#sat next to me at Sunday Mass so that our arms were touching and sang in his perfect soft bass (the sexiest thing a man can do)
francesderwent · 9 months
incredibly sexy things my boyfriend has done lately:
snatched my little niece out of the path of a door that would have opened smack into her head
remembered which Wimsey books I was missing from my collection and got me one of my favorites as a gift
whilst looking at my parents’ wedding photo album said “oh you guys got married at the cathedral? I didn’t know that” in a tone that secretly meant “we’re gonna get married at the cathedral”
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codyfernaesthetic · 6 years
Unholy: The Wolf’s Invitation
Summary: Father Langdon invites Mallory to finish what they started.
Warnings: Harsh, explicit language, blasphemous situation(?)
Author’s note: Surprise suckers, it’s a three parter! I want the...consummation to be perfect. Enjoy!
Mallory had never felt more out of place than at Mass the following Sunday from her sinful encounter at confession. Every utterance of holy Scripture burned on her tongue, the wine of communion was souring in her stomach. Even her outfit, a draped white blouse and black skirt with heels felt more scandalous today despite wearing it hundreds of times before. She sat at the end of her usual pew, legs pressed together tightly and hands folded demurely in front of her. Her eyes darted everywhere, terrified that somehow the other congregants could read her mind; because all she could think about was Father Langdon’s dulcet voice as he uttered deliciously sinful words right inside the four walls of the holy of holies. Without a single touch, he’d ravaged her so completely. The hymns she sang erupted from constricted breath as she imagined him slipping his elegant fingers between her legs and bringing her to ungodly bliss. She felt hot to the touch beneath the glass stares of saints and angels. 
She was thankful another priest delivered the sermon today; grateful how utterly boring he was, how completely dispassionate. One of Langdon’s beautiful orations would have been a detriment to her ability to stay calm. When the service ended, she gathered her purse and rushed towards the exit, desperate to feel the chilly winter breeze.
The voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Always a pleasure to see you,” Langdon commented sincerely, walking up to her with his hand outstretched for a friendly greeting.
She didn’t accept it, and words spilled out of her mouth hastily, “Father Langdon, I want to apologize for what happened at my confession. I should not have let myself give into temptation so eagerly, and in my sin I led you astray. I pray you can forgive me.”
He cocked his head, offering her a playful smile and sympathetic eyes, “Oh, Mallory, there’s nothing to forgive.”
Her lips parted in surprise, “But…”
He motioned for her to walk with him a bit farther away from the exiting crowd, which she did reluctantly.
“Human nature is such a fickle beast. If you tell it not to do something, it desires it all the more. The fruit never looked so appetizing until it was forbidden,” he looked at her, “Have you ever read Oscar Wilde, Mallory?” She shook her head. “Brilliant writer,” they stopped, their eyes meeting, “Perhaps my most favorite quote from him is, “The only way to get rid of temptation, is to yield to it.” I must confess that quote alone influences more of my theology than some parts of Scripture,” he admitted sheepishly before giving a wink, “But that can be our little secret.”
Heat bloomed in her chest, “I’m afraid I don’t really understand.”
He spoke with his hand, the member gliding gracefully through the air, “Consider what happened at your confession as an extreme form of penance. Getting the sin out of your system, freeing the mind,” he smiled, “As long as it is taboo, it dominates your mind, but when you are allowed expression, you dominate it.”
As irregular as it was, Mallory took some comfort in the holy man’s explanation. Though, the ugly head of jealousy peeked through as she thought of anyone else being “helped” by him.
“Has your extreme form of penance worked before?”
His eyes lazily rolled over her figure, smile turning impish, “Are you asking whether or not I’ve made other congregates cum like you?”
Hearing him say it aloud, even so intimately quiet, caused familiar panic to jolt through her; along with a sharp pang of desire.
“No,” he chuckled, “My methods would have me removed from the Church.”
Confused, she tucked her hair behind her ear, “Then why...?”
“Why you?” He finished for her, gazing at her with an admiring look, “You’re different, Mallory. There’s an aura about you, I don’t see any pretense in your faith. You’re...genuine,” he stepped closer, sending a trail of goosebumps down her spine, “Hypocrisy is such a rampant plague among the faithful. In you I see the true image of God. Divinity given human hands.”
She blushed further, if it were possible, “I’ve never seen myself as anything special like that.”
His took her hand between his, The comforting warmth intoxicating.
“Then you do your Creator a great disservice, for he made you with a crown upon your head.”
He looked away for the first time, as if embarrassed, “And, well, I was also purging my own sins in that confessional.”
Her heart jumped.
“I didn’t think you thought of me in that way.”
He laughed, low and gentle, “I’ve thought of you in every way, Mallory.”
She had a flashing thought of him with her pinned against the pew, but threw it away.
“And if you are willing,” he continued, letting go of her hand, leaving a trace of abandonment,”I’d like to make good on my offer for us to discuss this in more detail.”
Her mind demanded she say no. What kind of woman was she to be alone with the priest she lusted over?
“How so?”
He held his hands behind him, “Are you free on Friday night by any chance?” She knew it was the decent thing to say no, “Yes, I am.”
“How about dinner at around 6-6:30? I promise I’m just as good a cook as I am a preacher.” She nodded, “That sounds great.”
He looked so pleased, “Wonderful, let me tell you my address.”
She stared at herself in the mirror of her bathroom for an hour; her makeup, her dress, her hair, even practicing how she would say hello.
“Good evening, Father,” she smiled at her reflection before shaking her head. Too formal.
She gave a toothy grin, nearly bouncing on her heels, “Hi! Thanks for inviting me.” She groaned, cringing. Too peppy.
She took in a deep breath and said pleasantly, “Hi, Father Langdon. Thank you for inviting me.”
She sighed, frustrated with herself, and shut off the light, heading into her room. She grabbed her purse and keys, taking one last glance in the mirror before leaving.
She didn’t know what to expect his house to look like, but it didn’t come as a surprise as she pulled into the driveway.
It was a modern Victorian home, painted black. A small garage sat adjacent to a set of stairs leading to the door underneath an archway. Three windows gazed over the garage in a semicircle overlook, the blinds closed. It wasn’t gaudy in any way, but it was most certainly gothic set against the starry sky.
She locked her car and cautiously mounted the steps, ringing the silver button doorbell; a pleasant chime emanating from inside.
After a few moments, the door opened; Father Langdon’s gracious tone welcoming her.
“Hello, Mallory.”
He was everything she expected from the feet up, black boots and pants; but it shifted once her eyes drawn up. He wore a black shirt, sleeves reaching to his wrists, a normal solid collar around his neck, but his shoulders and collar bones were exposed through mesh, stopping just above his chest. His smile was genuine, under eyes framed in black eyeshadow. He was a vision of something so feminine, yet radiating with power. She was hit with a bout of shock. A strange feeling formed in her chest, confusion, desire, fear all swirling together.
She mumbled a hello under her breath.
“I’m so glad to see you.”
She managed a squeaky, “You too.”
He stepped back, extending his arm, “Please come in.”
She noted the large square ring on his middle finger as she stepped inside the little parlor. Cylindrical lights hung from the ceiling bathing the cream walls in a gentle hue; an ornate black staircase leading to the second floor.
“You look beautiful,” he commented looking over her simple dress.
She breathed for what felt like the first time since seeing him, “Thank you. You look...different.”
He chuckled, “I like playing with expectations,” he quirked an eyebrow, “Do you like it?”
She gulped, “I do, it looks…” she held herself back from saying ‘sexy’, “Good.”
He smirked, as if reading her thoughts, and invited her to the dining room.
Dinner went by normally. They talked about life. How Mallory was fairing in her senior year of college, how her family was doing back in Georgia, etc. He never went into too much detail about himself, even when she would ask. He only told her that he had moved to the city after his ailing grandmother died and that he’d been a minister for five years. Nothing else, he was strangely guarded for how sociable she  knew him to be at the Cathedral.
Afterward, they’d moved to a small sitting room, where he poured two glasses of wine. He handed her the glass and settled into the leather chair, taking a sip, “So, tell me, if we may get down to business, pardon the expression,” he laughed, “what attracts you to me?”
She stopped her lips parted over the rim of her glass.
He grinned sympathetically, “Come on, there really is no point in being coy about it. And that is why we’re here,” he sipped before setting it on a small table next to him, “To exorcise your demons, so to speak.”
She swallowed a too big gulp of the wine before nervously fingering the stem, “You’re...very attractive, charismatic, charming,” she glanced up at him, “you command a room.”
He hummed, intertwining his fingers, “Have you often had attractions to authority figures in your life?”
She thought of her youth minister back in 9th grade. He was a cute, recent seminary graduate; she became his favorite student to gain his attention. Guys her age just didn’t appeal to her all that much.
“Do you like being dominated?”
He asked it so brazenly, it hit her like a slap to the face. She shrugged, stuttering, “I...I guess I have a proclivity to...follow the rules.”
His voice became a commanding growl, his controlled expression never shifting, “That’s not what I asked.”
Heavy heat settled between her legs at his tone; she yipped a response, like following an order, “I like the idea of it.”
His hand rested under his chin, his eyes burning with curiosity, “Why? Is it being helpless?”
She shook her head, her voice maintaining a tinny as she confessed, “Not helpless. Just the idea of being corrupted,” she looked him in the eyes, “Of an attractive older man taking an innocent and dirtying her up. Letting go of certain standards that keep me so rigid.”
A low, pleased note rumbled behind his smirk, “Are you a virgin, Mallory?”
She cleared her throat, “Technically I suppose, I’ve never been...penetrated.” Her face was red, “I let one guy finger me, but it was kinda uncomfortable.”
He tilted his head, waiting for her to explain.
“Like, he was kinda rough and he sorta blamed me for not cumming.”
That made his lip curl into a snarl, “What a stupid, useless boy.”
Her pulse was pounding in her ears, breathing becoming shallow. He remained a vision of calm confidence.
He gripped both arms of his chair, leaning closer, something dark coloring his eyes, “What makes you wet?”
A spear of cold shock and yearning pierced her core, “I’m sorry?”
His smile grew, slightly shaking his head, as if at a young child’s antics. He leaned back, looking like a king on his throne, “What makes,” his tone was languid, “your gorgeous little pussy hungry for a big cock to pin you down and own you?”
She released an audible gasp, her body trembling. She swallowed hard, “What you just said.”
He nodded, “Dirty words. What else?”
She felt entranced, his icy eyes stripping away her inhibitions, “Things that are forbidden, things that would make me seem like a whore.”
“Hmmm…” He bit his lower lip, moving his hand; his fingers practically danced from his chest to just above his belt, “It’s quite forbidden for anyone, let alone a priest, to touch themselves while another looks on.”
She watched his hand glide to his crotch, palming the growing bulge. She licked her lips at his tiny groans of pleasure as he played; his knuckles were white, gripping the leather, “Do you like that?”
She nodded, a bit too eagerly. He giggled, a breathy evil sound, “What’s the dirtiest thing you can think to do right now?”
Her voice was thick, “Crawl on my hands and knees and grind on your cock.”
He let out another chuckle as he bit his lip again, his hand palming the black fabric of his pants faster, needing more friction, “You naughty little sinner, wanting to seduce a man of the cloth like that,” he sneered, “Shame on you.”
She set her glass on a counter, dropping to her knees and crawled to him slowly, her eyes wide and reverent. He held out his hand to beckon her, and she sat on his lap; releasing a choked moan as his bulge bucked against her wet slit through her panties. Her hips rocked slowly, earning her a needy groan from him; his hands grabbing her ass, “Oh, temptress, what man beset by you could resist?”
He pulled her closer, making her move a little faster. His lips left wet kisses on her neck. She smelled like citrus, her skin soft and flushed under the attention of his mouth.
“The things I want to do to you,” he growled.
His tongue licked a stripe from the curve of her neck to her ear, softly biting it, “Will you let me purge you, Mallory? Will you let me cleanse you of all these filthy lusts?”
Her hands clutched his shirt, her head thrown back; she intended to grind out every frustrating urge he made her feel. Without warning, his hand was at her throat; gripping just tight enough to cause her eyes to be taken over by fear, then lust.
“You’re such a pretty little lamb,” he muttered, his other hand sliding up Her body to cup her breast, “straying from the flock of the faithful to play with the wolves,” he chuckled, rubbing his thumb over the now hardened nipple through the dress fabric, “Such a bad little saint. But you crave the wolf, don’t you?”
His lips hovered just above hers, “You want to feel that wild, uncontrollable passion, you want to be left gasping, aching, the wolf’s fang marks left in your skin. So when your good shepherd finds you, you’ve been dirtied, defiled,” he tightened his grasp, “claimed.”
She moved her hand to brush over his clothed cock. He wrenched her closer, their warm breath passing between them, “And even when you’re back safe and sound in your little pen, you’ll be thinking about the wolf and how fucking good he felt. Because no one has ever touched you like he did.”
She looked like a frightened deer, doe eyes filled with desire.
“Get on the floor.”
She slipped off of him, her bare knees hitting the carpet.
“Take out my cock,” he commanded.
She undid his belt and pulled down his pants, freeing him. Hunger overtook her as she wrapped her lips around the head, sucking gently.
He gasped, “Eager little slut.”
She massaged his balls, taking more of him into her mouth. He groaned, fingers threading through her hair. She gripped his thighs, gagging as he hit the back of her throat. He moaned and began to roll his hips, fucking his cock in and out of her mouth. Drool poured down his shaft as she moaned gargled noises around his thickness. Tears pricked at her eyes as she pulled back, his dick making a wet pop as it exited her mouth; a strand of saliva still connecting her bottom lip to his head, now red and leaking.
He caressed her cheek, as she dragged her tongue over each ridge, lapping up his precum.
“Come here,” his raspy voice told her.
She propped herself on his knees, her eyes falling to his full, beautiful lips. He tipped her chin with his forefinger, “Oh, would you like a kiss?”
She responded quietly, “Please?”
He cupped the back of her head, bringing their foreheads together, their lips centimeters apart, “How adorable, my little lamb,” he tugged a fistful of her hair, “Maybe once you’ve earned it.”
His gaze focused on her glossy mouth, “Although,” he leaned in to graze her bottom lip with his tongue, “I’d love to taste your adoration for my big cock in your pretty mouth.”
He pulled back with a tiny smirk, “But patience is a virtue.”
He delivered a swift, hard slap to her ass, her tiny yelp making his cock jerk.
“Follow me.”
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tricksters-captain · 7 years
FP Jones/Andrews family/Riverdale imagines - Oh Dear Part 8
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AN: I haven't completely proof read this so if there are any mistakes I’m sorry. 
(Part One)(Part Two)(Part Three)(Part Four)(Part Five)(Part Six)(Part Seven)
Overall Summary: You’re Archie’s old sister and you have a thing for a certain serpent
Pairing: Reader x FP Jones, Sister!Reader x Archie Andrews, Daughter!Reader x Fred Andrews
Word count: 3,973
Warnings: Well, FP is clearly older than the reader in this fic,
After the extra cheer practise on Sunday, you drove to the trailer park. You figured you had to see FP again after what happened yesterday just to make sure what happened actually happened.
“Back so soon?” FP teased you as he opened the door, he didn’t seem surprised by your visit. You had called him yesterday and told him you couldn’t stay there that night but he did expect you to come back round sooner than later. 
“I, um, I got bored?” You shrugged your shoulders, you didn’t want to say the real reason for your visit, it would just be like ‘Hey FP, just popping in to make sure we actually made out on your couch and I didn’t just dream it’
You noticed FP check out your gym kit, forgetting that you didn’t change from the yellow and white jersey and tight black shorts.
“Cheer practise.” You told him, entering the trailer as he stepped back to invite you in.
“On a Sunday?” FP cocked his brow at you.
“It’s the homecoming game this week, we have to be ‘perfect’.” You explained, mimicking exactly what Cheryl had said to you earlier that day.
“Oh yeah? Maybe I’ll come along.” FP suggested, not entirely seriously, as he entered the kitchen. You immediately noticed the paint bucket and brushes on the side.
“Now I’d pay to see that.” You smirked at the older man, FP rolled his eyes and chuckled at you. You watched him pick up the paint brush and start painting the kitchen wall. 
“Speaking of homecoming, are you coming? It’s the reunion.” You asked, you knew that those kind of things weren’t exactly FP’s scene but you had some hope that he might come.
“Me at Homecoming? Nah, people wouldn’t want me there. Anyways, it’s not exactly my crowd.” FP told you,
“The Whyte Wyrm wasn’t my scene but I still decided to show my face.” You tried to persuade the man,
“That was on your own accord, and who cares, you fitted in there. Me and school dances haven't had a great past and I don't think me going to a reunion dance would be a great idea.” FP explained, you rolled your eyes but gave in. It was a shame, it would've been nice to see the serpent all dolled up in a suit and tie. 
Speaking of dolled up, you then noticed that FP wasn’t only painting the kitchen but had tidied the whole trailer. 
“Bit of spring cleaning or...?” You mentioned the cleaning, 
“I cleaned up a bit, I thought you might stay.” He admitted, dabbing his brush in the white paint before continuing to cover the walls, not even looking back at you. 
You bit down on your lip to contain the smile that threatened to spread across your face. 
FP cleaned up the trailer just in case you stayed there. 
You gazed at him for a few seconds in silence before picking up one of the spare brushes. 
“Can I help with this?” You offered, fiddling with the brush. 
“Not in that, go get one of my shirts.” FP gestured back towards his room, and you didn’t argue.
You pulled on one of FP’s henley shirts and laughed at how long/large it was on you.
You pulled the sleeves up and returned to give FP a hand.
You sang quietly to the radio as it played, swinging your hips to the music and painted any patches that the kitchen walls needed. 
FP kept sneaking glances your way, you were wearing one of his favourite shirts and it looked far better on you than it ever did him, at least that’s what he thought.
After you took a step back, believing you had finished, you noticed FP was still painting.
“Hey, you… uh, you missed a spot.” You told him, pointing to the non-existent missed place as you attacked his cheek with the white paint brush.
FP retaliated quickly by bringing his brush up and catching you on the forehead. You gasped and got him once more by dragging a thick line from his temple to his chin.
You squealed with laughter as he span around and caught you in his arm, pinning you against him as he painted over your face and neck. You bent back over his arm trying to get away from him and giggling hysterically, yelling that you surrendered.
FP placed the paint brush down and you leant forward, now that it was safe.
He snickered and placed his now free hand on the back of your head, you kissed him sweetly for a moment, biting down on your lip when you broke apart.
“God, you’re something else.” FP whispered, more to himself than to you.
You kissed him again, enclosing your arms around the man, FP placed his hands on your hips, and lifted you onto the countertop.
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The week went by pretty quickly. It was mainly cheer practise, followed by decorating the gym for the homecoming dance and then avoiding your mom by going to Pop’s.
You didn’t visit FP throughout the week as often as you would’ve liked because he had things going on or something like that. But at the homecoming game there was a pleasant surprise...
You were usually one of the leads due to the fact that you were a senior and one of the best on the team but you didn’t expect to be the lead this week but due to the fact that Cheryl wasn’t liking Veronica at the moment, you were appointed it for the homecoming cheer.
You waved and wooed as you finished, the crowd went wild, you smiled brightly at everyone as your eyes searched the stands. You spotted Fred and Mary, sat together, both cheering at you and from the corner of your eye you spotted someone you never thought would show their face at a high school football game.
When you and the rest of the girls exited the field, that’s you snuck around the back of the stands to find FP stood underneath them, waiting for you.
“Wow.” He clapped as you approached. You shook your head at the man, staring at him with utter disbelief.
“What ar…? Why?” You could only managed to ask that as you were still in shock.
“I said I might come, didn’t I? You were right by the way, I’m glad I did come and see you in the whole getup.” FP referred to the conversation you had the first time you met there. His eyes shamelessly explored your cheerleader outfit and that’s when you decided to pick out the sudden change in looks that he had.
“You shaved.” You pointed out, FP’s hand shot up to his face and he rubbed his slightly shadowed cheeks.
“Yeah, uh, cleaning up the act for Jughead, remember?” FP reminded you, you smiled and folded your arms across your chest.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here.” You muttered quietly, FP held his hands up and shrugged his shoulder.
“You said you’d pay to see me here… so I guess that means you have to pay up.” FP reminded you, you smiled and continued to shake your head.
“With what?” You asked, cocking your eyebrow.
“I think you know what.” FP looked around but no one could see and even if they could, everyone was paying attention to the game.
You tugged on the fabric of FP’s shirt and pulled him even further out of eye sight then crashed your lips against his as payment.
The kiss didn’t last long since FP wasn’t stupid enough to do things that might give him a higher chance of getting caught.
“Damn, FP. Didn’t know you were going soft.” You teased the man, FP scoffed out a laugh and wagged his finger at you. 
“Who said I was?” 
He paused a moment, looking out to the field, his hands on his hips then looked back at you. “You looked great out there by the way.” FP told you,
“Thanks.” You felt your cheeks burn at the compliment and silently thanked god it was dark.
“But I think I like you better with the leather.” FP added as he started to walk away. You chortled and looked down at your feet for a second, then looked back up, catching his eyes.
“Maybe I’ll trade in my cheer uniform for a pair of combat boots and a serpent jacket then?” You called after him just as the crowds above erupted in a scream as the boys had obviously scored a point.
FP sent you one of his signature small smirks then disappeared, leaving you to return to the masses.
You didn’t hear from FP again until later the next day when he called to tell you that he was having dinner around the Cooper’s via invitation from Alice Cooper. He offered to drop you to the dance when he takes Jughead and Betty to which you obviously didn’t reject and you found yourself suddenly caring a lot more on how you were going to look for homecoming. However, you also found yourself curious to why Alice Cooper had invited Jughead and FP to dinner in the first place.
You weren’t stupid, you knew Alice was up to something, she was a journalist and on the case with Betty and Juggy to find out Jason Blossum’s murderer. You could have just been paranoid but you decided to trust your gut and confront Betty the day after to see if she knew the reason why. 
“Hey! Betty!” You jogged up to her in the gym, she was putting some of the finishing touches up for the dance that night. 
“Hey, (Y/n), what’s up?” She beamed a smile down at you, 
“Can I have a word?” You asked, 
“Yeah, sure.” Betty dismounted the ladder that she was halfway up and followed you to the corner of the gymnasium. You checked around to make sure Jughead wasn’t nearby and lucky for you he wasn’t even in the hall. 
“Look, a little bird told me that your mom invited FP and Jughead round for dinner tonight before the dance, I just wanted to check it wasn’t anything to do with the murder investigation.” You didn’t know how to put it any other way so you were straight up. 
“No, no, not at all. My Mom just thought it was a good idea for our families to blend since Jughead and I are together.” Betty wasn’t the best at lying and you knew she was hiding something but you chose not to pick her up on it.  
“Okay, well, remember to text me before you leave to go to the dance because I was offered to catch a ride with you, FP and Jughead.” You brushed it off, FP was grown man, he could handle himself and he was Serpent which means he could handle women like Alice Cooper. 
Before getting ready to go to the dance, you dropped in at FP’s trailer. Something that was slowly becoming a habit now.
You wanted to see if you could try and change his mind one last time about the dance. 
“Shouldn't you be getting ready or something?” FP asked as he opened the door. 
“Shouldn’t you?” You asked, you couldn’t help the pink that painted your cheeks as you were confronted by a half naked FP Jones. You were surprised you even managed to respond to him. 
FP was stood in just a towel, his hair dripping wet and his chest completely bare. 
You entered the trailer so that FP could close the door and keep the winter air out but in all honesty you needed to open a window with how hot you were getting as all the dirty thoughts you ever had about FP circled around your brain. 
“Everything alright?” FP asked as he shifted the towel slightly with his hand so that it wouldn’t fall down. You bit down on your lower lip and nodded your head, afraid that your voice might break as you stared at the prominent v-lines that disappeared down into the towel. “Is there a reason for the visit or did you just want to see me naked?” FP teased you as he went to return to his bedroom. You followed him like a puppy dog. 
“I came to see if I could convince to come to the dance one last time.” You managed to find your words whilst your eyes searched the back muscles of the man that continued to walk away from you. 
“The answer is still no, (Y/n).” FP stopped, scooping up his boxer briefs and then putting them on. 
You turned your head, looking away as the man dressed his lower half. Your face burning hotter than ever. 
“You sure I can't change your mind?” You asked, looking back now the man had some boxers and pants on.
“Pretty sure.” FP gave you a sideways look, his eyes running down your own body. 
“Fine. How about I meet you after the dance then? Somewhere more your sort of crowd? Like the Whyte Wyrm?” You suggested, FP smirked to himself as he pulled out a grey jumper from the closet. You sneaked closer to the man. “I can finally play you in the game of pool which you owe me.” 
FP tugged the jumper on over his head as he thought about your very convincing offer.
“Sure, the Whyte Wyrm after the dance but only after the dance. Don’t go leaving early because of me.” FP told you, 
“I promise I will stay until Archie’s sang and the I will meet you at the Whyte Wyrm and I will kick your ass.” You said as you reached forward and pushed the man’s damp hair back. FP had control himself from closing his eyes at the pleasure of your touch. 
“What we playing for?” FP asked, taking hold of your waist whilst your hands rested on his shoulders.
“Your Serpent jacket.” You wiggled your eyebrows as you spotted the leather poking out of the closet. 
“No way, you’ve already stolen my favourite shirt, I can't have you taking everything I own.” FP grinned, you laughed quietly and thought about what else he could offer you. 
“How about this then?” You pushed yourself up and captured the man’s lips. 
“Sounds good to me.” FP nodded his head. You noticed the clock behind him by the bed and reluctantly teared yourself away from the man. 
“I have to go because you need to get ready to go soon. I’ll see you before the dance.” You told him as you made your way slowly back to the door. 
“I would say save me a dance but...” FP shrugged,
“Well, there’s a jukebox at the Whyte Wyrm, isn't there?” You took him up on that offer. 
“I’ll see you in a bit, (Y/n).” FP sent you on your way and you rushed home to get ready. 
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You sat in your window as you watched Jughead go outside to meet FP before they entered the dragons den. 
Archie had left early to practice or something so that left you alone in the house with your Mom and Dad, so naturally, you figured that spying on the Cooper household was better than spending any family time with them, well... with her. 
FP had looked up at your house but you knew he couldn’t see you. 
Now all there was to do was wait. 
You clutched your phone in your hand whilst you let your music play softly on your laptop. You had been ready for a while now, your hair all done perfectly, your makeup was the best you had done it for a while and your dress looked stunning on you. 
Everything seemed to be in place. You felt your phone vibrate and a text from Betty came through saying they were just finishing up. 
You pulled on your coat and made your way to the front door, sneaking past your parents who were eating their own dinner and chatting.
“Betty! Jug! Hey!” You crossed over to Betty’s front patio, next door to your own. Only you seemed to notice FP’s reaction to the way you looked. His eyes widened and his lips parted slightly, you could say he looked speechless.
“(Y/n), my gosh, you look beautiful!” Betty awed over your dress, and you thanked her. 
“I’ll be right back, I have to get something from the house.” Jughead excused himself for a second, and then Betty started heading towards FP’s truck, leaving you and FP both alone for a split moment. 
“You look... beautiful.” FP murmured as you both walked down the steps, slow enough to have a private conversation. 
“You don't look too bad yourself. Shame I didn’t get to see you in a tux tonight though.” You teased, 
“Believe me, you’re not missing much.” FP told you, you went to say something when Jughead rejoined you. 
“Come on, Betty doesn't like to be late.” He said, rushing past you. 
You watched him open the car door for you and Betty and you slid in first so that you could sit beside FP. 
The car was a tight squeeze but you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind being so close to FP and the other two didn’t think too much of it and so on you went. 
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Meanwhile, whilst you were on your way to the dance, your little brother, Archie were about to discover something you never intended him to. 
“Find anything?” Veronica yelled through the trailer to Archie from the living room. 
“Not yet.” Archie called back as he closed the closet, he had dug around the room almost completely twice and FP was completely clean. He dug through his draws, lifting things, opening books and boxes and there was nothing that could link him to Jason Blossom or Hiram Lodge. 
“Keep looking.” Veronica told him, she was so set that there had to be something that connected her dad and FP and Archie knew this so he did his best to try and dig as deep as he could.
He lifted up a small tattered book from inside the bedside table and shook it to see if any paper would come out but all that fell from it was a polaroid picture. 
Archie knelt down and lifted it from the floor, turning it around to see what was on it. 
The air caught in Archie’s throat when he saw you and FP cuddled up in the photo. He tried convince himself that the picture could mean anything, anything at all, it didn’t have to mean that you were in any type of relationship but his head knew all too well that this was definitely something. 
His mind went back to Ms. Grundy, his infatuation with the music teacher and he tried so hard to relate this incident to that but all he felt was hurt and disdain. 
He couldn’t believe you. FP was Jughead’s dad! 
Archie had to sit down as he studied the photograph. 
The sound of Veronica dropping something next door brought him back to reality and Archie tucked the photo away in his pocket. He wanted to talk to you about it first before he spoke to anyone else, before he did anything. 
You pulled up outside the school and Jughead was the first one to exit with an umbrella ready for you and Betty. 
“Have fun tonight.” FP quietly told you as the younger couple exited the car. 
“Remember, Whyte Wyrm, save me a dance.” You whispered, winking at the man. FP had to fight every urge in his body to kiss you in that moment but fortunately you exited the truck.
“You be a gentlemen tonight, okay?” FP told Jughead, you took the umbrella from Jughead and headed up the stairs to the front doors. FP watched you until Betty brought him back to his senses. 
“He always is, Mr. Jones.” Betty assured him, 
“Betty, you mind giving us a minute?” Jughead asked, Betty, of course, didn’t mind and left the Jones family to talk. 
You walked around the gymnasium and picked out as many familiar faces as you could until you saw your dad waltz in with your mom and Hermione Lodge. You almost laughed at the trio, they made quite a group. 
One face you couldn’t find was Archie’s, you figured he’d be back stage getting ready to perform but something didn’t seem quite right. 
“Betty, have you seen Archie?” You asked as you approached her. She was staring at something and didn’t seem too happy about it. 
“Yeah.” Betty gestured ahead of you both to where her mom, Veronica and Archie all stood. 
You locked eyes with Archie and instantly could tell there was something up. 
“I need to talk to you.” Archie told you as you met in the middle, you wouldn't say no to something as serious as this sounded so followed him out into the hallway. 
“Do you wanna explain?” Archie pulled something out of his jacket and thrusted it into your hands. 
It was the polaroid of you and FP from the other week. 
Your mouth went dry as you looked up into Archie’s eyes. 
“Archie, where did you get this?” You asked, your voice low and calm. You were pretty sure you left the photo with FP so how did Archie get it?
“Ronnie and I searched FP’s trailer tonight in search of something that might connect him to her dad. You’re lucky I found this and Veronica didn’t.” Archie explained, your chin hit the floor, you couldn’t believe he broke into FP’s trailer. 
“Archie, breaking and entering is completely illegal.” You tried to change the topic of conversation, 
“Don’t avoid this. How long has it been going on?” Archie insisted you tell him. 
“How long?!” Archie rose his voice, you dropped your head, clenching your jaw as you composed yourself. 
“Since Dad rehired him at the site. The night at the diner, I told him that I liked him, that I’ve always liked him and things went from there. It’s not his fault, he didn’t pursue me, he didn’t lead me on. I was the one to force this. Archie, you can't tell anyone.” You explained, shaking your head desperately. You never intended for anyone find out and now you didn’t know what to say. 
“How could you do this? He’s Juggy’s dad.” Archie pointed out the obvious there. 
“I don’t care. Do I need to bring up a certain music teacher, Archie? You have to understand. Out of everyone in this town, you are the only one who has to understand this.” You felt tears well up in your eyes, if this got out, there was no way in hell FP would ever see you again and there was no way your dad would let you stay anywhere near Riverdale for college. He’d send you straight to Chicago with your mom because you may be eighteen but he still had control over you and this town, this town would destroy you both if they found out. 
Archie closed his mouth, thinking about it. You faced away from the younger boy to hide the fact that tears were escaping from your eyes. 
“I don’t... I don't understand this but... but I won't say anything if that’s what you’re worried about. But you have to do the right thing, (Y/n). You have to end it before someone that isn't me finds out. Before Jughead finds out, before dad finds out.” Archie warned you, his voice calmer than before. He brushed past you to return to the dance, leaving you as you looked down at the polaroid that was crumpled in your hands. 
AN: Ahhhhhhhh! Archie knows! 
Part 9
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noir-di-gio · 8 years
I'm in love with a pair of Hazel Eyes
..and it feels so good. Her name is Maria. Maria Christina Figurelli. God, I love saying her name, it fills my heart with such joy and puts a smile on my face instantly. For nearly a whole month, we kept each other a secret for reasons. But now, its all out there, and we both felt relieved. We made it publicly known on Sunday 3/19 with two simple Instagram photos and a couple snapchat stories, and the reception has been amazing for the most part. Many of my friends are commenting, snapping, texting me, congratulating me, wishing Maria and I the best. 
She went on a retreat called Kiaros - it’s sort of like a “find yourself with God” retreat. For three days, zero phone use. I was being tortured. She was finding God while he was tormenting me. But I decided to use it to my advantage. I made her a video. The video highlighted our moments so far, to our favorite song that reminds me of her everytime - Youforia by Mac Miller. But I didnt stop there. For a whole week while the video was being made, I bought her a picture frame, and downloaded some pictures we took together, found one I thought she would like, and put it in a frame for her bedroom. So a video, a frame, and a gift card to AMC movies to see Beauty and the Beast, her favorite Disney movie of all time. On Saturday when she was coming home, I received a text from her father, asking If I was interested in surprising Maria. Absolutely. No questions asked. He told me to meet at a Coldstone when they concluded dinner. I waited for two hours in excitement, pacing around my room, the house, my energy slowly starting to build. I can feel the love starting to take over. Once Dad gave me the all-clear I flew to Coldstone. Quite literally speeding as fast as I could to see her, and at this point if I got a ticket, I already had a good reason why - “My girlfriend just came home from a retreat and Im so excited to see her - because im in love officer”. 
I pulled into Coldstone behind her parents mini-van, she didnt know it. I backed it in to a spot (her parents knock me for that everytime) and put my lights on. She looked at my car, but didnt realize it was me. Her father saw my car though. When she walked into Coldstone, I sat there for 2 minutes wondering how to do it. Finally, I saw her Dad sneakily looking outside towards my car and I couldnt wait anymore. I jumped out of the car and (as hard as it was) walked calmly to the door. Her Dad and Mom saw me coming while Maria had her backed turned. I opened the door, (this is where Im cheesing like an idiot and starting to tear up as I write this), and finally. She turned around, her jaw dropped - “…MICHAEL!”. She ran into my arms and we didnt let go for a good 12 seconds. She kissed me and we hugged for a while longer. “Okay Okay thats enough!” her dad told me. You would have thought I just came back from the war or something with how excited she was. She had ZERO clue. I joined her parents, her brother, and of course Maria for some ice cream and conversation. I can feel her parents starting to warm up to me, and I can feel her love radiate off of her. I acted like I didnt see it, but she was taking pictures of me, looking at me, I’ve never had this treatment before. 
We drove home, sang our favorite songs, and went to her house. We exchanged gifts. She loved all three gifts. But then there was a surprise for me - a letter she wrote for me while on her retreat. She was writing letters to those who meant something to her, and when she read her dozen letters, she immediately wrote one to me. 
This letter…. This letter. I couldnt believe what I was reading. This girl is truly utterly obsessed and in love with me. She wrote that she couldnt live without me, and how she didnt know how she lived her life without me. When did I ever have a girl tell me all of this? Never. I was moved to tears, and that has NEVER happened to me before. I couldnt believe it. Finally - a girl feels the exact same way I feel about her. This is true love. I sat with her mom for an hour and a half just talking about everything. Maria got me to ride a hoverboard. I looked dumb as hell but it made her happy. Her mom schooled me on that board.
Sunday was my mother’s birthday dinner and cake night. Maria came, but of course a surprise was involved. Dinner got done at 545, and I was suppose to get her at 6:45 from church. But I was determined to finally hear her sing. I got to church at 6:02, jumped in the first spot and ran into church. I walk in and she starts. She didnt see it, but the minute I walked into church…. 
I froze at the door. I couldnt move. People were staring at me.
But I just watched. That was my girlfriend. Everyone hear’s her voice. That’s MY Girl. I felt such an immense amount of pride. Her voice… is… immaculate. She hates her voice, but I love it. I wish I was recording her singing. I can hear her voice singing in my head, and in my heart. I become so warm and happy. Just thinking about her voice is enough for me. To witness it? Unmatched. 
I swear to you, I felt God more than ever yesterday. I legitimately felt like he was next to me for the first time in my life while I watched her sing. I can already see it - he was standing next to me just watching me watch her. 
To my surprise, her dad and brother were playing guitar while she sang. I was so moved. I spent the next 45 minutes staring. Listening. Loving. with crossed legs because I had to pee SO bad. But I didnt want to miss a minute of her voice. Her mom is an EM, and actually gave out communion to me. She was surprised to see me and smiled. After mass, I walked over to Maria, she was very surprised to see me, and I told her how much I loved her voice. Oh my god.
We head to my mom’s, she forgets the gift. We turn back to get it, shes apologizing but I didnt care because it was more time with her. We get home and she meets everyone. Mia, Dana, Justin, Tom. For some reason, she hasnt ran away yet to thats good! We enjoyed cake, opened gifts, played some games, and took pictures. Maria and I got her a nail treatment, and Maria got her mug for her new coffee machine. My mom told me after the night was over that Maria was the reason she smiled again after having such a rough day. 
After pictures, we found each other laying down. And i felt something. I felt… at peace. Theres just these little things she does that make me fall in love with her more and more. She plays with my hair when I drive, she kisses my hand, she wraps her arm around me, I can feel it in her touch, this is real. We shared some alone time on the couch. We kissed…. alot. We were just so locked into each other. I can feel her touch still. I can feel her love radiate through her touch, through her lips, through her smile and her eyes.I held her close, and whispered to her. “I promise to always love you” *kiss* “Cherish you” *kiss* “Protect you” *kiss* “and always be there for you”. I can see it in her eyes, this is love.
The drive to her house, I fought back tears. Tears of happiness. She couldnt believe it. This girl just means the world to me, I cant tell her enough anymore. And im never going to stop. I wish I could tell her everyday in person when she wakes up in the morning and every night when she sleeps, and every night in her dreams. One day I will be able to.
Maria as you read this, I want to tell you again. I will ALWAYS cherish the treasure you are. I will ALWAYS protect you from whatever life throws at us. I will ALWAYS be there for you. 
But most importantly..
I will ALWAYS Love you with all my heart. 
I love you Maria Christina Figurelli. Here is to a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and love.
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