omb Extrusus / Glassel Extrusus Randomer - Residents VA - Mambos Levis D’Outro Mundo Krill - Krill Ian William Craig - Centres nonkeen - oddments of the gamble Brand New - Mene Four Tet - Randoms Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Suzanne Ciani - Sunergy Beatrice Dillon / Karen Gwyer - Alien Jams Allergy Season - Allergy Edits, Vol. 1 Geneva Jacuzzi - Technophelia (MR-053) Massimiliano Pagliara - Connection Lost Pt. 2 Xenia Rubinos - Black Terry Cat Angel Olsen - MY WOMAN Pearson Sound - XLB LOCK - 3 Song Promo Mall Grab - Feel U EP Nothing - Tired of Tomorrow (Standard Version) The Hotelier - Goodness The Egyptian Lover - 1983-1988 Pinkcourtesyphone + Gwyneth Wentink - Elision Wes Period - Photosynthesis Mitski - Puberty 2 Project Pablo - Beaubien Dream Porches - Pool Diet Cig - Over Easy Frankie Cosmos - Next Thing DJ Marfox - Chapa Quente Julianna Barwick - Will Ondo Fudd - Blue Dot Dip In The Pool - On Retinae Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - EARS Girl Pusher - Dont Die Derek Plaislaiko - Exile on Sesame Strasse EP Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - Euclid Marry Lattimore - At The Dam Bleached - Welcome The Worms female:pressure - Music, Awareness & Solidarity w/ Rojava Revolution Car Seay Headrest - Teens of Denial LOCK - The Cycle 7” Robert Crouch - A Gradual Accumulation of Ideas Becomes Truth John Tejada + Tin Man - Acid Test 10 Sam Prekop - The Republic White Visitation - Blank Slate 010 Russell Haswell - Tongue Dancer ’85 Dasha Rush - Unspoken ep Leif - Traraxacum The Hotelier - Goodness Pt. I Burial - Untrue Gunnar Haslam - Lebesgue Measures Sheer Mag - III 7” White Lung - Paradise ANOHNI - HOPELESSNESS LAKES - Arms In Twilight Pinegrove - Cardinal William Basinski + Richard Cartier - Divertissement Skee Mask - Shred Helena Hauff-The Exaltics-Perseus-Traxx-Drvg Culture-Ekman - Signs of Decay Courtney Barnett - Live at Electric Lady Studios Lust for Youth - Compassion The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die - Whenever, If Ever Beatrice Dillon - Face A/B Shanti Celeste - Being Mono Junk - State of Funk EP Jock Club - Controlled Area Decimus - Decimus 7 Lycus - Chasms gut nose - Escape The Matrix Mikael Seifu - Zelalem Domenique Dumont - Comme Ca Leon Vynehall - Midnight on Rainbow Road Adrian Younge - Winter Is Here Circuit des Yeux - In Plain Speech Miya Folick - Strange Darling Hierophants - Parallax Error Julian Lage - World’s Fair Owiny Sigoma Band - I Made You VA - Fac. Dance 02 METZ - Can’t Understand Downtown Boys - Downtown Boys Rionegro - Rionegro (Matias Aguayo, Sano, Gladkazuka) Kode9 - Nothing Aurora Halal - Shapeshifter Chaos In The CBD - Midnight In Peckham Petal - Shame Cadaver En Transe - Cadaver En Transe 7” Westkust - Last Forever VA - Cocktail D’Amore Sampler 001 Hop Along - Painted Shut Slug Christ - The Crucifixion of Rapper Extraordinaire, Slug Christ Lil Ugly Mane - Third Side Of Tape Little Simz - A Curious Tale Of Trials + Persons Daniel T - Tetrachromat Blanck Mass - Dumb Flesh Helena Hauff - Lex Tertia Knxwledge - Hud Dreams VA - Future Times Catalog + Compilation Project Pablo - I Want To Believe Tropic of Cancer - Stop Suffering Four Tet - Morning/Evening Le1f - Riot Boi Empress Of - Me Moses Sumney - Seeds / Please METZ - Eraser Lakker - Mountain Divide Lakker - Containing A Thousand Randomer - Kids Play Donato Dozzy - The Loud Silence Total Control - 7”s Floating Points Nuits Sonores & Nectarines Voices From The Lake - Live at MAXXI Ava Luna - Takamatsu Station KING - We Are KING Grimes - Darkbloom Physical Therapy - Kirk the Flirt & Peter Pressure Busdriver - Thumbs Nicolas Jaar - Fight Courtney Barnett - Third Man Records (Blue Series) Pinkwash - Cancer Money 7” Diat - Everyday/Hing & Bracket 7” Perc - Gob Project Pablo - I Want To Believe 12” Joan Shelley - Over and Even Deradoorian - The Expanding Flower Planet Courtney Barnett - How To Carve A Carrot Into A Rose EP2 Holly Herndon - Platform Blondes - Persuasion Kenny Dixon Jr. - Moodymann | KDJ-44 Andres - Andres Moodymann feat. Charlotte OC - Hangover (Moodymann Mix) Beach House - Depression Cherry Lee Bannon - Pattern of Excel Terekke - BLK-07 T.Power - The Self Evident Truth Of An Intuitive Mind Slim Twig - Thank You For Stickin’ With Twig John Tejada - End Of It All 2015 Media Jeweler - $99 R/T Hawaii Slim Twig - Cannabis b/w Fadeout Killer (Instrumental) Mac Demarco - Another One Protomartyr - The Age Intellect Deaf Wish - Pain Father - Young Hot Ebony Gabriel Garzon-Montano - Bishoune: Alma del Hulia John Tejada - Dramamine VA - Off The Beaten Tracks EP Code Orange - I Am King Patricia - Body Issues Braille - Mute Swan Allergy Season - Side Effects May Include: Archie Pelago - Off-Peak OST Matrixxman - StruxNt Little Simz - E.D.G.E. Machinedrum - Movin’ Forward (A Tribute To DJ Rashad) Bosse-de-Nage - All Fours DJ Nigga Fox - Noite E Dia Sufjan Stevens - All Delighted People EP Makthaverskan - Makthaverskan II Total Control - Typical System METZ - II Courtney Barnett - A Sea of Split Peas Deafheaven, Bosse-de-Nage - split 12” Jack Ladder and the Dreamlanders - Playmates Palmbomen II - Palmbomen II
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evil2x01completaita · 3 years
[SERIE TV] Evil 2x01 Streaming (Sub ITA) Altadefinizione
GUARDA.)) Evil 2x01 Stagione 2 Episodio 1 Streaming Ita ~Sub ITA Completa Ita Streaming online. CB01)) 2x01 Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1 Streaming Ita ~Sub ITA Completa Guarda Evil 2x01 Sub ITA,Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1 Streaming ita, Evil 2x01 Sub ITA, Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1, Evil 2x01 Netflix, Evil 2x01 Guarda Online, Vedi Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1 Sub ITA Full || Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1: Per i peccati dei tuoi antenati |
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(Sep 26, 2019) Ultima data di trasmissione: Jan 30, 2020 TRADUZIONE: Italian GENERE: Dramma ATTORI: Katja Herbers, Mike Colter, Aasif Mandvi, Michael Emerson, Brooklyn Shuck, Skylar Gray, Maddy Crocco, Dalya Knapp
Overview : 2x01 ~ Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1 Streaming ITA series La serie Disney+ appartenente al MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) si situa dopo gli eventi di Avengers: Endgame (2019). Un’avventura che coinvolge i due personaggi del titolo e ne introduce di nuovi, per una storia movimentata e piena di azione ben lontana dalla serie immediatamente precedente
Evil 2x01
Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1
Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1
Evil 2x01 sub ita
Evil 2x01 sub ita
Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1 streaming ita
Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1 streaming altadefinizone
guarda serie tv Evil Stagione 2 Episodio 1 in streaming
Evil - Di cosa parla
Alla fine di Avengers: Endgame abbiamo lasciato Sam Wilson, ovvero The Falcon, nel momento in cui aveva ricevuto il mantello di Capitan America. Ora Falcon decide di allearsi con Bucky Barnes (ovvero Winter Soldier) per un’avventura che li porterà in giro per il mondo a combattere contro il gruppo anti-patriottico Flag-Smashers. Una sfida in cui entrambi dovranno mettere alla prova se stessi.
I personaggi
Sam Wilson / Falcon (Anthony Mackie) è un Avenger di formazione militare addestrato al combattimento aereo con uno speciale set di ali.
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) è un soldato che viene trasformato in un assassino dopo che, dato per morto nella seconda guerra mondiale, gli è stato effettuato un lavaggio del cervello.
Il Barone Helmut Zemo (Daniel Brühl) è un terrorista responsabile del disfacimento degli Avengers in Captain America: Civil War.
Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp) è una ex agente S.H.I.E.L.D., nipote di Peggy Carter.
John F. Walker (Wyatt Russell) è il successore di Captain America, creato dal governo degli Stati Uniti.
❏ STREAMING MEDIA ❏ Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. The verb to stream refers to the process of delivering or obtaining media in this manner.[clarification needed] Streaming refers to the delivery method of the medium, rather than the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method from the media distributed applies specifically to telecommunications networks, as most of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs). There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet. For example, users whose Internet connection lacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. And users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content. Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time much as live television broadcasts content over the airwaves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it frequently is. Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user can use their media player to start playing digital video or digital audio content before the entire file has been transmitted. The term “streaming media” can apply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are all considered “streaming text”.
❏ COPYRIGHT CONTENT ❏ Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.[1][2][3][4][5] The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself.[6][7][8] A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States. Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed][9][10][11][12] These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.[13] Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights
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It’s Just a Movie: Part 10 (Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader)
<- Previous Chapter Next Chapter ->
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 1849
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You and the boys had been discussing their plan for the past two weeks, having kept track on your notes app in your phone. The first few days had just been with what their ending 'goal' was, which turned out to be harder than you thought for them to agree. Well, for you and them to agree. When you proposed their desired ending, Dwayne had quickly said,
"Kill Sam and the Frogs." And Marko was quick to second him. It seemed that neither of them were quick to forget their killers, even if you were sure the only reason Dwayne wanted the Frogs dead was because they went after Laddie. You, however, were quick to argue,
"They're kids, guys." And, before they could appall you with any loose morals, you added, "Plus, Max is gonna tell you to turn Sam, remember?" But neither of them seemed too bothered by only being able to kill the Frogs. So, you reminded them, "They haven't done anything yet. They might not even suspect vampires exist yet." You pointed out, and the boys frowned. After a few days, you got them to agree to only kill them if they attempted to kill them first. Quickly, you tried to steer them in a different direction.
It was decided fairly quickly that the boys wouldn't be able to disobey Max once he ordered them to turn the boys, and it would be near impossible to get to them beforehand. So, you suggested,
"Well, why don't we just try to make Max's plan work? I mean, it wouldn't be too bad having Lucy for a mom, right?" You offered, but the boys exchanged a glance as they mulled it over. Lucy was sweet, kind to her boys, and probably wouldn't force them to change. And, with how much freedom she gave Michael and Sam, they could imagine that their lives wouldn't be all that affected. You tried to defend her case, but, as David eloquently put, 
"That's exactly why she shouldn't end up with Max." He said, and you frowned. 
“He can’t be that bad...right?” But even you didn’t really know. You remembered the ending, where he didn’t even bat an eye, let alone shed a tear, at the death of one of his ‘sons’. Without missing a beat, Paul said, 
“He’s a dick.” You expected a slap of the head from Dwayne or a look from David. When neither came, you let out an uneasy breath. So, it seemed that Max's 'Blood-sucking Brady Bunch' was out of the question. When you pushed the topic of Max, it was decided that perhaps his ending shouldn't be all that changed. By the end of the first couple of days, it was decided that Max would die, and that David would take his place as the head vampire. You had to admit that it seemed to make more sense, with how detached the boys already were from their sire. And because it had technically been Maxs fault for their deaths in the first place. But, making sure Max bit it and they didn't was definitely going to make things more difficult. Especially when you factored in Star and Laddie. 
“Wait, why are we turning Star again?” Marko asked. It was a couple days later and the five of you were eating pizza in the cave, having already visited the boardwalk. You, Marko, and Paul sat on the floor while Dwayne laid sprawled out on the couch and David sat in his chair. You were revisiting your ideas for how they were going to change the future, and you were doing a rebriefing of what the five of you had agreed on. Really, with having been there for two weeks, it was the only thing to keep your mind off of the improbability of you ever going home.
“She’s the one that’s gonna lure Michael in.” Paul reminded him, reaching over to snag one of your fries. You batted his hand away, and he gave you a grin as he popped it into his mouth. Marko scoffed, shaking his head.
“And why do we need to lure him in again? I mean, we already saw how that goes.” He grumbled, and you tried to choose your words carefully. He was always a little tense during these discussions, as his death would be the first you’d need to avoid.
“If we stray too far from the movie, then we have no idea how the events will turn out. And no idea how to prevent any near-death experiences.” You reminded. It was the exact reason that you had crossed out the potential of keeping the Emersons away completely. “We’re only gonna change some minor things, so Michael still needs to be turned into a half for everything to work.” You said calmly, and he let out a long sigh. He pushed the pizza box away from him, and your fries away from you before he laid your head in your lap. Over the past week, the boys had gotten comfortable with you. Almost a little too comfortable. While you hadn’t done anything with any of them yet, platonic affection didn’t seem to bother any of them. Even if Paul constantly offered otherwise. You already knew what he expected, and you gently began twirling his curls and scratching his scalp.
“But he’s such a poser.” Marko said, and you couldn’t help your smile at the use of slang. Your mind instantly flashed to when he bought the leather jacket, and then the earring. He seemed to try so hard to fit in, or perhaps impress, that you hadn’t even considered that that might describe him perfectly. You watched as his face relaxed, his eyes fluttering closed as you used your nails to scratch one of his sweet spots.
“Yeah, but he’ll be human again when Grandpa kills Max, and then you won’t have to worry about him anymore.” You said, and you didn’t notice the small smile on David’s face as he watched you calm the blonde vampire. Marko let out another sigh, before wriggling his way further into your lap. He let out a small grunt, apparently satisfied enough to stop his arguing. For the meantime. After a moment, you added, “Plus, you won’t have to watch Laddie all the time with Star.” You said, giving Dwayne a look. He had been reading a book, and he perked up at the mention of the little boys name. When he looked over and saw that you were already looking at him, he was quick to look back down at the piece of literature in his hands. Paul let out a small snicker, and you smiled.
You knew that, while he would never admit it, Dwayne was eager to meet the little boy that had become so close to him during the movie. It was like he was awaiting the birth of his younger brother, even if the little boy was already walking around somewhere. Though, you and David had silently agreed not to discuss the fate of the young boy. While the five of you could plan your ideal ending all you wanted, the most important thing was being able to roll with the punches and to be realistic. And, well, Laddie had stuck to Star more than he had stuck to the brunette haired boy. 
With keeping most of the story-line and only a fraction of the ending the same, there was only one part of your plan left undecided. 
“So, how are you gonna stop Sam from coming down here with the Frogs?” You asked. There was, of course, the expected chorus of,
“Kill the frogs.” From Dwayne and Marko. It was a frequently revisited issue, and the five of you had yet to agree. You had to make sure you spent their nights with them after Paul, surprisingly, had suggested finding their comic book store earlier that week. But, before you could argue your usual point over again, David said,
“We don’t have to kill them. We don’t even have to stop Sam from meeting them.” And you were quick to arch a brow. Paul let out an audible,
“Huh?” And Marko and Dwayne both sat up to look at their leader. It was an undiscussed idea, but, from the way David said it, you guessed that he’d been sitting on it for a few days now. It seemed that whatever ideas he had, he was finally willing to share them. He took a drag of his cigarette, before he began to elaborate. 
“You said it yourself, y/n. We can’t risk going too far from the movie. We just have to make sure that Sam and the Frogs think that Max is the head vampire, and a few other things.” He added the last part vaguely, and you stared at him. With the way the edges of his lips curled, you were positive he was leaving you in suspense on purpose. You sighed, giving him a look. Finally, you asked,
“Like what?” And you watched the way his smile grew. He seemed to love whenever you gave in to his egging, and he supplied you with,
“Like thinking that by killing him it’ll turn all his children back to being human. Including us.” He said, and you felt your jaw fall for a moment before you quickly recovered. You didn’t want to inflate his ego, even if he already looked immensely satisfied with your reaction. Paul let out a low whistle before he said,
“Shit. That’s perfect. Michael will totally-”
“He’ll treat us like Star and Laddie. Same with Sam.” Marko finished for him, even if Paul went on rambling. He rambled about how they could blame the murders on vampire instinct, lack of human memory, or play into the thirst for sympathy. Or how they could make it almost hero-like by saying they only went after assholes. Dwayne, his deep voice cutting through Pauls chatter, said, 
“And Grandpa won’t go after us. Not if we could be saved.” And you stared at all of them. It was a good plan. A great one. But, you could only think of one fatal flaw in it, and it was staring you in the face. 
“Do you really expect them to believe you though?” You asked David. No matter how charming they could be, you didn’t expect them to really be that stupid. And it wasn’t something that they could just naturally bring up to Star and Michael without it raising some sort of suspicion from the pair. Especially when the Frogs were so hell-bent on killing all vampires, even if said vampire was only a half and a child. Davids smile turned into a smirk, and he gave you a small shake of his head as he said,
“Oh, not at all.” And confusion filled your face. You stared at the pale boy, his stubble dusting his cheeks and his hair practically glowing in the light. The smoke from the end of his cigarette curled and floated towards the ceiling as he said, “I expect them to believe you.”
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williamsjoan · 5 years
Startups Weekly: VCs celebrate the new year the only way they know how
Venture capitalists swore in the new year the only way they know how… by submitting SEC paperwork for new funds! insert party hat/confetti emoji here.
As many of us brainstormed our New Year’s resolutions and let our hangovers wear off, several firms began this week what for some is a long and arduous process of raising a VC fund and for others is as simple as a few phone calls to LPs. What else happened this week? Pokémon GO creator Niantic secured $190 million, Mary Meeker announced the name of her fund and a whole bunch of people played with Popsugar’s somewhat sketchy twinning app.
Fresh funds:
Mary Meeker will raise up to $1.5 billion for Bond, her new VC fund. Union Square Ventures raised $429 million across two new funds. Lightspeed Venture partners announced a $560 million China fund. And biotech firm Atlas Venture brought in $250 million.
AR startups are failing:
TechCrunch’s Lucas Matney takes a look at struggling augmented reality startups and questions some of the larger players, from Magic Leap to Snap and Niantic. And speaking of Niantic, the Pokémon GO developer closed a $190 million funding round this week at a $3.9 billion valuation.
Indian startups start the year off strong:
Startups based in India raised more than $10 billion in 2018, per Venture Beat, a record amount of capital for the country. Already this year one company has closed a round larger than $100 million. CarDekho, an online marketplace for car sales in India, has pulled in a new $110 million Series C funding round this week to push deeper into financial services and insurance.
Future tech:
Boom Supersonic, which is building and designing what it calls the “world’s first economically viable supersonic airliner,” announced a $100 million Series B funding round led by Emerson Capital. Other investors include Y Combinator’s Continuity Fund, Caffeinated Capital, SV Angel, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, Ron Conway, Michael Marks and Greg McAdoo.
A startup disrupting the … bottled water business:
FloWater has raised $15 million for its reusable water bottle refilling stations to produce purified water. Bluewater, a Swedish company that sells water purifiers, among other things, led the round.
VC subsidized vending machines:
Vengo makes wall-mounted mini-vending machines the size of large picture frames that it then sells to vending machine distributors, asking for a small fee per month in exchange for access to its software. Now it has $7 million to build out its business.
A VC gets a second chance:
After SpaceX filed more SEC paperwork as part of its $500 million upcoming fundraise, TechCrunch’s Connie Loizos noticed a familiar name on the document: Steve Jurvetson. Jurvetson is a longtime board member of both Tesla and SpaceX, but after he left DFJ, the venture capital firm he co-founded, in 2017 amid questions about his personal conduct, there was uncertainty around whether he would keep those director positions. Well, it looks like Elon Musk is standing by Jurvetson.
And finally, are you smarter than a TechCrunch reporter?
Let this test decide.
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Startups Weekly: VCs celebrate the new year the only way they know how published first on https://timloewe.tumblr.com/
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fmservers · 5 years
Startups Weekly: VCs celebrate the new year the only way they know how
Venture capitalists swore in the new year the only way they know how… by submitting SEC paperwork for new funds! insert party hat/confetti emoji here.
As many of us brainstormed our New Year’s resolutions and let our hangovers wear off, several firms began this week what for some is a long and arduous process of raising a VC fund and for others is as simple as a few phone calls to LPs. What else happened this week? Pokémon GO creator Niantic secured $190 million, Mary Meeker announced the name of her fund and a whole bunch of people played with Popsugar’s somewhat sketchy twinning app.
Fresh funds:
Mary Meeker will raise up to $1.5 billion for Bond, her new VC fund. Union Square Ventures raised $429 million across two new funds. Lightspeed Venture partners announced a $560 million China fund. And biotech firm Atlas Venture brought in $250 million.
AR startups are failing:
TechCrunch’s Lucas Matney takes a look at struggling augmented reality startups and questions some of the larger players, from Magic Leap to Snap and Niantic. And speaking of Niantic, the Pokémon GO developer closed a $190 million funding round this week at a $3.9 billion valuation.
Indian startups start the year off strong:
Startups based in India raised more than $10 billion in 2018, per Venture Beat, a record amount of capital for the country. Already this year one company has closed a round larger than $100 million. CarDekho, an online marketplace for car sales in India, has pulled in a new $110 million Series C funding round this week to push deeper into financial services and insurance.
Future tech:
Boom Supersonic, which is building and designing what it calls the “world’s first economically viable supersonic airliner,” announced a $100 million Series B funding round led by Emerson Capital. Other investors include Y Combinator’s Continuity Fund, Caffeinated Capital, SV Angel, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, Ron Conway, Michael Marks and Greg McAdoo.
A startup disrupting the … bottled water business:
FloWater has raised $15 million for its reusable water bottle refilling stations to produce purified water. Bluewater, a Swedish company that sells water purifiers, among other things, led the round.
VC subsidized vending machines:
Vengo makes wall-mounted mini-vending machines the size of large picture frames that it then sells to vending machine distributors, asking for a small fee per month in exchange for access to its software. Now it has $7 million to build out its business.
A VC gets a second chance:
After SpaceX filed more SEC paperwork as part of its $500 million upcoming fundraise, TechCrunch’s Connie Loizos noticed a familiar name on the document: Steve Jurvetson. Jurvetson is a longtime board member of both Tesla and SpaceX, but after he left DFJ, the venture capital firm he co-founded, in 2017 amid questions about his personal conduct, there was uncertainty around whether he would keep those director positions. Well, it looks like Elon Musk is standing by Jurvetson.
And finally, are you smarter than a TechCrunch reporter?
Let this test decide.
  Want more TechCrunch newsletters? Sign up here.
Via Kate Clark https://techcrunch.com
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