#colonel sam carter
falloutboyyaoi · 15 days
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stargate as various onion headlines (part 2 and 3 (mostly tumblr posts) coming soon)
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super-gates-blog · 5 months
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antoschauniverse · 9 months
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Jack and Sam💕…and Daniel🤔
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queen-daya · 6 months
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Carwheeler + SG1 Aesthetic
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artistic-lightcycle · 5 months
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PoV: You attacked the SGC and pissed of Jack by hurting the kids.
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dailystargatebooty · 1 year
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shmoppop · 2 years
Crescente (pt. 1)
(Stargate fic I wrote at 3am with g/t and some of my fave characters) (also posted on my Qoutev)
  "Dial us home, Daniel." Colonel O'Neill proclaimed, the man standing next to the DHD as he turned his attention towards the marveling man.  
  "Yessir." The shaggy blonde replied, pulling his gaze away from the huge flowers that were more brightly colored than he'd ever thought possible for plant life. Punching in Earth's address on the engraved buttons, the chevrons lit up as they locked in their location. 
  Rubbing his itching nose, Daniel looked back at the team, Sam standing besides Teal'c. Turning towards Jack once the wormhole formed, the four made their way back over to the Gate which appeared dwarfed by the upscaled backdrop of the unusual planet. 
 Hammond had put the planet on the list for exploration, and once the MALP came back with a video feed of huge bugs half the size of the rover itself, Jackson and Carter practically begged the General for permission to go. The planet itself was not much larger than Earth from the estimations, and sustained a livable atmosphere for human and humanoid life. Which did not come as a surprise, all of the planets with Stargates on them were habitable to humans in one way or another. 
  Upon arriving, the team were astounded by the gargantuan scale of the flora from 92X-393; flowers larger and taller than apartment buildings, trees more massive than the low cloud cover of the forest like planet. No intelligent life had been recorded, which left the team wondering why there were not inhabitants. Speculating was half the fun, Jackson thought when they first entered the portal to 29X. 
 Now he wanted off more so than O'Neill did when they went to the other planets. His allergies had been nothing short of horrible after a grand time period of about ten minutes. Perhaps giant sized plants and flowers meant giant sized allergies, the scientist was a mess, his nose running and sneezing every few minutes. 
  "Remind me to bring you a spare lil' box of tissues." Jack chuckled, patting the disheveled linguist on the back as they stepped through the wormhole back to Stargate Command. 
  "Dr. Jackson?" Hammond tore the man from his thoughts, Daniel looking up at the General with a look of apology. "Sorry, sir. My head has been fuzzy since we got home." Daniel said, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose as Sam looked at the blonde.  
  "Allergies." She guessed, Teal'c quietly looking at Jackson for a moment. "You've had these ailments since we arrived there, Jackson. Perhaps you should see Dr. Frasier." He spoke in his usual monotone manner. 
 "I agree. Usually you're up and at-em by now." Jack added, Hammond giving a nod of agreement as he sat back in his chair. 
 "I'm fine. I just need to take some allergy meds and I'll be fine. Nothing new." Daniel said with a wave of his hand as he put his glasses back on.  "I'll get some from Frasier." The young man added after a look from both Sam and Hammond. 
 "You may feel fine, but who's to say that you may be more severely allergic to something. Your face is a little pink." Sam pointed out, the woman looking at her friend.
 "Indeed. You look different." Teal'c said as Daniel looked at the Jaffa and woman with a subtle look of resignation. 
 "Fine." Daniel said after a moment, Jack shrugging towards the man as Hammond got up from his seat at the head of the table. The General had called a de-briefing shortly after their arrival home. They had taken back a few samples of dirt for their teams to catalog and store. Hammond was particularly interested in how the flora could get so big.
  Having taken a reading of the atmospheric levels once they had arrived, the team were surprised that the oxygen level was nearly thrice the amount they'd found on Earth. The levels themselves indicated readings closer to the oxygen levels of pre modern historical Earth. It was interesting and all, though by the time that SG-1 had showered, changed, and discussed what they'd encountered, Jackson's skull felt like it was splitting. Hardly paying attention by the end of the meeting, Daniel left as soon as he was permissed much to the others' worry. 
  Making his way down the steps down stairs and through the ugly concrete walls of the Stargate Command beneath Cheyenne Mountain, Dr. Jackson winced to himself. His migraine was no surprise with his allergy attacks previously. He knew he'd get sneezey and congested, amd after that like clock work he would get a migraine that would be gone by the next morning. Though this headache was chewing at a different spot- no- all over - which wasn't normal.
  Squeezing his eyes shut for a moment to try and ebb the throbbing pain throughout his skull, the man pulled the door open as he entered the infirmary. 
 "Janet." Daniel greeted, the brown haired doctor as he carefully sat on one of the empty examination beds. The missions had proven to be wrote successful, which was a relief, given they had Apophis breathing down their necks. 
  "Hi, Daniel." She replied flippantly, walking over to him. "Hammond said your allergies were bugging you again?" She started, tossing her old gloves in the trash before putting on a pair of sterile ones. Turning back to the blonde, the woman quickly darted over in alarm. "Daniel?" She said, her brow creasing in worry at seeing the archaeologist laying on the bed with his eyes squeezed shut. 
   "My head. It's killing me, Janet. It's not like a usual migraine or allergy congestion headache." Daniel muttered, his arm snaking over his eyes to shield from the blinding florescent lights overhead. 
  "Okay. Just keep a steady breathing and try not to move too badly." She said, her tone growing increasingly worried, "Can you move your head back?"
 "It's not meningitis." Daniel said flatly, Dr. Frasier pulling away for a tick at his change in attitude. "...Sorry." He whispered after a moment as he peaked at her under his arm with a grimace.  
 "Alright-" She continued before Daniel let out a cry of pain, his hands flying up to hold his head as he sat bolt upright. 
 "Daniel? Hey- I need you to tell me what's happening." Frasier said, startled by the outcry as she rushed to grab him a syringe with twenty five milligrams of morphine to sedate and calm the man.  
  "My head, Frasier, fuck my head!" Daniel sobbed, curling into a fetal position as he sat at foot of the bed. 
  "I know, Daniel. I need you to work with me here." Janet said in a grunt, attempting to get the man to scoot back and lay down so she could administer the pain killer effectively.
  Quickly injecting the drug once she managed to get the linguist to stop shaking for a few moments, Jackson looked at her for a beat as he went unconscious from the sudden adrenaline release and thereafter sedation of morphine. 
  Waking to find Sam and O'Neill standing beside his bedside talking to Dr. Frasier, Dr. Jackson quietly watched them for a moment. His entire body ached like he had just ran a marathon through pudding, his limbs felt like they weighed a thousand pounds each, his hair hurt, everything hurt. 
 His mind was still swimming in pain from what he could tell, his vision was blurry and the throbbing was still present in his temples but for the present, Jackson stayed comfortably unaware. Clearing his throat, Jackson looked up at them. 
 "You okay, kid? Frasier called us and said you started loosing it over your head." Jack said, the graying man never the best with formalities, but always meaning the best which was what Daniel only cared about for the time being instead of correcting him. 
 "Yeah," Jackson croaked, Clearing his throat again as he rubbed his nose, "Allergies are still bugging me." He said, Frasier making a face. 
 "Still bugging you? You have the equivalent to kill a small child from what Janet's told us." Jack said, Sam giving the Colonel a look.
  Giving a nod in reply, Jackson rubbed his eyes quietly as he brushed back his hair. "How long was I out?" He asked eventually as Sam came over to his bedside. 
 "About 45 minutes. You sure you're okay? Dr. Frasier is running your blood work to see if anything of this has to do with 29X-393." The blonde woman said, looking over the man for a moment with a concerned glance. 
 "Besides this headache, I feel fine." Daniel said, failing to tell her the pure sore and achiness that was spreading and overpowering the morphine. 
 Unconvinced, Sam gave a reluctant nod as she pat his shoulder fondly. "The Colonel, Teal'c, and I have to go to a meeting with SG-4 to brief them on 29X. We'll be back." She said, O'Neill giving Jackson a wave as he walked out. Nodding quietly, Daniel waved back as the two left. 
  Closing his eyes, Frasier came back as she checked his pupils with one of her flashlights. 
 "Ah- fuck, Doctor." Daniel gasped at the blinding light inches away from his sensitive eyes. 
 "Sorry, but you pupil dilation is normal, given your circumstance. How are you feeling?" She asked, checking his lymph nodes as the man gave her a so-so gesture with his hand. 
  "Shitty." Jackson admitted as he slowly sat up, feeling top heavy yet a million pounds regardless. 
  Looking at the man in surprise, she ushered him to lay back down. "Not so fast, last thing I need you doing is passing out." She said, looking him over.  
 By then, it was late in the afternoon and Daniel still felt sick, though this time around, he felt like his body was on fire. Frasier had left to get the lab results and Jackson felt a tingle crawl up his spine, first it was small, then the tingle grew from just that- a tingle- to full blown waves of burning hot ripples through his muscles and bones as he let out a jagged gasp. 
 "Frasier!" He called, the waves of fire growing more constant as his cheeks grew warm. Groaning quietly, the pain eased which left the blonde gasping for air, his lungs feeling squeezed in his ribcage before being let go as he trembled. 
  Letting out another cry of pain, the man sat up, panting in agony as he looked down at the white bedsheets, shaking from the effort to not vomit. Looking at his shaking hands, the man's eyes grew wide in horror as he watched the flesh of his hands turn a dark purple for a moment before a sense of dead filled him.
 "Frasier!" He yelled again, this time his voice high with panic as he watched his hands seem to enlarge before his eyes. Letting out a rattling breath, Jackson felt like he was in some sick dream as the numbing sensation spread from his hands to his arms, to his chest and running down his legs. 
 Running down the hall, Frasier quickly opened the door to the infirmary, one of the stationed guards telling her Jackson had been urgently calling for her. As the woman entered, she fell dead in her tracks, staring at the man infront of her. Daniel had grown nearly a foot since she'd left. 
 "Frasier? What's happening to me?" Daniel asked in panic, his voice shaking as was his expanding body. Looking down at the sound of fabric stretching, the man got up, his head shooting towards the ceiling as his shirt clung to his growing chest.
"Frasier?" Jackson said, struggling not to have a panic attack as the woman stared up at the archaeologist is horror. This was something out of science fiction novels: not reality. Certainly not in her own lifetime. 
  Getting to his knees to avoid the light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, Daniel was loosing space, the seams of his shirt splitting as his pants. Letting out a pained grunt, Jackson quickly grabbed the blanket from his bed, throwing it over his hips as he outgrew his clothes.
  "Help me! Janet, help me!" The blonde said, sounding on the verge of tears as his shoulders grew taller than the frame of the viewing windows a story above the infirmary floor.
 Regaining herself, Janet ignored every rational thought in her mind to high tail it out of there as she jumped over the expanding leg nearing her direction. Running over to the red lock down button on the wall, Janet slammed her fist against it as the compound went into lock down. Grabbing the phone on the desk, she quickly dialed the number of General Hammond's office. 
"H-Hammond! It's Dr. Jackson, sir... No, he isn't fine! Sir- Dr. Jackson is going through some kind of hyper growth! I need backup in here!" She said frantically as she looked up at the agonized man, his giant hands flying to cover his ears at the blaring alarms to block out the terrible sound.
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riverageleis · 1 year
I'm reposting this, my Great Heresy. Blackguard remains my most read fic, to my confusion and surprise. If you are brave enough to click the link, please mind the tags.
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i figured out why we don't like pete - and its not just because he "gets in the way of our otp" or because shes settling or whatever ship reason
she flinches. when he yells at her, she flinches. this woman, lieutenant colonel Samantha Carter, has stared down goa'uld system lords. she's decked ba'al, spat in (i think) apophis' face, taken the entire sgc back from hathor with only 5 other women - and she flinches from some douchecop. shes scared to turn down his proposal. sam carter isnt scared of anything - except the man she supposedly loves. shes searching for reasons to break up with him and she only does when her dying father points out that he can tell shes not happy. thats why we dont like him.
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ekaterin1701 · 5 months
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Came across this exchange on Twitter and I love the idea of the Stargate/ Quantum Leap crossover in which Sam Beckett leaps into Jack O’Neill’s body (though the timelines aren’t quite right as QL was 1989-1993). If only I could write!
Ziggy and Al can’t find anything about Jack in the database, so Sam heads off to Cheyenne Mountain after finding Jack’s ID card and is very, very, surprised.
Then the rest of SG1 realise really quickly that Jack isn’t really Jack, because an alien bodysnatcher seems quite plausible, and Sam has to confess.
Carter recognises the name Dr Sam Beckett from physics academia (I’m assuming Sam Beckett published papers on the theory of time travel) so believes what he’s saying.
Or, Sam and Al search Jack’s house for clues since Ziggy can’t tell them much, and find an official photo of SG1 on his desk that has the names on the back. Ziggy can track down Daniel (archaeologist, disappeared from academia a few years ago) and Carter (also works in ‘deep space telemetry’) but has nothing on Teal’c.
Al then works out that Sam has to save Daniel and Carter because the next thing he finds is their obituaries and they wonder how archaeology or deep space telemetry can be that dangerous?
They also find a couple of photos of Carter (from nights out/ team BBQs) hidden behind the photo of SG1 and Al and Sam assume that Jack’s in love with his colleague (they’re right, of course).
Sam and Al save the day, and as Sam leaps, Al says that all of SG1 survive, Jack is promoted to General, and does marry Carter in a few years time ❤️
Or, it happens post-season 8 and Sam jumps into Jack at his desk in the Pentagon, Al still can’t find much about him (‘I’ve never heard of Homeworld Security’), then suddenly an attractive blonde Colonel walks in and starts kissing him (a throwback to those QL episodes which start with Sam being kissed). Al’s in the background and says ‘I think that’s Colonel Carter, your wife’.
Or Sam jumps into Jack in his office, is still trying to figure things out when his secretary tells him that Colonel Carter is here, and Sam as Jack says ‘Send him in’ 🤦‍♀️
Meanwhile, Jack is in the ‘waiting room’ and assumes he’s been abducted by aliens, which I expect many of the hosts think, but he’s the first one to start asking which alien race they are and threatening the aliens with… other aliens?
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falloutboyyaoi · 15 days
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final part (for now) (parts 1 and 2)
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
@theresnothingcruviswithme has given me permission to continue ranting about the Sam Carter character assassination that was done in yesterdays panel, so here's some more thoughts:
Sam was not always ready to lead. In S2, there's an episode called 'Spirits' where RDA (actor for Jack O'Neill) was unable to film, and so they basically had to rework the script and basically have Sam read his lines. It felt very OOC for her, bc the lines were literally not written for her character, but ultimately established in-world Sam's approach to the mission and her reactions to the plot developments were not right for leadership of a team. She got the job done, but she wasn't ready to lead a team of her own long term.
And that's okay. She didn't have much real world leadership experience under her belt at that point, and book learning only goes so far when it comes to field leadership. It gives her a starting point, and room for growth. And she does!
She grows a shitton by the O'Neill is promoted out of fieldwork. Before Mitchell comes into play, Sam Carter is promoted regularly on a realistic timetable commensurate to her development and improvement. It's only when the show needs a new male lead that suddenly Sam leading SG1 is "unrealistic"?
Also, while we're talking about unrealistic, you wanna know what's unrealistic? Two colonels on the same field team. It's a waste of resources, and confuses the line of authority-- ESPECIALLY when one of them is a new face on an existing team that has had almost a decade to bond and build trust in each other.
I will concede, however, that it's not really Mitchell's fault that he became a commanding officer of SG1. IIRC, he simply wanted to serve *with* SG1, not lead it. It's just that when he was able to join, they'd already gone their separate ways, and that in bringing the band back together, leadership was arbitrarily assigned to him, for some reason. Despite Sam's over-qualifications and his own lack thereof.
They didn't have to make Mitchell a Colonel. When he's introduced, I believe he's acting as a squadron leader during the battle over Antarctica. But to my knowledge, squadron leader is roughly the equivalent of the rank of major. So, why not leave him as a major and introduce him as a hotshot fanboy who just wants to serve with his idols? Suddenly Sam is not only a leader but a mentor, and gets to have journey not unlike the one O'Neill had?
The cold hard fact is that the execs didn't trust that Sam could carry the show, and probably wanted to bring in the Farscape fans, so they cast the leading Farscape stars to be the fresh new faces of the show. And its a goddamn shame.
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antoschauniverse · 1 year
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Jack and Sam💕😢
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sg-done · 7 months
Sam: Fight me! Teal'c: I am far superior in height and muscle mass, Colonel Carter. What do you plan to do, kick my ankle? *Later* Daniel: Why is Teal'c crying? Jack: Sam kicked him really hard on the ankle.
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Superhero Timeline.
10th Millennium
First appearance of humans. Some super powered. 
Proto Avengers (heavily altered humans, primordial gods, and mutant). Celestial tampering happens on countless planets. (Tamaranians, Skrulls, Kree, Eternals, etc) causing multiple humanoid aliens to exist.
Myths concerning “Elders of The Universe” and proto-tangible beings are formed by early life.
Vandal Savage, Immortal Man, Anthro, King Kull, Kyra Arg, Gnarrk. Hippolyta (first life).
Grak (neanderthal politician)
Cotati, Kree, and Skrulls discover eachother.
Atlantis forms.
“Ulysses” Bloodstone
50,000 B.C.E (Thurian Age)
Inhumans created by Kree scientists. 
King of Atlantis, Kull.
Doctor Mist.
Darkhold creates some of the first vampires.
Atlantis and Lemuria Sink.
Amazon Race born.
Selene Born.
Hyperborian Age.
Kulan Gath
Red Sonja
753, 785- BEC
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Golden Gladiator
Alpha Centurion.
Rome forms a colony in South America. Nova Roma.
Rama Tut
En Sabbah Nur was born.
Wizard Shazam empowers Teth Adam.
Mad Pharaoh discovers an alien Scarab and claims to have created it.
6th Century
One of the Camelots (for there are many and they are nebulous)
Merlin (Merlyn)
Shining Knight
Silent Knight
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Mordred the Mystic (not arthur’s mordred)
Earth was briefly invaded by Klyntar. 
New Genesis and Apokolips forms, set in a higher plane of dimension.
7th Century
Tang Dynasty was contacted by aliens the likes of Fin Fang Foom. They take advantage of their advanced technology
Jong Li Green Lantern
Viking Prince
8th Century
Brotherhood of the Shield was formed in 750.
9th Century
Diablo (Estaban De Ablo).
12th century
Crusades, the mutant Bennet Du Paris meets Eobar Garrington and clan akkaba.
Belasco born at the tail end of the century.
14th Century
Mutants immune to the black page die in the sea.
X’Hal ascends to godhood.
15th Century
Intelligent gorillas form Gorilla City.
Manhunters deviate from original programming.
Zemo barony formed
16th Century
The Black Pirate
Andrew Bennet becomes a vampire.
17th Century
Gotham City founded
Romeyn Falls founded
Metropolis founded.
Uncle Sam
Frankenstein Monsters
Jonah Hex
Atlas City formed.
Hellfire Club formed
Trigger Twins
Rawhide Kid
Carter Slade
Red Wolf
Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme
Sherlock Frankenstein
1859 Nathaniel Essex begins experimenting on Mutants.
1882 Wolverine Born
Morpheus Imprisoned.
Tom Strong born
Balloon Buster
Mister Cakewalk
Enemy Ace
Freedom’s Five
Cult of Blood formed in Zandia
Krypton destroyed
Kal El Lands in Kansas
Doc Steele, Tazara, The Crimson Fist
Ghost Hunter, Baron Von Fang
1930s - World War 2 
Batman appears
Superman first appears
Wonder Woman appears
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson) appears.
Invaders. Captain America 1-3
Based on Project Rebirth, Vought develops Compound V, empowering Soldier Boy. Germany empowers Stormfront using a duplicate.
Justice Society of America was formed.
Seven Soldiers of Victory
Freedom Fighters
Liberty Squadron
Black Hammer Squadron
Doctor Star
Abraham Slam
Sgt Rock
Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos
Haunted Tank
GI Robot
The Losers
Albrecht Strong born.
Charles Xavier
Golden Gail (spawn of a shazam protege)
1950s (Silver Age Beginning)
Billionaire Oliver Queen is stranded on an island.
Hal Jordan inducted into the Green Lantern Corps
Astro-Naut dies and Astro City is named after him.
William Burnside and Jack Monroe become Captain America and Bucky.
Hero Licensing Agencies were formed in Japan, one of the first being formed by Dragon King. “Former” villain of the JSA and Acrobat.
J’onn Jonnz teleported to Earth.
Barbalien, a contemporary of J’onn’s arrives on Earth.
Colonel Weird.
Peter Parker was Bitten by a radioactive spider
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
The Confessor
The Midnight Mink and Chippy (Short lived Batman inspired criminal)
Jessica Jones falls into a coma.
The Question
Fantastic Four
Challengers of the Unknown
First Family
Max O'Millions
Suicide Squad.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Black Canary II
JLA formed
Teen Titans formed
X-Men founded
Captain Marve (Mar-Vell)
John Stewart Green Lantern
Avengers Formed
Black Rapier
Luke Cage.
Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
Shang Chi
Silver Agent framed and is executed
Putrid Punk
Black Lightning
Black Hammer I
JLI formed.
Aaron Aikman becomes a doctor and is murdered by Morlun.
Doom Patrol
Winged Victor
Original Batman Dies
Mister Unknown, inspired by Batman becomes a vigilante crimefighter in Japan.
Suicide Squad II
Spiral City is almost consumed by eldritch Anti-God.
Nightingale and Songbird
All Might receives his Quirk.
The Samaritan prevents The Challenger Disaster.
Tesla Strong born.
Vought America begins to push its corporate superhumans. Their minds are twisted by Compound V. Vought refuses to seek alternatives.
Jon Kent, Cir-El Kent born. 
Christopher Kent adopted
Superman Dies.
Unteens (not super long-lived)
Hal Jordan goes evil and dies.
Kyle Rayner.
First superhuman reality TV show, Youngblood.
They’re immediately met a year later by Vought’s onslaught of Superhuman reality TV shows.
Black Hammer II
The superhuman civil war in america.
Japanse Military creates Big Hero 6 in response to Hero Agencies.
The Super Young Team forms an act of social rebellion by the children of Japanese superheroes who reject the Hero Agency route while despising government work like Big Hero.
Little do they know, they are integral to humanity's further evolution into the super-world.
Peter Parker dies. Mantle was taken up by Miles Morales.
Skrulls invade earth.
Black Hammer II
Black Rapier retires
Jiro Osamu, the replacement for Mister Unknown becomes "The Batman of Japan"
Young Avengers Form
The Authority was formed after Skywatch and IO were exposed to the world
 Izuku Midorya receives the One-For-All quirk
The hero agency system in Japan has cracks forming and they’re big.
Green Door Opens.
Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Multiverse opened up.
China formed the Justice League of China, followed by its very own Lantern Corps.
Izuku becomes a superhero once again.
Black Hammer II becomes a mother.
Miles Morales becomes a vampire.
Team Titans
First Krakoan age. Mutants who have been dead for decades return.
Hulkling unites Skrull and Kree to form a new galaxy-spanning empire.
JLA Beyond
Bishop Born (Good Timeline).
The Future State. Corporations begin to create private security to crack down on superhuman threats. Especially in light of corporate superhero projects repeatedly failing.
Superman’s dynasty ascends to the stars. 
Corporations Dominate the World.
Age of Heroes is Over.
Spider-Man 2099
Avengers 2099
Franklin Richards ascends.
Superman’s Dynasty returns to Earth. It’s an ancestral land. It is in ruin.
Compound V-descended humans begin to activate their powers en masse but after 100 years of development, their minds can handle it.
30th Century
Legion of Superheroes
Centuries of Mutants, Compound V Descendants, Inhumans, Metahumans, and alien-influenced humans have fundamentally changed the definition of a baseline human.
Humanity is almost there. The rest of the universe is inching toward it too.
Golden Lantern
853rd Century
It’s a superhuman universe. 
The Justice Legion, influenced by their literal and metaphorical ancestors patrol all sections of the known universe. 
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teine-mallaichte · 2 months
Asset 84 master list
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These are not being written in chronological order as they are mainly prompt based for events.
Specific CWs at the top of each fic, but the series covers; living weapon, psychological manipulation, torture as "training", cognitive dissonance, suicidality, self harm/injury, graphic injuries, character death, grief, hallucinations, dehumanising language/behaviour.
At the facility:
Fake execution
Self Administered Medicine
Nervous Twitch
Warm blanket
"I deserved it"
Gentle touch
"I'm here"
Phantom pain
Inside Joke
Breaking the conditioning
Touch starved
Human shield
Protective Caretaker
Sensory deprivation
Forced to watch
Self injury
Starvation / throwing up
Post liberation:
Platonic bathing/hair care
snippets and drabbles that are in the same universe but don't fit neatly into the timeline or do not focus on Asset 84
Severe burns (John's back story)
Conditioning (The training of 83/Sam)
Land mine (80's death)
Alternative timeline: The alternative timeline "On The Run" starts after the fic Protective Caretaker. In this timeline Asset 84 and Asset 83 escape from the facility.
84 and 83 while at the facility
Katherine and Colonel Carter
Some of the characters at the rehabilitation unit
World Building/Lore:
The facility overview
Training an asset
Other Asset 84 posts
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