#sandman hobi being a menace
yoongsisbae · 2 years
Day Dream | JHS - Dream Analysis
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Me, analyzing my own character's dreams in my own story because why not :'D.
This was written to help plot out the story for Day Dream. I wrote a lot lol so I thought might as well share it with yall! This analysis is kind of heavy, but if you really want to understand her story, here ya go. THAT BEING SAID, you don't have to view the story so dark if you don't want to. I would love to hear your own interpretations!
You might be asking yourself why put so much effort into a smut fic, my answer is I don't fucking know :D
Night at the Inn
Some dreams are more obvious. Y/n doesn’t want to bother her sleeping boyfriend so she fantasizes about having sex with him instead, dreaming about her own “dream vacation.” So, she was dreaming about a time in her life where she made one of her dreams come true, now making that experience into a dream when it all really started as a dream, and around and round we go, and that’s basically the plot, the end, badamtisk.
The Fire
Let’s go back a bit, the first dream that happened was never explained. Y/n woke up with a nagging sense that a dream happened, she just couldn’t remember. This is a common occurrence for people, but that doesn’t make the dream any less impactful, as it was the first time Hoseok entered her dreams and decided he wanted to stay. The heat of the bedroom made her dream about being trapped in a burning building. She screamed and screamed for help, and Hobi heard her, prompting him to tell her she was “the loudest” when answering why he chose her. Once he entered the dream, she put him into the role of a firefighter, boosting his egotm. If a sexy Hoseok firefighter saved your life, what would you do hmm? Can you blame y/n for showing her “gratitude” in a very ahem, steamy way... This starts a chain reaction. Y/n wakes up horny and goes on to dream of the inn and Hoseok wants to experience moretm.
Y/n is hot, so she dreams about it being cold. She’s not very “imaginative,” in that sense, even when she knows it’s a dream. That will change later!
Y/n fantasizes about being famous and rich and desired, which I think it’s a pretty common fantasy. But nowhere in her fantasy is her current boyfriend. Does that mean she doesn’t love him or see a future with him? Not really, she doesn’t see herself ever becoming famous either. But it does give Hoseok the perfect opening to invade her dreams again and form prejudices about her, which is why most of their dreams together are, well, physical.
Nine to Five
Y/n dreams about confiding in her old friend Seokjin at a cafe, a way to calm her nerves about all the strange dreams she’s experiencing. It was also a way to deal with her anxiousness about reaching out to a friend she lost touch with. A trial run so to speak. Again, the dream is not very imaginative. She’s reliving her own life, going to work, going to a familiar café, but it starts to devolve once Hoseok gets involved. She starts to feel guilt again over dreaming about other men, and ends up “cheating” on her dream boyfriend, Hoseok still doesn’t have much respect for her and doesn’t care about fucking with her.
Seokjin’s character shows the fight for dominance going on between the dreamer and dream walker with his actions. Through Jin her subconscious is trying to help her. He shows how even though Hoseok can manipulate her, in the end her mind protects her from the foreign intruder. Again she’s not very creative about it lol making herself into a superhero to “fight him off” very unsuccessfully.
Spaceship Hope
TW: SA. The space ship dream was much more symbolic, and so are her following dreams. The dream is actually about why y/n and Yoongi are no longer together. Their relationship was very toxic and he coerced her into having sex with him because it “hurt too much” to stop. Y/n might have been the commander of the space station, her dream and her mind, but Hoseok was right in telling her he was Captain, the one who really knew how to control the ship, the dream. She put her boyfriend Namjoon into the role of co-commander, an equal, and she made Yoongi a repair officer, the good helpful man she knew him as when they first started dating. But like their relationship, her dream turned into a nightmare, Yoongi turned into a monster who did not care about y/n and only cared about his own sexual gratification. When she no longer gave him what he wanted, he escaped through the space pod, and her heart broke all over again.
At this point did Hoseok miss her because she’s been avoiding sleep? Is he getting too close to her, starting to have feelings? Ehh...but we want to see him be a good guy, right? So does y/n, which is why he walks right into the part of her protector, fighting off Yoongi, even if it is still for his own selfish reasons. Their relationship is still very physical.
Club More
Club more is not really visited in the story, apart from the music and red light referenced. Club More plus all the other places Hoseok and y/n discuss show how close they have become, living out multiple fantasies with each other, engaging in kinks y/n likes that even her loving boyfriend does not know about.
Shoutout to airplane bathroom Hobi and the iconic fanfiction Flight 18
The Mad Scientist And The Monster In The Cave
Running is a very common dream action for people experiencing stress, and y/n at this point is beyond stressed. Subconsciously she sees Jimin as bad influence by his friendship with Hoseok even though he is nothing but nice to her in real life. Y/n still blames him for releasing “the monster” into her life. Jungkook, the receptionist, who she associates with Namjoon, she dreams as good and a trusting friend. She is still “running” to Namjoon at this point.
Experiment 613B
TW: SA This is a culmination of all her guilt and fears and trauma manifesting itself into a situation where she loses control of everything, her body, her desires, her thoughts, as she is forced into sex with another man again.
Love Motel Red
Now that y/n has met Hoseok in real life, she has a reference already created in her mind and thus can remember him no matter what.
TW: SA the ending to this dream to me shows how Hobi is a villain, a menace, truly toxic like her ex. Hoseok gets angry she is rejecting him and calling him out, and everything about what he does to her is just pure violence. “He sinks lower, lying over you, his body melting into yours until you feel him everywhere inside you.” OUT OF CONTEXT, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU THINK OF? Hobi is toxic, I'm sorry.
Boxing Match/Wrestling Showdown!
The dreaming has become hopeless in a way that she can’t let go of Hoseok as much as he can't let go of her. She lied to Namjoon in the phone call and it was the beginning to her downfall. In the dream she uses Namjoon as a placeholder to fight Hoseok in boxing and just forgets about him once the dream shifts, consumed with Hoseok and his over-the-top captivating personality which really shines as a wrestler. They spiral down into a toxic fight, mirroring their real confrontation. It just shows how violence is never the answer…
The Newlywed Game
Namjoon should have been sitting next to y/n and Hoseok should have been part of another couple, but he's not! He's sitting right there next to her! She couldn't help herself in the end, she chose a toxic partner instead. She wanted to beat him, so she had to stoop to his level. It worked, but at what cost? She ended up right back at that Love Motel Nightmare.
We do learn more about Hoseok, he's more humanized, because y/n is "falling" for the dream, falling for him, letting him manipulate her and letting her insecurities consume her.
Y/n and Hoseok are fully down the rabbit hole, falling through different dreams. The dreams are no longer rooted in any sort of reality, shifting and changing quickly to meet each other's needs. She falls so deeply she finds a way into her subconcious through the Pandora's boxtm
The Maze
Another reoccurring dream, Hoseok and y/n are fully into the fantasy play, enjoying their roles, having fun and working as a team. There is really no way out of the maze but to go deeper. Her aggression (lion) is tamed, her desire for freedom (eagle) is let go, the restrictions of her mind (vines) are broken.
The dreams start to reveal their childhoods, y/n’s mother was also in a toxic relationship, Hoseok was always deeply into escapism via the arcade and his toys. It is a cycle that y/n nor Hobi unfortunately could not break.
Hoseok’s Day Dreams
Slowly, she is allowing the dream walker to dream with her, and it all just becomes a game at the end, the horrors of the situation are entirely overshadowed by the wonders of Dreamworld. How could a person ever go back to walking in reality once they learn how to fly?
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bts-fic-collection · 5 years
Don’t know when u will get round to this but happy birthday! Please can I have some fluffy stoner ficus preferably not smut but idm. Could you also recommend some long chaptered prison fics? Thank u xxxx
Aaaaaaaaah, you can tell how long it’s been since I got this ask! Sorry! But of course I can do that for you! ^_^
Category: Stoner fics
Hoping For More Good Days by k_mackenzie and sakura_banana
Rating: Not rated
Pairings: Taehyung/Jimin
Status: Incomplete
Word count: 12,341
Summary: the story of single dad seokjin, his son yoongi, and his babysitter jimin
Snob and a Half by snooki
Rating: E
Pairings: Namjoon/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 33,418
Summary: Jimin poked Namjoon's chest through his The Future Is Female sweatshirt. “So, does this sweatshirt actually help you get laid, or do you wear it for the sense of superiority alone?”
OR: A self-indulgent modern-day Clueless AU in which Jimin is a spoiled LA teen, Namjoon is his aggressively woke "straight" ex-stepbrother, Tae is a menace on four wheels, and Hobi's been looking kind of spicy lately.
Nirvana (and the taste of it on your lips) by TheOrgasmicSeke
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 16,964
Summary: Usually Taehyung was pressed up against Jungkook’s side, mumbling on about the stars and the planets he could see behind his closed eyelids or Hoseok was petting through his hair, making him sleepy and forget all his troubles.
But this time…
This time it was only Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook. And that was fine. It was cool. Jungkook was cool as a freaking cucumber. Sure, Jimin got handsy when he was high and Yoongi got affectionate and Jungkook usually spaced out and maybe fell asleep but there had been nothing to worry about. Right?
(or the 90s stoner grunge aesthetic of my dreams where Jimin and Jungkook spitroast Yoongi)
Category 2: Prison fics
Across a Dream, Over the Horizon by likereallylikeit
Rating: M
Pairings: Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Incomplete
Word count: 103,733
Summary: When Yoongi closes his eyes is when he is truly awake.
For a sandman like him, being conscious is like being underwater, every one of his senses is numbed and his reactions slowed. When he falls asleep, though... The Dream Realm is his domain, there he can do and undo as he pleases.
Or well, as he pleased.
The Well resembles a nightmare, and he knows pretty well how to fight those, but with his magic locked, there's nothing he can do but endure it. That is until Jimin appears and turns everything around, lighting up Yoongi's life with his sweet smiles and impossible love.
The Well was certainly the last place Yoongi thought he would find a dream, but then there he is, hoping that Jimin stays when he opens his eyes.
(Or the boys are cellmates in prison and think everything is lost until it isn't and oh how beautifully complicated that is.)
Prison Pet by Honey0613
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 202,866
Summary: Jungkook is almost gang-raped in the showers on his first day of prison, but he's saved by the powerful mafia boss, Min Yoongi, who also happens to be serving time in prison.
Yoongi agrees to protect Jungkook and take care of him, but only if Jungkook becomes his little prison pet.
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
All of your writings are great. Ok, some are exceptional. But Day Dream... I think it’s your best so far. The flow of the story, the dynamic, the symbolism, the implications... It really shows your capability as a writer. It's so complex but still enjoyable and intriguing. I can’t imagine how and what is on your mind when you wrote it. Would you please tell us an untold tmi about it? I really want to know what’s on your mind when you write Day Dream ☺️
Well done!
Anon, you're so kind 😭😭 thank you for speaking so highly of my stories and Day Dream! Um so let's see how to explain 😂 a little backtracking...so when RVW overturned I was a mess tbh. I live in the South and just the helplessness of knowing it was going to be overturned, it was like the 2016 elections all over again where you were just so aware of how many people just don't give a fuck about you as a woman/POC/immigrant. So I was like...either I'm going to lose my fucking my mind over this or I'll just write some stories and cope lol.
So I plotted out all these different stories...some came from a place of rage (Yoongi's and Jimin's lol), some from sadness (Jin's). Hoseok's story...maybe helplessness? escapism...the secret unknown stage of grief between anger and bargaining known as self-destructive horniness lol.
Like a lot of women, I've been in abusive relationships before, but I've also been in great relationships and gone through that whole...'I know I can trust you but if you don't give me the passcode to your phone so I can look through it then I can't be with you' phase of fucked up 🙃 thinking about those relationships instead was the jumping off point to this particular story. I feel like people who've been following me for a while can see I put a lot of "myself" into my stories, I'm just not that creative lmao. There are a few dreams I put in there that I used to have when I was younger, some so traumatizing I never even have verbally told anyone. It was a nice to at least reference them in a story. And then things like drop kicking your tormenter WWE style was just fun and hilarious to write! Actually, just to write it all in a dreamy way...as a writer, it took all these horrible feelings I had and made them...not so horrible...I had a good experience writing it 😊
It was actually really fun to write this story compared to the others. I have mostly been leaning towards happy hopeful endings, but this time because of the characters, it felt good to write a "bad" ending.
And also, I wanted to take all these random ass dreams and ideas and genres I have been wanting to try to write for, for sooo long now, but I was too scared, and just stick them all into one story 😅 when I thought about how to connect scenarios like that, "falling" into dreams and the cycle of abuse seemed like the perfect metaphor.
So that's the tea lol.
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
umm hii omg your cover pic of yoongi with a beard made my heart skip HAHAHAHA anyways, I just wanted to drop by to ask about the tentacle/space ot7 fic you mentioned when you responded to my reblog on daydream... it made me really curious that I tried looking for it but I've failed😭😭😭 I typed bts ot7 space and... other things came up lol... c-could you tell me the title... pweaseeee🥺
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ALSO, I'm glad they're not dead and probably just knocked out cold but yeah... I kinda feel bad for joonie huhu AND i forgot to mention how weird/strange but funny it was when Captain Hobi told Yoongi to back off and Yoongi responded that he doesn't know how to stop, it kinda made me wonder if Yoongi is like Hobi too, but also like OC where they're just learning about the whole dream walking thing and they don't have control the same way Hobi does when it comes to dream walking. Imma stop overthinking before a spew more lol 💜💜💜
Lol as it should!!!! Beard yoongs is magnificent 😌The story was called Ethereal Orbit and of course like all my favorite authors, the author deactivated 😭😭😭😭 that’s why you couldn’t find it 😢 I’m sorry, it breaks my heart when authors decide to do that.
Don’t worry bae, I love hearing everyone’s thoughts on Day Dream! 💕💕 it makes me happy to hear all the interpretations, it's what I wanted!! I enjoy learning dream analysis so I tried to apply those concepts when I was coming up with how to connect every dream together into this story. The space dream actually was y/n dreaming about her and yoongi’s break up! Which was very much a nightmare for her 😔 I will put the rest under a cut as to not trigger anyone.
For a second imagine if Hobi wasn't there, what would have happened in her nightmare? Y/n would have stayed with Yoongi and Yoongi would have turned into a monster with only one objective in mind. Just how Hobi said, there were only two endings to the dream, to let the monster have her or escaping, which mirrored her relationship with ex!yoongi. Her actions make a little more sense if you think about it that way, she keeps trying to "save" Yoongi and go back to him because she really had loved him and wanted him to always stay her "repair officer," the good man he acted like when they first met.
TW: SA ...I feel like a lot of women have had to deal with a man who wants to ahem do the deed of procreating, but maybe you’re tired or not in the mood after an entire day of taking “command” of every little thing in your home, but oh he needs you, he can’t stop now because it hurts, he can’t control himself….Yoongi couldn’t control the “monster” inside of himself….that’s why he’s THE EX 😒
I'm glad you highlighted how strange/weird Yoongi's response was, yes!!!! it is weird!!!! if I man ever tries to convince you he can't stop himself because it "hurts" him, he's full of shit lol 🙄
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Okay. I figured I would send it as an ask instead.
I WAS ONLY SPEAKING FACTS. IT WAS WONDERFUL. And I honestly will think about this story for an incredibly long time.
It's so hard not to root for this Hobi, because haven't we all tried to escape our lives one way or another? Some of us are able to find healthy coping mechanisms that will help us accept our reality, but then there are others who can't, and, instead, recede further into themselves. It's not necessarily that they're evil or bad. They just lacked proper growth.
And honestly. OC choosing the toxic behavior, gosh. I was crying to @minttangerines about this--how women can't always find the fortitude to move through it and choose healthier. They're so saturated in toxicity, so used to it, that the idea of something healthy is unfathomable, EVEN IF they ARE with someone healthier. Bad habits are hard to break, and my heart hurts for her because she's been taken advantage of. She's used to this sort of thing, so when Hobi was trying to lower her standards for someone like him--UGH. I want to hug her, and I want to show Hobi that he CAN be better. He's not a tree. He's not rooted in his spot. He just hasn't looked up and realized that there IS a horizon beyond.
The yoongi part was hard, honestly. But again, it's one of the things I absolutely adore about your writing. It's real. And it's happening right now. The fact that you write about it --idk what else to do but keyboard smash LOL
JUST--thank you again for writing something so important. And now I hope I won't dream for the next year LOL
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YES YES YES YESS I am gonna cry again because u said it so well 😭
Yes that's exactly what's happening! It's so hard to break the cycle once you've been hurt by someone, survived a toxic relationship/upbringing. I fucking hated how the media gave shit to Rih back in the day for going back to her abuser, it's SO HARD to get out. How many women get out of a bad relationship only to end up in an even worse relationship...and then if you're lucky like y/n and find your own Joon, if you haven't healed yourself, then you're constantly battling your own trauma, being paranoid or expecting the worst. Even though Joon has shown no reason for y/n to distrust him, instead of opening up to him she let all her worries eat her up inside and Hobi used that to his advantage.
Yes yes!! Hobi is relatable in that way and makes you want to root for him, but because of his "powers" he has never faced any kind of accountability for the things he does, not unlike many 'powerful' men. He's developed a god like complex, like dammit hobi do you not see how affected y/n is 😓 he doesn't want to admit it, he just rather escape even further into the dream.
I love talking with u bae 💗💗 lmao noooo I feel you tho after finishing I was like oh god how am I supposed to fall asleep now. 😅😅
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
#me binge watching two hours of WWE wrestling for one paragraph of text 🥲🥲🥲🥲
👀👀👀 Call me Shinee bc I am curious
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