#sanvers deserves better
skyemore · 1 year
This is gonna sound so dumb because it's all fiction and alex got her happy ending or whatever but, I just read a sanvers fic and I don't think I ever truly processed how pissed that relationship ending or how that relationship ended, made me. Like Maggie Sawyer Deserved better. Good for Alex getting a happy ending. But Maggie Sawyer is left in the corner to feel like shit. She was right to turn alex down in the beginning and it would have hurt her less to never date Alex.
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elliesgaymachete · 2 years
1, 16, 30, and 37 please!!! <3
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) - ooh, it depends on what fandoms you’re into, but I would say for a one shot, Miss Murder which is a sanvers fic. For a multi chapter, where I want to go which is a thasmin road trip AU where the Doctor has a shitty RV. Both of those are probably some of the most fun I’ve had writing a fic. But also honestly ANY of my greenelan fics—I know that’s a smaller fandom but I’m actually very proud of All of those!
16. What's an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? - ok they’re not very common, at least for ships I read, but I LOVE twitch/streamer AUs because I read a really good one years ago and it just stuck with me
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter? - honestly anytime I write smut it feels out of my comfort zone 😂 but I have gotten better at it. If you ever read some of my early explicit fics please don’t judge me lmao
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it? - It’s Only Blood is a beauyasha fic set around Yasha getting mind controlled by Obann and Beau having nightmares about it as she realizes how much she cares for Yasha and like it was pretty average in popularity but it’s genuinely one of my personal favorite fics I’ve ever written!
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aliesanvers · 6 years
Remember when we used to look forward to every Monday to actually watch Supergirl? Not just because of Sanvers but also because it was a damn great show. Those were good times...
And also because of Sanvers. Duh.
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blackmachine312 · 6 years
Lames is like Sanvers in season 2. The only difference is that WE ACTUALLY CARED about Alex and Maggie.
In this situation we only care about Lena not James, he is just a love interest.
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naomitlove · 7 years
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This is all we’ve ever wanted
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midnitesteph · 7 years
RIP Supergirl's Positive LGBTQ Representation...
I'm not watching the Nazi hot mess of a crossover. That's nauseating enough. But seeing the gifs of Alex and Sara making out upped the nauseousness factor. Talk about disrespecting the Sanvers relationship and Maggie as a character. Apparently the CW "daring to defy" is giving the LGBTQ character only a few weeks to get over her broken engagement while her straight sister (7 months later) still isn't over the sexist slaver, whom she was dating for only a short amount of time. You can stop trying to say you have great LGBTQ representation now, Supergirl. Congrats.
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steff713 · 7 years
My recommendation for tonight episode
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shikaramelssay · 7 years
You know what I can’t stomach?
Sanvers breaks up and the writers / show runners are all: look sometimes these things happen in real life and we wanted a respectful and realistic portrayal of a very mature subject. This is natural story telling at its finest and we promise that Alex will be fine in the end, this is all part of her journey.
Karamel breaks up and the writers / show runners are all: if you wait and wish and hope and pray long and hard enough eventually your Prince comes back better than new.  Yay!  Endgame!
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Alex in 2x05: "She dumped you?! Who would do that?"
Me in 3x05: Apparently you, dumbass.
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mollyzorel · 7 years
I can't wait for all the brilliant Sanvers writers to come up with beautiful "Fix it" fics
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ssunny-smilee · 7 years
So ready...
To have Supergirl CANCELLED already...where do I even begin?
Easy: CW, fuck you.
Yours truly,
Sanvers fandom
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onlytime1 · 7 years
Wow it’s a shame Supergirl ended after 3x03.
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aliesanvers · 7 years
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3 DAYS!!! 👭💍💝 P.s.: I love this pic 😍
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oja1a · 7 years
“i want you…” “yeah i know babe.”
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darrenschyleigh · 7 years
I can't handle the fact that every day that goes by is a day less until Supergirl S3 and probably until the end of Sanvers. I need my badass girlfriends together. I. Just. Can't. Handle. It. Nope.
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midnitesteph · 7 years
To Those (Especially in the LGBTQ community) who are telling others they should “get over” the Sanvers breakup or that they’re being ridiculous for thinking they could have been queer-baited... I have a few words for you...
*actually I have more than a few words. fair warning...this will most likely turn into a long rant* Who are you to decide whether or not another individual has been queer-baited or not? You don’t know their story. And who are you to decide that they don’t have the right to be upset over another LGBTQ relationship being tossed in the garbage? Everyone has a different story. Everyone has had a different experience with coming out. And I know it’s hard to believe, but some have also been where Alex is and have fallen for the first person that made them realize their sexuality. Everyone has related or not related to Sanvers in a different way. So instead of being snarky and dismissive of each other, we should instead be supporting and validating each other. Is that so difficult? First I’d like to address those that are so far up on their DC fandom high horse that they think it’s stupid and ridiculous that Sanvers was even a thing. Yeah, I get it, you don’t watch for the ships. And...you would have watched Supergirl regardless of there being LGBTQ representation because you are a comic book fan. That’s great and I respect that. But then you should in turn respect that there are some who did start watching Supergirl solely because of Alex’s coming out and the Sanvers story-line. I am included in that. I don’t like comic books nor do I watch comic book films or television. But when I read that Supergirl was going to be doing a coming out story in Season 2, I sat down and binge watched all of Season 1. And you know what, I ended up loving the show. I loved that it was centered around a strong female character. (In Season 1 only, we won’t get into what they did to Kara in Season 2). I loved that there were so many equally strong supporting female characters. And I loved Alex. So just because some of us didn’t start out watching the show for the DC universe, doesn’t mean we are invalid as a part of the fandom.  Second I’d like to address those that keep saying things like “so what Sanvers is breaking up, they weren’t that great so get over it” or “Alex should be able to explore other options anyway because it’s unbelievable that she’d want to marry the first woman she falls in love with” ...things along that nature. Again I say...you don’t know others’ stories. You don’t know what they’ve gone through. And you don’t have the right to tell them they shouldn’t be upset because Sanvers is breaking up. You’re also essentially telling others that may be struggling with their feelings for someone of the same sex for the first time that they shouldn’t bother because it’s unrealistic and will never work out. And that is something I take offense to personally. My story is very similar to Alex’s in that I realized my sexuality much later in life. And the first girl that made me realize it...we’re still together and still going strong five years later. I even moved to another country to be with her. So don’t insult my story be saying it’s unrealistic to find legitimate happiness and love with the first person to awaken one’s sexuality. Because that’s a moot argument that just isn’t true.  Did I think Sanvers was great representation? No, not really. I wanted to connect with them. I wanted to be invested in them. But their story was poorly written, never properly fleshed out, and given little screen time to evolve. I did appreciate Alex’s coming out story-line and how it was handled. But to some, Sanvers has been a lifeline. Sanvers has helped them through some really tough times. They’ve clung to them with the hopes they were given that this time...finally...they’d have a healthy, positive representation to watch play out on television. And I totally get that. And it’s their right to feel the heartbreak that’s coming when the breakup happens. They shouldn’t be mocked or invalidated, or told they weren't queer-baited. They should be supported.  So if you didn’t like Sanvers, that’s cool. If you didn’t feel queer-baited by Sanvers...that’s great. What’s not great is putting others down that do feel-queer-baited...that do feel hurt that yet another lesbian couple can’t have a happy ending. It’s your prerogative to not care or be invested in Sanvers. And it’s the prerogative of Sanvers supporters to feel upset. It can’t be ignored that the eventual breakup is going to adversely affect a lot of the LGBTQ community...particularly the younger members who may be struggling with their sexuality.  So to any of you out there who need any kind of support or reassurance...anytime...not just after the break-up happens. I am here and I know others out there are here to support you if you need it. 
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