#sango req
May I please request headcanons for InuYasha, Sango, and Miroku having a modern-day S/O who suffers from sickle cell disease?
Hello, my darling! This took me a while. I'm so very sorry. So! This was at the tippy top of my list! Of course, you can request this. I tried to research this to the best of my ability, so I hope I did these headcanons justice. I know there are multiple forms, so I'm going to try to write ones that could apply to any of the types. ♥ All my love! XoXo
Pairings: InuYasha x Reader, Sango x Reader, Miroku x Reader who suffers from sickle cell disease
Warnings: None, just some extra love for SCD readers, etc.
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To be honest, I feel he wouldn't understand at all what that means at first.
But he's willing to learn and listen to you. (Still doesn't understand it all...especially doctor jargon)
And you think he isn't listening to you at some point, and then he surprises you by remembering and saying something that you had told him.
His personality is quite brash, so I feel like he's one that seems very strong on the forefront, but secretly studies as much as he can to help you and make you more comfortable.
I definitely think he tries to keep you comfortable. Puts a blanket over you and pats it or rubs your arms and hands if you're cold, or takes it off. Secretly pays very close attention to your cues and body language. Makes sure you have lots of water and adequate rest.
And I feel like he'd go to every appointment with you, arms crossed and face a bit unreadable beneath his baseball cap.
You might catch him crying secretly at night sometimes, but it's only because he loves and cares about you so much, darling. (Bh-huh!? Inuyasha!? Nahhhh >.> You didn't hear that from me!)
And if you need more severe treatments such as blood transfusions, bone marrow, etc, I feel he definitely has them check if he's a match for you first.
He's so loyal. If you're hospitalized or just going to doctors a lot, no matter what it is, he's always by your side.
And be sure to let him know if you're tired or anything! I'm sure he will give you as many piggybacks and let you rest as much as you need while he also keeps careful watch and rests with you.
Overall, he's the best S/O and caretaker he can be to you. I think he might only argue with you if you argued with him over the prices of treatments. Because it's your life and that doesn't matter if you feel better. He'll find a way.
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She's such a sweetie. Even if you identify as a male or whatever you prefer, I feel she always brings you flowers and tries to make you smile in some way.
Works hard to also make sure you are comfortable and your needs are always taken care of.
Research to the end of the world to try to understand you and your condition better.
Like Inuyasha, she is always by your side, especially at appointments and checkups.
If you have to undergo any surgeries or transfusions, she makes sure she's the first person you see besides the doctors.
Is good about reminding you and keeping you on track with your schedule and appointments, medicines, but also dates! Also definitely tries to help you with preventatives to keep you healthy.
I feel her favorite thing is to go out with you to cafes on days you feel well enough to.
Tries to help doctors find you a match for transfusions or marrow if you need it.
She wants to be with you every step of the way. No matter how difficult or easy your path may be.
Sensitive but strong herself, I feel like the two of you can have heart-to-heart talks and rest in each other's arms when it's too stressful. She'll either listen or cry with you.
Just know she's always there and is always fighting beside you.
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This guy, ahahaha. But no. I feel he adds a bit to your stress since he's a womanizer sometimes...but just know, he's all yours and his heart will always be yours. He looks, but definitely WON'T touch.
I feel he's always trying to make you smile and laugh.
Definitely uses those flirty antics of his to try.
May convince you to have his child...ONLY IF YOU WANT TO.
If this happens, and it possibly causes your pain or anything to be more severe, I really think he feels guilty though.
Definitely seeks care for you and the baby always.
And if you decide not to, that's fine too!
He may seem a bit aloof sometimes, but he really is very serious about you.
I think his aloofness is caused by him being deep in thought about how he can better help and care for you quite honestly. Or if he can try to understand you better.
I feel he's the one to ask the doctors questions and try to help you figure things out better too.
He may miss one or two appointments every now and then, but he'll show up late...with some flowers and maybe your favorite snack in hand or stuffed animal too! (He took too long picking them out honestly.)
His favorite thing would be to cuddle with you at night and hold you. Especially if you're feeling cold or just not all that well.
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minzxv · 10 months
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might be shorter than other reqs hope you okay with that! Hey, friendly reminder I won't go too deep with these typa requests I don't do toxic troupes. - 🦇
Warnings : out of character, I do not rec cause this was too short
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Konia is scared of you lmao, like she's trying to do her work here and make cash and then when she's trying to help him there's this person behind her staring like a Mimikyu, she wants you to know that AMETHIO is yours bro she just wants to do her job.
Amethio himself got irritated at first, but hes used with your behavior and finds it a bit silly and cute.
Okay it might disturb him working, but he loves you anw so he wouldn't give a - if you threw a geodude at Spinel. He'd even thank you for it.
The word love seems so out of character for him, but I promsie this boy has love in his heart. Because for him what's the point of loving someone if you don't accept them for who they are.
There are times though where he gets super annoyed and just lashes out (yells) he doesn't mean it though and always tries to aplogize (in a cool way like yk those cold apologies that are also not cold where the person just looks at you with some emotionless face and then you guys stare into the sky while they start saying the shenanigans and the apology)
Amethio gets secretly embarrassed when you use nicknames he's fine with you grabbing his left arm when he's doing something, BUT CALLING HIM THIO INFRONT OF THE EXPLORER ADMINS IS A NO especially if it's Sango he'd 1v1 god to not be called that infront of HER.
Another out of character thing I'd see him doing when he has to leave on a mission is reassuring you like in a gentle, non frightening way. "I'll be back soon I promise", "I'll be fine." stuff that can make fans jump in the air.
On free time or if he can he will let you accompany him anywhere to make you happy.
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gaylight-prairie · 3 years
Agent 3 and 8 as DJs.
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couldn't really come up with a idea for 8 so have dj sango by themself
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