sarcasticwitness · 10 years
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As Above, So Below: Catacombs Challenge
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skinnyjeans-styles · 9 years
Tagged by the binch @sarcasticwitness 
Rules: 1) tag the person who tagged you, 2) answer the questions and tag 20 people, 3) let the tagged person know they’ve been tagged -How tall are you? 5'5" 
-What color and style is your hair? It's like light brown dirty blonde kind of and short-medium length 
-What color are your eyes? Blue 
-Do you wear glasses or contacts? Yes both 
-Do you wear braces? Nope 
-What’s your favorite fashion style? Okay this is hard because it's a mix of like all black grunge, you're neighborhood dad, thrifted like 80s-90s and modern like chic I guess? 
-When were you born? March 24th 
-Where are you from/live? New York 
-Do you have any siblings? yes 
-What kind of student are you? The one that freaks out constantly about grades and works really hard... nerd life 
-Do you like school? No it's killing me slowly 
-What are your favorite subjects? Math and science 
-What are your favorite characters? good god... Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Barry Allen, Daisy Johnson, Darlene Alderson, Sarah Manning, Octavia and Bellamy Blake, Matt Murdock, Will Gorski, Sun Bak, Cameron Goodkin, Olivia Pope, Carmilla 
-What are your favorite tv shows?
Arrow, Teen Wolf, Agents of Shield, The Flash, Daredevil, Sense8, Orphan Black, Mr. Robot, The 100, Stitchers, Chuck 
-Favorite past times? Watching TV, Photography, YouTube 
-Have any regrets? Tbh yes, but I try not to 
-Would you like to get married? Maybe someday 
-Do you like shopping? Yes!! 
-Do you want children? Idk yet 
-What countries have you visited? Canada, France, England, Bahamas, Mexico 
-What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? I used to have this reoccurring nightmare that my mom had naked mole rats stuck in her throat and it was killing her 
-Do you have any enemies? time 
-Do you believe in miracles? Not anymore really
 I tag: @honesttochuck do the thing bro Otherwise I tag anyone that wants to do this
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demaraised · 9 years
sarcasticwitness said: I approve this conversation: he does not have children, therefore he is not a dad.
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pewdieberg-blog · 10 years
6, 55 :D
6-Do you have any strange phobias?
I’m nyctophobic 
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Ahh I don’t really know, there are so many great ones, but referring to the closest incident, i would like to hug my crush again :p
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pixel-horror · 10 years
Thanks so much for introducing me to Wadanohara and the great blue sea! I saw you blogging about it, and my interest was sparked immediately. I decided to play it and I am now addicted to all the fan art and such :D Your blog is amazing, keep up the good work!
”Wadanohara and the great blue sea is a RPG Maker game,for those who started playing Wadanohara,I bet there are some scenes that has violence especially when the Sea of death arrives,download link was here”
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peeewdie · 10 years
Yay! 8k! I'm so happy for you :D
Thank you so much!:D
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sirdidigregorius · 8 years
@sarcasticwitness WHAT
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skinnyjeans-styles · 9 years
Your spam is dragging me down
you’re welcome 
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sirdidigregorius · 9 years
disgusting memer
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skinnyjeans-styles · 9 years
shoutout to mitch for tagging me as usual
Rules: tag nine followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Clara
Nickname: don’t really have one except like specific people call me certain things… Clavag or used to be Claveggieburger (sarcasticwitness •_•), Claris, Cla, Clacla, Clarini, Clay, literally random shit
Birthday: March 24
Star sign: Aries
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Sexual orientation: don’t really know tbh
Favorite color: black
Hours of sleep: ranges from 5-8
Lucky number: 8
Last thing I googled: mamrie hart snapchat…
Happy place: my room or an ice cream parlor
Number of Blankets I Sleep Under: 1
Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird or The Penderwicks
Favorite Band: okay this is hard because 1D, but also like Girlpool, Frankie Cosmos, etc. Honestly I don’t really have a favorite I like too many.
Last Film I Saw at The Cinema: Jurassic World
Dream Trip: Australia or Belize
Time right now: 9:35 am
I tag honesttochuck (your turn now!), michaelgclifflord, laurencan, wecouldbemarried, hazcurls As usual you guys don’t have to do this, except you izzy.
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skinnyjeans-styles · 9 years
I was tagged by the noob sarcasticwitness
1. Write your name in song titles

Cherry Picking by Girlpool Leonie by Frankie Cosmos Angeles by Elliot Smith Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac Always Like This by Bombay Bicycle Club
2. Why did you choose your url?

just look at those thighs
3. What’s your middle name?

it starts with a g. try to guess if you want to find out.
4. If you could be a fictional/fairy tale being, what would you be?
This is really hard because so many things. Probably like some sort of superhero or a vampire (yes I know that seems stupid).
5. What’s your favorite colour?

6. What’s your favorite song?

I really don’t have a favorite favorite song, but I guess like at the moment my favorites are Weight in Gold by Gallant, School by Frankie Cosmos, Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms and Emily by Girlpool
7. Top three fandoms?

one direction, arrow, marvel
8. Why do you like Tumblr?

it’s one of the only places I get to talk about/see the things I love on a daily basis
9. Tag 9 people: I don’t really have 9 but…
(you guys don't have to do this unless you want to)
honesttochuck (now you're tagged twice so you really have to do it)
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sirdidigregorius · 9 years
Dear Michela ur meme lord
dear michela
u fkn memer/mabel thief
anyway im really glad we became buds this year in english bc u are rad af even tho u are really weird. our sleepover was very fun and imo we should do that again sometime
thenk u for getting me into animal crossing i am obsessed
ilu a lot u memer
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sirdidigregorius · 9 years
"no i don't mean her butt is up her shorts" having a great time with sarcasticwitness
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sarcasticwitness · 9 years
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Sarcasticwitness’ Follow Forever
I’ve decided to do another Follow Forever because I haven’t done one in a while and I just felt a lot of love for the blogs that I follow. So without further adieu, here are the blogs that I’ve been loving at the moment: Fuck Boys | cruaotic | dominicdwyer | honesttochuck | skinnyjeans-styles | suburrban | a-f | adoremarzia | ah-gavin | animmalcrossing | badgersinbowties | blahthers | duckpewds | everydaywithpewdiepie | faffywaffleo | fuckboymcscouty | fyeahwadanohara | g-m | gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavin | hawull | hi-pewds | hoodiehowell | ibsexual | jesuschristryan | jvgsjeff | kjellbergpie | marziahungary | melon-chair | mylifeisroosterteeth | mytoecold | p | p-ewdie | partypewds | peeewdie | pewdellia | pewdiepie-br0fist | pewdiepie-thekillers | pewdiepievevo | pewdsdiepie-kuri | piediepew13 | project-marzipan | r-t | raayyyylmao | rachelwhitehurst | ryanismyfave | shimodas | sillftw | sleeplessvillages | superbroarmy | suprmaryface | teasemynutt | thepixelhorrorprincess |
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sarcasticwitness · 9 years
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BACON TOOTHPASTE?! (5 Weird Stuff Online) + LootCrate
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skinnyjeans-styles · 9 years
L, M, N, O, P
L- laughing….. what a cheese face
M- Michela ;) (@sarcasticwitness)
N- night time
O- oranges tbh
P- pizza
Put a letter from A-Z in my ask and I’ll tell you 1 thing I love which starts with that letter.
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