#sammy wilk imagines
lushbarb · 1 year
y/n & j | hurt.
6 months postpartum
- the day -
It was about 6 PM when he came home and I told him I needed to speak with him.
Are you okay?” He asked me.
“Yes” I tell him, knowing I’m not. My stomach is turning, my face is hot and I don’t know how to tell my husband that I know he is having an affair and I am about to leave him.
I don’t want to. At all. I love this man with everything in me. We have been through different stages of life together, watched each-other become parents, started our careers, and there’s not a day since we met that we’ve spent apart. He’s my world. My child’s father. My best friend and I can’t remember life without him. How can I leave him?
But also, how could he step out on me? On us? How could he look another woman in the eye knowing it’s not me and tell her things that only he should tell me and treat her a way he should only treat me. He made a commitment for the rest of his life to me, to us.
I can’t even think about looking at another man, let alone sleeping with one. The thought of hurting my husband makes me want to throw up.
My thoughts are interrupted by our son waking up so I bury my feelings and my thoughts because I have to be okay, I can’t let my kid see me not okay, isn’t that what being a mother is all about?
We sit on the couch and I ask my husband to join me.
My face is so hot and my stomach is doing backflips and I just want to cry looking at this man. I love him so much, how could he do this to me? But do I even want to know?
“Did you cheat on me?” I just flat out say it. What’s the point of wasting time? If I look at him any longer I’ll keep remembering how much I love him and then I’ll just give in, I know I will.
He looked shocked that I just asked like that, then he stared at me in my eyes for about 1 minute and immediately put his head down.
My heart sank. I let out a small sigh, looked down at my kid and there was the tears. I knew. He told me all I needed to know without saying a single wrong.
I had so much I wanted to say but did he deserve for me to say anything? 10 years of marriage so I felt that I deserved to speak and I needed an explanation but I didn’t want to think about it anymore. I didn’t want to think about my husband with another woman. Kissing, touching, being intimate with another woman that’s not me, his wife.
My eyes felt so low but I still looked up at him. He locked eyes with me and suddenly I saw a different person, I didn’t know him.
“I love you” he said to me, his voice choking up.
Why does it hurt me to see him hurting and upset? But I don’t know why, He hurt me. He betrayed me.
“I have so much to say and even though I don’t think I should be doing the talking, I also don’t want to hear you explain it to me because that will hurt me even more” I say. I wanted to ask you do you love me? Did our family mean anything to you? How could you ever look at someone the way you are only supposed to look at me and then come home to me? I wanted to ask that but I know you will tell me that you love me, our family means everything to you and that the affair was nothing to you and that it will never happen again but I know that it is not the truth because If it was you would never be able to do this to me” I tell him while crying. I didn’t want to cry but how could I not?
“I love you” he repeats while looking at me. “I’m sorry, I never wanted this for our son, we always said together forever and that he would see that.”
“His dad stepped out.” I bluntly say.
He wipes his face. There goes the tears. Now I’m getting angry, how are you crying when you broke our family apart?
I look at him and I can tell he is about to say something.
“You will always be the woman that was made for me. You gave me my son, a family and a new life. Some men dream about having the life I have, some men would kill for it and I took it for granted. I knew what I was doing and I didn’t stop it, I knew my family was at home and I continued it and I knew it would hurt you and a part of me didn’t care but also knew I would lose my family so I tried to hide it. “ he says.
Ouch. It hurts so bad to hear him say this but I also know it’s the truth.
“ Thank you for your honesty. I just don’t understand” I reply. We were fine one day. What did I do? What changed?
“Don-“ he tried to speak.
“What did I do to make you fall out of love with me? To make you not care about us? It’s not just me you should’ve thought about. We brought a child into this world and you should’ve thought about him, you didn’t think about him!” I cried.
“Stop blaming yourself.” He tried to move closer to me but I put a hand up to stop him.
“No. Don’t do that. You’re wrong.” I say.
He moves back to his original spot on the couch.
“Are you leaving?” He asks me. “Taking him with you?”
I look down at my son and my heart hurt. He doesn’t deserve this. He deserves for us to be a happy family and I can’t even look at my husband because I never wanted this, I don’t want our family to not be together every day but I can’t stay here, it won’t be the same.
“Yes” I tell him softly. “You know I don’t want you to feel like I am taking him from you.”
“You are, I don’t want to be without him or you.” He sits up.
“I have no choice. We talked about this before and we had a solution we both agreed on so it is not my fault you forgot about that when you decided you didn’t care to keep your family anymore.” I sharply tell him.
“Stay.” he tells me.
“I love you.” He puts his head in his hands. “I love you.” He repeats with his head down.
“You want to take my kid and figure it out but I don’t want to be without you.”
“Stop.” I say.
“You’re begging me to stay after you cheated on me. You’re selfish. You are still not thinking about me or our son. You were here but not here. You didn’t treat us like you loved us or wanted a family but here you are acting like you are going to miss us so bad and we aren’t even gone yet. It’s not easy for me to leave, it’s so fucking hard to look you in the eye, tell you we’re leaving and come to terms with it because I was present, I always thought about you and our kid. I don’t care for your apology because you haven’t said much about you cheating, just begging me to stay. Stop.” I say to him.
“How did you find out?” He asked me softly.
“I always knew.” I tell him. “I always knew because I was always alone, slept alone, woke up alone, watched our son grow alone, and ate dinner alone. I shouldn’t be alone if I have a husband so where is my husband? I knew right away. For the sake of our family, I always wanted to get it out of my head but the signs were all there.”
“I’m sorry for hurting you and I’m sorry I am the reason we are like this.” He tells me.
“Tell that to him.” I say to him as I stand up with our son and head to the bedroom.
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realisticsigns · 4 years
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callousedcalum · 9 years
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Text Au-(requested) 'Is the offer still up?'
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sextingwilk · 8 years
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AU: Sammy and you started off just with innocent flirting, until you became a thing. The only people knowing bieng your closest friends..
(sorry this post took so long, i used a different site to make the gifs)
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gilinskys-wifey · 5 years
        * this means a new imagine (from 2019) all others are really old (which means I was really young when I wrote them so they’re not really good)
Shawn Mendes imagine:
Can’t look at you *
I would never hit a girl *
Skate Maloley imagines:
Meet&greet (pt.2)
Jack Gilinsky imagines:
Two can play that game
The Omaha squad made me do it -SMUT
Matt Espinosa imagines:
Christmas love (kind of smut)
~Dillon Rupp imagines:
I Love You
Kenny Holland imagines:
Picture Perfect
Taylor Caniff imagines:
Love in the Back Seat of the Car
~Jack Gilinsky imagine: DON’T TRUST MAGAZINES
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
~Sam Wilkinson and Jack Gilinsky fanfiction: MESSED UP LOVE:
Part 1
Part 2
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Can We Still Be Friends?
Hii! So good to see u hereeeeeeee! Can u write about sammy and y/n being friends, but she fall in love with him but he doesn’t like her in that way, for him they are just friends. please do something very dramatic hahaha I love it! anyways, you are a fucking great writer💗
(Y/N pov)
“Hahaha I’m going higherrrrrr” I say as my swing continues to “beat” Sammy’s in height inch by inch the faster I go.
“I’m gonna catch up to you, just watch!!” He exclaims, pushing himself harder and harder to reach me.
I look to my side to see Sammy so concentrated on swinging, it’s 1am and we decided to go to the local park and just swing.
His eyebrows furrowed, the street light shining on his face giving me a perfect view of his sparkling brown eyes, his brown locks flowing in the wind. He looked perfect. Just then my thoughts were interrupted
“Y/N did you hear me?” He asks
“Uh, no what did you say?” I replied nervously
“Sheesh quit staring at me, if you keep doing that I’ll be convinced you’re in love with me hahaha I said JUMP ON 3” he says
Little does he know...
“Haha okay” I play it off
“Ready? ONE-TWO-THREE!” We yell in unison
Just then we both go flying off the swings, soon enough gravity drags us down to the ground.
We both start hysterically laughing once we hit the ground, the playgrounds wood chips immediately grasping onto our clothes
Once the laughter dies out we both stand up and brush the wood chips off of ourselves
“That was ahhaha so much fun” Sammy states
“It sure was” I reply chuckling a bit
“Alright lets get back to the car before the cops pull up and think we’re doing something illegal” he says
I smile and nod as we start walking to his car. We get in the car and buckle our seat belts. Sammy starts up the car and turns on the radio. We stay silent for a little bit until I decide to speak up
“Hey.. um Sammy?” I say twiddling with my fingers
“What’s up?” He asks not talking his eyes off the road
“What you said back there on the swings...” I start “it’s true” I finish
“What that I got higher than you? Oh I know I did you can’t swing for your li-“ he starts but I cut him off
“No not that, when you said I was in love with you” I reply
“Y/N you know that was a joke hahaha” he laughs
“No, um.. it’s true, I am in love with you” I say looking at him.
He takes a right turn, recognizing the area I notice he’s on his way to drop me off at my house. He takes a quick glance at me to see my staring back at him, he then focuses back on the road and says
“Y/N I love you too, you’re my best friend”
“No Sammy, I’m IN love with you” I say
“Y/N what do you mean?” He asks
I then reply “Sammy, we’ve been best friends for years and, I don’t know if it’s just me but it’s like every day I become more and more attracted to you. You’re like everything I’ve ever wanted. And I feel like all my relationships don’t work out because I’m getting with all the wrong guys. Because the best one has been right here next to-“ he then cuts me off and says
“Y/N you know I love you and all but-“ he pauses as he pulls in my driveway and parks the car. I hadn’t even noticed we made it to my house.
He then continues “I love you and all but you’re my best friend and I don’t see you in any other way besides that, don’t get me wrong you’re gorgeous and you have one of the best personalities I’ve ever come across but...” he stops and looks at me “I’m sorry I just don’t love you in that way”
I start to feel tears filling up my eyes, I look down so he doesn’t notice. Once the water soaks back into my eyes failing to fall out I look back up at him.
“You haven’t felt anything? Not even a little bit?” I ask placing my hand on his bicep
He removes my hand slowly and says “Y/N...” I cut him off before he can finish
“No Sammy it’s fine, I’m so stupid for thinking this would work out” I state unbuckling my seat belt.
“Y/N you’re not stupid, I’m sorr-“ he starts
“No Sammy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for wasting your time” I say opening the car door, hopping out and closing it behind me. I start to rapidly walk towards my front door, I hear the other car door open and close.
“Y/N please wait” Sammy yells.
I start to hear the pitter patter of jogging as I reach into my purse rummaging for my keys. Sammy then catches up to me and grabs my shoulder turning me around.
“Y/N I don’t want you to be mad at me” he says looking at me, I guess it was then when he noticed the tears finally falling down my face. He wipes one away and an apologetic look flashes over his face. I gently push him away from me and say
“I’m not mad at you Sam, I’m mad at myself for thinking that you’d love me back”
“But Y/N I DO love you!! I just don’t think-“ he starts
“Save it Sam, I know all the rejection tactics in the book. Just please stop you’re making it worse.” I say
He backs up a bit and doesn’t say a word.
I then turn around and put the key in the door, I open the door and start to walk in.
Before I get the chance to close it behind me Sammy says
Not even looking up at him I say
“What Sammy?”
“Can we still be friends?” He asks
I then look up at him shaking my head, tears falling down my face. I slam the door and run to the couch throwing myself into it as I start to cry hysterically.
I hear vigorous knocks at my door, after about a minute they stop. I then stand up and walk over to the window that gives me a perfect view of the driveway. I look out the window to see Sammy walking back to his car. Once he reaches the door he looks back at the house. For a split second I thought he saw me.
Until I see him quickly wipe his eyes and open the car door. He hops in. The car lights flash on as he starts to back up out of the drive way. He then drives off into the distance.
I leave the window and walk back over to the couch.
I take my phone out of my back pocket and unlock it. I open up the ‘Contacts’ app. I scroll down a bit until I come across the name ‘BEST FRIENDDDDD WILKYY❤️❤️’.
I then click edit contact and change the name to ‘Sammy Wilkinson’. I lock my phone and set it down on the table.
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gilinksy-johnsonn · 7 years
Cheater. (Sammy Wilk/ Sk8 Smut)
This was a request from an anonymous sender. I hope you enjoy and it’s what you wanted! Go on and keep sending me some ideas to write for you guys. 🌸💗
2:00 a.m the clock read. I was sitting on the couch in the living room of mine and my boyfriend Sammy Wilks shared home. I had been watching Netflix, staying up waiting for Sam. It was getting late and I had to work the next morning. I wanted to wait for Sam to get home but I was getting extremely tired and tomorrow was going to be busy at work. I turned off the T.V and headed to bed.
I woke up a few hours later and still no Sammy. I didn’t think anything of it because he’s done stuff like this before. I checked my phone and nothing from him either. I locked my screen letting out a sigh and rolled my eyes.
I got out of bed, took a shower and continued to get ready for work. As I was driving to work my favorite song came on and it reminded me of Sammy. I sat there on the way to work just thinking of him and I. How great our relationship was and how lucky I was. My thoughts were broken when I was Starbucks, of course I had to stop and get some.
I arrived to work, and immediately it was so busy due to the huge event we had going on.
Skip to after work
I got into my car, checked my phone and still nothing from Sam. I did have a text from Nate asking if I wanted to hang out later. I didn’t reply because I was hoping Sam would be home and him and I could hangout.
When I got home I had a weird feeling the minute I walked in. I then heard a laugh coming from our room. I put my stuff down, I smile because I new he was home and I ran to the room. I was immediately stopped by what I saw. I saw Sam and Stass, in my bed. The bed where Sam and I made love many times, the bed I slept in every night, the bed you shared with someone who you thought you loved.
I stood at the door, arms crossed watching them.
“Mhmm” I said clearing my throat.
“Shit, Y/N I didn’t know you were coming home so soon.” Sam said
“Oh I’m sorry I came to our home, should I have rang the doorbell?” I said angrily pointing behind me
Stass remained staring at me.
“I’m surprised you have nothing to say now because you had a lot to say before you saw me.” I said
“I would say I can’t believe you did this but then who would I be fooling, I new it was coming eventually.”
Tears started forming in my eyes and I rolled my eyes let a sigh come out of my mouth and I grabbed my stuff and started heading to the door.
“Y/N wait!” Sam said.
“What Sam, I want nothing to do with you. God you’re so good, so good. Just when I thought I could start trusting you again and believing that you loved me you turned around and did this.”
“Y/…” Sam tries saying before I cut him off.
“We’re done. You chose your side. I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow.” I said walking out of our home.
I got into my car and I call Nate immediately, he was one of the boys I trusted the most. I called him for everything, he was my first go-to
“Hello” Nate said
“Hey.” I said sniffling on the phone
“Hey Y/N you good?” He said
“can I come over?” I said
“Yes absolutely, come.” He said
“Okay, see you soon.” I said hanging up the phone.
I drove to Nate’s house, tears were just falling uncontrollably. I don’t know why I was so hurt. I knew he was a playboy type but after investing two years of my time and supporting him in everything he does and being alone, him making me believe he loved me. It hurt.
I got to Nate’s house and I knocked on the door.
“He… y/n what’s wrong?” He said noticing my teary eyes.
“I caught him… I caught sam cheating.” I said crying
He gave me a hug and brought me inside. Him and I sat on the couch and just talked we talked about the situation, we talked about what I should do about it, we talked about his music, my work, his touring. We realized it was hitting 11:00 pm when we finished talking.
“You can stay here if you want Y/N” He said
“Can I really? I asked smiling
“Of course”
He stood up let out his hand for me to grab it and led us to his room. He opened his drawers and gave me a pair of sweatpants and grabbed me a shirt from his closet.
“Thanks” I said
He smiled and kissed the top of my forehead.
I started to change and he turned around and said “oh, I’m sorry.”
“No it’s fine, I’m comfortable around you.” I said
He walked up towards me and leaned his forehead and ran his hands down my sides.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said
Our lips and bodies were very close he turned me around and leaned me against the cold wall, goose bumps were all over my body
“Kiss me.” You said
He kissed me so passionately, I knew it was wrong becquse Sammy and I technically didn’t break up but the way his sweatpants hung on his waist and his shirtless body just looked amazing at the moment. The way his tattoos and his jawline perfectly looked. I couldn’t help myself.
He picked me up and laid us on the bed and slowly pulled off my sweatpants. We went from kissing to him kissing me slowly down my body. He kissed from my neck to my belly bottom around to my thighs and soon my hot spot. The way he passionaly moved his tongue made me want him even more. He moved himself by slowly kissing my thighs and moving back to my neck. He slowly slid himself into me and we grinded our bodies slowly. Everything about what we were doing was wrong but felt so right. We were both moaning while kissing, we new we were hitting each others climax as soon as his thrusts sped up.
As we were finishing he kissed me and looked at me and said “you’re beautiful, Sammy is stupid.”
He rolled over next to me and out naked bodies cuddled into each other as the cold air hir our bodies.
“Thank you, Nate.” I said falling asleep.
“Goodnight.” He said.
I woke up the next morning rolled over and looked at Nate sleeping so peacefully. I got out of bed, out on some of his clothes and went down to the kitchen. I pulled out some stuff in his fridge and started to make breakfast. As I was making breakfast my phone buzzed. It was a text from Sammy.
Sam❤️: Can we talk?
Me: what is there to talk about? From what I think it’s nothing.
Sam❤️: y/n I screwed up I know but I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. She meant nothing to me. Where are you I’ll come over.
Me: she obviously meant something by the way you two were kissing and loving it up. Sam just move on and let me live and be me. We both know it was gonna happen sooner or later. I’ll be by to get my stuff. I’m sorry but you chose.
He didn’t respond after and I went on making breakfast. I felt hands snake around my waist was I was making bacon.
“Mm good morning.” Nate said nuzzling his head into my neck while kissing it.
“Good morning.” i said putting my hand on the back of his neck and playing with his hair.
I turned off the stove and turned around and put my arms around his neck, he then kissed me.
“Are you hungry?” I said
“I mean yeah but for something else.” He said grabbing my butt.
“Stop I meant for He delicious breakfast I made.” I said
He grabbed the plates and forks and I took the food to the table. We started to eat when Nate broke the silence.
“Y/n there’s something you should know.” He started
“What’s that?” I said with a nervous feeling in my stomach.
“I uh, well I kinda uhh, like you. Not just like you like a small crush, like every time I see you there’s a feeling in my chest in my stomach that makes me get a good feeling when you’re around. I get if you don’t like me either but I had to tell you since of what happened last night. I’ve been jealous ever since you were with Sam.”
“Nate stop, I like you too. I’m actually glad this happened with me and Sam.”
He smiled and leaned over and kissed me.
“Eat your breakfast.” I said
“Okay.” He said lifting me up and taking me to his, now our room
Hope you guys enjoyed!! Please keep sending ideas. I really want to start writing again. 🌸💗
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ohmylanes · 7 years
and now we got the whole stadium in love💛 i’m backkkk
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indefiniteimagines · 2 years
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Derek Luh
Skate Maloley:
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california-kake · 7 years
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Babe i want food- T.C ~request open for a short time! i'm bored
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xxprincesessxx-blog · 7 years
Y/n - your name O/fav/m - our favorite movie
* Nate’s POV *         I just came home from a working day at the studio and I just wanted to watch Netflix and to cuddle with y/n. I walk through the door to find y/n in one of my t-shirts and in the kitchen making coffee (even if u don’t drink it ). I said , “Hey lil mama”, “Hey Nate” she said. I said “ lil mama I wanna’ go watch Netflix and cuddle because, I had a hard day today at the studio”. Y/n said ,“go pick out a movie and I’ll get the popcorn ready”.
* Y/n’s POV *
I just woke up from my afternoon nap so I came downstairs to get a cup of coffee in the Kurig. While making my coffee , Nate came through the door. He asked ^^ Then I said, “go pick out a movie and I’ll get the popcorn ready”.
* Nate’s POV *
I pick out o/fav/m , so then y/n bring in the popcorn and then the movie starts
* skip the movie ,to lazy *
* Y/n ’s POV *
So then I cuddled ,wrapped my arms around his neck. He felt tense in his shoulders so then I said ,“ you feel like you need a massage”, then He said, “ Yeah I had a hard day today. The you both go up stairs.
* skip massage , lazy again *
* Both POVS *
” y/n I love you “ ” I love you too “
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I might write the next chapter by next week . 😘😘😘😘🙃😆😆                                                                           
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maloleysweekender22 · 7 years
Hello Lovelies!
Call out my name
Private Show*
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Happy Valentine’s Day*
Make Me Cry
Untold Letters
Rough Night*
Consuming Love
Loving You
Silent Treatment*
Do You Love Me?*
Against The Wall*
Secret Admirer
The Promise   2
Summer Nights
Love Can Save It All
I Can’t Stop Drinking About You
Stone Cold
Mr. Maloley*
I’m not her Series (numbers are the parts)
I’m not her
I’m not her
I’m not her
I’m not her
I’m not her
I’m not her
I’m not her
I’m not her
Twitter Posts
Fuck Buddies
Instagram Posts
Nate Spoils You
Secret Love
Shopping w/ Him
Love Me Like You
I Love You Both
Relationship With Nate
Just Best Friends My Ass
She Keeps Me Sane
Never cry for someone who isn’t worth your tears
I’m going to go down you(Nate)*
Your looking in the wrong place for my love(Nate)
Do you like the way I flick tongue or not(Nate)
Let’s talk about this(John “Swazz” Swift)
I hate that I love You(Derek Luh)
Without You*
Late Night Love
One Lie and Two Broken Hearts      The Truth and A Broken Heart(Part 2)
The Ugly Truth about Secrets
Irresistible Illusion      A New Life(Part 2)
The Lovers Cloud*
Leave Me Lonely
Devoted to Him
Birth of Desire* 
Flame of the Night*
When We Collided*
Haunted Love
‘Clinging to the Past’ A Divorce Series *(Uno)  Dos    Tres    Cuatro   Cinco   Seis   Siete
The Only One*
Love & Misadventures
I Need You
Am I Enough?
Heart Breaker
Ella y Yo
Lovers of Bliss
Just for Tonight
The End of Us
Call out my name
Second Choice
Priorities    II    III
Ana Montana
Madison Beer
Carter Reynolds
Shawn Mendes, Kim Seok-jin, Kim Tae-hyung, Harry Styles
Shawn Mendes
One Direction
BTS (All homescreens/lockscreens combined)
Min Yoongi
Kim Tae-hyung
Hyung Line
Maknae Line
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realisticsigns · 5 years
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Party too hard
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wilksbooty · 10 years
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SAMMY WILK IMAGINE// fifty shades of daddy/// "y/n, where are you?" Sammy yells opening up the front door. " I'm the in the kitchen." I yell back. Sammy has been my friend since kindergarten. I don't have any " girl friends." Just sammy, his friends and I. To be honest I'm totally okay just having them. Yeah, okay they're assholes, but they're my assholes. In reality sammy is just my friend but it's not always that way. It started off one day when we got completely shit faced drunk, just the two of us at my house alone. My parents are only home for two weeks out of every month so I tend to get high and waisted quite a bit. Shit happened between sammy and i and ever since that it's kinda been our thing. We promised eachother, no feelings, no emotion, no relationship. Just sex. I'm just scared for the future when I find a boyfriend and I'll have to leave sammy. I really don't know if I'm physically and mentally ready for that day to come. But until that day, sammy is mine, well teachanly speaking not really but you know. I hop up onto the counter while sammy enters the kitchen. I grab a spoon and dip it into the peanut butter that stands beside me. Sammy comes Infront of me between my legs while I lick the peanut butter off of the spoon. " hey" I giggle. Sammy waists no time before counting our lips. Our lips move in sync. I slide my hands up his torso, around his neck and tangle my fingers in his smooth brown hair. I wrap my legs around his torso. He turns his head slightly deepening the kiss. A small involuntary moan ecscspes my mouth. We pull away and look at one another. " mhm someone's horny." " nah just hungry." He giggles. " what do you want to eat?" I ask scooping up more peanut butter and placing it in my mouth. " your pussy" he smirks. I choke on my peanut butter and start laughing. " you could be chocking on my dick but your playing." He says sexually causing me to choke and laugh even more. " your horny." " we already went over this. I'm hungry." He smirks. " mhmm okay" I smirk tilting my head to the side kissing him again. " you really don't know how much of an effect you have on me" I moan into the kiss. " Mhm I do. Hearing you scream my name, that must say something." I giggle and his words and reply simply, " ditto" I wrap my legs tighter around his is waist and move forward on the counter so there's no space between us. I slowly trail kisses off his lips, down his jaw to his neck. I suck on his neck where I know sammy loves the most. He leans his head back giving me for access. I bite on his neck lightly, not causing blood to surface but for a mark to show. " y/n If you keep this up im gonna have to take you right her right now." He moans. I giggle up against his neck and kiss my back to his lips. " you said your hungry so why not " I hum with our lips millimetres apart. As I say that I am looking right at his lips. Fuck I want him. Without giving sammy to respond i smash my lips into his. Sammy quickly moves his large hands to the hem of my shirt and lifts it over my head. I bring my tiny, frigid hands between us and unbutton his khakis. I slide them down and he steps out of them not breaking the kiss. He departs our lips for a second while he rips off his shirt. While he does that I quickly try and attempt to slip my tights off. Finally when we attaches our lips again they are off. I am sitting on the cold counter with nothing but my panties and bra on. Sammy brings his hands to my back and I wrap my legs tighter around his torso. He lifts me up and keeps one hand on my back and places the other one on my bum. He carries us over to my bedroom. He lets go of my back and opens up my bedroom door. He walks us across the bedroom floor and lightly places me on the bed. He climbs on top of me, making his hands support his weight up by my head. He slowly lowers his head down and kisses me. I lace my fingers through his hair and pull him closer to me. Slowly his knees take over the supporting part and he takes his hands underneath my back and unclasps my bra. He slowly lifts its off of my shoulders and throws it's somewhere in the room. He slowly starts kissing down my neck. Once he reaches my neck he slowly tilts his head to the side and starts sucking on the part of my neck where I moan the most. I let out and involuntary moan and close my eyes. He giggles against my neck and slowly stats kissing down my cleveage. One hand is massaging my right boob while he sucks on my left nipple. " fuck sammy." I somehow manage to moan He continues to suck my Nipple. Before he pulls away he slowly bites on my nipple causing a wave of pleasure to run through my body. " ah fuck" I moan, while I start moving around because I just want sammy already. He slowly starts making his way down to my dripping heat. He hooks a a finger inside of my pantie waist band. I guickly come to the realization that he's about to give me what I want first, so as soon as he's about to pull off my panties, i quickly take his hand and detach it from the waist band. He just stars at me in confusion and awe. " sorry babe, I'm in charge." I say while biting my lip and turning us over. He giggles and me and shakes his dead. " not for long." He smirks. " Mhm we'll see about that." I say while i knead my hand ontop of his boxers obviously trying to tease him. I continue to Palm through his boxers. Soon enough there is a bulge forming in his briefs. I slowly trace my finger around his tip that is pocking through the boxers. I slowly bring my hands up to the waist band and pull him boxers down. His bulge soon escapes from the closed in space. I smile at the sight in front of me remembering how big he his. All I can think is how does that thing Fit inside of me. I slowly bring my hand to his length and began to stroke his length. Moans continually escape his mouth, meaning he wants more. I decide to be a good girl tonight for him and do as he pleases. I slowly bring my mouth to his length and lick the tip around and around in a circler motion. " fuck y/n" he grabs my hair into fists as I continue to lick the tip. I slowly push my head forwarded allowing his dick to come within my mouth. His length is to big to fit in my mouth so I take the remaining skin and cup my hands around it. I bob my head up and down. Each bob getting faster and faster. " ah fuck y/n yes." Sammy moans shifting around on the bed. I giggle on his dick causing vibrations to be sent in him. The cause of the vibrations caused sammy to push my head forward causing his tip to hit the back of my throat. I try not to gag but I can feel it coming. He keeps shoving my head father and father so each time my mouth is getting fuller and fuller. I feel his dick twitch in my mouth and not long after sammy lets out a loud moan and his cum squirts into my mouth. I swallow quickly and kiss my way up his stomach, his toned chest, up his neck to his lips. " mhm baby you make me feel so good." He moans. " mhm can you make me feel that good, daddy?" I smirk. Sammy laughs at my choosing of words. " I don't know, let's see." He smirks while flipping us over. " no noises. Make a noise you get punished. Got that?" He smirks. He kisses down my stomach and along the waist band of my paintes. He latches his teeth in between the material of my pale pink panties and slowly pulls them down. He slips them off of my feet, and spreads my legs open. He kisses all the way up my thighs. He slowly starts kissing my inner thighs. I want sammy to work hard to please me so I try and hold back my moans. Fuck, I want to moan and he's hardly started. He starts kissing my dripping heat. The kisses slowly turn into strokes by his tongue. He starts flicking his tongue against my folds. I bite my lip and hard and I can and screw my eyes shut trying to hold back my pleasure. His tongue finds my entrance very fast and quickly slips it in. I grab the sheets that lay beneath me Into fists. He brings his very large finger up to my dripping heat and begins to rub circles with his thumb. Fuck what is the boy trying to do to me? His fingers slowly walk there way down to my entrance. He slips his tongue out and I wince at the lost of his contact and touch. He fiddles his fingers around my entrance for a couple seconds. Then he stops. I just lay there drenching in wetness and craving his touch. Without warning he slips in two fingers. I arch my back off of the bed and wrap my legs around his neck. I am trying so fucking hard not to moan. His fingers dart in and out of me at rapid speeds causing me to get really turned out. He creeps his down down to my heat and begins to lick again while his fingers pleasure me. His tongue and two figures aren't quite enough to make me lose this bet. Suddenly after he sticks another finger in causing me to shatter. " holy fuck sammy no no no oh my god fuck." I scream. All of my cuss words and moans I was building up all flow out. He continues to pleasure me with his three fingers and tongue. Not to long after I hit my high. I come all over him and being the good boy he is he licks up every last bit. My hands are all clammy. My legs are numb and I just want to scream in pleasure even though I've lost contact with sammy. Sammy makes his way make up to my face and kisses me letting me taste myself. I giggle and bite my lip. " you lost." He smirks. " punish me, daddy." I smile. He places each hand beside me head for support. There's really no point because by the end we're gonna be skin to skin. He is about to position himself but then he suddenly rolls out of bed and over to my night sand. He opens up the drawer and pulls out a shiny tiny package. He pulls out the condom and without any trouble slips it on. He turns around to come back onto me but he smirks at me and goes over to the bin beside my night stand. I try and peak to see what he's doing but I can't tell. Shortly after he comes back to the bed holding something behind is back. " what's behind your back?" I question. " you lost." " I know" I say making it obvious that we already talked about this. " you knew what happened if you made any sounds." He smirks " you get punished. And boy oh boy if you thought what I just did to you was hard not screaming have fun when I'm inside of you babe." He smiles He walks over to the bed and drops what was behind his back on my bed. Holy fuck. Scarfs. Really? It's like fifty shades of grey all over again, but with scarfs, not handcuffs. He pick up my hands and ties them to the head board. He separates my legs and ties them to the end of the bed. He climbs on top of me. " rules. No talking or moaning." He smirks. Not even a second later he is already positioned at my entrance. I expect him to go slow at first like every other time but today he went straight to it. No hesitation or nothing.I need time to adjust to his size but he gives me no time. He starts thrusting harder and harder. I bite on my lip as hard as I can and screw my eyes shut. I start moving around because this Pleasure and pain is taking over me. Once sammy notices im moving. His large hands grab onto my hips and pushes them down. " no baby." He whispers. My head starts spinning at the Pleasure. He starts pounding me harder and harder. The sound of our skin hitting together wants me to moans so fucking loudly. Each time cutting closer to my g-spot. His arms began to curve showing he's about to lose his strength. He thrusts so hard into me hitting my g-spot. Without even thinking I scream. My back arches far off of the bed, me head flys back. I feel Sammy's warm juices against me floating in the condom. I keep on scramming and moaning because the pleasure is taking over me. Sammy collapses on top of me. His breathing is unsteady along with mine. " fuck y/n" he moans. He slowly pulls out of me and stands up. He's unsteady at first. He walks over to the garbage and disposes the condom. As he's waking back to the bed he stops and smirks at me. " you look really fucking hot totally naked and all tied up." He laughs. " you tried going all fifty shades of grey on my you little bastard." " well it worked didn't it?" " yes very much so." He walks over to me and starts untying me. After he's down he climbs back into the bed with me. We pull the covers over top of us. I lay my head down on his chest while one arm is wrapped around my neck and my hand circling circles on his toned body. With each of our one spare hand we lace our fingers together. As we lay here in my bedroom, cuddling just keeping each other warm and safe all I can think about is that how am I not suppose to have feelings for this guy. He's given me so much more then my other boyfriends have and he's not even my boyfriend. " y/n?" " sammy?" We both say in sync. " you go fi-" sammy starts. " no yo-" I finish " no what were you gonna say." " what were you gonna say?" " on three lets both say what we were about to say." He says " okay." " one two three." " I love you." He speaks while I say " this feelings thing isn't working." We slowly both turn our head to look at each other. " w-what?" I stutter. " I love you." He says confidently. " Sammy were more then " fuck buddies." " we have always been more then friends or fuck buddies." He whispers. " I love you sammy." " I love you y/n" " it was nice while this fuck buddies lasted but it's time we deepen our relationship baby." " i agree." He pulls me closer to him. " I love my daddy." I say aloud. He kinda pushes me away and stares at me awkwardly. " ugh fuck yes daddy" i moan imitating so he knows I'm talking about him. He giggles and pulls me in even closer. " ah I fucking love you, mommy." He laughs. " ugh no there's no mommy in this. Just daddy." I laugh. " that would be awkward yelling " yes mommy yes" during sex." He smirks. " oh my god sammy. Your so immature." I squeal. " yet you still love me." " Yes." I giggle " goodnight, daddy." I laugh " goodnight mommy." He smirks letting his dimple show. I slap his chest and slowly drift off to sleep being held in Sammy's arms. I hear a faint noise in the background and room is black signalling sammy shut off the light. // WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST MAKE. AH FUCK SAMMYS HOT LIKE PLEASE CAN HE GO ALL FIFTY SHADES OF GREY ON ME. HE COULD CALL IT FIFTY SHADES OF DADDY😂😂😭😭 NOO IM KILLING MYSELF
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nvmwilksides · 9 years
Sammy should let me replace his hand with mine 😏😉
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12. “Don’t be a fuck boy tell her how you feel”
(Sammy's pov) There she is, again. Drink in hand, socializing having the time of her life at this party like always. While I'm over here across the room on the couch of the Jacks house, somewhat alone, blunt in hand, admiring her from a far. Y/N and I are friends, we have been of a little over a year now. The more I hung out with her, the more I started to develop.. feelings. Feelings aren't my thing, she knows that. I'm not really the relationship type but recently she's all I've been thinking about. "You're staring againnn" Gilinsky hums "What? At who?" I lie proceeding to light up and take a puff, the marijuana smoke creating a thick cloud before my eyes "Oh shut up Sammy, how long you've been wantin' Y/N for?" Gilinsky asks as I pass the blunt to him "Pshhh she's not my type" I mutter "Why cuz she's not a hoe?" He asks taking another puff "Nooo" I say "Then why not man? C'mon, don't be a fuck boy tell her how you feel" he says I realize that the worst she could do is turn me down, I decide to stand up and go over to her. "Thataaaa boy Sammy go get her" Gilinsky says I slightly smile as Gilinksy pats me on the back quickly. Now all I gotta do is approach her. (Y/N pov) "Oooo Y/N there's Sammy" my friend Taylor says "So?" I laugh, glancing at the boy over on the couch smoking with Jack G while I take a sip of my drink. "Rumor has it he likes youu, and by rumor I mean all his friends have told us" she says "Rumor has it he likes every girl" I mock her "Oh c'mon go for him, you guys would be so cute" she says "He's a fuck boy Tay, I know Sammy. -Love that boy but he just wants to smash and dash" I confess "Maybe not this timeee" she says taking a sip of her drink nudging me to look over at him. He's now standing up, Gilinksy pats him on the back and he proceeds to walk in what seems my direction. Pushing through the crowd he quickly makes eye contact with me. I look over to see Taylor walking away. I give her a 'wtf' look and she mouths 'you got this' and gives me a thumbs up. Next thing I know, Sammy is standing right in front of me. (Sammy's pov) I'm walking through the crowd in what seems like slow motion, the fumes of body sweat and alcohol rushing through my nose. The smells intensified due to my high. I look up at Y/N to see that she's looking at me too, I see that she's alone and I speed up before anyone else gets to her first. Next thing I know, I'm standing right in front of her. "Hey" I say "Hey Sammy" she says smiling Damn.. that smile. "How ya been Y/N? You look- you look good" I stutter "I've been great thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" she responds putting her hand on my forearm I immediately feel goosebumps come over me, like a breeze of cool air came out of nowhere. "Uh do you maybe wanna get out of here?" I say smirking and immediately regret it when I see the look of disappointment flash over her eyes. 'No no I didn't mean it like that, stupid stupid stupid' my thoughts take over to the point where I almost didn't hear her response "Um. And go where Sammy?" She asks I smile, "we can go get ice cream, and then I can drop you off home" I say with confidence knowing I somewhat fixed the mistake I almost made, I'm so serious about this girl I don't wanna mess up a single thing. A small smile creeps upon her lips "yea Sammy, I'd really like that" she says Joyous relief floods over me, I hold my hand out gesturing her to go in front of me to lead the way. But to my surprise she grabs my hand and holds it. I don't hesitate to hold hers back as we walk to the door "Gosh you don't know how long I've wanted to do this" I accidentally slip out (Y/N pov) I decide to be bold and grab ahold of Sammy's hand when I know he was just giving me that 'after you' gesture. But when he grasps my hand tighter that's when the butterflies hit my stomach. We walk to the door of the house as he opens it letting me walk out first "Gosh you don't know how long I've wanted to do this" he says "What? Take me out?" I ask "Hold your hand" he says Maybe he has changed. Just maybe
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