#sasha nikolaeva
ton-e · 4 years
You know might fuck around and write a small town AU for recreational ballerina dancer Talia finding herself in this small cozy town in the middle of nowhere because Barnes and Romanoff insisted she's been "toxically limited her own existence to one of a work horse" and "forgetting the joys of living for something extending beyond the border of work"
She accepts bc her gremlins put the puppy faces on. Also, because Niss' parent glare is scary
Enter lumberjack Masters, towns painfully shy and quiet vet who always feeds the robins and sparrows flying by the rented cabin Talia's staying at. Meet cute WHEN
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sickymag-archive · 5 years
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TEXTURES for sickymag.com
Photography Katya Knyazieva Fashion Christina Verecundx Models Lidya Kochieva and Sasha Sky from Avant Models Agency Hair Tatyana Kaya Make-Up Nastya Tenderova Fashion Assistant Elena Nikolaeva
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persinsala · 5 years
Marjorie Prime
Un senso di profonda inquietudine rimane nello spettatore alla chiusura del sipario su Marjorie Prime, pièce suggestiva e delicata, scritta dal finalista al Premio Pulitzer nel 2015 Jordan Harrison, in scena al Teatro Franco Parenti per la regia di Raphael Tobia Vogel. (more…)
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irfan-things · 7 years
Balance (Feet), task #3 from Anastasia Nikolaeva (Popova) on Vimeo.
Task #3, Sasha Dorogov's animation school (Sasha Dorogov worked at Disney, 1992-2003)
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ton-e · 4 years
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Firefly storyline + Russian main characters
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ton-e · 4 years
Lol ok so I didn't wanna do aesthetics so I wanna brainstorm possible scenes instead
Ok so the premise is, basically, Viktor, an aspiring kid looking to enter this straining affair of the boxing world. He's young and impressionable and he's got something to say. Something that old underground New York pubs and junior gyms don't provide enough eco for.
Barnes, a big shot star in the 80s, is pretty much known as the best of the best there, holding the impressive score of 34-1. (Tho I don't know if it can count as a victory since he wasn't even there for the fight, anyway) but after a near fatal shooting which happened right before his big championship match with Rollins, a bullet piercing his right shoulder which leads to the amputation of his limb, he dissapears into the shadows. The world moves on.
I like the idea of Barnes being trained by Mary who was in his exact same spot years ago but had to give up her career to have Anthony which she doesn't regret! Between her heart problems and the growing annoyance of public attention, a baby is practically a blessing and if it puts Jarvis and Howie to rest then it's a bonus. (I also kind of like the idea of her having only losing once and it was against Maria lol)
And maybe Viktor goes to her first but, while she does seem fond, like she's looking at an old memory twice, she refuses. "Kid, I'm gonna tell you exactly what I told my old pain in the ass when he stood in your spot: I can't."
"Because us Carbonells train to kill, not fight. Alright, what you think boxing is, - this cookie-cutter bullshit version you kids have today? The civilized conversation, the heavy editing, the contracts promising defenses, - that doesn't mean shit. Apollo Creed had a contract.
Muhammed Ali had a contract. So did Jimmy Doyle, Frankie Cambell, and Brad Connels. A sheet of paper can't protect you from the ring, and I'm not having another kid on my conscience. Besides, these guys? They have purpose. Whether it's money, or sport, or just to chase the high - they have it. You just want the glory."
"Yeah? So what?" So what if he wants to be seen? So what if he's doing all of this hoping to impress? So what if he has to prove he's worth someone's time. "If I die I die. Big deal."
For some reason, he wants to both cry and retaliate at the look of pity that crosses her face. "Go home, kid. You're gonna break your momma's heart." Are his last words to him before she closes the door.
In a Viktor fashion, he does the exact opposite.
He likes the street fighting, - the vibrations under his fists, the crack of his bones, the violent taste of crimson metal blossoming in his mouth, it's liberating. He doesn't think about anything. It's just him and his adversary, not an enemy, just someone seeing him as Viktor sees them. That rush could ruin a man.
It doesn't hurt he's making pocket money on the side, either. Certainly better than watching some snotty kids or mowing laws, in his book.
No, what kind of hurts is seeing the sharp scrutiny in Aleksei's sharp eye and the soft disappointment uncovering Ryurik's Dad Stare when they come pick him up from the station.
He and his mother are alike a lot in that aspect, - really he's pretty sure the five, Sasha and him have had an agreement to collectively throw themselves off a cliff if they disappointed Ryurik in some way. A broken arm, bruised ribs, and black eye? Pale in comparison to what Ryurik's power really holds.
I refuse to believe Aleksei doesn't freely parent other people's kids sksk Aleksei only stops scolding him when a police officer says ''He's going to spend the first part of his life in the streets, and the other in the grave. I put my life on it." Well a certain fashion teacher is gonna design the outfit for your funeral BITCH-
"You're so damn lucky Talusha was busy digging her medicure through someone's intestines right now. Do you even know how bad you look right now? Of the mountain of trouble you're into? Are you? Viktor Iosef Novak, you look at me when I'm talking to you, -"
"Relax, relax, take it down to a two, " Viktor pushes back a laugh watching Ryurik placate his husband bc it's just cute, and ignores the shush river of Russian pet names bc they're not for him to hear. It makes him feel vulnerable tho, that Ryurik feels the need to somehow hold Aleksei back. He can take the heat just fine.
He can take it and give it just as good, because every battle he's been into before has been on his own name. But this is harder because it was never a fight, to begin with.
Fighting is easy. Stopping is harder.
It doesn't stop feeling bad when Sasha bandages his wounds and his back doesn't cool town from the target five pair of eyes fixate on. Yasha's burn the hardest thought. "The fuck you looking at?" He playfully glares, the good part of his shoulder bumping against the other boy's, who tries to small but it lifts with a strain.
"An idiot."
"Are you looking for a mirror?"
"Fuck you, Vitya."
"Hard pass."
"Okay, Viktor you're not getting away that easy, " Ronin says, arms still bound tightly around Antoska's slender shoulders and Sasha's frail middle. Despite his easy going tone, Viktor uncovers the touch of concern underneath. "Why can't you just ask your mom to teach you? Or Papa? I mean, you want to be on a knuckle sandwich diet be my guest, but it's not really good for digestion from what I hear."
"It's not the same. Your father knows another kind of style."
'He doesn't want to learn from mom and uncle Ryurik because she's a girl,' Sasha signes irritably, eyes making an impressive tumble. 'My brother, the 14 year old, making sexist comment. What a never heard of fact.'
"I didn't say that!" He exclaims, flushed. Hissing when Natalia kicks him in the tender bruise he sports on his hip. "I just said, that I want to learn boxing! And that's not the same thing as what Ma does, or you guys do. Boxing is special. But if I can't learn from Barnes specifically, then there's no point!"
The red head huffs in indignation. "Okay, so, boo hoo, some washed-up Rocky Balboa doesn't want to train you. You have options, V. People give up over worse."
He doesn't feel like being home anymore, so he flees, the call outs to his name going ignored. in the street or just outside, he doesn't know. He just knows red follows him, that concrete shakes under the stomp of his heel and that the wetness on his cheeks freezes on his face. No one gets it, no one gets HIM. It hurts, that a part of him, the part that tells him he's worthless and insignificant and forgetful , really does think Barnes has better things to do than train him.
A sleek car, long, vintage, a touch too expensive for the streets he's haunting right now, stops beside him. He continues. It follows him, engines unusually quiet.
"Mr. Novak?" A deep voice, subdued, but persuasive nonethelesss coerces him into stopping. The windows roll down, revealing a man with a smile too friendly to be true and eyes too kind to be nondeceiving. "My name is Alexander Pierce. And I happen to have an irresistible offer."
"It's in the process of extension, " Pierce expresses later, as he leads Viktor through the underground fighting bar. Its practically a huge stadium in a molehill and his mind struggles to compute how Pierce pulled it off. "I'm looking for capable young talents to craft into tomorrow's brightest stars. I'm assuming you've heard of Rumlow before?"
"Crossbones? 23-2? Yeah, I heard. He's currently heavyweight champ, right?" Barnes should have been, he wants to say, but reading the room better he thinks against it. "I don't... Actually think I've seen him around much. Maybe since '98, but that's his most recent match. What's ... Up with that?"
"He's kept that belt around him for closer than two decades. Id say its time for some adjuments in the records, don't you agree?" He doesn't like it when Pierce smiles. Bad things happen when he smiles, of that Viktor is certain. "That being said. I think you could be our following breakthrough. What do you say? I'd love to see a performance. "
"I'd be surprised if you guys had a Juniors league." He snorts, expecting a smart retort, but all he gets is a sinister grin. All of a sudden he's in the ring, without even noticing he was moved, and before him stands a beast of a man, two heads taller and promise of pain in his eyes. "... What juice do you give this kid?"
"You're charismatic. You'll need that in this world. He's your adversary for tonight. I'd suggest an old fashioned glove bump for the sake of sport, but, seeing as you're barehanded id advise against it. "
"You can't do that, " nervousness bubbles in his throat. "That's against the rules. I can't fight like that."
"Oh! Don't worry. You don't have to fight. You just have to die."
The last time Rumlow sees Barnes is on a stretcher, arm bathed in blood and with the press around an ambulance.
He doesn't know what they were. Fuck buddies to almost friends to friends with benefits? He doesn't know what he had, but he knows he lost it. All he has is a sheet of paper with scratched blue ink, digits that no longer call, and some gold on leather.
"You should treat that belt with more respect. " Rollins scolds him. Rumlow uses it as feet rest next, and doesn't flinch at the sharp slap he receives. Instead, he smiles mockingly, lower lip sticking out in a tempting pout.
"Hit a bit harder next time and maybe it'll be half close to how Barnes used to do it. Just because it felt good with him doesn't mean you'll receive the same response." The pout slips into a smile that drinks into the frustration sizzling around the air. "Besides, I don't listen to cowards, Jackie. Thought we established that."
"Oh, please. Are you ever going to let that go? I ain't gonna repeat it a thousand times till you get It through that hard head of yours, but I didn't shoot your boy toy."
'' I didn't say you shot him. Pussy like yourself, I'm thinking you hired someone. Why did you do it? Hm? Were you that scared to fight him that you wanted to kill him? Hell, I don't blame you. Man sprints like Ali and serves like Creed. "
It's Jack's turn to return that grin, that fucking blood-curling grin. " Used to, for sure. Remember when he fucked up your pretty face in '84. Now? He's a street rat barely getting by, sniffing after junk and scraps just to stay alive. Must be hard to think about, I guess, that he used to give it so good and now he can't even hold you, can't he? Not with his cripple self. "
The beer can in Rumlow's hand spills over. Neither comment. "I ain't afraid of no half-man, Brocky, " Honey-sweet words make him sick. He wants to kick Jack out, but they both know he won't stay away, and that Rumlow won't keep him away. He's too dependent on him at this point. "And not stupid enough to think he's coming back."
"... You're right. You're not afraid to fight him. You've got a lot of words worth to point the finger at, but chicken shit? Ain't one of them. You know what I think?" Rumlow sits back, smirk wide and nasty, contradicting the sadness on his tongue, the venom, the tired. " I think you were afraid to be him. That he just? Didn't give a shit. Just like I did. That he could fuck me whenever and wherever he damn well pleased without giving a shit about who had something to say about it.
You were afraid I'd say something about you, even if we both damn well know that never happened, that he found out. I think you were terrified he was gonna tell the world Jack Rollins was a faggot just like his daddy."
He can't snapshot the moment his body makes contact to the floor. He doesn't count the punches either, letting them numb over his face, no longer present for the beating. At around one point, his neck snaps to the TV screen, in sync with Jack ceasing his onslaught, and his eyeballs follow his stunned gaze.
Rumlow can recall the time Barnes lost his right hand.
And he'll brain engrave the image of him kncoking some goon out with his left.
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ton-e · 4 years
So I messed around with memes aND-
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ton-e · 4 years
Ok small headcanons/ideas for the Firefly Fam just BECAUSE I love Niss lol
Talia made Niss when she was around 12?? . Everyone speculates his "Portrait", aka the visual coverage for his design was meant to mimic Dimitri, her biological father, yet Katya immediately demolishes those rumors saying Dimitri would've been blessed to look that good jxjxj
Growing up, the only toy Katya ever owned was a wooden soldier meant to represent the Prince from the Nutcracker. It had a chopped arm because she had to use it as a firetool on a particular chilly night when she misbehave and the poorhouse she was staying at refused to let her sleep there, so they'd let her in the cold. She gave it to Talia on her 1st birthday and she still has it in the old penthouse she and Katya used to reside before
She modeled Niss after READING the Nutcracker and imagined how the Prince would look like in real life :>
Talia's been called "Madame" ever since she was a little kid by him but whenever Madame waited to be addressed the same, he claimed his system didn't allow it to. Truly, "his sensors just don't take kindly to her, that's all"
"Miss Volkov, Miss Romanoff, " were at first very formal but with time they could see Niss didn't actually actually put much value on things as porperness when being in the vicinity of people he liked, but he uses the titles as pet names. Hd only ever used their first names when they got scoldings
Sasha and Viktor are "Little Miss/ Mister :>"
Masters went to get his blessings too when it's been announced him and Talia were selected for marriage, and although somehow gentler, Niss by no means pulled his punches in letting him know there was no way she will partake in that. Truly, he'd step in the ashes of this system before he let that happen
Niss' eye color changes depending on his body state!! Red means angry, blue means sad/hurt, orange is for sassy/smug, pink is love, yellow is happiness, green is for content/peaceful, purple means annoyed, and brown/dark means dead
Niss is ambidextrous and twin swords are his preferred weapons
Talia has a huge sweet tooth and keeps stashes of little chocolates/lawbreakers, and gummy bears in her uniform. When she offered one to Jane she fainted bc Wow pretty woman give Candy sjsjsj
Maxim has a hit list of all his former handlers, but only the name of his first mission is remembered by tattoo. His name was Fabio, a single father who had accidentally walked in on the KBG intimidating an enemy in an open street and reported it to the police. It's on his spine, in lean gothic letters, and he says it's the name of a past lover to avoid suspicion.
Masters can't remember his first mission, and Maxim refused to tell when they were young to avoid the heart crushing guilt a person, because kids they were not, shouldn't bear so he looked on his own. His name was Andrei. He was caught in the crossfire when walking back home from kindergarten.
He can't remember his parents either, but he's actually grateful for that. Because "I don't know which ones worse. The thought of them leaving me in that life, or... Them not being here because of Me, and I can't remember."
Talia loves food but she's an absolute shit cook, everyone eats her food because they're polite but that's it SJSJSJ
Masters wears only flannel
Maxim is very educated in history and wanted to be a schoolar when he grew up.
Javi loves cats while Jimmy prefers dogs. They're such a functional couple that's what most of their fights are about sksksk
Masters is a huge fan of romance movies because he fell in love with love young. Maxim enjoys foreign dramas, movies, and documentaries while Talia really likes cartoons and superhero movies!! Every once in a while she'd sneak in the kids room to have a marathon with them despite them being half asleep and groaning SJSJSJ Sonya prefers books :>
Viktor and Barnes build Viktors field motorcycle together. His most prized possession is a polar photo of Barnes ruffling his oil smudged hair and both of their broad smiles, rare and bright, on full display.
Sasha stole Barnes' old dog tags from Pierces office where he either kept them as a victory trophy, or an examples of the finest spoils of war. She always has them in her pocket, but, when the final battle comes, she gives them to Phil (bc yes he'll have a cameo sjsjs) saying that if they get captured or killed, she doesn't want her father's past to be in their hands again
A lot of people say thought not genetically related, Viktor inherited Talia's temperament and Barnes' resilience. Sasha, on the other hand, has a very young maturity that mirrored Talia at her age and discipline they can only see in Barnes. On the other hand, Viktor is very patient and willing to amend the wrongs he may have done and Sasha can be very stubborn and has a stone will that can backfire
Team game nights are mandatory and they end up in shouting, people being sent in the corner, thirsty hours and angst and more sksks
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ton-e · 4 years
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You see? Even Death has a heart
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ton-e · 4 years
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They take every chance to both flirt and gross out the kids
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ton-e · 4 years
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Ricky after Elyas convinced White to make him and Ruby cover ups cops
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I humbly bring you,,,, memes (Pt1)
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ton-e · 4 years
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"Dads give dumb nicknames. It's The code."
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ton-e · 4 years
So I have no idea if I talked a out this yet but WOW, the parallel behind Ricky shooting Viktor in his right shoulder and him falling in water,,, bro I'm not okay--
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ton-e · 4 years
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They have the most realistic family dynamics tbh
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ton-e · 4 years
No, but it's IMMENSELY funny to me to imagine everyone looking at ray of sunshine Javi and then at Matias. They're basically two water drops of the same storm, with their identical unruly curls and kind nature and just!! Good!!
Then IMMEDIATELY be floored by how much of a gangster this kid is??? How much of a hustle?? How much of a goblin? The chaotic, unknown energy around him is off the charts and it catches everyone off guard including Javi himself.
Javi: I!! Cannot!! Kill the Skrulls! They may be aliens but they're living, breathing things. Matias would look at me like I'm a monster afterwards-
Matias (in the one scene I WILL make), picking up a knife after a skrull with his father's face came into his house: Let's play a guessing game. What looks green... Sounds stupid... And ain't gonna wake up in the morning :)
Javi and everyone else (except for Max bc he likes that shit):
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ton-e · 4 years
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White hums silkily , lines of her mouth rasing in a sketching grin."Sounds like a dream."
"Most impossible things do."
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