whsprhouse · 2 years
@sanguiisuge​     /     starter call
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            “MAN... what time is it?” sean pulls out his phone, blinking blearily at the numbers on the screen. “shit, morning already? damn, lasz, you know how to keep a guy busy! it’s 7:46am! we were up talking all night!” he laughs, turning to laszlo && shaking his head. “you’re a real RIOT, you know that? i couldn’t ask for a better best friend.”
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therelentless · 2 years
❝ why can’t you just let me rot in peace?! ❞
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{ @sanguiisuge ;;
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Under any other circumstances, Nandor would have simply walked away and caught him up with whatever information that had been discussed during one of his famous house meetings, but not tonight. Baby Colin Robinson had been keeping everyone awake, and if they weren't catching any hours of slumber, he wouldn't either.
He knocked for a third time on the lid of his coffin, this time louder than before. He was going to get him out of there one way or another. "You kept that boy here. You fed him. He's your responsibility. Five more minutes and I'm giving him away! I'm done with him. He's a very annoying little shit." He liked the boy, but lately, he had been driving him insane, and as patient as he was, Baby Colin Robinson was testing his limits.
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nonuns · 2 years
❛  i  go  for  a  look  which  i  call ,   “ dead  but  delicious . ”  ❜ / @sanguiisuge
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her laugh is low. throaty. something akin to a purr, one might say. the tips of her blood red fingernails scratch at his bearded jaw before nadja tilts his chin up to inspect him carefully from beneath her lowered lashes. she likes what she sees, of course. she always has.
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❛  oh laszlo, my darling. my savory little cabbage roll. i could suck the blood from a thousand kings until there was nothing left but an empty bag of bones, and those pathetic meat sacks wouldn't be half as delicious as you are. ❜
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pathowingarchived · 2 years
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              she had passed this house numerous times at her nights out , she’d gotten to know one of the residents that resided there. What she wasn’t expecting tonight while she was on her walk , was to see someone else who lived here as well.  Millie is patient when she mingles by the entrance ,  the way she stay illuminated in the moonlight , her wings making her stand out even more. ( funny , she thought she was able to hold communication with someone by now.  But talking to a few people didn’t really make a change in this situation now did it?   ) 
Her voice is quiet because she’s unsure on how to ask such an obvious question.  When they turn their attention to where she’s standing , she asks. 
       “    do you . . .  live here too ? ?  “
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hlsng · 2 years
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                                      panic increases blood pressure, his heart rate must be through the roof, honestly, but luckily aside from his master, none of the others have really tried to eat him, yet. so he thinks he’s pretty safe.     guillermo’s going on seventy-two hours without sleep, and it’s making him a little . . . just a little paranoid. 
is there something you haven’t been telling us?
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                                        eyes flicker over laszlo, he tries to act calm,   fake it till ya make it, right ?      “ hiding something ? i haven’t been hiding anything.”    he gives a nervous laugh and glances at the camera.    “ if this is about my going out sometimes it’s because i have perfectly normal human . . . friend, i’ve been seeing, occasionally. ”     fuck. 
⟢  @sanguiisuge​  ︱`prompted  !  
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backbitches · 2 years
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incorrect quotes ft. austin sommers. ( @sanguiisugent )
only mutuals may interact & tagged my reblog.
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jasperwatchinga · 2 years
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[…] 𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒𝐍'𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. and yet, there is nowhere else he can go in such a state; he smells of blood and struggle, wet earth and strife, and it is the blood bit that renders this a strictly niche conversation skewed towards an audience of one. the one who started this in the first place. it is nothing short of a horrific catch twenty-two that deposits him disheveled and out of sorts into the direct center of austin's evening, full tilt committed to this plan by the time he figures out where the other calls home, even more so when he knocks urgently at the front door.
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" it's me, it's jasper, " he calls through the barrier, as though this alone might tip the odds of him actually answering at this hour in his favor.
@sanguiisugent / austin !
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g0dfreycomplex · 2 years
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𝙸𝚃 𝙸𝚂𝙽'𝚃 𝙸𝙼𝙼𝙴𝙳𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙻𝚈 𝙾𝙱𝚅𝙸𝙾𝚄𝚂. places like this, the young prince has found, are easiest to tolerate if he doesn't breathe at all, the keening pitch of 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 calling his name most easily bested by letting still lungs remain as such. but it's second nature, habit, and once he allows the scent of the bar enter his nostrils, there's no mistaking it ⸻ 𝚂𝙾𝙼𝙴𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝙰 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃. and, worse yet for the upir, it is one he doesn't intimately or even topically understand, a scent he can't place. what the hell are you ?
as aloof and unbothered as he appears to be as he moves around the place, he is anything but, hunting and tracking through the thick layers of 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘻𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘦 until finally the trail leads him to one subject in particular, @sanguiisugent, whom he takes the seat next to as if it had been reserved for him personally. a nod to the bartender summons another whiskey on the rocks and he turns to the other, allowing that scent to wash over him as he wracks his brain trying to identify it.
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" you need another, " it's equal parts question and observation as he motions to the other's mostly drained drink on to bar top. " what're you drinking ? "
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soleiltm · 2 years
@sanguiisugent​​​ liked this post!
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❛ Don’t cha’ think it sounds like fun?! I do! A whole night a’ just puttin’ LEGO sets tagetha’ is, like, my dream! C’mon, it’ll be a blast. ❜
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violetiine · 2 years
16.  MAKEOVER :  for one muse to help the other with a new outfit or hairstyle. | austin said ‘it’s makeover o’clock’
a comprehensive list of scenarios
As Violet stared at herself in Austin's floor length mirror, the reflection that met her didn't match what she usually saw. Makeovers definitely weren't her thing, especially not when she was the guinea pig to be prodded and fussed over. Her hair, usually hanging free around her shoulders, was pinned up in a seemingly elaborate style. It looked... good, sure. But it didn't look like her.
"Is this really necessary?"
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savagecuhnt · 2 years
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@sanguiisugent​ liked for a starter.
       Glacial orbs are hidden behind large, round, red sunglasses. she’s on day three of a drug and alcohol fueled bender of sorts. crimson stained jeans, ripped black crop top. she could only imagine what she looked like, not caring to glance once in a mirror. She stumbles into the bar, lazily pulling herself atop a stool at the counter. she orders a double shot of Jameson before pulling out a cigarette from the pack she has stashed in her cleavage. “fuck--” she mutters to herself, inked digits patting herself down for a lighter.
 attention shifts to the other sitting closest to her. “You wouldn’t happen to have a light on ya would’ya? seems’ve missplaced mine.” she offers the other a grin.
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viagothedandy · 2 years
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frankenstein's  monster     //     this  plight  is  the  simplest  of  them  all :  you  did  not  ask  for  this .  you  were  never  given  a  choice .  no  part   of  yourself feels  human ,  just  a  collection  of  traits  you've  picked  up   from  mirroring  anyone  you  could ,  even  the  people  you  meet  through  a   television  screen .  it's  alienating  to  live  that  way -  yet  someone  has  called  you  the  alienating  one .  maybe  too  many  people  to  count .  maybe   they  treated  you  so  uncomfortably  inhuman  that  it's  all  you  can  understand  now ,  or  you've  dug  yourself  into  such  a  deep  hole  in  an   attempt  to  keep  safe  that  you  can't  remember  a  person  living  in  the  home  of  your  body  at  all .  being  alive  is  confusing  and  painful  and  lonely   and  loud  but  living  is  all  there  is  to  being  human -  you're  already   there .  just  take  air  into  your  lungs  and  breathe .  close  your  eyes  and   picture  a  beautiful  sky .  you  made  that .  you  painted  that  yourself .
tagged  by : @askjerrydandridge​ ( ty ! ) tagging : @aerlcos​ , @cardiomyapathy​ , @dxlaflamme​ , @emcads​ , @fearthekraken​ , @greatrspnsibility​ , @hidethatsoul​ , @izzyhnds​ , @pizzatheif​ , @sanguiisuge​
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timerevolt · 2 years
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 CAN THEY USE CHOPSTICKS ? :  yes - lulu is very dexterous. there is very little she can’t do with them. 
 WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY CAN’T SLEEP ? : probably indulge in things she oughtn't. such as; drugs, sex, or alcohol. whatever and whomever she can get her hands on at a particular time - she isn’t picky. 
 WHAT WOULD THEY IMPULSE BUY AT THE GROCERY STORE ? :   nothing, she doesn’t go to grocery stores - unless she is cooking for someone, and then it is a mom and pop grocery. if for some reason she was going to impulsively purchase food, it would probably be some vegan treat even though she’s not vegan, she’s freegan. which means she will eat meat that would otherwise go to waste. but when she is using money to pay for something - she prefers to generally go vegetarian/vegan.
 WHAT ORDER DO THEY WASH THINGS IN THE SHOWER ? :   she goes from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. 
 WHAT’S THEIR COFFEE ORDER ? : black - sometimes with vanilla oat milk if it’s available. lulu is more likely to start the morning with a beer or tea, depending on how she is feeling.
 WHAT SORT OF APPS WOULD THEY HAVE ON THEIR SMARTPHONE ? : lulu’s phone is very basic - because it’s been modified to keep her location and person off the grid. because of this she can’t use many apps. she primarily just has; weather, navigation, a compass, stuff that could be useful.
 HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND CHILDREN ? :   lulu is amazing with children. she always wished she could become a mom. but she feels guilt over it - because she is doomed to die before she’d be able to raise them. and that by the time she’d see them again - they;d be old.
 WHAT WOULD THEY WATCH ON TV WHEN THEY’RE BORED AND NOTHING THEY REALLY LIKE IS ON ? : lulu has never had cable in her life - she primarily lives off DVDs and VHS Tapes. if she is over somewhere with cable, it’s reality television. 
TAGGED BY :  @sanguiisugent​
TAGGING :  you, do it. idk if tags are working, but tag me.
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backbitches · 2 years
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cell phone headcanons ( selectively accepting. )
ft. @sanguiisugent​
- template credit!
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jasperwatchinga · 2 years
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[...] 𝐍𝐎 𝐎𝐍𝐄’𝐒 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐀 𝐕𝐎𝐃𝐊𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐀. for a solid twenty seconds, wide blue hues zone in on the beverage as if there is an extra terrestrial just under the ice. a quick exchange of glances with the bartender who motions at another sitting a seat away at the edge of the bar explains the drink but does nothing to make it any less mysterious. jasper can fully say no one has ever purchased him a drink unprompted before, and he looks to the stranger for answers when he speaks over the din of the bar.
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“ um, thanks — for the drink, i mean, ” he gestures at the glass awkwardly as though he could be talking about anything else, attempting his best approximation of a smile despite his nervous confusion.
@sanguiisugent / austin !
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g0dfreycomplex · 2 years
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ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. it's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. it rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back.
and you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. atlas holding up the world, how are you ?
TAGGING : @stonehcarted, @sanguiisugent, @backbitches, @sainterror, and whoever wants to play!
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