#sapphire and ruby nights rp
captainqster · 2 months
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Name: Solis Nola, formerly had the title of pyr
Nicknames: None
Age: ~23 ish
Nameday: Noooo idea. Sorry babyboy, you don't have one. Would probably be in the equivalent of January if I had to choose (yes he's a Capricorn)
Race: Pureblooded Garlean
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual, heavily male-leaning
Profession: Formerly an optio in the Garlean military, served as the assistant to a Centurion and worked in communications. Was stationed in Doma. After defecting he can probably be found in Ishgard doing hunts and other work to earn a living for himself
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Pale pink, soft, voluminous, the kind of hair that rich asshole you hate has. Slight curl and bangs that conveniently hide his Third Eye (I was specifically looking for that feature and what I found does too good of a job)
Eyes: Jade green
Skin: Sort of fair to medium toned
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos. The scars under his right eye and across his nose were given to him by other soldiers the night he defected. So was a nasty scar that runs from his left shoulder blade to his right hip.
Parents: Both alive and well. His father might have been a quaestor, aka a minister of state finances, while his mother was a well-educated trophy wife. His family is well off and Solis is their only child. They had high expectations and put him through quite a few extracurriculars such as piano, martial arts, violin (didn't stick), boxing etc. Their minimum expectation was that he serve as a decemvir and work his way up from there. That uhhh didn't happen (Note: Solis looks like his mother)
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Hasn't come up, probably just as privileged and insufferable as his parents
In-laws and Other: Unmarried. Has made an Au Ra friend who carries him around like a sad wet cat
Pets: None
Abilities: Being pureblooded Garlean means no aether manipulation. He is adept with shooting (gunblades, rifles, pistols), piloting aircraft, and unarmed combat. He also has a punchable face and a knack for drawing negative attention
Hobbies: Piano, reading, eventually gardening. Maybe sewing but he'll hate every moment of it
Most Positive Trait: Impeccable manners, eager to be taught new skills, wants to do the right thing (or what he deems to be right)
Most Negative Trait: Sees relationships as transactional, stubborn, lowkey manipulative
Colors: Spring and jewel-tone colors. Soft green, pale yellow, sapphire, ruby
Smells: Roses, tea, fresh laundry
Textures: Furs, silk, flower petals
Drinks: Coffee, tea, wine
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Socially
Drugs: Nope
Mount Issuance: None
Been Arrested: No but he should be. And not for the murder, just because he's Like That
Tagged by @wpip-raham, thanks so much! It was a joy getting to read about your hansom catboi
I'm gonna hold off on tagging specific people because I think a lot of rp blogs have details like this spelled out in their pinned posts. *However*, if you have an OC you've been dying to chat about please do this! It gave me a good excuse to think through some recent findings with Solis, who's not nearly as established as my bunboi Ilya
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the4bestgame-blog · 18 days
Hi its the BTS guesser Gal from ur fic (I think this is you) here to tell you about Rocksy Stone/Takeshi Ishi.
So, the story starts out with an old minecraft server called "Lords of Minecraft" It was a plotbased RP server ran by some youtubers. One of the districts you could build in was the "Magic District" ran by the Wizard Nisovin. In cannon, no-one but the youtubers were suppossed to have Magic, but there was a small community called Twilight Town that did pretty much just Magic RP.
With everyone playing with Magic, a group of friends decided to try something out and all made characters without magic to see how long they would last and give all the characters that cannonicly could teach magic or give people magic items a group of people to influence. This was the first generation of the Stone Family.
The rules for creating a Stone Family character were simple, No Magic, Family name is Stone, their first name is some kind of Gem (Ruby Stone, Malicite Stone, ect) and they all had a Nickname based on a flower (Ruby "Poppy" Stone, Malicite "Dandylion" Stone)
The Partiarch of the Stone family was "Arune Stone" and there was a running joke that he hated rocks, boldures, pebbles, mountains, dwayne the rock johnson, hated them all.
Now, Rocksy wasn't part of Gen 1 of this, but Gen 1 was a huge sucsess, everyone loved these characters, and so, when we had to move away from Twilight Town and lords of minecraft to another server called Dusk Island, someone suggested Gen 2 of the Stone Family, this time with magic, and I was invited to take part.
Enter Rocksy "Orekid" Stone, a half earth elemental on her mothers side, half human.
This has been the first and most important fact of Rocksys character, her father hates her after a drunk one night stand, and her mother tries to love her but only sees her father. And because of this Rocksy lashes out at the rest of her family who are actually on her side and sympethise with what her parents put her through.
Now, Rocksys power was based on Kevin Levin from Ben ten, speificly the Ultimate Alien version. By touching anything she could absorb it into her body and become made of that material, but she was able to turn into all states of matter and energy, so she could become a swirling vortex of wind with her nails turned into sharp shards of iron for instance.
Now, this came to a head when her half sister got a powerup and they got in an arguement, out of character I didn't know but Sapphire now had the ability to redirect kenetic energy, so Rocksy went all in to combat as Sapphire was trying to talk her down, transformed her body into jagged glass to skewer her and as Sapphire blocked the attack she couldn't control her new powers well enough and shattered Rocksys right arm.
Now, Rocksy lost shards of herself before, and the rule was as long as she put it back in place before transforming back, she would transform back healed. But the shock of losing her entire arm caused her to transform back instantly, stuck there craddling her new stump.
Sapphire was distraught and tried to help but Rocksy was defeated, curled up into a ball unreponsive. She eventually studied under another character to learn artifice and made herself a prosthetic arm, but from that day she took the lesson to not be so rash, and started to repair her relationships, a mixture of loosing her arm and being able to pound her anger out into metal when blacksmithing helped mellow her.
Now that was the first Rocksy, the next was short lived, being a spin off of the above Rocksy in a new setting, but then we get to the first MHA Rocksy and the one named Takeshi.
So this was based in a setting called "Last Chance Hero Program" and the author of the fic encorged people to send in OC's to make it fit. I forget exsactly how I got the name but IIRC its Jappanese for "Angry Stone" and I liked the combonation of "Eshi, Ishi" at the end of the name, so its consistantly been kept as the name used for Rocksy in Jappanese settings.
Rocksy in this setting with a violent vigilantie that was brought in to become a hero instead of causing trouble in the streets, the fic didn't go on very long, but - despite the fact that I never mentioned OG Rocksy loosing her arm, she still ended up loosing her right arm in a fight against a villian, which I always found kind of funny.
Takeshi's main addition to the Rocksy lore was the name and her role as a violent vigilantie, framing her anger that was once pointed at the fellow players playing members of her family as being aimed at the world that hurt her instead, though not without a heart of gold that was trying to do good. It also cannonised her having pure white hair that was actually Diorite from transforming her hair into stone but being unable/unwilling to transform it back.
The Next Rocksy barely got played, but was Sneaky RP Rocksy, ran by the same Youtuber as the origonal Lords of Minecraft, Rocksy went back to her roots in this, as the origonal Minecraft Skin was based on Roxie from pokemon and was a Rock musican. Sneaky RP was very much a calmer Rocksy and had lost her arm many years ago, and was now a semi famous musican moving around the world, probably the happiest she ever got.
Then we have whats known as Shadows Rocksy, set in my friends live streamed minecraft RP server. She was an addition to season 2, showing up at the end of season 1 after they started an appololips to save them. She was a Blacksmith again, and there were talks above the table about maybe loosing her arm again, but the server shut down before we got that far, so she's one of the only Rocksy's to keep both her arms.
Then we have two very similar Rocksys, set in the Worm Parahumans universe. Their father turned into a PRT officer (basicly a cop) and she triggered (got powers from the worst day of your life) from his treatment of her. In one world she becomes a violent vigilanty again, in the other she gets preyed upon by a cult/gang that twists her worldview and uses her as a wepon pointed at the establishment pretending to be true revolutionaries.
The final Rocksy is from Changeling the Lost, a whitewolf RPG. This is also, notibly, the only Rocksy who has a good relationship with her family… had.
Our story starts back around the first world war, Rocksy and her family where Blacksmiths making horseshoes and other such things for the war effort. But poor Rocksy stayed out late and heard something calling her from the woods. She went to check it out, and stumbled into Arcadia, the realm of the fae. There she was transformed into a giant mountain, where parts of her personality and emotions where represented by gemstones, gemstones that could be mined out. For decades she had each part of her soul stripmined by the faeries changlign workers, until everything was gone, everything but the molten rock that was her anger. Over time the faerie forget she was ever a person, just a somewhat alrge mountain, having expected the torment to break her and make their thoughts true reality.
But Rocksy endured.
When all the miners were gone, when the fae turned away, she fled the hedge, breaking free into reality, but forever changed. Physicaly still a giant, with anger as her only emotion, though remembering the faint echos of what she misses. She's trying to collect the gemstones of her self the fae stole and sold to rebuild her personality, but doing so leaves her unbalenced. She got her loyalty back before much else and one of the other members of the party was in danger from a hostil ghost. Rocksy stepped up to defend having the highest HP and being build to endure and tried to punch the ghost back.
Rocksy lost her arm again.
But Rocksy Endured.
The game was put on hold not long after that, but once again Rocksy learnt how to make magic items and has created her own arm and has now left the court of summer (anger/wrath) for dusk (The world is ending, we can't stop it, but we can fight against the dying of the light so those weaker than us have one more day.)
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 3 years
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roses / cherry blossoms / orchids / tulips winter / summer / autumn / spring thunderstorms / sunshine / snow indoors / outdoors meat/ fruit / sweets extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism god fearing / non god fearing cats / dogs / horses / birds sunrise / sunset day time / night time fire / earth / water / wind reading / writing rising early / sleeping late wine / ale / neither fur / silk / satin / lace rubies / pearls / sapphires / emeralds horse back / walking / carriages love / power having company / being alone lakes/ rivers / oceans knife / sword / bow / poison gold / silver  
tagged by.  @forevertheoutsiiders tysm! tagging.  @justasimplesecretary  @adsagsona​  @ofhonnleath​  , @wolfxdayz​ , @broodingmystery​  @quiprava​  @pieceintheirgxmes​ , @jeeplover​ , @scentedwolfperfume​ , @charminglilmess​  , @whitewolfwinter​ , @joyriders-rp​ , @defyxoblivion​ , @lone-champion​ , And anyone else who wants to do this!
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tasedandconfused · 5 years
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if you ever wanna know the amount of love I have for p/okemon that was just rejuvenated by the movie which is why you’ve seen me like, shockingly not depressed the last week now, after I first saw it I went and made gifsets of all the references I could remember off the top of my head from the anime and the movies and I haven’t posted it yet bc, even tho I know more ppl are gonna post them eventually and it’ll just be another tossed into the mix (that prolly doesn’t get noticed but you make things out of love not popularity) I don’t want to risk my excessive knowledge of this universe to accidentally spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, because it was the only movie I’ve ever seen where avoiding spoilers actually mattered to me personally, and I’m like, no, can’t risk it, everyone’s gotta have a fair shot before I post things on it, even tho the majority of my fanbase on my personal is like... not poke fans lmao.
#double smalled to make it less noticeable on the dash tralala#anyways the reason Vee is happy rn is bc DP actually helped my depression MASSIVELY#like I don't think I've been this happy in... a long time#and yes I did go and see a/quaman like ten times in theaters#but I'm probably gonna see this more bc this is just it makes me happier than anything else and like#I grew up on D/C and M/arvel so they are important to me too#but... I didn't talk to people growing up outside of like n/eopets rp#the closest thing I had to real friends were the 'friends' from the pokemon games#and I was so broken when I felt out of touch with pokemon for the last few years and less into it less into everything#ubut this movie was everything i've wanted for my entire life. it was what I needed I think to be better again#I'm even trying to find and reorder my favorite games which were actually the spin offs like outside sapphire/emerald/ruby and the remakes#like my favs were pokemon ranger and pokemon mystery dungeon#i'm excessive i know i'm sorry#but I'm like I want to go and watch it again already even tho i've seen it three almost four times in the last week#I'm probably gonna go see it after work tomorrow tbh and maybe after work on friday too#if i have money maybe after faire on saturday like i needed something to make me happy again and... this did it for me#k i'm gonna go try to be better to my health and od that thing where I actually eat instead of avoid food and then try to do replies#i'm eating at 11pm at night this is a horrible idea but my dad still exists and is a huge uckface so#food mention#out.
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A historical, fantasy, period, medieval friendly character survey. bold your muses preferences. repost, don’t reblog !
winter / summer / autumn / spring
roses / cherry blossoms / orchids / tulips
indoors / outdoors
thunderstorms / sunshine / snow
meat / fruit / sweets
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
god fearing / non god fearing
cats / dogs / horses / birds
sunrise / sunset
day time / night time
fire / earth / water / wind
reading / writing
rising early / sleeping late
wine / ale / neither
fur / silk / satin / lace
rubies / pearls / sapphires / emeralds
horse back / walking / carriages
love / power
having company / being alone
lakes / rivers / oceans
knife / sword / bow / poison
gold / silver
tagged by: @jp-todd-rp (thankyou!)
tagging: @asideofdrake , @corrosivequinn, @aquanna-alight, @rxsurrxcted, anyone else who wants to
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nosfagratu · 3 years
tysm @rcclouder for the tag <3
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iirc muse is a term from rp blogs referring to the character they're playing but i'll just go with oc, anyway here's maro <3
Bold your muse's preferences:
roses / cherry blossoms / orchids / tulips
winter / summer / autumn / spring
thunderstorms / sunshine / snow
indoors / outdoors
meat / fruit / sweets
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
god fearing / non god fearing
cats / dogs / horses / birds
sunrise / sunset
day time / night time
fire / earth / water / wind
reading / writing
rising early / sleeping late
wine / ale / neither
fur / silk / satin / lace
rubies / pearls / sapphires
horse back / walking / carriages
love / power
having company / being alone
lakes / rivers / oceans
knife / sword / bow / poison
gold / silver 
i tag @keleravna @kynths @taazo-kaan and whoever else wants to join in feel free and tag me as if i tagged you!
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Knifey’s curiosity mode: ON
Let’s begin with number 15 then 20, 21. 22, 23. And I would LOVE to know answers on numbers 24, 28, 29, 30, 50 and also 55, 56, 57, 58. If it’s not too much I also like questions number 62, 63, 66, 67, 71 (whatever it means), 81, 87, 88, 90, 93 and 98!
YES, I am really curious. I hope it’s still rather curiosity and not being nosey. I don’t want to push any boundaries. If you don’t want to or not have time for answering them please feel free to ignore them!
And yes, now you will spend years on answering to my asks. Mwahaha.
Ha! Thank you for those, lemme answer them! I'll hide them under this funny cut because I feel it's sooo long! 15. Favourite book you read as a school assignment Felix, Net and Nika and a gang of invisible people and Anne of Green Gables
20. prefered place to write My laptop or phone. I hate writing in notebooks!
21. obsession from childhood I still love animals and plush toys! Also Pokemons!
22. Role model To be honest I have never looked at people in that way. So I guess I don't really have a role model.
23. Strange habit I chew on my hair of play with it when I'm nervous or lost in thought :c it's also a bad habit!
24. Favourite crystal Does it include stones in general? Because my favourite one is Night of Cairo. If not then I love amethysts, sapphires and rubies. My grandpa gave me a box with 9 different crystals years ago, and amethyst is beautiful.
28. 5 songs to describe you Oh lord that one is difficult. Seasons by Dragonforce, The Game by Dragonforce, Castle of Glass by Linkin Park, We Don't Have To Dance by Andy Black and Demons by Imagine Dragons
29. Best way to bond with me Just talk. I'm always happy to talk with people. I like people who are not afraid to talk about their passions but also know how to listen. Like I'd prefer to talk about idk your favourite aliens than some weather small talk. I love sharing passions!
30.Places that you find sacred Forests. I go to the forests a few times a year and it's always a magical experience. I always go there very early (like 4am) and it's at the same so loud and so quiet. I love them.
50. What made you laugh the hardest you ever have. Honestly, it's not hard to make me laugh. There were many occasions when I was laughing so hard I thought I would pass out!
55. Favourite fairy-tale About how Mr. Twardowski made a deal with the Devil! In exchange for his soul, he forced the Devil to make the craziest stuff like building a perfect castle out of sand and such. And in the end, he decided that the Devil can take his soul but only in Rome! He thought that since he never planned to go to Italy he was safe but Devil then killed him in the inn called Rome.
56. Favourite tradition Huh... I don't know? I think I don't really have a favourite tradition
57. 3 biggest struggles you overcome I had 5 surgeries so let's count them all in
58. 4 talents you're proud of having Honesty I don't think I have that many? I like my writing and that's all.
62. 7 characters you relate to Gods so many?! I never actually related to any character (same with role models) because when I see a character I mostly think about how to change the story or what kind of s/o give them in my head. So honestly I don't think I can actually think of any character I can relate to.
63. 5 songs you would play in your club I'm blue by Eiffel 65, Dragostea din tei by O-Zone, We will rock you by Queen, Bohemian Rapsody by Freddie Mercury, Don't stop the music by Rihanna
66. Fawouire Flowers Lily of the valley! Honestly, I love all the flowers (purple the most and yellow the least) but generally, I love them all.
67. Good Luck Charms I have my necklace with 4 leaf clover i got from my parents for my 18 birthday. It's my biggest treasure, good luck charm and most important and valuable thing i own
71. Last favourite pattern I don't know? I don't really like Ogee pattern
81. Fireflies or lightning bugs I THOUGHT IT'S THE SAME THING WITH DIFFERENT NAME????? *break for googling stuff* THEY ARE THE SAME THING
87. Greatest fear Loneliness
88. Greatest wish For my parents and friends to be happy (yes Knfey, that includes you, I want you to be happy)
90. Luckiest Mistake Hmmm.... Honestly I don't know??? I don't remember having any?
93. NIcknames Oh well... Bordelmama or Fairy Gay Mother (esp by people I write rp with lol)
98.Favourite historical Era Muromachi!
Thank you Knifey1 I had fun answering them! And you know I'm like an open book. I don't really hide much except from some of my ideas or such. But now I'm curious to ask you some! Would you let me? 👀 If yes then: 1,2,315,18,21,24,29,36,38,48,55,56,61,66,6786,88 :D Feel free to answer them dearest! Now I'll go to sleep so hopefully I can answer rest of your ask tomorrow. I have the last one request of yours to finish!
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𝒂  𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍  ,  𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚  ,  𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅  ,  𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒍  𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒚  𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓  𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒚  .
bold  your  muses  preferences  .  repost  ,  don’t  reblog  ! 
credit  .
roses  /  cherry  blossoms  /  orchids  /  tulips
winter  /  summer  /  autumn  /  spring
thunderstorms  /  sunshine  /  snow
indoors  / outdoors
meat  /  fruit  /  sweets
extravagance  /  traditionalism  /  minimalism
god fearing /  non  god  fearing
cats  /  dogs  /  horses  /  birds
sunrise  /  sunset
day  time  /  night  time
fire  /  earth  /  water  /  wind
reading  /  writing
rising  early  /  sleeping  late
wine /  ale  /  neither
fur  /  silk  /  satin  /  lace
rubies  /  pearls  /  sapphires
horse back  /  walking  /  carriages
love /  power
having  company  /  being  alone
lakes  /  rivers  /  oceans
knife /  sword  /  bow  /  poison
gold  /  silver
𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍  𝚋𝚢  : @korrigane​ (thank you!)
𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐  :  @lovely-lotte , @wandering-child-rp , @indomitablespirits , @beingstories 
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amaidasfairassummer · 3 years
a historical, fantasy, period, medieval friendly character survey.
bold your muses preferences. repost, don't reblog  !  credit.
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roses / cherry blossoms / orchids / tulips
winter / summer / autumn / spring
thunderstorms / sunshine / snow
indoors / outdoors
meat / fruit / sweets
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
god fearing / non god fearing
cats / dogs / horses / birds
sunrise / sunset
day time / night time
fire / earth / water / wind
reading / writing
rising early / sleeping late
wine / ale / neither
fur / silk / satin / lace
rubies / pearls / sapphires
horse back / walking / carriages
love / power
having company / being alone
lakes / rivers / oceans
knife / sword / bow / poison
gold / silver
stolen from @betweenthesinnersandthesaints
Tagging: @multimuse-rp (any muse) @notenoughmuses (any muse) @mxnofhonour  @wolf-blooded-girl  @rhaegallll  @evertheviper  @universeofmuses (any muse) 
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neekaxiv · 4 years
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𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒚 || Dominique La’fleur
Deity of: sin
Associated with: rose thorns, wine, hedonism, snow, sex, death, and all seven of the deadly sins
Sacred plants: roses, calla lilies
Sacred crystals/stones: rubies, sapphires
Sacred animals: ducks, canines
Colors: deep crimson, black, gold, silver
Food: sweet berries, flowing wine, decedent cheeses
Scents: jasmine, honey, blood
Accepted offerings/ways to honor:  Choose from the seven deadly sins for an offering or a way to honor this goddess of sin.
Pride: Those who stand tall, confident in themselves as they worship this goddess of sin are said to honor her greatly. Any who worship her know that she a proud being, arguably closer to the side of arrogance.
Greed: In her mortal life, this goddess was showered with personalized gifts. Bring her one such thing be it jewelry or weaponry as an accepted offering will no doubt curry favor with her.
Wrath: Worshipers honor this goddess by showing no remorse when dealing with the opposition. Confident in themselves, their actions must be swift and deadly.
Envy: While one may never dare suggest the idea that a goddess could be envious, there is something to be said about the honor it brings a worshiper when they sacrifice an offering that was meany for another god to her.
Lust: Indulging in the carnal pleasures of the flesh at one of her places of worship is a surefire way to catch her attention. If she likes what she see’s she might even make an appearance.
Gluttony: Offerings of wine, cheeses, berries and other decedent sweets always appease this goddess for she enjoys the finer things in life, even that of mortal food.
Sloth: After a day of revelry, commonly devolving into a night of carnal pleasure ones body must be recharged. At sunrise it’s expected that worshipers spend the day recovering by doing nothing at all save for a few self care measures.
Tagged by: @lace-and-steelxiv, @kich-rp, @captainkurosolaire, @cigarettes-n-daisies, @wildname, @hingashi-fox (( Y’ALL REALLY MADE IT HARD TO IGNORE THIS ONE. <3 For srs tho, thank you all ^.^ ))
Tagging: YOU. You see this, consider yourself tagged by yours truly. Better @me so I can see <3
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 3 years
𝒂  𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍  ,  𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚  ,  𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅  ,  𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒍  𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒚  𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓  𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒚  .
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bold  your  muses  preferences  .  repost  ,  don’t  reblog  !  credit.
roses  /  cherry  blossoms  /  orchids  /  tulips
winter  /  summer  /  autumn  /  spring
thunderstorms  /  sunshine  /  snow
indoors  / outdoors
meat  /  fruit  /  sweets
extravagance  /  traditionalism  /  minimalism
god fearing (the Maker in Thedas)  /  non  god  fearing
cats  /  dogs  /  horses  /  birds
sunrise  /  sunset
day  time  /  night  time
fire  /  earth  /  water  /  wind
reading  /  writing
rising  early  /  sleeping  late  (both, sleep is the enemy)
wine /  ale  /  neither
fur  /  silk  /  satin  /  lace
rubies  /  pearls  /  sapphires
horse back  /  walking  /  carriages
love /  power
having  company  /  being  alone
lakes  /  rivers  /  oceans
knife  /  sword  /  bow  /  poison
gold  /  silver
tagged by : stolen! tagging: @siphonersheart  @broodingmystery  @somexofusxarexhuman  @joyriders-rp  @many-tales-told  @justasimplesecretary  @walkitcff  @hawthxrnerps @adsagsona  @thebruisxr  @ribbedxgloves , @thegreenxrcher  plus everyone else, steal it plz, and let me see the results!
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repost and bold your muse’s preference!
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(for Shots)
roses  /  cherry blossoms  /  orchids  /  tulips
winter  /  summer  /  autumn  /  spring
thunderstorms  /  sunshine  /  snow
indoors  /  outdoors
meat /  fruit /  sweets
extravagance  / traditionalism /  minimalism
god-fearing  / non-god-fearing
cats  /  dogs  /  horses  /  birds
sunrise  /  sunset
day time  /  night time
fire  /  earth /  water  /  wind
reading /  writing
rising early   /  sleeping late
wine  /  ale  /  neither
fur  /  silk  / satin  /  lace
rubies  /  pearls  /  sapphires
horse back  /  walking  /  carriages
love  /  power
having company  /  being alone
lakes   /  rivers /  oceans
knife  /  sword  /  bow  / poison  /  spear
gold / silver
tagged by: No one! Stole it from an RP partner
tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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agirlinhell · 5 years
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OKAY SO I’VE HAD A LOT OF ASOIAF / GOT RP BLOGS FOLLOWING ME LATELY AND I JUST HAVE TO LET YOU ALL KNOW THAT CLEMENTINE HAS SEVERAL VERSES, IN DIFFERENT ERAS AND IN DIFFERENT FACTIONS OF THE SERIES. I mostly follow book canon, as I’ve read all the books and I’ve watched all the seasons, but I am also show friendly, as well. I will be using Amandla Stenberg, Nyane Lebajoa and Indya Marie as her faceclaims. As this is A Song Of Ice And Fire / Game Of Thrones, there will naturally be explicit and mature content in a variety of different ways. She is bisexual, as in canon. There are six verses in all.
Although, they are not officially in my verses quite yet, allow me to elaborate them for you. Long post under the cut!
#1: Clementine is a skinchanger and a spearwife beyond the Wall whilst possessing greensight. She’s lived among the Free Folk all her life and was born near Hardhome. When she and the entire horde of the Free Folk are being driven south by the Others. she’s actually quite capable of defending herself even for a small girl, she’s taken out a few lone wights by herself. Clementine had faced the wrath of the likes of rangers of the Night’s Watch, slavers from the eastern cities, Hornfoots and Nightrunners, men and women of the Frozen Shore, men of the Ice-river clans who feasted on human flesh, snowbears, shadowcats and even other wargs. But worst of all the enemies she had fought were the wights, those moving corpses who only devoured the flesh of the living without a second thought. The girl had seen the likes of giants and mammoths, and she could see through the eyes of the beasts of the land and the birds in the skies, things that the girls of the south would hardly begin to imagine. Yet, at only age sixteen, she had managed to survive long enough to make it to The Wall. She wonders what the lands are like Beyond The Wall, survival is all she’s ever known. When the Free Folk are brought south of The Wall, Clementine is being taught how to read by Shireen Baratheon and the maesters at Castle Black. She has a shadowcat for a companion and can warg into it and take over its body as its host. The Free Folk both fear her and respect her, and several of the men of the Night’s Watch can say the same. Some think that she is descended from the Children of The Forest because of her golden eyes, but that is up to speculation. To put it very simply, this is her verse for any muses from the North or Beyond The Wall. I can easily see her being tangled up with Melisandre or the Boltons, perhaps she can possibly help Jeyne Poole escape Winterfell? She is age sixteen in this verse. This verse will be tagged as v; I MAY BE YOUR PRISONER BUT I AM A FREE WOMAN. ( A SONG OF ICE & FIRE / GAME OF THRONES. || THE FREE FOLK. )
#2: Clementine is a Princess of the Summer Isles. She serves Queen Margaery Tyrell as a lady in-waiting while serving as an intermediary between the Iron Throne and the Summer Isles as a princess of one of the isles and is one of their representatives so that trade between Westeros and the Summer Isles can continue further. Clementine is of Rhoynar, Summer Islander and Naathi descent. From a young age, she had been taught how to fight with a spear and shoot with her goldenheart bow and arrows that could pierce through even steel plate, as in the Summer Isles, women are considered equal to men. At age sixteen, she is well versed in many languages, the arts of love, music, song, dance and war. She leaves the Summer Isles on a swan ship to The Reach to broker a deal with the Hightowers at Oldtown at a young age while accompanied by an entourage of her own, and Alerie Hightower selected her to be one of ladies in waiting at Highgarden. Clem travels with Margaery and her relatives all throughout the events of The War of The Five Kings until they reach King’s Landing. When Margaery is betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon, Clementine is introduced in court, as well, and is seen as an exotic beauty by much of the court. She gets a lot of requests for marriage or simply sharing her bed from many lords of Westeros, including but not limited to Jhalabar Xho, Aurane Waters, Willam Wythers, Perros Blackmont and Daemon Sand, because many want the riches and treasures that the Summer Isles provide, and Clementine is an attractive young lady, something she will use to her advantage in court. ( **Note: this is what happens in my portrayal, if you portray any of these muses, this does not need to happen. )
She wears the feather capes that the Summer Islanders are known for and her loose silken diaphanous gowns from Naath, her hair is adorned with a myriad of butterflies and flowers in her hair and dressed in brilliantly colored feathers of exotic birds, silks, seashells and gemstones - rubies, sapphires, emeralds and pearls, along with the gowns and Myrish lace that Westeros provides when serving Queen Margaery Tyrell. Yet her heart always lies with her home. Afterward, she intends to venture to the Temples of Love in the isles and allow others to share her bed, as was expected of her and all other individuals on the isles, male or female, lowborn or highborn, as a way of worshiping her gods. She keeps to the gods of the Summer Isles and the Lord of Harmony of Naath and she’s been rumored to practice water magic, but this is debatable. She will protect her Queen with her life if need be.
Her fellow companions at court are Megga, Alla, Elinor and Leona Tyrell, Margaery’s cousins, Alyn Ambrose, Alysanne Bulwer, Meredyth Crane, Alyce Graceford, Taena Merryweather of Myr, Leonette Fossoway, Mira Forrester, Sara Durwell / Flowers and Septa Nysterica, a sister of the Faith. Through it all, even though she finds King’s Landing fascinating at first, she grows to yearn for her motherland… and learns that the capital is a pit of vipers. In A Feast For Crows, Clementine is accused of lewdness, fornication and high treason by The Faith and is arrested for crimes she did not commit. In a Dance With Dragons, Clementine’s currently awaiting her trial alongside the queen’s within the Sept of Baelor. To put it very simply, this verse is for King’s Landing and any shenanigans that may occur there, and it will be tagged as: v; YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN. ( A SONG OF ICE & FIRE / GAME OF THRONES. || KING'S LANDING. )
#3:Clementine is a dragonrider, sorceress and noblewoman of the Valyrian Freehold, a daughter of the ancient House Targaryen, of the union of Aenar Targaryen and a princess from the Summer Isles. Keeping to the Gods of Old Valyria and the Deities of the Summer Isles, she finds herself praying to both deities, never truly having a preference of any of them over the other. One of the most striking things about her physical appearance are her violet eyes and her silver hair from her Valyrian ancestry, yet her skin tone is purely Summer Islander. It seems her lady mother won the genetics lottery. Clem has a good standing relationship with her half-siblings and most notably in Daenys Targaryen who would later to be known as Daenys the Dreamer renowned for foreseeing the Doom of Valyria twelve years prior to it’s fiery downfall. Clementine is dragonrider to the dragoness Zalliel. They practically grew up together from the time she was only an infant girl in her crib, as she’d been holding her egg to keep it warm. Zalliel, like her rider, had a thirst for adventure and freedom. Although not the warlike type, the dragoness would fight to the very bitter end to protect her rider. Her lord father, Aenar Targaryen, had paid a fine amount of gold for one of the best blacksmiths in the Freehold to make his youngest daughter a Valyrian steel sword, as Clementine had a intrigue for blades and the art of war, despite her calm and gentle exterior. Her lord father always knew that she had a fire burning in her heart. Clementine named this blade Dark Sister and so when she soared into the battlefield on dragonback, she would be seen fighting with it, as well as using one of her lady mother’s goldenheart bows and arrows. Clementine is a warrior through and through, and the blade has passed down to the future generations of House Targaryen, such as Queen Visenya Targaryen, Maegor Targaryen, Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lord Brynden Rivers, to which the sword is now lost to history.
Clementine was born - and grew up - within Valyria, and magic was at its height in the capital and in all the known world. At its apex Valyria was the greatest city in the known world, the center of civilization. Within its shining walls, twoscore rival houses vied for power and glory in court and council, rising and falling in an endless, subtle, oftsavage struggle for dominance. She enjoyed much of her childhood and adolescence there, loving to soar around the seemingly topless towers in the city, or spending time with her family in Lys. She kept monkeys, apes, panther cubs, and parrots from the Summer Isles as pets. She was taught in the arts of love and war, in many languages and was taught how in the magical arts by several sorcerers and mages hired by her lord father and lady mother. She is of Summer Islander, Naathi, Rhoynar and Valyrian descent, and was a member of the Young Dragons faction of Valyria. House Targaryen at the time was not considered a powerful house, compared to the forty other noble families of Valyria, but Clem cared little for court politics, but she was seen as a beauty amongst the dragonlords. In the Freehold, dragons were usually tamed with dragonhorns, sorcery and whips, but Clementine disliked the cruelty and thus attached herself to Zalliel in other ways, by way of kindness and companionship. After Daenys the Dreamer prophesied that Valyria would be destroyed, Aenar sold his holdings in the Valyrian Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer, and moved with all his family, wives, wealth, slaves, and dragons, with House Velaryon and House Celtigar following behind them to Dragonstone, a bleak island citadel beneath the Dragonmont, a smoking mountain in the narrow sea. The Targaryens were far from the most powerful of the dragonlords, and their rivals in Valyria saw their flight as an act of cowardice. However, because Aenar had moved his family away from Valyria, the Targaryens were the only dragonlords to survive the Doom in 114 BC and the following Century of Blood. 
Clementine, however, was unhappy with the whole ordeal, feeling as if her entire future was being torn away to rot and sit at the very westernmost precipice of the Valyrian Freehold - Dragonstone, especially near a place as foreign and strange as Westeros. She helped her family with their affairs in Essos, most predominantly in the wars of the Free Cities. After staying for a few years at Dragonstone, deciding to rebel against her father and refusing to stay any longer in the bleak citadel before she withered away, took all of her things and her dragon and soared away from Dragonstone to travel the known world. What happens to her afterward is still debated by the maesters of the Citadel to this day, and her adventures vary depending on the tale. Some say she had affairs with several Westerosi lords - and even ladies, others say she eventually united the Summer Isles under her rule - something that was uncommon amongst the islanders, while alternate sources claim she was a consort of a YiTish god-emperor. What is known, however, is that she’s had many lovers - both men and women - and several adventures in her life and eventually returned to Dragonstone by way of a ship and brought Dark Sister back to the ancestral home it belonged to, and that she lived a very long and natural life. To put it very simply, this verse is for any pre-ASOIAF / GOT characters before Aegon’s Conquest. The tag for this verse is:  v; I AM THE DRAGON'S DAUGHTER. ( A SONG OF ICE & FIRE / GAME OF THRONES. || THE VALYRIAN FREEHOLD. )
( Note: Slavery, incest and polygamy are all a part of Valyrian culture, especially amongst the nobles. Her father had many wives and Clementine\s half siblings, as was common in Valyria, married and had children together. Incest is common among the noble families of Valyria and even then they’re often political with no romance involved and Clementine is a noblewoman, so it’s entirely possible she may have been betrothed. Slavery exists in this time period and Valyria profited off of slavery. Please keep in mind that I tolerate NONE of these things as a mun, but it is something that does happen and I will not be sugarcoating it in my portrayal, but I will always tag it when mentioned. )
#4: Clementine is a lady of Dornish, Summer Islander, Naathi and Rhoynar descent and owes her allegiance to House Martell.  Although mostly underdeveloped in comparison to the rest of her verses, Clementine was born and grew up in the Summer Isles before being sent to Dorne as an older child as a negotiation agreement for trade, and she grows fond of Dorne while staying there. Eventually, she works together with Arianne Martell, the Sand Snakes and Arianne’s entourage to crown Myrcella Baratheon as true Queen of the Seven Kingdoms by Dornish law. In A Storm of Swords, she attends Ellaria Sand and Oberyn Martell and saw the consequences of the trial by combat go horribly wrong, with the Red Viper’s death having a critical blow on the Dornish. During the later parts of the books, she stays back in Dorne and attends Doran Martell with anything he might need, all while taking care of Princess Myrcella. To put it simply, this verse is mostly for interacting with characters from Dorne and mostly southern Westeros. The tag for this verse is v; SHE WHISPERS INTO THE EARS OF MEN. ( A SONG OF ICE & FIRE / GAME OF THRONES. || DORNE. )
#5: Clementine is a Princess of the Summer Isles, and was born and grew up in the isles. She was sent by her lord father to negotiate with the Free Cities on matters of trade... only to be kidnapped by Basilisk Isles raiders and to be sold as a slave in Meereen, first as a female fighter in the fighting pits, before being noticed by some of the Masters and being taken to the Temple of the Graces to be trained as a Red Grace - all of this against her will. When Daenerys Targaryen enters the scene, however, Clementine is one of the first women to raise the sword for the Dragon Queen. Daenerys frees her from her bondage as a slave and a Red Grace and Clementine has been loyal to her - and her entourage - since. This verse is used to interact with any muses of Slaver’s Bay or any individuals who are aligned with House Targaryen in the present time. It will be tagged as v; I'D RATHER DIE ON MY FEET THAN LIVE ON MY KNEES. ( A SONG OF ICE & FIRE / GAME OF THRONES. || SLAVER'S BAY. )
#6: Clementine is a young lady trained to become the next Black Pearl of Braavos, one of the most proeminent courtesans of the city.  From a very young age, she was educated and trained in various cultural pursuits such as art, music, poetry, calligraphy, song, dance, history, literature and flower and fan language. She’s an educated girl of good social standing, who is oft present at festivals and entertainments, and is hired as a mourner at funerals. She, like her lady mother, enjoys high status and is famous worldwide. She, like every other courtesan, has her own barge and servants to work them, as slavery does not exist in Braavos. Her beauty has inspired many a song and she is showered with gifts from goldsmiths and craftsmen beg for her custom. Nobility and rich merchants pay her large amounts of money to appear alongside them at events, merchant princes pay royal ransom to have her on their arms at balls, feasts and mummer shows and bravos are known to kill each other in her name.
She is famous, respected and wealthy and enjoy a kind of celebrity status as well as a certain kind of mystique, and she is cultured and beautiful. She sleeps on rose petals and wears silken skirts that rustle when she walks, and great lords beggar themselves for her maiden’s blood. She can trace her descent through the female line to the daughter of Bellegere Otherys, a pirate queen who was the first Black Pearl, and King Aegon IV Targaryen, and thus the earlier generations of the Targaryen Dynasty as a whole, as well as having other bloodlines such as having royal descent of both a Princess of the Summer Isles and a Sealord of Braavos. She dresses in charcoal grey, purple, blues so dark that are almost black, and blacks as dark as moonlight. Clementine is age sixteen and is still in the process of following her mother’s footsteps. This verse is used for muses of Western Essos, moreso the Free Cities and particularly Braavos, but Clementine can easily travel elsewhere. This verse is tagged as v; THE BLACK PEARL. ( A SONG OF ICE & FIRE / GAME OF THRONES. || BRAAVOS. )
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You look wonderful tonight ||Closed rp
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Another year was coming to an end, and with that the end of his hibernation which could not have come at a better time. It had been the anniversary of the day that Alastor and himself had become a couple and vowed to never leave each other’s side. It was becoming a little late in the day but he had plans for a very special anniversary starting with dinner. Echidna had helped him finish wrapping his gifts to the spark prince, part of them being an apology for being stuck in hibernation for much longer than he usually had. In his defense it had taken longer for the weather to cool down, hence why he had to stay in his room for more time than he thought. 
Mismatched orbs of ruby and sapphire looked at himself in the mirror, checking to make sure the suit he had decided to wear was neatly put together. It had been one Alastor had picked out for him a long time ago, A royal blue suit with a black button up shirt and dress shoes. He made his way downstairs with a couple of gift bags and walked over to his mate who seemed a little busy. Pale scarred lips creased into a smile when he placed the presents down on the other’s lap before looking at him a bit excitedly. “This is just the beginning of your gifts we wanted to really apologize for being a sleep for too long and plus we love you and want to spoil you....Echidna has promised to take care of the children....” He paused to lean in close and place a kiss on his cheek.
“So let’s say You and ourselves go out for some dinner and see where this night takes the both of us....” 
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variantia · 5 years
BELLUM.  sometimes I think back when I was just getting into SU
I remember being on my original Toy Bonnie blog, back when FNAF was super popular, and I had reblogged some kind of ... “describe your favorite ship in my inbox and I’ll guess what it is” or smth along those lines
and somebody sent in a description for Ruby and Sapphire
because Jailbreak had just aired at the time
and I guessed wrong bc, well, I hadn’t seen SU at that point lol
but I was intrigued and looked it up, started watching, and man, that was IT
shortly after that I reblogged a meme like “send me a character and I’ll write a RP sample of them” and in the tags asked if people would maybe send some SU characters because I thought writing them would be fun
I believe one of the first ones, if not the first one, that somebody sent in was Sugilite, and I’m still very proud of that first thing I wrote for her
but it wasn’t until several people told me they thought I would make a wonderful Sugilite that I seriously started considering the idea of a SU blog
what’s it been now -- like five years since I started my old SU multi-muse ?  FIVE YEARS THAT I’VE BEEN INTO THIS SHOW
I’m glad that my writing and art have improved so much in this time, and I don’t think I’d ever want to go back to five years ago
but at the same time ... thinking back on those days when I was starting to get deep into SU make me feel happy, like they were some of the best of my life
like I was getting into this amazing thing that back then I didn’t realize how much it would impact me emotionally, how much it would help me, and how big a part of my life it would be
and like, even though the fandom can be rough sometimes, and yeah the show has its flaws and all -- just like literally everything in the world because nothing’s perfect, but we don’t love things because they’re perfect -- you know, if I knew everything that would happen in my life between then and now
I wouldn’t change a thing, I don’t regret getting into this show and I don’t regret the fact that it’s become such a big part of my life.
maybe it’s just me being sentimental late at night, but God, I’m so happy and thankful that I get to be alive at the same time that Steven Universe exists.  <3
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themanofgloom · 5 years
repost and bold your muse’s preference!
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(for Ormad)
roses  /  cherry blossoms  /  orchids  /  tulips
winter  /  summer  /  autumn  /  spring
thunderstorms  /  sunshine  /  snow
indoors  /  outdoors
meat /  fruit /  sweets
extravagance  / traditionalism /  minimalism
god-fearing  / non-god-fearing
cats  /  dogs  /  horses  /  birds
sunrise  /  sunset
day time  /  night time
fire  /  earth /  water  /  wind
reading /  writing
rising early   /  sleeping late
wine  /  ale  /  neither
fur  /  silk  / satin  /  lace
rubies  /  pearls  /  sapphires
horse back  /  walking  /  carriages
love  /  power
having company  /  being alone
lakes   /  rivers /  oceans
knife  /  sword  /  bow  / poison  /  spear
gold / silver
tagged by: No one! Stole it from an RP partner
tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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