thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome HUNTER CLARINGTON to the Dalton Sanctuary as a DOMINANT RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
ALIAS/PRONOUNS: Nic (she/her)
AGE: (18+ only) 25
TRIGGERS: None that I’m aware of.
NAME: Hunter James Clarington.
AGE/BIRTHDAY: (21+ only) 28 / May 10th.
GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male (he/him)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Not even remotely bi-curious (jk - bisexual).
KINKS: All but the anti-kinks.
ANTI-KINKS: Scat, gore, vore, watersports.
When Hunter was twelve and he had to describe his life in three words for a school homework, the ones he used were “tradition, family and honor”. While other kids were busy filling theirs with whatever boy group they were into at the moment or the name of an actor, Hunter repeated the words of his father. It wasn’t much to the man’s surprise that Hunter succeeded in everything that was thrown at him. Sports? Captain of the team in high school. Academics? All AP classes and the most perfect chemistry score the school had ever seen. Social life? He was polite and not hard to make friends wish - confident, aware of his skills, funny at the right time. His relationship with his family wasn’t as turbulent as people would expect it to be - they were strict, but Hunter didn’t mind the order and the expectations. He didn’t mind the responsibility. Or so he thought.
As Campbell moved away from their family to follow her dream, Hunter prepared to join the Air Force Academy. A process that usually takes time and preparation, a lot of networking and sometimes even someone on the inside. All things Hunter had taken care of already during several events his parents took them. The process was smooth and soon he was in. He chose a major, he chose a minor, he made friends. This was what he was used to, the life that had been laid out for him. Be great - and make a career out of it.
Hunter took care of his needs with the same logic he would take care of everything else. There was an order to it. Systematic. No feelings. A scene when a withdrawal was close, sex when he felt his body too heavy, having a someone submit to him when he had a headache. The Air Force didn’t mind the system the cadets had going on, they actually reinforced it. Classes weren’t easy and the majority of the students were stressed and sleep deprived, and so was Hunter. But he carried on, he had a role to fulfill. Responsibilities. His life continued on this path until he got a call from his mother - already done with college, already in active duty - Campbell was home, her claim had been killed.
Hunter took his leave and flew home. Even though he managed to stay a month, he couldn’t bear the sight of seeing his lively and full of adventure sister like that. The responsibilities once thrown at him as a child weighing on him once again. This was his sister and there was nothing he could do, nothing he could possibly think of doing. The leadership training at the Air Force did not prepare him for a shadow of what Campbell used to be. He went back to work with that in mind.
The following months were a downward spiral. Each phone call from his mother would leave Hunter more worried, each withdrawal he missed would leave him more stressed, each morning he slept in would leave him feeling more guilty. His own order had been broken and Hunter had no idea how he could put that back together now. So he did what any sensible person would do: he snapped. Over nothing. A cadet had dropped a pencil case from a desk and made a whole lot of noise and Hunter insulted him, his wits and everyone present in the room. Storming out, shutting doors, even beating a colleague that tried to stop him, yelling at everyone in sight.
The next day, he was sent to get an evaluation from one of the healthcare workers of the facility he was working at. The stress, the amount of missed withdrawals and the obvious weight on his shoulders were all written in the report that had him suspended for undetermined time and transferred to the Dalton Sanctuary for treatment. At first he thought it was a horrible idea, so much work would end up piled up because of it, but after a few sessions with the base’s therapist Hunter was convinced to at least try to have his own life for once. He had no idea he would find his own sister there.
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sanctuaryrpg · 8 years
Indefinite Hiatus
Hello survivors.
It saddens me to inform you that SanctuaryRPG will be going on an indefinite hiatus. It had been truly a great few months roleplaying with you all but unfortunately our lives have been becoming more busy and it had been impacting our activity and muse. We thank you all for the interest and patience with us for this long before our decision.
We wish you well in your future roleplaying endeavors and perhaps we will write and plot together one day again.
May we meet again, Admin Anna, Jay and Val
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome SIMON LEBEAU to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SUBMISSIVE RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
*Admin note: I’m making a few changes to the bio that’s written below. I don’t want to alter your writing so you won’t see it down below the cut, but my notes are as follows- Because this world is set up to be healthy and to take care of the people and especially the D/s aspect, there are checks and protocols in place that would not allow anyone to remain in an abusive claim. The fact that she hit him on an airplane and left him triggered in the gag for the whole flight would have legitimately been the end of their claim, someone would have called the claim police, Simon would have been taken into protective custody, and his Domme would have been arrested the moment the plane hit the ground in Italy. I say this because I want to make sure that everyone is clear on the serious and effective nature of the claim protection system in this world.
What I will do to give you an in-between is this: Simon would have had to tell someone that he was okay on the plane to convince people not to call the cops and have his Domme arrested on the spot. Someone would have still reported it though, and we can say it’s a vague report where the person calling is like, “Look, I don’t know if he’s being abused but it didn’t look good.” So his family was notified as well as law enforcement and together their efforts were able to get him back to the US within a month with his claim dissolved based on the abuse. That’s about a week in the abusive home with cops showing up to ask him questions towards the end of it and taking him away after, two weeks of doctors making sure he’s okay in a shelter for people in his position and getting his info for the trial, and a few more days sprinkled on at the end while his paperwork is filed and his plane tickets are purchased. He would know that his Domme was put in jail, in Italy, with the rest of her family and charged with “claim abuse.” And absolutely no way for her to get out and hurt him-- though that doesn’t mean that he can’t fear for it.
NAME: Simon LeBeau AGE/BIRTHDAY: 22 / August 30 GENDER/PRONOUNS: He/Him SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Submissive STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Resident SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual KINKS: Body worship (giving), Gentle domination, praise ANTI-KINKS: bondage (especially gags of any kind), sadism, bathroom play
Misunderstood from a very young age, Simon has struggled to make things work in his short life. Undiagnosed social anxiety and selective mutism, which were mistaken for weakness and defiance by his family, meant that he was constantly under pressure to conform even though he rarely did anything “wrong”. Whatever he did do, it was either “not enough”, not up to some unstated standard that was never explained clearly to him, or him trying to “undermine his parents and family name”, whatever that meant.
School was difficult for him as well, he did alright, managed to pass everything, but the social side of things was not the best for him. He did make a couple of friends that he was able to relax around and actually talk to outside of any formal setting but it wasn’t until his senior year when he met the girl who would claim him.
Isobelle, a transfer student to Chicago from Italy, took a shine to him right away, which was weird and odd and everyone gossiped about it. Why would such a beautiful girl choose such a loser to latch on to? Everything she did and said put Simon at ease and he found he could actually talk to her without much of a problem. They started dating at her request and he eagerly followed her lead, falling head over heals after only a few months. After their tests - she received a domme mark and he his submissive, of course - she claimed him. He thought things would be heaven from then on, why wouldn’t they be? She was gorgeous and kind and everything he’d dreamed of, what could go wrong?
Everything apparently and it started on the flight to Italy where she wanted to settle at her family’s estate near Tuscany. Simon had only asked her if she wanted anything from the drink cart. It had been innocent enough of a question but the reaction it drew from her was completely unexpected and seemed drastically out of character. She slapped him and despite knowing how he felt about being gagged, ordered him to wear a ball gag for the entire 13 hour flight.
His anxiety ramped up steadily after that, seeing her true nature, finally understanding why she’d come to another continent to find a claim, her whole family as sadistic as he could imagine. He still can’t quite remember everything that happened in Italy, he shut down soon after arriving, unable to process the situation he found himself in. Despite how hard his family had been on him, they did love him and when he didn’t return calls or emails, they eventually sent investigators to find out what was going on. It took a couple of months but they were finally able to have Simon removed and returned to the States. They didn’t know what to do with him at that point and had him checked in to Dalton for recovery, knowing the staff there would be better equipped to handle whatever needed to be handled.
He’s not sure about the place, truth be told, and is sure that Isobelle is somehow going to get her hands on him again. It’s not a fun thought but he’s determined to try and heal… what else is he supposed to do?
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome ALEXANDER GILBERT to the Dalton Sanctuary as a DOMINANT RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
NAME: Alexander ‘Xander’ Gilbert AGE/BIRTHDAY: 27 GENDER/PRONOUNS: He/Him SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Dominant STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Resident (6-months mandatory anger management as part of his sentencing) SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual KINKS: Wrestling/manhandling, cock worship (receiving), leather gloves (wearing), leather bondage cuffs ANTI-KINKS: Sadism, bathroom play, humiliation (giving+receiving)
Elliott and Alexander were two peas in a pod, literally and figuratively. Though they were fraternal twins, they both had the other’s back right from day one. Elliott was definitely the more outgoing of the two, taking a shine to music and fashion while Alexander - or Xander, as he preferred - got sucked into reading and expressing himself through writing. Both boys were encouraged to pursue what they liked and so, Xander doubled down on his poetry, the type of writing that felt the most authentic, that let him express his heart and soul.
When Elliott moved to NYC, Alexander tagged along to support his brother and to try to branch out and was actively looking for a publisher and a crew to call his own. It was when Elliott met Robby that things started to turn south.
Xander noticed that something wasn’t right but there was nothing concrete and, uncharacteristically, Elliott wouldn’t talk to him about it. There was something about the other Dom that rubbed Xander the wrong way and the fateful night when his suspicions were proved correct were a bit of a blur to him.
He saw Robby hit Elliott backstage at one of Elliott’s concerts and he lost it. He completely lost it, charging at the other Dominant with a rage he’d never felt before nor since. It took three men to pull him off and he honestly didn’t remember much of what actually happened but the cops were called and Xander ended up in jail while Robby was taken to the hospital.
Given a 6-month term for assault and battery - regularly a 2-year term but circumstances were taken into consideration as well as his pristine history with not even a speeding ticket to his name - to be served at a rehabilitation facility - not quite a jail but not quite a sanctuary either. Xander resigned himself to the fact that he was losing his freedom for a while. It sucked but he’d have done it again or worse if it meant keeping Elliott safe. Thankfully, he had only served 1 month and was given a review for his exemplary behavior, how seriously he was taking the therapy and actually helping his fellow detainees. His sentence was revised and reduced to a 6-month mandatory anger management to be served at Dalton Sanctuary.
He’s hoping to get back into his writing after having the worst case of writer’s block in the entire world and, maybe just maybe, finding someone to be his.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome IAGO WALSH to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SUBMISSIVE RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
ALIAS/PRONOUNS: Nic (she/her)
AGE: (18+ only) 25
TRIGGERS: None that I’m aware of.
ANYTHING ELSE: Gavin Leatherwood FC.
NAME: Iago Cillian Walsh.
AGE/BIRTHDAY: (21+ only) 23
GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male (he/him)
KINKS: All but the anti-kinks.
ANTI-KINKS: Scat, gore, vore, watersports.
The Walsh are a very well known family. Anyone who has ever been interested in buying a bottle of wine that is more expensive than U$10 has heard of them. From Ojai, California - they’ve become largely known in the country and internationally for their award winning bottles of wine. The winery holds the Spanish side of the family’s name - Rubio Ortiz - and has been passed down from generation to generation.
When Iago was born, the second boy of three, the family already had an heir but they never missed an opportunity to show him off too. He was adorable. Cute face to show off pictures of, amazing grades to brag about, always one step ahead of everyone his age, always better, always more intense.
When the boys entered middle school, his father was rarely around, always too busy taking care of business since his mother was always too sick to do so. Always too tired, never feeling well, so she stayed in while the man worked. Iago, who had grown to be competitive, always striving to be the best, also wanted to be the best son. He had noticed that he would get a different treatment from his other brothers - the older one was always the best and the youngest the most spoiled. And there was Iago, right there in the middle, always trying to feel less mediocre, trying to get some compliments, trying.
As his mom was home a lot, he would spend a lot of time with her. Gardening, cleaning, cooking. Whenever she had the energy to get up, he would be there for her and with her. And in one of those days she let him in on a secret… A secret that would change his life. He wasn’t his father’s son. Out of the three, Iago was the one who was the result of a one-night-stand outside of the marriage. And his father knew. The entire family did, but the kids. Iago finally understood why he was treated the way he was.
On his 18th birthday, he got marked as a submissive and soon after his mother passed. It didn’t take long for his father to take action, “kicking him out” of the house. Iago was given a limitless credit card, an apartment, a car and was told to never open his mouth about not being Liam’s son. So he has been living on his own in LA since he was 18. At first, he would spend a lot of time partying and high - doing Yoga, finding himself, whatever excuse he had for the week - but after a few months he would get tired of something and start something new. His needs were constantly ignored - hooking up with people he would meet through apps whenever he felt it became too much, just to do the same the next month. It’s not that Iago doesn’t enjoy being a submissive - he does, quite a lot. There are just too many walls built around himself for him to let people in.
He’s confident and he’s always trying to prove himself to his father - proving that he can and will be great as well. Just like the other two legitimate kids. Five years after being kicked out, Iago got a visit from his grandmother. She noticed how the boy was living - never settling, always tired, always looking for the next bit of fun - and talked him into moving to the Sanctuary, maybe letting someone in wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen to him.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome KURT HUMMEL to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SWITCH RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
NAME: Kurt Elizabeth Hummel AGE/BIRTHDAY: 25 - May 27th GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-man , he/him SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Switch STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Resident SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Homosexual KINKS: breath play , rough sex , sexting / dirty talk, open to anything but antis ANTI-KINKS: cutting / lacerating , scat ,  watersport.
The Hummel household has always been small , and it only got smaller when his mother passed away and they found themselves planting roots in Lima  Ohio. Confidence can be worn legitimately , or simply fake it until you make it your own.  Something that Kurt mastered with utmost diligence. Growing up , his journey truly began in his freshman year at McKinley High. There were a couple situations where it seemed like he’d let the demons win , but he always bounced back. Moving to New York City had been the turning point of his entire life : he achieved the highest form of self-love that he’d never deemed imaginable for himself. an endeavor that involved a long enduring battle , tooth and nail. To say that Kurt changed would be an understatement , he still carries the same amount of sass , but he’s no longer someone who will submit to just any authority. Kurt ran his own life , and it led him to becoming more work oriented than anything. After graduation , Kurt found himself in a rut. Dalton Sanctuary had been brought to his attention and despite the dismissal , he eventually came to the decision to go. What’s the worst that could happen?
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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I realized the other day that I don’t have any of the follow links posted here, so let me just go ahead and put all of the current follow links in this post and I’ll try to remember to post new blogs on the main here too. 
Alyssa Dalton @alyssadaltonhq and Shangela Dalton @shangeladaltonhq are the admin characters that make all of the announcements, as the Founders of The Sanctuary.
Ambrose Abrams @sanctuaryambrose
Artie Abrams @artieabramssubs
Malakai Abrams @kaiabramsdom
Blaine Anderson @blaineandersontds
Ellis Anderson @sanctuaryellis
Zoie Beiste @zoietherabeiste
Oliver Bray @olliebraystaff
Campbell Clarington @cammieclaringtondomme
Hunter Clarington @daltondomhunter
Dorsey Corcoran @dorseyinthesky
Emerson Crawford @bondagezero
Nick Duval @dancerdomnick
Frannie Fabray @docfranniefabray
Quinn Fabray @littlemissperoxide
Elliott Gilbert @sanctuarystarchild
Tara Gordon @taragordshq
Jayson Hudson @jayhudsonswitch
Reginald Huggins @callmereg
Kurt Hummel @hummcled
Levi Hummel @confidenceinraiin
Simon LeBeau @simonlebeau
Faith Lehane @psychoslutorama
Mason McCarthy @sanctuarymcmason
Bridgette Moore @bowtobridge
James Moore @overlordjamesmoorehq
Lorelai Reilly @lorelayingunderthestars
Caelan Smythe @caelanxxsmythe
Sebastian Smythe @sebastiensmythe
Genevieve Sterling @gigisterlinghearts
Jeff Sterling @jeffxsterlingxx
Janelle St. James @janellestjames
Noah Wright @subnoahwrightscks
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome TARA GORDON to the Dalton Sanctuary as a DOMINANT STAFF. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
NAME: Tara Gordon AGE/BIRTHDAY: (21+ only) 27 GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis female she/her SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Domme STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Staff - physical therapy SEXUAL ORIENTATION: homoflexible KINKS: Literally Anything ANTI-KINKS: scat, vore, watersports, age play
Tara Mychelle Gordon was born April 18, 1994 in New York City, New York. She is the only child of Patrice Fallon-Gordon, the most well-known and successful defense attorney in New York, and Roderick Gordon, a successful and nationally known plastic surgeon. Tara was raised to be the model, pristine student and person, and she has focused her whole life on making her parents as proud as possible.
Achieving Salutatorian status during high school, Tara went on to college and then graduate school to obtain her degrees and licensure in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. Though she always loved the hustle and bustle of NY, after college she found herself wanting to explore a slower way of life. So, she moved out to Ohio and took a job as an assistant at a local college, in their Sports Rehab department. After only a couple of years there, a position opened up for a lead Physical Therapist at the Dalton Sanctuary, a widely known and well-respected Mental Health Facility. She applied and was hired, and is excited to begin her new journey.
Tara is tough, hard working, strong, and motivated. But, she is also caring, loving, and accepting. She has a type-A personality, but loves working with others, helping them reach their goals and be as successful as they want to be.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome LEVI HUMMEL to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SWITCH VISITOR. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made. 
NAME: Levi Hummel AGE/BIRTHDAY: 25 || May 25th GENDER/PRONOUNS: trans man || he/him SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Switch STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Visitor SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual KINKS: open ANTI-KINKS: scat, vore, pee, 
Born first of the two Hummel twins, there were a lot of expectations that were set on Levi’s shoulders; deadname Liesl, giving both twins birth names from The Sound of Music’s von Trapp family, chosen by their mother made. The first was his gender; because he had a vagina, he was labeled as a girl. It was assumed, and he showed no signs of being intersex or anything but an every day cis female. Growing up with Kurt, it became very clear very early on that his family was incredibly accepting and that the social construct of gender meant much less inside his home than it did anywhere else. Because of this, he felt free to riffle in his Mother’s closet with Kurt, trying on all of her heels, dresses, and makeup. They took ballet together, which Levi continued to do every year, even when Kurt quit. He even spent a decent amount of his childhood obsessing over the color pink and insisting that he and Kurt search for unicorns. It was okay to explore everything. He was also free to explore football and more conventionally “manly” things, while always finding a way to involve Kurt as well. These two were glued to the hip, you could never find one without the other.
It was that closeness that was originally thought to be the reason why Levi liked getting the same haircut as Kurt and mimicking his fashion sense. What loving sibling doesn’t want to emulate their brother? The first solid sign came on their fifth birthday, when Levi threw a tantrum bigger than he’d ever thrown before and insisted that he have everything exactly like Kurt– including pronouns. What he couldn’t put into words was that he was jealous of Kurt’s treatment outside of the house. Hell, he was jealous of Kurt in general. 
Afterwards, it just got worse. Levi acted out all the time, and he even picked on Kurt a little bit. It was like a dam had burst and he couldn’t control the flow of his actions anymore. He was either aggressive and loud or passive, depressed, and completely silent. After some therapy, another decision smartly made by his mother, it was suggested that Levi might be transgender, and that might be where the problems were rooted. It was also revealed that he was highly intuitive and empathic, to the point where he could feel other people’s emotions more fully than most (and without having to talk about what the emotions were) and he seemed to have a super power for knowing when people were lying. The therapist was right, and as soon as he was allowed to rename himself and start presenting himself and being treated as the way he saw himself in his head, things got much better. He apologized to Kurt and spent almost a week sleeping in bed with him, crying because he hated how he had treated his brother. It took time, but Levi was able to comfortably create a space for himself in the world that he had previously not thought possible. In general, everything got better. It was like they were kids again, and nothing in the world could bother them. They were young enough that it was pretty easy for Levi to transition, and pretty easy for him to settle into his life as himself without any problems. Luckily, he grew up taking the proper hormone therapy so he got to look just like his brother finally, since they were identical twins.
Then their mother died right after they turned eight and everything came crashing down at their feet. Burt couldn’t handle being a single parent, not as a recent widower, and the Hummel boys ended up sharing the role of Hummel Mother. They cooked, cleaned, and sometimes even practically carried their father through his day. Unfortunately, Burt wasn’t very well prepared for having eccentric sons that were so much different than himself either. Levi held onto the fact that his mother accepted him for who he was and still thinks about it almost every day. That was important. 
So things settled again and normalcy was found. Levi was glad to be accepted for who he really was, nobody questioned his manhood, and he was able to focus on growing as an individual. Still, he was very closed off and abrasive as a defense mechanism, tending to stick to Kurt’s company above anyone else’s.  He’s not sexually active and he’s never even been kissed. He just isn’t approachable when it comes to that sort of thing. He knows that people will accept him as transgender, but he keeps it to himself just to keep that added wall in between his real self and the rest of the world. Being so empathic gives him anxiety, and he’s afraid that people won’t like him, so he keeps bits of himself to himself. So nobody can ruin it for him.
After high school, he easily got accepted into Julliard. He was excited about it, but when it came time to go he couldn’t convince himself to leave Lima. It was just too far out of his comfort zone, even if he thoroughly lamented the loss of his chance to pursue his dreams. Besides, their Father’s health is worrisome. They aren’t the richest family. There were a lot of excuses to stay. 
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome OLIVER BRAY to the Dalton Sanctuary as a DOMINANT STAFF. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
ALIAS/PRONOUNS: Char AGE: (18+ only) TIMEZONE: TRIGGERS: ANYTHING ELSE: (like your fc if it isn’t already canon) Matthew Lewis
NAME: Oliver Bray AGE/BIRTHDAY: (21+ only) 30 GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male he/him SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Dom STAFF/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Staff SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heteroflexible KINKS: ANTI-KINKS: non-sexual bodily secretions, age play, blood play
Oliver Grayson Bray was born November 16, 1990 in Los Angeles as the son of Submissive Darryl Bray and Domme Missy Bray. The home and area Oliver was born into weren’t the best. He grew up not only poor, but as the only child of two (what could only be described as) lowlifes. Both of his parents were addicts, heavily involved in the more unsavory sides of life. His mother, a well-known dealer of just about anything anyone could ever want to get their hands on, and his father, a user of the same, possessed a seemingly never ending supply of money, though they never put it towards anything other than more drugs and scores. Making it to his fifth birthday only by the grace of local babysitters with more than one brain-cell left to rub together, this was the age at which his parents decided Oliver was able to fend for himself. By his sixth birthday, the pair had realized how valuable a child could be to the ‘business’ they were running, and began utilizing him as a runner leaving him to carry product in some of the most dangerous situations one could dream of. Things had always been physical between his parents, yet that physicality was turned on Oliver once he became ‘involved’ in their schemes- he was no longer seen as a child (not that he ever had been), but as an employee. A body. A means to an end. And he was treated as such, in all ways.
Despite all of this, Oliver did the best he could to succeed in the areas he quickly learned really mattered- school, and work. Never bringing home less than straight-A’s, Oliver began working a paper delivery route at only 8-years-old, not letting his parents in on his side-gig and managing to hoard his money in an old coffee can in his family’s shed- a place his parents never went. By 13, and through a series of other odd-jobs he’d managed to pick up along the way (mowing lawns, grocery runs, housework, and private tutoring), he’d managed to collect himself over $2,500. Although he’d initially been planning to run away just as soon as he was able, his plans were thwarted when a teacher at school finally caught a glimpse of some of the bruises and scarring his body bore, and got Social Services involved. In no more than a month, Oliver was removed from his parents’ custody, the pair was sent to prison for their crimes, and Oliver was placed in a group home, where he remained until his 18th birthday. During his time in the group home, Oliver continued to use his spare time for odd-jobs, continuing to collect and save as much as he could. Still, in spite of everything, he succeeded. He flourished. His drive and focus were unlike any other, and he was hungry to make something of himself. Of course, it made sense for him to be marked Dominant, despite his upbringing. Following high school graduation, Oliver made the decision to return to the City for college, accepting the full-ride he’d been offered to UCLA.
Double-majoring in Psychology and Social Work, Oliver continued to excel and thrive academically. However, his new schedule proved to be tougher than he’d expected, and he found himself unable to maintain the income he’d wanted, having become fixed on saving for the life he’d always dreamed he’d have. Although he took on a work-study position through the college, the position paid minimum wage and much of it was eaten by school supplies and day-to-day expenses. Feelings of desperation began to set in. It was around that time that his mother, desperate herself and finding her connections running dry, used some of her last bit of juice to have Oliver tracked. Once found, she reached out in a letter, convincing Oliver to visit her. He did, thinking no harm could come of it, and after all she was his mother. Naturally, the visit did not go the direction he’d planned, and it didn’t take long for his mother to talk him into returning to the position he’d been trained in for years- mule. Despite how much Oliver hated it, and despised being back under his mother’s thumb, he was beyond careful and he couldn’t deny the money was good. Promising himself that upon his college graduation he would stop once and for all, he worked to build and expand the 'business’, not for his mother but for his own future. It was through this expansion that Oliver met and came into contact with Quinn Fabray, Genevieve Sterling, and Campbell Clarington- the latter of which became one of his best clients, and at times, frequent lovers. Though, they were both well aware of what the feelings between them were- the truest form of power exchange- he had something she more than wanted, but needed- and even when she couldn’t give him money, she knew he’d get her high after they fucked. Though, Oliver himself didn’t see this as a problem in the moment- and in fact, at various points was forced to actively battle a crush on Campbell.
Then, she met Kallee, a Submissive Oliver knew from a couple of his classes on campus, and Kallee did what Oliver never could have, and he was happy for it. Keeping his promise to himself, he left 'the life’ after graduating from his Bachelor’s program (with honors) and moved on to his Master’s program- though he was nearly $120,000 richer. Taking a legitimate job in the administrative department of the college, he pursued Master’s degrees in both Clinical Psychology and Social Work, wanting nothing more than to give back in the ways others had given back to him, and wanting to help others who came from situations similar to himself. Upon completion of the program, Oliver realized how desperately he wanted something different, unlike anything he’d ever had or experienced before. Hearing of a job opening in Dalton’s Counseling department, Oliver applied, nailed the interview, and set his plans for a new life in motion.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome NOAH WRIGHT to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SUBMISSIVE RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
✎ IN CHARACTER INFORMATION NAME: Noah Jules Wright. AGE/BIRTHDAY: (21+ only) 24 GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male (he/him) SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Submissive. STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Resident. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual. KINKS: All but the anti-kinks. ANTI-KINKS: Scat, gore, vore, watersports.
✎ BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Noah was born in NY to two models. They were both the claims of a stylist who soon put the baby for adoption, not feeling like dealing with the headache at the time. He was then adopted by Isabelle Wright, Vogue’s chief editor and the biggest name in fashion. He grew up going from mansion to mansion, runaway to runaway and city to city. Expensive restaurants and fast cars at sixteen. Private schools, tennis and golf clubs. Summers in Bali and Winters in Europe. He had it all. His mother - she had adopted him because she wanted a kid, but didn’t feel like being in a relationship - would take him everywhere with her and give him so much love. Noah loves his mother more than he loves himself. But of course he grew up as your typical rich boy. Entitled, alone and not giving many fucks about the rules. It didn’t take long for him to taste his first cigarette, his first sip of alcohol and to be seen with several celebrities. They liked Noah and Noah liked the attention he would get from them.
His pretty face, his mother’s influence and his amount of social media followers would get him dates, dinners, gifts, party invitations, international trips… Noah had everything. And with that, of course, came the rumors. The front pages of gossip magazines. Phone calls from his mother’s lawyers. People would say he was doing it only to get laid, to get a fix for his submissive need, that he didn’t and pretty much couldn’t like or even love all those people.
And with those, more people only interested in sex and front pages of magazines approached him. And Noah took the attention until he couldn’t take it anymore. Until it became too much. Until the only pictures available of him online were of him too drunk or in the arms of someone he had no business being around. Until he had the feeling that those were the only two things he was good for: sex and 15 minutes of fame.
That’s when his mother finally pulled the plug. She believed in letting her son fly free, but too much had become too much. On his 24th birthday, his credit cards were cancelled, his cars were taken and he was sent to the Sanctuary with the hope that they’d be able to show Noah how to get attention in a healthy way, how to take care of himself and his needs without just throwing himself in the arms of whoever seems inviting without thinking about consequences. His mother hopes her son, her baby, sees this as a learning experience and a means for him to finally find someone to settle with.
Beneath all the money and attention seeking, Noah is an astronomy lover. He loves the stars and the science behind them, he also can be very sweet. He plays instruments, writes his own stuff and likes to make food from scratch. He rarely shows any vulnerability, but he might for the right person at the right time. Being an only child, he tends to be a bit spoiled and sometimes even a huge procrastinator who rarely thinks he’s doing good enough.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome TIA MORRISON to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SWITCH STAFF. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
ALIAS/PRONOUNS: Sam AGE: (18+ only) 27 TIMEZONE: NST. TRIGGERS: None. ANYTHING ELSE: My face claim would be Vanessa Morgan. I was part of your group before but… ended up going through some things ooc which resulted in me having to disappear. Which I’m so sorry about I lost my internet.
NAME: Tia Morrison. AGE/BIRTHDAY: 28. GENDER/PRONOUNS: She/Her. SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: Switch STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Staff. (sex therapist) SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual. KINKS:  Exhibitionism, Bondage, Nipple play, Gagging. ANTI-KINKS: Scatophilia.
Tia grew up in a very laid back household where she was always encouraged to be who she wanted to be. Her parents were the most welcoming people for whatever Safiya wanted to do. Nothing was off limits for them, they were the ones that bought her the first book regarding BDSM.
There was no surprise when she decided to explore being a switch it was the best of both words for her, from the time she was younger she always wanted to help people find a claim like the one that she was privileged to have. Even though it was taken away from her before it could blossom she knew that she wanted to be here, helping people if they needed it. She always felt free when speaking about sex, and wanted to make sure that she would pass that on to others. Help them embrace their sexuality.
Getting her masters in therapy was something that she worked so hard towards, making sure she was prepared for things she would face. She had a specialty in Sex Therapy. Dalton was somewhere she hoped to create a home, that she wanted to be happy there. A long time ago she had lost her family that she loved and now she was hoping to get some back. To most Tia seems like a ball of fun and most days yes she is, but she is also someone that has some trauma inside of her that she keeps to herself most times.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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This is the DOMINANT ALYSSA DALTON’s biography, just so people know the lore behind one of two current owners and descendants of the founders of The Sanctuary.   
AGE: (18+ only) 27
TRIGGERS: dental and fireworks
ANYTHING ELSE: (like your fc if it isn’t already canon)Alyssa Edwards
NAME:Alyssa Dalton
AGE/BIRTHDAY: (21+ only) 34
GENDER/PRONOUNS: she/her in drag, he/him out
SEXUAL ORIENTATION:gay out of drag
KINKS:pretty much anything
ANTI-KINKS:scat, vore, watersports, age play
Marcus Dalton was born in Austin, Texas on March 15, 1986 to Joan and Frederick Dalton, heirs to the Dalton fortune and the family jewel, the Dalton Sanctuary. Growing up, Marcus knew he was just a little different than the rest of his family. He was a spitfire from the start, loving nothing more than a good party and an even better chance to raise hell. Where his family was near-staunch, he found himself longing for vibrancy and color. It took no time at all for him to realize he was gay, a fact he's been proud of from the moment he came out to his family and the world. At the age of 18, he began playing around with makeup, and took his existing love for fashion to the next level. And thus, Alyssa Dalton was born. Having a love of performing, Alyssa took her act live, performing at any and every club and bar she could get booked in throughout the state of Texas. From there, her career skyrocketed, and she began getting calls for shows out of state. She has made a name for herself nationwide at this point, both for her performances and her drag.
Despite his love for a good party and a grand time, Marcus always paid attention to and focused on his grades. He soared through school, graduating top of his class and attending Yale for Psychology undergrad, following in her family's footsteps. Due to his intelligence and stellar work ethic, Marcus graduated undergrad in only three years, and transitioned immediately into Yale's graduate program in Clinical Psychology. It took three years to complete his course, and he graduated with his Masters at 25. Moving immediately to California, Marcus attended Stanford at Berkeley for his Ph.D program, majoring in Clinical Psychology with focuses on Mood Disorders and Trauma. Following graduation, Marcus stepped into his family's footsteps and took a position where he felt he could best help others- as a prison psychologist. Working closely with several justice and correctional systems, Marcus made a name for himself in the world of criminal justice, gaining several friends.
By this time, performing as Alyssa had become damn near a second full-time job. And, it came to be that Marcus found himself in Drag for the majority of his day, even at work. At the age of 32, Alyssa received a call from her family, requesting that she fulfill the position she'd always been meant to- to come to Lima, Ohio with her family's submissive Shangela, to take over the running of Dalton Sanctuary. Packing her bags, Alyssa prepared for her life to change completely, committing and looking forward to all her new calling was to bring.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome SEBASTIAN SMYTHE to the Dalton Sanctuary as a SUBMISSIVE RESIDENT. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made. 
ALIAS/PRONOUNS: Alex, they/them AGE: 24 TIMEZONE: TRIGGERS: Cutting/lacerating ANYTHING ELSE: (like your fc if it isn’t already canon)
NAME: Sebastian Smythe AGE/BIRTHDAY: 21 GENDER/PRONOUNS: He/him SUB/DOMINANT/SWITCH?: sub STAFF/VOLUNTEER/RESIDENT/VISITOR?: Resident SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual KINKS: Basically anything except antis. ANTI-KINKS: Cutting/lacerating, nonsexual body fluids
✎ BRIEF BIOGRAPHY The Smythe family was a well known, wealthy family throughout Ohio and surrounding states due to their strong, political standing. Sebastian was born in Paris under the name Sébastien James Smythe, but later changed it to “Sebastian” to make it easier to live in America, where he and his mother immigrated to when he was just a few years old to support the Smythe father in his climb to the top. Being the son of an ascending political figure and a French immigrant meant that even from a young age, Sebastian was meant to keep up appearances at any given time. To the public, they were a close, loving, tight knit family with true “American family values”. And, while his parents weren’t abusive by any means, they were unintentionally neglectful despite genuinely loving their son. The majority of Sebastian’s childhood was spent with babysitters, and he’d see his parents on and off throughout the day when they weren’t busy with other things. When he was a little older, his parents decided to call their marriage quits thanks to work schedules causing them to drift apart. Or, at least that’s what the public was told. The truth was, his father had begun staying out late, far past when he was supposed to be home, and it didn’t take long for the truth to privately come out to the Smythe mother that affairs were being had. After the divorce and custody agreement were finalized, Sebastian was on a plane with his mom, en route back to Paris. He’d spend the next several years until the age of 18 staying with his mother during the year before returning to America every Summer to stay with his father. Eventually, after moving back to America full time at the age of 19 to start his degree in law, he decided to take a break after two years and enroll at the sanctuary in an attempt to get a change of scenery, meet new people and advance his knowledge about D/s mechanics.
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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We’re coming in with a revamp? Oh shit. It’s been requested by a few people that I bring this place back, so consider this a holiday present from me to you. If you were in any other incarnation of TDS, feel free to pop in the inbox and let me know that you want to join in again. I’ll repost your acceptance from before, unless you want to write up something new. As far as I know, everyone that’s rejoining is starting over fresh and new, so nobody will feel like they’ve joined an established group at this point. 
Because this is open fandom and OC, I won’t be waiting on acceptances- once I get an app, I will accept it, so let me know if you need me to hold a role for you. Consider this place open for applications again. 
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thedaltonsanctuary · 4 years
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Welcome NATHANIAL DUVAL to the Dalton Sanctuary as a DOMINANT VOLUNTEER. Please send in your blog within the next 48 hours or we will have to reopen your role. You may begin dash activity immediately, no need to wait for anything else once your blog is made.
ALIAS/PRONOUNS: Chris he/him AGE: (18+ only) 25+ TIMEZONE: est TRIGGERS: ANYTHING ELSE: curt mega - he's going to teach the core dominance classes and captain a writing club and get the newsletter going - he’ll be looking for staff roles to fill for free 
The Duval twins were born into wealth, with their family having founded one of the most successful vacation resort chains. Because of this, they always have fun places to go every summer and opportunity knocked on every door. Growing up, they got the Paris Hilton experience and were relatively close to the same position as heirs to luxury and fun. Early on, Nate realized that he was the quieter of the two, but that didn't mean that he was any less of a player. The two were almost the same person sometimes, and when it came to mischief like sleeping around, they could pretty much read each other's minds. As responsible as he is, it's still obvious that he's a little naive because he's never not been in a controlled environment.
While Nick thrived on dance, Nate is a writer, with interest in poetry and journalism. When they went to the resorts during the summer, Nate would spend the time learning how to run the place. He wanted to know. It was no surprise when he was marked a Dominant, and he hasn't really had to experience withdrawals or drops; everything has always been taken care of. While Nick focused on his dance career, Nate went to school. When the core Dominant class professor stepped down, Nick called Nate and asked his brother to come help out, so he did. They have enough money that he insisted he come in as a volunteer, off payroll. He didn't mean for it to, but it made for good publicity for the Duvals as well as the Daltons.
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