#sam'ael lavellan
chrissydeath · 3 years
uuh, I am rlly working on it:
linearts for Sami's haute couture dresses are almost done. Next one: coloring the pretty velvet and o/c sketching a suitable pose for the male gear ☺️💙 How I missed drawing my Inquizzy boi 🥺
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chrissydeath · 4 years
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Got some 'same character' sheets done.
Let's start with the first (of 4): my lovely boi Sam'ael Lavellan. 🤗
Some faces are few years old but nevertheless it's nice to see his chara features still remained. 🙌🏻
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chrissydeath · 4 years
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"Care to dance, Vhenan?" ☺️
Also, finished 1 (of 3) old WIPs from January. Hurray! 🙈
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chrissydeath · 4 years
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Little tiny I quizzy sketch, cause he kinda looks cute, mkay? ._.
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chrissydeath · 4 years
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Saw this OC meme a while ago and thought why not doing it for my Inquizzy Sami. ☺️
I still remember the fuqing heavy fight with the Saarebas (and emotionally with his ex-boifruendo), therfore his beat look at the end. Poor poor boi 🙈
Original meme by @ Niklisson
(click for better view)
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chrissydeath · 4 years
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Wanted to try a 'grey scale' but it seemed too boring, so I used a 'sepia scale' instead. ☺️
Also: new Bi-Solas piece!
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chrissydeath · 4 years
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Icons ▪︎Herald of Andraste ▪︎the Champion of Kirkwall▪︎Hero of Ferelden
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chrissydeath · 5 years
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Blue is his color.
Need to show off some screencaps of my boi Sam'ael cause he's my precious boi, okay?! 😢💙
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chrissydeath · 5 years
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More m!Solavellan WIPs the world does not need 🙈
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chrissydeath · 5 years
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Dragon Age Inktober [2/2]
I did try the first inktober challenge last year. _(ᐛ」∠)_
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chrissydeath · 5 years
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Damn, I lost count on my m!Solavellan-series pieces 😅
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chrissydeath · 5 years
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Tried out some inked comic-ish illustration ☺
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chrissydeath · 5 years
Here we are again. Another portrait 😆🙈
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chrissydeath · 5 years
And so, 3rd one of the m!solavellan series is finished too. ☺
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chrissydeath · 5 years
"oc drawing prompt: rainy day" ☺
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(shitty phone camera late at night - sorreh) 🙈
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chrissydeath · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
tagged by: noone, got in the mood for :D And maybe s.o. is curious enough to read about my Inquizzy boi? _____ [shortly after Trespasser, but still with his marked hand. And headconon is Bi!Solas.]
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1. What is your name?
“Sam’ael, from the dalish clan Lavellan. But most just know me as wrong Herold of Andraste, Inquisitor, wild freaking elf who saved the world’s ass?“
2. What is your real name?
He raises an eybrow ...
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“As I know, my parents picked a mythological name up from the shems and simply transfered them into our culture.”
4. Are you single or taken?
He utters a brief laugher, “Well... it is sth... complicated.”, and he swiftly pets the jawbone hanging around his neck, “And no. No futher comment for.” His right hand rises to hush the person infront of him.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“Well, I used to close the holes in the sky with that glowy magical thing on my hand but now it is more like a huge pain in the ass...”, in a stern honest he glares to his left hand. *I am quite good with the bow?”, he looks up while Sera giggles out laud in the brackground and he turned his head slightly around to her, smiling. “Yes, I am and you know it!” Sera snorts and giggles louder.
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
”By the dread -”, he begins and stopps immediatly, “...fuck it.”, just a whisper is to hear, “A what?”, Sam’ael looks confused to the others around him. ”What is that supposed to mean?” 7. What’s your eye color?
He bend over and stares straight to the interviewer...
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“As you can see?”, and smirks.
8. How about your hair color?
“You’re kidding....” and an arkward break happens . “Ehm, well. Brown-reddish.”
9. Have you any family members?
“My whole clan, actually. And my companions, on who I grew, too. It is not just blood, like anyone want it to be.”
10. Oh? What about pets?
“Pets.”, he repeated, “How odd.” Now the interviewer looks confused. “I like the company of animals, yes. Except of huge spiders...”, Sam’ael wispers to himself. “But completly free as they like. Not that I own them.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“You know exactly how dangerous ANY answer of this can be for me and or the former ppl of the Inquisition.”, and a huge smirk appears on his lips.
“So, let’s keep it simple. Cities. Loud, crowdy cities. How can you manage to live there? To ever get used to that?”, he ask desperately. “Oh, come on, ‘Quiz-- I mean, Sam’i. Don’t do that elfy thing, will ya?!”, Sera rolls with the eyes. “Oh, come on! Don’t do that non-elfy thing, will ya?”, he echoes her tone grinning.
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“Find places to hide, take a lot of books and arty things with me. And escape in a forgotten or commonly unknown world? Playing some lute? Drinking in taverns? Maybe mocking some nobles? Training my aiming with the bow? “Fucking some elfy-elf and thinking no one is around? ... Ewgh.”, a girl-voice adds. “SERA.”, he turns back, eyes wided and got another idea. “Ah! Sitting in huge spas and having some cheese weels on my eyes! That was great!”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Indeed. But not that’s sth. I quite like to do..”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“I guess sth. like an eagle or a hawk.” He looks far away while thinking of some animals.
16. Name your worst habits.
“Too much thinking, too much caring. Maybe low self-care.? And a bit too flirty. The more drinking before, the worst it gets.”, he winks.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Yes. In our ranks workes an really talented mages with much of knowledge for those who want to listen. Such ppl are rare and I enjoyed hi--”, again he gets interrupted. “Oh yea, he REALLY enjoyed this special freaky.” And while Sera finishes laughing, she gets dragged out of the room by Sam’ael. “By Elganan. Too much information she knows. Thanks Varric.”, he snorts.
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“Many hints were already given, so it is no langer a neccessary secret. I am pansexual. Preference to a fascinating character of someone.”
“Generally.” he adds, and get reminded of some flirty and spontaniously activities with a quite fascinating qunari warrior.
19. Do you go to school?
“I got sth like that in my clan, yes. Unfortunatly not that intense education like a keeper’s first - I have no magical abilities - but I was quite motivated to be as good as them I could manage.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Who knows.”, he waves aside the question.
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
He snorts while laughing.
22. What are you most afraid of?
“Being left alone. Made responsible for any little failure I could have made. Especially while running the Inquisition, you know. The preasure and weight on your shoulders. You can easily break, if you try to keep all by yourself.” Sam’ael clears his throat, “But someone was needed and... I already got quite deep in that mess with this mark on my hand...”, he shruggs.
23. What do you usually wear?
“That quite fancy pyjama, I currently wear?”, he smiles. “I really love it
24. Do you love someone?
He only nods sadly.
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25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“Oh shitty boy, did you EVER fight against 2 blighted orks and one powerful emissary?! In the deepest fucking caves you ever was?!”, he  fursiously gestures while speaking. “You can be lucky if you just wet yourself, man!”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“It’s about time I need a drink, I guess.”, he crossed his legs again and rests his head on his fist.
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“For the most of Thedas the lowest. And you know it yourself quite well, right.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“A few, but quite good!”, he smiles while thinking of really knowing ppl behind his back.
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Give me some of these filly little cakes of Orlaise and I am aaaaall yours.”, he winks confidently.
30. Favorite drink?
“Rum. Especially our home made one. Your shem’s is... drinkable.”, Sam’ael admits coy.
31. What’s your favorite place?
“The emerald graves are fascinating. And so peaceful and calming.”, he dreamly replies. “Except for the giants - better keep distance.” , he adds. “But in contrary, the Fallow mire with its dark and mysterious secrets and tragedy is hella exciting, too.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“In someone, yes.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Who is asking?“, a brow is rising slowly by this strange question.
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“Both, I guess.”
35. What’s your type?
“Have character. With all your good and also odd habits.”
36. Any fetishes?
“Oh, yes. Maybe The Iron Bull will tell you more about, if you ask nicely?”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“Isn’t it boring to be put in just one role?”, he asks opently and tilts his head.
38. Camping or indoors?
“I am used to camping, but Fuck. After sleeping in such huge bed it is quite easy to choose indoors.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“For fucks sake, please. I really need a drink right now.”
40. Now it’s over! Tag 3 people
“Thank you!”, and immedialy, after a short bow, he steps aside Bull taking his drink.
tagging: @loohconrado @morganeskylar & whomever wants to do it.
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