#samanatha carter
Stargate SG-1
SG-1 later in life, 2.0
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Colonel Samantha Carter and Colonel Cameron Mitchell.
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tennesseetrekkie · 3 years
Stargate/Leverage Crossover Ideas
I’m surprised I never see more fics/ficlets/prompts/just plain posts about these two universes. They’re canonically connected! (There are Stargate symbols on the wall in Lattimer’s vault in “The Last Dam Job”, the producers confirm it too). It’s actually the main reason I started watching Leverage and my need for a crossover has only grown since. Here’s a few thoughts I’ve had:
I 100% believe that Eliot was a member of an SG team. When Aimee said “it’s like you dropped off the face of the earth”, well, he did. They only take the best of the best and that’s Eliot. He’s fully aware of the existence of the Stargate program and aliens, etc.
While serving there he got involved with Maybourne’s team, he thought it was in the best interest of his country. He was one of the very few who didn’t get caught. I like to think he still has a few souvenirs from his time off-world, several highly classified things he really shouldn’t have. I don’t believe he left the base empty-handed. It’d make sense if he had a Goa’uld healing device, but that would mean at some point he ended up with naquadah in his blood, which given all the crazy things that have happened to him in his life wouldn’t be too surprising, but that’s a whole different story...
Eliot never mentions any of this to the rest of the team, not only would this put them in danger but earth being at war with ancient, parasitical aliens is pretty heavy knowledge. This is a lot of fun when SG-1 shows up...
In a crossover with SG-1 and the OG Leverage for me it would have to consist of Cameron Mitchell (the timeline puts it after O’Neill was promoted), Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, and Teal’c. I can’t figure out a scenario where Vala is included and doesn’t let it slip to the Leverage crew that aliens and spae travel are a thing.
There are two scenarios in which I can think of where these two would meet: First, the Leverage crew uncover something in a job that Eliot recognizes as alien (either an artifact, or maybe even a Goa’uld, that’d be fascinating if he did have naquadah and was able to spot the Goa’uld), he tries to deal with it without letting the team know but finally has to tell Nate they need to call the Air Force, it takes a lot of convincing especially since he can’t actually say why. Second, SG-1 shows up to a job the Leverage crew is already doing. Eliot recognizes them, they recognize him. Sam might even pull her gun. He gets them away from the Leverage crew to see what’s going on, meanwhile Hardison is running their faces through one of his ID programs and now everyone is wondering why Eliot is talking to “two USAF colonels, some loser who should be on Ancient Aliens, and some guy who... doesn’t exist?”. 
Whatever the case, it’s inevitable that these two have to work together. Only thing is, the Leverage crew can’t know SG-1 is here because aliens and SG-1 can't know that the Leverage crew is here because crime. The only one who can and does know everything is Eliot, who is the constant go-between for both of these teams, and also very tired. He definitely knows the Goa’uld language and uses it to talk to Daniel and Teal’c about the more... classified details of the job when the others are around. Yet again Hardison is confused when he tries to figure out what they’re speaking only to find out that it doesn’t exist.
Parker is strangely good at guessing things. She immediately 100% believes that Teal’c is an alien. Nate, Sophie, and Hardison assure her he can’t be, even though they’re not completely sure themselves, this whole thing is too weird. 
I can’t really figure out the rest of it, which is why I’m writing it this way instead of in an actual fic, but this is... something. Not sure what. This is really the most realistic version I’ve thought up. Headcannon where the Leverage crew actually do find out include (this is not any specific sequence or headcannon, just ideas):
The crew ends up on a small ship (maybe Eliot used rings to get them out of a dangerous situation or something) and Hardison and Sophie are visibly and audibly freaking out. Nate is trying to remain calm and failing, it’s not as intense as Hardison and Sophie, but he’s definitely freaked out. Eliot, of course, just rolls his eyes and yells at them to calm down as he goes to figure out the controls. Space ain’t nothing when you’ve been there hundreds of times. Then there’s Parker... Her reaction is basically to look out a window, smile, and call it “Cool!”. Everyone is a little taken aback by how she can just be okay with this?
Upon finding out about aliens and space travel Hardison is excited, terrified, and absolutely furious at Eliot for never telling him about it. There’s a headcannon I have of those two somehow getting transported to another planet and not knowing it at first and trying to figure out where they are. It takes Eliot a while to convince Hardison that they’re on another planet, because “yeah, it looks like Canada, that’s just what alien planets look like!”. 
Sophie trying to grift aliens... The game has changed and she is loving it! A whole new universe of challenges. Seeing that would be a thing of beauty.
All of it just causes Nate to drink more, unfortunately. It’s a lot to take in. But if Eliot had to tell just one member of the team about it (both to stop them from asking him to explain what’s going on and why can’t he tell them? and to convince them of the amount of danger they’re all in) it’d be Nate. He’d come away from that conversation very visibly shaken and tell the crew that Eliot’s right, they don’t need to know, at which point they accept it and back off.
Parker handles any strange situation well, so aliens are no big deal. I bet at one point someone (not Eliot) brings up Atlantis and she theorizes that “it’s probably actually a spaceship that flew off to another galaxy!”. Nate, Sophie, and Hardison just rolls their eyes or shoot her a weird look or something because what a stretch! But Eliot nearly chokes on his drink! He has to regain his cool really quickly because now everyone is looking at him, but how can she possibly know that?? He wonders if she ever stole classified material, but nope, Parker just made the most random guess possible and nailed it because Parker.
OH! And one more thing! One night in Nate’s apartment when they’re all getting ready for dinner Hardison has it on this weird cheesy scifi show and  is all like “look at this garbage!”, Eliot takes a look and is like “wait, what??” and sits down and starts watching. Dinner is now going to be late because this is hilarious! It gets canceled after one episode but he makes sure to catch the TV movie as soon as it airs. This is how Eliot Spencer became a “Wormhole X-Treme” fan and no one has a clue why.
If anyone else has a Stargate/Leverage headcannon, please, please, please share it!! Charater interactions, different senarios, ANYTHING! And let’s all hope that, even though Stargate hasn’t been around for a while, Leverage Redemption will throw us fathful fans a bone with some kind of reference!
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stuffandnosense · 6 years
Okay But Shidge is Jack/Sam from Stargate
Or rather that’s what it would grow up into when they were old enough for it to make sense, anyway.
I’m a Plance-and-Shallura-for-Endgame person myself, but Shidge later in life would still be so cute???
And seriously, ya’ll. Jack O’Neill and Samanatha Carter are pretty much exactly what that would look like. Tall commanding officer/friend guy who has about ten years on the shorter, shorthaired genius science and technology girl who could also kill you. And they both have attitudes.
Shidge = Jack and Sam. And I am here for it.
That is all. XD
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
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anunquenchableflame · 8 years
Tagged by @vorchagirl and then it lurked in my drafts for days and days. Mostly because the question of “WHO ARE MY FAVOURITE 3 CHARACTERS??” required a level of introspection I was not prepared for.
Relationship Status: Long term co-habiting, not really intending to get married, but about to start building a house together anyway.
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick
Last song I listened to:  I can only stare ~ Sleigh Bells
Last movie I watched: Pride & Prejudice & Zombies
Top 3 TV shows: Deep Space 9, Stargate SG-1 and Buffy are my 90′s loves that I always come back to. Top 3 that I have enjoyed lately are Sense8, Brooklyn 99 and The Expanse. 
Top 3 characters: Angua, Cassandra, Major Kira
Top 3 ships: I am a really boring shipper actually. I am mostly just over-invested in my player character's romances, so- Cullen x Inquisitor, Shepard x Kaidan. I am also quite invested in Cullen and Cassandra’s supportive bromance. 
Gender: Female
Nickname: None that I’m aware of. If they exist they are probably unflattering references to my extreme caffeine dependence.
Starsign: Virgo
Height: 5′ 7″
Birthday: 26th August
Hogwarts House: Slytherin. People are usually like “Ravenclaw!” and then they see me in my Slytherin t-shirt and then it’s “..Ohhhh, yeah. Yeah. Of course.”
Favorite color: Red
Favorite animal: Fox
Average hours of sleep: 8-ish. But really it varies wildly from barely enough to function to actual hibernation. My sleep cycles are... interesting.
Cat or Dog person: Cats. CATS. C A T S.
Favorite fictional characters: Angua von Uberwald (Discworld), Anya (BTVS), Cassandra Pentaghast, Aveline Vallen (Dragon Age), Sabriel (Abhorsen), Temeraire, Jean Tannen (The Gentlemen Bastards), Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies), Jadzia Dax, Kira Nerys (DS9), Samanatha Carter (Stargate), Aeryn Sun (Farscape). I could probably go on.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Duvet, and a fleece blanket on top if it’s extra chilly. But mostly my dude is a furnace that negates the need for either.
Favorite singer/band: Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, Garbage
Dream Trip: A tour of the ruins of the ancient world.
Dream job: Prop and/or costume making at Weta. I’d settle for just being allowed to sit quietly in a corner and watch. I could make the tea or something.
When was this blog created: July 2015
Current number of followers: 964
What made you decide to get a Tumblr: Mostly for lurking in fandoms, and then I wanted to get involved in them and post my art.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Carter Newberry Age: 42 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Male Portrayed By: Michael Fassbender Availability: Open
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind. He follows Caitlin around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Carter Newberry Age: 42 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Male Portrayed By: Michael Fassbender Availability: Open
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind. He follows Caitlin around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
Main | Plot | Most Wanted | Characters | Ask
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
Main | Plot | Most Wanted | Characters | Ask
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Tumblr media
WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Carter Newberry is 42 years old and is often confused with Michael Fassbender. He is Open.
   “Annie’s killer was caught? Right. Good. Who’s Annie again?”
→ Background
If Carter had had a say in his upbringing, he’d have grown up in London or Edinburgh.. maybe Paris. Anywhere but Birmingham, he found the place completely dull. His parents worked a lot and he was rather short on friends most of the time. Throughout his academic career, Carter’s peers perceived him as a rather strange individual. He wasn’t into the same things the other kids were into and he wasn’t especially clever. Nothing really set him apart from the rest of the crowd and he preferred to spend time by himself. He saw himself as a loner. It was much better that way, right? Carter didn’t need other people or at least that’s how he felt. As a result, he didn’t really have any meaningful relationships growing up. He found it difficult to maintain relationships and connect with people. It could be frustrating for him to watch everyone else connect and fall in love, have friendships… he just never really knew how to do that. None of his friendships lasted and it was rare that a woman stayed interested in him when he revealed his true nature. Carter wasn’t rude or nasty, nothing like that, he just didn’t know how to hold a conversation for very long, he always stared a little too long at people. Followed them or gave them odd gifts, called at strange times and just sat in silence. He was incredibly interested in human interaction and he liked to people watch at cafes… but sometimes it freaked people out. Not that he noticed. He seemed quite content most of the time to keep going as he always had. Working in a call centre and reading his books.
→ Back to Baberton
The choice to move to Baberton came seemingly out of the blue to Carter’s colleagues and family. It seemed that one day he simply woke up and decided he was moving away to a small town somewhere near London where a serial killer was running wild. It made no sense to anybody but nobody tried too hard to stop him. He wasn’t very close with his cousins, his parents wanted him to do whatever he wanted to do, and his colleagues didn’t mind either way. They’d probably be happy to see him gone, he made people uneasy most of the time. Baberton was a lot different from Birmingham. Smaller, for one thing, but not so small that he couldn’t go completely unnoticed, which he liked. The people here were too preoccupied with the remaining killer to pay too much attention to newcomers. Carter got himself a room at the local bed and breakfast, applied for a few jobs around town, and is keen to settle in quickly. Things are going to be different here. He’s going to work on himself, make friends, get a job he likes… and maybe even get the girl he’s had his eyes on for a long time now.
→ What’s His Secret?
Began stalking Samantha Baird when he saw her perform at The Rep theatre in Birmingham. He was completely taken by her, thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen… and super talented. He started working long hours so he could afford to go to all of her shows. He was her biggest fan and was completely in love with her. When Samantha vanished, he was distraught, and hired a private detective to track her down. He needed her in his life and he couldn’t take not knowing where she was… not seeing her every day. He followed her to Baberton and continued stalking her and was very unhappy when she entered into a secret relationship with Harry Pierce, he’s hated the man ever since. Carter eventually kidnapped Samanatha after following her and showing up everywhere she went. He kept her in his room until she eventually escaped and vanished once again.
When Samantha left town he immediately planned to go and search for her. However, he didn’t know where to start so he hung around while he waited, tried to get close to Grant Woods or Jenna Baker to find out where she’d gone to. He even turned to Catrina Baird, Sam’s sister, and started leaving her gifts and letters like he’d done to Samantha. Catrina is very beautiful, very like Samantha, and Carter can see her being a good substitute. Then he set eyes on Caitlin Clarke, who appeared in town as if out of nowhere. From the first moment he was obsessed and just had to have her. He’s turned from Sam a little, though she’s still very much on his mind, and has been leaving Cait little gifts and messages outside her apartment. He follows her around when she’s out and he’s working up the courage to speak to her. If things work out, maybe he won’t need to go in search of Samantha. He also still follows and gives gifts to Catrina, wanting her to know he cares and likes her. Now he has two girls on the hook, he feels like he can find a way to move on from Samantha… though it’ll take a while and he feels that Catrina is the better choice, as she’s more like Samantha. Maybe he can even get close to her through her children.
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