#sara ianniello
comicbookfx · 4 years
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Belle vs. the Black Knight #1 L: Kurt Hathaway P: Raffaele Forte I: Sara Ianniello C: Juan Manuel Rodriguez W: Dave Franchini
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Soulfire vol.8 #2
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Soulfire vol.8 #3 Aspen Comics 2019 Written by J.T. Krul Pencilled by Raffaele Forte Inked by Sara Ianniello Coloured by Valentina Taddeo & Jesse Heagy Lettered by Zen     Grace is determined to protect magic in all its forms from a world still locked in their technological ways, but she is not outwardly looking for a fight. Minerva, on the other hand, has amassed a strike force from around the globe and is ready to face this strange new danger. And now, she has a target--Rainier’s realm at Devil’s Tower!     They weren't kidding this really is the biggest story that they've told yet. The opening here is a great way to look back at the history of the franchise thus far and for new readers it is a boon and for long-time fans it's just a beautiful reminder. Just to look back and see what Malakai has been through as young man and to have survived it none the worse for wear, seriously, just makes me think he is much more impressive. Also to see how far he's come and how much he's grown up, whether he was ready to or not, is a nice thing to see.     J.T. Is an incredibly good, strong writer and he understands how a story should be structured. The way he utilises the story & plot development and weaves it with the character development, like a Twizzler or a Red Vine, that is carried along the pacing is so well done. One of the things that I found to be very enjoyable is the dialogue between Mal and P.J.. This to me is how two best friends are not only going to talk to each other but who have each other's back in a way that says the bonds of friendship they have have made them family, brother's if you will so that looking out for each other is as instinctive as it gets.     With folks like Defence Minister Cordella who needs friends or more apropos enemies when you've got her. I don't like this woman and I don't think we are supposed to. She is motivated by something that puts her at odds with the situation and that's dangerous plus she's also power hungry another trait that spells potential disaster. Add into that those she has paid to be brought to her side, otherwise some of them wouldn't have the right motivation.     I love the interiors that we are seeing here. There is something about the linework that is so classically comics and yet is has this stellar attention to detail while managing to add this manga-ish feel to the book. P.J.'s hair and the wings, and Rainier himself help fuse the genre's together like we saw in Yu Gi Oh. Good grief seeing Abel and all the linework on him is a complete wow factor. The way that we see the composition inside the panels through the perspective, angles and utilisation of backgrounds show this wonderfully talented eye for storytelling. Also I'm madly wild with how we see the inking done and how they finish the linework perfectly. The colour work here is outstanding! From lights of all kinds and the brightness in the hues it just stands out and draws the eye. The way we see the colour work define musculature's is sensation and the colour blocking is utilised effectively and even some colour gradation brings this life.     It is nice to see Vanyss again even if she's with Rainier at this point in time. Why Grace is with him though is beyond any true reasoning I can see. I mean let's think about it for a moment, she wants to protect magic, she unleashes magic into the world through Mal as she betrays him, then she runs to Rainier who wants to yield all the magic and rule the world. Saying he's reformed, she is taking him at his word and wants him to change her mind on their past. So that the ending plays out like it does sends my head spinning faster than a kid on a sit-n-spin! This is just a damn fun read.
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‪A car chase leads to Devlynn St. Paul taking a huge “leap” of faith to stop a “monster” from getting away in BlackBox Comics ‘s TBA title with art from Raffaele Forte, inks by Sara Ianniello and script by me. ‬
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sabryna88rsi · 4 years
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Il giorno più bello del mondo (2019) Cliccare QUA per il film su WStream Italia, 2019 Genere: Commedia Regia di Alessandro Siani Con Alessandro Siani, Stefania Spampinato, Giovanni Esposito, Sara Ciocca, Leone Riva, Enrico Ianniello, Gianni Ferreri, Stefano Pesce...
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oosteven-universe · 3 years
Devil’s Dominion #1
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Devil’s Dominion #1 Blackbox Comics 2021 Written by Brian Hawkins Pencilled by Raffaele Forte Inked by Sara Ianniello Coloured by Caolina Pontes Lettered by Jusin Birch    Devlynn St. Paul sold her soul to the Devil to stop the horror being done to her by her brother. However, Devlynn reneged on the deal and now uses her demonic powers to hunt others who are demon possessed and have lost control of their lives.    If you’ve been following me for a while now you’ll know I am a huge fan of Blackbox Comics and the work being done there.  They have all too quietly been putting out some stellar storytelling over the last few years and if you aren’t familiar than you should really acquaint yourself with them.  This is a great one to start with too as it’s brand new this week and if you enjoy supernatural stories and books akin to Buffy and Supernatural then you are really going to enjoy this book.  There is something about Devlynn that Brian establishes very early on that makes her relatable to and someone you want to root for.  At the heart of the story this is really about a young woman trying to reclaim her life and making the best out of a bad situation that she’s found herself in.  So yeah this is something that is extremely interesting and intriguing and it establishes itself as such right away.    I am very much enjoying the way that this is being told.  The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented extremely well.  I am pretty impressed with the way that we see the story being introduced to us as well as establishing Devlynn’s role and purpose.  The character development that we see is on point here as well.  I like how we are given a glimpse into the mind of Devlynn as well as introducing us to the one man who has the potential to have his life changed by this as well.  The pacing here is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing the story, the world and the cast of characters you know we’re in for one Hell of a ride, pun intended.    I am enjoying the way that we see this being structured and how the layers within the story are emerging.  It brings this sense of complexity and scope to the size of the story we see as it also engages the readers’ mind so they think about what might have come before.  Also the way that we see everything working together to create the story’s ebb & flow is really nice to see.    The interiors here are really rather impressive.  I love the linework we’re seeing and how through the varying weights and techniques we see bring out the detail work is pretty amazing.  I super impressed with not just the attention to detail that we’re seeing but the composition within the panels and how backgrounds are utilised, or not, is extremely nice to see.  The inking on top of the pencils is gorgeous to see and it’s nice to know that this kind of talent works to the benefit of everyone.  How we see the angles and perspective in the panels show this really strong eye for storytelling.  We see some really strong faces and facial expressions and some beautiful creativity and imagination here and considering the subject matter that’s hella important.  The colour work is beautifully rendered as well.  How we see the various hues and tones within the colours being utilised to create the shading, highlights and shadow work shows some really nice skill and talent.   ​    This is one of those GEM’s of the week books that comes out of nowhere and demands it’s time in the spotlight.  
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