#sapsorrow lore
fanaticsnail · 5 months
Hello, I was curious on whether or not devil fruits existed in your Sapsorrow universe, just out of curiosity because Perona can talk (+see) ghost. Is that just like magic or???
Also is it a Mihawk kinda adopted her and Zoro kind of thing?
Sapsorrow Lore
Hello anon!! Thank you for raising that question, both very valid points!
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To answer your question regarding devil fruits; they absolutely exist in this little au. Can't have one piece without the devil fruits, in my humble opinion.
Perona's ghosts are a little bit different than the source material, akin to Dark Shadows with the silenced ghosts only revealing themselves to her and talking to her - sharing their thoughts as she shares her day with them.
Now, regarding the dynamic between the three.
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Some background dynamic in my little Sapsorrow au:
Zoro sought out Mihawk to train him in sword mastery - he wants to be the world's greatest, and who better to train him than the world's greatest.
As Mihawk commenced his training, he attempted to have him fall in line as a gentleman as he studies. As we know now, Zoro is no gentleman and refused to be tamed in that way. He's here to learn swordsmanship, not swanky upper class skills like conversation and dance.
Mihawk attempted to tell him that undergoing a traineeship beneath his shepherding means he needs to uphold himself to a certain standard. Zoro refuses. He does things his own way, whether Mihawk desires it or not.
For Perona, she was a strange girl who kind of showed up on his doorstep one day and made herself at home. He was taken with her, doting on her as a father would his daughter - but that quickly turned into a complexity he never once sought for himself. She was quickly too much: too mischievous, too boisterous, too loud, too frilly - just all too much to handle on his own.
Now that the both of them were constantly conflicting with one another: butting heads, taunting, fighting, screaming - Mihawk has not had a moment's peace since. He just wants to garden, to train his mentee, to dote on his adoptive daughter, to sleep.
In his mind: "if they're going to behave like children, I shall treat them as such. What do naughty children need? A governess." The only governess Mihawk knew was a spectacular woman who was renowned for her skills at training the brattiest upperclassmen - someone he truly saw as perfection, and a saviour.
Now that he has two young wards he's taken under his wing, he desperately needed support. He's truly adopted them, but through words left unspoken. Nothing legally binding, but they are his and he is theirs.
I hope this answers your question! I love talking about it and try to reign in my enthusiasm for it a little, so it's not my constant rambling or little doodles. I do get carried away sometimes!
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woluf · 7 years
If you love weird things like folk lore and strange tales, then look up The Storyteller, particularly the first season. It’s from 1987-88 with John Hurt narrating the stories as well as puppets (think more 80s Labyrinth and such like, not like the Muppets) and actors - often in costumes ( like Hans My Hedgehog, the Trolls from True Bride), and probably one of the best things I watched as a kid. I have no way of aptly describing it but I really recommend this to anyone who has interest retellings of stories, the weird and the wonderful and kinda creepy. Most of the stories are based on German folk tales (Sapsorrow, The Three Ravens, Fearnot) but there’s some other European stories too. There’s a second spin-off season of four Greek myths but I don’t really remember if I ever saw those, the first season I know I’ve seen countless times (although not for so many years). There’s one episode with Devils called The Soldier of Death (Russian folk tale) where a man captures death and a devils foot, and those devils are weird, but god it was all so wonderfully weird. So much of it, from what I remember at least given this was um, maybe 20 years ago) dealt with humanity, love, loss and morality, and I’ll never forget how I enjoyed them and so much of it stuck with me.
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
AAAASA!!! The snippet for Shanks in the Sapsorrow universe!!! More Sapsorrow lore!!!! I love the description of her with pupil-less eyes and grey hair like storm clouds, shes so mysterious and intimidating, but also interesting
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You are either going to hate her for her vindictive and punishing nature, full of hatred and bittersweet sorrow.
Or she will be loved for her obsession at the notion that should two people's be forced together, their love should be true or succumb to their cruel fates by her spectral hands.
...she is coming...
...she is coming...
...she is coming...
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
Hi there! I wanted to ask if you had a rough idea of how many chapters Sapsorrow will have?
I'm the type of person that prefers to binge read rather than on an as-it-releases basis. It's no problem if you're not sure, I'll just continue to be patient.
I really enjoy your writing style.
Thanks <3
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Hello anon!! As a binge-reader myself, I completely understand the need!
I am thinking somewhere between the 10-15 mark, perhaps less given the word count I've been producing for it lately.
There's a few things that need to be explored yet, and I would absolutely rather take my time doing it rather than rushing the plot along. The elements are (minimal spoilers):
The peril & dread
The elements of the thread
The ceremony, reception and consummation
The marriage interrupted: where is my wife?
The bliss in finally giving in
I also need to add more lore and additional rapport within these spaces between the characters. Believe me, I have a very rough outline written up and I have every intention to get all of the chapters released before the middle of Feb - roughly two chapters a week while writing asks and other WIPs.
Thank you for saying you've been enjoying my style. I am very new to writing, but I pump out work fast - especially if I'm enjoying what I'm writing!
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Her story is so sad I can understand why she felt so anguished and took drastic measures out of anger. It makes so much sense in a way that doesn't try to justify the pain she's caused and continues to try to cause and it's all the more beautiful for it. Of course she's a victim who's choices are stripped from her but so too are her victims.
I support women's rights, but more importantly I support women's wrongs.
Also the fake out where for a moment I thought our Governess was talking to a princess?? The parallels? The way Mihawk's agate stone is left waiting for it's final command, the true desires of Sapsorrow beyond her need for revenge.
“And any words she brings onto you harbouring doubt, I will smother you in nothing but kindness and love to reassure you.” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I love Governess and Peronas and Zoros relationship so much
(insert Irish "Back off ye spooky bitch!" Here)
"I love you, my lady. We both do, don't we Zoro?" And the hug????? Are you trying to kill me, snail???
The letterrrrrrrr....... Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They're so Romance, I love them
Governess addressing Sapsorrow and offering her to walk down the aisle with her so she might share a happy ending is so sweet and brave to show such kindness knowing it might anger her more and be met with scorn. Sapsorrow admitting she's going after Croc next!!! Her hinting to Rosinante and Law!!!!
Her allowing herself to feel some warmth and conceding to the Governess that she might move forward in her story of her own volition, not compelled or controlled by anyone else the way Sapsorrow was. Her allowing her her choice when her own was taken from her unfairly, letting her try for a happy ending even though she didn't get one, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAA.
“The Sun-Dress is my favourite, my lady,” oh stawp it you're going to make me blush!
“If I had a heart, I would even show mercy on Red-Hair for such a fine craft. But alas, I do not.” AHAHA I found this absolutely hilarious despite knowing it only spells trouble for Shanks. But it's okay, I will laugh at his pain.
Corpse bride reference????? Thematically appropriate, actually.
Not Zoro getting teary eyed!!! I'm right there with you, babe, don't you worry
Without hesitation, Mihawk clasped your wrist, holding your hand in place as his tongue danced around your fingertips to skillfully rid them from the honey. Your shocked expression was shrouded by the presence of Mihawk’s thumb within your own lips, prompting you to perform a similar action to suck the sticky substance to rid its presence from his digits. -- SIR. SIR. SIR. THERE ARE PEOPLE WATCHING. THERE IS A PRIEST PRESENT. SIR PLEASE. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! ONE OF US HAS TO BE UNDER CONTROL HERE!!
Good God. Let me just take a moment for the word smithing of our talented writer who has a way with describing kisses.
Okay, I can't wait any longer.
The inclusion of the tradition is such a creative addition!! The drama!! The fun!! I know that Buggy's rapscallion behaviour is only a vessel for your mischief Snail, you can't fool me. But he is very rascally and himself, you write him so well.
I can't wait for Mihawk to officially fulfill his destined role as Mr "Where is my wife?"
"Hell hath no fury like a woman cursed by the law to marry her own father" - FanaticSnail
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Sapsorrow: The Storyteller
I cannot marry my father // I cannot ignore the law // I cannot shame the king // But the ring-- is the ring-- is the ring--//
Her heart bares such great sadness, so she must bare into others the same curse of sadness; in hopes their outcomes be changed to a more desirable outcome.
I'm so glad you noticed the parallels! As the Princess' governess attempted to console her in her sorrow, she, as spectral queen, was comforted by a new governess now bound to Mihawk - a love she truly would have wanted for herself.
But also, yes: "Back off 'ya spooky betch"
I love how you've enjoyed her relationships and interactions with Perona and Zoro. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing their development. Little glazed eyes Zoro, squeaky Perona - they love their adoptive parents (their "mother" young enough to be their sister or favourite aunt, rather than biological).
Also, yes to Mihawk doing these displayed of unbridled lust in public. And who could blame him? He's in love!
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Buggy kidnapping her to uphold a Kuraigana tradition will never not be funny to me. Gotta give the new husband a sense of panic as his bride is now lost to him.
I wonder what he will do to win back her adoration......
He's yet to hold a physical conversation with his wife aside for his vows to her, and now he has to hunt for her and woo her officially.
I hope the hunt doesn't take too long, the food is starting to get cold.
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
The comments' section has not enough space to express how wonderful Sapsorrow is coming out and I can't abuse the poor DMs.
The pinning just keep growing!!! 🌲🌲🌲
Governess wandering the castle at the early morning!!! Are you really a lady protagonist in a gothic castle if you haven't wandered the halls in your nightdress while perusing your growing feelings for the lord of the land???
And the twist of the tale with Mihawk in the place of Sapsorrow!!! I live for this kind of retellings. And of course, he's going to keep his secret identity now that he's found a way to interact with her without the pressure of their station. Ohhh, that's going to payout later XD
The ghosts gossiping to Perona is so funny! That first glimpse of Croc and the moon had me all 😱 Mihawk is asking for help to the other pirate lords and then boom! The calls!
Buggy calling him baby, I can't XDDD I read it exactly with Buggy's voice when he's sweet talking Arlong XDDD
I can totally envision Shanks doing lingerie as a hobbie 😳 but come again, he had a ring too??? There's literally ten rings out there at the hands of ten Pirate Lords waiting for some unsuspected women to be married to them??? 👀👀👀
Shank's may be so sure he got rid of his (and why was he actually wearing the ring? How on earth he didn't proposed to some random woman while drunk at a bar? XD) but with how these things work, his may be found by some sexy huntress who managed to catch that sea beast and found the ring while butchering it... And now we have a sequel XD
We can't have a fully domesticated Zoro. He has to get cocky from time to time. And of course he would be the kind of guy who gets a crush on his teacher XDDD
I can't wait for the ball!!! There is no better scenery to fertilize the pinning soil than a good ol' ballroom. This I say!
Also, I've made something 🫣 I told you I have a design degree to abuse and sometimes it kicks (me) until I use it. And all fairy tale related themes get me all creative.
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I don't know why I have a feel this story is going somewhere and it needs a proper fairytale title to go with it 💌
I may or may not know how to bind books 🫢
Holy shit. what the hell did I do to deserve such beautiful words and imagery.
I am screaming, crying, throwing up. Oh my gosh.
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I am in the process of brainstorming lore for Sapsorrow's Rings, but absolutely Shanks had one. T'would be a shame for it to, I don't know, wash up on a deserted island to be found within the hands of someone wild huntress of a woman.
You really do have to have a midnight explore in a castle in your nightdress. It wouldn't be the same without it: especially if it means she gets to catch out a precious Farm-Hand bringing her fresh flowers and humming to himself.
I am IN LOVE with the banner. I can't even believe it. It's beautiful. Stunning. So fairytale and absolutely charming.
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
SNAIL! I love chapter 4!!!!!
(Incoming: extremely long ask with memes included)
I'm really excited about the lore that is developing, the rhyme was really creative (was it in an original version of the story or did you come up with it yourself?) And all this information about the Sapsorrow Queen has me aching to hear more! She seemed at first to be set up as an antagonistic force, purely due to her claiming Mihawks soul should Governess not marry him, but I feel like you've shrouded her in enough mystery that she didn't come off as antagonistic in intentions. And with all this new lore I'm getting kinda Corpse Bride vibes? Might be me projecting though.
Governess calling Perona and Zoro "my-... -our wards" AAAASSA
Her recognizing Mihawks eye colour but not making the connection followed by her immediate next observation being that his eyes are soft and somber - something she hasn't noticed (as much) in Mihawk's eyes. And him then using those eyes that are now displaying vulnerability and emotion he wouldn't normally let himself display to "searched your face, darting from focusing on each of your eyes and looking over your parted lips before rising back to your intense irises." The POETRY!
"You may ask anything of me, but you will leave my bride out of the equation."
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Governess hiking up her socks:
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I just know Mihawk was fighting for his LIFE
Do the staff know Mihawk is the farm-hand? Because all I can think is either way;
The staff, watching the distinguished Governess walk beside a dog on two legs / The staff, watching their feared and revered boss covered head-to-toe in mud and twigs: what the fuck.... What the fuck...
The fact that the ghosts know makes me think that one of them spotted him eating shit in the mud puddle the first time and then Perona, having been informed of it, woke up in the dead of night to watch him willingly roll around in mud the second time.
"-Do not dare to do yourself the disservice of calling yourself low,"
KEEP MY WIFE'S- oh shit that is my wife
Mihawk allowing his guard to slip and laughing heartily??? Governess giggling???? And remarking that she hasn't experienced something like this since childhood??? Slipping her regal exterior??? My heart is pounding
He stooped down to you, the brims of your hats touching as he cooed down in a mocking tone, “I did this, this morning.” - oh my lawd. This whole section. Sir. Please. One of us will have to restrain ourselves (pun not intended)
"She cannot marry her father, of course she cannot." <-- I'm not sure if it's an exact quote from the narrator but I feel like you're referencing the story teller version. And when Governess divulges her wanting to marry Mihawk for reasons beyond the superficial (fate, or his riches) and Mihawk in turn divulges a love for an "unknown" woman, it seems really similar to the Storyteller scene. I really like it!! IDK if I mentioned before but I like how the roles of Straggletag and the prince were reversed
"I am proud to call you my friend", "I'm here by your side, I will not drop you," <- Mr President. A second quote has hit the reader.
(also I can't remember if I asked before but can I be on the tag list?)
SNAIILLLLL YOU'RE HERE!!!! YOURE BACK!!! Oh how I missed you!!
To answer your questions! The poetry and the rhymes are all my own. The original story has no real mysticism nor mystery surrounding the concept, SO I decided to add my own to shake things up 💃.
The Corpse Bride is one of my favourite Tim Burton films of all time. Considering Oda based the layout of Kuraigana on the art from The Nightmare Before Christmas, I couldn't not incorporate the elements into the plot. That wouldn't be fair.
I did need to have a small: "Hmmm... His eyes are quite similar," moment for her to get some semblance of familiarity from him - but I didn't want the mystery to be revealed just yet.
The "keep my wife's name" just ruined me.
The sock hiking was not a deliberate flirtation on her behalf, but absolutely Mihawk was feeling some feelings.
To spoil the spoiler, that is not really a spoiler - the staff are 💯 aware that Mihawk is the Farm-Hand. He was not always covered from head to toe in sludge and grime, opting to just have his straw hat and shielded mask over his beard in the happenstance that he might get dirty.
Upon that one time he did topple headfirst into the mud, meeting the governess on that day, he simply said: "welp, I guess this is my life now" and has to cover himself in that disguise to keep up the illusion. The staff don't know how to deal with the new look, but they're wise enough to not say anything about it.
The ghosts likely woke up Perona that first night being like: "Honey, you seeing this shit??" And Perona is just there like ⚫👄⚫
I needed to have them slip their guards a little in this chapter - they need to get to know each other a little before their engagement party (which I'm nearly there with. Couple more days, I think).
I have to reference the source material of the storyteller episode. It wouldn't feel the same without hearing John Hurt in my head, I think. I love the way he yells it.
I did do a role reversal for stragletag (Farm-Hand) and the prince (Lost-Lady) specifically to keep things a little interesting for me, and to keep the twists and turns coming for you guys! Can't just tell it how it is, where would be the fun in that? 😏
"I'm here by your side, I will not drop you," he is such a flirt and I don't think he's even aware of it.
Thank you for your asks, I always adore hearing from you!!
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Spamming you with asks rn
🧃🪐🦷🦴🍅☁️🌸 - for the asks game if you don't mind (you can pick and chose if it's too much)
Hello you darling snail! Keep spamming me, I love it! Made me really think about a few of these, and I love you for it.
🧃Personal lore: I have 6 tattoos. Of all of these etched markes on my body, my favourite is one of the one I was born with. I have a birthmark in the shape of Australia (my country) on my left hip. It even includes a dot for Tasmania.
🪐Three good things: My baby brother married his beautiful wife last month, I got to meet @sordidmusings in person and produce music while showing my country to her, I have made friends that are entirely my own over this platform (no prior relational context: work, husband, children, family. And you are all spectacular and mean so much to me). This platform is seriously a highlight right now, and I am enjoying each moment I spend here learning and growing.
🦷Personal wisdom/hack: Don't tell lies. It's easier to keep up with the truth than channeling all your energy in organizing what lie you told to whom.
🦴Media inspiration: I have spoken about it before, but a lot of my writing style has been inspired by the books I used to read in childhood. The Belgariad series by David Eddings is a great influence, alongside the Hogfather by Sir Terry Pratchett. The character of ‘the Governess' in Sapsorrow took notes and played hints at ‘Polgara the Sorceress’ and ‘Susan Sto Helit’ from those series. Both strong, capable women who manage youths under their charge.
🍅Constructive criticism: I need to understand that crafting these words take time, and I don't need to do it all at once. I often find myself pulling a shift as a parent all day, then opening my laptop, writing until 1am, then sleeping until my day starts at around 5-6am. I need to understand words and craft do not need to occur all at the one time, I can edit the following day or source images for my words the day thereafter. But I get too excited and physically vibrate with enthusiasm when I do - which then keeps the adrenaline pumping for me to remain awake.
☁️Why “FanaticSnail”: Long story short, it was a name assigned to me way back in the day when online gaming. It stuck, and I liked it. Boring, really. I do like snails, and I do get fanatical about a few subjects.
🌸Pets: I have an army of pets! I have 5 chickens in my backyard farm: Consuela, Ophelia, Thomasin, Dahlia and Jacqueline. I also have the most hideous ginger cat known to mankind, but what he lacks in beauty he makes up with enthusiastic affection. His name is Griswold, and it suits him.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Okay, I haven't read chapter 6 of Sapsorrow yet, I have a big day ahead so I know it will distract me too much and I like the incentive of something to treat myself at the end of the day, so my actual thoughts on the chapter are yet incoming
Your thoughts for Buggy and/or Law having a ring have inspired me.
Ive been working on an idea for a series of interconnected one piece one shots using fairy tales (which got set back once I got COVID bc I had three days of writing planned out which ended up being three days of delirious fever sleep). And I haven't really set anything in stone yet but I have several stories that I think would work for each character and several extra stories I haven't yet decided characters for. So allow me to regurgitate some of those stories that I think could be thematically appropriate for Law/Buggy stories in the Sapsorrow AU:
Hans who made the princess laugh/The Princess who never smiled/the lad with the goat skin (there are a lot of variants of the story of a boy making the princess laugh/smile for her hand in marriage) - I was thinking of using this concept for a Koby or Luffy story, but it also really suits Buggy. If the condition placed upon marriage is him finally making his betrothed laugh it makes room for lots of hijinks that would inevitably lead to her getting to know him and fall in love.
A Thousand and One Nights - I planned this for Usopp (obviously) but I feel like Buggy managing to entertain someone with tricks and jokes so they allow him to keep wooing them the next night and so on until they agree to marry him because he's entertained them successfully for however many days and nights as was his task
Princess and the frog/beauty and the beast/Prince Lindworm esque story - hear me out, Reader as the scary beast bc Buggy's task was to prove he loved them truly for more than just superficial reasons. I feel like, thematically, I could see Buggy learning to not judge others and consequentially therefore learning not to be so harsh on himself (learning that he deserves kindness by extending kindness to others?) (And then there is the opportunity to flip the script with Buggy being the one wearing the ring and Reader being the one owning it.)
Hades and Persephone - I like how Buggy consistently fails upwards and I can definitely see the bumbling clown somehow getting lucky enough to snag the favour of someone super dangerous and powerful despite tripping over himself repeatedly. I imagine someone only ever feared might enjoy him speaking his mind bluntly. Also could have Reader owning the ring. (The comedic potential for a story of Buggy somehow failing forwards into the arms of a Morticia-esque partner. The angst/drama potential of someone learning they are not only capable but deserving of love and loving and are allowed to have some light and fun in their dark life.)
For Law I feel like his task could be something associated with him being a doctor. Either his betrothed promises to marry whoever manages to cure her loved one (or her) of a sickness/curse. Maybe his betrothed has sworn off marriage because she is sick and expects to die and doesn't want to leave anyone heart broken, which is why she objects to marrying him, which leads to a lot of secret keeping and angst on both sides.
OR, something that is the other side of the coin, his betrothed wants to kill/poison someone and needs his help. Oooooh~ dramatic crime story
SNAIL AGAIN! I should've seen this one first. My dear, you spoil me!
The way I have been struggling with Buggy's Sapsorrow. I want to write a little snippet so desperately, but he is thus far eluding me. I am LOVING these thoughts.
I do have an idea for Law, but I am wanting to write for him last due to not desiring to reveal all of the lore involving the spectre of Sapsorrow just yet. Of all of the rings to be given, I will say that Law will be the only one to offer it to someone freely: using it for its intended purpose. It is going to devastate me, but I am very much looking forward to his the most. Main theme: Angst.
........are you saying you would like to join in on the storyteller au collab? Because if you are!!! Usopp with "a story short" and Luffy with "Fearnot" would be perfect for you: considering it sounds like you already have many a similar idea regarding them, and I would LOVE to have you involved!!!
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