uniquewritersblock · 10 months
people will see "don't write pedophilla and incest" and flip their lids and wonder why homophobes say the shit they say like none of y'all are helping by writing a dad rape his underage daughter
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uniquewritersblock · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Creepypasta - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nina the Killer & Kate the Chaser, Kate the Chase & Rogue Characters: Nina Hopkins | Nina the Killer, Kate Milens | Kate the Chaser, Heather Marshall | Rouge Additional Tags: breakdown - Freeform, Sister Complex, Reality Checking, Self Harm, Kate's like an older sister atp, and Rouge's the mom, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
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uniquewritersblock · 1 year
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: youtube - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: darkiplier, Damien | The Mayor (Who Killed Markiplier?), Y/N | The District Attorney (Who Killed Markiplier?), Original Female Character(s), Yancy, Illinois - Character, Captain Magnum, Actor Mark - Character Additional Tags: minor PTSD, Who Killed Markiplier - Freeform, Angst, seriously she's been through a lot, my oc is canon thanks mark, having to share a body, District Attorney, dark's kind of an ass, ship it if you will i guess, Panic Attacks, tiny's gonna be a bean, tactical shovel - Freeform, Nightmares, extreme anger, she's gonna get better, dont worry she wont always be a bitch, let her vent for a bit, Audible Hallucinations, Visual Hallucinations, psychologically fucking with someone Series: Part 1 of What am I supposed to do? Summary:
Vivian had recently gotten out of the mirror she had been trapped in for a hundred or so years. The memories linger, even if the scars don't. Now Dark needs her to go get some people to help in his war.
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Feel the Fear
Sup hoes you want a torture fic cause I was sad? Well too bad here we go
Fic underneath the cut but warnings: kidnapping, torture, past ranger deaths (not shown but mentioned) so read with warning and yes anons are on
“Hello?” Ashley asked groggily. It was 5 in the morning and she didn’t even see the caller ID. She knew soon enough, Celeste would be waking up for school.
“Hey, Ash. Is T.J there?” Cassie asked.
“No? Not that I know of. Why?” Ashley sat up, noting Andros opening his eyes but not stirring.
“He went out last night after an argument and hasn’t come back. I can’t get in contact with him.” Cassie sounded frantic, Tiffany in the background asking if she was okay. “I’m fine, hun, go get ready for school.”
“Could he have gotten a hotel?”
“Maybe? But I called the ones nearby and they can’t give an answer. Something about privacy.”
“Shit. Okay, let me drop off Celeste, then I’ll come help you look. Have you called Karone?”
“No. I didn’t even know she was here.”
“She’s on KO-35 ,” Andros mouthed to Ashley, who nodded in response.
“Mom. I’m ready!” Celeste called. Her parents got up, both filled with worry for their friend.
“I’ll call you when she’s dropped off.”
“Okay, where did you look?” Ashley had picked up the Pink Astro Ranger and the pair were driving around Angel Grove. Ashley had also tried calling T.J, but it went straight to voicemail, which, since it had been twelve hours, could mean anything.
“I called Bulk and Skull, Carlos, and even the galactic rangers. No one saw him.” Cassie wrung her hands anxiously, a habit she picked up on during their ranger days. Andros was looking around the city, making some calls to other rangers to see if they had seen T.J. But so far, no one saw anything. To make things worse, Tommy was in the hospital for some reason and now everyone’s attention was split between the pair.
Andros called Cassie. “Tell me you have good news.”
“No, but I have everyone looking. But Carter says that he saw his car off near Mariner Bay. But the weird thing is, he had like three people with him.”
“He didn’t mention going with anyone.”
“This whole thing is weird. I’m getting worried,” Ashley said, sparing a glance at her friend who was staring blankly out the window.
“I’ve been worried!” Cassie retorted. She didn’t mean to snap at Ashley, but her anxiety was through the roof. The twins would start asking where their father was if he wasn’t home soon.
“Fair enough.”
T.J leaned against the cell wall. He wasn’t quite sure how he got into this mess, all he knew was that he needed to get back to the others before they got too worried. Knowing Cassie though, she probably had the whole damn city looking for him.
In hindsight, the argument was so stupid. They were fighting about money again, and while neither of them were struggling, T.J had a severe anxiety when it came to money. Cassie wanted the twins to have all the decked out school stuff they wanted. T.J wanted them to be a bit more reserved. It was such a stupid thing to argue about and look where that led him, a dark, dank cell and his car confiscated.
A door opened and down stepped the leader.
“So, this is the infamous red Turbo ranger. Not very impressive if I must say so.” the man crouched in front of the bars, staring at T.J with a strange hatred, but also a disturbing way. T.J couldn’t pin a finger on it.
“What do you want? And who are you.”
“My name is Thomas. And control. I want control over the dimensions. And I can’t get that if you all are in the way.”
“You’re going to have a long way to go if you think you can get rid of all the rangers. There’s hundreds, maybe even thousands of us.”
“Oh, but I’ve already started.” And with that, the lights flipped on, revealing the walls to be covered in ranger helmets, some he didn’t recognize, but others he recognized with a horrible sinking feeling. Rangers have been going missing for years and while people looked for them, they were deemed dead after a while.
Danny Delgado
Mia Watanabe
Joel Rawlings
Aisha Campbell
Riley Griffin
And so many more. So many brave people died alone and cold. As hard as he tried, tears started streaming down his face and he bit down on his fist to keep from crying out. He was friends with many of them. He knew Joel was missing for a while, and the Lightspeed rangers as well as Doctor Fairweather (Now Rawlings) were all wrecks. They couldn’t recover from the loss of one of their own, especially after his morpher was sent to the Doctor in pieces.
Was that to be his fate? Would Cassie be left to raise the children on her own? Would the Astro rangers keep looking?
“But, I like to have my fun first.” Thomas stood up.
“What does that mean?” In stepped two soldiers, each dressed as a bastardized version of the Might Morphin suits. They grabbed T.J by his arms and yanked him up sharply, taking him over to a chair and strapped him down to it. The more he struggled, the tighter the straps got.
Thomas got a knife and admired it. T.J began to sweat but couldn’t move.
“You’re the guest, what should be used first? This?” He held up the knife. “Or this.” A long blue lighter. T.J was silent, glaring.
“None of you are any fun.” Thomas said, lighting the lighter and holding it against the ranger’s neck. T.J bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood in an effort to not cry out. The late rangers' helmets watched, in a mocking or helpful way he couldn’t tell. The man trailed the lighter across his neck and up his cheek, dancing dangerously close to his eye. The smell of burning flesh was overwhelming and he instinctively jerked his head away. The man grabbed him on his head to hold him still. After what felt like hours, the man switched out to a knife, trailing it along T.J’s fingers, hooking it under his nails.
“Don’t. Please,” T.J begged. The man gave an evil smile before digging it under his nails and prying them off the nail beds. T.J couldn’t hold in a cry anymore and all but screamed, something that the man seemed to enjoy. This went on for a few minutes before he switched to something else. A mallet. Thomas nodded at the guards and one stepped forward to hold T.J’s hand splayed out flat. Thomas raised the mallet above his head, bringing it down hard onto T.J’s hand with a sickening crunch right on the back of his palm. T.J screamed and lurched forward, trying to bring his hand back. His vision swam and started to go dark as he slouched forward to black out.
“Don’t pass out on me now, ranger.” he tapped the knife threateningly on T.J’s nose. “We still have a long way to go.”
“We got a lead!” Cassie shot up, having been crying on Ashley’s shoulder all night. It had been a few weeks since T.J’s disappearance and no one really had high hopes for his survival. “Ryan says that he was able to track down the people in the car and linked them to the suit Doctor Rawlings got last year. Don’t ask how,” Dana said over the phone.
“Oh my god. Where?”
“Okay, everyone stay low. We don’t know what these clowns are capable of,” Carter said over the radio. Everyone was morphed, staking out the house that Ryan said T.J was in. The house appeared abandoned, but of course, that could just be a front. Andros and Ashley pressed forward, trying the doors and windows. A neighbor dog jumped at the pair only stopped by the chainlink fence, making Andros jump slightly. One window was open and the red and yellow rangers went through. After about five long minutes with Dana and Kelsey all but holding Cassie back, they got the all clear from Ashley.
Carter kicked the door in, setting off an alarm but no one seemed too worried about it. They carefully crept through the house, making their way down to the basement.
Carter flipped on the lights and everyone stared in various forms of shock. Carter and Dana holding Joel’s helmet and Dana gave a choked sob.
“Oh my god!” Ashley screamed and the daze broke.T.J was thrown in the corner, covered in blood and burns and having lost a concerning amount of weight. Andros tried his spiral saber against the cell door. It took a few tries before he finally got it open and he and Carter grabbed the unconscious ranger. However, before they could leave, the door slammed shut and locked behind them.
“You should really be more careful the next time you decide to go breaking and entering into a stranger’s home,” Thomas said. Cassie and Ashley ran at him, but they got thrown into the shelves, the helmets falling on them. Kelsey and Dana blasted at him. It knocked him to one knee but didn’t kill him. He shot lasers out of his hands at the girls, shooting right through them and forcing Dana to demorph in pain. Andros had to drop T.J’s body and fight.
“What the hell are you?”
“Does it matter? You won’t live long enough to remember.” Thomas blasted again but Andros was able to deflect it with the saber. He goes flying back. As he gets back up, Dana swipes at his legs and brings him down. Ashley notices a bunch of gasoline in the corner of the basement, more likely to dispose of any bodies.
“Cassie, when I tell you…” she points at the containers and Cassie nods, making sure the others notice them as well. Kelsey keeps a foot on Thomas as Andros moves T.J out of the house. Thomas grabs his ankles and trips him, but Carter picks the fallen ranger back up and continues out. Kelsey kicks Thomas’s head, knocking him out.
“Run!” Ashley screams before shooting at the gas containers. Everyone’s able to get out during the explosion before it reaches upstairs. Before the house is fully engulfed, the rangers collapsed onto the lawn, fully demorphing as they hear sirens off in the distance.
“How do you feel?” Andros asked Ashley as they were resting. T.J was just starting to wake up but the doctors said it would be a while before he was back to normal. Frankly, they said, with the extent of his injuries they were surprised he didn’t die sooner.
“Exhausted. But happy that we found him,” Ashley replied, leaning against her husband. They already sent out messages to the teams of the fallen rangers. While they were distraught at the confirmation that their friends were gone, but they were content with the closure. Unfortunately, they couldn’t save the morphers and helmets but that didn’t matter, like in Riley’s case where they could recreate them since they still had his energem.
“Yeah, I get that. I just wish the others could say the same.”
“I got my report card back,” Celeste came in and the two sighed.
“Let me see it.” Ashley held out her hand. “All As. Good job! Definitely a step up from last semester so maybe when Tiffany and Chris get their cards back, we go out for dinner.”
“Oh come on, we should go out tonight. Let’s not wait for the Johnson’s. Besides, the cards are the last thing on Cassie’s mind.”
“Alright, alright. Go get dressed.”
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
The TikTok-fication of Tumblr and why it needs to stop before your fave writers are gone for good:
1. “Part 2??”
Unlike TikTok, writing 5,000 words for a fic does not happen in 6 seconds or more. Weekly updates are from a writer who spoils you and is passionate about their story. Don’t kill the passion by demanding for more and not appreciate what’s already given.
2. The DC Conundrum
Many writers on this platform hail back from the ff.net days where dark content is a norm, not like TikTok where even death has to be censored or you could get flagged.
Despite that, writers are doing you a service by sharing fic warnings despite how it may take away from a plot twist or a big reveal. However, there’s a fine line between sharing warnings and downright spoiling our own work. Heed the warnings, don’t be a dick. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. Learn how to filter your own content, too, while you're at it.
3. The Wild Algorithm
Unlike TikTok, Tumblr’s FYP is not in your face and you have a choice to not view it. Content often gets buried a few days after it’s posted without reblogs or comments to keep it alive.
4. Passive Content Consumption
Ties back with point #1. If you’re only sitting back and reading works without supporting the writers, they can’t spend 6 seconds to conjure up a fic. Writing takes time, editing, proofreading. Tumblr is a book club, not a delivery service.
5. De(constructive) Criticism
If an opinion isn’t asked for, don’t give it. Many writers choose this craft for their own enjoyment and to share a thought or story about a beloved character to those who love them, too. If an opinion is asked? Be kind when you share it across to them. No one likes their hard work to be shat on by someone who doesn’t understand the time and effort it took to create this piece.
6. Are You My Content Machine?
Again, back to point #1. Writers have busy lives. There are days when we want to scream into the void about our favourite characters. We want to share our thoughts about them or sometimes, we just want to talk about what happened during lunch break. Demanding and expecting that a writer post content without giving a shit about the soul behind the screen? Dehumanizing.
Don’t ruin the experience for those of us who are still here. Do your part to make fandom better for everyone.
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
respect beginner/less experienced artists and writers or die by my blade
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Just a short little story since I was bored at work yesterday. Wrote this in notes so formatting’s going to be a little weird. Anyways enjoy
“Everything is fine…” the words repeated over the laptop screen, illuminating the dark room and the solemn face. He knew, Tim knew that everything wasn’t fine. How could it be? He got two of his friends killed. Three technically. Alex had been considered a friend before…
Sometimes he could still hear them. See them. Sometimes they would haunt him, accusing him of the things that he did. If he gad been normal, if he hadn’t caused the Operator to latch onto Alex. He and Amy would be alive and safe. Jay, Brian, Seth…they would be normal and alive. Not worrying if something was haunting them. Not worried about when their next blackout would be. Jessica wouldn’t be on those horrible medications. That caused night terrors, memory gaps, loss of appetite. He deserved to be in whatever world the Operator took the bodies. Not Brian, not Jay.  They hadn’t deserved what they went through. Jay was an idiot, yes, but he was trying to help.
The police talked to him, random people stopped him asking about what happened. At first no one could believe what happened until Alex was reported missing. How could they? If he hadn’t experienced it, he would have probably called them crazy too. And then Brian’s mom was calling. Then she blamed Tim. Blamed him for her son falling out of a window.
Jay didn’t have much family. He had a sister who he didn’t mention much, probably for good reason. He didn’t get anyone calling after him, just people insulting his memory. Calling him an idiot and saying he deserved to die. He did plenty of stupid things, sure. But that didn’t warrant him dying alone with that monster. People sympathized with Alex more.
His phone rang with an unknown number and Tim hesitantly answered. “Hello?”
“Is this Tim? From that marble hornets mess?” The voice on the other end was frantic, almost like he was at the end of his rope.
“Oh thank god. My name is Vincent and I think we’re dealing with a similar thing. Please, my friend is possessed and we need help.”
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Hold The Torch
“Hello?” Henrik answered the phone groggily.
“H-hey man…” Chase was on the other side. He sounded drunk and like he had been crying for hours. “Stacy ki-kicked me ou-out. Can I stay with you?”
“Depends, why did she kick you out?”
“She’s sc-scared. Of Anti. Started blaming me. Please Hen,” Chase begged.
“Son of a bitch. Of course. I’ll be there to pick you up.”
“You do-don’t have to…”
“Mäusezähnchen, you are in no position to drive, and it is too late for you to safely walk across town. I will come to pick you up.” And with that, Henrik hung the phone up, not giving Chase a chance to protest. Chase was sitting on the front porch steps, an empty whiskey bottle by his side. Stacy had long since locked the door and scolded Asterin when she tried to go out to comfort her father. The ten-year-old and her twin couldn’t understand. Stacy wouldn’t tell them why. Despite both parents making sure they were asleep before the big fight started, there was no way they couldn’t hear what they were saying.
“I can’t keep doing this!” Stacy screamed at Chase. Anti had broken in, used Jack’s body to try to hurt their children. Jackie was able to get him removed, but that was the final straw of paranoia and stress. “Whatever you did, it needs to end!” She threw her hospital lanyard on the couch. She hadn’t even bothered to change out of her scrubs before she started screaming.
“What makes you think I did this? I’m in just as much shit as you are!” Chase shouted back.
“Cause your dipshit brothers have all the magic and superhero shit and IT LOOKS LIKE YOU! ALL OF THIS CIRCLES BACK TO YOU!” Despite the brunette being a good few inches shorter than him, Chase still backed into the mantle. “THIS IS ALL. YOUR. FAULT! Chrissy was right. You are a no-good piece of shit!” She was crying, jabbing a pointer finger into his sternum.
“Stace, please. You know that’s not- “
“THIS ALL STARTED WITH YOU! HE’S HUNTING YOU! OUR CHILDREN WILL DIE BECAUSE. OF. YOU! I don’t EVER want to see or deal with you or your fucking brothers EVER AGAIN! I will not let my children die because of you or them! Get the HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!”
And that’s how he ended up out here. He couldn’t hold it against Stacy though. She was terrified and doing what was best for her kids. Neither of them wanted Asterin and Sorin harmed, and this recent attack nearly did it.  
When Jackie and Chase were finally able to get into the playroom, Sorin was cowering in a corner, blood dripping from his nose. Asterin was hiding in the toybox, the blocks and dolls laying strewn across the floor to make room. Between the sobs, the twins asked what happened, why Uncle Jack looked like that, was he okay, where’s mama. Stacy appeared twenty minutes later, and scooped up the kids, glaring daggers at Jackie and Chase, silently accusing them while reassuring the twins that she and daddy were okay. And that Jack wasn’t there, it was something else. That he wouldn’t hurt them. That everything was okay…
“Chase?” Chase looked up to see Henrik.
“Hey.” He stood up and was blindsided by a crushing hug.
“Jackie told me everything. You can stay with me as long as you need. I’ll talk to Stacy tomorrow.”
“Please don’t cause more problems. I guess I’m getting papers tomorrow. Or at some point.” The brothers walked toward Henrik’s car.
“For right now, you’re going to bed, and we’ll get you food. Then we’ll figure it out.”
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
oh my god i just had a realization
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
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since y’all didn’t respond to my well thought out post. have some memes calling y’all out, as well as a link to my other well thought out and written post. i’m tired of seeing people complain about their dash being dead, when they only like shit. reblog or shut up - LINK
for reference -
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Jacksepticeye Power Hour (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Chase Brody, Henrik von Schneeplestein, Stacy Brody Additional Tags: splitting up, children being in danger, Angst, is this pre-canon?, Backstory, mom being worried for her kids, gaslighting the kids, hurt without comfort
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Hey so here’s some headcanons for the crew. Right now this is just the JSE and any ocs
JSE Egos/OCs
Chase (my boy): BPD with psychotic traits, cupioromantic ace. He tends to draw and write as a coping mechanism. Also uses weed after his alcohol was confiscated. Tends to be the primary target of Anti’s torment
Jackie: Autistic and AVPD. Bisexual. Got his super powers from scaring the hell out of Marvin and decided to try and be funny. Now he’s stuck with it. Marvin’s younger twin
Marvin: Practices draconic magic as well as shapeshifting. Can shift into anything but prefers Maine Coon. Tends to appear off putting and superior, but isn’t sure how to express emotions properly. Jackie’s older twin
Schneep: Went originally for trauma surgeon but decided to go be a family practioner. He tends to be a bit harsher on his brothers but after Anti appeared, can anyone really blame him?
Lucas: Strictly a JSE universe OC. Security guard at the hospital schneep works at. AroAce, but still desires a romantic relationship. DID system, but doesn’t feel the need to discuss it much. Enjoys writing and games. Also has a slightly unhealthy relationship with hair dye, ink therapy, and weed. 
MCU/Y/Ns: (they both have BPD)
Elias: Homoromantic Asexual. Captain who actually hates all the attention. Transitioning from female to male. 
Vivian: Bisexual. A semi-respected DA in her time and was actually around to help with Mark and Celine’s divorce. Was a lot closer to Damien but now seems to hate both of them. Is probably the only one who’s able to get away with using Damien or Celine and not die.
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
What Keeps You Safe
Hi new oc alert. Elias is the captain as opposed to Vivian the DA. Spoilers for ISWM. I wanted something different than just the immediate forgiveness so I wrote this. Might go differently later but for right now there’s no enemies to lovers its just enemies. 
CW: yelling
‘Captain…I’m so tired…’ Mark’s words kept ringing in Elias’s ears as he marched down the hall to the front of the ship. People scrambled to the side, slightly scared of the captain.  It was insulting. That what it was, downright insulting. People assumed that Elias would just forgive the arrogant engineer, but he doesn’t do that easily. Especially not when said engineer almost destroyed the universe and tried to pin in on him. His eternity in hell was his punishment and if the universe hadn’t depended on it, Elias would have left Mark there forever. Celci insisted it would be better for him mentally, but she wasn’t the one who had to deal with a crystal parasite stuck to her hand running from some crazy with a gun who refused to listen to reason. Burk seemed to be the only one of his side and Gunther didn’t have anything to say on the subject, surprisingly. If Mark thought he was tired Elias was beyond exhausted. When was the last time he slept?
“Woah, where you going, Captain?” Mack asked playfully, dropping a stack of papers he was taking to the reactor.
“S-sorry Mack. Just got a lot on my mind,” Elias answered, helping him with the papers.
“I can see that. Is this about…that event?”
“Always. Everyone expects me to just forgive and forget…” The two men started walking down to the reactor
“That’s much easier for them when they weren’t the ones being accused of horrible things. I’m very sorry, I won’t be much help in this regard. From what you’ve told me, I wasn’t exactly the most…wonderful…of characters. What I will say is, do you what think is best to keep yourself safe. If that means keeping a wall of hate around you, then that’s what you need to do. Don’t let people tell you how to recover from this.” Mack broke off into the room and Elias continued to the hull. He most certainly was one of those “wall of hate” types. It had kept him safe for years, no one wants to get with someone who is always angry and spiteful.
Hours later, Elias was starting to get ready for bed. Or at the very least take off this god awful binder. He had successfully avoided Mark and Celci all day. There was something going wrong in Cryo and that took up both of their attentions. They yelled at each other so loud and so much that if someone listened closely, they could still hear the “asshat” being thrown back and forth. No matter, tomorrow will be better.  
A quiet knock.
“Captain? Can I discuss something with you?” Mark called from the other side. Elias groaned under his breath.
“Give me a second.” Binder is going have to wait. He slid the door open, trying to mask the dislike. “What’s up?” Mark stepped into the bedroom, looking uneasy about something.
“Why are you so hostile to me? I know I messed up but-.”
“You didn’t just mess up. You almost destroyed the entire multiverse. Pretty sure you did at one point but there was too much going on that I couldn’t figure it out. Your little “invention” caused some kind of parasite that I couldn’t remove and when I did get it off, it just came back. You caused some crazy lady with a gun to chase me around trying to kill me and NO ONE LISTENED! Your little “mess up” almost got BILLIONS KILLED!” Elias yelled. Mark flinched at the yelling. “You destroyed the ship at some points! You killed us! Of course I’m hostile you almost ruined EVERYTHING! And you tried to make it MY FAULT! You are very lucky that I didn’t send you out the airlock once everything got back to normal.”
“I-I understand that…but I thought it was best for the ship and colony…” Mark was on the verge of tears.
“Captain, be warned that any louder might wake the crew,” The computer warned. Elias just sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. His chest started hurting from the binder.
“Just-just get out. I’m to tired to be entertaining this,” Elias ordered. Mark quietly departed, tears streaming down his face. Part of him felt bad about the lash out. But the other part felt justified. Maybe at some point forgiveness will be warranted, but for now. That will no be the case.
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Hi your guy is broke as hell so I still have commissions open but I’m expanding them to also do those bulletpoint headcanons, personalized for whoever is commissioning them, as well as those matchup stuff. 
I do also Tarot and Oracle Readings if that’s more up your alley.
Past Life or messages. I don’t do ancestor/angel stuff
$25 for a three spread Tarot reading
$15 for Past Life
$15 for Oracle
For Writing Commissions:
Link for previous writing work:
Fandoms/What I write for: 
The Morgue Files
Marble Hornets
Mandela Catalogue
Walten Files
_ With Markiplier Or any Markiplier Egos (I’m not all that familar with the ISWM since there’s so much so send details pls). This includes Celine, Abe, Ben, etc as well. 
Any jacksepticeye Egos 
Welcome to Nightvale
Original Stories (just send details)
Canon X Reader or OC 
Canon X Canon
Bulletpoint: $5
Oneshot: $9
+$3 for every character after 2
Matchups are free just lemme know if you want the headcanons or a full story. 
Will write
found family
Horror Death with MINOR gore
Won’t Write: 
NSFW unless I know you personally (which is like two? People so no) 
Terf shit
Really anything political cause Idk that stuff well so don’t bother
Child Death/abuse (if its mentioned like in Sally’s Story that’s one thing but I will not write it out myself) 
Extreme Gore
Animal death
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Markiplier TV (Web Series), Who Killed Markiplier? (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Actor!Mark - Character, Celine | The Seer (Who Killed Markiplier?), Benjamin | The Butler (Who Killed Markiplier?), Chef | The Chef (Who Killed Markiplier?) Additional Tags: affair, I don't like Celine at all, finding an affair, Justified Anger, Mark trashing his office
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
I’m Just Dying to Survive
CW: self harm mention.
Can you tell which ego I project on the most?
“How long has it been since he had last eaten?” Jackie’s concern was enough to stir Chase from another high induced nap. Schneep had placed some kind of alcohol intervention but he never mentioned weed. There was a faint haze settling over his room, so it was only a matter of time before that was taken as well. He couldn’t hold it too much against his brothers, they had every right to be concerned and worried.
“I don’t know, a few days at the very least. He’s lost a disturbing amount of weight,” Marvin responded. His voice was muffled, so he probably just got out of his magic cave. Jackie just sighed.
“What has Henrik said?”
“Hen took the alcohol. But I’m pretty sure he’s just using something else.”
“Probably. I’ll try to wake him up, can you get something for him to eat?” Jackie now sounded closer. Chase just groaned. Jackie was a bit of a neat freak. To his credit, the house remained in eerily pristine condition, but Chase really didn’t want to deal with another scolding. A soft knock startled him from his trancelike state.
“Chase? You up?” Jackie asked from the other side.
“Yeah. Yeah. Come on in.” God he really sounded out of it. Jackie came in and almost immediately covered his nose. He wasn’t used to weed in general, so the haze and smell was overwhelming. He put his hand down but the grimace was still there. He was still in his hero uniform, which means he just got off patrol. That only served to fuel Chase’s guilt. Jackie had been complaining to Henrik about knee and back pain so it was safe to assume that he was in a lot of pain while he was trying to parent his divorcee brother.
“God, Chase…” Chase’s room was beyond trashed. Clothes and food bags littered the floor. Bottles, which Jackie told himself was just soda and not to tell Henrik, were scattered under the bed. There was some rumbling sound coming from beside the bed, which was coming from a red noise video to help Chase sleep. The only light in the room was coming from the hallway light, otherwise he was in complete darkness.
“I know, I know.” Chase’s voice was muffled by his face in his hands. Jackie sat next to him on the bed, pulling him in for a much needed hug. That seemed to be the crashing point as Chase just completely broke down. In between broken sobs he just spilled everything; Anti’s attacks on Stacy and their kids, the divorce caused by Stacy’s very real terror for her children, how powerless Chase felt to protect them, Jack’s complete disappearance, Henrik being less than understanding. It was getting too much for him. He couldn’t find a job, which meant he was completely financially dependent on the others. He started apologizing, apologizing for being a burden, for being useless. He wasn’t as special as his older brothers, who could do magic or was a hero or even was a well respected surgeon. He was nothing. He couldn’t do this anymore.
Jackie just let him ramble. His suit was getting damp from the breakdown and he was getting nail marks in his arm. Still, he didn’t move. Guilt began to bubble up; he wasn’t there to protect his little brother, he was always supposed to be there. He was the one who defended him from bullies, or helped him calm down after a particularly difficult episode. He was the first one Chase confided in about previous self harm and stood up for him against verbal abuse. Henrik was very strict, he got it from their parents. Marvin had an air of superiority about him. They both cared deeply for Chase, but the ways they went about it often seemed counterintuitive.  Jackie was the hero, a defender. And yet he had let his brother get hurt. If he had hurt himself again, Jackie didn’t ask. He didn’t want to know. He just let Chase cry and rant till his head hurt and he couldn’t cry anymore.
“I’m back.” Marvin scared them both. He just stood there, holding out the fast food bag.
“God, Marv. Can you warn us next time?” Marvin just shrugged and left the room. Chase let go of Jackie, apologizing for getting the suit damp.
“Hey, it’s no problem. It can dry. Here, you need to eat something.”
“Do you two want to watch a movie?” Marvin called from the living room.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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