jeysbvck · 8 months
shanny the url change scared me! i saw it in my notifs and dash like stranger danger! but then i saw it was you and i was like omg my precious shanny bananny angel pie love!
hope you’re doing good babes 🩷
oh wifey i am so sorry for sneaking up on u like that & making u think i was a stranger!!
my poor lil adhd brain that u love so much cannot stick to one url (especially when the fandom is being embarrassing as hellll🤭🤭)
ily so much ash diddly dee <333 i hope YOURE doing good🥰🥰
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pseudofaux · 3 years
Pseu! Thank you so much for blessing so many people with lovely lovely craven sin (among other sweet things)!
Could I request HCs for Vincent/MC/Shakespeare where the suitors were already in some kind of relationship before MC slipped in the mix? Please feel free to make these as filthy or saccharine as you would like!
Rather than giving three specific topics, I'd like to pull three different scents from Shakespeare's perfume cabinet 😌
~ Sandalwood
~ Lavender
~ Orange Blossom
Thank you!!
This is so fun! I love the idea and I loooooove the fragrance notes, those were very fun to keep in mind, thank you! Two clean...ish, one desperately in need of a bath. But all very lovey, which I hope will work for you. Thank you for helping me with my writing lately, I can't tell you how grateful I am! I really hope you will enjoy these.
(Requests are closed, I’m still working on ones from earlier this year! Just a few left, will post a masterlist when they are all done.)
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Orange Blossom is the warmth of their sheets, a freshness that lingers around them even when they leave the bed and then scents their good morning kisses, which are gentle and sunlight-soft. In a triad they can each hold one another’s hands, quietly rub their faces against each other, and perhaps slide tongues in slow blessings, all to reconnect after sleeping in warm togetherness. It’s not about heading back to bed, it’s about preparing one another to be brave for the day and fill each other up with touch and love until they can be together again. Soft. They sit her down at the vanity table and tidy her hair for her as they dress themselves. She anchors them like a star, and indeed they feel as though they rotate around her now in the perfect order they were always meant to.
Sandalwood is the scent on napkins brought into Vincent’s studio for an unexpected lunch, and it makes a simple meal feel like a feast. Midday light streams in through the windows and it turns the room into a palace and the crumbs that decorate their laps into golden dust. They were once two, and Will could not easily bring a picnic to this place... but it is easier now, and she is giggling, Will is grinning behind his sandwich, and Vincent realizes he is smiling, too, so deeply his precious loves vanish from his sight when his eyes close and his head bows, as it must when he is so grateful as he is right now.
And it is lavender that perfumes...
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It is lavender that perfumes the clawfoot tub they insist Will find his place in. Vincent has done this a few times on his own, but by now she’s joined them before. They sink him into the bubbles and the pepperdust sweetness of the lavender bath and then go to their gentle work sudsing his hair and running a soft cloth along his shoulders and arms. He’s stiff beneath their ministrations... but only for awhile, and his quiet sigh of surrender slides him further into the water. After he is clean, they keep him there and torment him with kisses light as moonbeams and touches that begin to slide toward his belly. Their sleeves are wet, but then he is in two hands at once and an anguished cry flies up to the ceiling when the back of his neck finds the lip of the tub. There is splashing but he can only think on how they are touching him, how silky the water makes every caress. Then they start talking and he can’t think at all.
Vincent, what do you do with someone you love when you know they need extra care?
You care for them, of course.
And they care for him until he shouts, forces himself to stand, and feels the lavender bathwater and bubbles trickling down his body and dripping from his hair as he takes himself in hand and finishes into two pairs of eager, outstretched palms that wait for their victory.
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shannie-writes · 4 years
Blog Name Change
Hello everyone!
If you’ve been following me on other socials, you’ve probably seen that I’ve been slowly going around and changing my handle to ShanniePie (or renditions of it) over the last couple weeks.
What put me over the fence to change it? 
This has not been an easy change for me, to be honest. ChiefofPigs has been my handle everywhere for the last 10+ years, the majority of my internet social life. As hard as it was to accept, my innocently chosen username when I was a teenager has been becoming less and less PC with each year that has gone by and I am wanting to be respectful to how my name may be construed with different backgrounds and lifestyles.
There are some accounts that I am unable to update my handle and I have spent too much time on to start fresh (e.g. Spotify, reddit, etc.) so you may see me around with the old name in a few places.
What am I wanting to be called now?
I’ve been going by Chief for so many years now, it honestly would be strange to hear myself called as anything else. As this nickname isn’t inherently wrong, please feel free to still call me Chief. I’m just adding Shan/Shannon going forward!
What are some other changes I’m making with this name change?
I’m wanting to live as stress free as possible going forward this year, as well as thinking about things positively. With this, I have deleted all of the writing requests in my inbox and won’t be accepting fic requests outside of special events where I feel I am ready for the task. I wasn’t getting to any of the open requests, and the constant guilt of not making myself work on them sat heavily on my shoulders. It means a lot to me that so many people entrusted me with their requests, but I’m not in a emotional state where I can do them for some time.
As is typical with a blog name change on Tumblr, all of my masterposts and internal blog links are currently broken. Please be patient with me while I make my way through them in the coming week. I’m also going to be going through all my fics and adding my new post header to each one for future ease. A lot of TLC is needed on my blog for a hot minute, but hopefully it will be better than ever when I get to the other side!
Thank you all for the love and support over my time in the Ikemen series fandom, as well as my old friends from the NMS fandom. I wouldn’t have made it as far as I have if I didn’t have friends to help me feel my time and effort was worth it. Every message and tag in reblogs I receive makes me incredibly happy and it helps push me forward every day.
Happy New Year!
Shannon ♥ ♡ ♥
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niksfake · 3 years
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oh my god, folks, we are having so much fun with the responses for the tma fan survey! some answers have moved us, many have made us laugh extremely hard, and some have been very surprising. but no one (except jon, obviously) was surprised to see that these two were overwhelmingly the favorite characters.
we have 1,853 responses to the survey right now and we hope to get to 2,500 by the time it closes on mar. 15, 2021. if you haven’t taken it yet, please do! we really want to see as much of the fandom represented as possible.  
this art is by the wonderful shanni! 
[alt image id: martin is a white man in a hoodie and round glasses. he walks into jon's study enthusiastically and says, "hey jon! apparently there's this survey of the most popular characters in TMA." jon, a dark-skinned man in a large sweater with his hair in a bun, looks at a sheet with a pie chart, showing both of them taking up around 40% of it. he says, surprised, "you and i take up so much space on the chart... hold on- i can't be that popular?!" martin hands jon a mug of tea, and kisses him on the forehead while saying, "well... i'm only surprised there aren't more people who see what i see in you." jon smiles warmly and replies, "thank you, martin." they look at the chart again, and jon notices that elias takes up space on the chart too. he asks, "but- what do they see in elias?" they both look at the reader with a deadpan expression. the next panel shows a running tape recorder with a spider perched on top of it. jon instinctively attempts to hit it with a book while martin yells "jon NO"]
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🎵 Song Challenge! 🎵
tagged by @alloveroliver and @kashimalin 💕 ۹(ÒہÓ)۶
Rules: Answer 7 questions and tag 7 people!
1. Name a song which is your current favorite.
renee - SALES
I heard it from my brother and once in awhile I’ll say he has good taste lol
2. Name a song you know every word to.
If I like it it’s on repeat! so any song on my playlist I’m sure to know it word by word 😂
3. Name a song that makes you sad.
skeletons by kishi is a song I listen to when I’m in a mood 😭
4. Name a song that makes you wanna dance around.
I don’t dance 😳 but here are some songs that make me happy!
be kind - hasley, marshmello
rain on me - lady gaga, ariana grande
level of concern - twenty one pilots
just cuz you can’t - pronoun
5. Name a song that you don't really like much.
anything country. It makes my head hurt I’m sorry!
6. Name a song you will never stop playing.
I can’t choose just one so here’s some I never skip
wild things - coast modern
pretty waste - BONES UK
¿ - BMTH, hasley
7. Name a song you are tired of listening to.
after listening to a song so much I’ll eventually get tired of it and move on 😔
tagging: @justine-the-guillotine @emeraldtawny @ikemenprincessnaga @lordsister @shannie-pie @lil-creatorwritings @msquercusalba
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Comfort Food (Beelzebub/Fem!Reader)
Theme: Lavender – “A relaxing, comforting story that soothes the soul. It might be about someone caring for their sick significant other or spoiling them with gifts and kisses.”
Pairing: Beelzebub/Fem!Reader
Words: 340 words
Warnings: None.
Tagging: This is a May Flower for @shannie-pie​, a gift from @littlelady-blackwell​! Thank you! (Which I’ll do the honor of gifting to her on her birthday! Happy birthday!!!)
• [This fic was part of my Ko-Fi Commission Event.] •
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“What’s ‘comfort food’?”
The innocent question Beel had asked resulted in him dragging you to the kitchen, practically drooling with anticipation at the dishes you had marginally agreed to prepare. Even if the taste of Devildom food, while once foreign, had finally settled on your tongue, you couldn’t deny that you missed all these foods and more from the human world.
So you set out to gather ingredients, Beel assisting with locating replacements or substitutes for ones that you were lacking. Grateful that your D.D.D. had a decent connection, you looked up the recipes necessary and read them aloud.
“I’ll make you my best mac n’ cheese, some ice cream sandwiches, and garlic parmesan wedges. Oh, wedges are like really thick fries.”
“I’m ready to help! Although—” The loud rumble of his stomach echoed in the kitchen. “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to help myself from eating the ingredients.”
“Then you can pinky-promise that you won’t eat it. You can’t break a pinky promise.” Extending your finger, you smiled when Beel looked at it quizzically. “Put your pinky around mine.”
He did so, asking, “Now what?”
“Do you promise to not eat any of the ingredients while I’m cooking, and that you’ll tell me if you get hungry so that I can find something to tide you over?”
“I promise.”
“Good! Now, come closer. There’s a second part to the promise.” Tugging at his finger with your own, you encouraged him to crouch down – and planted a kiss right on his lips.
“Oh—” His cheeks turned cherry red, his bottom lip disappearing under his teeth. “Is that really part of it?”
“No. I just wanted to kiss you because you looked so serious when promising to not eat anything. Now, which do you want me to try to finish first?”
“The mac n’ cheese, please! We have a spiders n’ cheese down in Devildom, but the spider’s legs are really hard to brush out from between your teeth…”
“No more details! No more details, please!”
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kashimalin · 4 years
🎵  Song Challenge! 🎵
Thank you for @asprettyasarose for the tag!!
Rules: Answer 7 questions and tag 7 people!
1. Name a song which is your current favorite.
Ooh, hmm. That’s probably Angel With A Shotgun, by The Cab.
2. Name a song you know every word to.
Phantom of the Opera, the title song. I probably know the whole album, too.
3. Name a song that makes you sad.
The Village, by Wrabel.
4. Name a song that makes you wanna dance around:
Ain’t Your Mama, by Jennifer Lopez. It popped up in my Spotify radio and it’s so catchy!
5. Name a song that you don’t really like much.
Anything where the lyrics are relatively indistinguishable (heavy heavy metal), mostly. Which is funny, because I really do like metal. But if it’s senseless scream-sounding, well... 
6. Name a song you will never stop playing.
The Sound of Silence cover by Disturbed.
7. Name a song you are tired of listening to.
Currently, it’s Partners in Crime, feat. Ash Costello by Set it Off. A smashing song, but I’ve heard it lots and am skipping it right now. I’ll go back soon enough!
Tag 7: @shannie-pie, @razzmatash, @hidden-within-the-shadows, @forgesanddoves, @littlelady-blackwell, @randomlytypingmonkey, and @do-mkokoro!!
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watermxlnhigh · 4 years
2020 appreciation :)
Pardon if this kinda sucks and for it being late oops
@yeetyouhoes D A N N Y. oml idek where I should start with you because you’re just amazing. You have listened to many rants, recommended me amazing songs, sent amazing spams, advice, jokes, just all of it. And well yeah you just honestly light my day up and are one of the people I’ve gotten the closest too. So thank you for being just a phenomenal person inside and out that I can trust. And for being a Swiftie bc fanning over her is much better with another person. And thank you for turning me into a hyunjin stan (I still stan lix freckles though👀👀) I love you Danny 💗
@chippychee Mom!!!! You adopted me into this wack world of stays and toes and I’ve been loving every bit of it. I remember getting into that thing and announcing a “yeehaw I’m izzy” and from there the rest is history. Also thank you for listening and for helping me with my friend struggles. You’ve helped so so so much and I love you and all your wack ass memes and rat tail imagines in all. And also for the calls and just vibing and idk how to really express my love rn bc my brain isn’t functioning but ummmm Muah muah muah and you are definitely helping full the hole 💗 I love you :)
@defsigh NIDEEN I’m still banking on that wedding I hope you know 👀 and making you sweet tea, apple pie, biscuits, all of it...you best believe I’ll be making you a full on f e a s t. But ma’am you’re my exo loving, jawn teaching boon and I love you so much.
@lucyhasproblems LUCY I know I haven’t talked to you but your texts and DMs in the gc are always hilarious and ur honestly a full mood and imma buy you a huge freaking dreidel one day mark my words. Love you girl :)
@ethereal-bean HEART aka the wise one. I’m pretty sure I’ve spoken to you once but you’re so sweet. Hands down of the sweetest and most mature people I’ve met on here and I hope I can get to know you more this year :)) love youuu
@sweetchaos-yk NAKECIA I L O V E Y O U. You honestly are also hilarious and kind and idek what to say but when I see ur name in the gc it tends to be a funny text that follow which is amazing and I also hope o I can get closer to you and hope ur decade is amazing and yeehaw
@thatadorkablegirl SHANNI / SWEETEST HUMAN ON THE EARTH U W U. Sadly another boon I don’t know all that well but your random blurbs of love brighten my day soooo much and I wish for nothing bad to ever happen to a precious soul like yours. I love youuu
@nakamowoto CHELLIE hey there so we haven’t talked much HOWEVER the times we have I’ve been toppling over in laughter and I hope we get close this next decade bc ur a legend and yeehaw. Love you girl
@chanswish BAMBI /the baby of the group. Girly I love you and hope that you know anytime you need to talk or some advice I’ll be there bc you too are an absolute angel and I know we don’t talk as much anymore and haven’t in a minute but you’re amazing and I love you :)
I know I’m late....but oml I’ve known y’all for a whole ass month. That’s wack. Kinda feels like a year ngl but anywho I’m just so thankful that I got to meet y’all, and that even though I had known Chloe for 2 days while everyone else had known her for 2 months plus...she still swooped me in and y’all did the same :) and because of y’all it honestly made the last month of the decade fucking amazing and just a little happier in my spot of darkness, so thank you. Thank you for the spams thé listens the rants the dreams the jokes the advice the smiles the love. Lots and lots of love. You’ve all brightened my day and decade and I hope I was able to do the same. So here’s to many more jokes and laughs and smiles and cries and hugs and spams of all sorts. Thank you for being you and for existing :)
Love you boons and yeehaw
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roseate7 · 5 years
cuts haven’t been working consistently so I just did screenshots in case this one fails too
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I totally feel you, and this is the thing: I and everyone else knows that Ovi is beloved. It’s what’s so funny about anyone saying the league or commentators or refs are heavily biased toward Sid, because whether people are even aware of it or not, Ovi holds the position of everyone adoring him and wanting to root for him. He doesn’t appeal to everyone, me included, but I’m never gonna show up and say he’s not a great mascot for his team. It’s just that most newer fans seem to be under the impression that a captain’s job requirement is to be loved. And considering that one of the captain’s jobs as a conduit between coaching and team is to sometimes be the bad guy or the authority figure, being loved is actually pretty far down on the job description. You get guys like Stamkos, Landeskog (who grew into the role) and Giroux who can walk the line of setting the tone while still being people’s friends and great for cameras. But first and foremost is the fact that they know how to lead and guys respect them enough to take guidance or criticism. That’s why they were named captains and why they’re good at the job. Literally everyone who knows hockey knows Ovi was given the captaincy for the pomp of it. That team is built around his image - for good and for bad - and it would only seem strange and undermining to have a more competent captain trying(and failing) to corral him.
And exactly, hockey media talks about the hilarious disparity between how Sidney “(at eighteen years old) when I get a girlfriend she has to be self-sufficient because I need to dedicate my time to my team” “I turned down the captaincy at first because it wasn’t the right time for the team” Crosby and Alex “what are we doing today? who are we playing next? where’s my beer” Ovechkin. I genuinely don’t know how people can swing hockey opinions around and not have read or heard this before lol.
Also, I was never going to clarify this because screw those little shits for overreacting, but my post was dripping with overstatement. That’s what you’re supposed to do during games, folks! Hockey is Drama. 
But yeah thank you for the message and trust me, I’ve met a lot of Caps fans IRL and holy hell does tumblr fandom not represent any of them.
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ksagfksahfgs thank... you? This has to be the most Flyers-worthy ask in history and I take it in the nature it’s intended, I promise. Also, I got the link you sent and jeeeeesus. One lousy post and suddenly it’s civil war. Go me? 
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For the record I really like the Leafs and especially what Shanny is doing in Toronto in general, and I know not all Leafs fans are like the masses, but hoo boy. I stay as far away from that fanbase as possible for the most part. Though I also see it fracturing heavily over the the next year or so as the dust settles on all the contracts still in the air.
Nolan is a rosy cutie pie but he’s also spiritually born and bred on the orange stuff, hand-picked by Giroux himself, so I don’t know how well that will go down with Leafs fans in the long run.
Side note to everything that Nolan being only just gestated enough to grab Geno’s stick but then high tail it away as fast as possible had me dying for about a week. You can just picture the idiot teenage boy adrenaline afterward of “I almost just died but that was so fun”.
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myjujitsujourney · 2 years
Went keysborough New Years day see relatives
Showed cousins Shanny arounds Melbourne from Darwin
Went Scarlett with malaka crew caught up with nhi
Went on holiday by myself
Went to Vietnam caught up with Paul crew and partied and tuan wedding
Met up with ujeng in Korea and showed me around
Went to Japan and caught up with chavs
Went to Vietnam caught up with Paul crew and partied and tuan wedding
Met up with ujeng in Korea and showed me around
Went to Japan and caught up with chavs
Corono virus just started spreading. Managed to get my holiday and come home before it became a pandemic
Toms baby he called her lily met her for the first time
Corona virus lockdown
Cousin jason got caught and deport from australia
Solar panels installed at home
Ended it with ujeng
Caught up with tina
Started investing and expanding share portfolio 37k
Oil burn on my arm and face
Janies bday dinner
Started talking to ai-lynnn
Start share investing
Melbourne in stage 4 lockdown
Sold nzs made 35k only held for one month
Beatrix bakes - went on a sugar sweet spree
Made dads deep fried chicken recipe - works out well
Year since dads passing
State lockdown due to covid-19
Sold nzs of my stocks made 25k
Met Lynn for first time
Sent yugjeong a bday present
Started snoopy puzzle with Lynn
Finished snoopy 1 & 2
Lynn took me out on late night kennefe date
End of restrictions
Bday dinner
Lynn made of key lime pie and cooked for me
Got lemon tree for mum
Bday dinner with the boys
officially oct1 lynn my girlfriend when in fact it was sept 15
Tipo with lynn date night
Dinner with lynns friends carrie and penny
New years eve meet lynns other friends
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Just letting you know, I’m not the friend (I’m actually serious rn I’m not the friend) but if you do see Shanny, then you know it’s just the same anon appreciating your work. The same anon that calls you Shanny is the same anon that asked about the bisexual thing. Boom confession!
Well Bisexual Anon, you’re a cutie pie! 🥧
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panrich · 6 years
playlist for shanni !
Should I Stay or Should i Go // The Clash
Holsters // Night Riots
American Pie // Don McLean
Night on earth // Jerkcrub
Nicotine Dream // Breakup Shoes
I’m a Loser // The Beatles
send me your name and i’ll make you a playlist ♡
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pseudofaux · 4 years
So I have mildly played SLBP and know of the characters mostly from a third party view (but h e l l o they are all so attractiveeee). I know that Nobuyuki is your Big Bae and I would love to ask if there is something you haven't written for him yet that you are *dying* to release your thirst for? He is Big Handsome and seems to be up my alley as well and I would love to see some of that good stuff from someone who has big love for him!
I am SO HAPPY that it is KNOWN that I love him, this makes me feel very seen. 。:.゚ヽ(´∀`。)ノ゚.:。 Thank you, sweet sweet Shannie!
Being so self-indulgent is a fraught situation for me! I really appreciate you asking. I’m reading his route again now that the voiced sections are available and this is definitely something I’ve wanted to write for a while. It is not really a thirsty post (though I do thirst for him endlessly, and they DO thirst for each other), but I hope it will be enjoyable for other Nobuyuki lovers and those who are curious about him. It’s sort of a parallel narrative to the first act of this route. When I finish rereading it I hope I can write the rest, too. Thank you again!
When they begin, he is distantly sympathetic. Jinpachi has told him about the hairpin, and Nobuyuki pieced the rest together. She doesn’t do a bad job at her masquerade, but she loses her lowered voice and stiff face when someone is kind to her-- and the Takeda are kind to their own, it’s part of why the Sanada serve them. It’s part of why Nobuyuki is there in Tsutsujigasaki, instead of in Ueda where it’s so important he always be.
We make exceptions for the things we love, he thinks, looking at her sitting so ramrod straight. Her posture isn’t technically correct, but none of the Takeda care as long as this person isn’t a threat. And she isn’t, she isn’t any threat at all. He knows what is is: very far from home, and out of her element, and trying her best. She will exhaust herself with the pitch of her effort to be brave. He’s tempted to stay and watch. But he can’t do that.
He can’t leave her there, either. Shingen might know, it’s sometimes difficult to say how much Shingen sees. Nobuyuki admires this. But not enough to leave her there in her padded-out hakama.
Instead, he takes her a little bit father from her home. Maybe it’s fine to say he gives her a new, real home. Now he can watch over her in his. He’s not sure yet what to do with her or how to solve her family’s problem (if he should-- he thinks he should, and Jinpachi’s uncharacteristic advice that they should is really all the sign he needs). He has so much to keep him busy, the Shirai are not keeping faith and now that he is home that’s at the forefront of his mind.
Most of the time. He can’t help but think of her, now that she’s nearby, living among his people. And he does some of his best thinking looking out at the garden... which is next to the training grounds. He didn’t design the castle, but he knows it better than most.
If Yukimura really gets her out on the training field like he is trying to, he will hurt her and never forgive himself when all is discovered. Nobuyuki loves his younger brother, and we make exceptions for the things we love, so he allows himself to call her away and save her and Yukimura both. He gives her busywork to keep her out of trouble, and to her credit that’s where she stays. Her voice is soft in quiet rooms, and he remembers seeing her lose some of her disguise when she was touched by the kindness of the people in Tsutsujigasaki. She is sweet and brave, she has stretched herself so far into unknown fire just to protect her family.
Nobuyuki knows what that is like, in theory. The realization that she has actually done more than him in this surprises and intrigues him, and that’s what makes him decide to tell Jinpachi to go to the capital. The world doesn’t always reward good works, or his mother would still be alive and everyone in the castle would be a very different person. But he is the person he is, and that person wants to help this sweet, brave young woman. He’s fond of her. He doesn’t love her, but he admires her.
The Shirai behave even more poorly before Jinpachi returns. They may be toying with the Sanada and the Uesugi. Nobuyuki knows what’s coming before he tells his father what she is, and he tells himself that if anything happens to her he will always take care of her mother and brother, that if her legacy is their protection he’ll see that through. He trusts that is an exception she would make, for the ones she loves.
She confesses when his father asks if she is a woman, and Nobuyuki does not love her but something in his admiration for her grows when she does. She tells the truth when it would be easier not to, and she doesn’t complain-- she doesn’t really tell his father the half of the trouble the bureaucrat is causing her family. Her heart has a nobility she doesn’t. As he watches her talk, he’s glad he knows which is more important.
She accepts his proposal, though she is already shocked by all that’s happened to her. He’s a bit flattered and wonders if they will ever get to talk about this situation very plainly to one another, if he’ll ever get to hear her truest thoughts about him. He very much wants to, but his heart is already preparing to say goodbye to her, knowing he may never see her again.
His proposal will make her a hostage and take her even farther from home-- from her home with her family and from her home with him. She is a dear girl and she deserves better than the uncertainty of the Shirai’s hospitality. He tells himself the nobility she lacks means she doesn’t know the degree of danger she will be in. He also tells himself that the elevated status that makes her a prime hostage may offer her extra protection.
If he had the choice, it would. If he had the choice, perhaps he wouldn’t send her. But she has come into their lives at just the right time, and he loves his family. We make all kinds of exceptions for the things we love. 
They go to town and she’s deeply, charmingly polite, asking gentle questions about him which he mostly sidesteps entirely. She’s distracted by his own questions, but not for long. She doesn’t ask the same questions he asks her, and she doesn’t repeat the questions he doesn’t answer. In this and so many other things, she seems determined to be gracious as she makes her own way. He likes it so much he tells her about the peach tree. No one has heard that story in a very long time. She receives it so delightedly, with so much pleasure to learn about him. It makes him adore her more. It makes what he’s doing sit less easily in his heart. The world wouldn’t be a very nice place if she was hurt, or worse.
When they arrive back at the castle, it all plays out as he expected, and there’s the first mention of the potential need for a hostage to keep Shirai allied firmly with the Takeda cause. It’s only a thought, not an order, but he sees how she loses some of her happiness and slips into worry, the reverse of what he watched her do in Tsutsujigasaki. He’s watching her now, too, after all.
The best thing to do would be to leave it alone and leave her alone after the discussion in the main hall, it’s unkind but merciful to let her come to terms with things. He wants to be kind, instead, so he goes to her. She is perplexed and afraid, and he does not think this is the time to give her half truths so he does not say much at all. But she is happy not to be left alone, Nobuyuki can tell. It begins to weigh heavily, in his heart, the way he plans to use her if necessary. He thinks over whether it would help or hurt her, if it became widely known that she’s very dear to him.
When he leaves her, he stays outside her room for awhile, just to make sure she goes to bed. He can’t make her sleep, but he can make sure she has the comfort of night’s darkness in a safe place for at least a few nights more. When he puts himself in his own bed, he dreams of holding her, and it is so comforting—he is so bothered he can be comforted— he resolves to not only go with her on the journey to the Shirai, but to hold her before they say their goodbyes. He suspects it will give her comfort, too.
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shannie-writes · 4 years
Yay! I love your new blog name, Shannon is a really pretty name! Happy New year!
Thank you so much!
Shannon is my irl name and Shannie Pie is a nickname my mom has had for me since I was young. I felt going back to my roots would make a more comfortable name to change to.
Happy New Year to you as well, nonny! ♡
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thirdpartofthestory · 7 years
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Beauty of the week goes to this queen Shanny pie😌💆🏾💓
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Aesthetic Tag ✨
tagged by @justine-the-guillotine 💜
Rules: Google your name + your favourite colour + “aesthetic.” Take the first 4  non-collage images and voilà: your aesthetic moodboard!
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tagging: @kashimalin @shannie-pie @emeraldtawny @alloveroliver
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