loneberry · 1 year
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--Jorge Luis Borges on Dante's Commedia, from "The Meeting in a Dream"
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schizografia · 2 months
Etica, politica e commedia
Occorre riflettere sulla singolare circostanza che le due massime che hanno cercato di definire con maggiore acutezza lo statuto etico e politico dell’umano nella modernità provengono dalla commedia. Homo homini lupus – cardine della politica occidentale – è in Plauto (Asinaria, v.495, dove mette scherzosamente in guardia contro chi non conosce chi sia l’altro uomo ) e homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto, forse la più felice formulazione del fondamento di ogni etica, si legge in Terenzio (Heautontim., v.77). Non meno sorprendente è che la definizione del principio del diritto «dare a ciascuno il suo» (suum cuique tribuere) sia stata dagli antichi percepita come la definizione più propria di ciò che è in questione nella commedia: una glossa a Terenzio lo enuncia senza riserve: comico è per eccellenza assignare unicuique personae quod proprium est. Se si assegna a ciascun uomo il carattere che lo definisce, egli diventa ridicolo. O, più in generale, ogni tentativo di definire ciò che è umano sfocia necessariamente in una commedia. È quanto mostra la caricatura, in cui il gesto di cogliere a ogni costo l’umanità di ciascun individuo si trasforma secondo ogni evidenza in una beffa, fa propriamente ridere.
Platone doveva avere in mente qualcosa del genere, quando modellava sui mimi di Sofrone e di Epicarmo, decisamente comici, i personaggi dei suoi dialoghi. «Conosci te stesso» è il principio antitetico a ogni protervia tragica e non può che dar luogo a un gioco e a uno scherzo, anche se questi possono essere e sono perfettamente seri. L’umano, infatti, non è una sostanza di cui si possano tracciare una volta per tutte i confini – è, piuttosto, un processo sempre in corso, in cui l’uomo non cessa di essere inumano e animale e, insieme, di diventare umano e parlante. Per questo, mentre la tragedia porta a espressione ciò che non è umano e, nel punto in cui l’eroe prende bruscamente e amaramente coscienza della sua inumanità, sfocia nel mutismo, la persona, cioè la maschera comica, affida al sorriso la sola possibile enunciazione di ciò che non è più e tuttavia è ancora umano. E contro l’incessante, odioso tentativo dell’Occidente di assegnare alla tragedia la definizione dell’etica e della politica, occorre ogni volta ricordare che l’abitazione dell’uomo sulla terra è una commedia – non divina forse, ma che tradisce comunque nel riso la sua segreta, sommessa solidarietà con l’idea della felicità.
11 marzo 2024
Giorgio Agamben
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Schiaparelli’s ‘Inferno’: A journey to Hell and back
I’ve always wondered if today’s self-absorbed creative directors and edgy designers at the leading luxury fashion houses based in Paris are familiar with George Santayana’s cutting observation that, “Fashion is something barbarous, for it produces innovation without reason and imitation without benefit.” On the evidence of this year’s Paris Fashion Week I think not.
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For the Spring 2023 collection at Paris Fashion Week, Schiaparelli creative director Daniel Roseberry revealed in pre-show notes that he was specifically drawn to Dante Alighieri’s magisterial Divine Comedy. He was especially inspired by Inferno, the 14th-century Italian poet’s renderings of Hell. Present as spectators and models were some of the internet’s favourite muses, such as Kylie Jenner wearing taxi-dermied outfits with hyperrealistic faux animal heads affixed to a fitted gown.
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The singer Doja Cat was also there, appearing bald and covered in red gemstones at the steps of the Petit Palais like a demonic red figure. In other pieces, gold-painted torsos and metallic sculptural heads paid tribute to the house’s founder, Elsa Schiaparelli, and her ties to Surrealist artists like Man Ray, Salvador Dalí, and Meret Oppenheim during the 1930s. She was the subject of a recent retrospective at the the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris last year in 2022, and her collaborations with those artists demonstrated a propensity to shock audiences with strange garments that at times merged human bodies with animal features.
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Throughout the haute couture show, Roseberry brought to life versions of Dante’s epic poem’s three allegorical animals: the lion, the leopard, and the she-wolf. Accordingly he dressed three super models, Shalom Harlow as the leopard, Naomi Campbell as the she-wolf, and Irina Shayk as the lion. All three haute couture dresses were sculpted and embroidered by hand, “celebrating the beauty of nature and guarding the woman who wears it” said the proud creative director.
When I read that particular remark I almost choked on my tea. I was sitting in a nearby Parisian café with my younger sister, who was visiting me in France, and one of our French-Nordic cousins who actually works in the luxury brand corporate world as a senior exec in LVMH. Through our cousin we had managed to see one or two of the fashion shows last week. It’s not really my cup of tea, but I gave in to indulge my visiting sister and my cousin who loves her job. 
Many people outside of haute couture world of Paris Fashion Week, focused on the spectacle of cruelty of seeing three stuffed animal heads on the bosoms of three super models strutting on a fashion show runway. Most of the criticism was misplaced as it showed little understanding what a haute couture show is all about. It allows the talented designer to let his/her hair down and show off their most off the wall ideas, and above it’s meant to be playful.
That said, I, however, was focused on what Daniel Roseberry actually said of his collection. I thought it was a misquote but no, as it turned out later, it’s what the designer said.
I resisted the urge to feel ‘offended’ and to look around for a pitch fork to join the unruly easily offended mob to denounce the designer. To me it wasn’t about the Surrealist heritage of Schiaparelli that the creative director drew inspiration from for one part of his show - that’s what one might expect from that fashion house. Nor was it the animal depiction on dress gowns that was pretty par for course for any haute couture fashion show - which I personally found garish and in bad taste - but which drew the public outcry against the perception of animal cruelty.
No, it was the crime of cultural vandalism against Dante himself.
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I have no idea if Roseberry has actually read the Dante’s Divine Comedy or not but from his remarks that his hideous creations were “celebrating the beauty of nature and guarding the woman who wears it” he clearly hadn’t or was high as a kite on drugs and high energy drinks.
So I’m going to discuss Dante’s three wild beasts as Dante wrote them.
In the opening Canto of the Divine Comedy, Dante encounters three ferocious animals: the leopard, the lion and the she-wolf.
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In the first canto of the Inferno, Dante, having gone astray in a dark wood, reaches the base of a sunlit hill (later described by Virgil as “the mountain of delight, the origin and cause of every joy”) and begins to climb - only to find the way blocked by three beasts. First, a leopard appears.
And almost where the hillside starts to rise - look there! - a leopard, very quick and lithe, a leopard covered with a spotted hide. He did not disappear from sight, but stayed; indeed, he so impeded my ascent that I had often to turn back again.
It is a spring morning, and “the hour and the gentle season” give Dante “good cause for hopefulness” upon seeing the leopard - but then he sees a lion.
but hope was hardly able to prevent the fear I felt when I beheld a lion. His head held high and ravenous with hunger - even the air around him seemed to shudder - this lion seemed to make his way against me.
When the third beast appears, Dante gives up hope entirely.
And then a she-wolf showed herself; she seemed to carry every craving in her leanness; she had already brought despair to many. The very sight of her so weighted me with fearfulness that I abandoned hope of ever climbing up that mountain slope. . . . I retreated down to lower ground.
When you read Dante - in Italian or in translation - nothing you read ever so simple and nothing should be taken at face value. Indeed in the Divine Comedy almost nothing is said without good reason. Take the verse preceding the appearance of the three beasts.
When I had rested my body there a while I then started again up the barren slope the more powerful foot always behind the other
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Dante refers to the manner of his climb. He makes the climb with ‘the more powerful foot always behind the other’. One foot (the more powerful) is always behind (lower than) the other. This is a difficult line to interpret. It could of course simply be a description of how someone climbs a hill. You plant one foot in the ground and then push up allowing the other foot to 'land' and secure your position.
If Dante is talking about a stronger (firmer) foot and (presumably then) a weaker foot and talks about the one being lower than the other, there is probably a deeper meaning behind it. In Dante's thought world it was sometimes said that in the 'pilgrimage' towards heaven, we walk on two 'feet' (or legs); the Will and the Intellect. Because the Will, the stronger of the two, is always desiring what it shouldn't, our journey forward towards God is therefore hampered. We limp our way to heaven! So Dante could be saying that his Will lags behind his Intellect as he strives to find the light of God, making his journey up those slopes that much harder. The (weaker) Intellect is having to drag the (stronger) Will upwards towards the divine light.
An alternative explanation is inspired by a comment from St Augustine to the effect that 'love is the foot of the soul', in other words the driving force of the soul's  quest for God. So, Dante could be suggesting that his stronger foot (love) pushes his body up the hill towards God. Personally I prefer this more optimistic image of his ascent; after all, he begins his climb in hope and anticipation.
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And so we have to ask ourselves as we come to the three beasts, is there a deeper meaning to these animals beyond their physical power and scariness. Yes, there is.
When Dante engages with myths throughout his Inferno, he’s also leaning into this tradition of animals as allegories. He’s striving to teach a lesson, as mythical creatures punish sinful souls for eternity. Invoking creatures from antiquity, Dante’s Inferno moulds pagan hell into a Christian design. These mythical creatures are behemoth reminders for potential sinners about the consequences of their actions.
Even from the opening canto of Dante’s Inferno, we find our titular character lost in a dark and winding wood. As the woods darken, he feels his consciousness enter a strange state - a feeling that he likens to death (Inferno 1.7). As this shroud covers him, Dante encounters the first mythical creatures in the Divine Comedy. Leopards and lions were not native to Italy. Travellers relayed tales of these beasts to illuminators and scribes, and information about them would be published in bestiaries. Leopards were often incorporated into coats of arms when there were descendants of adultery in a lineage. The leopard Dante encounters is “very quick and lithe” (Inferno, 1.32). Perhaps the leopard is meant to symbolise a sin associated with impatience or hubris. Lions were often symbols of Christ, akin to Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia but in this case the lion was “ravenous with hunger” (Inferno 1.46), which may have been a reminder to the reader about the dangers of gluttony.
The importance of animals goes beyond face value. Animals appearing in stories always contain allegories. The beasts symbolised the major categories of sin: incontinence, violence and fraud. Or as they are more commonly called - lust, pride and avarice. In her commentary, Dorothy L. Sayers explains that these categories of sin were associated with the three stages of life - lust with youth, pride (self-conceit) with the middle years and avarice with old age. Of course, they can attack a person at any time of his life.
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Symbolism can help us enormously when reading Dante but it is also important I think to try to read the text itself and take clues from the way Dante uses the symbols. The Leopard is mesmerising, clever, quick and very pleased with itself, displaying its gaudy spots for all the world to see. The Lion terrifies even the air around it with its appearance (and presumably its roar) but the most noticeable thing about it from Dante the pilgrim's point of view is how proud it is as it hold its head up high. The third beast, the she-wolf, is one that has brought grief to many people. Her leanness speaks of an insatiable appetite; no matter how much (or how many people!) she eats she never thrives, never grows fat, she is never satisfied.
If Dante's world each of the beasts represented different vices or sins - the leopard as a symbol of lust, the lion a symbol of violent pride and the she-wolf as a symbol of avarice and fraud - then these  could also either represent Dante's own besetting sins which prevent him from reaching heaven, or perhaps the three levels of hell which are divided according to the kind of sin committed. In the first circle Dante the pilgrim will find those guilty of avarice and incontinence (not the bowel kind), in the second circle sinners guilty of violence and in the third, those responsible for crimes of treachery and fraud.
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It’s easy to see then these animals as symbols of divine judgement on Dante. Dante is not ready to find the divine light. He is still under judgement. His sins have not been dealt with and as we shall learn, only by descending to hell and rising through the mountain of purgatory will he be able to find that light as a 'saved' soul.
All three wild beasts are mentioned in the bible and used as symbols of the kind of fate that will befall the people of God as divine judgment.
In Hosea 13:4-8 God says that he will be like a lion and a leopard (and an angry mother bear!) towards his ungrateful, apostate people.
In Jeremiah 5.1-6, Jeremiah fails to find one godly (just) person in the city of Jerusalem. Failing to do so God promises that judgement will come like this:
Therefore a lion from the forest will attack them,     a wolf from the desert will ravage them, a leopard will lie in wait near their towns     to tear to pieces any who venture out, for their rebellion is great    and their backslidings many. (NIV)
If indeed the wild beasts represent the judgement of God in the Old Testament through Hosea and Jeremiah, in the New Testament they take another form entirely. And this may well have played a part in Dante’s thought. It is entirely possible that Dante is thinking of the Apostle Paul's reference to 'fighting wild beasts in Ephesus' (1 Corinthians 15.32).  Of course Paul didn't mean he actually wrestled lions and wild beasts. He meant that dealing with those who opposed him there was just like being a gladiator in the arena fighting lions and bears. And the people who opposed him were the institutions of Ephesus, the city authorities, the trade guilds, the business leaders.
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Dante the pilgrim, following in the footsteps of the Apostle struggles with his own 'wild beasts'. the wild beasts who had plotted against him, and exiled him from his native city in 1302. Dante the pilgrim walks in the footsteps of Paul. He also walks in the footsteps of Christ who was alone in the wilderness with the wild beasts for 40 days and 40 nights. Although the the original intention of the gospel writers may have been to conjure up the impression of a restored Eden, for Dante those accounts would have conjured up the idea of conflict and danger.
Like Paul and like Christ, Dante the pilgrim has to struggle with ferocious animals in his journey towards God, just as Dante the writer has had to in his journey.
Who or what then are these forces, these wild animals who prevented Dante from finding the true path? Interestingly these animals were all prized in one way or another in Dante's native Florence.
There is evidence that a leopard and a number of lions were kept and publicly displayed in cages in Florence in Dante's day near what is today the Loggia del Bigallo, as a sign of Florence's power and prestige.
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The lion was also part of Florence's coat of arms. Scholars have noted that Dante was familiar with the writings of Richard of St Victor who had associated the leopard with the sins of deceit and fraud. The lion was associated in medieval bestiaries with the sin of avarice (because of its apparently insatiable hunger) as well as with pride. These are 'civic sins' as much as personal vices.
Was it Florence's avarice and pride that was in the front of Dante the writer's mind when he described the leopard's gaudy spots and the lion with its head held high? Is it perhaps the city that had turned against Dante and thrown him out to live a life of exile that prevents the progress of the pilgrim towards paradise?
The she-wolf is the most daunting beast of all. She proceeds terrifyingly, step by step stalking forward, threatening and relentless. Dante comments:
The very sight of her so weighted me with fearfulness that I abandoned hope of ever climbing up that mountain slope. . . . I retreated down to lower ground.
Surprisingly perhaps it is the she-wolf, not the leopard or the lion that finally causes the pilgrim to despair. Wolves were considered to be symbols of fraud and deceit as well as sexual immorality and prostitution.
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In his hugely influential work The City of God, St Augustine had commented that in his time prostitutes were known as she-wolves and a brothel was known as a 'wolf den'. He suggested that this verbal link gave rise to the famous origin myth of Rome, according to which the two twins Romulus and Remus, the offspring of the god Mars and the their mother (whom he had raped) Rhea, were abandoned to die but were saved and suckled by a she-wolf. Augustine suggests that instead, they were found and fed by an unknown prostitute i.e. by a 'she-wolf'. From this play on words came the legend that it was a literal she wold who found and fed them.  In the City of God (Book 18 chapter 21) Augustine writes as follows:
“Procas ruled before Aemulius. Now Aemulius had made his brother Numitor's  daughter, named Rhea, a Vestal Virgin; she was also called Ilia, and was the mother of Romulus. The Romans wish to say that she conceived twins by Mars; for, in this way, they honoured, or excused, her unchastity. They offer as proof of this the legend that, after their exposure, the infants were suckled by a she-wolf. For they hold that this species of animal belongs to Mars; and so, therefore, the she-wolf is believed to have offered her teats to the little children because she recognised in them the sons of Mars, her master.
There is, however, no lack of people who say that, when the exposed infants lay wailing, they were first taken in by some unknown whore, and that hers were the first breasts they sucked - for ‘she wolves’ (lupae) was the name given to whores, which is why houses of ill repute are even now called ‘wolfouses’ (ilupanaria). Afterwards, it is said, they came into the care of a shepherd called Faustulus, and were nurtured by his wife Acca. And yet if, in order to convict the man who was king, and who had cruelly commanded that these infants be cast into the water, God willed to help the children through whom such a great city was to be founded, and to have them rescued from the water by His divine intervention and suckled by a wild animal: is there anything very wonderful in this? “
- Translated by W. Dyson (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
So, according to Augustine, it wouldn't be surprising if God had supplied a real she-wolf to find and feed the abandoned babies, because God is merciful and just, but in fact the stories he has heard suggest a different explanation. Namely that it was a human 'she-wolf', a whore, who had found them.  
It is also interesting that Augustine links the god Mars with the story. The wolf, he says, is one of Mars' own creatures' i.e. a beast with a special affinity to Mars. Is it relevant that the city of Florence had adopted Mars as its own patron 'star'? It may also be relevant that the name of the Guelf faction, some of whom had ordered Dante's expulsion from Florence, was linked to the German word for wolf (Welf).  Dante's enemies in Florence were 'wolves'. It seems the clue lay in the name.
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But it may not have been only Florence Dante wanted to suggest to readers' minds. In addition it seems that by the time Dante wrote the Divine Comedy the Papal Curia had adopted as its own symbol the famous statue of Romulus and Remus suckling from the mother she-wolf on the Capitoline Hill. The she-wolf was of course the defining myth of Rome’s founding. Several ancient sources refer to statues depicting the wolf suckling the twins. Livy reports in his Roman history that a statue was erected at the foot of the Palatine Hill in 295 BC. Pliny the Elder mentions the presence in the Roman Forum of a statue of a she-wolf that was "a miracle proclaimed in bronze nearby, as though she had crossed the Comitium while Attus Navius was taking the omens". Cicero also mentions a statue of the she-wolf as one of a number of sacred objects on the Capitoline that had been inauspiciously struck by lightning in 65 BC: "it was a gilt statue on the Capitol of baby being given suck from the udders of a wolf." Cicero also mentions the wolf in De Divinatione 1.20 and 2.47.
The Capitoline Wolf was widely assumed to be the very sculpture described by Cicero, due to the presence of damage to the sculpture's paw, which was believed to correspond to the lightning strike of 65 BC. The 18th-century German art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann attributed the statue to an Etruscan maker in the fifth century BC, based on how the wolf's fur was depicted. It was first attributed to the Veiian artist Vulca, who decorated the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, and then reattributed to an unknown Etruscan artist of around 480 - 470 BC.
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So for centuries The Capitoline Wolf was almost universally recognised as an Etruscan statue from the early part of the 5th century BC. It was only in 2006 that an Italian art historian and restorer, Anna Maria Carruba, published a detailed critique against the accepted view. She argued that the bronze had been cast with a method unknown in classical times, and that marks left by the artist on its surface were more typical of the Middle Ages. Barely a year later in 2007, Rome’s top archaeologist and heritage advisor,  Prof. Adriano La Regina, reported that over 20 tests using radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating don at the University of Salerno suggested that the wolf portion of the statue may have been cast between 1021 and 1153. Overnight one ancient Rome’s oldest artefacts became one of city’s youngest.
Given the pride and place of this famous statue, The Capitoline Wolf, given by the Church of Dante’s time, it adds an extra dimension to any reading Dante’s words about the she-wolf. For the wolf, the creature of Mars, the symbol of Rome and now of the church was a big thing in 13th century Italy. It is this beast that scares Dante the most, that strips away his hope and forces him to turn around.  It is this beast he says which has been ‘the despair of many’. It is not a surprise then to find that throughout the Inferno he likens various damned souls to wolves.
Again the bible may have played a part in his thinking Jesus warned his disciples to watch out for the false prophets, the wolves who come dressed in sheep's clothing. Ithink it’s too much of a stretch to say it was a direct attack on the church or the papacy of Boniface VIII but it does lend credence to the possibilities of personal corruption for those in the church who flirted with earthly temptations and sins - the very sins that destroyed souls and blocked humanity’s upward path to heavenly salvation.
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For Dante there was no distinction between the inner and the outer person or between the individual and social.  The individual did not live a life apart from his or her wider life in the state and in the church. Sin was something that affected everything and everyone. These beasts may well represent sin or vices with which Dante the writer was only too familiar in his own experience but to me it seems highly likely that they represent above all the forces he saw around him which, in his mínd, prevented people finding the beauty and love of God. The Apostle fought his wild beasts in Ephesus. Dante fought his in Florence.
The mythical figures featured in Dante’s Inferno lean on a long tradition of animals as allegory. As Dante journeys through the realms of the afterlife, these beings can lend a helping hand on the long and winding road through hell, purgatory, and heaven.  While the creatures of the Inferno intend to scare sinners straight, they themselves also suffer as the embodiment of their respective sins.
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While hell is where sinners languish, it remains a complex and captivating place. Dante filled his entire Divine Comedy with bizarre creatures from across literature, and they serve a similar purpose to any beast in a story: to distill morals or a lesson. Their presence makes the story memorable, even for modern readers like us today.
Dante’s Inferno brings readers on a journey through hell, replete with allegories from across time like sitting through a hellscape of a Schiaparelli haute couture fashion show during Paris Fashion Week. As time wears on, Inferno’s wild beasts offer captivating perspectives on our very modern sins of lust for affirmation, pride in our self-centredness, and an avarice for material comfort.
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But I don’t wish to end on a downer because Dante is not a pessimistic poet. Most readers never proceed beyond the macabre thrills of Dante’s ‘Inferno’, with its grotesquely inventive torments. Those who do ascend from the “Inferno” find some of Dante’s most lyrical verse in his ‘Purgatorio’. But it is the least-read of the three books, ‘Paradiso’, that makes sense of the other two. It shows, Dante was not just a poet of crisis, but also a poet of hope:
The ‘Divine Comedy’ is that rarest thing, an epic poem with a hopeful ending. It is about getting a second chance - and ultimately finding joy, a Christian understanding of joy in the light of God’s saving grace.
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hyperions-fate · 5 months
You may understand, therefore,
That all our knowledge shall be a dead thing from that moment on
When the door of the future is shut.
Dante, Inferno [Canto X]
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ragnahonk · 7 months
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baby i have unposted ragnahonk sketches like you wouldn’t believe
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newsintheshell · 6 months
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📢 Lo staff MAPPA di CAMPFIRE COOKING IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH MY ABSURD SKILL ha appena annunciato che la produzione di una seconda stagione della serie è stata confermata!
La prima stagione della commedia culinaria fantasy isekai, tratta dalla light novel di Ren Eguchi, è disponibile in streaming su Crunchyroll.
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dragontamereg · 2 years
RIP to every theatre teacher that wants to do a unit on Commedia Dell’arte from now on bc all they’re gonna find are fatui.
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poscia, più che ‘l dolor, potè il digiuno.
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soleberlandieri · 21 days
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Quella nostra primavera - Quella nostra primavera (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1424289558-quella-nostra-primavera?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ChiccaTiaKiki Kushina x Mikoto; KushiMiko. OS AU anni Ottanta. Dal testo: "Senti, Mikoto" appena finito il gelato, Kushina abbassa gli enormi occhi blu imbarazzata "Devo chiederti un favore. Cioè... è una stupidaggine e potresti anche prendermi in giro per il resto dei miei giorni." "A che servono le amiche?" Mikoto non perde mai l'espressione ridente "Dimmi tutto." [...] "Allora te lo ripeto, a che servono le amiche?" Kushina non ha mai visto il volto dell'amica così sereno, radioso, non riesce a staccarsi dal magnetismo degli occhi neri. Le mani di porcellana di Mikoto si allungano, afferrano lievi le sue. Kushina nota, per la prima volta, che Mikoto ha la pelle simile alla seta. Forse la detonazione che Kushina sente nel petto non è nient'altro che il vigore della primavera, il sangue le circola meglio in ogni cellula, con forza. Il cattivo umore è ormai bandito dal mondo, per sempre. I tempi bui sono passati per non tornare mai più.
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realmann1 · 29 days
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loneberry · 1 year
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--Jorge Luis Borges, on Dante's Commedia, from "Beatrice's Last Smile"
I'm obsessed with the line: "the eternal turning away of the face" -- how an omission in Longfellow's translation becomes an interpretation...
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stephpanda · 1 month
"Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza"
- Dante Alighieri, Inferno - Canto XXVI
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“E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle” (Inferno XXXIV, 139)
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thebutcher-5 · 2 months
Lupin III - Il castello di Cagliostro
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo tornati a parlare di horror e questa volta lo abbiamo fatto con un’opera originale che ai tempi venne criticata ma pian piano è diventata un vero e proprio cult per i fan dell’horror, Orphan. Kate è una donna che ha perso la sua terza figlia, nata morta. Questo evento l’ha sconvolta profondamente, facendola soffrire molto e…
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View On WordPress
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Un giocatore di baseball viene arrestato in seguito ad un eccesso di reazione mentre insegue un uomo che aveva cercato di aggredire sessualmente la sorella. Condannato a un anno entra in prigione e lì conoscerà un mondo particolare. Un drama, che fa sorridere e commuovere allo stesso tempo, imperdibile.
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✔️ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐈 ▶ https://t.co/gPAPCd3TXK
:: Trama Maschile plurale ::
Tre anni dopo la morte di Denis, l'amico che li ha uniti, Antonio e Luca incrociano di nuovo le loro esistenze. Antonio è diventato un pasticciere di successo e workaholic. Luca invece ha conosciuto Tancredi, operatore di una casa-famiglia per giovani LGBTQ+, che lo ha aiutato a superare una fase complessa della sua vita. Quando i due si ritrovano, Antonio - la cui vita sentimentale stenta a decollare - capisce di provare qualcosa di importante per Luca, e gli propone di rilevare insieme il forno di famiglia che l'amico è stato costretto a vendere. Un'avventura che ha come scopo finale la (ri)conquista di Luca. Nonostante Cristina, l'amica storica, sia scettica, Antonio tenta di sabotare la relazione di Luca, convinto che il passato sia tornato per aiutarli. Sarà davvero così? O è solo un'illusione?
Un film (in Italiano anche pellicola) è una serie di immagini che, dopo essere state registrate su uno o più supporti cinematografici e una volta proiettate su uno schermo, creano l'illusione di un'immagine in movimento.[1] Questa illusione ottica permette a colui che guarda lo schermo, nonostante siano diverse immagini che scorrono in rapida successione, di percepire un movimento continuo.
Il processo di produzione cinematografica viene considerato ad oggi sia come arte che come un settore industriale. Un film viene materialmente creato in diversi metodi: riprendendo una scena con una macchina da presa, oppure fotografando diversi disegni o modelli in miniatura utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali dell'animazione, oppure ancora utilizzando tecnologie moderne come la CGI e l'animazione al computer, o infine grazie ad una combinazione di queste tecniche.
L'immagine in movimento può eventualmente essere accompagnata dal suono. In tale caso il suono può essere registrato sul supporto cinematografico, assieme all'immagine, oppure può essere registrato, separatamente dall'immagine, su uno o più supporti fonografici.
Con la parola cinema (abbreviazione del termine inglese cinematography, "cinematografia") ci si è spesso normalmente riferiti all'attività di produzione dei film o all'arte a cui si riferisce. Ad oggi con questo termine si definisce l'arte di stimolare delle esperienze per comunicare idee, storie, percezioni, sensazioni, il bello o l'atmosfera attraverso la registrazione o il movimento programmato di immagini insieme ad altre stimolazioni sensoriali.[2]
In origine i film venivano registrati su pellicole di materiale plastico attraverso un processo fotochimico che poi, grazie ad un proiettore, si rendevano visibili su un grande schermo. Attualmente i film sono spesso concepiti in formato digitale attraverso tutto l'intero processo di produzione, distribuzione e proiezione.
Il film è un artefatto culturale creato da una specifica cultura, riflettendola e, al tempo stesso, influenzandola. È per questo motivo che il film viene considerato come un'importante forma d'arte, una fonte di intrattenimento popolare ed un potente mezzo per educare (o indottrinare) la popolazione. Il fatto che sia fruibile attraverso la vista rende questa forma d'arte una potente forma di comunicazione universale. Alcuni film sono diventati popolari in tutto il mondo grazie all'uso del doppiaggio o dei sottotitoli per tradurre i dialoghi del film stesso in lingue diverse da quella (o quelle) utilizzata nella sua produzione.
Le singole immagini che formano il film sono chiamate "fotogrammi". Durante la proiezione delle tradizionali pellicole di celluloide, un otturatore rotante muove la pellicola per posizionare ogni fotogramma nella posizione giusta per essere proiettato. Durante il processo, fra un frammento e l'altro vengono creati degli intervalli scuri, di cui però lo spettatore non nota la loro presenza per via del cosiddetto effetto della persistenza della visione: per un breve periodo di tempo l'immagine permane a livello della retina. La percezione del movimento è dovuta ad un effetto psicologico definito come "fenomeno Phi".
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