#sam's mad that dean basically kicked out their last friend ok
sarah-dipitous · 10 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 334
Last Call
“Last Call”
Plot Description: Dean heads to Texas to investigate a woman’s disappearance and rubs into a long-lost friend. Sam learns that a persistent wound may hold deep secrets
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: the whole car disappeared?? I guess technically no one died
Can we CHILL with the old foes and long lost friends?? For a SECOND?? Unless it’s Benny. Benny is ALWAYS allowed to come back
Eileen and Sam cooking together is so cute, but I’d Dean jealous of them because he banished his own boyfriend? Get him back!!
I can’t tell if that sheriff was hitting on Dean or not but I’m gonna choose to believe he was
Everyone in this town wants Dean which is a. Ice change from people saying he looked old yesterday or the day before
Ok so the old friend is random and not someone we knew previously. Somehow that’s almost worse??
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Anyway that’s quite a smile for just old friends
Omg Sam and Eileen, pick a room in the bunker and make out already
Cockblocked by Castiel lmaoooooo they were so close to actually doing something about their mutual feelings for each other
This guy is actually living Dean’s dream. Retired from hunting, owns a bar…one named after Patrick Swayze at that
Oh NO! Cas’s theory about the connection between Sam and Chuck from their wounds blasted Sam against a wall and knocked him out cold….so now, how’re you gonna be mad at Dean for not answering his phone?
Ugh the broker who “helped” with Jack. Cas’s negotiation skills HAVE improved “I will find you and burned you alive”
This guy has no IDEA that Dean has saved BILLIONS of lives, not just hundreds or thousands. He’s saved all of humanity multiple times
I’m not saying you shouldn’t have kicked those assholes out of the bar, but destruction of your own property to do it??
There has never been anything like the gun Sam shot at Chuck, how is Sergei so confident he can fix Sam’s wound
Dammit. I mean, I had a hunch that the monster would end up being Dean’s old friend but it still hurts
Wtf Sergei?! Hey…Castiel. That’s DARK, man. Threatening an innocent girl’s life as leverage against Sergei??
Oh! It’s worse! He didn’t get turned into a supernatural creature, he got turned into a MONSTER who keeps a supernatural creature locked up and basically sacrifices people to it in exchange for money and health
I mean, I KNOW deans not gonna bite the big one today. Wtf…
Did you really think Dean would just forgive and forget this happened?? “But i kill monsters” told you this dude was a monster, just the Victor Frankenstein kind
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THE TENSION. It’s been so long since they’ve seen each other
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autisticandroids · 4 years
anyway ok so lets talk about ruby SPECIFICALLY in my good s6 au. this ruby concept is almost the same as @lesbiansamwinchester‘s ruby lives au but has some key differences, mainly ruby doesn’t redeem herself in s5. lucifer raises her in sympathy for the devil because she really was the best of those sons of bitches and she deserves it but she spends all of s5 conflicted in her loyalties because while she really DOES want lucifer to win she is also In Love With Sam, Unfortunately, and gets more and more uncomfortable with sam being lucifer’s vessel and shit. and then she finally betrays lucifer in like, two minutes to midnight or swan song and he IMMEDIATELY kills her (very important: lucifer must already be possessing sam when this happens). then she’s brought back like. face down in a ditch 300 miles away. that’s how ruby ends season five.
anyway watch this video to set the mood. ruby stuff in season six:
- so at FIRST she is actually running around with a ragtag group of lucifer loyalist demons led by meg. meg kind of hates her for betraying lucifer for sam but also you know sam’s dead and ruby won’t do it again and most importantly they need EVERY pair of hands on board for this. so ruby is kissing huge amounts of ass mostly meg’s, like, meg is making her wait on her hand and foot in an apron. it’s comically villain homoerotic. you know. like ruby serves meg tea in a maid outfit for no other reason then as like. ridiculous humiliation that’s also intensely, weirdly horny. like the lucifer crowley dog stuff in s11. actually meg literally makes ruby wear a dog collar with a little tag that says like, “ruby. if found, please call 666 and return to owner (meg).” i cannot stress enough that this is just STUPID horny for NO reason. you guys know what i mean. it’s basically sorority hazing but up to eleven because demons, and also forever. also meg makes ruby kiss her hand at least once. or like no she makes her kiss her boot. i am having too much fun i’ve gotten distracted.
- ruby finds out sam is alive and immediately ditches. like she just fucks off to nowhere and they can’t figure out where she went. anyway this samruby reunion takes place like, before the first episode definitely, maybe a few months.
- i do like @lesbiansamwinchester‘s thing where ruby tries very hard to be sam’s moral compass but also imo she fucks up, very bad, and a lot. and soulless sam can’t really catch her at it so they end up doing a lot of very fucked shit actually. but she tries very hard because she cares about sam and she wants him to think well of himself y’know. and she wants to be someone who sam would think was worth following.
- re: that last point. many thoughts. head full.
- when sam and dean finally see each other again ruby is there and dean is like what the FUCK. like he did see that she betrayed lucifer for sam at the last minute but also he hates her and doesn’t trust her, and he actually kind of suspects that whatever’s wrong with sam might actually be HER fault. 
- this post is relevant.
- okay but i’ve decided that the cas/meg kiss DOES in fact happen in this au because i do kind of love it and also more importantly, with the addition of the insane meg being ruby’s shitty ex vibe that i am jamming into this au with both hands, it is just. chefkiss. ruby and dean look at each other in horror while sam is just like huh? i’m sorry but imagine being ruby and being forced to watch your horrible ex get kissed dommily by castiel. god this is funny i love this. again this is all in subtext because we are imagining cw censors and i’ve used up my one allotted gay kiss for the season by having anna make out with a random woman at an orgy to prove that all angels are degenerate pansexual hedonists, you know. (is this homophobic enough for the cw? i hope so!) also: an orgy which balthazar organized and cas refused to attend, to be clear. 
- dean is actually garbage enough about the whole ruby thing that sam and ruby fuck off by themselves for a good while like, maybe three or four episodes, leaving dean alone or sometimes with cas. during this time dean gets a little bit involved with the angel revolutionaries.
- anyway when sam gets his soul back he’s like, torn, between dean and ruby. he feels guilty for how he behaved towards and thought about dean but he would ALSO feel guilty just kicking ruby to the curb.
- HOWEVER when he gets his soulless memories back he does kick her to the curb because she has done some REALLY fucked up shit while trying to be his moral compass like she is BAD at it.
- once ruby is left all alone in the world, guess who shows up in a flutter of wings and ambiguity! it’s anna! 
- she is here to ask ruby if she wants to spy on hell for the angel revolution. ruby accepts because everyone else hates her right now. if anna wants to take her in under cas’ banner (and not tell the winchesters because they’re technically on the same side but what’s a little subterfuge between friends) ruby will take it.
- ruby and anna DO get to have some fun agent runner/agent lesbian subtext, as a treat! at least when anna isn’t busy eating food out of lisa braeden’s fridge like villanelle and other nuts things. 
- like i do wanna be clear anna just. appears in lisa braeden’s kitchen, slowly, wordlessly eats her leftovers while staring her down, and then flies away. this contributes to lisa’s impending mental breakdown. MY season six is about the madness of the suburban housewife, among many other various things.
- also i want to be clear that raphael’s side is actually like, funneling weapons to the lucifer loyalist demons to try and get them to defeat crowley but it’s all very hush hush, like, raphael would NOT want his underlings to know that he has organized this, like, they can barely stand to work with naomi. the fact that raphael had naomi organize help for DEMONS is unthinkable. anyway it’s basically celestial iran-contra.
- ruby is actually one of the last people to stick by cas even when like, anna and balthazar are betraying him, because like. whomst among us has never wanted to become god a little. and also, ruby is weak to authority figures we KNOW this she might be down to accept cas as her heavenly father a little, she’s NOT a rebel. but most importantly she sticks by him because, you know, i love sam and he’s mad at me for kinda betraying him and you [REDACTED] dean and he’s mad at you for kinda betraying him like we’re all winchester derangement syndrome patients here, and also like. i get it. sometimes they don’t know what’s good for them. sometimes in order to love you have to betray a little bit.
- ruby doesn’t turn on cas until he breaks sam’s wall. but by then it’s too late and there’s nothing she can do really.
- the parallel where it was dean who stabbed ruby in lucifer rising and it’s sam who stabs cas in the man who knew too much is actually intentional this time and WAY more aggressive. actually there are tons of cas-ruby parallels. i think meg should call ruby a whore like one episode before crowley calls cas a whore just to hammer it home. i think the thing where soulless sam runs away from dean’s judgement and is running around with ruby while dean is sulking about it but also running around with cas is super aggressively obvious. god i love that ruby’s existence makes it super obvious that cas is dean’s [REDACTED]. that’s so fun. 
- this has been an intensely hypertextual romp and it’s apparently nearly fifteen hundred words, good god. anyway, special thanks to @lesbiansamwinchester, @pietacastiel, and @seragamble, all of whom brainstormed with me
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endfaith · 5 years
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        IT’S QUIET IN THE BUNKER THESE DAYS ,                      but he tries not to say anything about it .   there was a time ,   not long ago ,   when the halls were   filled   with   FRIENDS ––––  bobby ,   maggie ,   mom ,   jack . . .    a hodge-podge and motley crew ,   which was nice for a change .   now ,   it makes the halls feel emptier than ever before .   the quiet ,   which was normal years ago ,   now makes his skin crawl .    he’s tried for weeks not to mention it ,   already feels like he’s walking on razors around dean since   MOM . . .     but his patience is wearing thin .   phone in hand ,   he’s pacing the kitchen when dean stumbles upon him ,   timing unfortunate ,   but inevitable .        ‘  it’d be nice if cas would answer my calls .   I’ve been trying to get him since yesterday morning .   he’s sending me straight to voicemail .   you think he’s alright ? ’   // @ainthero​
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farfallasunicas · 5 years
Chapter 1
Thanks to  @missjanuarylily for the edit I'm using here.
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Present Day
“I have been hunting for years, why do I always have to be the bait?” Kinsey asked her boyfriend Reed. She’d been hunting  since she was 14,  basically since her  parents, who turned out to be her adoptive parents  kicked her out  when her sister Ellie, died a couple days after the attack  which they held  Kinsey  responsible for.  She was determined to get revenge.  Even if those two guys killed the monster all those years ago she was still determined to kill others like it as well as anything that could hurt anyone. Nothing, and she meant nothing was going to hurt anyone she loved ever again.
     She spent the first couple of years being trained by Gordon Walker (whose friend Kubrick was convinced she was some sign from God, claiming she looked like an angel, took her in and allowed her to train in between school.) who was known as the greatest vampire hunter of all time in this line of work.  After he was killed by a vampire and Kubrick was killed as well,    she spent a lot of time hanging out at the Roadhouse with her fake id and eavesdropping on the hunter’s stories as well as practicing her craft
. She then met a girl from school named Krissy Champers who introduced her to a guy named Victor Rogers who was the guardian over a group of young hunters. This allowed her to master her skills as Victor allowed her to finish school, but to also   go on Solo or Duo hunting trips from time to time.
   During that time she met a young man named Reed; who once she was 18, and he a few years older started to hunt and fall in love with.
Though she hated his misogynistic view that she wasn’t good enough he was still the only family she had.
   “Kinsey, we’ve talked about this multiple times my love! I was born into this line of work. My grandparents and parents were both hunters! I’m more experienced than you!”  His voice was trying to sound like he was worried but instead it was lined with ridicule. “Besides no monster is going resist a pretty innocent young thing like you…therefore you’re the perfect bait”
This prompted an immediate eye roll from Kinsey, though if they weren’t on a job and didn’t need to be distracted she might’ve gone ahead and slapped Reed for that comment.
    Reed could see the anger and hurt in his girlfriend’s eyes and started to kiss her neck. “I’ll make it up to you later love, promise”   He said making out with her, trying to turn her on.
  “Reed, Stop! “ Kinsey yelled pushing him away." We’re on a job and we can’t get distracted” but she was too late before she could even finish her sentence the Vampire had already come out and gone after Reed, pulling him away from her. She knew the vampire was about feed on him.   Kinsey went into immediate action grabbing her knife so she could chop his head off but the vampire then came after her causing her to rely on hand to hand combat. She reached for her knife and sliced thinking she got the monster.
   “Reed are you ok?” She said running to him and starting to help him up. “Did he get you?”   
Kinsey didn’t get an answer at all.  The Vampire grabbed her and was getting ready to bite her as it wrestled her knife away. ” Dang it! “ Kinsey shouted leaving herself and Reed unprotected as she went for the knife. She came up ready to chop its head when its head went flying off without her touching it.
 Kinsey looked up at the jolly green giant size of a man and the shorter guy standing next to him. She couldn’t help but think that she knew them from somewhere.
     “I had him you know” Kinsey snapped. The last thing she needed was someone else thinking that she couldn’t do the job!
  “Cleary” Dean stated a smug look on his face. “But it’s best to leave these douchebags to the professionals”
   This made   Kinsey mad but she decided to just let it go.  “C’mon Reed,  let’s go and leave these…douchebags… as he so eloquently  put it alone”  She bent down to help him up, her shirt  showing her midriff and her anti -possession tattoo next to a belly button ring.
   “Wait…you’re a hunter!?”  Dean asked in disbelief.   Still thinking she was a fake. ” You’re probably inexperienced or else you would’ve taken the head off without fighting and would’ve covered you and your partner’s backs! “
Kinsey was about to defend herself when Sam interrupted her.
  ” Every hunter has an off day Dean. We’ve been hunting all our lives and we don’t always kill the monster. Besides what hunters just started out know about the anti-possession symbol unless they’ve had help. We didn’t know about them until Bobby told us. I really think she’s telling the truth about being a hunter. “
   “Obviously” Kinsey replied back mimicking Dean’s smug look and condescending tone.  “   I guess I could thank you, but you interfered and my partner and I work alone. Have a nice night gentleman”.  Kinsey then walked off making sure she got in the last word.
Dean’s jaw dropped in disbelief his little brother and a total stranger were mocking him and proving him wrong. ” Son of a bitch! “ He yelled leaving with Sam.
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