#sanada pseu
pseudofaux · 4 years
PSEU, MA CHÈRE. go absolutely *wild* with some filthy, filthy Nobuyuki.
GOD I LOVE U SM okay okay okay: this is still more soft than than dirty wtf Nobuyuki can you please bless my brain with the ways u ruin her physically, we ALL KNOW YOU DO
xoxoxo thank you for all the Impey on twitter
Right where he wanted her (at last): blissful and heavy-lidded on their bedding, with a lovely, satisfying sheen on her skin that caught the room’s glow as she breathed. She looked a little bit lost and he did not blame her, he’d been thorough in a way they hadn’t had time or trust for until tonight. And he wanted her a little bit lost, truthfully. It was gratifying. He’d pushed her and she had received, received, received.
Sweetest, dearest one. Like the fires he sometimes caught her minding, she took what she was given and returned it better and more nourishing. A jeweler’s cloth, a smith’s grindstone, a ninja’s herbary and a doe’s hiding spot for her fawns... she was as precious and necessary as these things.
“Are you alright, dear one?” he asked. He let all his sweetness for her into the sounds, and her cheek sought his palm as he moved it toward her. A perfect fit, a peerless sunflower. So very, very dear to him. Tonight was one of the first real steps to showing her how much.
“Tired,” she confessed. He cherished her vulnerability. “But fine. Will you... come back, please?”
He coveted her vulnerability, he was learning. He lay down again, pulling her close. Their skin stuck together and melted in some minuscule way, binding them. He liked that, liked it even more as he tested the give by flexing his skin. Their flesh did not want to be parted. Of course not.
“Lord Nobuyuki,” she said, sleepy and sated and sweet and adorable, “It seems you’ve been holding out on me.”
He did not need to hold back his laugh. It wasn’t necessary to hide any of his delight at the way she was seeing, even if she was only seeing because satisfaction and exhaustion had removed some of her adorable manners. When they were alone, he wanted her to know, they would be able to show one another their truest selves and needs.
“That’s possible,” he said, not hiding his smile, either.
Her giggle was a charming, womanly sound, and he rolled himself right over her to chase it out of her body until she begged for the mercy he longed to grant her. When she slept heavy on his chest, he traced her ear and her spine and knew the most extraordinary, thrilling peace.
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ohsaizo · 6 years
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nobuyuki/mc for the always wonderful @pseudofaux 💖 happy, happy birthday lovely pseu!  @honey-gokko and i worked together on this, i did the writing and naisu did the beautiful art.  we love you so much, team soft hand-holding energy 5ever 😘❤️✨🌺
this was meant to be a night celebrating her birthday but the longer it went on, the more it felt like his.  he’d asked her what she’d wanted and she gave him one word, him.
nobuyuki doesn't have many weaknesses and he can count on two fingers those who know of them, jinpachi and his lady sanada.  however, there is one even his ninja isn’t aware of and his wife is very good at taking advantage of it.
this was meant to be a night celebrating her birthday but the longer it went on, the more it felt like his.  he’d asked her what she’d wanted and she gave him one word, him.  it was a new feeling, being the more dominant of the two, he wasn’t used to having the tables turned on him but as he felt her breath against his skin he began to relax.
he knew he was blushing but it didn’t bother him, not when his wife’s soft lips were traveling across his shoulders.  she took her time, making sure to kiss every inch of his skin and occasionally stopping to leave small bites, licking over them to dull any pain.
her hands were just as busy, her nimble fingers walking their way over his chest, stopping to pay attention to his nipples.  she lightly pinched one as the same time she pressed a kiss behind his ear and grinned as he shivered, she had him exactly where she wanted him.
continuing to move her hands lower, she moved her fingers down over his hips, resting them over his thighs, squeezing gently when she felt his hips move.  she gently ran her thumb over the tip of his cock and wrapped a hand around him, kissing his shoulder when he gasped.  she began stroking him lazily, taking her hand off when she felt him trying to take control and he whined, growing impatient, needing her hands on him again.  she worked him faster, letting him know how good he was being for her, encouraging him to let go, to come for her.
he jerked his hips, coming in short spurts over her hands and she turned his head to kiss him.  tugging at her arms, he pulled her around so he could kiss her properly, thanking her for choosing him.
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pseudofaux · 4 years
I just...
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˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
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pseudofaux · 4 years
So I have mildly played SLBP and know of the characters mostly from a third party view (but h e l l o they are all so attractiveeee). I know that Nobuyuki is your Big Bae and I would love to ask if there is something you haven't written for him yet that you are *dying* to release your thirst for? He is Big Handsome and seems to be up my alley as well and I would love to see some of that good stuff from someone who has big love for him!
I am SO HAPPY that it is KNOWN that I love him, this makes me feel very seen. 。:.゚ヽ(´∀`。)ノ゚.:。 Thank you, sweet sweet Shannie!
Being so self-indulgent is a fraught situation for me! I really appreciate you asking. I’m reading his route again now that the voiced sections are available and this is definitely something I’ve wanted to write for a while. It is not really a thirsty post (though I do thirst for him endlessly, and they DO thirst for each other), but I hope it will be enjoyable for other Nobuyuki lovers and those who are curious about him. It’s sort of a parallel narrative to the first act of this route. When I finish rereading it I hope I can write the rest, too. Thank you again!
When they begin, he is distantly sympathetic. Jinpachi has told him about the hairpin, and Nobuyuki pieced the rest together. She doesn’t do a bad job at her masquerade, but she loses her lowered voice and stiff face when someone is kind to her-- and the Takeda are kind to their own, it’s part of why the Sanada serve them. It’s part of why Nobuyuki is there in Tsutsujigasaki, instead of in Ueda where it’s so important he always be.
We make exceptions for the things we love, he thinks, looking at her sitting so ramrod straight. Her posture isn’t technically correct, but none of the Takeda care as long as this person isn’t a threat. And she isn’t, she isn’t any threat at all. He knows what is is: very far from home, and out of her element, and trying her best. She will exhaust herself with the pitch of her effort to be brave. He’s tempted to stay and watch. But he can’t do that.
He can’t leave her there, either. Shingen might know, it’s sometimes difficult to say how much Shingen sees. Nobuyuki admires this. But not enough to leave her there in her padded-out hakama.
Instead, he takes her a little bit father from her home. Maybe it’s fine to say he gives her a new, real home. Now he can watch over her in his. He’s not sure yet what to do with her or how to solve her family’s problem (if he should-- he thinks he should, and Jinpachi’s uncharacteristic advice that they should is really all the sign he needs). He has so much to keep him busy, the Shirai are not keeping faith and now that he is home that’s at the forefront of his mind.
Most of the time. He can’t help but think of her, now that she’s nearby, living among his people. And he does some of his best thinking looking out at the garden... which is next to the training grounds. He didn’t design the castle, but he knows it better than most.
If Yukimura really gets her out on the training field like he is trying to, he will hurt her and never forgive himself when all is discovered. Nobuyuki loves his younger brother, and we make exceptions for the things we love, so he allows himself to call her away and save her and Yukimura both. He gives her busywork to keep her out of trouble, and to her credit that’s where she stays. Her voice is soft in quiet rooms, and he remembers seeing her lose some of her disguise when she was touched by the kindness of the people in Tsutsujigasaki. She is sweet and brave, she has stretched herself so far into unknown fire just to protect her family.
Nobuyuki knows what that is like, in theory. The realization that she has actually done more than him in this surprises and intrigues him, and that’s what makes him decide to tell Jinpachi to go to the capital. The world doesn’t always reward good works, or his mother would still be alive and everyone in the castle would be a very different person. But he is the person he is, and that person wants to help this sweet, brave young woman. He’s fond of her. He doesn’t love her, but he admires her.
The Shirai behave even more poorly before Jinpachi returns. They may be toying with the Sanada and the Uesugi. Nobuyuki knows what’s coming before he tells his father what she is, and he tells himself that if anything happens to her he will always take care of her mother and brother, that if her legacy is their protection he’ll see that through. He trusts that is an exception she would make, for the ones she loves.
She confesses when his father asks if she is a woman, and Nobuyuki does not love her but something in his admiration for her grows when she does. She tells the truth when it would be easier not to, and she doesn’t complain-- she doesn’t really tell his father the half of the trouble the bureaucrat is causing her family. Her heart has a nobility she doesn’t. As he watches her talk, he’s glad he knows which is more important.
She accepts his proposal, though she is already shocked by all that’s happened to her. He’s a bit flattered and wonders if they will ever get to talk about this situation very plainly to one another, if he’ll ever get to hear her truest thoughts about him. He very much wants to, but his heart is already preparing to say goodbye to her, knowing he may never see her again.
His proposal will make her a hostage and take her even farther from home-- from her home with her family and from her home with him. She is a dear girl and she deserves better than the uncertainty of the Shirai’s hospitality. He tells himself the nobility she lacks means she doesn’t know the degree of danger she will be in. He also tells himself that the elevated status that makes her a prime hostage may offer her extra protection.
If he had the choice, it would. If he had the choice, perhaps he wouldn’t send her. But she has come into their lives at just the right time, and he loves his family. We make all kinds of exceptions for the things we love. 
They go to town and she’s deeply, charmingly polite, asking gentle questions about him which he mostly sidesteps entirely. She’s distracted by his own questions, but not for long. She doesn’t ask the same questions he asks her, and she doesn’t repeat the questions he doesn’t answer. In this and so many other things, she seems determined to be gracious as she makes her own way. He likes it so much he tells her about the peach tree. No one has heard that story in a very long time. She receives it so delightedly, with so much pleasure to learn about him. It makes him adore her more. It makes what he’s doing sit less easily in his heart. The world wouldn’t be a very nice place if she was hurt, or worse.
When they arrive back at the castle, it all plays out as he expected, and there’s the first mention of the potential need for a hostage to keep Shirai allied firmly with the Takeda cause. It’s only a thought, not an order, but he sees how she loses some of her happiness and slips into worry, the reverse of what he watched her do in Tsutsujigasaki. He’s watching her now, too, after all.
The best thing to do would be to leave it alone and leave her alone after the discussion in the main hall, it’s unkind but merciful to let her come to terms with things. He wants to be kind, instead, so he goes to her. She is perplexed and afraid, and he does not think this is the time to give her half truths so he does not say much at all. But she is happy not to be left alone, Nobuyuki can tell. It begins to weigh heavily, in his heart, the way he plans to use her if necessary. He thinks over whether it would help or hurt her, if it became widely known that she’s very dear to him.
When he leaves her, he stays outside her room for awhile, just to make sure she goes to bed. He can’t make her sleep, but he can make sure she has the comfort of night’s darkness in a safe place for at least a few nights more. When he puts himself in his own bed, he dreams of holding her, and it is so comforting—he is so bothered he can be comforted— he resolves to not only go with her on the journey to the Shirai, but to hold her before they say their goodbyes. He suspects it will give her comfort, too.
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pseudofaux · 4 years
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that’s it, that’s the tweet post
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pseudofaux · 4 years
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pseudofaux · 4 years
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I love him so much my brain is slip n’ sliding over its own happiness straight into “RaaaaaaaaAAAAR CRUNCH SOMETHING” FEELINGS territory. SOFT and in LOVE, my GOD. 😫💚
Torikou voices this character so well. I’m not ready to move on! I just want to stay in this route/with this man longer. Forever. 🥺
but I have twenty pages of points in my deliveries so if you’re on twitter please help me decide which route to play next
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pseudofaux · 5 years
Hii! Congrats on achiving the miles~ you totally deserve it~ i love your writing tho 🌹🔥 can i request a hot and spoicy and buttery fic of yukimura x mc x nobuyuki~ coz i'm thirsty for them after reading nobuyuki's great story i'm in love with the sanada boys you can decide on what scenario tho coz i'm bad in thinking one except them boys are proving each other that they're the "better one" in the sheets ❤❤❤ *wink wonk*
wink wonk へ(^‿ ^)ゞ
Thank you for requesting! I cracked up at “buttery”, bless you.
(Potential) Readers, please note that this is Yukimura x MC x Nobuyuki, as requested. If that’s not to your liking, a-okay, keep it moving. This turned out a bit more promise of spoice than actual spoice, but I think plenty buttery. I hope you’ll enjoy, nonny!
Extraordinarily gentle were their eyes on her skin, enough attention to keep her warm and give her a sense of strength despite the fluttering of her heart. When she blinked, her own eyelids felt heavier than usual. Solemn, not sleepy. Their adventure felt hallowed, and sitting in the room with the beauty of the two men and their gemlike eyes made everything seem a bit beyond the realm she lived and worked in.
Lord Nobuyuki had broached the idea in such a way that she thought she might be introducing his brother to kitchen tasks. “Would you mind teaching Yukimura a few things?”
Of course she wouldn’t, it would be her pleasure to share anything she knew. She had not even told Umeko about her affection for the younger Sanada, it was a secret that lived in her heart alone. Awareness of that secret did not let her miss the way Lord Nobuyuki’s eyes narrowed at the time… she had simply let the sight slide from her mind when he smiled and thanked her.
Over a few other interactions, it became clear he was matchmaking, and she was grateful. More interactions made it clearer that his idea went well beyond that, and that she was completely willing.
“Pay close attention, Yukimura,” Lord Nobuyuki said softly. “And you, my dear, must help him. Agreed?”
She nodded. That movement felt heavy, too. She dared a glance at Yukimura and was intrigued by this expression, hungry but hesitant. Perhaps her expression was the same as Lord Nobuyuki brushed fingers against her lowered collars, all her shoulders exposed and her throat, too, since the lord had kindly pinned her hair before he loosened everything else. His touch was light and sure, and she leaned into it, eager for stability.
“It’s alright,” he soothed. She watched his eyes watch his fingertips as they moved to her skin and traced the same lines he had followed through her clothing. “Don’t be afraid.” His eyes came up to hers and she nodded. He gave her a sweet smile.
“Now, Yukimura,” Lord Nobuyuki began, “mirror what I am doing. Be gentle.”
The strongest man she had ever known trembled like a fawn as he moved his hand to her skin. She could feel the heat of him as he got close— so much warmer than his brother! His fingertips shook when they landed high on her shoulder and she wanted very much to catch his hand and kiss those fingers and tell him not to be afraid.
Lord Nobuyuki gave thorough, efficient instruction of how to touch her. His fingertip swirling lightly over the jut of her collarbone came closer and closer to Yukimura’s, until their fingers flanked the notch at the base of her throat. For a moment it was as though her destined breath was her body, like they were tracing the air to prepare it for her. She bowed her head and blew out what breath remained to her onto the backs of their hands. When she looked up, satisfied and fascinated eyes looked back.Yukimura turned to his brother, who took him by the wrist and pressed his finger into the notch and then down the slope of her chest. Lord Nobuyuki paused not at all when Yukimura’s finger met fabric. Additional pressure and the drag of cloth down her skin was the only change until a strong finger, calloused and adored, was nestled between her breasts. She was still somewhat covered, in fact most of her chest remained hidden from view by her loosened clothing falling about her arms, but it was still the most exposed she had ever been in front of grown men. Thankfully, the soft heat of Yukimura’s fingertip was there to comfort her as her heart beat so wildly she thought it might be trying to touch him back. “Gentle,” Lord Nobuyuki reminded his brother, and then pressed on his hand and let go. Yukimura’s eyes met hers, clearly hoping for instruction, and it endeared him to her further– she had thought that impossible– so she had to laugh and reach for him. Her hands went for his cheeks with a smoothness that surprised and strengthened her as her own hands, not shaking at all, cupped his face.
“Won’t you please touch me?” she asked. The relief of finally making the request after so many months of adoring him actually helped her heart slow to a beat that felt right.
Yukimura did, with extreme gentleness. First his fingertip stroked the space where it rested, then (after a quick glance to Lord Nobuyuki, and to her) he cupped her left breast and groaned quietly. She kept her hands on his cheeks until he seemed to have found the heft of her, and then she pulled him close for a kiss. It was all sweetness, warmer than sunshine and softer than any of the few incidental touches he had graced her with before that night. When his fingers spread to curl around more of her breast, she opened her mouth not to gasp but to sigh for the pleasure of it. To her, there was no man more worthy of love in all the world. Her lips closed against his without any sign of his tongue leaving his mouth for hers, but that was alright. As they parted, she patted his cheek and prayed they had plenty of time to learn.
“Have you kissed a woman before this?” Lord Nobuyuki asked from his place beside them. The man’s insight truly verged on uncanny. Or perhaps the world really did center around those kisses.“No,” Yukimura said without shame. “But I want to learn… for her.” That put a blush on both their faces, but also smiles.
“Then we must work on that next,” Lord Nobuyuki declared.
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pseudofaux · 5 years
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And, dear reader, I very nearly did.
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pseudofaux · 5 years
Playing Nobuyuki’s route is a whole lotta this:
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fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i love him so muuuuuuuuuuuuuch
Such a relief to get to read something I’ve wanted this much and have it be so NNNNNGGGGGGGOOOD 💕
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pseudofaux · 5 years
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HE’S HERE!!! I resent nearly everything about the way Voltage is rolling out his route, but Nobuyuki is HEEEERE!
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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pseudofaux · 5 years
Omg no like how can you leave the epilogue of goodness there like what omg ndhdbdjd noo
There’s MORE! And I don’t write sad endings anymore! Mostly.
I’m desperate to go back and edit/rewrite those to hopefully bring them up to current quality, but haven’t been able to make the time. 😰 I apologize for any cringeworthy mistakes.
Thank you for reading!
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pseudofaux · 6 years
How are Nobuyuki's birthday stories this year! I'm low on pearls so I'm trying to weigh my options. I figured I'd come to my favorite Nobuyuki writer. ;)
Flatterer. ;) @uxoremmikael ’s Becoming Yours? I enjoyed it very much and totally recommend it!)I bought the full set of last year’s stuff and didn’t need another gray hairstyle (though the one that comes with the 2018 set is cute!). I only bought the 2018 story that would net me the arm cheeb I was so desperate for LET ME SHOW YOU IT PLEASE:
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Peekaboo! Ahem. Thank you.Spoilers and a few screencaps under the cut but general verdict: get the Happy Birthday from Nobuyuki (your birthday story).
Because he’s so high on my list of favorites I’d have paid just to get the chibi, but I thought the story was verrrrry good! Like any Nobuyuki story, if you read it with the thought that he could go dark any minute it is extra delicious, but AS WRITTEN this one has delightful, dont-have-to-read-between-the-lines clues into his preferences. This story lets him shine as a master doter coughcontroller who really wants to make your birthday special and is super charmed that your ideal day involves doing mundane things with him. He sets himself up as your attendant for the day and there’s about as much bumbling through that on our end as you might expect but godddddd it’s all so cute. You spend the day together and make and eat dinner together. After a private (!) dinner you both enjoy he asks if there is anything else you might like and he delights in your blushing and shyly asking for a smooch. Nobuyuki then realizes for the umpteenth time that day that you are adorable, and just then he gets all YUM YUM YAN and thinks to himself that what he wants most is for you to be his and his alone, and now there’s no going back, he has to make that happen. (As part of you day together he braids and pins your hair!!!)
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Yeah and we all know how you feel about that, you monster.
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^ Nobuyuki in a nutshell.
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gdi he’s so adorable help help HELP
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Do go on…
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pseudofaux · 6 years
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All trysts and no battle event make Pseu a dull girl, all trysts and no battle event make... (Thanks for sharing the screencap, Ruby!)
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pseudofaux · 6 years
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pseudofaux · 7 years
Would you be able to do a Nobuyuki piece? I have a desire to make him jealous... then feel the aftermath. (Smut or fluff whichever feels right to you) I’m still fangirling over ‘goodness’ and ‘kindness’ ❤️
Hope you’re feeling better!
She turned to him with such delight he felt as though he hadstepped into sunshine. “Nobuyuki-sama,” she said, bowing deferentially, movingthat smile where he couldn’t see it—he’d have to talk with her about that—“Yourfather has given me the most wonderful gift.”
Sunshine turned to fog.
“He has?” Nobuyuki asked. Pleasantly. With a smile. With akind face.
She looked back up at him, looking for all the world ashappy as the day they married. He kept a frown from forming only thanks to hislifetime of practice. He watched her straighten and tried to calm down.
He knew, he knew that he should be content that his wifeand his father were appropriately respectful with one another. It was akindness his father had remembered her birthday. They certainly had enoughmoney to be buying gifts. And of course she deserved every good thing.
From him, though.
“May I show you?” she asked eagerly.
Fog turned to frost, and he saw her recognition of hismood, her eyebrows coming together in concern.
“Or perhaps we could discuss it later…” she offered.
“Oh no, darling,” he said, advancing on her, getting wellwithin her personal space. The two servants in the room demurely fled. Theyknew. She knew. He knew. “Please show me this ‘most wonderful gift’.”
She glanced away, prettily, and the pink of magnolias cameup in both her cheeks. He lived for that, but he was still unhappy. He knew itwas unreasonable, and he wasn’t unhappy with her, exactly. But he was notpleased.
His wife turned and bent to the desk behind her. When shestood, she held a wooden box. He recognized it as Nanban packaging; pale anddry yellow wood, barely ornamented. He didn’t like the look of something sounrefined in her hands.
But he waited.
She pressed and pulled at the top panel, and it slid awayto reveal something small. A gemstone? Nobuyuki absolutely would not toleratethis, not even from father. What on earth had Masayuki been thinking? He triedto vent irritation by pursing his lips in a tight smile.
Which she saw, because she was his wife, and he could neverhave loved or married someone who didn’t notice.
“I think we should share this gift later,” she said. AndNobuyuki was still seething inside but her tone was so beautifully neutral, soschooled, so much a result of the training they had done together… a little coilof arousal rose through his anger like incense smoke. And it curled around hisheart and reminded him who he was talking to.
He thawed, slightly.
“Please go ahead, my darling,” he said, nodding toward thelittle box.
She looked at him for a beat, but did as he bid her, andholding the box and its top in one hand, she fished out the little treasureinside with her free fingers. Offered it to him for inspection, the stopperedbottle looking like a puddle of amber in her palm.
“It is fragrance,” she said carefully. “Something I admiredat a market weeks ago. I expect one of the maids told our honored father and hemade a very generous gift of it.”
He thought he should probably take it from her to look over and appreciate, but a stubborn,angry part of him, a wounded snake of jealousy nursing its own pain, refused to do any such thing.After a moment she put the bottle back into its package and sealed the box. Shesmiled at him, indulgent and patient. He could not have said why, but that onlymade him more upset.
“I have not given you a gift yet,” he said. He hated how muchlike a pout it sounded. He could feel the frown now and since they were alonehe did not hide it.
“Ah,” she said, setting the box beside her on the floor andbringing her hands to his cheeks. “Nobuyuki-sama surely knows that his regardis the best gift I ever could or would receive.”
Once she had learned him, she had known him, and had sinceknown what to do or offer of herself to settle his heart. Nobuyuki stood,looking into his wife’s patient, adoring, assessing eyes, and felt himselfmelting for her, completely.
They had breakfast without her the next morning, becauseshe was much too tired to leave their bedding. Fine by Nobuyuki. Perfect,actually.
“Did your wife enjoy her birthday, brother?” Yukimura’spleasant question earned a nod.
“She did,” Nobuyuki said. He kept the edge of pride to thevery back of his voice, letting it be without letting it shine. He saw Saizoraise his eyebrows but the shinobi wisely said nothing.
“She enjoyed your gifts very much,” he said to his brotherand father. Because those were the right words to say.
Yukimura smiled. “I hoped she would!”
Yukimura had given her beautiful but simple hair pins—darkwood, carved with scrolling patterns, oiled to a lovely shine. They were wellmade. A respectful, thoughtful gift. They would suit her without drawingattention away from her. Nobuyuki told his brother that she had particularlyliked the pins and Yukimura positively beamed. Saizo’s tiny smile probably meanthe had helped with the gift. That was acceptable.
“Father, what did you give her?” Yukimura asked.
Ah. Nobuyuki was very interested in what father had to sayabout that. He slowed his chewing and kept his eyes mostly down.
Masayuki inclined his head as he reached for his soup bowl.“Cosmetics and a hand mirror,” he answered gruffly, a man versed but disinterestedin the contents of a lady’s vanity.
Yukimura nodded as though that made sense.
Because it did make sense.
It made much more sense thatwhat Nobuyuki had been lead to believe.
As soon as he could shutter the shock behind his eyes,he had to work at not grinning. Oh, the clever woman. He would have to get heranother, grander gift than the one he had already arranged.
She did make him so very, very happy.
When he returned to their room after breakfast, he did notleave again until late in the afternoon.
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