salmonight · 1 year
First fic after a... Month? Yea probably that. Enjoy suckers!
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hellcures · 5 years
✧・゚ @ainthero​ °。
𝐈𝐓'𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌, and it seemed their string of bad luck had only just begun.  the plan regarding the mark hadn’t been any short of  𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈  — not only had dean gotten out of his gruesome fight with cain badly injured, but the only clear revelation they’d gotten out of it was that this story ended in reverse.  with dean killing 𝒔𝒂𝒎.  and that was something none of them would be willing to accept, specially dean himself.
a long sigh exited lana’s lips as she took off her purple scarf and let it rest on the table, taking bandages and other first-aid paraphernalia to go check up on the older winchester.  both sam and cas had decided it best to leave him some space and call it a night, but the brunette had been around too long to assume he’d be getting any real shut-eye.  at the very least, she’d help him with the ugly flesh wounds and offer him some company, an excuse to  𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅.
the huntress turned the last corner, placing herself on doorframe level, in front of an image she 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒍𝒆𝒅  to process. his athletic silhouette turned towards drawers.  open, half-filled bags upon the bed.  photos and personal mementos no longer in sight.  𝐍𝐎.  it couldn’t be.  he couldn’t have 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒖𝒑.  ❛ what’re you doing? ❜  a frown born out of sheer worry mirrorred her inner fears as she stood there, paralyzed, wishing more than anything for her quick assumptions to be wrong this time.  just this  once.
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hereticbound-a · 5 years
@ainthero || as discussed !
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“Dean, this is an unexpected pleasant surprise.” ---
     Door closed behind him, quick glance around the room and her familiar is lurking on top of a bookshelf, tail curling slowly. Flicker of a smile, and the witch approaches her friend, still eyeing the small feline. --- “Dean, meet Hex. Hex meet Dean.” The tortoiseshell mewled, but remained where she was. --- “She’s my familiar and you’ll be nice to her.”
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burnedtm · 5 years
why is jess so fucking grABBY when it comes to dean i will never understand what kinda gimme gimme giMME power he holds over her for no apparent reason but fu CK calm down
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carriedatlas · 5 years
@ainthero said:   i need you here, with me. - endverse
it was going to be a simple run,      something to get her back out there,      the first time willingly past the gates since she came here,      since she lost her brothers and wandered until she found survivors or,      rather,      they found her.      she was told it was a there and back job,      no more than an hour tops if it all moved efficiently,      if they didn’t run into any complications along the way,      which could never be counted on of course.      something always seems to happen on runs,      no matter how big or small it is,      how many people they have.      it wasn’t always so dire,      maybe they didn’t get so lucky this time around to find anything good,      there wasn’t always a life lost,      but sometimes there was and sometimes horrible things happened and that was the worst part of going out with these teams,      you never know which run is going to be the last.
she used to,      long before dean,      before she was ever introduced to this camp,      let herself travel with the idea that things could be okay,      nothing too horrible could happen if she and her brothers were careful,      treading slowly over thick terrain,      mindful,     watching all around them,      and then she let her guard down,      they all did.      bradly and john ended up infected within days of each other,      both dead and buried somewhere in the woods now,      miles and miles from where the camp stands.
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she should have known someone was bound to stop her,      a part of her glad they did,      that dean did,      halting her before she could meet the others at the car.      i need you here,      with me.      allison knows she can’t refuse him,      not because of his leadership but because of the way he looks at her when he says it.      its a bad idea,      gut says only moments after she is stopped,      stay and listen to him.          ❝     and what about them  ?      ❞          a nod in the direction of the waiting group,          ❝     if i stay...  who goes with them  ?      ❞
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cruelfacademoved · 5 years
ally is a shining ray of sunshine and we always stan her,,,, always
listen. i freaking love you so much uvu
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carnagemoved · 5 years
@ x 3
for every @ I get, I have to tag someone I love/look up to! // hella accepting
@ichorimbrued: annie is dEF one of my best friends on here. we talk about work and school but I know I can count on her to be there for me at like two in the morning, even if that’s just to talk about our muses or something heavy. and I found out this week she considers my ocs canon and thinks how they would be in every spn episode and honesty it made my week !!
@ainthero: my other best friend on here !! jay is amazing and honestly I can’t compare writing to him but if we need to rant we’ll go to each other and spam our IMs like it’s a group chat. I love that we can share our thoughts to each other, either it be spn or t100, and easily make up a new canon timeline. ily boo !!
@ncmesiis: I know what it’s like to have to build an oc from the ground up and elisabeth did it beautifully !! Ellie is amazingly crafted and cared for like a canon character and honesty I totally see her as a canon character in the mcu. elisabeth has no fear when it comes to ellie and that makes me go all heart eyes !!
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penguinpositivity · 5 years
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@ainthero is one of the most quality additions to the spn rpc i've encountered; their passion for dean & the amount of thought they put into him as a character ( & their writing !!! is breathtaking !! ) is a thing to behold & admire & i DO 100% in every way, ic & ooc, they're just a joy to follow & i hope they know they deserve the world <3
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huntsworn · 5 years
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@ainthero        ///        meme.
trepidation  contorts  features  ,     panic's  vise   -   like  grip  constricting  throat  ,     air  naught  but  myth  as  lost  boy  found  limbs  immobile     ;     COURSE  OF  ACTION  OBVIOUS  !!     heed  brother's  distressed  squall     ///     maimed  lion  ,     roar  does  not  go  unnoticed                                                        refuses  to  be  stupefied  ,     ///     should  winter's  frost  settle  'pon  limbs  ,     stalemate  betwixt  brain     &&     heart  shall remain  incessant  .     FEAR'S  WHISPER  ARE  BUT  FUTILE  ATTEMPTS  to  sway  him  towards  inaction     ;     such  ,     however  ,     cannot  bring  satisfaction  .     thorny  roads  are  customary                                               a  reality  free  of  lighthearted  comedy  ,     despite  sought  in  ABUNDANCE         he's chosen  to  walk  them  .
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❛               i've  got  you  .               ❜          first  words  ever  since  brother's  justifiably  DOMINEERING  COMMAND     ;     coarse     &&     thick  digits  carefully  wrap  'round  weapon's  handle  ,     emerald  optics  shifting  vision  towards  dean's  features  .     lips  pursed  ,     then  head gives  understanding  nod                                             meager  attempt  at  easing  ANY  REMORSELESS  ANXIETIES  .     sam  is  dubious  at  first  ,     reluctant  ,     albeit  hesitates  NO  LONGER  !!!     grips  tightly  before  sharp  pull  ,     FORTHWITH  RED  GUSHED  THROUGH  FABRIC  ,     imbruing  once  white  shirt     &&     malodorous  metallic  scent  makes  self  apparent  ,     yet  no  distaste  made  evident  'pon  visage  nor  vocalized  .     (     war   -   seasoned  hunter  fathoms  worse  smell  than  blood  .     )          ❛               i'm  gonna  patch  you  up  now  ,     all  right  ?     i  need  you  to  lie  down  .     don't  strain  yourself  .               ❜
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burnedtm · 5 years
@ainthero​     »     ‘  we  can  never  be  together  ’   kiss
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WIPE  AWAY  YOUR  TEAR  STAINS .   stand  up  straight ,   keep  yourself  from  falling  apart .   although  she’d  never  admit  it ,   jessica  was  falling  in  love .   this  time  around  with  the  wrong  winchester .   not  the  one  she  loved  prior  to  death   &   afterwards ,   but  the  one  who  should’ve  been  off - limits .   a  drinking  buddy ,   a  shoulder  to  lean  on ,   someone  with  the  same  mindset  as  hers .   it  wasn’t  too  surprising  that  she’d  be  led  this  way ,   that  her  feet   &   heart  kept  leading  towards  the  eldest  brother .   while  it  was  full  of  lightness  for  the  most  part ,   it  all  came  crumbling  down .   the  look  upon  sam’s  face ,   the  betrayal  that  sank  in   .   .   .   every  single  tear  that  fell  led  her  to  make  a  terrible ,  heartbreaking  decision .   now  her  bag’s  are  packed  up ,   already  tossed  in  the  backseat  of  her  old  car ,   ready  to  make  an  escape  once  she  finds  him .   finding  him  is  the  reason  why  the  woman  pushed  herself  off  of  the  bathroom  floor ,   taking  one  good  look  in  the  mirror  as  she  dried  off  her  cheeks  with  her  sleeve .   for  someone  who  tries  her  best  to  numb  herself ,   to  keep  every  ounce  of  pain  out ,   this  was  truly  ripping  her  apart  in  the  most  painful  sense .   once  she  makes  her  way  through  the  bunker ,   she’s  more  than  glad  to  find  him .   his  presence  typically  makes  her  heart  swell   &   burst ,   bringing  her  some  joy .   now  it’s  filling  her  with  immense  sadness ,   tears  already  forming  behind  crystal  hues .   head  hangs  low ,   not  wanting  to  face  him  directly .      ❛   HEY ,   GOOD  LOOKIN’ .   ❜      she  tries  to  keep  it  as  casual   &   normal  as  possible ,   not  wanting  to  set  off  bells   &   alarms ,   however  she  realizes  she’s  failing  as  she  presses  up  on  her  toes ,   careful  to  pull  him  down  towards  her .      ❛   C’MERE .   ❜      hands  lightly  cup  his  cheeks ,   drawing  them  closer  as  she  places  a  soft  kiss  upon  his  lips .   softness  wasn’t  always  her  go - to ,   especially  with  dean ,   but  tonight  it  was .   it’s  when  she  remains  pressed  up  against  him ,   the  heat  between  their  lips  never  ending ,   that  a  stray  tear  falls  down  her  cheek .   for  now  she  ignores  it ,   trying  to  keep  her  wits  about  her .   this  was  it .   the  final  moment ,   the  one  that  jess  wanted  to  live  in  for  a  little  while  longer ,   so  long  as  they  were  still  this  close  together .
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geigerblossom · 5 years
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                              the commonwealth avery knew and the one she saw before her were two entirely different things. bombs had hit the city directly, and truth be told hope wore thin if at all. the institute brought her back, but brought her to what? a world that didn’t stand a chance in hell. it made sense to go west, to go back to where her story in this nightmare began but it seems she can’t pull herself from the past. the sign for sanctuary is still standing, and while the houses are dilapidated in some places, some are relatively in tact; including a codsworth. still, she kept her distance unsure of where to go. what to even look for, dean’s stuff? maybe it was still around, maybe some things hadn’t faded in two hundred years but... there’s not a whole lot of points in holding out. even here in the shattered remains of his home.      it’s not until she hears footsteps and a voice that her breathing stops, eyes glance through a broken wall to see... no. no way. she scrambles to her feet, moving to step out of the house with wide eyes and the faint look of confusion on her face. he was in a vault? of course he was, he was military, vault-tec wanted people like him.  ❛  dean... you’re, holy shit.  ❜  avery blinked, she couldn’t stop really.  ❛  you’re alive.  ❜  //  @ainthero.
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cruelfacademoved · 5 years
🌶️ 🐤 I'll always be the awesomespicyduckling
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yes yes you will ✨
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ptrvas-blog · 5 years
an angel 😍😍😍
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dean’s  angel  by E
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carriedatlasmoved · 5 years
❝      say it again,      ❞          she likes listening to him speak,      catching the brief syllables as he goes on.      she’s been trying to learn the language,      mirroring it in little ways when and where she could,      mostly with him,      understanding words by mere context.     allison wants to learn the now native tongue,      wants to have a form of connection with those not of her own group of people.      to them she’s always going to be an outsider,      she knows this,      but perhaps with an expressed willingness to learn something of theirs,      it will earn her something.          ❝      slower this time.      ❞
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@ainthero,          heda  dean
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dalisaid · 5 years
Youerwbb super excellnt pls never foget
✎ .  @ainthero / random asks / always accepting
☘ ;  listen here ok takes one to know one  (ง •̀_•́)ง♡
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huntsworn · 5 years
@ainthero        ///        throws this @ u
DOUBT  RIDDLED  DEEPEST  BASE  OF  HEART  ,     PONDERING  COGNITION'S  REPETITIVE  phrase     :     is  he  TRULY  OK  ?     is  he  truly  OK  ?     curse  of  archangel  revoking  brother's  will  ,     desperate  situation  thing  of  scattered  past                                              were  truth  so  simple  ,     predicament  of  doubt  never  would  have  its  grasp  'round  POOR  WINCHESTER'S  NECK     //     never  would  fate's  pretense  continuously  shaken  resolute  desire  to  facilitate  bright  future  in  which  peace's  benign  facets  graced  all  with  her  light  .     especially  them  .     but  no  ,     present  far  more  rebarbative  than  he'd  care  to  admit     :     little  sleep     (     rest  NOT  A  PRIORITY  'TILL BROTHER'S  DEMON OBLITERATED     )  ,     vexation  at  brother's  suffering                                           all  he  wants  is  for  HIM  TO  BE  OK  .
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❛               ...     hey  ,     dean  .               ❜          tentative  in  vocalization  ,     doubt  coagulated  at  throat     &&     preventing  clarity  he  so  sought  .     topic  of  well   -   being  could  not  be  TOUCHED  UPON  IMMEDIATELY     /     subject  him  to  privacy's  invasion  ?     no  ,     build  up  to  declaration  .     /          ❛               you've  been  in  here  all  day  ,     do  you  want  something  to  eat  ?               ❜          slow  approach  ,     minuscule  acts  of  care  ,     best  method  of  moving  forward  .
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