#santa rita doms universe
Em uma noite repleta de brilho, glamour e emoção, o tradicional concurso Miss e Mister Goiânia elegeu suas seis representantes para o ano de 2024. O evento, que já é uma tradição na cidade, aconteceu na última quinta-feira, dia 19 de outubro, no Anfiteatro Municipal de Aparecida de Goiânia, e reuniu aproximadamente 450 pessoas que testemunharam a escolha de um novo grupo de jovens talentosas.
O evento contou com a presença de modelos e personalidades do estado, celebrando a beleza, a inteligência e o compromisso social de suas representantes.
A noite também teve destaque, contando com a participação de todas as Miss Goiás antecessoras, incluindo a atual Miss Goiás Universo 2023, Renata Guerra, que se tornou a primeira mãe na história a competir no Miss Brasil, adicionando um toque de inovação e empoderamento ao evento.
O concurso, coordenado pelo experiente Rafael Lemos, que acumula mais de uma década de dedicação a esse importante evento, teve como cenário a cidade de Aparecida de Goiânia. A escolha da localidade se deu em virtude dos títulos de Miss Ultra Universo Goiás e Miss Grande Goiânia, que essas vencedoras carregam, representando não apenas a capital, mas toda a região metropolitana.
O processo de seleção foi rigoroso e envolveu duas etapas de julgamento. As belas misses foram submetidas a uma votação do júri técnico dois dias antes do evento, seguida da decisão final, na qual um júri composto por 19 pessoas teve a importante tarefa de eleger as vencedoras no mesmo dia.
A noite também reservou um momento especial para Dom Carvalho, produtor e modelo, que recebeu das mãos de seu antecessor, Felix Marcus, a cobiçada faixa de Mister Goiânia CNB 2024. Um momento de grande emoção e honra para o novo Mister Goiânia.
As atuais misses de 2023, em um gesto de despedida tocante, coroaram suas sucessoras. Das 22 candidatas que competiram com graça e elegância, apenas cinco foram escolhidas para representar Goiânia em 2024:
Lohanne França: Miss Golden Goiânia 2024.
Rafaela Silva: Miss Goiânia CNB 2024.
Gabriella Serafim: Miss Goiânia Universo 2024.
Lara Magalhães: Miss Grande Goiânia 2024.
Larissa Lelis: Miss Goiânia Ultra Universe 2024.
Além das vencedoras, o concurso também destacou as misses representantes dos bairros Parque Amazônia, Universitário, Pedro Ludovico, Universitário e Morada do Sol, completando o top 10.
O evento também prestou homenagem com cinco premiações especiais:
Melhor entrevista: Yulle Santorini (Parque Santa Rita).
Melhor corpo: Larissa Lelis (Bela Vista).
Miss influencer: Giovanna Costa (Residencial Katia).
Miss fotogenia: Nathália Arantes (Negrão de Lima).
Miss popularidade: Julianna Paiva (Pedro Ludovico), escolhida pelo público com mais de 4.000 votos, seguida pela Miss Parque Amazônia, que obteve 1.500 votos.
Uma novidade deste ano foi a decisão de Rafael Lemos de eleger não apenas a Miss Goiânia, mas cinco misses, com o objetivo de proporcionar mais oportunidades para que elas possam defender causas sociais. Cada uma das vencedoras terá a responsabilidade de desenvolver um projeto social, contribuindo para a comunidade e promovendo mudanças positivas na sociedade.
É importante destacar que, neste ano, o concurso adotou um formato inovador, deixando de lado a tradicional classificação do primeiro ao décimo lugar das finalistas. Em vez disso, foram eleitas cinco misses e suas respectivas vices, um movimento que abre portas para novas possibilidades e desafios.
As próximas etapas para as vencedoras incluem a disputa do Miss Goiás CNB, marcado para fevereiro, e o tão aguardado Miss Universo, previsto para maio.
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 years
Sunday reading recap (30-Aug-20)
not only did i read this week, but i watched FIVE ENTIRE EPISODES of TV shows!
(Doctor Who and Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries)
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Finished up the Santa Rita Doms universe rereads:
Chance Or Fate (A Santa Rita Doms story) (RJ Moray)
Million Dollar Daddy (A Santa Rita Doms story) (RJ Moray)
👂 Northanger Abbey: An Audible Original Drama (Jane Austen, adapted by Anna Lea) - full cast adaptation, good voices. The narrator/author was Emma Thompson which was a PERFECT choice for this.
Bad Moon Rising (spacebuck) - 57K, modern fantasy au, witch!steve & werewolf!bucky
👂 The Engineer (Magic & Steam #1) (C.S. Poe) - a reread of this novella - I’m intrigued by the world & looking forward to what comes next
💜 👂 The Haunting of Tram Car 015 (P. Djèlí Clark) - this was SOOOO GOOOD! I immediately bought the first story published in this universe.
The Life & Death of Bucky Barnes (lockedlocke) -123K, Stucky post WS AU - solidly good fic, kudos to the writer for the undertaking of not just having bucky write a book but also actually writing the book - my absolute fave line is "I may not be looking at my best, and I may have made the world think I was a hobo for a long time but damn it, I was Steve’s hobo."*
plus 126K of shorter work so shorter work shout out 
the open road and other anesthetics (tactfulGnostalgic) - 28K, Spiderverse - a standalone entry in the stellar the family brooklyn series - in this one, the Spiderfam all go on an old-school American road trip. lotta fun, leetle bit of angst for flavor.
(i will) leave a light on (crinklefries) - 36K, Stucky, canon-divergent - I JUST WANT TO SCREAM INCOHERENTLY ABOUT THIS FIC!!!!!!! - my main emotion while reading was ‘melancholy joy’ - just fucking EXQUISITE. wow wow wow. also, there’s a light house. 
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 years
Sunday reading recap (22-Mar-2020)
still watching a lot more stuff than in the before times as well...
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excited that a new part to a fav series came out this week. reread the first three parts to prep!
A Collar For His Brat #1-3: Crash; Overrride; Reboot (Santa Rita Doms story) (RJ Moray) - I love Ewan and Nate so much! I also love that this gives us another view of Jack & Channon too.
“It was like sharing space with a half wild animal, barely domesticated and people-shy. Ewan McKinney did a good impersonation of something tame and safe, but he wasn’t. He was feral and willing to bite.”
A Collar For His Brat #4: Debug  (Santa Rita Doms story) (RJ Moray) - fantastic entry in a fantastic series, love these characters so much. I was so sad when it ended because I just want more, NOW.
Whose Body? (Dorothy L Sayers) - listening to the BBC radio presentation version of this, from the ‘70s, with Ian Carmichael as Lord Peter. Love checking out audiobooks from the library!
Things Floating Like the First Hundred Flakes of Snow (BeaArthurPendragon) - 51K, canon-divergent AU: "In the summer of 1968, the Winter Soldier manages to break free of his HYDRA programming enough to get a message to SHIELD Deputy Director Peggy Carter that Captain America is still alive." - really enjoyed this, great read on all the characters and I liked that it was told from multiple POVs.
in this story, you have claws (voxofthevoid) - 62K series, canon-divergent AU: "Steve was turned into a werewolf before Erskine ever met him, Peggy Carter became Captain America, and Bucky Barnes comes in from the cold because of a significantly more furry version of his best friend." No A/B/O, just a LOT of really excellent & filthy werewolf fucking
plus 235K in shorter fic 
shorter fic shout out
Going Once, Going Twice, Sold… (Brenda) - 39K series, shrunkyclunks, it all starts with a bachelor auction…
Save a Horse, Ride a Captain - 2K, shrunkyclunks -  drunken dares & piggy back rides - the group chats are HILARIOUS
Pre-Existing Condition - 13K, Die Hard 4 - this showed up on the @serpentcast​ Patreon rec email, which for this month was 'Marriage of Convenience', a trope I love. I know what you are thinking because it's the same thing I was thinking & here's what Macey (who recced it) had to say:
 Okay okay so I hear what you might be saying. “Macey. That fandom. The fuck?” to which I simply say: shhh. Shhhhh. It’s perfect."
And you know what? She was absolutely correct. I'm almost angry at how good this was. Can’t believe I read a Die Hard fic.
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bookgeekgrrl · 5 years
Sunday reading recap (12-Jan-2020)
another decent-ish week: got my hairs cut, watched some British comfort murders & some BATK, ordered some decals to make my InstaPot look like R2D2. 
however, our wretched weather on Saturday did torpedo plans to have a movie & takeout date with a friend. stupid snow and ice!
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Rich People Are Wild series (2bestfriends) - 219K total - Stucky millionaire/sugar baby BDSM fantasy romance AU - Includes: 
Collar Full of Chemistry  - 188K
Pocket Full of Reasons - 19K companion piece to the main story, from Bucky's sister POV and centering on her relationship with Nat during their Maui vacation
Pray for the Wicked on the Weekend - 12K, post-holiday epilogue 
Heat Forged (cleo4u2, xantissa) - 159K, Heat Wave Pt 2 - overall a good sequel, still really like the worldbuilding and characterization and another nice job of a really riveting action plot to go with all the juicy emotion stuff BUT marred almost at the very end by one-off racist descriptive term. 😒😬
A Sub for Christmas (A Santa Rita Doms story) (RJ Moray) - novella
Dear Mr. Postman (odetteandodile) - 52K, Stucky - this fic has EVERYTHING: pre-serum Steve, childhood friends reunited, fake marriage, hurt/comfort. Some delicious fucking fic, that's for sure
Tikka Chance On Me (Suleikha Snyder) - novella - GREAT banter, very funny, very geeky
His Bride For The Taking (Tessa Dare) - novella - quick but with plenty of the usual Dare elements of charm and humor, although I’m not overly fond of a big deception as the basis of the relationship, even when they work it out. and of course i’m really not a fan of the ‘kids necessary for a true HEA’ and this had like, FOUR. but even with those less-than-ideal-for-me elements, this was enjoyable; my fav bit was the great scene where the couple do the historical equivalent of assembling IKEA furniture which was pretty hilarious.
plus 54K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out to
on the nose (Deisderium) - 3K, Stucky, WWII, epistolary a/b/o - loved the take on the a/b/o worldbuilding, definitely hope there’s more to come (pun intended)
much tattoo about nothing (Deisderium) - 14K, Stucky, shrunkyclunks - just gonna let the author’s AO3 summary speak for itself: “Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.” - this was a reread because someone mentioned it on twitter and reminded me how much i enjoyed it!
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 years
Sunday reading recap (23-Aug-20)
great week for new releases! that was about all it was a good week for!
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👂 The Black Mountain (Nero Wolfe #24) (Rex Stout)
💜 Sugar Baby Love (roe87) - 117K, shrunkyclunks, a/b/o, kidfic - if that’s your jam, you know it; it’s definitely mine (well, i don’t always love the kidfic but this one was tolerable and the other elements made up for what i didn’t love unreservedly) 
Better Than People (Roan Parrish) - "grouchy children's book illustrator with a broken leg & a pack of adorable rescue dogs & cats, super anxious animal lover, cozy cabincore AF” 
💜 The Sugared Game (Will Darling Adventures #2) (KJ Charles) - jesus fuck, this series just keeps getting better & better. I cannot WAIT for the final book in this trilogy. Kim’s practice of being a squirrelly af bin fox brings his life crashing about his ears - so far, he’s still got Will & Will’s Emotional Support Knife in his corner but what now? But I love knowing & trusting that this will end with a HEA (however that looks for them). [As usual, the easter eggs to other books are screamworthy.] Some absolute fave quotes/moments:
They didn’t belong together— Will was a plain man with a knack for violence, while Kim was a twisty upper-class bundle of nerves— but they’d fit.
“No, you look,” Maisie said, sounding extremely Welsh.
“When people are obliged to keep an eye out for threats, their eyes tend to be sharp. That’s what women’s intuition means, if you ask me: being unconsciously alert for dangerous men.”
Phoebe, clad in a frothy dressing-gown, was running down the stairs. [REDACTED] cursed and started up towards her; Phoebe swung onto the banister, slid down it in a flurry of sea-green material and bare calves, and leapt lightly off the end, as if she’d done it a hundred times. {THIS IS MY FAVE ACTION MOMENT IN THE ENTIRE BOOK TBH}
Trouble & Strife (Chances Limited #2) (Lara Kinsey)
Guide To Troubled Birds (Matt Adrian)
💜 A Collar For His Brat series -  I love this series - Ewan's so prickly, like a porcupine & Nate just wants to be his supportive, affectionate, sadistic sugar daddy and wrap him up, while being *very* careful not to break any of Ewan's thorns. I love how this series takes its time to develop their relationship and their getting to know each other and how they fit together, but each ‘episode’ gives the reader a couple of good scenes. (Her other series does that too, but with a couple with a very different dynamic, equally good) [#1-4 were rereads in prep for the release of #5]
Override: A Collar For His Brat #1 (RJ Moray) 
Crash: A Collar For His Brat #2 (RJ Moray)
Reboot : A Collar For His Brat #3 (RJ Moray)
Debug: A Collar For His Brat #4 (RJ Moray)
Interrupt (A Collar for His Brat #5) (RJ Moray)
Brute Force (A Collar for His Brat #5.5) (RJ Moray)
A Sub For Christmas (A Santa Rita Doms story) (RJ Moray) - because I didn’t want to completely leave the Santa Rita Doms universe so I started on the short standalones!
plus 124K of shorter fic - shorter fic shout out to 
Sergeant Barnes and Colonel Rogers: Lessons in Lust, Longing and Inappropriate Erections. (darter_blue) - 31K, shrunkyclunks D/s AU - really liked the set up that this is one of the multiverses and due to wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff visitors from the canonverse are popping up. totally satisfactory as a standalone stucky d/s story but am definitely looking forward to more in this universe
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