#mediterranean roof details
rainbowsalt · 1 year
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Mediterranean Exterior Santa Barbara Image of the exterior of a medium-sized, one-story Tuscan white stucco house with a clipped gable roof and a tile roof
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ibs-gateway · 2 years
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Roofing Tile
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jamesmdavisson · 2 years
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Tile in Santa Barbara
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fauxboy · 2 years
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Mediterranean Patio - Outdoor Kitchen
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izzrd · 2 years
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Tile - Mediterranean Patio
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k-hippie · 1 year
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CHAMPIGNAC World ( aka Sims de Nimes ) is coming in few days ;)
If we put the fantastic gameplay apart, ALL Sims 3 Worlds are about AMBIANCE ... and good Sims 3 Worlds are more about ambiance than everything else ;) It's a quest which doesn't end :D
Champignac ( codename : Sims de Nimes ) is a project we began a long ago ( 2018 ) and left rest in a corner of our CAW files. Paused, but never forgotten. Frankly, it was long due and time to finish.
Champignac is a French true suburbia living world based on Champs-les-Sims but cleaned up of its vacation stuff ... So you will get everything of a Maxis standard World ( the ice cream truck, the university guy ) and of course the ability to go to every vacation world ( including Champs-les-Sims )
We redid almost everything : the grass textures, the pavement and road textures, etc ... We added richness to this world with singular and very interesting stuff ...
80 lots are available. Both community and residential. We redid the native lots almost from the ground and used them for something else, except Place des Oliviers which kept its initial function and placement.
We used Votenga @ MTS who converted many things from Sims Medieval such as old castle tower we used a lot or the fantastic St Gall Monastery from efolger997 @ MTS we transformed a bit to get an incredible Winery lot ( yes, there is a Winery ... gosh, this is France after all ) ;)
We used lots from Sims 3 creators and we made many others with great care and as low as possible cheating build options ... We are not bold at Sims houses creation but we tried to make as diverse as possible in our constructions, but always staying in the guide of specific South of France style and design. Anyway, this will be to you to add your own vision and architectural art to Champignac ! ;)
ALL 80 lots are French flavored ( red terracotta roofs, white stone ) to get a unique style for a unique world :)
Nestled in the heart of the charming South of France, Champignac is a town adorned with the alluring flair of Mediterranean culture. As the Sims step into this picturesque town, they are immediately enveloped by the warmth of the sun, and the vibrant colors that paint the streets ...
No false antic stuff here. No false image from the 60's ... It is a fully contemporary world but with its own old stuff. Champignac boasts a unique blend of history and modernity all together :)
The ambiance is one of relaxation and leisure, inspired by the leisurely lifestyle of the South of France. Here, residents take the time to savor the pleasures of life, indulging in delicious cuisine, delightful conversations under the shade of trees. The town's bustling markets offer an array of fresh produce, colorful fabrics, enticing the Sims to immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere.
With its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Champignac offers the Sims a captivating and enriching experience. From the stunning architecture to the delectable cuisine, every aspect of this town reflects the South of France's intoxicating charm.
Many more details to come with the coming download post ...
So ... Stay tuned ;) ( and always safe )
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rainintheevening · 1 month
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West, Part I
Maps stretched out
The day after Peter ships out, the maps start appearing on the wall of the Fifth form common room at St. Maurice’s. Europe as a whole at first, then Italy, the Mediterranean, Greece, Germany, France...
He takes them home with him at the end of the term, Edmund Pevensie does, scatters them over his (and Peter's) room, mixed up with newspapers and letters in Peter's dashing handwriting.
Too many miles to count
He tries to find closer maps, more detail, tracing his finger across mountain ranges and down coastlines. He spans the entire Allied line with his thumb. He'd never felt the world to be so big before, never felt so small. Narnia had been such a small country. How long would it take to sail around the Cape of Gibraltar? How long would it take to fly to Sicily?
Sometimes he does the math. Sometimes he doesn't.
Let's just say we're inches apart
Remember watching the stars with Oreius? How you'd sketch them with your finger so carefully? How we'd lie out in the grass with Era and Philip, in silence sometimes, for hours? There were so many stars out there in the country. Some nights I'm lucky to see stars here. But when I do I imagine you seeing the same ones, mapping your way the way to well, your way to me. Sometimes I swear I can feel you beside me in the dark, little brother.
He lies in Peter's bed, letter in his hand, falls asleep with paper between his fingers.
And even closer at heart
For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Even as his pen moves over the paper, he finds his lips moving too, a begging murmur, mixing with the summer rain heavy on the roof.
And we'll be just fine
He laughs as Lucy places the crown of daisies on his head, and kisses her cheek. He rubs Susan's aching feet as she sits on the couch and reads aloud to them. He fingers his little silver lion against his collarbone, and smiles through the steam rising off his coffee.
Another pin pushed in
The maps on the wall grow a forest of colored heads and tiny flags, and anyone who wants war news or any better understanding of the progression of the European theatre goes to the Fifth's common room.
To remind us where we've been
He takes a map down to the stables sometimes, unrolls it on the table in the harness room, sits patiently as Master Gringham pores over it, searching for the boy who rode his horses like no one else, all of them trying to coordinate themselves.
The horses miss you, he writes to Peter. Have you had a chance to ride recently?
And evey mile adds up
He lies alone in their room, catching the faint murmurs of his parents downstairs, and he can't remember the last time he cried on Christmas, but he's doing it now, hot salt water on Peter's pillow, as Bing Crosby croons on the wireless in the girls' room down the hall.
Please, God, please let him come home safe, please let him be happy, please.
Leaving its mark on us
I was grieved to hear of your wounding, brother, but truly grateful it was not more serious. I wish I could be there, to make sure you were getting proper care and treatment. Be careful, please. But don't be a coward. I'd rather a dead brother, than a coward. But don't die. You're not allowed to die without me.
He means it, every word, that's why he doesn't cross any of it out.
And sometimes our compass breaks
Twelve of them dead, and I alive, and I don't know why, Ed, but I don't know if I can do this, I can't. Not alone. I'd forgotten how much this hurts. I only knew half their names, and I know Badger had four little kids back home, and I don't understand.
I don't understand.
And our steady true north fades
Snow lies thick on the moor, and Ed struggles to open his eyes in the morning. His feet are heavy, his mind moves slow, and he can't get warm. He sits as close to the fire in the common room as he can without setting his clothes aflame. Some mornings he sits with his hand on the black leather cover, but he doesn’t open the book.
We'll be just fine
There's a black and white photograph folded in with the thin paper, and there he is smiling up at them all, officer's cap set at a jaunty angle, shirtless with a bandage on one forearm. Peter hugs a scruffy looking mongrel dog close, hand rubbing the pointed ears, and Ed smiles back at the living shadow of his brother.
We'll be just fine
Warm spring sunshine splashes over Ed's face, and he leans on his spade, brushes mud off his hands, and surveys the dark turned earth of the school's Victory Garden, listens to the first formers laughing as they fling dirt clods at each other.
We'll be just fine
Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth.
He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire... Peter writes.
We'll be just fine
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge, Edmund answers.
I know that we will
"I miss him so much," Lucy says, and Edmund wraps his arm around her shoulders as they walk, remembering how he closed his last letter with those three words.
I just know that we will
He kneels by Peter's bed, his bed now, and the maps hang all round on the walls, he is surrounded by everywhere his brother is and was and could be, as he bows his head and the evening prayer comes weary and steady from his lips.
They used to say it together.
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cityandking · 4 months
20, 30, 55 for dai, niko and narayani!
ty my dear!! // detailed oc ask meme
20. Clothing/Aesthetic
DAI — [pinterest / lookbook] he favors crossed-collar shirts and robes on the looser side for ease of movement. simple cuts but good fabric, mostly shaped with ties or cloth belts and relatively few buckles or other bits of metal (unless he's in his armor). he tends to dress in a couple layers—even in a modern au (or selto) he's a shirt + vest or sweater + jacket guy. mostly sky blues, soft yellows and bright golds, but in a modern au he'd wear a lot of green too. ENIKO — [pinterest] prefers sleek, dark, semi-formal cuts—narrow slacks, slim vests over crisp shirts, shades of black and grey and sometimes a hazy, dusky purple. he dresses to look sharp and untouchable, and tends to mimic wealth that he doesn't actually have—if you look closely you'll notice that his jacket is a little shabby or his hems are fraying or there's a spot of blood still on his shoe. NARAYANI — [pinterest] has a sort of pared-down greco-roman meets eastern mediterranean thing going on. lots of light and loose fabrics shaped with ties and belts, somewhere between tunic and dress depending on the weather and her mood. unapologetically dalish. her armor is more form-fitting—leg wraps, leather cuirass, vambraces, hood + mask, that sort of thing.
30. What was adolescence like?
DAI — a little fumbling and a little lonely, but generally good and steady. he spent most of it training at the temple to become a skysinger and what he lacked in friendship with his peers he made up for with the praise of his mentors and a strong work ethic. he was probably kind of annoying as a classmate, but he kept to himself and was quiet and gracious about everything, so it was fine. ENIKO — pretty terrible! he spent most of it being broken down and remade into a living weapon for a cruel and conniving man and for years he was only grateful for an education and a roof over his head. nothing of his adolescence was his, not even himself, and the one time he found something of his own he lost it bloody and bitter, so... yeah. not awesome. NARAYANI — simple and good, if a little unfulfilling. she was a bit of a sponge—for knowledge, but also for novelty, and she spent her adolescence wandering further and further afield. she was never going to be content to keep to the confines of the clan, which she and the clan realized around that time. she didn't understand why they grieved that until later, but even then, the grief didn't change anything.
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? When happens when these all interact with each other?
DAI — his core trait is a sense of responsibility that veers perilously close to guilt (though less so these days, which is progress). at his best, he's stalwart and generous with his time, his wisdom, and his protection. at his worst, he's bitter about giving so much of himself and tends towards the sanctimonious. these things tend to intersect in a sort of selfish martyrdom and an impulse towards self-sabotage—which, in his defense, he's aware of and trying to work on ENIKO — his core trait is fear. when you get down into the meat of him, he's afraid of so many things, and everything he does is an attempt to protect himself against the genuine horrors of the world and also the stuff that haunts him. his worst trait is a selfish cynicism that would have him turn on anyone if it meant he'd get a leg up. his best trait is... hm. I think at his best he has a genuine desire to see the world change—with enough distance he's got the self-awareness to know he wouldn't want what happened to him to happen to anyone else (he's got a particular soft spot for kids). but it takes a lot to convince him to actually do anything about that; most of the time the cynicism and self-serving tendencies win out. NARAYANI — this is a little tricky, but I think her core character trait is pride—in herself, in her people, in her work. it produces a lot of anger, which tends to be how it gets externalized and how she experiences it, but at the end of the day I think all that stems from pride (which is just Delightful as a foil to solas). her best and worst traits are her refusal to take any shit; while she can be discerning about when that's appropriate, she isn't much interested in playing nice. she's magnificently loyal and protective and self-assured, and also intransigent and combative. as soon as josephine figures out how to weaponize that it's over for everyone else.
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immobilier-swiss · 1 year
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Exclusive Estate Auction in the Heart of Marbella's Golden Mile! 🌴
📣 Never before publicly listed | Estimated value: €8.5M - €12.5M. Auction opens on June 7th, 2023 at 6:00 PM EDT
Discover a unique opportunity to own a stunning estate in Marbella's prestigious Golden Mile. Just minutes away from renowned hotels, beach clubs, and restaurants like Puente Romano Hotel and Beach and Nobu Hotel, this property offers an exclusive lifestyle and an unmatched private retreat.
✅ Additional property details:
▪Total: Buildings: 1500 sqm | Plot: 5847 sqm; 14 suites with potential to extend to 8 additional suites
▪Architectural features: Mediterranean exterior with tiled roof
▪Interior features: Vaulted walkways; Marble floors; High ceilings; Abundant fenestration and natural light
▪Exterior features: Large outdoor porch; Infinity pool with spa in the main house; Private pool in the guest house; Eight fountains
▪Additional spaces: Three outdoor gazebos for entertainment; Five reception rooms in the main house; Staff apartment in the main house; Four-car garage; Pond with waterfall surrounded by botanical gardens
🌐 Don't miss this extraordinary estate auction! Click the link below for more information and to explore this exquisite property.
🔗  https://immobilier-swiss.ch/property/ventes-aux-encheres-dun-domaine-exclusif-au-coeur-du-golden-mile-de-marbella/
#MarbellaRealEstate #GoldenMileLiving #LuxuryLiving #EstateAuction #InvestmentOpportunity #DreamHome #MarbellaProperty #opportunity #property #ExclusiveListing #LuxuryProperty #RealEstateInvestment #interior #marbella #spain #espagne #immobilier #realestate #luxury
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montenegroproperty · 2 years
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Luxury villas for sale in the Budva area – Discover the epitome of luxury living in Budva, Montenegro with these stunning villas for sale. Nestled in the prime location of Blizikuce, these properties offer breathtaking views of the iconic Sveti Stefan and embody the essence of Mediterranean charm. This exclusive offering is fully documented with construction permits, all utility connections in place, and main designs approved, ready for the buyer to personalize to their taste and preferences. Luxury villas for sale in the Budva area – Details Each of the three identical villas boasts a gross building area of 650 square meters, with 438 square meters of net usable space and a plot area of 500-700 square meters. Designed for modern living, each villa features four spacious bedrooms including a maid’s studio and four luxurious bathrooms, plus an additional toilet for guests. Included in the price is the complete facade work, showcasing the finest first-class stone, aluminum facade doors and windows, and an elegant stone staircase. The outdoor areas, including the roof and terrace around the pool, are also finished with the finest first-class stone. The swimming pool has been professionally isolated and is ready for the installation of mosaic tiles. All installations, including lighting, electricity, and water, have been completed, and glass fences adorn the terraces for added privacy and luxury. The landscaped gardens, retaining walls, stairs, and other features are all completed and ready for the buyer’s enjoyment. This is a rare opportunity to secure a luxurious property for sale in Budva with stunning sea views. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the Montenegro real estate market and secure your dream home today! #MREproperty . #montenegrorealestate #montenegroproperty #investmentsmontenegro #luxuryrealestate #montenegro #montenegroluxury #follow #Realestate #Realty #Realtor #Realestateagent #Homeforsale #Newhome #Newhouse #Forsale #Property (at Budva Municipality) https://www.instagram.com/p/CofahBcopla/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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OPPORTUNITY!!! Just reduced to 3,000,000€… . Newly Built Modern Villa for sale in Marbella Golden Mile. A contemporary architecture, with very refined lines and full of details, is what characterizes this exclusive development of single-family home located in one of the most emblematic urbanizations of Marbella due to its proximity to the city center and the beach. The villa has 5 bedrooms and 5 ensuite bathrooms and a toilet, underfloor heating, double glazing and many other features that will blow your mind. The villa have excellent views of the mountain (La Concha) and the Mediterranean Sea. The most characteristic of these houses are the covered roofs, which form very marked horizontal planes and allow to house porches that make it possible to enjoy the terraces as if they were a continuation of the interior rooms, generating a dialogue with the exterior very characteristic in the architecture of the south of Andalusia… . #luxuryhomes #luxurylifestyle #luxury #luxuryrealestate #marbellarealestate #modernvilla #marbellavilla #millionairehomes #millionairelifestyle #millionaire #footballershomes #footballers #marbella #spain #sellingsunset #joshaltman . For more information: https://www.xcaperealestate.com/en/property/id/843903-newly-built-modern-villa-for-sale-marbella-golden-mile (at Marbella, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPWAbdNfDg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kavya4321 · 9 days
10 Different Architectural Styles for Your Next Project
Choosing the right architectural style is essential for the success of your next construction or renovation project. Each style offers unique characteristics that can enhance the aesthetic and functional aspects of your space. Modern architecture is defined by clean lines, minimalistic design, and open spaces, emphasizing functionality and simplicity. Colonial architecture, traditional and symmetrical, features classic elements like shutters, brick facades, and gabled roofs, evoking a timeless charm. Mediterranean style, inspired by the coastal regions of Southern Europe, incorporates stucco walls, red-tiled roofs, and arched doorways, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Contemporary architecture evolves with current trends, blending various styles with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and unique design. Victorian architecture is ornate and detailed, characterized by intricate woodwork, steep roofs, and vibrant colors, offering a sense of historical elegance. Ranch style, single-story and sprawling, is known for its long, low profile, large windows, and open floor plans, providing a practical and laid-back living environment. Industrial architecture features exposed brick, metal elements, and large, open spaces, bringing a rugged, unfinished aesthetic that is both functional and stylish. Craftsman style emphasizes handcrafted woodwork, built-in furniture, and a cozy, rustic feel, creating warm and inviting homes. Art Deco architecture is glamorous and bold, incorporating geometric shapes, vibrant colors, and luxurious materials for a striking appearance. Scandinavian style focuses on simplicity, functionality, and natural light, characterized by clean lines and minimalistic decor. Each of these architectural styles offers distinct features and advantages, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your vision and needs for your next project.
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superbloverwhispers · 12 days
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California
Carlsbad, California is a golfer's paradise. With its breathtaking scenery and ideal weather conditions, it's no wonder that this coastal city has become a top destination for roofing contractors with free estimates golf enthusiasts from around the world. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, Carlsbad offers some of the best golf courses in the country. In this article, we'll explore the top golf courses in Carlsbad and why they are worth a visit.
The Benefits of Golfing in Carlsbad
Carlsbad is known for its mild Mediterranean climate, which makes it an ideal location for year-round golfing. The city boasts an average of 263 sunny days per year, providing ample opportunities to tee off at any time. Additionally, Carlsbad's unique coastal setting offers stunning ocean views and refreshing sea breezes, adding to the overall golfing experience.
Tee Off at La Costa Resort and Spa
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California at La Costa Resort and Spa - Image
La Costa Resort and Spa is one of Carlsbad's premier golf destinations. With two championship courses designed by renowned architect Dick Wilson, this resort offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for players of all skill levels. The North Course features rolling fairways and strategically placed bunkers, while the South Course roof repair showcases breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.
Course Details Location: 2100 Costa Del Mar Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Number of Holes: 36 Par: North Course - 72 | South Course - 71 Yardage: North Course - 7,094 yards | South Course - 7,077 yards Rating/Slope: North Course - 74.8/141 | South Course - 74.9/144 Discover the Beauty of Aviara Golf Club
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California at Aviara Golf Club - Image
Aviara Golf Club is a hidden gem nestled in the rolling hills of Carlsbad. Designed by Arnold Palmer, this championship course offers panoramic views of the Batiquitos Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean. With its challenging layout and meticulous landscaping, Aviara provides a truly memorable golfing experience.
Course Details Location: 7447 Batiquitos Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Number of Holes: 18 Par: 72 Yardage: 7,007 yards Rating/Slope: 74.4/140 Experience Luxury at The Crossings at Carlsbad
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California at The Crossings at Carlsbad - Image
The Crossings at Carlsbad is a public golf course that offers a luxurious experience without the hefty price tag. This scenic course was designed by Greg Nash and features stunning ocean views, natural wetlands, and native vegetation. With its challenging layout and impeccable conditions, The Crossings is a must-play for golf enthusiasts.
Course Details Location: 5800 The Crossings Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Number of Holes: 18 Par: 72 Yardage: 6,835 yards Rating/
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tronenwkwo · 19 days
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California
Carlsbad, California is a golfer's paradise. With its breathtaking scenery and ideal weather conditions, it's no wonder that this coastal city has become a top destination for golf enthusiasts from around the world. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, Carlsbad offers some of the best golf courses in the country. top-rated metal roof company In this article, we'll explore the top golf courses in Carlsbad and why they are worth a visit.
The Benefits of Golfing in Carlsbad
Carlsbad is known for its mild Mediterranean climate, which makes it an ideal location for roofing company year-round golfing. The city boasts an average of 263 sunny days per year, providing ample opportunities to tee off at any time. Additionally, Carlsbad's unique coastal setting offers stunning ocean views and refreshing sea breezes, adding to the overall golfing experience.
Tee Off at La Costa Resort and Spa
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California at La Costa Resort and Spa - Image
La Costa Resort and Spa is one of Carlsbad's premier golf destinations. With two championship courses designed by renowned architect Dick Wilson, this resort offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for players of all skill levels. The North Course features rolling fairways and strategically placed bunkers, while the South Course showcases breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.
Course Details Location: 2100 Costa Del Mar Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Number of Holes: 36 Par: North Course - 72 | South Course - 71 Yardage: North Course - 7,094 yards | South Course - 7,077 yards Rating/Slope: North Course - 74.8/141 | South Course - 74.9/144 Discover the Beauty of Aviara Golf Club
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California at Aviara Golf Club - Image
Aviara Golf Club is a hidden gem nestled in the rolling hills of Carlsbad. Designed by Arnold Palmer, this championship course offers panoramic views of the Batiquitos Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean. With its challenging layout and meticulous landscaping, Aviara provides a truly memorable golfing experience.
Course Details Location: 7447 Batiquitos Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Number of Holes: 18 Par: 72 Yardage: 7,007 yards Rating/Slope: 74.4/140 Experience Luxury at The Crossings at Carlsbad
Tee Off at the Best Golf Courses in Carlsbad, California at The Crossings at Carlsbad - Image
The Crossings at Carlsbad is a public golf course that offers a luxurious experience without the hefty price tag. This scenic course was designed by Greg Nash and features stunning ocean views, natural wetlands, and native vegetation. With its challenging layout and impeccable conditions, The Crossings is a must-play for golf enthusiasts.
Course Details Location: 5800 The Crossings Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Number of Holes: 18 Par: 72 Yardage: 6,835 yards Rating/
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wedezineinterior · 2 months
Transform Your Home’s Exterior with WeDezine: A Guide to Paint Colors for Every Architectural Style
Choosing the perfect exterior paint color can be challenging, but it’s a crucial step in enhancing your home's curb appeal. The right color not only sets the tone for your home’s overall aesthetic but also highlights its architectural features. At WeDezine, our expert interior designers in Shivamoga are here to guide you through selecting the ideal hue for your home's architectural style. Discover our expert recommendations for the best exterior paint colors that will bring out the beauty of various architectural designs.
1. Colonial Style
Colonial-style homes are renowned for their classic symmetry and elegant detailing. To enhance their timeless charm, consider these colors:
Classic White: Emphasizes the clean lines and traditional proportions of Colonial architecture, providing a fresh and classic look.
Sophisticated Navy Blue: Adds a touch of refinement and pairs perfectly with white trim for a striking contrast.
Historic Red Brick: Ideal for accents or shutters, this color brings warmth and a sense of history to your home’s exterior.
2. Modern Style
Modern homes feature sleek lines and minimalistic designs. Choose contemporary colors to complement their clean aesthetics:
Versatile Gray: A popular choice that aligns with the minimalist nature of modern architecture, offering a sophisticated and neutral tone.
Bold Black: For a dramatic and striking appearance, black stands out and accentuates modern designs.
Crisp White: Highlights geometric shapes and creates a fresh, clean look that’s quintessentially modern.
3. Craftsman Style
Craftsman homes are known for their handcrafted details and natural materials. Earthy tones enhance their organic charm:
Serene Sage Green: Blends harmoniously with nature, highlighting the home’s artisanal craftsmanship.
Rich Warm Brown: Complements wooden elements and emphasizes the natural beauty of Craftsman architecture.
Inviting Rust Red: Adds warmth and pairs well with natural stone and wood features.
4. Victorian Style
Victorian homes, with their intricate trim and ornate details, are perfect for bold and vibrant colors:
Charming Pastels: Soft shades like lavender, mint green, and pale yellow accentuate intricate trim work without overwhelming the design.
Elegant Jewel Tones: Deep colors such as emerald green, ruby red, and sapphire blue add a touch of drama and sophistication.
Creamy White: Ideal for trim and accents, it balances vibrant hues while highlighting architectural details.
5. Mediterranean Style
Mediterranean homes, characterized by stucco walls and terracotta roofs, thrive with warm, sun-soaked colors:
Earthy Terracotta: Complements roof tiles and enhances the Mediterranean ambiance.
Soft Warm Beige: A neutral choice that highlights the texture of stucco and blends seamlessly with the surrounding environment.
Refreshing Soft Blue: Evokes the tranquil Mediterranean Sea, providing a cool contrast to warm tones.
6. Ranch Style
Ranch-style homes are designed to blend with their natural surroundings. Opt for colors that reflect the landscape:
Earthy Greens: Shades like olive and sage green help the home blend seamlessly with its environment.
Warm Neutrals: Taupe, beige, and brown offer a natural, understated appearance that complements the home’s open layout.
Muted Yellow: Adds a cheerful touch without overwhelming the simplicity of Ranch-style architecture.
Selecting the right exterior paint color is key to enhancing your home’s curb appeal and architectural features. At WeDezine, our team of expert interior designers in Shivamoga is dedicated to helping you choose the perfect colors that reflect your personal style and complement your home's unique characteristics. Ready to transform your home's exterior? Contact WeDezine today for a personalized consultation and let us help you achieve a stunning look that stands the test of time.
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Designing Your Dream Home: The Role of Luxury Home Architects in Los Angeles and Southern California
Los Angeles and Southern California are renowned for their breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture. The region's luxury home market stands out as one of the most dynamic and sought-after in the world, with discerning clients seeking residences that blend aesthetic beauty, functionality, and cutting-edge design. Central to creating these extraordinary homes are the luxury home architects who transform visions into reality, crafting bespoke living spaces that epitomize elegance and sophistication. Let's look into the role of luxury home architects in Los Angeles and Southern California, highlighting their unique contributions to the region's architectural landscape.
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The Unique Appeal of Southern California Architecture
Southern California's allure lies in its diverse topography, which ranges from serene beaches and rolling hills to rugged mountains and desert expanses. This variety provides a stunning canvas for architects, allowing for innovative designs that harmonize with the natural environment. The region's Mediterranean climate further influences architectural styles, promoting indoor-outdoor living and incorporating sustainable natural ventilation, solar energy, and drought-resistant landscaping.
Visionaries of Design: The Luxury Home Architect
A luxury home architect in Los Angeles and Southern California is more than just a designer; they are visionaries who understand the intricate balance between aesthetics, functionality, and personal expression. Their role encompasses several critical aspects:
Personalized Design
At the heart of every luxury home project is a deeply personalized approach. Architects closely work with clients to understand their lifestyles, preferences, and aspirations. This collaboration ensures that every design element reflects the client's unique taste, from the layout and materials to the minor decorative details. The result is a visually stunning home ideally suited to the client's way of life.
Innovative Solutions
Luxury home architects are pioneers of innovation, constantly pushing the boundaries of design and technology. They integrate state-of-the-art security, entertainment, lighting, and climate control systems, creating smart homes with unparalleled convenience and efficiency. Additionally, they experiment with new materials and construction techniques to achieve striking, sustainable, and resilient structures.
Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Living
One of the defining characteristics of Southern California luxury homes is the seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces. Architects design expansive patios, terraces, and outdoor living areas that flow naturally from the interior, blurring the lines between the indoors and outdoors. This approach not only maximizes the use of space but also takes full advantage of the region's pleasant climate and scenic views.
Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness
Luxury home architects in Southern California are at the forefront of sustainable design. They incorporate eco-friendly features such as energy-efficient windows, solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and green roofs. These elements reduce the home's environmental impact and enhance its long-term value and livability. Sustainable design is not just a trend but a commitment to creating homes in harmony with the environment.
Architectural Harmony
A luxury architect excels at blending contemporary design with traditional elements in a region known for its diverse architectural styles. Whether it is the sleek lines of modern architecture, the timeless elegance of Spanish Revival, or the rustic charm of Mediterranean villas, these architects draw inspiration from various influences to create harmonious and visually captivating homes.
Luxury home architects in Los Angeles and Southern California are pivotal in shaping the region's architectural landscape. Their expertise, creativity, and dedication to personalized design result in beautiful, functional homes that reflect their clients' unique lifestyles and values. By blending innovative solutions with a deep respect for the environment and local culture, these architects continue to set the standard for luxury living, transforming dreams into stunning realities. Whether it is a sleek modernist retreat or a sprawling Mediterranean estate, the work of Southern California's luxury home architects stands as a testament to the art of living beautifully.
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