#same with stevie and freddy fazbear
xoxoladyaz · 1 year
AU-gust, Day 8: Robots and Androids
WARNING: THIS IS A CROSSOVER WITH FNAF. (Listen, I told you things were about to get weird so please fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a wild ride 🩷)
“This might be the stupidest job we’ve ever had.”
“Are you kidding?” Robin yelled from across their homey two-bedroom. “These outfits are so much better than Scoops!”
“First of all, that’s saying literally nothing, and second of all, you’re not the one wearing safety cone orange!” Stevie yelled back as she examined her reflection in the mirror. Her new work uniform consisted of a long-sleeved bright-orange shirt with the Fazbear Entertainment logo in bright blue on her front breast pocket, paired with fitted black trousers that had bright orange piping running up and down the edge.
(Whomever worked in the staff uniform design department of Fazbear Entertainment definitely had it out for her.)
“Oh shut up, that color looks great on you,” Robin retorted as she strolled into Stevie’s bedroom. She was dressed in the Roxanne Wolf version of her outfit – lilac and lime green which was so, so much cuter in Stevie’s opinion. “Besides, you have those lightning bolt earrings from our Bowie party that match perfectly.”
Stevie sighed and started flipping through her jewelry box. “Ugh, I guess. I still don’t know why we took this gig though.”
“You mean aside from the fact that Argyle got us these jobs in a literal day?”
“Uh, yeah, Robin! We’re working at the robot capital of the world and you hate robots.”
“Okay, first of all the Glamrocks aren’t robots, they’re animatronics,” Robin started numbering off on her fingers. “Secondly, Roxanne Wolf is a lesbian icon to whom I owe my allegiance and I see that eye-roll Stephanie Harrington, don’t give me that sass, and thirdly we’re working in the gift shop, we’ll, like, never see them in person.”
“Famous last words,” Stevie muttered, but Robin was already speeding into the hallway.
“Now stop stalling, dingus, it’s time to hit the Pizzaplex!”
Stevie had to begrudgingly admit that working at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex wasn’t the worst job in the entire world. She got to spend all day with Robin (and make faces with her behind the backs of the really crazy parents) while staying warm, dry and ice-cream free. Which, speaking of, they also got free food with every shift which meant lunch and/or dinner breaks with Argyle (who worked in Chica’s Pizzaria and loved it, the maniac) and that was awesome.
(It was really hard to keep track of everyone now that they’d all been relocated from Hawkins and spread across the state of California; if Stevie thought about it too much, she’d get emotional, so she tried not to think about it.
Or about the fact that Eddie hadn’t texted her in a few weeks.)
Stevie even got to pick-up a few overtime shifts in the daycare on her off days which, hey, the faster she makes money, the faster she can get to cosmetology school.
(Did she have problems with the fact she was sharing babysitting duties with a glorified robot? Not really.
Did she understand how the toddlers weren’t scared by Eclipse when he was in his Moon phase? No, not even a little bit, that fucker was creepy.)
That didn’t mean there weren’t drawbacks to her job, of course. She and Robin averaged about twenty upset and entitled parental encounters daily combined, not to mention all of the crying children who were either upset that they weren’t getting exactly what they wanted or were upset that they weren’t getting what they wanted fast enough. Their all-time high of screaming kids was 41 and they drank a fuck ton of wine that night.
But the biggest problem about working at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex? Those goddamn animatronics. And not because Stevie was scared of them, oh no, no, it was because Robin was full of shit. Anytime one of the Glamrocks came within twenty feet of the gift shop she ducked for cover, and if it was Roxy? She was useless for a solid fifteen minutes afterwards every single time.
(“I think this officially qualifies you as a furry,” Stevie said after one particularly close encounter. Roxy had stopped to take pictures in front of the doorway and Robin had catapulted herself through the Montgomery Gator sweatshirt rack and crashed into Roxy’s plushie display and got absolutely buried.
“It really shouldn’t be that big of a surprise, Robs, this is how you always act when a pretty girl comes around - ”
“Stevie? Shut. Up.”)
It wouldn’t have been a problem if Robin and Stevie had remained posted at the gift shop, but no, the gods forever frowned upon Stephanie Harrington.
“Harrington!” Her manager Roger barked as he power-walked past her, three weeks into her tenure at the Pizzaplex. “We’re running low on Freddy plushies out front, so I’m going to need you to go and get the next shipment from storage. Here,” he said, tossing her a new keycard that she (barely) managed to catch. “Second floor storage area behind Fazer Blast. There should be a dolly there for you to use. Thanks!” Roger hollered, and then he was off running after a mop-bot that was spreading paint around in the main atrium.
Stevie turned to look at Robin who was already shaking her head. “Nope, no way.”
“Aww c’mon Robin, please? I always go with you when we walk around the Pizzaplex.”
Robin rolled her eyes and was about to reply when the melodic voice of Roxanne Wolf echoed throughout the plaza. “Thank you, I am the best,” the Glamrock crooned, and Robin flushed bright red and threw herself into the gift shop.
Welp. Looks like Stevie was going to have to handle this solo.
Question, why was Stevie handling this solo again? Because she’d passed about twenty janitorial bots on her way to the storage area, all of whom were just scooting around with nothing to do. 
There was a dolly back in the (dark and creepy) storage room, so she loaded up a brand new box of Freddy Fazbear plushies and made her way to the main elevator bank.
“Sorry, excuse me, pardon me,” she said on repeat as she walked past scores of rowdy children and their stressed parents. As she rounded the corner, she saw the elevator doors begin to close and she moved faster.
“Please hold!” She yelled, and the elevator doors stopped shutting. “Shit, thank you,” Stevie gasped as she rolled the cart in and wiped her eyes.
“No problem, superstar!”
Stevie whipped around to look at the other occupant of the elevator and – yep, it was the man (err, orange bear) himself, all 6’3” of animatronic rockstar Freddy Fazbear gazed down at her, his signature smile on his perfectly polished face.
Stevie barely noticed the elevator doors slide shut behind them, barely heard the tinny elevator music play as they started their descent.
“You’re - ”
“I’m Freddy Fazbear, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” the animatronic intoned.
“Hi, yeah. I’m - ”
“Stephanie Harrington,” he interrupted, his eyes scanning her form with a bluish light. “You work in the gift shop.”
“How did you - ”
“I have access to the Pizzaplex’s employee directory. For security concerns.”
“Oh. Cool.”
She stood and stared at the bear, who stood and stared back at her. And then wiggled his ears.
(It was kind of cute.)
“Well, I - ”
The elevator suddenly screeched to a halt and Stevie barely managed to stop herself from tumbling to the ground – mainly because a pair of oversized orange paws gently caught her.
“We’re sorry,” an automated voice spoke over the elevator intercom, “but it appears that our elevators are experiencing a technical difficulty. Please remain calm and our staff will be with you shortly.”
Stevie groaned, slumping back against those orange paws. “Oh, great.”
“Not to worry, superstar!” Freddy said, and Stevie barely suppressed her flinch at his booming voice. “Our staff is highly qualified and perfectly capable of fixing any and all technical issues that may take place at the Pizzaplex. We will be out of here in no time!”
(Stevie had seen how long it took the staffbots to fix the soda fountain when it exploded; she didn’t share Freddy’s faith in this at all.)
“Good, glad to hear it,” she replied drily. She stood up and waved Freddy’s hands away (or, err, paws. His paws. Paws that followed her to make sure she wouldn’t fall again which wasn’t sweet, for fuck’s sake!)
“Well, Stephanie, how about we play a game?” Freddy asked as she Stevie slumped against the far wall. (No way she was going to stand for this.)
“Sure, Freddy. What game do you wanna play?”
Freddy’s ears wiggled again as he hummed (or made a humming sound; he couldn’t actually hum, could he?) “How about we play the Question Game? I always like to learn more about my friends!”
Aww, he thought they were friends. (Or he was programmed to say that, or think they were friends? Just how intelligent were these things? She should text Dustin later on and ask what he knew about Fazbear Entertainment.)
Still, Freddy continued to smile as he waited for her reply and yeah, okay, that was cute. “Sure, Freddy,” Stevie sighed, but she made sure to smile back at him. “Let’s play the Question Game.”
They were in the elevator for a total of forty-five minutes, which gave Freddy and Stevie plenty of time to play the Question Game. Stevie learned all about Freddy’s favorite things to do at the Pizzaplex (play music with his friends, try to beat his old high score in Fazer Blast, dance at DJ Music Man’s shows whenever he had the chance), his best friend (Bonnie, who had been banged up pretty badly and was getting fixed somewhere offsite), his other best friend (Chica, they liked to do Jazzercise together), and his favorite thing to do in his free time (which was read, apparently? She wasn’t sure how the animatronic bear got his hands on copies of “the classics” and honestly wouldn’t have pegged him as a Dostoevsky fan but hey, apparently even orange animatronic bears can have depth?)
In turn, Stevie told him about her favorite things to do at the Pizzaplex (visit Argyle at Chica’s Pizzaria, laugh at Robin when she hid from Roxy), her best friend (Robin, who worked with her in the gift shop), her other best friends (Argyle and Nancy and Eddie and Jonathan and Chrissy), her family (well, Dustin and the Hopper-Byers’ at least), and her favorite thing to do in her free time (watch movies with Robin, which then led into a long conversation about what movies she’d seen and would recommend because while Freddy knows about movies he hasn’t seen a whole lot of them).
He also asked her questions about the world outside the Pizzaplex: where she was born (Hawkins), why she moved from Hawkins (an earthquake, which was the official cover story), what her dream job was (being a hairdresser, at which point Freddy said she should talk to Roxy and start training at her salon which was, again, very cute), and all about the places she’d seen and where she wanted to go next.
(“Probably down to Malibu,” she’d said, lost in thought. “I’d like to see those beaches. What about you, is there somewhere you’d like to go?”
“I – well.” Freddy paused, and for the first time, he appeared troubled. “I cannot leave the Pizzaplex.”
“Oh,” Stevie murmured and wow, that really fucking sucked, didn’t it? Sure, she was talking to a robot bear who was literally built to be children’s entertainment but he wasn’t really feeling like just a robot bear anymore, especially the more they talked and played the Question Game. And this might have been one really, really long con or programming thing but – what if it wasn’t? What if he was fully intelligent and he was really stuck here?
Like El and the lab, she thought, and then she was barely able to stop herself from tearing up.
“But if I could go somewhere else,” Freddy continued, unaware of Stevie’s inner turmoil, “I would also probably choose to go to the beach. I would like to see the sun on the water,” he finished quietly.)
Stevie didn’t know what to say, but thankfully the elevator started up again, so she was spared any sort of deeper introspection.
“See?” Freddy said, no trace of sadness in his voice at all, like it had never been there. “Good as new.”
“Yeah, you were right about that,” Stevie said, pushing herself to her feet. It was a little tricky to do so while the elevator was moving, but Freddy held out his hand and she grabbed hold without a second thought. “Thanks, Freddy.”
“You’re welcome, superstar,” Freddy replied with an ear wiggle. “Can I assist you with transporting your cart to the gift shop?”
Stevie grinned. “You know what, Freddy? That would be great.”
“EVIL,” Robin hissed from behind the sales counter, her white knuckles gripping onto the laminated wood for dear life. “You are evil.”
“Hmm, what was that?” Stevie asked as she watched Freddy unbox (and gently stack) the plushies on the main console table. “I can’t hear you, Robin.”
Robin hissed an unintelligible reply but Stevie ignored her, watching instead as Freddy stepped back and clapped his hands together. “Perfect!” He turned and alighted that bright electronic smile towards Stevie. “Thank you for letting me help, superstar.”
“No, thank you for helping, Freddy. Come back and visit any time, you hear?”
Stevie waited for Freddy to leave, but he didn’t; he just stood there and stared at her, letting the seconds pass them by.
“Uh, Freddy, sir?” An acne-riddled teen with “Benny” on his nametag cleared his throat. “We need you in Superstar Row for some Meet and Greets.”
“Oh, yes,” Freddy replied, like he wasn’t thinking, like he’d forgotten.
(He was still looking at Stevie.)
“It was nice talking with you, Stephanie,” he finally said, and with one final wave he thundered out of the gift shop, Benny at his heels.
Stevie turned to look at Robin, who was looking at her with confusion. “Huh.”
“Huh,” Stevie repeated, and she could practically feel herself blush the longer that Robin looked at her. Robin who, of course, sensed a perfect opportunity for revenge.
Robin who suddenly had a shit-eating grin on her face. “You know, I think that officially qualifies you as a furry, dingus.”
“Oh, fuck off, Robin.”
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braveclementine · 1 month
Chapter 29
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
I woke up feeling happy, a feeling of elation in me. It had been a while since I'd woken up feeling so free and relaxed. I supposed it mostly had to do with the nostalgia of past Christmas mornings, but if so, I was glad for it. Even the events of last night did nothing to dampen my mood. 
Like always, there was a purple Tinkerbell stocking hanging on my doorknob and I unhooked it, settling back into bed, pouring the contents out on my lap. I grinned, seeing the yearly movie I was getting on DVD: A Haunting in Venice. I hoped Steve and Bucky would watch it with me. 
I had a bag of donut holes and a plastic candy cane with reeces peanut butter cups in it. There was a nutcracker statue which I put on my bedside table, and a small keychain Freddy Fazbear Funko pop. I grinned, getting out of bed to grab a push pin and put it with my collection that was hanging on my wall behind the door. This made number 98 of keychain funko pops. 
There was a knock at my door and I said, "Come in!" As I opened up my donut bag. Nothing like starting the day off with cinnamon donut holes. 
"Merry Christmas Doll." Bucky said as he came into the room with Stevie. They were being quiet, since my parents were still asleep. I didn't miss the way his eyes swept the room and landed on the windows, which I had locked. 
"Merry Christmas Bucky! Merry Christmas Stevie!" I sang, before holding out my bag, "Donut?" 
"We'll let you enjoy those." Steve chuckled, leaning over to kiss my forehead, "Merry Christmas Princess." 
"You know it snowed?" Bucky asked. 
"It did!" I exclaimed. It had been a few years since we'd had a white Christmas. 
"Not a lot." Steve shrugged, "But enough to constitute as a 'White Christmas'." 
"You love Christmas, don't you?" Bucky asked with a grin. 
"I do!" I was going to elaborate, going into my love of the religion as well as the holiday, but I managed to hold my tongue to keep the mood light and happy. 
Steve chuckled, sliding onto my bed behind me to wrap his arms around me. Bucky sat at the foot of my bed, slightly out of reach. I tried not to react to the fact that he was so far away, but it was hard, a flicker of sadness crossing my face. 
"Sorry Doll." Bucky whispered, gently reaching out and touching my blanketed feet. 
"No, it's okay. I get it." I murmured softly, before shoving one of the donuts in my mouth. I hummed happily as the sugary, cinnamony goodness filled my mouth. "So good." I mumbled out. 
"Don't talk with your mouth full sweetheart." Steve whispered, voice husky and deep in my ear. "It's bad manners." 
I almost choked on my donut, swallowing it down roughly. "Yes sir." I replied meekly. 
"Good girl." He practically purred it, voice dripping with seduction now. 
Bucky was smiling behind his hand, incredibly amused. 
We left my bedroom after a few more minutes, heading downstairs and lounging together on the couch. I liked this a lot better anyways since it meant Bucky was pressed up with us too. I felt safe and warm in my boyfriends' arms as we laid there, watching the TV run random shows before the parade. 
The Christmas tree stood in the corner, many brightly wrapped presents under the tree. Each one was wrapped neatly, so I wouldn't have been surprised if my dads' presents were wrapped by my mother too. 
"Do you guys know if Clementine and Sam are alright?" I asked, suddenly aware that HYDRA could have easily gone after them at the same time as us. 
"We talked to Sam and the others last night after you went to bed." Steve murmured softly. "They weren't bothered." 
"Okay good." I mumbled. 
After an hour or so, there were footsteps on the stairs, so we sat up and sat far more respectably on the couch. Bucky simply placed a hand on my thigh, Steve put an arm around my shoulders. My father came into the living room, muttered a 'good morning', and continued to the kitchen to make himself a coffee. 
"Elizabeth, make sure you get dressed before your mom is up." My dad said as he came back with his coffee. At first I thought he was simply disapproving of me being in my pajamas, until he added, "We're going over to the Greenleafs' for Christmas brunch." 
I tensed and both of the soldiers tensed with me. "I thought we wouldn't be doing that anymore?" 
My dad looked annoyed, though I knew it wasn't at me. He didn't like Donavan anymore than me or Steve or Bucky. But my mom wanted to keep peaceful relations between the families. My parents liked their parents and I liked Clementine. Donavan was just a thorn in the side we'd have to deal with. 
"It's Christmas Elizabeth." My dad sighed and then sat down at the dining room table so that he could watch Stranger Things on the laptop while he drank his coffee. 
"We should be fine." Steve murmured under his breath to me. "Donavan isn't going to do anything without Rumlow there. Not to mention we'll be there along with Sam, Rhodey, and Heimdall." 
"Rhodey and Heimdall are here too, why?" I asked in confusion. 
"You don't know?" Bucky asked, surprised. 
"Know what?" I asked back. 
"Clem is dating all three of them." Steve answered, looking just as surprised as Bucky that I didn't know this information. 
"What?!" I asked, shocked. "No I didn't know!" 
At first, I just tried wrapping my mind around the fact that Clementine was dating three guys. But then, hurt settled in. Why hadn't she told me? It wasn't like I would've disapproved, right? I was in a multi-person relationship myself. 
I went quiet and they left me alone for the time being while the parade started and ended. The dog show came on afterwards, and though I had always enjoyed watching it, I knew that brunch would be starting in an hour. I got up to go upstairs and get dressed. 
I decided to wear something different. I wasn't sure if my mother would approve- she was a stickler for proper dressing- but it was something that I knew Steve and Bucky would enjoy immensely. 
I had a bit of a difficulty putting it on, but when I was finally done and looking at myself in the mirror, I wasn't sure that I could look any prettier than I did now. I curled my brown hair over and over to get it to look just right and then slipped on some matching heeled boots before I slowly walked down the stairs, coming into the living room again. 
"How do I look?" I asked hesitantly. 
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"Pretty, where'd you get that." My dad complimented, looking up from the laptop. Meanwhile, both soldiers turned to look at me, before they both dropped their mouths. 
"They have a small vintage shop. It's kind've hidden away but I mixed and matched some things. You think mom will like it? She didn't like some of the other vintage dresses I had wanted a few years ago." I said. 
"You look beautiful Princess." Steve breathed out before my Dad could answer my question. Bucky was so stunned that he didn't even say anything, just standing up and kissing me on the cheek. He murmured something hot sounding in Russian that I didn't understand at all, but I'm sure it was a compliment. 
"You look beautiful, your mom probably won't say anything." My dad said. 
By the time my brothers and mother were up and ready, Bucky and Steve had recovered from their shock and they held my hand on either side as we headed to Clementines' parents house. My mom kept shooting me furtive glances, probably worried about what the neighbors would think about me courting two men at the same time. 
I knew however she'd been in for a big shock realizing that Clementine had three guys. . . yeah I was still angry about that. 
"Hi, come in, come in." Mrs. Greenleaf welcomed us in. I hugged her back tightly, though I always felt a little awkward since she had been the most disappointed about mine and Donavan's' arranged marriage being broken off. Of course, she'd also been in agreement with the other three parents, but still. 
"Ah! And you two must be Elizabeth's boyfriends!" 
"Um, yes ma'am." Steve said politely. "I'm Steve Rogers." 
"James Barnes, ma'am." Bucky said. 
"Ah, they're all so polite. Clementine's boyfriends are like them too." Mrs. Greenleaf said to my mom as the two women headed to the kitchen. 
"Boyfriends?" I heard my mom question. 
"Hey Paul!" Mr. Greenleaf greeted my father, the two of them, shaking hands. "Come on into the living room! Everyone else is waiting in there!" 
I headed into the living room, but Steve, Bucky, my father, and I all stopped dead when we saw that Rumlow was sitting on the couch next to Donavan as they played a shooting game on the TV. 
Bucky immediately put me behind him and my father clenched his jaw. 
Sam, Heimdall, and Rhodey were in the room too. I could tell that both Sam and Rhodey were tense, but Heimdall seemed calm. 
"Alright you two, you should go see if your mom needs help setting the table Donavan." 
"Sure dad." Donavan said, putting the controller down. 
I noticed now that Rumlow had done something to his face. And I didn't mean the shooting he got last night. No, he had done something to make himself. . . look younger? I remembered now how Bucky had questioned me about Rumlows' age when I'd first told him about him. How they'd been surprised I'd dated him when I was 16 because they'd thought he was in his thirties. 
I'd found that ridiculous until now. He had made himself look younger somehow. Makeup? Surgery? I wasn't sure. But last night he had looked older and rugged. Now, he had the same, twenty-fiveish look that Donavan had. 
I shuddered because that meant he was a complete pervert. There hadn't been a five year gap between us! It had been more than fifteen!
"What the hell are you doing here?" My father was the one to break the tense silence. 
"Hey, no hard feelings!" Mr. Greenleaf chuckled warmly. "I know the breakup between him and your daughter was a little messy but Donavan invited him and hey! Looks like your daughter has moved on anyways!" 
God, Mr. Greenleaf really thought that that was what my dad was hung up about. 
"Alright I'm going to go check on the women and I'll be right back." Mr. Greenleaf said, heading for the kitchen. 
My brothers were still in the room and my dad ordered them to go help out in the kitchen too. 
"Okay I'm going to ask one more time, what are you doing here?" My father asked. 
"Well," Rumlow got up off the couch. "Haven't you guessed it yet? I thought it was obvious. I was invited to brunch." 
"I shot you." My father said. "Several times." 
"Well nothing a little super solider serum can't help with, right Rogers." Rumlow shot out. Steve clenched his jaw tighter. "Now calm down, relax, it's not like you're going to cause a scene in front of Clementines' family, are you? I don't think you'd want them to know the Avengers secret identities. I don't know if they'd be as good as you at keeping their mouths shut." Rumlow looked straight at my dad. 
There was dead silence in the room now. 
"Oh, how's your neighbor? Jan?" Rumlow asked with a grin. I clenched my fists, wanting to hit him badly. "I sure hope he's okay after last night." 
"I'll go check on him." Steve said immediately. 
"No need." Heimdall had calmly. "He's quite fine. An attack has been planned on him, which will happen in ten minutes. He will be fine, no harm will come to him. Please, Rogers, you should stay here." 
Steve didn't argue after that, taking me from Bucky to wrap his arms around me tightly. 
I heard footsteps on the stairs and craned my neck to see Clementine coming down the stairs. She was wearing a red Christmas dress and looked quite beautiful. She smiled at me, before coming into the room, pausing when she noticed the tension. 
Donavan chose that moment to come into the room with dishes, putting them down on the table. "Hey sis! You look beautiful!" 
I cringed at that and Steve rubbed my arm soothingly. 
"Thanks." Clementine muttered, taking Sams' hand quickly who has a muscle going through his cheek. Rhodey shot her brother a side glance but Heimdall still seemed calmed. I supposed that meant this was going to go well. 
"Come on, let's go sit down." I murmured to Steve and Bucky, taking their hands. A chill went through me as I passed by Rumlow. We sat on the same side of the table, the two soldiers putting me between them. Heimdall, Sam, Rhodey, Clementine, and my father followed suit. I noticed that there was no way for Rumlow or Donavan to sit anywhere near me or Clementine and I was grateful. 
It was one of the first brunches that I had attended where my mother barely spoke. She seemed extremely put out about something and I had my suspicions that it was because of the ease of which Clementines' parents had accepted her three suitors whereas my father and mother had not. But it was only a guess. 
My father couldn't unclench his jaw at all, his eyes on Rumlow the entire time. Everyone else who didn't know what was going on simply assumed it was because of mine and Rumlows' past relationship, which still made my skin crawl thinking about it. 
The men however, had a much easier time shifting focus. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Heimdall, and James were easy conversationists who talked to both of my brothers, along with Clementines' parents with ease. However, I didn't think it went unnoticed by anyone that they all refused to acknowledge Donavan or Rumlow. 
I mostly just focused on eating my brunch and answering Mrs. Greenleaf's questions about college. The brunch was, as always, delicious. Thick fluffy pancakes with maple syrup, fluffy eggs, juicy sausages, fatty bacon (my personal favorite although I think she always cooked the others bacon a little more), and small pastry cakes of various flavors. 
As we finished eating, the snow was coming down harder outside. We said our good-byes and hugs (I thought Bucky was going to crush the door handle when Donavan pulled me into a hug), and then we were on our way. 
My mom said she was tired and went upstairs to take a nap when we got home while my dad went on over to Jans' house to check in on him. My brothers took advantage of our mother sleeping, heading into the office and shutting the door to play video games. 
I sighed, not sure what to do with myself. 
In the end, Steve ended up convincing me to pull some board games out of our closet and we sat around and played them for the rest of the day. 
At Christmas dinner, my dad toasted Steve and Bucky and even let Steve cut the pumpkin pie for dessert, which was usually my dad's job as the head of the house. It was like he was passing the mantle onto Steve or something, but I was glad for the gesture. It meant my parents were on their way to accepting them more and more. 
Steve and Bucky came upstairs to say goodnight to me. I could tell they were both worried about leaving me in the room by myself, but there was no chance for them to stay as we all heard my mom coming up the stairs and they quickly kissed my forehead and left, saying good night pleasantries to my mom as they headed down the stairs. 
A few days later, we were back at Kings Island for Winterfest. My boys really had a way of getting all of the horrible things that had happened off of my mind. We ice skated on the fountain, we got apple cider and gingerbread cookies, we went on all of the available rides (Bucky got a perfect score on boo blaster), and grabbed more delicious fudge from the candy shop. 
"You know," Bucky said as we all held hands, walking under the replica of the Eiffel Tower. It was all lit up for Christmas, changing between a red and green theme, or a greenscreen of snowflakes floating down it. "This won't be the first time we go to Paris." 
Steve snorted. "This isn't anywhere close to Paris jerk." 
"It's close enough." Bucky retorted. 
I laughed at their banter, sticking another piece of fudge in my mouth. 
"Hey Princess." Steve said softly, stepping in front of me. 
"Yeah Stevie?" I asked, looking up at the gorgeous blond. 
"Buck and I were wondering. . . if you would marry us?" He asked softly, pulling the box out of his pocket and showing me the ring. It was gorgeous and obviously expensive since it had two diamonds on it. 
"Oh." I gasped, eyes flicking right back up to his. 
"I- I mean we would have gotten on our knee to ask, I swear, but I thought it would drawn unwanted attention to us." Steve admitted. 
"I'll still get on my knees for you if you want though doll." Bucky said sincerely, although he smirked at the same time. 
"Jerk!" Steve groaned while I laughed. 
I reached out and grabbed the back of Steves' hand. "Yes, I would love to be yours." 
Steve grinned, taking the ring from the box, before handing it to Bucky, who slid it onto my left hand. 
"Looks beautiful." Bucky said and then joked, "I think we went over our twenty dollar limit though punk." 
Steve chuckled. "Yes we did." 
I huffed, "That just means you're not allowed to buy me anything for the next several holidays." 
Bucky snorted, "Uh huh, yeah you're going to be our wife. You should be ready to expect showers of gifts." 
I huffed again, "Well fine, but you better stick to the twenty dollar limit next time around." 
"Sure Princess, sure." Steve said amicably, although I knew he was completely bullshitting me.
We stayed at the park for the entire day. We made funnel cakes and dipped them in powered sugar and hot chocolate sauce. I really felt like they were trying to fatten me up or something with the amount of food we always got when we were out. 
I got them to step inside and eat skyline (okay so maybe the fattening up road went two ways) and we got what were called 'threeways'. Basically it was spaghetti with chili and cheese. It was very good and the boys enjoyed them immensely. 
 "How do you think my parents are going to take the news?" I asked as we watched the fireworks go off around seven. 
"Well your dad is the one that gave us permission so he'll probably be expectant." Steve said nonchalantly, his arm wrapped around me on one side. Bucky sat on my other side, holding my hand discretely. 
"He did?" I asked, just a little bit surprised. 
"Well, I asked him and he said he'd think about it. And then after the Rumlow incident he said yes, if you remember." 
Ah, so that had been what he was talking about. I supposed in hindsight, I was stupid not to realize what he'd meant. 
"Your mom on the other hand is a coin toss." Steve sighed, looking up at the firework finale as they started to shoot off so loudly, a small baby near us started to cry. 
"I want a baby." I mumbled to myself, hugging my arms across my chest. I hadn't really intended for them to either hear that, nor to say it out loud, but since it was out now, I just stayed quiet, watching the mother put her hand gently over the infants ear, holding him tightly to her chest. My heart longed for that. 
"You do?" Bucky asked, looking over at me. I twisted my new ring awkwardly on my hand. People started to file past us, eager to get to their cars now in hopes to beat the traffic and turn the heat up. 
I looked between the two soldiers, who were both looking at me expectantly for my answer. We had never had a conversation about kids, although there had been vague comments. I was fairly certain they both wanted children, but now I couldn't decipher Bucky's tone and my anxiety started to eat me up from the inside. 
"Yes." I whispered softly, but then decided not to be apologetic about it. A relationship wouldn't work if there wasn't clear goals from each other. Honesty about our wants and needs. "I would- I mean I want a lot of children." 
"How many?" Steve asked. 
I shrugged, "As many as God gives us." Then I winced, putting my finger to my lips in regret. My other hand touched the cross I was still wearing under my shirt, my thoughts immediately rolling over into whether I had just cursed us into having no children. 
"I have to ask, Elizabeth, because we're super soldiers." Steve said slowly. "And we don't know what that means for a child." 
"Or for you." Bucky added. "If carrying the baby will hurt you." 
"On top of that, we're. . . well our super soldier serum will make it so that. . . I mean-" Steve struggled to explain it in a comfortable way. "Let's just say we're going to have babies much easier than other people. So if you don't want a lot of kids, we need to make sure to control our releases. . . contraception's don't work for keeping us out." His cheeks were bright pink. 
"I don't care." I shrugged, "About any of it. If we have twenty kids, we have twenty kids. If we have five, we have five. And if we only have one, we have one. But I also don't want to have more kids than you two are comfortable with." 
"We've both wanted a lot of kids." Bucky smiled at the sky, his hands sliding into his pockets. "But when we were back in our time, neither of us figured we could raise more than two. But now, we've got more money than we know what to do with, and a bigger house than we ever needed. I would love to expand our family." 
"As many kids as God grants us." Steve whispered to me, his eyes serious and understanding. He kissed the back of my hand before standing and I got to my feet as well, "Ready to go home Princess?" 
I stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, pecking Bucky on the cheek. "Let's go home." 
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Kids... if you are going into a place that you suspect at least that your friends might "encounter death", wouldn't it be good to have someone with you that is willing to do the same? Like I dunno, that Janitor of yours that mop people to death?
Carla took a deep breath. She knew what she had to say. She knew how her victim would react. She knew, logically, that everything was going to go well.
She also knew she was dealing with an unstable cyborg who might or might not be aware of her robotic state.
"Hey, Penny!" she called, jogging over to the oak tree in the schoolyard.
Penny turned, smile far more natural than usual. "Hello, Carla! How are you today?"
"Yes, yes, fine, thanks," Carla rushed. "Listen, I need your help."
"My help?" Penny touched a hand to her mouth. "Whatever seems to be the problem? Are any children misbehaving?"
"No - but children are missing. They might potentially be dead." Carla inhaled. Now. This is where things could go wrong. "Ted came to me with information about where Ozzy, Maddison, and Felix are. At..." She looked about. Stevie was squinting at them. Sighing, she leaned in, and whispered, "at Freddy Fazbear's. He thinks the robots took them."
"Oh, no!" said Penny, her other hand flying up to her mouth as well. "How terrible! What do we do?"
Oh, bless. Penny was on board. Carla shifted, looking at those eyes that were far too blue and yet sometimes looked almost neon green. How lifelike they were - how un-human they seemed. The tiny pinpricks of red light set in the centre of her pupils.
"I need your help," Carla said, and it was the truth. "I can't do this without you."
"Monty. I need you to read this." I handed him the note from Lily.
He raised an eyebrow. "I'll do it for a - "
"I know what it says," I hissed, glancing around for any potential eavesdroppers in the cafeteria. "I need you to know what it says, too!"
"Fine, whatever." He bent his head over the paper. When he looked up again, he was frowning. "What do we do about it?"
The little I had learned about Monty had made me turn to him in my look for assistance. When in danger himself, he was quick to retreat, unless he thought he was stronger than his opponent. It's that 'unless' that was so important. He usually was stronger. And Monty had no qualms about hurting those he thought deserved it.
"We check it out ourselves," I muttered. "Potentially... take care of... whoever did this."
Monty nodded thoughtfully.
Someone cleared their throat. "Nugget could not help but overhear," said Nugget, sliding across the table to lean close to us. "And Nugget is coming with the other conspirators."
I looked up at him, noting his tired expression and his dulled, green eyes. They'd sparkled and shone when I met him first. Now, that Lily was gone, they were faded and dark.
Nugget could be absolutely ruthless. 'Qualms' wasn't in his vocabulary.
"Very well," I said. "You're in."
(Carla brought Penny along because she knows she can shoot fucking lasers from her eyeballs. Jay brought Monty because he’s cold and calculated (unless he’s terrified), and allowed Nugget along because Nugget is, well, Nugget.)
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