#sam is having all this doubt about killing superman after seeing him cry
makorragal-312 · 1 year
REALLY hope that nobody snapped a picture of Clark and Lois kissing because if Sam ever reads the paper and sees a picture of his daughter being smooched in the air by the so-called "invader" on the front page, any reservations he might have had about going after Superman are going straight out the window.
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nieladasdenani · 4 years
supercorp promt lena going over all the times kara/supergirl saved her life and how many ways shed be dead without her and realizing all the times kara/supergirl stood up for her/defended her in public and private and how she would have been treated like a luthor and put in jail without her help and just coming to the realization that kara didnt use her like she said she did because kara would not do all that if she had been using her and just all around having a big impact realization about it
Hello and thank you, Anon! This will be a challenge because I have seen very little of the show since season 3 and none of the last season whatsoever. All my knowledge comes from Tumblr posts. And because I have strong opinions of how the reveal was handled by both canon and part of fandom. So I hope it still meets your expectations.
You can read it in AO3 if you rather.
Lena’s hand trembles as she reaches for the bottle, so she clenches it in a tight fist and tries to take a deep breath to calm her mounting anxiety, though it doesn’t seem to have any effect. A sense of paranoia has her focusing her attention on the office door, expecting to hear the thunderous sound of trained boots rushing to get her, but nothing meets her ears. She sighs and tries to breathe deeper again. Then chances a look over her left shoulder at the balcony door, wide open, like a dare... or an invitation. If she turns completely, she’d be facing her desk, and on top of it lays Myriad, inactive. She knows she should have gone to Lex’s lair, where Hope in Eve’s body awaits to complete the mission. Would she be worried Lena hasn’t arrived? Confused?
“But, Miss Luthor, I am not your friend.” Lena scoffs at the memory and snatches the bottle and a glass.
“Neither was the person whose face you’re wearing, so I guess the integration was flawless.”
She drains the first glass of whiskey entirely in the first gulp and sits heavily on her pristine white couch. Mistake. There, on the floor, is the framed, cracked picture showing her smiling face, impossibly close to Kara’s own radiant expression. A stark difference to the one she was wearing when Lena left her in an iced kryptonite cell, inside her piece of home away from home: terrified, devastated. Some call it karma... Others call it revenge.
“Lena, please.”
Lena sighs again and closes her eyes after pouring a second glass, that she holds loosely in her right hand. Both her elbows rest on her knees, and her head hangs low. Was Kara scared for National City, the world? Or was she afraid Lena’s trap would kill her?
“Are you going to kill me now?”
Was she scared of Lena or for Lena? No doubt the DEO has a dark, hidden dungeon waiting just for her, where they can lock her in isolation, like her demented brother was before he escaped and wrecked havoc. Before she killed him... Of course Kara would be fine. Lena made sure the trap was safe. That the kryptonite was non-lethal. She made sure of it. It’s still an alien radioactive substance, though. No, no, she made sure. She studied Lex’s journals exhaustively. She’s working for good.
“I’m not a villain. You shouldn’t have treated me like one.”
So why does it feel like she’s doing something wrong? Non Nocere was conceived to remove one of humanity’s biggest flaws, to remove one of the primary reasons for suffering. She’s doing it for the greater good. She’s doing a good thing. So, why is she here and not finishing it up? Maybe because deep down she knows that, no matter how good her intentions, this is not the way, deceiving everyone to achieve her goal.-Using Kara. -Like she used me! -Did she? -Yes! She lied for years! -Do you realize you’re trying to convince yourself of this?
Lena’s whole head hurts from how hard she’s clenching her jaw. Kara lied for years. A Super and a Luthor. She must have been using her, why else would she have lied for so long? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and all that. The Luthor way. Making sure Lena walked the line. Saving your life, protecting you. Enough! Lena shakes her head again, harder, to silence the voice inside. It works, so she closes her eyes and sighs.
Then images start flashing: A helicopter spinning out of control towards the ground. The pilot unconscious, limp next to her. Bracing for a certain death that never comes.
“You’re safe now.”
Feeling suddenly sick. Knowing too late that something’s wrong with the coffee. Someone has posioned her and succeded at it. She clinging to consciousness, barely, dreaming of Kara saving her. Taking her in her arms and flying her up to safety.
“You were flying, and you were carrying me.”
Lena determined to protect Kara as they both face Mercy inside L Corp. They somehow managed to avoid the rain of bullets from the intruders and are now trapped in the labs with the armed enemy. But Lena’s armed too. She’l protect Kara, who seems eager to leave, which confuses Lena, she’s seen Kara square up to people before, especially to stand up for Lena. But she let’s her leave, she’ll be safer anyway. And then Supergirl is there, neutralizing Mercy in the blink of an eye.
“The Luthor name doesn’t deserve Lena.”
A half machine half man monstrosity trying to storm her newly rebranded company. She, braving an attempt at defense. An enormous metallic representation of said rebranding flying towards her, promising a sure, painful and fast death. She, bracing for the impact that never comes. Looking through her hands to see the Girl of Steel stumbling from the force of protecting Lena from it.
“Get out of here.”
She confronting Edge, who poisoned children in an attempt at getting back to Lena. She almost going through with killing him. Instead getting knocked out and strapped onto a doomed plane. Not only is she going to die, all her work to be good would be erased, her reputation. But, once more, it doesn’t come.
“No, I’m not going to drop you!”
Kara, sweet and dorky, suddenly stony facing Detective Sawyer, who’s come to take Lena into custody. Conviction in her blue eyes, sure of Lena’s innocence. Willing to face off with her sister’s girlfriend over it. Lena shocked at the protective display.
“Hold on, Maggie. Slow down. Just, let her explain.”
Supergirl trying to warn her of her mother’s terrorist endeavors. Not as in warning Lena to stir clear of it. Not as in warning her that she’s being watched. But as if to telling her to be careful, that she may be in danger. As if telling her Supergirl herself will protect her, if she’d let her.
“Be your own hero.”
She deliberatedly jumping off a cliff, after facing off with a terrorist organization. Pushing the buttom on the watch Kara gave her, to protect her, alway. With not a trace of doubt in her system that Kara would come to her rescue. Feeling the power of the lasers coming out of Kara’s eyes.
“What was that?”
Lena falling from her office balcony, thinking of her fear of heights, her fear of flying. Thinking of Kara listening to her falling to her death after a couple of her mother’s goons accidentally toppled her. Clutching to Kara’s voice as the last thing she hears. Until arms of steel catch her and making it feel like falling onto a cloud. Freezing breath rushing past her face, and still feeling warm.
“Dropped something?”
“I was having coffee with Kara Danvers.”
Lena, flanked by the Danvers Sisters coming into a dream realm to confront Sam’s demons. A monster wearing Sam’s face attacking them, lifting Lena by the neck, threateing to break it.
“Let her go! Take me, take me instead, please!”
Being kidnapped onto an alien ship. And invader alien ship. Almost forced to get married, to Kara’s boyfriend, no less. Getting rescued by Supergirl. Joining forces with her mom, who had previously joined forces with Supergirl, both putting their difference aside to save Lena. Creating a device that would eradicate the invading threat, but that included Kara’s love. Kara, devastated, but reassuring Lena that it was not her fault, that she did what she had to.
“Lena, you helped Supergirl save the world.”
Kidnapped by her mother, after being framed. Used to get to Lex’s arsenal of anti-alien weaponry. Supergirl crashing the site, knowingly risking her safety with Lilian, Metallo and Cyborg Superman surrounded by weapons designed to defeat a Kryptonian. Supergirl on her knees, in pain. Warning them of the risk of Metallo’s unstable kryptonite’s core. A potential explosion that could kill her. And still staying to carry Lena out of there, just in the nick of time.
“Kara Danvers believes in you.”
“You’re good, Lena.”
“So, my office is overflown with flowers.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
“I’ve never had friends like you.”
“I trust you.”
“Supergirl might have saved me. But you, Kara Danvers, you are my hero.”
Lena’s gasping, just now realizes she’s crying. What have I done? But there’s no time to think about it further. A crash coming from her balcony captures her attention, and she stands, drink still in hand, tears still rolling down her face. Supergirl struggles to keep upright: she’s pale, panting. Her eyes, as wild as her hair, searching her surroundings, until they find Lena. And it’s palpable how the relief fills Kara. Her shoulders sag and her eyes close.
But Lena has not gotten over Supergirl, Kara’s state. And then she sees her hands. There’s blood and bruises there. There’s blood on Kara’s hands. Lena can’t take her eyes of the damaged limbs. She takes a couple of steps towards the hero.
“You’re bleeding.”
Kara seems to not have heard her. She looks at Myriad and lingers there. As if she’s trying to see through it. But can’t. She’s helping herself stay standing by bracing one shoulder on the balcony door. Turns to Lena again.
“Please, Lena. Don’t do this. Please.”
“Kara, you’re bleeding.”
“If you do this, Lena, if you do this there’s no going back.”
“Why are you bleeding?”
“Not like, for humanity. We’d be able to fix that. We’ve done it before. With Myriad. But for you, Lena. You’ll be devastated when your anger subsides.”
“Please, Lena, you’ve worked so hard to leave your family’s bad name behind. It’ll be so much harder to come back if you do this.”
“Kara, stop.”
“No, no. You gotta listen. You can’t do this! It will hurt you!”
“Kara. You are bleeding!”
“What?” And finally, she looks down. At her hands. “Oh.”
Lena closes the distance between them. Takes Kara’s hands in hers. Inspects the damage. Her mind racing to understand what she’s seeing. Kara is Supergirl, she should not be bleeding. Now Lena can see that Kara is also shivering. From exertion or cold, Lena isn’t sure. Both, maybe. She’s still catching her breath.
“You punched your way out.” She says this and looks up at Kara’s face, she knows her eyes are wide with shock and her mouth is, too. A little. Lilian would be appalled. “Kara, why? The trap would have turned off in a couple of hours. I would never...”
“I know. I know but... it was so tight in there.”
“The space was so small.”
“Oh. Oh! You’re... Are you claustrophobic?” Oh, no. No.
Kara shrugs, looks sideways at the desk. At Myriad. But she’s not trying to contain Lena, to restrain her. She’s not rushing to take Myriad, either. She’s trusting Lena to do listen, to do what’s right.
“Why? Kara why didn’t you... I didn’t know. I didn’t know if I would have. I would’ve not put you in there,”
“We both did things. Lena, I promise. I’ve only lied about my secret identity. And I know there’s no excuse, but I have plenty. And I’ll tell you all of them when you’re ready to hear them. But, please, you have to believe me: I never lied about us. I swear I was not using you. You must believe me, Lena, please!”
“I think I do, now. I’m... I’m still hurt and angry. But, I know. I realize you didn’t need to work so hard on protecting me. From experience, I know that masks fall faster than that. I was just... Hearing i from Lex, while I killed him was overpowering.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I gave him the chance to take that away from us. I’m sorry that yet again I was robbed of the opportunity to tell someone I love. And that it gave him such a way to hurt you. I’m sorry that it made you feel used and unloved. I love you Lena. I love you.”
Lena’s vision is blurry with tears. And it gets worse when Kara’s words paint a smile on Lena’s face. At some point she has dragged Kara to the couch, have them both sat down, and she’s yet to let go of the hero’s bruised hands.
“You do?”
“I do. Of course I do. I love you. I’d say it as much as you’d need.”
“Hold on.”
Lena stands despite Kara’s throughly confused expression. She raches for the first aid kit in the bathroom and sits back next to Kara. Starts tending to the wonds, a little worried that hey don’t seem to be healing by themselves. But not wanting to draw attention to it. Kara watches her work in silence, with the occasional flinch or hiss of pain.
“You may want to reconsider your offer. I don’t think I’ll ever tired of you saying it.”
Kara looks lost for a second, until her face clears of all confusion. She smiles.
“I don’t have a problem with that.”
“I’m going to have to work on myself and my issues, though. Before we can really start to explore our relationship. In whichever form you’re willing to have it.”
“I’ll have to work on my issues, too. And we’ll work together on our relationship. I’ll have whatever you’rewilling to give me.”
And Lena almost says I’ll give you everything out loud. She finishes up tending to Kara’s wounds. And sighs.
“When should I expect the DEO to come and get me?” Kara frowns at her.
“Why would they come and get you?”
“I imagine Alex wants my head after wha I did?”
“Ales doesn’t know.” But Lena’s is too shocked to respond. “We’ll go and stop everything about the Non Nocere project. You’ll get Hope out of Eve, and we’ll deliver her to the authorities. Then we’ll all work together to stop Leviathan. Then, maybe after we worked through our stuff anough, we can tell the story as a funny story.”
“There’s not one funny thing about what’s happened.” Lena deadpans, because...
“I’m sure I can make it funny. I’m charming like that.” And Lena loves her cocky side. Lena loves all of her sides, she’s come to realize.
“Yes, you’re hilarious.”
Kara’s phone goes off before she can sass back and Lena can hear Alex voice through the speaker.
“Kara, finally. I was getting worried I couldn’t reach you or Lena.”
“We’re ok.” She says while holding her eyes to Lena’s. “I told her.” There’s a sigh on the other end of the call. Not dissapointed, nor angry. Just a sigh.
“Ok. I know you’ve wanted to tell her for a while. And I know you feel like your secret affects more than just you, Kara. But it’s ultimately yours to share. We’ve all have done it for you enough times. I also know you’re worried about the DEO trapping Lena with the excuse of confidentiality. But I promise you I won’t let that happen. How did she take it?”
“Well... I mean, she’s hurt. And I think we’re goin to have to work that out. But...” She let’s the sentence hang for a second, looking at Lena, who nods. “But, we’ll be all right.”
“I know you guys will. Now, enough sentimentality. What about the plan?”
“We found Eve, we’re about to intercept her and bringing her into cosudy. Then we can start working on the rest of the bad guys.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you guys soon. Would you need back-up?”
“No, we’ve got it.” She ends the call and stands, walking towards the balcony. Lena stays put, an eyebrow lifting in amussement.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“To get Eve? Hope? Both?”
“We’re not flying, Kara. You can barely walk.” She can see Kara about to argue, so she activates the portal and gestures to it, expectantly.  “Shall we?”
“Show-off.” Kara grumbles as she walks through it and Lena and her laugh follow her. Yes, they’ll be all right.
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
(Extra #2) Bucky and The Bed
~Happens during the epilogue, between the cemetery and the bedroom scenes. 
Bucky and The Bed Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (cis)fem!reader platonic!Sam Wilson x (cis)fem!reader platonic!Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes
Words: 700+
Summary: You and Bucky are stranded in the middle of a snowy nowhere when there is an ‘electronic blackout’ during your mission. With no back ups or any way to contact your team, you take refuge from the worsening weather in the only cabin you find  in miles. Not to mention, with no power, Bucky has become your personal heater and there’s only one bed.
Chapter type: Fluff. Sam Wilson is a good bro. Humor.
Chapter/Trigger warning: Language?
A/N: I’m too indecisive for my own good. It’s the last of the additions to the series. I couldn’t just leave Sam Wilson out of their story. So here it is, some Sam Wilson platonic fluff! Takes place after the cemetery scene but before the bedroom one.
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“...you’re practically her only family left. It felt right to ask you.”
The men stood on the balcony, overlooking the rebuilt lake of the compound which glistened under the morning sun. Both of them leaned on the sturdy railing, a thoughtful look on their faces as they conversed. 
Two men brought together by a man of the past, whose memory would live on forever and ever. Two men who turned from strangers to enemies to friends who they trusted their lives with.
Sam felt ecstatic not only to hear the news he did but also at being asked the question he was. He didn’t even have to think about the answer. It was already predecided even before Bucky had asked about it. Though he wouldn’t give it to Bucky this easily. He wanted to toy with his partner first. When did he not?
Sam took a deep breath a while later and straightened his back as if going hard over what he had heard and actually had to formulate the right answer. He meant every word he said with the utmost seriousness. 
“You know she is the only family I have left too, right?” After Bucky nodded, he continued, “If you hurt her, man, I swear I’ll chop you with one of your freakishly sharp knives and feed the pieces to Alpine.”
Bucky chuckled heartily, unable to stop himself. Any nerves he had felt were replaced with lightheartedness. He had no doubts about it. Hell, if he made you cry sad tears, he’d himself surrender his body to Sam and the team to torture as they wished. 
The two friends conversed further, laughing and enjoying the moment as they hugged at the end.
The package in the pocket of his jacket awaited its future.
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He hadn’t meant to, but it happened. 
As Bucky trudged along the corridor, on his way to meet Rhodey, he heard his name. Naturally, he stopped and searched for the source with eager ears. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. It wasn’t his fault he could hear more or less just fine through the walls.
Despite not being able to see through the walls - in spite of his enhancements, Bucky wasn’t Superman, no matter how hard he wished he was - Bucky was sure you and Sam sat crisscrossed on the countertop in the kitchen beyond the wall, snacking in a manner that would make Thor and the Hulk blush.
“By the way, how are things with you and Bucky?” It was what had made Bucky stop midway.
“They’re great. They’re awesome But you already know that Sam.” You said. A frown overtook your face at the question directed at you out of the blue. “Why? Is everything alright?”
That bastard! Bucky cursed inside his head, unsure where this was leading to. He pressed himself closer to the wall.
Sam mentally rolled his eyes. Of course he knew how great your and Bucky’s relationship was. It was the reason he had shifted his room from beside yours to the other side of the compound under the guise of a change of scenery. The walls really weren’t as soundproof as he had initially thought them to be. It was also hard not to see how disgustingly adorable of a couple you made even after all these years.
“Yeah, everything’s alright.” Sam paused for a couple of seconds and continued. “It’s just that I’ve been thinking...We don’t know what the future holds for us. You and Bucky are doing great right now for sure but in case, and I’m only saying in case something changes in the future and if, again, if the two of you aren’t doing as great as now...You know I’d kill you if you hurt him, right? He’s a close friend.”
“Are you alright?” You asked Sam with a laugh bubbling out of you. 
Oh, that bastard! Bucky chuckled inwardly. Already feeling guilty about listening in on your conversation without your knowledge, he continued on his way down the hall.
The package bounced inside the pocket of his jacket as the man with a Wakandan bionic arm literally walked with a skip in his step.
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The divider is made by @writeyourmindaway
Some feedback on the series would be highly appreciated :)
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justfandomwritings · 4 years
Superhero Hunger Games Simulation
special credit to : @juliaguliaa​
Ladies and Gentlemen,  Welcome, to your Second Daily Hunger Games Simulation! This year, our theme is Superheroes! Here are your Tributes! 
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Representing District 1, Luxury: For the District only known for being blonde and rich, we have a prince, the blondest of blonde superheroes, and a spy, the fakest of blonde superheroes....
Thor and Black Widow! 
Representing District 2, Masonry, Weaponry and Peacekeepers: The only two superheroes I trust to lead an army....
Captain America and Wonder Woman! 
Representing District 3, Technology: A literal machine and the girl who deconstructed him....
Vision and Shuri! 
Representing District 4, Fishing and Water: The king of fish and the queen of making it rain....
Aquaman and Storm! 
Representing District 5, Power: A guy who solved the world’s energy crisis while in a cave and a girl who got blasted with the literal source of all power in the universe....
Iron Man and Captain Marvel!
Representing District 6, Transportation: He outran your train there, and she just teleported the train because she was sick of waiting in the station....
Flash and Raven! 
Representing District 7, Lumber: I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot....
Groot and Layla Williams (from Sky High)
Representing District 8, Textiles: The most fashionable superhero on Earth and the girl named after a fabric....
Shang Chi and Silk! 
Representing District 9, Grains: They’re still in Kansas, and they won’t leave damnit....
Superman and Supergirl! 
Representing District 10, Livestock: The only two superheroes we trust not to eat the produce, because they turn into the produce....
Beast Boy and Vixen!
Representing District 11, Agriculture: Look Katniss, she wouldn’t have let Rue die. 
Okoye and the Falcon! 
Representing District 12, Mining: A literal rock, and a much better shot than Katniss
The Thing and Kate Bishop!
Day One 
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The Thing would be good at hiding, my man can just ball up next to a cliff and then boom boulder. BEAST BOY YOU ARE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO DRINK THAT ALCOHOL YOU JUST STOLE. Though, I’m loving the girl power of Kate Bishop, Wonder Woman, Okoye, also some inter-universe cooperation. 
Poor Vixen, I am both surprised by your death because you are a badass, and unsurprised because I don’t think you have it in you to kill a hero.
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Captain Marvel stalks Layla Williams, understandably. She is beautiful, but also she is an unknown quantity. No one else in the Games can vouch for her. What does she do? Who is she? No one knows. None of them have even heard of Sky High.
Supergirl receives fresh food from a sponsor. Her secret? That sponsor is Lex Luthor. 
“Beast Boy sprains his ankle running away from Thor” is the most Beast Boy sentence of sentences I have ever read in my life. 
Flash searches for firewood; I don’t know why this is worthy of note. It took him two seconds; he’s damn quick.
Superman was far too powerful a character to put in this game. He easily cut through Kate Bishop. He’s clearly in a frenzy desperately searching for his cousin, or no doubt he would have spared Kate. 
Black Widow does not share Superman’s mercy. She kills people. End of sentence. 
Shuri is chasing Okoye to try to find an ally. Okoye has not looked back over her shoulder. She’s running for her life. If she looked back, she’d know she didn’t need to run. 
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Rest in peace, my dears. 
Though, I guess this proves my intro wrong about Okoye. She damn sure let Kate Bishop face Supes alone and die.
Night One
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Beast Boy screams for help, hoping his fellow Teen Titan, Raven, will hear him. Raven hears him. She just doesn’t bother coming, because she knows he’ll talk her ear off.
Thor and his friend, a tree, sleep in shifts with two other people they stumble upon in the woods. Layla naturally gravitates towards the tree. 
Wonder Woman screams for help from the goddesses. Captain Marvel keeps trying to start a fire, but she keeps accidentally blowing up the logs. Shuri and Falcon are actually sitting on opposite sides of the same tree. They keep hearing humming in the distance and harmonizing with it, assuming they’re losing their own minds. 
Superman, naturally, defeats Raven, but as he does, he sees his cousin and thus, his craze has ended and he spares her life. Supergirl is munching on some apples that Lex Luthor sent her when she sees her cousin choking a teenager to death with his bare hands. 
Tony and Natasha consider putting together an Avengers alliance with Vision and Thor and teaming up on these ‘weirdos from another universe’. Unfortunately, Thor is also a weirdo from another universe himself, though with a different definition of universe. He’s just an alien; they’re from a differen reality. 
Okoye could start a fire, but she worries her enemies may see the smoke. She’s tough. She doesn’t mind the cold.
Day Two
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Beast Boy picks flowers, because Beast Boy. 
Captain America stumbles upon the Flash while he’s sleeping and shoots this unknown man with a poisonous dart. The poison works slowly, but the Flash’s circulatory system is very fast. When Cap comes forward to put him peacefully out of his misery, the Flash is already dead. 
Groot hears a rustling behind him. He thinks it is the plant lover girl from the day before. He didn’t like her. He got the impression she could control his entire body. Groot swings, not realizing its Shuri and kills her. 
Black Widow receives a hatchet from Nick Fury. Iron Man leaves her looking for firewood; he considers cutting off a piece of Groot’s leg. 
Thor tracks down and kills Raven because Loki’s symbolic animal is often a Raven and he isn’t about to let her steal his Bro’s thunder. Okoye kills Falcon with a hatchet. It wasn’t a mistake. His quips were annoying her.
Superman steals the note that came with his cousin’s free food. It’s a love letter from Lex Luthor. He’s fucking pissed. 
Aquaman kills the plant girl. He likes water more than land, so they were natural enemies. 
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Groot would apologize Shuri, but you don’t speak Groot to know what he’s apologizing for. Okoye doesn’t feel sorry about Sam dying. He was annoying her. 
Night Two
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Supergirl runs away from Superman because he’s giving her a dad lecture about her choices. They both quickly find new allies: Superman with the girl who controls the weather that he doesn’t recognize and the boy he tried to kill in that one crossover movie. Supergirl with some hot soldier, and she’s not complaining.
Groot, in a rage of guilt, is roaring through the forest, not seeing anything as he attacks the first camp he stumbles upon. Tony manages to kill Groot, but he catches Black Widow in the crossfire. 
Day Three 
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Tony gets medical supplies from Pepper. Thor sees a hot chick and decides to follow her around the arena for a bit; he’s been lonely since Jane left him after all. T’Challa sends Okoye a hatchet. He intended her to use it to kill the tree that killed Shuri, but Groot was dead by the time it got there. He’ll settle for her using it to chop the trees body into firewood. Beast Boy injures himself doing something stupid and reckless; he may win these Games just because he’s too dumb to find anyone else.
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A tsunami hits the arena. 
Superman flies off. Storm flies off. Thor flies off. Vision just floats over the top of the wave like a jackass. 
The Thing is actually the debris that hit him. He punched himself in the head while trying to swim away. 
Cap and Tony come upon each other. Cap’s foot is trapped in a tree that he was sleeping under. Tony has accidentally killed Natasha, and he can’t bare to watch another Avenger die. He drowns trying to free Cap, who also drowns. 
Supergirl and Captain Marvel are both just super hard headed. When they collided it was like a damn earthquake. Of course they both died. 
Wonder Woman doesn’t fly off, but she grew up on an island. She’s a damn good swimmer. Okoye, however, is not. What can she do? Wakanda was a landlocked country! She’s not a god! She can’t fly! Blame Thor! He could’ve grabbed her, and he didn’t.
Beast Boy didn’t actually mean to drown Shang Chi. He was just looking for something to stand on. 
Spoiler alert, everyone watching thinks the Capitol caused the tsunami as an arena event. It wasn’t the Capitol. It was Aquaman. 
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It’s probably for the best that Tony died so close after Natasha. He really wouldn’t have lived with the guilt.
Night 3
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As founding members of the Justice League, when Wonder Woman and Aquaman find each other they naturally team up.
Storm sings Singing in the Rain.
Thor and Superman are both exhausted. They have to sleep by now. Superman does so crying; his cousin is dead and the last conversation they had was an argument about her love affair with Lex Luthor. 
Vision is still floating like a jackass. He hears Storm singing and decides to sing himself. He sings all of Spotify. His brain is a computer after all.
Nothing interesting happens at the Cornucopia Feast. They all decide to stay home or get one thing before they leave.
Day Four
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That’s a big ass hunting party. Who the hell were they hoping to find? Every time Beast Boy hears them stopping around he just turns into a moth, and Superman is secretly guiding them all away from Wonder Woman when he sees her with his super vision.
Night Four
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OOOOO Things are heating up.... Wonder Woman and Superman. Is it simply for comfort and warmth or something more....? SHIPS! SET SAIL! 
The unknown sponsor Storm receives clean water from is herself. She just makes it rain.
Day Five
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Play fighting got out of hand in Camp Justice League.
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Thor flies off. Beast Boy is in moth form and flies off. Vision floats like a bitch again.
Storm is swept away in her sleep. She controls the water, not the fucking ocean. 
Wonder Woman surprises Superman in his sleep when she wakes him up to save him from the tsunami. Superman is suffering from nightmares after what happened to Supergirl. He heat visions straight through Diana’s head before she can lift her bracelets to stop him. He leaves her body to be washed away, ashamed to touch her.
Aquaman secretly caused the tsunami again. Superman is going to kill him for it.
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There aren’t any X-Men to mourn Storm... And the Justice League guys are trying to kill each other... So.... There’s not really much they’d say.
Day 6
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Beast Boy manages to convince Superman not to kill him. It doesn’t take a lot of convincing. Superman is a heart of gold soul. Except when his back is turned, Boom! Beast Boy has been using his green outfit and green skin to hide the fact that he’s got kryptonite. Superman dies before he can get his revenge on Aquaman for the tsunamis.
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RIP Supes. No one in the Hunger Games is mourning you, but I will. Mostly because I chose a Henry Cavill Superman icon, and Henry didn’t deserve to die in two of these.
Night 6
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OH MY GOD DID BEAST BOY KILL SUPERMAN TO PROTECT HIS GAY LOVE FOR AQUAMAN!?!?! It would make sense! He can turn into a fish. Aquaman likes fish.
Day 7
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It was all an act! This whole time! Beast Boy was only playing at incompetence in the beginning to be underestimated. 
Beast Boy has defeated Thor. No doubt he used the trick of faking sympathy and emotion until Thor was close enough to stab. Beast Boy would probably be friends with Loki to learn that trick from Avengers 1.
One night and one day pass without consequence.....
Night 8
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Beast Boy is apparently in love with Aquaman. No doubt from the time Aquaman spent on Teen Titans back when he was a B-List superhero. 
He begs Aquaman to kill him. He can’t live in a world without him. He’s willing to die so Aquaman can live.
Aquaman doesn’t know this, not that he would care. Beast Boy’s love is not returned. Still, as far as Aquaman knows, Beast Boy is riddled with guilt at killing Superman. Aquaman ends him.
Vision watches all of this from a distance.
Day 9 
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Beast Boy’s sacrifice is in vain. 
Vision, using his Mind Infinity Stone no doubt, convinces Aquaman not to kill him. He kills Aquaman instead.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXIV)
It was a love story, from the very beginning.
Hello my dears! How are you? This is another Chronicle and the last one for season 6!!
This is gonna be a hard meta... *Sobbing* we're here together so...
Thanks to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta and discussed a while crying profusely, with me.
Ok, let's start with this!
When Cas broke Dean's heart
Still in episode 6x20...
When Cas saves the guys from demons, Dean is happy to see him, and everyone in the room felt sorry for doubt about him, but...
Remember all that blind trust Dean had in Castiel, even with the proof on the table? Well... Cas said something that broke Dean's heart and trust. He mentioned the whole Superman going to the dark side thing. A talk Bobby, Dean and Sam had gotten alone, well, they thought they were alone.
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And Dean's face is... Gah... He realizes Cas is spying on them, and lying, and cheating... And... His heart breaks and is all over his face.
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Even his smile is sad, very sad... Mixed with anger.
And then we are dragged again to Cas's memories...
You know when you watch your crush with longing eyes... Yes... Cas contemplating Dean, is a very romantic scene, he didn't want to perturbed him, and in his own words...
CASTIEL So I went to an old friend for help. But watching him, I stopped. Everything he sacrificed, and I was about to ask him for more.
Is curious how an ancient creature as Cas thinks his friendship with Dean is old. Dean is an old friend of Castiel.
And also... He saw Dean was having a good life, well, that's what he thought, and because he loves him, he didn't want to break that life. He, as Bobby and Sam, thought Dean wanted that life, they assumed Dean was happy having that life. And they were wrong.
In this point, Crowley appears... He's the temptation here, and Cas fell for it. The devil tempting a desperate angel that needs more power to stop the new Apocalypse and save the world and his friends. His old friend, mostly, Dean Winchester.
So, he did it for him? Sure. He'll say that later...
Falling in Temptation
Is very interesting to analyze the sequence of how Crowley tempts Castiel... Is the same mechanism the devil uses with his victims...
First of all... The adulation...
CASTIEL: I'm not strong enough, and you know it.
CROWLEY: Ah, not on your own, you're not. But you're not on your own, are you? There's a lot of angels swooning over you. "God's favorite." Buddy boy, you've got what they call sex appeal.
CASTIEL: Thank you. Get to the point.
Watch here how Crowley praises him, you're the God's fav, angels follow you, you have sex appeal... I mean... Is obvious he's trying to seduce Castiel to make him accept a deal with Hell... Is the same method the devil uses for tempting humanity.
The second part of this is the offer... Generally, the offer is POWER, so here... Is the same.
CASTIEL: This is ridiculous. I mean, the amount of power that it would take to mount a war...
CROWLEY: More than either of us have ever seen, yeah. But what if I said I knew how to go nuclear?
CASTIEL What do you mean?
CROWLEY: Purgatory, my fine feathered friend. Purgatory. Just think about it. An untapped oil well of every fanged, clawed soul. I mean, what's that over the years? 30 million? 40 million? Just sitting there, plump and rich for the taking.
Here is when Crowley put the coin, he does adulated Cas and now he offered him a way to win the war... Becoming nuclear, the immense power of souls... So Cas takes it.
But there's something interesting too when Crowley designed the plan, he infered he needed Sam and Dean to get the monsters, and Cas was determinant here ...
CASTIEL No. Not Dean. He's retired, and he's to stay that way.
He's protecting Dean's apple pie life, he thought this was a way to protect him. He wouldn't let Crowley to hurt Dean or to get him into that war.
The Betrayal
Well, we need enter now in the worst par of all... Let me cry under that tree for a moment... I'll be right back...
Ok... Let's start this...
Dean prays to Castiel and he appears, they lock Cas in an angel trap, and Bobby and Sam began to confront him.
And because he's desperately looking to one side and another but avoiding Dean's gaze... This is what happens... (Damn...)
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You know how sacred are our Destiel's stares... They talk with their eyes. Is the way they share their emotions... So Dean needed that, Castiel look at me in the eye!
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It hurts a lot, because Dean's facial expression when Cas averted his eyes to the ground, because it was truth. Dean is heartbroken.
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Dean named the things Bobby and Sam had been trying to make him see. And he can't believe it. He can't believe HIS CAS, the one he was defending with his whole body and soul against the suspicious, had betrayed him... And everything was truth.
I need some ice cream and cry a lot...
After this the confrontation goes on, and Sam is thinking Cas saved him from Hell without soul on purpose? That's the extreme of Castiel becoming evil, but Sam is thinking that because he never trusted blindly in Castiel, because he was Dean's best friend, not his... (But this will change in the next season. Their relationship will have an important turn.)
The next time Dean talks is here...
CASTIEL Listen. Raphael will kill us all. He'll turn the world into a graveyard. I had no choice.
DEAN: No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one.
(This is the next thing Dean said to Cas, he had a choice, ask him for help, he's showing him the path he should choose. He's teaching him, as always.)
CASTIEL: You don't understand. It's complicated.
DEAN: No, actually, it's not, and you know that. Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, huh, unless you knew that it was wrong? When crap like this comes around, we deal with it... Like we always have. What we don't do is we don't go out and make another deal with the Devil!
Here, Dean gets mad because he more listen Castiel's excuses, he more understands Castiel's is covering his lies with more lies.
CASTIEL: It sounds so simple when you say it like that. 
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This is so, so romantic people, the longing stares, the sadness in their eyes. Is like loosing a precious thing you found, a precious, beautiful and warm thing, that vanishes. It was Dean's hopes and faith. Cas was his savior, his best friend, his angel.
Give me just a minute, I need to roll on the floor and cry a little more ...
And then... The danger is near again, and Cas is trapped but he's worried about them, and he asks them to leave, to run... And that last looks between them... People who says this isn't a romantic scene... Fight me, because that's Dean saying... "Why you did this to me?, I love you," and Cas is saying "I love you too, but I had to do it. The mission comes first."
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They talk with their eyes people...
Destiel breakup
Ok... Idk if Bobby draw the no angel sigil wrong, I like to think it was Dean. Because is weird Bobby not doing things like that well... And Dean wanted to talk with CAS again... It's obvious because he will try twice to convince him.
CASTIEL: I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you.
Well we have the confirmation here, is for him, for Dean, to protect him.
DEAN Because of me. Yeah. You got to be kidding me.
CASTIEL You're the one who taught me that freedom and free will --
DEAN You're a freakin' child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want!
Dean knows Cas tries to do things right, he was his free will teacher, that's why now, he'll try to convince Cas.
Now... First try...
DEAN I'm not gonna logic you, okay? I'm saying don't...Just 'cause. I'm asking you not to. That's it.
CASTIEL I don't understand.
Dean is asking desperately, because he sees Castiel has his mission in first place, and it doesn't let him see things as Dean want him to see it. So he says I SAY YOU DON'T, SO YOU DON'T, THAT'S IT. Like a father to a child.
Second intent...
DEAN Look, next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family -- that you are like a brother to me. So, if I'm asking you not to do something...You got to trust me, man.
Again, he uses the same technic, but Cas just gets it as an attempt of defiance... Bc he's at war.
CASTIEL Or what?
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Here's a different way to impose his power over Dean with that time Soulless!Sam tried to defy him. He went straight to confront him physically, invading his personal space, showing him not fear, "Would you, boy? How?"
This time... Is Dean... So... The way he says these words, with sorrow in his face. That's the difference between you and me, Dean... I'm an angel, you're just a man. We're from two different worlds... I'm stronger than you. So don't say you would stop me as if I was a monster.
DEAN I don't know. I've taken some pretty big fish.
CASTIEL I'm sorry, Dean.
DEAN Well, I'm sorry, too, then.
Mission comes first. Cas is a soldier.
This was their break up.
Loosing people, loosing you
If you were sobbing with 6x20, now 6x21 is... A sea of tear... "Let it Bleed".
At the beginning of the episode they're talking about Cas, Dean's face is a mix of sadness and longing, he's asking a question he maybe already knew, why did Cas come last night? If he didn't want to fix things?
Dean wanted to fix things with CAS, so when he saw him he tried fiercely to convince him, but he couldn't, then Bobby reveals Cas stole some book.
More dagas in Dean's heart. So he didn't come to see me, but to steel some book?
Crowley kidnapped Lisa and Ben, and Dean got crazy... Sam wanted to help him but he didn't know how... Balthazar didn't want to help, so he proposed something...
SAM: Look, Dean. Let's just call Cas. Maybe he doesn't know anything about this.
DEAN: We are not calling Cas.
SAM: Yeah, but Dean.
DEAN: We're not calling Cas!
Definitely not calling Cas, Dean is tremendously mad at him.
He will try to get some info from demons, and one will attack him... Cas will save him, and again... The struggling with the feelings...
This time is Cas trying to convince Dean he had not choice and he has to do it.
And the following lines...
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Gah!!! That had to hurt... Damn, Cas you don't have to say Dean things he already knew... You was his ally, his best friend. He trusted you with his life. But Castiel's face is like someone who's pleading... Please Dean understand, forgive me, I love you. I'm doing this for you.
Can I die now?
And Dean's face is... Ugh! Suffering, suffering... I love you man, but you just screwed things up, badly, I can't forgive you.
And then...
CASTIEL: I came to tell you that I will find Lisa and Ben, and I will bring them back. Stand behind me, the one time I ask.
DEAN: You're asking me to stand down?
DEAN: That's the same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that, right? Well no thanks. I'll find 'em myself. In fact, why don't you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass.
Now he's mad, very mad... He walks away and gives Castiel his back, clenching his fist with anger.
He's trying to control himself, he can't believe CAS is talking like Crowley, is the worst, where's his Castiel???
The face he made after Cas is gone is priceless, is a mix between pain, anger and sadness... Gah.
Ok, hospital... Lisa is in bad shape... And Castiel appears...
DEAN: What do you want?
He's so, so mad at Cas.
CASTIEL: Dean, listen.
DEAN: What do you want me to say? She'll be dead by midnight.
CASTIEL: I'm sorry.
DEAN: I don't care. It's too little, too late.
CASTIEL: Okay. Well, regardless, I didn't come for you.
DEAN: Meaning?
CASTIEL: (he walks up to Lisa and places his hand on her forehead, healing her) She's fine now. She'll wake soon. Dean, I said I'm sorry and I meant it.
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Ok... This was sad and it'll be the last time they will talk about it before Cas become Godstiel.
Dean is heartbroken, he lost Lisa, Ben and now Cas... Because he can't elaborate in his head Cas isn't his friend anymore. So heartbroken, his face is priceless here. His eyes with unshed tears. Because of CAS. He will ask him to erase Ben and Lisa memories, but Castiel's Betrayal, as he will say in 7x17, he couldn't swallow it... So yes, this face is mostly for Castiel. Bc he lost him.
Godstiel, and the last intent to get Cas back
In episode 6x22, the last of the season, Cas did two things, in my opinion, were out of character.
1) He broke Sam's mental war (when in Season 5 he will kill anyone who tries to hurt him) he never NEVER would do something to hurt Sam.
2) He killed Balthazar, another friend, bc he felt he'd betrayed him.
Ok... This maybe was used by the showrunner to present us the wrong path Cas was following to his mere death.
Don't worry, she'll be asked to fix this by writing Castiel's return to the show in 7x17 (oops).
After doing these two things, he become Godstiel, he wasn't Cas, he was a new entity.
The way he was talking to Dean showed us that. He was like a heartless powerful creature.
Even so, Dean will try to get to him...
We can see in the hunter's face fears and concern about his friend...
DEAN: Listen to me. Listen, I know there's a lot of bad water under the bridge, but we were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times. So if that means anything to you... Please. I've lost Lisa, I've lost Ben, and now I've lost Sam. Don't make me lose you too. You don't need this kind of juice anymore, Cas. Get rid of it before it kills us all.
So desperate, he knew it was a huge danger Cas was like a nuclear bomb, but there's love in his words. He's trying his best to get his angel back. It was in vain, as we know...
To Conclude
Dean and Cas break up showed us the profound love they feel for each other, 6x20 and 6x21 were purely romantic, and you can feel the pain and the longing all over it.
It was clear that loosing Cas wasn't loosing just a friend, it hurted badly to Dean because, as I said in the last volume, Cas was more than family to him.
The performance from the actor was deliberately played as a romantic scene. Jensen and Misha knew what they were doing there. It was two people in love breaking up.
Ok, we finished this season people, sorry for the long post! But next one we will get into season 7, I assume it'll be less volumes.
I hope you like this, see you in the next chronicle.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
If you want to be tagged, please let me know.
If you want to check the previous volumes...
Buenos Aires, Augusto 14th 2019 8:07 PM
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ninjagoat · 6 years
Notes on Supergirl 3x17
(Yes, I know I’m behind)
Anyway, let's talk about Jimmy Olsen.
Long time readers will know that I have always been Team 'James Is A Bit Of A Knob'. Not Team 'James Is a Bad Person', or 'James is Toxic', he's just kind of a pillock. His ability to be supportive of other people is almost entirely dependent on how much that person is fulfilling his emotional needs at that particular moment; and his needs are great.
(You may say, "Mon-El is a pillock, too!", and to that I say, "Yes. There was an entire season on Kara telling him he was a pillock. With James, they let it slide.")
It's not entirely James's fault. His incredible success at such an early age - all due to his friendship with Superman, who was also secretly his colleague - has left him with Imposter Syndrome of the highest order. He's never really been sure if his successes - his move to Catco, or being made CEO of it - have been on his own merit, or just because he's made friends in high places. Even Guardian, his journey into superheroism, has been tainted by needing Winn to build the suit for him (which, incidentally, is one of the reasons his friendship with Winn has never really rung true for me). More than anything else, James needs to prove himself through what he alone can do.
Which is why, after Lena calls him up and Lana-Turners her way through a speech about how he - and he alone - can support her during her time of need, there was only one way it was ever going to go.
- The opening shot is of Lena in a broken mirror. The imagery isn't subtle here, and is a nice call-back to James and Lena's convo in 3x15. Yes, at some point, someone will have to show Lena a mirror, so she can see how far the rabbit hole she's gone; but right now, she wouldn't believe what she saw looking back at her anyway. 
- That being said, Lena doing whatever she wants while being completely unencumbered by doubt is approximately ninety billion times more fun than Lena crying beautifully about how hard life is when you're a billionaire aristocrat.
- Note that Winn is not in this interview scene. I will get back to that at the LenaWatch note at the end, because THERE'S A REASON HE CAN'T BE.
- I used Lana Turner as a verb before for a reason: I no longer trust when Lena turns on the waterworks. Is she genuinely upset, or is she just playing for sympathy? I literally do not know.
- Brainy is so much fun in this episode.
- Anyone asking why Kara doesn't just trust Lena when she says she doesn't have any more Kryptonite: Kara's trust in Lena was based her assumption that Lena WOULD NEVER EVER HAVE KRYPTONITE EVER. Seriously, there was an entire episode about it.
- And the Alex & Lena dynamic is EXACTLY how I wrote it in Nobody Does It Better. Alex has no time for Lena's bullshit. NONE. She's so great.
- Sam... is still Sam. I'm not invested in her enough to really care if she makes it or not; and if I had to choose, I'd keep Julia.
- Winn... appears to be in a different show from everyone else this episode. All the stuff he's doing feel off-tone, like he hasn't quite noticed what's going on. This is not entirely dissimilar to his attitude in 3x05, and it's for the same reason (again, see the LenaWatch note).
- Nice to see them keeping the Mon-El & J'onn thing going.
- Right, James at the vault. Until now, everything in his life would tell him to open that vault. His allegiance to Clark, his allegiance to Kara, everything Lois ever taught him, everything Cat ever taught him; even his limited allegiance to Winn, on whom he is dependent for the suit; EVERYTHING would tell him to look inside that vault.     
But Lena needs him. And because of that, every ounce of personal and journalistic integrity he's ever had goes out the window. She needs him to support her through this, so he will, no matter what.
- ALEX'S SUIT. The magnets are such a simply brilliant and very Winn idea I'm surprised no-one's ever thought of it before. Not only does it give Alex Jedi-like powers, it reinforces how much Winn trusts her skills; Alex is unstoppable with a gun in her hand, so now there will always be one within reach. And Ms. Leigh is so very cutely flustered about it, too.
- Winn, of course, has nothing to do in the final battle, because reasons.
- Why Julia is my favourite: because her need to help others is stronger than the Worldkiller within. Sam needs Ruby *and* a support group of her friends.
- THE FIST BUMP! Plus, Kara's reaction to the new suit is what I really hoped we'd have seen for Guardian. But we didn't.
- This final scene. Yes, subsequent to 3x19 (which I've not yet seen), this little speech makes some sense in context - James admires Lena's choice to help Sam regardless of the consequences to herself, mirroring his choice to become Guardian.
But, unlike James, Lena operates in a world largely without consequence. There was no fallout from causing the invasion of Earth. No lasting consequences to building the lead device, or to investing in Morgan Edge (how many people's lives did he destroy with her support before he turned his sights on her? It doesn't matter). Everything even vaguely inconvenient to her is considered a conspiracy against her as a Luthor, even from before Lex went nuts ("My whole life I was a pariah, first because I was rich...").
And there will be no real consequence to her keeping a mass-murderer imprisoned in a torture lab, endangering herself and all her employees, or for developing the only thing that can kill Supergirl, because James has decided - as a lover and as a journalist - that the secrets of an incredibly powerful person do not matter to him; and so, they shouldn't matter to anyone else either.
Season 4 looks to be putting Catco front and centre. That's a good thing. Kara's journalism has been neglected all season, and we live in a time where it has never been more important to be good at what she does. And it's clear she'll have to do that under much tougher conditions, because as of right now, Lena has complete control of the press.
- LenaWatch: So, this started as a joke. Just a nod and a wink towards my struggle with the weird absence of Winn/Lena content during season 2 after their great meet-cute. And then 3x05 passed, and still no scenes, even though the whole episode is about their scene in 2x22. And then 3x09 passed, still nothing. And then. And then...
And so we've reached 3x17, and although they are quite definitely in scenes together, they aren't, strictly speaking, interacting with one another. And, as I've said above, there's an important reason why that is.
If the show had reminded the audience in this episode, or any preceding episode this season, that Lena's primary contact with the DEO is Winn... the entire story falls apart. All of it. We'll buy she doesn't Alex, or Mon-El, or the Legion, or J'onn, or even Supergirl, but WINN? No way. How do you not trust Winn? He'll do anything you ask. He'll do anything ANYONE asks. If they'd had a friendship before now, Lena would have no excuse for not asking for his help, and her excuses as they exist now would fall flat; and whatever else you might believe about this storyline, the writers have worked hard to ensure Lena's opinions remain at least somewhat valid.
I get it. I don't like it, and it massively goes against my sensibilities as a writer, but given everything else that's going on, it might just be worth it. Maybe.
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