#sangyao week
For the "Alliances" theme, what about a sangyao arranged marriage where it's other people's idea and they fall in love after getting married?
"I'm sorry," had been the first thing his da-ge said when the negotiation party had returned from Lanling.
When their father had agreed to a betrothal arrangement with Jin Guangshan, pretty much no one in the sect believed it would actually hold. After all, it had become very apparent that Jin-furen had no interest in making the effort to have a second child with a husband who was probably already a carrier of an unfathomable number of intimate diseases by the time their son had been born, and it had been just as apparent that Jin Guangshan would never consider any of the numerous bastards he'd sired across the jianghu to be worth even half a moment of attention.
But, apparently, he'd found this 'Meng Yao' to be passable enough to use as a game piece, and had sent a demand for the agreement to be honored.
There had been some alterations to the terms, as Nie Huaisang found when he forced himself to read through all of the polite legalese.
Though he would still be the one to wear the veil, ostensibly taking on the wife role, he would generously be allowed to remain at home with his da-ge, with Meng Yao being registered as marrying into the Nie sect and moving to the Unclean Realms instead of the reverse.
Thus ridding Jin Guangshan of an unwanted son while still giving him a claim to the dowry.
The most auspicious date listed was probably the most egregious lie in all of it. Not even a whole month away, it gave the Jin sect an excuse not to throw a properly-designed wedding banquet while still letting them show off how rich they were in that they could still make a lavish party out of their cast-offs.
All in all, it was a blatant spit in the eye for both his brother and his future husband, and the only reason Nie Huaisang could see for his brother and the elders to have agreed to such rudeness was to keep him out of Lanling and out of Jin Guangshan's hands.
He figured would have to be better-behaved for his brother for awhile as thanks for taking such a beating to his pride.
Even if it meant, ugh, letting himself be dragged to saber training.
But the new terms of agreement honestly made him feel more sorry for his betrothed than for himself. Short of just getting rid of him like he'd gotten rid of all the others, Jin Guangshan couldn't have made his haughty disdain for his son -for everyone involved, really, but especially his son- more obvious, and unless Meng Yao was a complete idiot, he had to be aware of how little his father cared.
If he was going to make the best of this garbage fire of an arrangement, he was going to need to know more about his husband-to-be than his name and who his father was.
It was almost time for their wedding party to leave for Lanling, so once the maids had finished fussing over his hair and makeup, Nie Huaisang read the notes from his spies one more time, then tucked them into the sleeve of his innermost robe.
As the carriage made its way along the road, he turned the information over in his mind, letting options spool out in front of him like threads ready to be pulled taut by the loom.
None of the spies had had any objections to Meng Yao as a person. They'd all found him soft-spoken, gentle, and clever; courteous even to servants, and pleasant to look at. He was just beginning cultivational training, but was dedicated and a quick study.
All in all, an ideal spouse, really.
But every one of them had painted an unflattering picture of his heritage. His father had been a regular customer of a courtesan in a brothel near the border between the Jiang and Wen sects, who'd suddenly found excuses to stop visiting when she bore a child a year to the day before Jin Zixuan had been born.
What a mess.
No wonder Jin Guangshan had wanted so badly to make use of him.
No wonder Jin Guangshan had wanted so badly to get rid of him.
But Nie Huaisang could see the potential that Jin Guangshan was willing to squander. If Meng Yao proved willing to play along, they could make it so that he'd be worth more than the bride price Qinghe Nie had paid in return for him.
Even under the veil, Nie Huaisang could see the stiffness in his betrothed's posture.
Though Meng Yao was clearly doing his best to remain composed, a polite smile painted on his otherwise-neutral expression, he still gave off an air of a man awaiting execution, or a fox with its leg caught in a snare.
As they knelt side by side to begin the ceremony, Nie Huaisang used the heavy fabric of their sleeves to hide when he laced their fingers together and gave the hand he held a gentle squeeze.
Meng Yao started the smallest bit in surprise, then... relaxed. Not enough that he stopped looking trapped, but enough that it was evident he'd appreciated the gesture. And even losing just that tiny sliver of iron in his spine already made him look more attractive.
This was going to work out for them.
Nie Huaisang was sure of it.
(Nie Huaisang would make sure of it.)
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jaimebluesq · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao/Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao & Nie Huaisang Characters: Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Reality, Being visited by someone who's supposed to be dead, SangYao Week 2024, AllSang Bingo, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Closure, POV Nie Huaisang, Nie Huaisang Needs a Hug, Alternate Reality Meng Yao Summary:
On a rainy night, Nie Huaisang is drinking wine and reflecting on memories of the past when a flash of light fills the room, and he's faced with a man who should be dead, from a place that should not exist.
He drew his blade and held it out at the ghost before him. It had Meng Yao’s face, no hat or Jin clothing but instead the greens and greys and braids of Qinghe Nie. It even had its arm back. It’s eyes widened, focusing on the dagger before looking to Nie Huaisang.
“A-Sang? What’s wrong? Since when do you carry a weapon?”
His hand trembled even as it held onto the dagger like a lifeline. “You’re dead,” he muttered. “You can’t be here..."
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brotome · 4 months
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sangyao week day 4 | cats | arranged marriage 
this one is out of order because i had to rework the composition. please enjoy femslash + hensheng as a hairless cat
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Day 1 of @sangyaoweek
Running away
The atmosphere inside the grand hall was stifling, tense. Nie Mingjue stood with his arms crossed, glaring at Nie Huaisang, his flighty little brother, who seemed more interested in the fan twirling in his hand than the lecture he listened to for the thousandths time.
“Huaisang, you cannot continue to neglect your responsibilities! The sect relies on us, on YOU to act like a leader, yet you act like a child!” Nie Mingjue bellowed angrily.
“I never asked to be your heir! The sect needs you as our leader - not me! They don't want me as the heir, and I don't want to be the heir,” Nie Huaisang huffed, his resentment and frustration hidden behind his fan. He knew he was not a leader material. Everybody knew he was far from it. He was weak, he was whiney, he was too soft to be a real Nie. The clan members never failed to remind him. The only person delusional enough to believe he would be a good leader - somebody who could follow the footsteps of the Red Blade Master! - was Nie Mingjue. The only person who shouldn't even think that.
The clan leader roared, “Because you are not even trying! You are lazy, and you treat everything like a game!” Nie Mingjue squeezed his jaw, then spat, “Father would be disappointed in you.”
Nie Huaisang could hear what he really wanted to say. He, Nie Mingjue, was disappointed in him.
Good, he thought spitefully. Maybe finally he wouldn't have such unreasonable expectations of him. He would fail them anyways. It was time that his da-ge learned and accepted that Nie Huaisang was nothing but a failure.
“Go to the training ground. Nie Zonghui will train you.”
What should have been a final word, became another wood on the burning fire.
“I don't want to!” Nie Huaisang yelled, frustrated that his brother never learned. He was not a cultivator. He was nothing like a Nie, and no time training with his malicious saber was going to change that.
“You are an adult and the heir of the sect! Act like it!” His big brute of a brother hit the table with his fist; the force of it shook the tiny wooden thing. Not to be confused with the tiny human thing that was Nie Huaisang, who was also shaken by it.
“I'm not good at these things! Why can't you just name Nie Zonghui as your heir? He is capable and a true Nie! The perfect candidate!” The air froze as he voiced his thoughts without realizing it. While it was an old argument between the two, usually one of them stopped from turning the argument into a full on battle. Nie Huaisang never understood why Nie Mingjue needed to name him as his heir, when his brother was a great warrior and an amazing strategist, while he was… not. He was the best Sect Leader ever, so how could he ever think that Nie Huaisang could ever succeed at anything at all?! As if he would even live through Nie Mingjue; he didn't even have a golden core yet!
“Get out!” Nie Mingjue hissed, his face full of anger. “And a hundred rounds of your exercises! No excuses!” He shouted.
Contrary to popular belief, Nie Huaisang had a survivor instinct - he ran.
Pacing back and forth, a plan started to form. He felt trapped, both in his room, and in a role he never wished nor was equipped for. It was painful and frustrating. He wished to return to the days when Nie Mingjue was the heir, and he was his spoiled little brother. When his da-ge heard him, listened to him. When the fact that he was weak, but smart and mischievous was celebrated, and not scoffed upon.
When they trained and learned together and not one of the berating the other.
Nie Huaisang sighed, “I can't do this anymore…”
Lowering his head, he took a deep breath, and nodded.
It was time for Plan R.
The moonlight casted shadows on the fortress walls of the Nie Clan compound. Nie Huaisang, dressed in dark clothing, moved stealthily through the darkness, years and years of escaping from the Terror of Training coming handy.
It was time to escape. If he wasn't there, Nie Mingjue could finally name somebody worthier as his heir, and nobody would look down on him for not being Nie enough ever again.
As he reached the outer perimeter, the patrolling guards became more alert and serious, knowing that they couldn't afford to miss anything if the Wens chose to attack. But that was good. After all, they only focused on outside forces - not a runaway young master trying to escape from inside.
He took a deep breath, and whispered, “Patience, Huaisang. Patience.”
It was just like hunting for an elusive bird. He needed to wait for the perfect moment, timing his movements just right. And-
With nimble steps, he slipped through the guards, avoiding their vigilant eyes. Heart pounding, he reached the outside world without anyone noticing him. He glanced back at the fortress with a mixture of pain and relief in his eyes.
“Goodbye, da-ge,” he whispered, his voice wavering. He couldn't handle the expectations, the disappointment, the continuous snide comments and anger. He would miss his da-ge.
But he had been missing him for some time already.
With a newfound determination, he stepped inside the forest, disappearing into the darkness.
The forest was quiet, dense. Nothing Nie Huaisang was used to, but it was a good different. After all, nobody would search for him there. (If they searched for him at all.) Still, he tried to put as much distance between himself and the clan before it was discovered that he was missing.
The time flew by him, yet moved so slowly that he couldn't pinpoint how far the sunrise was. He was just walking and walking, his legs quivering but he didn't stop.
If he was found, there was no second chance. His da-ge sure would lock him up somewhere. Probably at Cloud Recesses, for both physical and psychological torture.
The rustle of the bushes frightened him. The noises were too loud to be anything but a big predator - or a human. Instinctively, he hid behind a large tree, just as a figure emerged from the shadows.
Nie Huaisang squinted; he didn't recognize the figure. The person was slender, small and unassuming, not unlike Nie Huaisang. He was unfamiliar. But that didn't mean he was trustworthy.
He was close enough Nie Huaisang saw as his eyes darted around, showing he was both cautious and wary. Maybe he was hiding from something. Or he was searching for something - or someone. He looked nice and kinda cute. He was also very, very guarded.
Nie Huaisang was instantly intrigued.
Next one
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achilleasfury · 5 months
Sangyao week day 1! running away/separation
fic also under the break for those who prefer tumblr over ao3:
Nie Mingjue hadn’t expected it.
Yes, his younger brother tended to refuse obedience and did what he wanted without a care in the world.
Yes, Huaisang had been incredibly attached to Meng Yao.
But in the end he had never disobeyed this much - he would always come back running to Nie Mingjue with tears in his eyes, begging for his Da-ge to fix the problems that he had caused, accidently or not.
This time Huaisang had not done that. He couldn’t understand how much Meng Yao had betrayed them - it didn’t even matter that Meng Yao had betrayed the Nie Sect, it mattered that he had betrayed Nie Mingjues trust. He would have accepted a bit of shared insider knowledge, a misguided letter to Jin-zongzhu, anything that would’ve been explainable as a foolish mistake by a scorned illegitimate son trying to get some form of recognition from his father.
Nie Mingjue could’ve comprehended that. Sure, he would’ve been angry but it would’ve made sense. They all knew Meng Yao's resentment and his desperation towards an uncaring father. They all knew how much he needed, longed for what he would never get.
But the murder of a trusted captain? Of a brother in arms?
How was Nie Mingjue ever to be comfortable with Meng Yao again? How could he let him be in the proximity of Huaisang ever again? How could he have ever entrusted this traitor of a man with his secrets and his family?
Where had he gone so wrong that Meng Yao had felt he could not trust in him, and would not come to him for help?
A few days ago, just before the Wen would invade the Unclean Realm, Nie Mingjue had been ready to accept Meng Yao into his family, as another brother or something else.
And now here he was.
It had been half a week since he had exiled Meng Yao.
It had been half a week since he had sent his most trusted confidante away.
It had been half a week since he had all but pushed his friend out of the gates.
It had been half a week since Meng Yao had left the Unclean Realm, still bleeding from his stab wound.
It had been half a week since Huaisang had yelled at him for hours till his voice stopped working and all that was left were heavy sobs and dry heaving..
It had been half a week since Huaisang had locked himself in his room, refusing to come out.
It had been half a week since Huaisang had locked himself in his room, refusing to eat.
It had been half a week since Huaisang had locked himself in his room, refusing to talk to anyone.
It had been half a week.
And every night Nie Mingjue would stay up late - far later than he ever had back when Meng Yao had still been with them - standing in front of his Didi's room, listening to his nightmares, to him waking up and screaming for Meng Yao - for his Yao-ge - an inconsolable mess that refused comfort from anyone.
Zonghui, the good man, had tried once, knocking on the door for hours, just to get a “GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!” screamed at him.
Any other attempt at contact had been met with stoic silence.
It was a trying time for the Unclean Realm.
It got even worse when Huaisang was not found in his room or anywhere.
Nie Huaisang laid curled up on the bed, layers and layers of fabric pooling around him. He was clinging tight to a pillow, now stained deep with tears and snot. His tears had long since run dry, his body not having enough water in it anymore, but he could feel his eyes burning, yearning to cry and let it out to no avail.
It was not fair. How could Da-ge dare to exile Meng Yao? He didn't deserve such cruel fate. There had to be a good reason for his misconduct. Nie Huaisang refused to believe Meng Yao would do such wrong for no reason at all.
His Yao-ge had always had the most sensible of reasons, no matter what.
To be fair, Nie Huaisang still did not fully understand what had happened. Da-ge had yelled something about a dead captain and a betrayal, but that wasn't the Meng Yao Nie Huaisang knew.
Sure, Yao-ge had always been a bit spiteful and let his resentment thrive internally, but that just made him perfect for the Nie! All the more reason to keep him and not send him away like Da-ge had done.
When Huaisang had rushed into the hall, seconds or minutes after the worst goodbye in his life, Da-ge had been sitting on his stupid throne, Baxia shaking in her stand, with tears in his eyes just staring at a spot where a small amount of blood had been drying.
Nie Mingjue refused to answer any questions. He had shook his head, standing up with rage pooling behind his eyes, Baxia rattling and rattling in her stand, declaring that anyone who dared mentioning Meng Yao in his presence would feel the fury of his blade.
And so no one spoke of the missing deputy anymore.
And so Nie Huaisang, known for his unstoppable chattering throughout the Realm, refused words as well.
He refused to speak and he refused to stay.
There was no place in the Unclean Realm for him without the comforting presence of his Yao-ge.
It had been sheer luck to stumble across Lan-zongzhu and be able to bring him to a safe spot. Even with all the calculations Meng Yao had done, the chance of actually finding him had been slim and only gotten slimmer with every cursed step Meng Yao took.
The wound had hurt so much, a burning ache in his heart enhancing the flames of pain and desperation coming from the hole in his chest.
It felt worse every time he remembered how A-Sangs had looked - a lost little bird watching his nest mate be swallowed whole by a wolf or ripped out of the air by a much bigger owl.
The memory of poor dear A-Sang’s pain cut deep and deeper into Meng Yao’s ripped open heart.
If it had burned and screamed before, now it was an all consuming flood of flames and ashes.
There was no coming back from that.
And Meng Yao hated that his dearest A-Sang would ever have to feel pain at all. He hated that he was reason for that pain.
Some part of him screamed and raged that it was no fault of his, for if Nie Mingjue had one more cell in his brain he would've recognised the stupidity of his decision. But no matter. What was done, was done and there was no use spending another thought on it.
They were being tracked.
Lan Xichen had first sensed the presence two days ago, a few hours after the burns on his body had finally stopped hurting and his skin had started to knit itself together again - flawless, as if nothing ever touched it.
Meng Yao was not so lucky, his weak core struggling with letting the healing of his wound progress faster. Lan Xichen had offered help since being made aware of the wound, but kept getting waved away in regards to that. He had offered twice more since his own wounds had been fine, and shot down once more.
“Save your energy for something else, Huan-xiong”, Meng Yao had said, an almost belittling smile on his face - though it seemed more fond than anything.
He was not smiling now. There was weariness and attentiveness carved into his expression and his fist was clenched tightly around his dagger.
Even now he was beautiful as the beaming sun - not that such a comparison was appropriate in these times. But no gleaming sword edge, no carefully raised flower, no dedicated piece of music could compare to Meng Yao - to A-Yao - and the beauty of his focus.
Lan Xichen could get lost in him and would gladly never resurface.
It was uncomfortable being watched like this. He could feel the gaze of someone prickling the back of his neck. It had to be Zewu-jun - he had not been particularly sneaky about some of his stares, and Meng Yao was always hyper aware if someone even seemed to have a passing thought about him - for there should be no one else here. But one couldn’t trust that. They were at the edge of a forest, cabin still hidden behind rows and rows of trees, yet sometimes travelers came awfully close. They would have to move soon. It wasn’t safe anymore.
There was a rustle in the trees behind them, a soft whistle in the air. Meng Yao turned around, dagger tightly in his hand, half a step in front of Zewu-jun.
It had taken him about a week - not his best time, he’d have to admit, but he wanted to be sure he was going in the right direction. Meng Yao always had been good at leaving false trails, most of them ending in traps. (This was one of the reasons he couldn’t believe his Yao-ge would be so foolish to let a Captain take all his credit - there had to be a catch.) So the long route it was.
Once he saw the little hut - the small amount of smoke they couldn’t hide, the laundry line they had, he simply could not wait much longer. Sure, he had to make sure it was actually Yao-ge and that he was safe - that whoever he was with was unimportant and could be left behind as soon as possible - but that would not take long.
He hadn’t expected Yao-ge to have found Lan Xichen (no man looking at his Yao-ge with such lust deserved a title as intimate as Xichen-ge) so finding them doing laundry together up until the esteemed Lan-zongzhu ripped one of his robes accidentally - probably trying to show off in front of ‘his A-Yao’ (how dared he?) was a shock. Such a shock in fact that Nie Huaisang needed a day to recover - still watching them, tracking Lan Xichens every movement.
After seeing him get lost in Meng Yao's face once too often, Nie Huaisang couldn’t take it anymore. He let himself fall down from the tree he had been camping in, barely making a sound as he landed (Take that, Da-ge! He did use his cultivation for something useful!) though he couldn’t resist shaking his robes out a bit.
This action prompted Meng Yao and Lan Xichen to jump up and - Nie Huaisang couldn’t believe it. How dare Lan Xichen pretend to be entitled to Meng Yaos protection! He didn’t need it, he was fine and had Shuoye! Meng Yaos protection was Huaisangs and Huaisangs alone!
He couldn’t stop a frown from appearing on his face, though it did not hold long, not when Meng Yaos expression seemed to light up just a bit at his entrance.
“Yao-ge!”, he exclaimed, rushing forward - and his Lan Xichen had to side step quite a bit to not be hit in the face my Huaisangs straying hands, well - and let himself fall into Meng Yao’s open arms.
Involuntarily, tears appeared in his eyes, dripping down his cheeks and onto Meng Yao's robe - they weren’t the robes he had been exiled in, but dark brown ones made of a rough fabric.
“A-Sang?”, he felt Yao-ge whisper in his hair, arms tightening around him. “What are you doing here, silly boy? Your brother must be worried sick-”, he did not get much further.
“I don’t care what Da-ge thinks! So shall he go rot if that is what he wants to do! How dare he exile you? He had no right!”, the tears wouldn’t stop flowing, messing up his speech, slurring his words that were already broken by hiccups. “He’s not allowed to just kick you out! If you won’t stay in Qinghe, I won’t either!”
Meng Yao’s posture went rigid, his hands clenching Huaisangs robes tightly.
“Nie-gongzi”, he started, tone carefully polite and steady, “Nie-zongzhu had his reasons. I appreciate your worry, but you cannot just disobey your sect leader because you disagree with his decisions in such matters.”
Huaisang wasn’t listening. He - softly! - pinched Meng Yaos' side at the formal address, and shook his head quite strongly.
“Da-ge was not right in his decision. He was quite terribly wrong, and until he fixes his mistakes I want nothing to do with him!”
He lifted his face from Yao-ge’s shoulder, chin now hooked over it and looked despairingly at Lan Xichen.
“Xichen-ge! Surely you could talk some sense into Da-ge! He always listens to you! I can’t lose Yao-ge!”
Lan Xichen had always been weak to younger siblings. If Wangji - A-Zhan - or Huaisang wanted something, he was first to give in, even if it would bend some rules or make Shufu - and Mingjue-xiong - be quite stern with him.
It came to no surprise to him that Huaisang was aware of that fact and was shamelessly using it - and succeeding.
With a drawn out sigh Lan Xichen fully sheathed Shuoye, and straightened his posture.
“Once I get to the Unclean Realm I shall try and talk to Mingjue-xiong about it. He’s a righteous man, he should see reason.”, he offered, knowing full well how stubborn his friend could be. But he did agree with Huaisang, exiling Meng Yao seemed unfair. Maybe they were both biased, but it was a time of war. If the captain had truly set Xue Yang free, it was not wrong to cut down a traitor in the middle of their ranks.
His hands were still balled to fists in A-Sangs robes. Horrible little spoiled brat. Adorable terror. He turned his head carefully, bringing his mouth to the height of Huaisangs ear.
“I know what you’re doing, Sang-er. Be nice. He’s had some rough weeks.”
Even with Huaisang trying to be quiet - showing his manners for once in his life apparently - his annoyed little scoff was quite clear.
“Well I’ve had some rough weeks as well. First the Wen invade my home and try to kill my brother and then he exiled my dearest companion. I go looking for him - because I care and worry! - and where do I find him? In a Lans domestic dream”, he grumbled, words drowning in jealousy. That got him a flick against the forehead - well deserved.
With one last press, Meng Yao loosened his arms around Huaisang, pulling back - though as expected clingy Nie-gongzi kept hanging on only tighter. Meng Yao shifted them both around, so he could face Zewu-jun and let Huaisang hang off him like the little leech he was.
Zewu-jun had an awkward smile on his face, clearly trying to just ignore the spoiled brat that Qinghe’s young master was.
“So we will be moving towards the Unclean Realm, I presume?”
They delivered Lan-zongzhu at Qinghes borders, letting him run into a security sweep done by Nie Zongzhui - because of course no one had bothered to change the plans Meng Yao had drawn up - and once they were sure he would not be lost again, made their way back to the cabin - on Huaisangs wish. His reasoning had been, “If Lan Xichen gets a nice recluse with you, I want double! Or triple!”
So here they were. The cabin wasn’t perfect, there still was a lot to clean and tidy, but it was safe and not too close to any Sect. Well, Sect with power. The Yunmeng Jiangs' fate was quite horrible.
A-Sang was curled up on the bed, his head resting on Meng Yao’s chest.
“I really was worried, you know? You just left and your goodbye didn’t make sense and Da-ge kept spouting bullshit!”
“Language”, he reprimanded, brushing his fingers through A-Sangs hair. “I’m sorry, xingan. I didn’t mean to cause you more pain, the situation just had nothing to do with you. You weren’t supposed to catch anything of it.”, he apologized, pressing a lingering kiss to the top of the other's head.
Huaisang looked up, eyes vaguely red with how long he’d been awake the past few weeks, and already puffy again. His lips were pulled into a pout as he started into Meng Yao’s eyes.
“But I did! I would’ve either way. You can’t keep these things from me - any of them! How am I supposed to fix them, if you won’t tell me?”, he looked next to devastated, fresh tears already pooling in his eyes. “You can’t leave me again, Yao-gege! What would I do without you?”
“I’ll tell you next time, alright?”, Meng Yao sighed, a soft and fond little noise, pressing short kisses on Huaisangs face - his forehead, between his brows, the tip of his nose, his cheeks - until the tears in his eyes disappeared and small giggles emerged in their place.
“Not fair!”, Huaisang exclaimed, again staring up at him. “You missed a spot as well!”, he pouted, clearly exaggerated.
And how could Meng Yao refuse such an invitation? He pulled his young master upwards, until they were half lying, half sitting chest to chest and pressed a long, lingering kiss to his lips.
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Posted by: bettablue 💚SangYao Week 2024💛 AO3 Collection | Twitter | Prompts SangYao week is back for 2024! This event will last nine days, from May 12 to May 20 and there are 4 prompts to choose from each day. comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/j45bt7d
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sangyaoweek · 7 months
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It's time to announce the prompts for SangYao Week 2024! This event will last nine days, from 12-20 May, and there are 4 prompts to choose from each day.
We look forward to the amazing SangYao works to come! 💛💚
We are also on twitter if you want to check this out there!
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thebiscuiteternal · 3 months
HHi there B-girl, is it still on? Then I would have this prompt here: Modern time, Roommate Au, SangYao.
Huaisang has nightmares to the point of rather dealing with sleep deprivation than going to bed. Meng Yao has insomnia and uses the time to study. If he goes out of his way to coax the barely functioning friend-shaped thing of a person into bed here and there, that's a win.
This can be fluff but also dark!
We're running until midnight!
It wasn't his ears that told him to go check the kitchenette of their 'family' dorm, but well-honed instinct. Clicking his music player closed and leaving his headphones behind, Meng Yao got up and headed past the other two bedrooms and, sure enough, there was a blanket-swaddled lump huddled against the cabinets.
"The same one as the rest of this week, or something different?" he asked as he crouched down.
The response was an unintelligible mumble from within the blanket.
He shifted his weight to put one knee down for balance and reached out, sucking air in through his teeth when he saw the condition his roommate was in. "Huaisang... when is the last time you slept? Slept, not passed out," he said, then clarified when Huaisang opened his mouth.
Nie Huaisang hesitated, glazed eyes flickering as though he was actually trying to figure out the answer, then he gave a little shrug. "Either when the meds stopped working or when the alcohol did," he finally admitted.
Oh... damn.
Meng Yao remembered when Huaisang had mentioned he'd developed a tolerance to even the dangerous dosages of over the counter sleep aids. That had been over a month ago. And the alcohol he'd started self-medicating with after, that Meng Yao had lectured him and threatened to call his brother over...
He exhaled hard. "Huaisang... you need to get actual licensed help for this."
"Tch. My grades aren't that bad."
"I'm not talking about your grades," Meng Yao barely restrained himself from snapping in frustration. "I'm talking about you. Your body can't keep up like this."
Huaisang's response to that was as indecipherable as his first, and Meng Yao sighed, shifting onto both knees so he could pull his roommate into his arms.
He didn't bother to ask if the nightmares were really that bad. He'd done that once before, early in the year, and the description Huaisang had given him about being subjected to repeated gruesome murders by things supernatural and non over dozens of past lives had left him with nightmares for the rest of the week.
Well... there was one option that would help, at least for one night.
"Hey," he said gently. "How about I stay with you tonight?"
Nie Huaisang raised his head just a little. Not enough for his face to be visible under the blanket-hood, but enough that Meng Yao had felt it. "You have an exam tomorrow."
"Honestly, at this point, I'm already as prepared as I could possibly be. I'm rereading my notes just to be rereading my notes."
There was a long silence, and then- "Okay. Thank you."
Meng Yao carefully helped Nie Huaisang to his feet, not missing the way his roommate's balance wavered. Even if Huaisang had given up on trying to use alcohol to knock himself out, he was sleep deprived enough that he swayed like a several-bars drunk, and Meng Yao had to put an arm around his waist to keep him from pitching face first into a doorframe.
It was a relief when they both collapsed onto the dorm bed that was barely wide enough to hold them both, even tangled into each other as they were.
"I've got you," Meng Yao murmured. "Go to sleep."
"Thank you," Nie Huaisang said again.
And then he was out, and Meng Yao was left to think as he stared at the tiny stripes of light that peeked through the blinds of the window behind Huaisang.
If Huaisang wouldn't accept modern medicine's help, maybe it was time to resort to more drastic, esoteric measures.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 12 days
Fic Writer Q&A
Got tagged by @jgydidnothingwrong :D
How many wips do you have currently?
Oooooh boy, way too many ^^;. Gonna list them in order from most to least likely to see the light of day orz
Ruoyao fake dating sugar daddy AU - currently ongoing
Omegaverse modern sangcheng - currently ongoing
Nieyao reconnecting by taking care of drunk LXC - for nieyao week
Xiyao endgame Mamma mia AU - planned for when the sc one ends
MY helping xusang by distracting WRH after accidentally getting betrothed to WX - I just think it's hilarious
Modern chengyao giving JL a puppy - a whole chapter long already
WRH trapped in a loop until he convices MY not to kill him - two whole chapters long already
A weird ass modern chengyao shared custody that can either be sangcheng&3zun or actual chengyao endgame - structure done and a few chapters
JZX is Madam Jin's bastard - one long chapter almost done
JGY as surrogate for xuanli - half chapter done
Post-nieyao revenge dating sangyao - got two chapters done
I have ideas for other fics too, but those don't have a sole word written yet, and this list is long enough lol
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
Everyone has their own reasons why they are still WIPs :'). But rn the omegaverse shangcheng one bc it's almost done but my brain is fixated on the ruoyao one bc it's HUGE, so it won't focus on the other one and let me finish it already.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
It looks like me either forcing myself to work on something and finding my mojo along the way so I actually get a good chunk done... or opening yet another new file to pour down all my sudden ideas and feels for a new WIP :P
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
Not really. I used to, but unless the mood of a song matches the story perfectly, I normally don't bother anymore or just put background jazz to cancel outside noises. If I'm very into a song at that moment, then I just play it and somehow my brain will manage to make it match what I'm writing XD
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
Normally I just roll with it. I have a general idea of where is it going and how I want it to go and let Jesus take the wheel :'D. Only when I have WAY too many ideas for a fic that is going to be LONG I get organized with a proper structure and timeline, like the ruoyao one and the possibly two endings one.
I tag @wishthefish, @thebiscuiteternal and @hereticcryptid
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catholicjigglypuff · 6 months
I had thought about boosting sangyao week today since it’s the start of april but it would have been drowned out by boops i’m so glad i didn’t
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akikos-tribble-army · 3 years
I appreciate the power of my brain to imagine whole ass scenes of shows that were never shot and only exist in my memories for only me to rewatch.
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i know you crossed out First Time, but would you be opposed to writing sangyao's first kiss? No worries if not!!!
It wasn't as though he'd never imagined what it would be like to kiss Nie Huaisang.
After all, his young master wasn't shy about lavishing attention and affection on him, and that sweetness was as addicting as the cakes and pastries that had become a frequent gift.
He imagines that Nie Huaisang's kisses would taste much the same, heavy with honey and warm.
But while on one hand, he enjoyed the waves of earnest compliments and the sour expressions from others that he -lowly, unworthy Meng Yao- was the one to receive him, he had to be careful not to let himself swim out too far.
All it would take was one rumor that he was leveraging Nie Huaisang's affection to further improve his station -or that Nie Huaisang was taking advantage of him, however less likely to get started that rumor would be- and all of his hard work building his reputation would be destroyed.
So when Nie Huaisang, blushing and nervous, finally took the leap and leaned in, Meng Yao gently stopped him with fingertips pressed to his lips.
"I like you," he murmured, while Nie Huaisang was still caught off guard by the rejection, before the hurt could seep in. "I do. But we can't. Not now."
Nie Huaisang pulled back, mouth pressed thin and eyes shiny as if he were holding back tears, then he blinked several times and forced himself to nod. "Maybe... some time in the future?" he asked hopefully.
Meng Yao smiled. "When my father acknowledges me."
When I am no longer a servant, he doesn't say.
When we are closer to being equals, he doesn't say.
But whether Nie Huaisang hears any of that or not, he nods again, more decisively. "Okay," he says. "I'll wait."
His mouth tasted of blood as he slowly made his way out of the gates of the Unclean Realms, the sound of Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue arguing over his fate fading in the background behind him.
In the years that followed -as he hid Lan-zongzhu, as he worked his way into Wen Ruohan's confidence, as he helped end the war- the metallic tang in the back of his throat never truly went away.
In a way, he was glad it hadn't. With that taste coloring everything he ate or drank, he thought less of sweet things, of a sweet boy, of something he'd lost before he'd ever even gotten to try it.
After all, surely his former young master had found someone else to lavish all his attention and affection on in the past three years. Surely Nie Huaisang hadn't waited for him -lowly, unworthy, cast out Meng Yao- when there were other, more acceptable options closer at hand.
His father had finally acknowledged him.
That was all he needed.
That was all he needed.
And yet it sat sour and heavy in his stomach at the victory banquet, weighed down by the insults that had come with it.
When he turned and found a soft, worried gaze that was altogether alien -the face wearing it was older, sharper, losing the childish roundness he had carried later than his cohorts- and painfully familiar -he had last seen it as he stumbled from the meeting hall, wounded and damned to exile- his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Nie Huaisang had waited; it was written on his face in the depths of affection and concern in his gaze, and the realization robbed Jin Guangyao of the pretty words he had once imagined years ago that he would say in this moment.
Instead, he simply reached out, letting his fingertips brush along the other young man's jaw as he drew him in.
Nie Huaisang sank into him, warm and pliant and giving him complete control, and his mouth was as soft and sweet as he'd ever imagined.
And yet still, on the back of his tongue, lingered the tinge of blood.
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jaimebluesq · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao/Nie Huaisang Characters: Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Nie Huaisang Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - 1930s, Chinese Republican era, Inspired by Winter Begonia, Chinese Opera, Head Shaving, The intimacy of trusting the person holding the razor, Rivals to Friends to Something More, Can be read without knowledge of the inspiration IP Summary:
Nie Huaisang and Meng Yao are each the head of a Chinese Opera Troupe in Republican-Era Beiping. They have been competing to see which of them could attract the greater audience, and the results have finally been announced - and it's time for the loser to pay up.
~ ~ ~
For the Free Day of SangYao Week and the Republic Era space on the AllSang Bingo
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brotome · 5 months
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day 1 of @sangyaoweek
alliances | running away | coping | separation
tfw 2 useless twinks break down in the desert
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pikazchu · 4 years
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eagle eye
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achilleasfury · 4 months
Sangyao Week day 4: soulmate AU
this got pushed back due to health reasons, but I'm gonna try and have all chapters up at the end of this week latest :) it'll cover day 6: hard decisions/secrets and day 8: gift giving/hairbrushing as well later on <3
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