wintcrskiss · 6 years
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Myriam’s eyes lit up when she saw him arrive, and she immediately rushed to the boy. “Satin!” she declared, trapping him in a hug. “Oh, I’ve missed you,” she chuckled. 
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youngheartss-blog1 · 6 years
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He’s been sitting in the cell quietly, but inside, he doesn’t feel so quiet. He feels angry, lost, confused, and sad. A part of him didn’t want to kill Jon, Jon was his friend, his leader. But Jon had lied to him, brought enemies that killed his family into the wall, Jon had betrayed him. How is he suppose to know what to do? And the others, they had told Olly this was right. But was it? It felt like justice but then why does it hurt?
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It had already been so awkward meeting Jon’s family for the first time. Satin been so nervous, trying to say and do all the right things. He knew Jon was so close to his family and he was desperate to make a good impression. But he honestly did not know how to respond to Bran’s question.
He smiled hesitantly and lifted his right hand for the boy to see that there were only five fingers there. “So… I don’t mean to pry either,” he said a slight smirk playing on his lips, “but are you kind of the weird one in the family?”
Upon first meeting Satin Bran did have to wonder why everyone Jon brought home had to be so beautiful. At least Satin seemed to be more fun then the last person Jon brought home. A grin crosses Bran’s face as Satin holds up his right hand. 
“Despite what Jon may have told you I’m the fun one.” He grins, rolling the wheelchair a little closer so it’s off the carpet in the living room. “If you want the weird one you’d have to talk to Rickon, but he’s not talking right now anyway.” His brother had picked this morning of all mornings to decide to pretend to be a wolf, Bran had thought their mother would lock him in the bedroom for all he’d been up to. 
Bran cocks his head slightly and looks over Satin. “Jon talks about you a lot - to me anyway.” 
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agirlingrey · 6 years
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"Hey!” Her breaths came out as loud puffs as she chased after a black-clad figure, steam rising from her nose with each step. Snow made it VERY DIFFICULT to run fast, but thankfully, the figure she had been chasing seemed to finally heard her, and slowed down so she could catch up to him. “Good morning,” Her words came out stilted and BREATHLESS. “Satin, right? I wanted to give you this back,” She shoved a fabric of delicate lace in his direction, smiling as she did so. “I imagine you borrowed it from someone, so...” Shrugging, she placed the lace into his hands. “Thank you very much for all that you’ve done, by the way. The Lord Commander told me it was mostly you.”
@satinflcwers ♡’d THIS starter call !
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killthebxy-archive · 6 years
A follow up i guess from that anon ask ?? When he became Lord Commander did his prespective change about caring in his looks ? And when he became King of the North ? ( cause he has gucci-level Sansa now to guide him )
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a continuation of this little headcanon
          not really! — if anything, he begins caring even less for it, due to having so much to do and having to manage his time a lot more tightly. on the other hand, it is also true that, as lord commander, Jon now has a steward (ft. @satincrow​ ​) who, exactly, takes care of this sort of stuff for him. even so, if it happens that, say, Satin brushes Jon’s hair for him and adds some drops of lavender oil to his clothes, to make them smell good, it is always Satin’s idea — Jon’s self-care is borderline neglectful, if not entirely so.
          once made king, it is three quarters of the same, because his convictions do not change — he never even wanted to be king to start with, much less to boast of this title. it is common for the southron kings (and rulers in general) to take great pride in their appearance, and ornate themselves with gold and gems and satin and silks and velvet and ermine — but this is far less important up north, and let alone in the Night’s Watch. i shall wear no crowns and win no glory. even back at Winterfell, then, Jon still follows this humble way of living. the difference is that now, exactly, he has Sansa (ft. @wolfqueennamedstark) to do that for him. and actually sew him wonderful cloaks and also sew the holes in his tunics and, overall, make sure he looks enough like a man of his stance.
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fifthbornforrester · 6 years
@satinflcwers | continued from x
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The Starks were gone, Stannis Baratheon’s troops outnumbered. With the Bolton’s control of the Ironwood forests that once belonged to her family, they were the most powerful House in the North. They were unstoppable, ruled with cruelty and fear. Their arrangement made sure that they would have control of the forests. The Forresters were gone too, all slain due to the Bolton’s cruelness. It was either die or marry the Bastard of Bolton. However, she was not given the option to die. It was too easy and so finite. Ramsay would never let things be easy. No. She would suffer until he was merciful enough to end her misery. 
She rarely saw the outsides of her chambers. If so, it was behind a former mask of who she once was. She no longer wore the beautiful yet conventional gowns she used to make, opting for a shift that was more accessible to whoever wished to access it. Her skin was scrubbed raw with every bath, bringing the red back into her scars like they were just beginning to heal. She had become disgusted with herself, disgusted of how helpless she seemed to have become. Her husband had been disgusted by her as well, at least that was what was believed, as he was the one that requested her being bathed so often. Scrubbed clean to be dirtied again. 
Everything had been taken from her but her hair. She needed it for those rare outings for others to gaze upon. It was beautiful, yes. The golden hue remained, but it was thinner than it had been previously. It had grown dry and somewhat brittle, frizzing on the ends when her hair was down. 
“Thank you,” she managed to croak, using her voice for the second time today. What else was there to say? Both had seen the decline of the other from once standing by the Stark’s side to the lost souls they had become. She braced herself for the touch with a deep breath, unsure of what it would be. Ramsay’s touch had always been unpredictable: so gentle it was enough to make her cry at one moment and crushing her bones behind his strong hands the next. Would Satin’s touch mimic that? Her weariness of the world and those around her grew with every waking day. 
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undyingloyxlty · 6 years
@satinflcwers || liked for a starter
Pod scowled as he watched the boy spar with Brienne, arms crossed over his chest. He was her squire. He didn’t like the feeling of being envious, inf act it was a new feeling. He’d never had anyone in his life to be envious over. But Brienne? She’d been as close to family as he had ever had. And now there were two of them squiring for her and it felt wrong.
He watched as the training ended and the other squire came towards him. Pod stepped aside so he could put away his things. “That was a clumsy evade maneuver,” he commented.
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intoxicatiing · 6 years
@satinflcwers, continued from ⚜ ;
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“I’ve heard the stories, my lady,” Satin replied in a hushed voice. She was far more beautiful than should be allowed and he could see the wonder of her legendary eyes gleaming like cerulean waters beneath the veil she wore. He took a breath.
“I was hoping that you could teach me?” She would laugh at him, he knew it. “I want to learn how to be a courtesan.”
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Indeed, she does let out a soft chuckle at the question, even as an invisible hand closes around her throat. He was a handsome young thing, of course, and he showed promise and hope and a certain ambition she had once had herself, but she wouldn’t wish her fate on someone fed so well.
“Dear sweet thing,” she began, hardly patronizing or cruel. Rather, like she was reminding him of a secret they both shared, something funny and lovely and not at all a rejection. “How can I? With all the lords and ladies I tend to, and the prices I charge. Even if we met only an hour a week, how could I fairly ask you to pay for my time?”
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gclden · 6 years
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                   HE   TOOK   A   HAND   IN   HIS   OWN   AND   KISSED   THE   SLENDER   DIGITS   .      “      i   needed   a   walk   .      there ‘  s   been   a   lot   to   think   about   these   days   ,      ”            he   whispered   ,      exhaustion   hitting   him   like   a   giant ‘  s   fist   .      
          a   soft   moan   left   his   lips   at   the   feeling   of   the   other ‘  s   heavenly   fingers   against   his   scalp   .      he   knew   they   shouldn ‘  t   ,      though   they   broke   no   vows   .      still   ,      if   the   others   knew   . . .       ------      no   ,      he   wouldn ‘  t   give   them   a   chance   to   speak   .      he ‘  d   relieve   them   of   their   poisoned   tongues   before   they   spoke   against   him   or   his   lover   .
@satinflcwers // cont’d
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Happy Birthday!!! 🎈
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⚘⚘ send this to ten bloggers you think are amazing. spread the love. ( ノ ꒪▿꒪)ノ*
Cheating again! Hehehehe
(No particular order because all of the people I follow and all of my mutuals are amazing!)
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@satinflcwers // STARTER
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“Gods and dogs alike delight to piss on me.”
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wxldchxld · 6 years
1 & 2 !
1. What is one word to shut them up?
lmfao god does such a magical word exist???? Idk the word cunt kind of catches her off guard. It might not permanently shut her up, but it will definitely give her pause.
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
Her tendency to wander. I have to play this down in threads. If I didn’t I could actually have any threads or let Beck make any relationships, but Beck is a traveler. She longs to be a part of the wilds. This has led to the end of a lot of relationships, friendship and otherwise. For instance Beck and Harper were in love. They were crazy about each other. But Beck wouldn’t quit fuckin running off no matter how many times Harper begged her not to. So they started fighting and their relationship eventually dissolved. 
Worse even than what she did to Harper is all the guilt she has over Fen. Fen started becoming more and more unstable the more Beck ran away. His life was already crazy having to take his mother’s position as the leader of two clans and clans at odds with other clans at that. At that point in his life he’d lost a father and a mother and he was becoming kind of obsessive and controlling. He was desperate not to lose anything else, especially not the last remaining person that he truly loved.... and Beck couldn’t keep still anymore. It was at that time in her life that something snapped and she needed to GO. So she did. And I’m not saying it made Fen go nuts, but it definitely added to it. She feels profound shame for not being able to take care of him like he took care of her when she was little, but she doubts she’d have done things any differently.
Beck and Fen have a hellish, morally grey, heartbreaking history.
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gclden · 6 years
// @satinflcwers,  cont’d
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                   SOMEWHERE   LONG   FORGOTTEN    ,      he   mused   to   himself   ,      not   letting   the   words   leave   his   lips   .      “    my   mother   ,    ”      he   whispered   ,      fingers   brushing   tangles   out   of   silken   locks   .      his   sister   drifted   to   his   MIND   and   a   tear   fell   ,      unbidden   ,      down   his   cheek   .      perhaps   if   he ‘  d   been   stronger   ,      been   a   better   PROTECTOR  ,      perhaps   it ‘  d   be   her   before   him   .
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wolfqueennamedstark · 6 years
{ continued from HERE || @satinflcwers​ }
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She was NUMB, yet tears still fell down her cheeks. Sansa had dreamed of walking into the Watch, spotting Jon and running into his arms. That’s how it was supposed to go. She stood in front of the steward, struggling to remember his name. Satin, was it? She should be acting better that this. After all the grief and sorrow she has felt, this was the first time she’d been allowed to scream and cry at someone. For the first time, no one stopped her or told her that ladies don’t act this way. That she was the daughter of a traitor crying over the bastard son of a traitor. Instead she let her head fall down to the floor and tears drip off her cheek, splattering onto the floor.
Ghost didn’t make a sound moving, but Satin appeared at her side offering his arm. Thankfully, her body moved without her guiding it, "Thank you." His body was being guarded? Were those who killed him still a threat to him after his death? Anger filled her chest. Why could they just leave him alone? Let those who loved him mourn for the love the even. Was he not their Lord Commander as well? Her chest constricted thinking of the title as she walked with Satin. Lord Commander. Not even that title could protect him. Once again her naivety fooled her. No one was safe in this world.
Her eyes found Jon’s body immediately when she walked into the room. Her arm limply slipped through the steward’s to reach her brother.“Oh Jon…” The tears started anew again and she choked on a sob. He looked so much older than what she pictured in her mind, beard grown out and so many curls it would have made the queen jealous. She tried not to look at his chest. It was stained with his blood. Blood never made Sansa queasy, but seeing it on him made her stomach turn. This was NOT how their story should have ended.
That’s when she actually felt the wood digging into her knees and a cold wet nose prodding the side of her face. Her hand was clutching Jon’s lifeless freezing hand and Ghost was licking her face. In some way, she had ended up on the floor with her head resting against the wooden table. The direwolf’s red eyes looked at her with concern. “We’re all we have left,” she croaked. “We’ll take care of each other.” Even as she said it, she COULDN'T make herself let go of Jon’s hand.
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