#satou gashuu
kitehaizaki · 11 months
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"Your Turn to Die."
a very old series of sketches (2019)
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jademint2581 · 5 months
Gashu Satou sexyman poll.
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This poll is a serious survey to gauge Gashu's potential as a new entry to the Sexypedia. Answer truthfully and reblog if you can. Elaboration on your stance in the comments or tags is appreciated and contributes to the overall research data.
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kaibutsushidousha · 5 years
Can you give your opinion/theories on Kimi ga Shine? At least on each character?
Sorry for not having much on the theories department, but here are the character opinions. 
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Hoemy is between Kai and Jou. Noel is between Kanna and Mishima. Hannaky is last. Gashuu is not anywhere yet since he was barely introduced.
Sara is a nice protagonist. She’s kinda basic but enjoyable, with her “samurai girl” style giving her a good bit of personality. Not only that, but she’s also pretty involved in the plot, both in her relationships with Jou and Kai in chapter 1 and with the whole mystery surrounding her father later on. Chapter 2′s Phantom Density mechanic is also a great addition to her character, showing the events of the game are having a deep effect in her. Jou sure has a priority there but it’s nice how she includes every dead character among her Phantoms, including Mishima, whose death had nothing to do with her. It’s a great way to show her “take charge, take responsibility” personality.
As for theories, I don’t have anything solid yet. The best I have is that her father is secretly a yakuza, and was involved in the past mafia death games mentioned by Keiji and Noel. The enemy mafia that they compete against obviously being Kai’s family, aka the kidnappers.
Like Sara, Jou is also very simple but very effective. He is just a friend and the writting is very in making him feel like a friend. He was pretty fun while he lasted and had some excellent moments in his attempts to protect Sara. Honestly, he was really well utilized, both in his role as the Scapegoat is the first Main Game and as the Phantom from chapter 2 onwards. He’s more of an accessory to Sara’s character than a character on his own, but he’s good enough as that.
I also really loved the concept of his execution, with Hoemy making use of Sara’s panic and desperation to prolong his suffering.
Keiji is quite decent but not my type of character. I’m at least glad that his backstory is already taking shape this early instead of having an overdone build-up that would lead to hype backlash. His interactions with Sara are also nice for how their trust for each other fluctuates a lot depending on the situation.
As for theories, we know that he was lying about still being an cop and that he was forced to kill his fellow officer at some point. Going by the name list, it’s possible that he got his Phantoms from killing Megumi right here in the first trial, but that wouldn’t explain how he lost his job.
The Yabusames are decently enjoyable and with many interesting aspects to them. I overall enjoyed the Reko replica better than the real deal but that’s because her status as a replica immediately plays into my favorite tropes. Still, I’m very interested in learning more about them and I really wasn’t expecting Alice to go down when he did.
There’s still a lot to learn about him, like the details of Alice’s crime and their unique relationship with gender but thankfully we still got Reko there to explain everything when the time comes.
(In case I haven’t properly explained the gender thing in the threads: Reko normally uses a regular feminine speech pattern but whenever she loses composure she quickly switch to an overly masculine speech pattern, sometimes correcting herself to the her usual form when she catches it. Conversely, Alice normally speaks with a masculine speech but switches to an overly feminine one whenever he loses composure. His name being Alice is also curious in this regard. That said, even in the moments were he’s talking the most femininely, he still says “I am Reko’s brother”, so I really don’t know what’s what.)
My opinion on Sou remains the same as when I was previously asked, but I definitely enjoying him a little more now that I know that a big part of his thing is that he is hopelessly conviced that Sara is evil.
As for theories, I don’t have much going on. Judging from the inconsistency in the name list and the fact Alice’s victim was named Sou Hiyori, I presume his real name is not Sou but Tsukimi. He can’t be the real Sou because Alice recognized the name but not the face, but if he chose that name, he must have had a connection to the real Sou, and consequently to the Yabusames. Why is he using Sou’s name and what does he plan to accomplish with his game strategize are still big question marks so far.
Nao is… really not interesting. I see her getting her moments showcasing her will to get braver and her well-paced progress getting there, but I haven’t gotten any reactions out of any scene aside from an apathetic “eh, that’s neat, I guess”.
That said about Nao, I really loved Mishima. His character was kinda one-note with his “gag” that he looks creepy as hell with his Komaeda face, Shinguuji way of talking and bizarre body language but is actually the nicest teacher ever, but his send-off was a very effective way of establishing the majority rules game (but practically and emotionally) and it had a great message there with the group losing its kindest member for judging a book by its cover.
Qtarou hasn’t had enough focus yet but he was a character taken in interesting directions, especially in chapter 2. I like all how he was consistently worried about Kai and interesting in finding out his true intentions (or at least proving he’s not evil) because his life in the orphanage lead him to be able to notice the loneliness of other people unloved by their parents. His orphanage story was also introduced very interestingly by the issue of his absurd accent.
The chapter 2 bad end was also a fascinating thing do with his character and really made his moments saving Gin in the end of the half-chapter much sweeter. He doesn’t seem too involved with the larger plot aside from his interest in Kai, so I assume we will get all of his best moments in game role interactions like these.
Gin is a sweet kid and his brother-sister relationship with Sara is really cute, but his focus in chapter 2 really showed there’s not really much to his character. Zero expectations for him going forward.
On the other hand, Kanna has been consistently all around excellent ever since the Chapter 1 Main Game started. Like Gin, she already has a full backstory that makes her quite unrelated to the larger plot but she makes up for it by being a quite active and competent player in the death game. Her partnership with Sou is being one of the biggest highlights of the story.
Still think she loves Kugie way more than she deserves though.
Kai was my favorite character so far. Chapter 1 presented him as an evil stalker and one of the kidnappers but with visibly a lot more to him, as evidenced by his angry attack on Hoemy when Mishima died and his last moments. He died by slicing himself before he could be executed and talking about how “small acts of resistance will ultimately lead to something bigger”, motivating the group (and mainly Sara) to do everything they can to upset the kidnappers and the game at every opportunity.
Chapter 2 connects all the dots by revealing Kai as someone saved Sara’s father and very dedicated to protect the Chidouins from the shadows. His e-mails are cleverly recontextualized into him being a double agent contating both the Chidouin yakuza and the kidnappers, stated to be an enemy yakuza led by his father. And than he is found out by said father and thrown into the game. And then the half-chapter ends with a seemingly high ranked kidnapper with the same family name as him, so it’s safe to assume Gashuu is Kai’s father and we’ll learn more about Kai through him. I’m looking forward to it.
The dolls so far have been the most fun thing in the game, aside from Hannaky. Hoemy and Noel managed to be impressively hammy in an unvoiced game, which sure is an amazing feat. I loved then enough just for their doll role, and to top it off, Noel managed to have a strong and genuine emotional moment I wouldn’t expect from the dolls. I hope their quality level stays like this.
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qtaroburgerberg · 5 years
i decided to write down the casts kanji! there’s some other name-based trivia in here too, but the main focus is just informing yall of what the kanji mean. i havent written down the WHOLE cast because that would take a while and i doubt they have many fans, but ive added the entire main cast + one or two characters below the cut.
there are some spoilers for 1-2, 2-1 and 2-2 beneath the cut!
Sara Chidouin: 千堂院 紗良 (Chidouin Sara) 千: Thousand 堂: Public chamber, hall 院: Institution, temple, mansion, school
紗: Gauze, gossamer 良: Good, pleasing, skilled
Jou “Joe” Tazuna:  田綱 丈 (Tazuna Jou) 田: Rice field, rice paddy 綱: Hawser, rope, cord, cable
丈: Length, measure, all (one has), merely
Joe’s name is kind of inconsistent in romanization because the kanji in his first name is pronounced “Jou,” but all of the in-game files refer to him as “Joe.” VGperson addressed this by having everyone call him Joe but having Miley call him Jou, since that’s technically his actual name.
Keiji Shinogi: 篠木 敬二 (Shinogi Keiji) 篠: Bamboo grass 木: Tree, wood
敬: Awe, respect, honor, revere 二: Two
A fun bit of trivia is that “Keiji” is also the Japanese word for “Detective,” albeit with different kanji (刑事 as opposed to 敬二).
Kanna Kizuchi: 木津池 神奈 (Kizuchi Kanna) 木: Tree, wood 津: Haven, port, harbor, ferry 池: Pond, cistern, pool, reservoir
神: Gods, mind, soul 奈: Nara, what? 
These are also the first two characters in “Kanagawa” which is a prefecture in Japan. Might be relevant, might be nothing?
Q-Taro Burgerberg: バーガーバーグ Q太郎 (Burgerberg Q-Taro) バーガーバーグ: This is just Burgerberg written out phonetically. Bāgābāgu. It’s written in katakana, which signifies it’s foreign.
Q: It's a Q. What do you want from me. 太: Plump, thick, big around 郎: Son
It should also be noted that 太郎 (Tarou / Taro) is considered a super boring name in Japan. 
There’s also a chance that “Q-taro” is a reference to Jotaro Kujo from JJBA. Apparently there’s an arc where he uses “Qtaro” as an alias? I got this bit from TVtropes so it might not be totally accurate.
There’s ALSO the added pun of it being a reference to barbeque. In the notes that have all the percentages, Q-taro is listed as “B.B Q太郎” in the Japanese version.
I think the takeaway you should be getting from this is that Q-taro’s name is fucking ridiculous.
Sou Hiyori: 日和 颯 (Hiyori Sou) 日和: Perfect weather. Individually, 日 (hi) means “Day,” or “Sun” and 和 (yori) means “Harmony” or “Peace.”
颯: Quick, suddenly. Sou is a pun on "Uso" which means "Lie" though.
Reko Yabusame: 八分雨 澪子 (Yabusame Reko) 八: Eight 分: Part, minute of time 雨: Rain
澪: Water route, shipping channel 子: Child. Also a common feminine ending for Japanese names. Think "Ette"
Reko’s name is romanized pretty inconsistently between “Reko” and “Reco”, but this kanji is pretty clearly “Reko.”
Nao Egokoro: 絵心 菜緒 (Egokoro Nao) 絵心: Artistic taste, desire to paint. Individually, 絵 (e) means “Picture, drawing, painting, sketch” and 心 (gokoro) means “Heart” or “Spirit”
菜: Vegetable, greens 緒: Beginning, inception, cord, strap
Kai Satou: 佐藤 戒 (Satou Kai) 佐: Assistant, help 藤: Wisteria
戒: Commandment
A worthwhile note is the fact that Satou is the most common surname in Japan.
Gin Ibushi: 飯伏 銀 (Ibushi Gin) 飯: Meal, boiled rice 伏: Bend down, bow, cover
銀: Silver
Kazumi Mishima: 三島 和己 (Mishima Kazumi) 三: Three 島: Island
和: Harmony, peace 己: Self
Shin Tsukimi: 月見 真 (Tsukimi Shin) 月見: Viewing the moon. Individually, 月 (tsuki) means “Moon”, and 見 (mi) means “See, hope, chances, idea, opinion, look at,” or “Visible.
真: True, reality
This name is fun because it’s basically the opposite of the real Sou Hiyori’s name. 
“Hiyori” can also be translated as “Sunny Weather” as opposed to “Perfect Weather,” which goes against “Moon Viewing”.  “Sou” is also a pun on “Uso” which means “Lie,” and “Shin” directly translates to “True” or “Truth. 
Basically Shin took the identity of a dude who’s name is the exact opposite of his.
Gashu Satou: 佐藤 我執 (Satou Gashuu) 佐: Assistant, help 藤: Wisteria
我執: Egotism, obstinacy. Individually, 我 (ga) translates to “Ego, I, selfish, our” or “Oneself,” while 執 (shuu) can mean “Tenacious, take hold, grasp,” or “Take to heart.”
I don’t really have a reason for putting Gashu in this list aside from showing yall that his first name literally means “Egotism.” 
However, the fact that Satou is the most common surname in Japan is the reason that people didn’t guess he was Kai’s dad sooner.
Alice Yabusame: 八分雨 ありす (Yabusame Arisu) 八: Eight 分: Part, minute of time 雨: Rain
ありす: No meaning. It’s just “Arisu.” I’m putting it here just so y’all know that it doesn’t mean anything.
Gonbee Yamada: 山田 権兵衛 (Yamada Gonbee) 山: Mountain 田: Rice paddy
権兵衛: John Doe, person of an unknown name. Individually, 権 means “authority”,  兵 means “soldier” or “warfare,” and 衛 means “defense” or “protection.”
Considering this was a fake name it was absolutely so fucking ballsy of Alice to name himself the equivalent of “John Doe.” Yamada is a super common surname too, so it’d kind of be like the equivalent of, uhhh, “Jeandeaux Jones” or something.
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kitehaizaki · 2 years
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Sketch I made in 2020.
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kitehaizaki · 9 months
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kitehaizaki · 1 year
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As culmination of the celebration of Kimi ga Shine's (Your Turn to Die) 3rd Anniversary I did in Twitter in 2020. I've also made a site to go with it if you want to check: KGS3rdProject
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kitehaizaki · 2 years
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16 Gashuu
As part of this year's celebration of Kimi ga Shine's (Your Turn to Die) 5th Anniversary I did in Twitter.
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kitehaizaki · 1 year
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Note: I recommend switching to the default color palette and clicking on the image to see the trick!
26 Gashuu
As part of the celebration of Kimi ga Shine's (Your Turn to Die) 3rd Anniversary I did in Twitter in 2020. See the colored version below.
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kitehaizaki · 2 years
All about Kite’s tags
I like to keep my archives organized and easy to navigate, so I’ve compiled most (if not all) of the tags I use and what they are for. I will update these when I have content of them.
Recommended way to search up the posts is to type in “kite haizaki” and the related tag in the search bar.
General tags I use for all content I made:
kite haizaki
Project-related tags I made:
According to the year I made them:
According to the type of content:
According to content or trigger warnings:
(subjective but it will be tagged if I deem a subject is a major spoiler to the plot, etc.)
According to the derivative content:
fan manga
fan comic
younger version
older version
According to franchise/characters:
kimi ga shine / your turn to die / yttd
chidouin sara
tazuna jou
shinogi keiji
kizuchi kanna
burgerberg q-tarou
tsukimi shin
yabusame reko
egokoro nao
satou kai
ibushi gin
mishima kazumi
yabusame alice
kageyama ranmaru
mishuku hinako
kurumada naomichi
tsurugi mai
kinashi anzu
hayasaka shunsuke
kizuchi kugie
sasahara megumi
hoemi (sue miley)
toto noel (rio ranger)
hannaki (tia safalin)
satou gashuu
hiyori sou
arujii (meister)
memory dance
mr. chidouin
mr. policeman
mutou jin
rikuno touko
hirose ryouko
genshin impact
aether / traveler
hu tao
kamisato ayato
honkai: star rail
dan heng
march 7th
welt yang
twisted wonderland
riddle rosehearts
deuce spade
ace trappola
trey clover
cater diamond
leona kingscholar
jack howl
ruggie bucchi
azul ashengrotto
jade leech
floyd leech
kalim al-asim
jamil viper
ansatsu kyoushitu / assassination classroom
akabane karma
blue lock
nagi seishirou
boku no hero academia / my hero academia
shishikura seiji
new danganronpa v3
ouma kokichi
kajiyama fuuta
kayano mikoto
sakurai haruka
pokemon scarlet and violet
fuwa minato
ookami game
iida rintarou
kite-san (sona)
According to the medium I used:
digital art
clip studio paint
paint tool sai
autodesk sketchbook pro
traditional art
Other tags for miscellaneous content:
ask kitehaizaki
contribution kitehaizaki
post kitehaizaki
info kitehaizaki
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