#sam to nu
autismdurst · 3 months
Limp bizkit unauthorised 'Full Extreme' - Russia, 1999
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kittiekonfuzed · 5 months
Why'd he do that
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fallen-honor · 29 days
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Limp Bizkit in the pink cd player!
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natsu12291 · 1 month
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kornocreep · 1 year
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Wes is so cute resting on Sam 💤
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peppermint-candy · 7 months
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👑🚽𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔢🚽👑
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saltyspitoonz · 20 days
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Stahp fighting u guys!!
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Never change, baby. Never change.
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tsbs-shipfessions · 28 days
alright, i'm absolutely sure they will never ever show up again but the newest episode, 'Sun says goodbye'?
Noom and Nus. The new sun model our Moon got sent over after our Sun left. Freak for Freak if you will. they've got the same name scheme, Moon said the model was 'crappy', I'm sure it'll work out great.
Honestly I just really liked Noom in general, I'm such a sucker for Moon models.
As someone who's mod is a bit behind and has no clue who the hell these characters are, for all we know you could be lying to us and they don't even exist. However, even if they don't (which they most likely do), we support you.
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autismdurst · 3 months
Limp bizkit bathroom photoshoot mood board 🎀
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kittiekonfuzed · 5 months
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MS Paint Limp Bizkit stuff... Itz all in tha' family! PONIES ARE A REDRAW BASED ON @phantamic-moriori'S POST
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glitterinmyveinss · 11 months
// fuck it i love you //
wes borland x fem! reader
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summary: you and wes have had feelings for eachother since the sandbox days, but neither of you have ever admitted it, until alcohol and jealousy gets in the way.
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chapter 2
❥༄ me and wes have known eachother ever since i was 10 and he was 12. that's when him and fred started hanging out, and with fred being my brother and us living in the same house and all, meant that me and wes saw each other basically everyday after school. most of the time him and fred would be in the garage playing their instruments or skating. but sometimes they would bug me. although it was really only fred who would do the bugging, wes was always kind to me and never even teased me.
❥༄ i was on the couch watching the simpsons, when fred and wes came in and took up the whole couch, fred stole the remote from my hands. "i'm watching something!" i tried to grab the remote back, but of course he was stronger. "so?" he chuckled. "hey wes what should we watch?" i could see wes out the corner of my eye. he had a hesitant look on his face that was mixed with, sympathy? "i'm fine with the simpsons, i've never seen that episode anyway" i turned my head fully to make eye contact with him, when he noticed he gave me a shy smile, i returned it, feeling butterflies in my tummy. fred looked at both of us with disgust "you guys suck!"
❥༄ that was a long while ago, now im in my junior year of highschool while fred and wes have been graduates for a year. they began taking their music seriously, and formed a band. i had to admit, they sounded pretty good. i knew they would make a name for themselves somehow. it was the end of the school day and i was waiting for fred to pick me up since my car was in the shop and none of my friends could give me a ride. after about 10 mins of waiting, fred pulls up with wes in the passenger seat. i gulped as i began to feel those butterflies i've been feeling for 6 years start their swarming again. i hopped in the back. "hey how was school?" fred asked. i shrugged and took my backpack off "it was whatever." he nodded and began driving away from the school "you hungry?" he asked. you were actually starving considering the lunch today was horrible. "yeah could we get taco bell?" i pleaded. Wes jumped up from his slouching position at this, "oh yeah i've been craving tb all day" he turned to give me a thumbs up and a wink. i gave him a sheepish smile and returned the thumbs up. fred groaned "fine but only cause i just got payed" he turned up his music and began driving to taco bell. yay! suddenly wes spoke up "hey who's gonna be at the party tonight?" party? you weren't invited! but then again, when were you ever invited to one? fred began listing some names when you suddenly interrupted him. "can i go?" fred started bursting out laughing. "yeah like i'm gonna bring my kid sister to a keg party." "i'm only 2 years younger asshole! come on please?" fred kept laughing "no way y/n. forget it" i let out a huff of air and opened my mouth to protest, but then wes spoke up. "come on dude let her go. i mean, what's the deal?" i felt my face get hot and i immediately shushed up. why was wes helping me out? did he want me there? ugh he made it so easy to like him. Fred looked at him, gob smacked "seriously? she's like 5 compared to us and everyone else there, she's never even been to a highschool party yet." you slapped the back of his neck, earning a groan from him. yeah it was the truth, but he just totally humiliated you in front of wes! "dude she's old enough to take care of herself. and wouldn't it be better if she went to her first party with us instead of some guys we don't even know? at least we'd keep an eye out for her." wes explained. Fred stayed quiet for a moment. i was in the backseat freaking out. why was wes helping me out so much? i mean of course i appreciated it but i was basically star struck. my brothers hot friend wanted me at a party? score! finally after about a minute of silence, fred spoke up. "fine" he grunted. "yay!" i gave him a hug from behind the seat. "but i don't want you talking to any guys besides me or wes ok? and stay where i can see you!" i wasn't really paying attention. i was just excited for my first party. "ok ok i promise!" he rolled his eyes as he pulled into the tb drive thru
❥༄ it was about 6 hours later and i was ready to go. i put my best makeup and outfit on along with the perfect hairstyle. i went downstairs once i was done, where i saw fred and wes waiting for me. fred jumped up from the couch, keys in hand. "finally!" i rolled my eyes and began following them out of the door, wes and i were trailing behind fred, when wes suddenly bent down to my level. "you look really nice tonight" when i looked up at him, he had a shy smile on his face, his cheeks a slight red, along with his ears. my face turned the same strawberry color as his as i looked down with the same smile as well. "thanks wes. so do you" he opened the backseat door for me, as usual, then hopped in the front with fred. my head was already spinning and i haven't even had any alcohol yet. ugh!
❥༄ we arrived to the party, and as soon as we entered the home it was being thrown at, you noticed a group of 4 waiting at the front door. 2 girls and 2 boys. one of the girls had skunk hair like christina aguilara with makeup like hers too. beside her was the other girl who had black hair with purple streaks. she had heavy dark makeup along with many facial and ear piercings. the two boys were dressed in the same style as fred and wes, basically matching. i suddenly understood what fred meant. i did feel 5 compared to these people. especially the girls. we began making our way towards them, fred and wes greeting the boys first, then the girls. fred began introducing me to everyone. "this is my sister y/n. y/n this is harmony, zayra, jay, and sean.” everyone said hi and waved, except harmony, she was just...staring at me. like i had something on my face. she was the one with the purple streaks. Zayra began to attack me with her compliments. "omg i love your outfit! where are your jeans from?" "oh they're miss mes. i got them at the mall a while ago." i said shyly. she put her arm around my shoulder, "another girl with taste! i like you already! let's go drink!" i obeyed her as she began dragging me to a counter that was littered with various liquor bottles and beer cans. empty and full. "so you're freds kid sister right?" she asked while handing me a shot of something. i was debating on drinking it or not. then i thought, fuck it. i downed it while making a face then answered. "yeah but i'm only younger by two years!" she let out a loud chuckle at my reaction. "you're so cute! you're my girl for the night, harmonys being weird." she said while rolling her eyes, then taking a shot for herself. i didn't wanna pry and ask why, i knew it'd be rude. so instead, i began copying zayra and downing shots like my life depended on it. zayra patted my back in response. "that's the spirit y/n!"
❥༄ it was a while later and the liquor was defiantly kicking in. me and zayra were dancing like crazy together when i suddenly spotted wes and harmony out the corner of my eye. it looked like they were arguing. wes kept looking away while harmony was forcing her hands on his face. i think wes felt me staring because he suddenly locked eyes with me, then me and harmony locked eyes. she grabbed wes's face and slammed their lips together. i looked away, feeling so crushed. how stupid could i be? why would wes want someone like me when he has someone like harmony in his life. she's so much older and cooler. she didn't have to beg her mom to add more minutes on her phone, or be forced to take algebra again. she was grown like wes. i knew i'd have to get over this school girl crush sooner or later, but i didn't think it'd go like this. i stooped dancing and leaned towards zayra's ear, "im gonna go get some fresh air." she nodded and continued dancing.
❥༄ i made my way through the crowd of bodies towards the backyard. whoever's house this was, is blessed. there was a huge pool, a hot tub, and a wooden porch swing. i decided to sit on the swing and pull out a cig from my back pocket. i groaned in frustration as i realized i didn't have a lighter. just then a shadow casted over me, and a voice spoke up. "need a light?" it was wes with his dark blue lighter. "yeah...thanks." i wasn't really looking at him as i spoke. he held the lighter to my lips, i positioned the lighter in a way where the embers would catch the fire being emerged from the metal object. i locked eyes with his big brown ones while doing so, it was like i was stargazing. i also didn't know if it was him or the liquor that was making me feel like i had to puke. he took the space next to me and began making the swing rock back and forth. i decided i needed to pop the question now or it would eat me alive. "so you and harmony?" he whipped his head towards me and began fidgeting with his ear. he only did that when nervous. "what about me and harmony?" he spoke. thanks to all those random shots me and zayra were pounding, i had an insane amount of liquid courage. "oh come on wes! i saw you two basically sucking each others faces. i mean why would you compliment me tonight if you dint like me?" he was staring at me for a while, then he began to speak up but i cut him off. "do you even know how long i've liked you? how much i like you?" things went quiet and he was just staring at me. after a minute he spoke up with a stern voice "do you mean what you say?" i looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. how clueless could he be? "yes! and i know you just see me as some stupid little girl, but i've liked you for years." i began to walk away. until he grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn around. "wow when did i ever say that?" he had a worried expression. "you don't have to! i can tell that's what you and harmony were thinking!" he shook his head before speaking. "y/n harmony's just some jealous ex who won't leave me alone." i looked up at him with my brows furrowed "really?" "yeah!" he said while nodding profusely. we stayed staring at eachother, awkwardly, until i decided to break the silence. "why did you guys break up?" he chuckled a little before he spoke up, he began playing with his ear again too. "when i realized i started liking someone else way more than i liked her." wow. i swore i heard my heart shatter for the second time that night. "who?" i asked, the question making my throat burn and eyes water. then he did something totally unexpected, he grabbed my face with both of his hands, cupping my cheeks with a soft smile, then he connected our lips. i felt like there were a million fireworks exploding all over my body, my hands were shaky and my heart was daring to jump out of my chest. the alcohol was definitely adding fuel to the fire as well. my head felt like it was spinning at 100 mph. the kiss lasted for a minute until i broke away. "does that answer your question?" he said in a dorky voice with a smirk. i giggled while swatting his chest. "yeah it did weirdo." he laughed again. he had this far away look in his eye, just staring at me before he began dragging me back to the party. "what are you doing?" i slightly yelped. "come on! i wanna dance!" he proclaimed with a huge smile. i happily obliged and began following him back into the house.
❥༄ i felt eyes on me as soon as we started dancing, i turned to see harmony, staring at me with daggers in her eyes. sober me would've ignored her, but drunk me had balls. i grabbed wes and kissed him, while keeping eye contact with harmony, just returning the favor! she stomped out the house through the front door. when i pulled away from wes, he looked at me with a huge smile and twinkling eyes. "what was that for?" he said with a chuckle. "i just...felt like it." i said with a giggle. he returned the laugh and we continued dancing. the night ended with me wearing wes's hoodie, and drifting off in the back of fred's car, forever grateful for this night.
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greenstarzxo · 2 months
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kornocreep · 1 year
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My first gif pack! Feel free to save, I might do more ๑·̑◡・̑๑
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so-much-for-stardust6 · 3 months
Body Paint- Wes Borland
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summary: you get all hot and bothered seeing your boyfriend (aka guitarist of one of the bands you’re touring with) dressed up in his show attire
lowercase intended
warnings: smut
a/n: this was requested by @mizfitneeds so thank u sm for the idea and i hope u like it 😭🙏 also i did not re read it so pls excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes
it’s 1998 and my band, b/n, is on the family values tour with korn, limp bizkit, and a few other great musicians. this was a huge step for my band since we’re an all girl metal band, so touring with big bands will definitely get us seen. i’m not new to limp bizkit nor korn since i’m dating limp’s guitarist, wes borland. wes and i have been together for a year, our 2 year anniversary coming up. he was actually the one who pitched the idea of my band to tour with them, fred and jonathan actually liking the idea. today we were in west valley city, utah for a show and i was in wes’ dressing room helping him with his outfit for the concert. he decided with black body paint and his long black skirt.
“hey baby, can you help me with my back?” he asks, looking at me through the mirror.
“yeah of course.” i look up from my magazine.
i place it down next to me and get up, rolling up my sleeves. he hands me the body paint and i happily grab it. i wasn’t new to this process, having been with him on tour before. i scoop out some paint with my fingers and start to smear it on his back. i take the time to examine his toned back and the rest of his muscles. i’ve always known how strong wes is but i’ve never fully paid attention. my fingers danced along his porcelain skin, painting it. i bit my lip and try to ignore the feelings that are starting to creep up in my mind. wes is watching me through the mirror, an evil smirk on his lips.
“you okay there, baby?” he chuckles.
“huh? yeah, i’m fine. you ready to go out there?” i say excitedly, also trying to change the subject.
“yeah just-just got those nervous jitters, you know?”
“well like you always tell me before i go on, “you’re gonna kill it out there, baby” and you know it.” i wink at him and began to rub his shoulders, also getting paint on them.
“you know you massage me really well, i should ask for this more often.” he throws his head to the side.
“hmm, maybe you should. i also enjoy this.” i kiss behind his ear.
“you feelin’ alright, baby? you’re acting…not yourself.” his voice goes low.
i subconsciously began closing my legs, trying to stop that feeling in between them.
“yeah i’m doing fine! just that post performance adrenaline, you know.” i awkwardly chuckle.
i continue to cover his body with paint, ignoring his suggestive looks.
“alrighty, i think i got you all covered. you can do the rest, yeah?” i hand the paint back.
“maybe you can help with something else?”
i can tell there’s an suggestive tone in his voice and a certain gleam in his eye.
“i-uh…like what?” i nervously gulp.
“getting my stomach?” he grins innocently, handing me back the paint.
i sigh in frustration at his psychological teasing and take back the paint. i turn his chair around and motion for him to stand up. he listens and towers over me, looking down at me with his huge black lenses in his eyes. i begin to smear the paint all over his toned abs, hesitation in my touch as the dirty thoughts enter my brain again. i can feel his piercing gaze on the top of my head, following every stroke my fingers do.
“so, what do you wanna do tomorrow for our day off?”
“maybe sleep in? i know i wanna have my girl in my arms.” i feel him start to move his arms to hug me but i was quick to stop him.
“you’re covered in paint, wes. i don’t want it on me.”
“ugh, you’re no fun.” he huffs.
i chuckle and go back to his body. i’ve always loved how soft his skin is, how gentle it feels against my fingertips. i take in a shaky breath as i get closer to the waistline of his skirt. his strong prominent v-line was the only thing my eyes could focus on. i heard him lightly laugh, knowing instantly that he was watching me eye fuck him. i quickly finished up the rest of his body, giving him the paint back for good before excusing myself to the bathroom to wash the paint off. i take the time to splash cold water onto my face to calm myself down. i couldn’t get myself so worked up right now over wes. he’s already in his outfit, absolutely covered in black body paint so if we had a quickie it would be very obvious. i go back to wes’ dressing room, 15 minutes left before they go on stage. i walk in on him spiking up his hair with gel, achieving that classic wes borland hairstyle. i take a minute again to check him out one last time before taking a seat and resume reading the magazine i had.
the 13 minutes passed and now i was standing near the rest of limp bizkit who were at the side of the stage, getting ready to go out.
“you guys are gonna do great!” i tell them.
“thanks y/n/n!” lethal says with a smile.
“you gonna stay and watch?” wes asks me.
“of course.” i smile.
“good cause you’re the first person i wanna see when i get off stage.” he smirks.
he then leans down and presses a slow, long and seductive kiss onto my lips. my breathing stops and i swear so did my heart. i slowly start to kiss back but he pulls away, an evil smirk on his lips.
“see you after the show, baby.” he winks at me before they all rush on stage.
i mentally curse the tall sexy man i call mine.
“hey, y/n!” i hear my band mates call out.
i turn to look at them, all fresh and clean from their showers.
“you wanna go and hit some clubs? we’re feeling pumped after that show!” my guitarist exclaimed out.
“yeah! i’m ready to dance with somebody.” my guitarist winks then laughs.
“oh i would guys but i told wes i’d watch him play. maybe after the next show, for sure.” they all groaned at my response.
“pinky promise?” my bassist raised an eyebrow, sticking out her pinky.
“pinky promise.” i repeat back, hooking my pinky with hers.
“great! we’ll see you when we get back then!” my bassist says.
“that’s if she isn’t in wes’ bunk again!” my drummer jokes, elbowing them.
they all laugh and so do i because it’s honestly true, i basically sleep in wes’ bunk more than mine.
��yeah yeah, go on. be careful though, i need you guys for the rest of this tour!” i say jokingly but obviously being serious.
“yes mom!” my guitarist playfully rolls her eyes and they all make their way to whatever bar.
i turn back to the stage and watch as limp bizkit performs counterfeit. my eyes are dead set on wes the whole time, watching him make faces as he plays. i can already see sweat coating his paint covered body, a much needed shower is what he’ll need after. wes turns around to grab his water bottle once the song was over, eyes catching mine. he smiles at me before taking a quick swig of the liquid and placing it down. he sends a quick air kiss over to me before heading back to his spot. i blush at his actions and shuffle in my spot. time flies by and before i know it i see a sweaty wes approaching me.
“how’d you like it?!” he screams out, stretching his arms out for a hug.
i go to dodge it, not wanting to be covered in paint.
“it was fucking fantastic! you guys killed it!” i exclaim.
“i’m so glad you liked it, baby.“ he presses a kiss to my cheek.
“y/n! how’s my favorite girl doing?” i hear fred call out.
he’s approaching wes and i with jonathan right by his side. they both have beer in the hands, possibly a bit drunk.
“buzzed! you guys killed it! and i already know korn will too.” i smile at jonathan.
“you gonna stay and watch?” he asks.
“maybe? i dunno, i’m feeling a bit tired.”
wes suddenly pulls me in close before i could complain about his paint. i then feel his hand travel to the small of my back, distracting me from the conversation. i have no clue if he’s doing it on purpose or not but my mind was focused on him. i stare at fred with a blank face who was ranting on about whatever. wes’ hands start to dance along my back and travel high. my skin gets goosebumps and i slightly shiver at his touch. i turn to look at him, his eyes on the duo like nothings happening. i eye the sweat dripping down his paint covered chest and down his abs. i bite my lip and imagine the things i’d do to him.
“y/n? earth to y/n?!” fred shouts out, waving his hand in my face.
“hm? i’m sorry, i uh- i blanked out.” i awkwardly chuckle.
i see wes smirk out the corner of my eye and i knew i was done for.
“hey guys, i’m a bit tired and to be honest i wanna get out this paint. y/n and i will talk to you guys later, okay?”
“oh yeah, see you two tomorrow.” jonathan nods, suspiciously eyeing us.
wes began leading us to our room and i hear jonathan say something to fred.
“i bet you 2 bucks that she’s gonna end up pregnant by the end of this tour with the way they’re always fucking.”
“make it $20.”
i laugh in my head as wes leads us back to his room, my eyes focused on his strong back. those thoughts and that feeling between my legs came back and i was starting to become restless. we finally make it back into the dressing room and i was quick to lock the door. wes doesn’t notice my fidgety behavior and goes to sit in front of his mirror. i see him start to clean up his hands to take out this contact lenses.
“stop!” i blurt out.
he slowly turns around with a confused look on his face.
“k-keep them in.” i stutter.
i see his eyes scan my figure, pretending to try and figure out the reason for my behavior. his face goes soft once he seems how my thighs are squeezed together.
“tell me why.” he smirks, knowing exactly why.
“because you look hot in them.” i quickly admitted.
he motions me to sit down on his lap. i immediately don’t care about his body paint, i just want to be close to him.
“i’ve seen those looks you gave me earlier, baby. is something on your mind?” he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear.
“nothing in particular, no.” i lie.
he can tell i’m lying, he always can.
“tsk, tsk, tsk. you gotta be honest with me if you want me to solve your problem. tell me exactly what you were thinking of.”
“your body. how strong your body is, how it’d feel to be against you.” i sheepishly admit.
my legs were on either side of his leg, my crotch placed perfectly on the top of his thigh.
i feel his hands grab my waist and start to slowly guide me. i follow his directions and start to slowly dry hump myself against him.
“fuck..i want you, wes.”
“thought you didn’t want this body paint on you?” he teases.
“oh fuck you. just kiss me, borland.”
he obeyed and strongly pressed his lips against mine. the feeling of his lip ring on my lips was something i’d never get used to. my hand goes to press on the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. i feel the paint smearing all over my hands and onto my arms. my other hand goes to run through his gel slicked hair, breaking it apart. i moan into the kiss which causes his grip on my waist to tighten. he speeds up the pace my hips are going, some slight pleasure erupting from down there. the texture of my jeans are too thick for me to really feel anything, so i abruptly get up from his lap and take them off. i shimmy them down my legs and kick them off as well as my shoes. i go back to his lap, only in my underwear that already had a wet spot. wes brought his band to them, feeling how wet i am through the underwear.
“does my body paint really do this to you?” he groans out.
i only moan back, my brain being shut off from the feeling of him close to me. he brings me back into another sloppy kiss and continues my thigh riding. this time the pleasure was 10 times more intense, the adrenaline in my veins pumping. i had a good grip on his shoulder, occasionally squeezing them when the pleasure gets a little too much. he keeps a good grip on my hips as he guides me even faster, a wet spot now on his thigh. i open my eyes and look into the mirror behind wes. the image of me riding his skirt covered thigh made me moan loudly into his mouth, the feeling of an orgasm approaching. i wish i could take a picture of what i was seeing because holy shit. i was riding my boyfriend’s thigh as he was wearing black body paint, black long skirt, and spiked up hair. as i watched me ride his thigh, my orgasm approached me faster. next thing i know i’m cumming all over his thigh, body coming to a halt.
i pull away from the kiss and press out foreheads together. we sat there catching our breaths as i calm down from the orgasm.
“so fucking wet for me.” he mumbles, looking down at the wetness on his skirt.
“take it off.”
“take the skirt off.” i say breathlessly.
i shakily stand up to give him a chance to do so. he didn’t hesitate to quickly shove his skirt and boxers down his legs, letting his hard erection spring out. his tip was red and leaking with precum.
“already so hard? i barely did anything.” i tease.
he mocks me before roughly grabbing my hips and sitting me back down onto his lap. i run my hands all over his body, still not caring about the smudging paint. i then go to take off my shirt, exposing my braless torso.
“i fucking knew it.”
his hands go to grope my boobs, massaging them. i didn’t wanna waste any more time so i push my underwear aside and grab his dick. i run his tip through my wet folds. he moans out at the feeling and i shiver at the contact. wes’ hips suddenly buckle up which caused him to slide into me. we both moan out at the suddenness but continue with it. he starts to thrust his hips up, the sound of skin slapping echoed the room. his body paint began smearing all over me, getting all over the places our bodies connected. his hands roamed my body, gripping and squeezing any part he could. i ran my hands along his abs, getting his paint under my nails and clenching around him at the touch. the air in the room became hot in an instant, my skin starting to becoming sticky and sweaty. my boobs bounced up with every thrust, wes’ black eyes hypnotized by them. he leans down to press harsh kisses along my neck, sucking and biting them as well. he created dark purple hickies all over, not caring about the public eye. around the hickies he left black circles due to paint on his lips, marking me in many ways. he sucked at my sweet spot, my stomach doing flips at the feeling. wes had a hold on my ass, lifting me up to get a better angle for thrusting. he went harder and faster, a moan escaping my swollen lips.
my eyes were closed shut as i focus on the immense pleasure i was receiving. wes pulled away from my neck to watch my face, pure bliss covering it. he smirked at my reaction his to actions. he kissed me once again, this time sneaking his tongue into my mouth. our tongues danced and fought for dominance. dominance of what? i don’t know but we fought. that familiar feeling came back and was rising quickly. my knees start to feel weak and my body slowly starts to go limp. he noticed my sudden change in body language and realized i was close. he brought a hand to my clit and began rubbing. i always say it but i’m still damn surprised at how fast his fingers are. i was moaning all about into his mouth, pulling away eventually to moan out loud.
“come on, baby. i know you’re close.” he breaths out.
he goes faster with his motions, tipping me over. i cry out as i cum all over his dick, walls stuttering as i do so. the feeling of me clenching against him caused him to cum as well. i felt his spurts of cum inside of me, my cheeks instantly heating up. i wind down from my orgasm and collapse against his chest.
“maybe i should wear this more often.” he jokes.
“yeah, good luck finding someone to get your back.”
“we need to get you cleaned up.” he laughs at my appearance.
i sit up and look into the mirror, gasping out at the sight of me. i don’t know what i was expecting but i was covered in black paint. his handprints were shown on my boobs and splotches of paint littered my neck. my waist has also fallen victim. the area around my mouth was also covered in paint causing me to laugh. random spots on my body also got covered with paint.
“i look so silly!”
wes’ eyes brighten up at my laughter, a bright smile on his face.
“you wanna shower together? you know it saves water.” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“hmm, okay. but there’s no way we’re having a round 3.” i scold him.
he chuckles at my words and helps me off of him. he kicks off his shoes and clothing as he guides us to the bathroom. we in fact did have a round 3.
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