#santa barbara red tile roof
rainbowsalt · 1 year
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Mediterranean Exterior Santa Barbara Image of the exterior of a medium-sized, one-story Tuscan white stucco house with a clipped gable roof and a tile roof
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ginsengkitten · 2 months
Nightfall: Chapter 3
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As you step off the bus and turn to watch it leave, you swear for a moment, a person stood across the road, until the bus rumbled off and revealed no one to be there. You shook it off and looked down at the address on the scrap paper Vickey gave you. Vickey of course was the hook up for most musicians in the greater LA area. As eager as you were, you didn't realize that the LA Guns address was atop Mt. San Antonio, the mountain directly north of LA. You thought she meant north like maybe Santa Clarita or Santa Barbara. You now found yourself at the last bus stop on the mountain, as far up as the buses go anyways. Which wasn't enough, seeing as how you still stood at the end of a very long and winding drive way. The house peeked only slightly through the woods at the top. Great, a fucking hike? You huffed and began the small trek. The path was hardly a driveway, rather a rocky imprint on the forest floor, leading upwards through the trees. It was almost pitch dark under the trees, a low fog rolled on the ground, and the temperature seemed to drop 20 degrees or more, abandoning the summer weather outside.
With the bus now gone, the mountain fell silent. The cooler air sat between the thick trees, only the small chirps of birds echoing throughout. You loved birds, the way their voices gently caressed your ears, their vocals so naturally in tune from birth. You hummed along with them as you hiked into the darkness, until it occurred to you that all the birds had ceased chirping, or any noise for that matter. Once a warm song, guiding you through the forest, suddenly halted. The stillness of it all caused you to pause. "That's weird." You mumbled to yourself, you turn around to face the already hiked trail, examining for any sign of life now. The sudden stillness made you uneasy. The fact that you were alone- made you uneasy. Suddenly the snap of a branch in the far distance alerts you and you snap your neck towards the noise. Making you question if you were really alone. The silence suddenly pierced with the roar of a thousand wings. All the birds tucked within the trees, all flew up and out all at once. The sky darkened even further slightly under the brief canopy of wings fluttering, creating an overwhelming sea of birds, their songs, now echoed out waves of rushed 'caws'. And then at once, the stillness returned. You stood in the shadows, bewildered for a moment, staring through the empty trees. With your heart rate thumping, You begin second guessing your venture as you turn back towards the house, only to be faced with a man directly in front of you. You jump slightly, alarmed at his sudden presence. He himself had made no sound in his approach to you, as if he just- appeared there. His hands behind his back, a gruff, rock type man with shaggy black hair. "You must be Y/N" he smiled a very- wide and overwhelming smile and seemingly paid no attention to the ocean of birds that had just swarmed out of the woods. This must be the musician. "Oh- god- yes sorry hello!" You putter and brush your hair behind your ear. "Tracii Guns, La Guns." He greets. "Oh yes, great!" He reached out his hand, offering a gentlemanly stability for you to hike upwards. "Thanks." You said. His demeanor was oddly formal for a rock musician. He escorted you up to a large old cabin atop the mountain, hidden within the shadows of the mountain. The wood planks were withered with black paint and dirt, and cracked roof tiles littered the ground below. The property was picturesque, but clearly dated and run down.
The front door opened up to a condensed,dark living space. The cabin was a mesh with all dark velvet furniture and deep red drapes. It was lit by only one overhead dim chandelier and many candles. It was even colder inside. Goosebumps ran through your skin. Was this the best idea...? Tracii seemed overly cordial. "Come, sit." He ushered you to a shady conversation pit in the center of the room. You stiffen up and buckle down, putting a brave face on. No time to get distracted now. Your career and your rent relies on this being a good story and a good interview, you were already here, already deep in this, there really was no turning back. Additional scruffy black haired band members filed into the pit, and decorated themselves on the furniture. "Who do we have the pleasure of hosting?" One of them purred as he eyed you intently. Again- with the eyes. What was it with these rockers and the staring like they've never seen a girl in their lives? "Kelly, this is Y/N, Y/N, this is Kelly." Kelly swooped up next to you swiftly and took you hand upon his lips delicately, issuing a soft kiss. His eyes give a brief flicker of bright gold, causing you to blink in confusion. You blushed at his formal touch.
"LA Guns. With a name so ingrained with LA, why do you hide up here?" You question. Tracii's expression fades into a stone faced blanket. His voice deepens slightly as he exchanges low glances with Kelly and the others. He gives a labored, fake chuckle and adjusts his position. "Well, that's a good question. Naturally it would make sense to ask such a thing." He began.
"We originated within Los Angeles. In fact, we were there prior to ANY other rock band. It really used to be our stomping grounds..." Tracii gives a slight nostalgic laugh as he reminisces. He loses himself in memory "It was different then. You could really do whatever you wanted then. And when those damn bible thumpers came round, you could get rid of them so easily, and no one would notice." He paused.  "But uh- the scene...it became very....." he trailed to find the right words
"Crowded." Kelly answered, cutting tracii off. Tracii nodded in agreement. "Yes- crowded. Very crowded." Tracii seemed to become alert again. "Made it difficult to focus on our..music." He said. "But we love visitors! We were so thrilled when Vickey mentioned your interest in interviewing.." Kelly leaned back next to you and threw his arm behind you. As Tracii spoke, you examined him closely. You couldn't help but notice the smooth porcelain skin he had. He was a beautiful man, in fact they all were, striking, for male rockstars. It reminded you of Guns N' Roses now. They too had held an ethereal sort of beauty about them, even more so. Your mind wandered to visions of Axls smooth red hair, Izzy's cool demeanor, Steven's bright, dreamy eyes, Duffs wicked and devious grin, and slash- slashes deep gaze. The way his eyes darkened as he looked at you. The way his lips parted slightly as if he wanted to speak to you. The firm line of his jaw and the tan smoothness of his own skin. The mess of deep black soft curls that framed his face perfectly. He-
"-Nevermind Guns N' Roses. I never really cared for their music." Traciis voice interrupting your thoughts, snapping you back to reality. That's strange that he brought them up right as they crossed your mind. It was like he could read your thoughts. "-what?" You reply confused. Kelly shoots tracii and dark annoyed look. Tracii straightened his back. "Oh, nothing, just, on the subject of LA bands, you know...? You seem....familiar." He suggests, leaning inward. The discomfort of the situation becomes thicker.
Kelly felt closer on the couch than before. You steal an unintentional glance at the front door, to find another band member leaned up on the door frame, coolly smoking a cigarette as he watched the interview. You quickly jerk your head back to tracii, hoping he didn't notice your glance as rude. You ruminated on whether to leave early. The energy in the room seemed increasingly vacant and cold, you felt incredibly uncomfortable.
The interview was almost to a close anyways. And you had collected quite a bit of info. You put on a fake smile, to which tracii returns an equally fake one. "Well- I think that just about does it!" You start collecting your things hurriedly, when one last question burns so harshly at your tongue than it slips out before you can think about it. "What did you mean earlier when you said- they were easy to get "rid of"." The words are out and immediately you know that was not appropriate to ask. The guy perched at the door creaks forward on the floor board slightly. Tracii's fake grin drops and the room falls silent. You swallow nervously. Tracii comes to his feet and towers over you, as does Kelly from behind, closing you in. Your heart begins to pick back up again. "Oh you must have misheard me." He rejected. Clearly lying as you definitely heard him say that. "You certainly ask a lot of personal questions, don't you sweetheart?" Kelly whispered in your ear. Shivers run through your spine, and grapple to a tightness in your chest. "Tracii, don't you agree?" Kelly threw a darkened look to him. Tracii eyed you curiously. "...yes, I would have to agree. Y/N, sweetheart, do you mind if I just take a look at your notes there?" Tracii says pulling at your notebook. Whatever notes you had written, it appeared that tracii no longer approved of the information you received. Instinctually you grip your notebook firmer, rejecting his grasp for it. He didn't like this and gave you an entirely false and stern grin. A smile that showed no kindness. He was upset, you could tell. A pool of anxiety welled in your stomach as your heart raced. "I've got to get going." You state, backing away. You glance at the front door again, which now sported two additional men, blocking it casually. Kelly grips your arm firmly, and closes in on you. "Hey-" you mutter out nervously. "Shhhhh....doll." Tracii coos to you. Within the soft hush he lets out, you see his canine teeth lengthening to two long sharp fangs. He grins deviously as he closing in on you. You can't speak. "You're such a good interviewer doll....you just got me talking so much...and well....Im afraid I can't let you leave." He purrs lowly. Your entire body feels seized with fear. Your thoughts become scattered and disoriented. "Hey man, take the notebook. Take whatever you want please -" tears well in your eyes. "Please just let me go home. You can have my notebook." You cry, nervously. Tracii and Kelly both laugh at you. "Oh sweetheart...it's not the notebook we want." The both of them, now sported long sharp fangs. Their pupils glow an eerie gold shimmer. Their faces soured into pure expressions of depravity and evil. This situation was bad. You tremble. "Please!" You began to sob out nervously.
A loud crash of glass echoes from the top floor, breaking everyone's focus. Tracii shoots a look to one of the other members. "Go." He commands. And they race upstairs. With the door uncovered, it suddenly crashes to the floor off its hinges. In the doorway stood Axl and Duff. You all stood stunned as it all unfolded within seconds. They ready to pounce forward on tracii and Kelly. "Don't! They're not huma-!" You begin to warn them and in that same instance, you witness both Axl and duff grow similar long sharpened fangs and release deafening, intimidating growl. Kelly's grip on you loosens as he becomes distracted. "Let her go, and we won't tear you to fucking shreds." Axl threatens. Tracii seemingly understands the severity of his threat and pushes you forward, duff draws you into his grasp and behind him. "Y/N, slash is waiting for you outside, GO!" He demands. You struggle to move your feet in shock. "GO!" He reiterates louder, shocking you to life again. You flee through the front door as you hear loud crashes commence inside. You find slash on his motorcycle parked out at the bottom of the path. You run to him. He turns to you. As you draw closer you see his eyes a flushed deep red. But the hallucination doesn't disappear this time. "I told you not to fucking go." He growled. You jumped on the back and wrapped yourself around him. He ripped the bike awake and tore through the mountain. The trees passing, blurring. Your mind spun with fear and confusion, to the extent that when your grip begins to slip, slash has to forcefully grip your hands with one of his as he drives one handed. You rest your head on his back and the world fades out.
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tommeaney · 5 days
Santa Barbara Style Architecture
Santa Barbara style architecture features elegant, Spanish-inspired designs with stucco exteriors and red-tiled roofs. This charming style emphasizes warmth and timeless beauty, capturing the essence of Santa Barbara’s coastal allure.
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claireinnc · 7 months
Santa Barbara and Santa Monica
After leaving Pismo, we headed to Solvang a beautiful Dutch village, just 45 minutes from Santa Barbara. It was founded by Danish immigrants back in 1911. It has wonderful architecture, an actual windmill - of course - and great coffee shops. We arrived mid morning in time to sample their cakes and coffee - our ritual!
Our next stop was Santa Barbara. This turned out to be one of our favourite places on our journey. It is a beautiful beach front city with mountains as the backdrop and a collection of Mediterranean style white buildings with red roof tiles. There are plenty of great restaurants, boutiques and activities to entertain. A beautiful main street stretches down to the beach front with it's old wooden pier and walking path.
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We took time to explore the old Courthouse which gave us a great view over the city and provided some relief from the hot weather. Then it was time for lunch in an alley cafe off the main street. We strolled down to the beach after lunch to enjoy the short pier walk and a very welcome ice cream. With weary legs, it was a real treat to find that we could board the free tram back to our car park. It was a short visit to this beautiful city, but such a lovely experience.
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Once back in our car, we made our way to Santa Monica to complete our 450 mile scenic trip. This was our final destination and our drop off point for our hire car. The route there was along the coast, passing Malibu beach and various other small beaches. As we approached Santa Monica, the traffic increased and a sense of chaos definitely crept in. Fortunately our Airbnb was located in a fairly quiet residential area which we were grateful for. We unloaded our bags and then headed straight out to drop the rental car off - just a ten minute drive away.
We were fortunate to have a couple of restaurants just round the corner and so dinner was at a local pizza place. As expected, it was not cheap, but it was good!
Our first full day was spent on a bike tour of Los Angeles. It was fantastic! We joined a small group with an entertaining guide who was great at informing and humouring us at the same time.
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We visited Beverley Hills - passing by various celebrities houses including the property where Michael Jackson sadly passed. This was an absolutely beautiful neighbourhood as to be expected. Manicured gardens, immaculate streets and palace style homes behind secure fencing and camouflaged with hedging and trees. We also had a quick stop at Belair neighbourhood.
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We cycled to Venice Beach for dinner and sat near the beach watching the multitude of cyclists, skaters, walkers and other entertaining folk pass by on the boardwalk which stretches for miles along the beach.
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A short way behind the beach, we were surprised to find the beautiful canals after which the area is named. A collection of quiet, still canals built in 1905 and lined with small properties adds a real beauty to this area. It was a complete contrast to the busy beach front.
Our last day was spent hiking to see the Hollywood sign and visiting the Griffith Observatory. We caught an Uber as the public transport was going to take an hour and a half. On arrival, we first ate lunch in the Observatory cafe. It was. a lot busier in the area than I expected.
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The Observatory is situated on the south facing slope of Mount Hollywood and is a popular film location. We didn't spend much time in the observatory as our main objective was to complete a hike and see the sign.
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The Hollywood sign was erected in 1923 as an advertisement ploy, but due to its popularity, it was decided to leave it there. It was replaced in 1978 with a steel structure to increase it's durability.
It was great hike and fantastic to see this area of Los Angeles. Despite the scorching hot weather and getting slightly lost, we really enjoyed the day and the opportunity to see this beautiful part of LOs Angeles.
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In the evening, we got bus to downtown Santa Monica to stroll around and have dinner. We arrived around 6pm and were totally shocked by how busy the pier and the beach were. Santa Monica pier is a popular tourist attraction and they were definitely out in force. It wasn't the prettiest of sites and we didn't stay long. Crowds are not our scene and this area was not the Santa Monica I envisioned.
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The pier is pretty iconic and I'm glad we actually visited. It was definitely a contrast to the hiking area earlier in the day. It was pleasant to just walk a little further along the coast for an evening stroll before heading back for the night.
And so our trip came to an end. A super journey along a beautiful coastline from San Francisco to Los Angeles, via a stunning National Park, with interesting and varied stops along the way. Great sights and fun experiences mixed with lots of singing in the car, interesting food stops, cool Airbnb's and a great travelling companion - all in all a very memorable trip.
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rdhomes22 · 1 year
Santa Barbara, CA Neighborhoods: Mixing Modernity with Old-World Charm
Santa Barbara, California, is a city that seamlessly blends modernity with old-world charm. Known for its stunning architecture, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant community, Santa Barbara offers a range of neighborhoods that capture the essence of this unique blend. In this guide, we will explore some of the top neighborhoods in Santa Barbara, with a focus on the charming and historic East Side. From its beautiful Spanish-style homes to its vibrant cultural scene, the East Side showcases the perfect mix of modern living and old-world charm.
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East Side
The East Side of Santa Barbara is a neighborhood that exudes history and charm. With its tree-lined streets, well-preserved architecture, and a strong sense of community, the East Side offers a glimpse into Santa Barbara's rich past while embracing modern amenities. Here are some key highlights of the East Side:
a. Architecture: The East Side is known for its beautiful Spanish-style homes, showcasing the city's rich architectural heritage. The red-tiled roofs, white stucco walls, and intricate details transport residents and visitors to a different era.
b. Stearns Wharf: Located near the East Side, Stearns Wharf is a historic landmark that dates back to 1872. It offers stunning views of the coastline, a variety of shops and restaurants, and a chance to experience the city's maritime history.
c. Cultural Scene: The East Side is home to various cultural institutions and venues, including the Santa Barbara Bowl and the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Residents can enjoy live performances, art exhibitions, and educational programs right in their neighborhood.
d. Alice Keck Park Memorial Gardens: This enchanting park in the East Side features beautiful gardens, a koi pond, and a sensory garden. It's a serene oasis where residents can relax, have picnics, and connect with nature.
Situated on the hills overlooking downtown Santa Barbara, the Riviera neighborhood offers breathtaking views of the city, the coastline, and the Santa Ynez Mountains. The Riviera seamlessly blends modern luxury homes with the charm of the Mediterranean. Here are some highlights of the Riviera:
a. Panoramic Views: One of the main attractions of the Riviera is its panoramic views. Residents can enjoy stunning vistas of the city, the ocean, and the surrounding natural beauty from their homes.
b. El Encanto: The historic El Encanto hotel, located in the Riviera neighborhood, is a renowned luxury resort that captures the essence of old-world Santa Barbara. It offers exquisite dining options, a spa, and a serene atmosphere.
c. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden: Situated on the edge of the Riviera, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden is a peaceful sanctuary that showcases California's diverse flora. Residents can explore the garden's trails, attend workshops, and enjoy the tranquility of nature.
d. Upper State Street: The Riviera is conveniently located near Upper State Street, a bustling commercial district offering a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options.
Funk Zone
The Funk Zone is a vibrant and eclectic neighborhood located near the waterfront. It has undergone a transformation in recent years, evolving into a hub of creativity, wine tasting rooms, art galleries, and trendy eateries. Here are some highlights of the Funk Zone:
a. Urban Vibes: The Funk Zone is characterized by its industrial-chic atmosphere, with converted warehouses and colorful murals lining the streets. It's a neighborhood that fosters creativity and attracts artists, designers, and entrepreneurs.
b. Wine Tasting: The Funk Zone is home to numerous wineries and tasting rooms, offering residents and visitors the opportunity to sample some of the region's finest wines. Wine enthusiasts can indulge in tastings, attend events, and explore the diverse flavors of Santa Barbara County.
c. Art and Culture: The Funk Zone is a haven for art lovers, with its numerous galleries showcasing a wide range of artistic styles and mediums. Residents can immerse themselves in the local art scene and attend art walks and exhibitions.
d. Waterfront Access: The Funk Zone is located near Santa Barbara's beautiful waterfront, providing residents with easy access to the beach, the harbor, and recreational activities such as kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding.
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In conclusion, Santa Barbara, CA is a city known for its unique blend of modernity and old-world charm, and the neighborhoods within it reflect this captivating mix. When it comes to enhancing the beauty and functionality of your home, one area that deserves special attention is the kitchen. Kitchen cabinets play a crucial role in not only providing storage but also setting the tone for the overall aesthetic of the space. For top-quality kitchen cabinet solutions in Santa Barbara, RD Homes is the trusted provider.
With RD Homes as your trusted partner, you can transform your kitchen into a space that blends modernity and old-world charm seamlessly. The quality, craftsmanship, and attention to detail that RD Homes brings to their kitchen cabinet solutions will elevate the heart of your home and create a beautiful and functional space for you to enjoy for years to come.
If you're exploring the Santa Barbara, CA neighborhoods and seeking to enhance your kitchen with exquisite kitchen cabinets, RD Homes is the go-to provider. Contact RD Homes today to discuss your kitchen cabinet needs and begin the journey toward creating a kitchen that perfectly captures the essence of Santa Barbara's unique charm.
RD Homes 590 E Gutierrez St Suite B, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 805-684-7583 https://rd.homes/
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kylesbikeadventure · 2 years
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Day 36 - Cachuma Lake Campground to Carpinteria State Beach
I wasn't a big fan of the campground last night. The hiker/biker site had no level ground with tons of holes in the dirt presumably dug by animals. A number of downed tree branches left me wondering when the last time anyone did any sort of maintenance on the site. No food lockers either meaning I had to hang my food from a tree in hopes raccoons or other critters wouldn't get at it. But all good in the morning, and I got cycling shortly before 9am.
I was biking along Hwy 156 which I wouldn't recommend. The scenery itself was nice, but the road is very busy with fast moving traffic and the shoulder is next to nothing for maybe a 15km stretch near the lake. I'd say the least comfortable stretch of road for me.
The big redeeming factor was Stagecoach Rd which was the original throughway connecting Santa Barbara to Santa Ynez. It's since been replaced by Hwy 156, but remains in use for very little local traffic. It was basically deserted while I rode it, and was the route that I did today's big climb on. 
San Marco Pass at 2225ft has replaced Leggitt Hill as the highest point on my trip. The climb itself went fine, was nice to be cycling on such a quiet road. The downhill too was a ton of fun on North San Marco Rd. Lots of tight switchbacks, and a popular hill for local cyclists. As I was screaming down I passed maybe a dozen or so cyclists climbing the hill. I definitely looked out of place with my attire and loaded bike.
I then made my way into Santa Barbara. Previously when I thought of California it was beaches, bald mountains, tall palm trees, white buildings with red tile roofs, large boulevards, surfers, etc. Santa Barbara fits this to a tee. Really a beautiful city. I spent a couple hours touring around and grabbing some food before moving on. I could have easily spent a bunch more time checking it out.
Carpinteria is the destination tonight, the second last campground on my route that has hiker/biker sites. Clear skies and warm weather today continued into the evening for a beautiful sunset. 
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chasecampen · 6 years
How Well Do You Know Southern California Architecture?
Just as Southern California is comprised of a melting pot of people from all over the globe, it is also home to a myriad of architectural styles. We’ve showcased 9 Southern California homes here. Can you name the style of each one?
1. Gamble House, Pasadena
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2. Gloria Swanson Residence, Hollywood
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3. Hancock Park
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4. Guasti Mansion, West Adams
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5. Lloyd Wright’s Samuel-Novarro House, The Oaks, Los Feliz
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6. Stimson House, West Adams
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7. Adamson House, Malibu
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8. Hancock Park
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9. Casa del Herrero, Santa Barbara
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Photos courtesy of:
la.curbed.com | en.wikipedia.org | gamblehouse.org peacelabyrinth.org | adamsonhouse.org underthehollywoodsign.wordpress.com santabarbaraca.com/businesses/casa-del-herrero
Scroll to the bottom for the answers and description of each style of architecture.
1. Craftsman (Arts & Crafts)–Gamble House, Pasadena
Originating in England, the Arts and Crafts movement emphasized a unity with nature and prized handmade details over the cheap mass production of the Industrial Revolution. Distinguishing traits of Craftsman bungalows include low- pitched rooflines, gabled or hipped roofs, overhanging eaves, shaded porches, extensive woodwork, double-hung windows, and Batchelder tile fireplaces.
2. French Normandy–Gloria Swanson Residence, Hollywood
Loosely based on the architecture of 16th-century French chateaux in the Loire Valley, the Chateauesque style became trés chic in Los Angeles during the 1920s thanks to its fantasy appeal, aristocratic associations, and last but not least, advances in veneer cladding techniques that approximated the look of expensive masonry construction. Identifying traits include steeply pitched hipped roof lines, spires, pinnacles, turrets, gables, shaped chimneys, dormers, and round or gothic archways.
3. Neoclassical Revival–Hancock Park
Neoclassical architecture is characterized by grandeur of scale, simplicity of geometric forms, Greek or Roman detail, dramatic use of columns, and a preference for blank walls. It is defined by a commanding facade with a full height porch, its roof supported by classical columns. The columns are often fluted and the capitals are usually ornate Ionic or Corinthian.
4. Beaux-Arts–Guasti Mansion, West Adams
Seen in Downtown LA’s temples of finance, commerce, and law, Beaux Arts is a classical style characterized by Greco-Roman elements: columns, arches, vaults, and domes. The buildings were constructed with high quality materials such as limestone, while their interiors were dressed to impress in marble, mahogany, alabaster, terrazzo, bronze, and brass. Exterior embellishments include bas-relief sculptures and glazed terra cotta tiles.
5. Art Deco–Lloyd Wright’s Samuel-Novarro House, The Oaks, Los Feliz
Art Deco reared its lovely head in Los Angeles following the 1925 Exposition des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. Constructed of smooth-finish building materials such as stucco, concrete block, and glazed brick, Deco buildings have a sleek, linear appearance. Other identifying characteristics include a setback facade, reeding or fluting around doors and windows, stepped-tray ceilings, and lavish ornamentation employing ziggerauts, chevrons, and other geometric forms, intense colors, and Egyptian, Native American, and other “exotic” motifs.
6. Romanesque–Stimson House, West Adams
Romanesque architecture is characterized by round arches over windows and/or entryways, with heavy emphasis around the arches; thick, cavernous entryways and window openings; thick masonry walls, rounded (sometimes square) towers with conical roof; facades are typically asymmetrical; variable stone and brick façade. On elaborate examples, polychromatic facades with contrasting building materials. The style emphasizes the Classical Roman arch as its dominant feature.
7. Spanish Colonial Revival–Adamson House, Malibu
Became Southern California’s pre-eminent architectural style in the wake of the Panama-California Exposition of 1915-1917. To house the San Diego exposition, architects Bertram Goodhue and Carleton Winslow designed a campus of buildings that blended elements of Mission Revival, Mexican, Spanish Baroque/Churrigueresque, and Islamic styles. This unique concoction was a resounding hit, and soon homes with low-pitched red tile roofs, courtyards, white stucco walls with rounded corners, painted tile, wrought-iron accents, and arched windows and doorways became a ubiquitous sight.
8. Tudor Revival–Hancock Park
Meant to evoke a quiet country lifestyle and the picturesque cottages of old England, the Tudor Revival style is typified by an asymmetrical design that features steeply pitched roofs with front-facing gables, leaded-glass windows (often diamond-paned), arched doorways and massive chimneys as well as stone, brick or stucco exteriors with half-timbers gracing the facade — a mere decoration recalling the structural timbers that held up such houses centuries earlier.
9. Monterey Colonial Revival–Casa del Herrero, Santa Barbara
Several variants of Spanish-style architecture make a contribution to the unique flavor of our local landscape, one of which is the Monterey Colonial Revival. It is a mixture of Mexican, New England Colonial, and Spanish styles, Monterey Revival homes are two stories, and feature second-floor verandas with wood railings, plaster or thick stucco walls, and louvered shutters (though these are often fixed).
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pandjseetheworld · 3 years
Barichara, is one of the prettiest colonial towns in the country, featuring cobbled streets, picturesque scenery, whitewashed buildings with red-tiled roofs, colorful shutters, and a laidback vibe. When comparing it to the states, it is equivalent to Santa Barbara CA minus the expensive prices and the ocean. The high desert landscape is similar but the ocean is relaxed by a deep canyon. There isn’t much to do in the town of Barichara except shop, eat, and wander the streets admiring the picturesque colonial style buildings. In 2010, in recognition of its history, architecture, and touristic potential, Barichara was declared a Colombian Pueblo Patrimonio or a heritage town. It is amongst only 11 municipalities nationwide that were selected to be part of the Red Turística de Pueblos Patrimonio original cohort.
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mdlomas · 3 years
Short video that reflects the many architectural styles of Santa Barbara, California
Mark & Kirsten   [email protected]
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archimplellc · 4 years
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Mediterranean home designs draw inspiration from Moorish, Italian, and Spanish architecture. Mediterranean home designs typically have stucco or plaster exteriors with shallow red tile roofs which create shady overhangs. alongside big windows and exposed beams, Mediterranean home designs include patios or loggias to catch breezes. Among the foremost well-known Mediterranean home designs are those made by Santa Barbara architect Washington Smith within the 1920s.
 To ascertain more Mediterranean home designs see our website https://www.archimple.com/styles mediterranean innovative plan hunt.
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lajoliemaisonette · 4 years
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7 Most Instagrammable Places in Santa Barbara. Here are the 7 Most Instagrammable Places in Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara Spanish colonial style architecture and quaint neighborhoods makes it a perfect city to take great photos. Bougainvillea laden walls, red tiled roofs, colorful buildings, palm trees and cacti are some great backgrounds in Santa Barbara. Here is a guide to some of the most instagrammable places in Santa Barbara. https://ift.tt/304Mi4N
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tommeaney · 16 days
Exploring Mediterranean Flair In Santa Barbara Architectural Style
Mediterranean style deeply influences Spanish California architecture that often blends with the cityscape of Santa Barbara. With its emphasis on stucco walls, red-tiled roofs, and exposed wooden beams, this style integrates earthy tones and decorative ironwork, creating a harmonious blend of elegance and rustic charm typical of California homes.
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newhousebuilder · 4 years
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Santa Barbara style is a mix of modern and rustic. It has white stucco walls, exposed beam ceilings, red-tile roofs and floors. It's perfect for those who love the openness that a modern home offers, with a touch of cozy. @aianational @aiaaustin @aiaaustincran @homebuilders @nahbstudents @tamuarch @tamucosc @utsoa @basecreteusa @luxuryaustintx @austin_monthly @austin_home @architizer @archdaily @archdigest @texasmonthly @txarchitects @texasbuilders @hsbresort @womeninaustin @luxuryleagueatx
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The Best Virginia Wedding Venues For Washingtonian Couples
Table of ContentsGeorgia Wedding Venues - Lanier Islands - Weddings In ...Wedding Venues - Greenbrier ValleySeven Oh-so-charming Historical Wedding Venues ... - Boston34 Affordable San Diego Wedding Venues Under ,500 ...The Best Wedding Venue In Every State - InsiderThe Best Wedding Venue In Every State - Insider
This south county park supplies a 2,000 square foot neighborhood space with a sweeping sight of Sweetwater Storage tank. The Waterside Park remains on San Diego Bay offering a perfect background for your unique event.
The location of Olowalu has a very rich background with ancient Hawaiian history, Maui's ranch past, as well as reef ecology. In truth, Olowalu Reef was lately revealed as Hawaii's initial an acknowledgment that honors it as one of one of the most important reef systems in the world. Known as Maui's 'crown jewel,' Olowalu coral reef is a one-thousand acre reefs reef that's house to the largest manta ray populace in the UNITED STATE, as well as the oldest coral in the Hawaiian Islands.
Below, you'll discover unhampered sights, skillfully designed grounds, and also whatever you need to fit a wedding event event from much less than 50-200+ attendees. Guests can schedule this personal Maui wedding event place with Daily, Half-Day, as well as Very early Night prices. Along with the noticeable area benefits, Olowalu Vineyard Residence likewise deals with a range of approved wedding celebration suppliers: coordinators, digital photographers, videographers, food catering, live music, DJs, and rental firms.
Boasting over 14 Georgia wedding celebration locations as well as locations throughout the 1,500-acre resort for both ceremonies and functions, Lanier Islands is the excellent area to start your new life with each other. Whether your vision of an excellent event remains in a woody lakeside hideaway or along gorgeous lakeside coasts, Lanier Islands provides many choices for creating your picture-perfect wedding event.
Weddings: 9 Expensive Wedding Venues Around The Country ...
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Private Wedding Venues - Maui Wedding Locations
For your comfort we can offer a detailed solution that consists of wedding event specialists, providing managers, an on-site exec catering chef, a considerable checklist of affiliated flower shops, digital photographers, DJs, musicians, and also extra. In addition to being the best wedding celebration area in Atlanta, Lanier Islands is additionally excellent for group holiday accommodations for the wedding event celebration, or for the couple's Southerly design honeymoon, health spa services before or after the wedding event, and a range of various other entertainment options.
Photo Credit Report: Emily Crawford Digital Photography Among one of the most stunning features of marrying is the location itself. Santa Barbara wedding celebration places range from large ocean views to the red-tile roofs that have actually earned the area the label "The American Riviera." Enhance your party with puts from a there are lots of award-winning ones where to choose.
However probably one of the most ideal feature of getting wed in Santa Barbara is the. With over 300 days of sunlight as well as a remarkably mild environment, inspect the weather report worry at the door as well as savor the charming sunsets and blue skies that define the location. Picking to obtain wed in Santa Barbara is a simple selection, one that offers both you and your guests with a remarkable day in a bucket list area.
This thorough tool is a has to for anyone planning a team gathering, vacation, or get-together on The American Riviera. Need assistance planning the perfect day? Overwhelmed with the numerous choices and also unlimited lists related to obtaining wed? Santa Barbara has you covered. Devoted wedding celebration planners and also specialists are all set to assist you bring your vision to life.
San Diego's Top Wedding Ceremony And Reception Venues All ...
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The 10 Best Places To Get Married In San Diego - Mywedding
Rose city has numerous great locations for small wedding celebrations and also elopements. Both in nature or near the city. The simplest is most likely Municipal government, with numerous picture locations as well as good dining establishments close by. Other very easy alternatives are scattered around the city, consisting of Forest Park, Washington Park, and Mt. Tabor.
Situated in the tall pines one-of-a-kind to our Houston wedding celebration places, we provide the ideal setup to your wedding. Since our locations vary, they are perfect for everything from wedding party to company gatherings as well as workplace events. Angleton// Sycamore Hall and also Magnolia Chateau Cypress// Chateau Katy// Tuscany Hall and also Stonecreek Lake Conroe// Pine Hall and Stonebrook Magnolia// Stonebridge and also Pinehaven Wallisville// The Farmhouse No matter what kind of occasion you are organizing, the entire group at THE SPRINGS intends to make certain it is a success.
We have actually very carefully crafted the perfect Houston wedding event places, as well as selected the very best locations to help you produce a special occasion all your very own. We have several alternatives to select from consisting of locations near: Angleton, Katy, Lake Conroe, as well as Magnolia. Every one of these fantastic areas featured a full list of features and also are best for wedding events, household reunions, business celebrations, as well as so far more.
For more details about the locations we provide in the Greater Houston area, have a look at our venue pages listed above. If you have any inquiries regarding our places, renting from us, or regarding THE SPRINGTIMES in basic, connect with us today! Our staff is here to help you plan, carry out and also cover up the perfect event.
Nontraditional Outdoor Wedding Venues - Mayflower Venues
Lake Conroe uses distinct, gorgeous settings for wedding celebrations and also official occasions in Houston, Texas. Near to Houston and also Montgomery Region, we're completely located for anyone in North Houston. Take pleasure in an exclusive, stunning venue, with your selection of vendors and decor, for approximately 15 hrs of fun. In addition to our cosmetically fascinating reception venue, we also boast a myriad of beautiful ceremony sites also.
Get in touch with us today to find out more concerning booking this venue. In Angleton, we're the leading wedding event place South of Houston, Texas. THE SPRINGTIMES in Angleton is the ideal area to host official events like wedding celebrations, corporate events, and also various other special events. With outstanding services as well as experience hosting formal events, THE SPRINGTIME is your go-to choice for the ideal place.
With several lovely event websites, our wedding blog site, and our wedding celebration list, we offer everything you need to help intend your excellent event at our Houston wedding celebration venues. Get in touch with us today to read more about THE SPRINGTIMES in Angleton south of Houston, Texas. Our Magnolia place uses sensational wedding websites as well as a stunning place for receptions, as well as corporate occasions as well as various other events just northwest of Houston, Texas.
You and your visitors will appreciate the charming looks of our place for as much as 15 hours. bryllup københavn Capitalize on our wedding devices like our preparation checklist, wedding event blog, as well as seating chart. Call us today to get more information regarding THE SPRINGTIMES in Magnolia, just west of The Woodlands, Texas. In Houston, near Katy, Texas, you'll find among the most effective event locations and also wedding party halls.
Wedding Venues — Best Place To Get Married - Cosmopolitan
THE SPRINGS is proud to host formal occasions like wedding events, corporate celebrations, as well as extra. We use guests an excellent list of facilities, and you get the location for up to 15 hrs. In our objective to assist you create the event of a life time, we offer you the liberty to pick your very own vendors and also decorating styles.
Follow our wedding celebration blog to stay current on the most recent news and suggestions from THE SPRINGS Houston wedding places. Contact us today today to reserve your future occasion. The Wallisville residential property is located a few miles East of Wallisville on the Wallisville Turtle Bayou Rd. The nearby actual town is Baytown and Mont Belvieu.
The land is relatively level with fully grown pines and also oak trees. The land adjoins Lake Anahauc and also we are only half a mile from I-10. The residential property is lovely as well as the area is ranch land and also pasture land. We felt our brand-new barn venue would certainly be a good fit for the location.
The residential or commercial property lies half way between downtown Houston and midtown Beaumont. We feel we will attract a great deal of bride-to-bes from the Beaumont/ Port Arthur area together with the new brides from the East Houston area. Concealed in the woodlands of Northwest Houston, the elegant location, is a European inspired style that is excellent for a wedding and function, private party, gala, or company feature, tiny as well as intimate to huge as well as grand.
Eight Historic Massachusetts Wedding Venues For ... - Boston
This Houston wedding location features magnificently painted wall surfaces and also vaulted ceilings throughout, a remarkable dual staircase access, an attractive grand ballroom, as well as five acres of naturally wooded and polished gardens. Each event gets our wholehearted interest as we just host one occasion each day.
2106 N. Clairemont Avenue, Eau ClaireClaireWaters Bar & Dining establishment has an on-site event facility that makes for a fantastic area to organize your wedding celebration, function, birthday, college graduation, and extra. The dining establishment offers on-site wedding catering, and also food and drink might be tailored for any one of your events. Rates negotiated base wear variety of guests, food, and also beverage things asked for.
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Princess Wedding Guest Dress
San Diego Wedding Venues - Reviews For 317 Ca Venues
Table of ContentsDream Beach Wedding - Wedding Venues - San DiegoWedding Venues In San Diego - Aall In Limo & Party Bus50 Amazing Wedding Venues - Best Places In The World To ...Wedding Venues - ZolaBest Wedding Venues In Philadelphia - Top Wedding Venues ...Bay Area Wedding Sites - Wedding Locations Bay Area - Napa ...
This south region park provides a 2,000 square foot area area with a sweeping sight of Sweetwater Reservoir. The Waterfront Park rests on San Diego Bay providing an excellent backdrop for your special occasion.
The area of Olowalu has an extremely rich background with ancient Hawaiian background, Maui's vineyard past, and reef ecology. In reality, Olowalu Reef was recently revealed as Hawaii's initial a recognition that honors it as one of one of the most crucial coral reef systems worldwide. Referred to as Maui's 'crown gem,' Olowalu reef is a one-thousand acre reefs reef that's home to the largest manta ray populace in the U.S., and also the oldest coral reefs in the Hawaiian Islands.
Here, you'll locate unobstructed views, expertly landscaped premises, as well as everything you require to suit a wedding party from much less than 50-200+ attendees. Guests can reserve this personal Maui wedding event location with Daily, Half-Day, and also Very early Night rates. Along with the apparent area advantages, Olowalu Ranch Home also deals with a range of approved wedding suppliers: coordinators, professional photographers, videographers, catering, online music, DJs, as well as rental firms.
Flaunting over 14 Georgia wedding event places and also locations throughout the 1,500-acre hotel for both events and functions, Lanier Islands is the best location to start your brand-new life with each other. Whether your vision of an optimal event remains in a woody lakeside retreat or along gorgeous lakeside coasts, Lanier Islands provides lots of options for creating your picture-perfect wedding.
La Jolla Wedding Venues With Ocean Views - La ... - San Diego
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Wedding Venues In San Diego - Dream Beach Wedding
For your benefit we can provide an extensive solution that includes wedding event professionals, providing supervisors, an on-site exec catering chef, a considerable list of affiliated flower shops, digital photographers, DJs, artists, and also more. Along with being the supreme wedding event place in Atlanta, Lanier Islands is additionally suitable for team accommodations for the wedding celebration, or for the bride-to-be as well as groom's Southerly style honeymoon, spa services before or after the wedding, and also a variety of various other entertainment options.
Image Credit Score: Emily Crawford Digital Photography Among the most stunning things regarding obtaining wedded is the destination itself. Santa Barbara wedding event areas vary from extensive sea views to the red-tile roofs that have actually made the area the nickname "The American Riviera." Complement your party with puts from a there are lots of award-winning ones where to select.
Yet possibly the most excellent feature of obtaining married in Santa Barbara is the. With over 300 days of sunshine and an incredibly light climate, examine the climate projection worry at the door as well as enjoy the enchanting sundowns and blue skies that specify the location. Selecting to get wed in Santa Barbara is a simple choice, one that provides both you and your guests with an exceptional day in a container checklist place.
This extensive device is a must for anybody preparing a group celebration, vacation, or party on The American Riviera. Need aid planning the excellent day? Bewildered with the many options and limitless lists connected with obtaining married? Santa Barbara has you covered. Committed wedding event organizers and professionals are prepared to help you bring your vision to life.
Wedding Venues San Diego — The Thursday Club
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Wedding Venues - Calaveras Visitors Bureau
Portland has numerous great areas for tiny weddings and also elopements. Both in nature or near the city. The simplest is probably Town hall, with lots of portrait locations and nice restaurants nearby. Other very easy choices are spread around the city, including Woodland Park, Washington Park, and also Mt. Tabor.
Located in the high pines unique to our Houston wedding celebration places, we provide the best setup to your wedding. Since our locations vary, they are ideal for every little thing from wedding celebration functions to corporate gatherings and work environment occasions. Angleton// Sycamore Hall and Magnolia Manor Cypress// Chateau Katy// Tuscany Hall as well as Stonecreek Lake Conroe// Pine Hall as well as Stonebrook Magnolia// Stonebridge and Pinehaven Wallisville// The Farmhouse Regardless of what sort of event you are organizing, the entire group at THE SPRINGTIMES intends to make certain it is a success.
We've very carefully crafted the ideal Houston wedding places, as well as selected the very best areas to assist you develop a special occasion all your very own. We have a number of options to pick from including locations near: Angleton, Katy, Lake Conroe, as well as Magnolia. Every one of these wonderful locations come with a full checklist of amenities as well as are excellent for wedding events, family reunions, firm celebrations, therefore a lot more.
For even more details concerning the locations we offer in the Greater Houston location, take a look at our place pages provided above. If you have any type of questions concerning our locations, renting from us, or about THE SPRINGTIMES in basic, contact us today! Our team is here to aid you strategy, carry out as well as wrap up the best event.
13 Scenic Outdoor Wedding Venues In San Diego ...
Lake Conroe offers distinct, beautiful setups for weddings as well as official occasions in Houston, Texas. Near to Houston as well as Montgomery County, we're perfectly located for any individual in North Houston. Take pleasure in an unique, attractive place, with your selection of suppliers as well as decor, for as much as 15 hours of enjoyable. Along with our visually captivating reception location, we also boast a myriad of lovely event websites too.
Contact us today for even more info about reserving this place. In Angleton, we're the leading wedding celebration venue South of Houston, Texas. THE SPRINGS in Angleton is the ideal location to host official events like weddings, company celebrations, as well as various other special events. With impressive features and also experience hosting official events, THE SPRINGS is your go-to option for the suitable place.
With numerous gorgeous event websites, our wedding blog site, as well as our wedding celebration list, we provide everything you need to assist prepare your best event at our Houston wedding places. Contact us today for more information concerning THE SPRINGS in Angleton southern of Houston, Texas. Our Magnolia area offers magnificent wedding celebration event websites and a beautiful location for functions, in addition to company occasions and also other events simply northwest of Houston, Texas.
You as well as your visitors will certainly take pleasure in the beautiful appearances of our area for approximately 15 hrs. Benefit from our wedding devices like our preparation list, wedding celebration blog site, as well as seats graph. Call us today to find out more about THE SPRINGS in Magnolia, simply west of The Woodlands, Texas. In Houston, near Katy, Texas, you'll locate one of the ideal event venues and also wedding party halls.
Wedding Venues San Diego — The Thursday Club
THE SPRINGTIME is proud to host official occasions like wedding events, corporate events, as well as a lot more. We provide guests an outstanding listing of facilities, and also you get the location for up to 15 hours. In our goal to help you develop the event of a life time, we offer you the flexibility to pick your very own suppliers as well as enhancing motifs.
Follow our wedding blog to remain existing on the most recent news as well as suggestions from THE SPRINGS Houston wedding event locations. Contact us today today to book your approaching occasion. The Wallisville property is found a couple of miles East of Wallisville on the Wallisville Turtle Bayou Rd. The nearby genuine community is Baytown and Mont Belvieu.
The land is rather level with mature pines and also oak trees. The land adjoins Lake Anahauc and also we are just half a mile from I-10. The building is stunning and also the neighborhood is ranch land and pasture land. We felt our new barn place would certainly be a nice fit for the area.
The building lies half method in between downtown Houston as well as midtown Beaumont. We feel we will certainly draw a great deal of brides from the Beaumont/ Port Arthur area along with the bride-to-bes from the East Houston location. Concealed in the woodlands of Northwest Houston, the exquisite location, is a European inspired style that is ideal for a wedding event and reception, personal celebration, gala, or business feature, tiny as bryllup københavn well as intimate to large as well as grand.
Nontraditional Outdoor Wedding Venues - Mayflower Venues
This Houston wedding celebration venue features beautifully painted walls and vaulted ceilings throughout, a significant double staircase entrance, a beautiful grand ballroom, and five acres of normally wooded and also manicured gardens. Each event receives our wholehearted interest as we only host one occasion each day.
2106 N. Clairemont Method, Eau ClaireClaireWaters Bar & Restaurant has an on-site event facility that produces an excellent location to organize your wedding celebration, reception, birthday, graduation, and more. The restaurant supplies on-site catering, and also food and beverage may be personalized for any one of your occasions. Costs worked out base don number of guests, food, and drink items asked for.
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