iridisscentt · 1 year
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Favorite films watched in November 2022:
As Bestas (2022), dir. Rodrigo Sorogoyen
Aftersun (2022), dir. Charlotte Wells
Santoalla (2016), dir. Andrew Becker & Daniel Mehrer
Emily (2022), dir. Frances O'Connor
Close (2022), dir. Lukas Dhont
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pablolf · 9 months
Film Journal
"Santoalla" by Andrew Becker and Daniel Mehrer
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elcanalla · 1 year
En 2010, Martin Verfondern, de origen holandés, fue asesinado por uno de sus vecinos en la aldea de Santoalla, en Ourense, un crimen que Rodrigo Sorogoyen toma como base para su nueva película ‘As bestas’.
Entonces, la tensión por el reparto de las ganancias del monte comunal terminó con el homicidio del holandés Martin Verfondern, que se había trasladado a la aldea de Santoalla junto a su mujer, Margo Pool. Fue uno de sus vecinos quien apretó el gatillo. “Le calentaron tanto la cabeza que disparó al holandés para agradar a su padre y a su hermano”.
En mayo de 1997, Martin Verfondern y Margo Pool se instalan en la localidad de Santoalla, dentro del municipio de Petín, como reza la sentencia anonimizada que condenó más de 20 años después a su asesino y al encubridor del crimen. En ese momento –frente a la película, en la que parece mostrarse un pueblo de mayor tamaño–, únicamente residía allí otra familia, la de los Rodríguez, formada por dos hermanos y sus padres.
La tensión fue en aumento. Incluso, de la misma forma que se muestra en el metraje, la familia de los Rodríguez llega a envenenar las cosechas de los holandeses.
La pugna iba más allá de los dos hermanos, al contrario de lo que se muestra en la película. “Era una familia y toda la familia estaba unida”, desarrolla. También el padre, del que no se habla en el filme, tomó un rol en el conflicto y amenazó a Martin Verfondern en alguna ocasión.
El incremento de las discusiones con sus vecinos lleva a Martin Verfondern a poner cámaras alrededor de su casa y a llevar una siempre a mano. Las grabaciones, que él presenta ante los agentes de la Guardia Civil y de la Policía.
Estas pruebas no sirvieron para impedir el desenlace del holandés. “Estaba harto de denunciarlo”, comenta la periodista que cubrió los hechos tras la muerte de Martin, quien considera que el crimen de Santoalla “era perfectamente evitable”. “Estaba desesperado y todo el mundo pasaba de él; realmente la sociedad no funcionó”.
Esta misma situación, de hecho, se plantea en la película a través de la angustia de sus personajes, quienes no consiguen la atención apropiada de los agentes de la Guardia Civil allí destinados y que en la película de Sorogoyen lo achacan a “cosas de vecinos”.
En 2010, Martin Verfondern desapareció. No dieron con el paradero del cuerpo hasta cuatro años después, el 18 de junio de 2014, cuando un helicóptero de la Guardia Civil en tareas de prevención de incendios divisa el coche del holandés abandonado en un pinar. Algunos días más tarde, hallaron sus restos.
De acuerdo con la sentencia, el 19 de enero de 2010, uno de los hermanos, Juan Carlos, se encontró con el holandés, que iba en el interior de su coche, y “le disparó un tiro por la ventanilla, lo que provocó su muerte inmediata”. El otro hermano, al encontrar el cadáver dentro del vehículo, condujo el coche del holandés a 19 kilómetros de distancia y lo escondió. Después, sacó el cuerpo de Martin Verfondern de la parte de atrás y le prendió fuego.
Finalmente, Juan Carlos fue condenado a 10 años y seis meses de prisión por homicidio y tenencia ilícita de armas, mientras que Julio quedó exento de pena por encubrimiento.
A día de hoy, Margo Pool sigue viviendo en Santoalla. Es su única habitante.
“Martin y yo hicimos allí nuestro sueño. Por eso sigo viviendo allí y allí moriré, si es posible”.
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1day1movie · 1 year
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Santoalla (2016) Andrew Becker, Daniel Mehrer.
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tanjir0se · 1 year
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zorrxchicle · 1 year
non estou completamente de acordo ca lectura que se fai de As bestas neste artigo, nin tampouco con calificar sen matices a situación da Galiza coma de subxugación colonial, pero é unha lectura interesante igualmente. Ademais paréceme importante saber que existe un filme documental sobre o mesmo caso - Santoalla, do 2016, feito por uns estadounidenses - que o parecer conta unha historia algo distinta da da película de Sorogoyen
spoilers das bestas despois do corte
Pola contra, Sorogoyen começa a sua logametragem com umha rapa das bestas sem curro que identifica coa sua versom final do assassinato, esganando o estrangeiro entre os dous irmaos como os aluitadores deitam umha égua. Quer dizer, procura-se umha naturalizaçom do nosso selvagismo. O mesmo povo que lhes fai isso aos cavalos, sem contexto, é quem de matar assim um branco civilizado. Nom tem outro sentido, em Petim nom há rapa.
estareille dando eu moito crédito a Sorogoyen, pero para min son precisamente estas dúas escenas superpostas as que nos permiten preguntarnos "Quenes son as bestas?", facendo unha lectura literal e un paralelismo directo, a besta é o francés. Non vin eu un ánimo de censura ou denuncia da Rapa nesa escena introdutoria, e o paralelismo ca escena final pódese ver incluso coma unha xustificación, cando menos parcial, do asasinato, a romantización do mesmo incluso.
aínda así nada disto nega outros puntos do artigo, e vendo a reseña que se publicou en Laz Voz de Galicia (ligada no artigo) claramente non te podes fiar da xente para ir máis alá dos estereotipos máis bastos e nocivos sobre o rural, pero iso é todo culpa de Sorogoyen? é esa a mensaxe declarada do filme? non sei, hai aí para darlle voltas
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cinemaffiches · 11 months
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Santoalla, Andrew Becker, Daniel Mehrer (2016)         
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arqeochoa · 1 year
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Hoy publique un nuevo microblog en mi web donde te cuento una pequeña reseña de un libro que te puede hacer volar la cabeza “el boson de higgs no te hará la cama” de javier santoalla muy recomendado si eres una persona curiosa y quieres saber cómo funciona el universo Si quieres leer el artículo completo visita www.enriqueochoav.com #libros #fisica #cuantica #universo (en Guadalajara, Jalisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co_de4ENCEp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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p-afiches · 7 years
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krokodile · 6 years
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movies watched in 2018
santoalla - this really suffered from poor sound recording/editing and lack of subtitles.  i feel like i missed a lot of details.  it’s an interesting story, but the film itself wasn’t terribly engaging.
my friend dahmer - a little disappointed in this one.  i feel like they changed a bit too much from the graphic novel to make us feel sympathy for him.  i’m not opposed to the film trying to remind us that jeff dahmer was once a person with potential to be good, and my issue isn’t so much with whether or not this “humanizes” him; it’s more that the book was from the POV of the best friend and a lot of this stuff didn’t really fit that narrative, so they kind of switched to...is there a visual third person omniscient equivalent? when necessary, and it made the film feel choppy to me.  the book is amazing and everyone should read it.  it’s not about making you feel sorry for the guy; it simply tells the story from the POV of a friend who knew something wasn’t right but had no way of knowing who this guy really was or would become.  the movie seemed more interested in just telling the early jeffrey dahmer story, which honestly i found a lot less compelling.  the kid playing dahmer was great, though.
insidious...4?  whatever the fuck number this is -  i feel like this was a cast of perfectly good actors who were constantly told “make it bigger!” by the director.  that’s the only way these performances make sense to me.  and the story was pretty stupid, but, i mean...it’s the insidious franchise; that was a given.
mom and dad - i wanted to like this more than i did, but i still enjoyed it.  horror comedy that had a little trouble balancing the horror and humor, but it features nicolas cage at his most nicolas cage, so for that alone, give it a shot.
father figures - why the fuck did jk simmons agree to do this???  it actually wasn’t as horrible as it could have been; just garden variety bad, unfunny comedy.
saturday church - really gorgeous, well-acted (and sung!) and creative.  the screenplay maybe could’ve used a little tightening in some spots and additions in others in my opinion, but really i have no complaints; it’s excellent.
ex machina - i’m not super into science fiction, but given the sheer number of people saying this movie needs to be seen, i figured, why the hell not.  and i really enjoyed it.  the existential crises it triggered aside.  it’s thoughtful, imaginative and looks incredible.
a quiet place - i managed to not pee myself once, so i’d consider it a success.  of course i did spill sprite in my lap so everyone thought i did anyway.  really, as much as my irrational loathing of john krasinski makes me want to deny it...it’s really good.  about as good as i’ve seen pg-13 horror get.  it’s got so many clever blink and you’ll miss it moments that show how much attention was paid to world-building, and there’s some faith in the audience to catch on to things themselves without needing a narrator explaining it all.  the only thing i didn’t like?  the music.  the fact that it HAD music.  the sound editing with the natural sounds was stellar, the way everything was amplified.  but the loud music there just for the sake of accentuating scares detracted from the movie for me.  a big part of what makes this movie works is that it feels pretty goddamn real.  the music takes away from that.  
besides being scary, it works as a post-apocalyptic family drama.  and again, it’s really fucking good.  there’s a scene where john krasinski is telling his son he needs to go off and do something alone to save a family member.  the kid is absolutely frantic and you can see him straining not to speak as he “yells” that he can’t do it, his gestures getting bigger and “louder” as the conversation wears on.  i was in tears during that scene.  not because i felt sorry for the kid, but because i was feeling his terror as if it were my own.  i felt like i was in that fucking field with a paul bunyan-looking john krasinski being told “go run headlong into a nest of deadly ear monsters.”  i wasn’t scared because of the images onscreen or waiting for the next attack; i genuinely felt like i was in the moment with them.  
that...is incredibly rare for me with film.  i fucking hate that fucking jim halpert made me feel that, but i can’t pretend it didn’t happen.  and this wasn’t the only time i felt that way, just the most dramatic.  i felt reagan’s i-will-fucking-punch-your-stupid-face frustration during the hearing aid scene to the point where i was fuming in my seat.  (i mean john krasinski often makes me feel that way, but still.)  i knew emily blunt was in labor, but my heart absolutely pooped its pants when i saw that field light up red; I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOING ON and i still reacted like i was there with them.  god help me, i felt the overwhelming love in the slow dance shot.  and that intro, holy fuck.  besides immediately feeling emily blunt’s exhaustion and the kids’ restlessness and generally shitty-feeling-ness in those first shots, i was 100% not expecting shit to get as real as it did so fast (even though part of it was used in the trailer).  
i hate that i loved it this much, truly :P  but i did.  it has its flaws for sure, namely the fucking music, and the creatures had a creative design (of course they’re basically giant sets of ears) but honestly they looked pretty silly.  some of the scenes dragged longer than they needed to.  but i did really appreciate it taking its time to let dread build rather than cramming in scares and action scenes on top of each other.  the waiting and dreading seems like it would be so awful in this situation.  again, put us there with them.  fucking hell.  pg-13 horror that’s good is so rare.  horror this good is so rare.  fucking jim.  
all the money in the world - i found the stuff with the family super-interesting; the stuff with the son and the kidnappers super-boring, so i guess i’m split on this one.
la fille inconnue - i loved how absolutely real this movie felt.  i loved how moments dragged awkwardly in real time; i loved the natural performances (i’ve forgotten the lead actress’s name but she’s absolutely brilliant).  i knew pretty quickly who’d killed the girl, but i’m not sure it was supposed to be difficult to figure out, either.  i do wish it had had more of an ending rather than just ending, but...i guess that fits in with its realism.
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cindavis · 7 years
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Your Next True Crime Obsession Hits the Big Screen: #Santoalla Trailer 
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adidaswilson · 7 years
Santoalla – Official Trailer – Oscilloscope Laboratories
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vimooz · 7 years
2017 Lighthouse International Film Festival Unveils Lineup, Opens with KING OF PEKING
2017 Lighthouse International Film Festival Unveils Lineup, Opens with KING OF PEKING
KING OF PEKING The 2017 Lighthouse International Film Festival (LIFF) will open with Sam Voutas’ acclaimed KING OF PEKING, a rousing Beijing-set love letter to cinema (more…)
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mundo-misterio · 3 years
Reseña y resumen de la película Santoalla (2017)
Reseña y resumen de la película Santoalla (2017)
Es esta lejanía lo que atrajo a Martin Verfondern y Margo Pool, una pareja holandesa que se estableció allí en la década de 1990 para cultivar y disfrutar del aislamiento. Parece que fue una decisión feliz para la pareja, que claramente amaba su nueva vida. Pero no pasa mucho tiempo en la película que nos enteramos de que la existencia de la pareja se ha roto recientemente. Martin desapareció y…
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mimiplaysgames · 6 years
So far...
-What a cute little location! He calls it a church? #creepy -Always love their dedication to storytelling. -GUSTAVO SANTOALLA??? DKLFNKJDFKBDHKF -STARTING WITH A THE LAST OF US PERFORMANCE GOD BLESS YOU SONY!!!! -My heart is beating so damn fast to this sad music.
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trailerscloud · 3 years
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