#saturn's kotlc headcanons
gay-otlc · 3 years
I am sick.
I am trash for Sokeefitz.
Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that I should make sick Sokeefitz headcanons.
Under the cut because it ended up being really long.
When Sophie is sick:
Sophie is afraid of doctors. She is not afraid of her boyfriends 🧡
Keefe and Fitz are veryyyyy used to Sophie being in life-threatening situations
So it's honestly kind of a relief if she just has a cough or a stomach bug or something
Sophie kind of expects Fitz to be useful and Keefe to be a disaster, but it's honestly the other way around
Keefe always had to take care of himself when he got sick so he's not bad at it
And him being an Empath helps him figure out when Sophie is lying and saying she's less sick than she is
Because we know she does that
He's not good enough to be a doctor or anything but no one's dying
Fitz, on the other hand?
Useless. Absolutely useless. (No Fitz hate here, I mean this in the nicest way possible)
"Can you get me a glass of water, please?"
"It'll be fine, Fitz."
Fitz goes downstairs to get the water, proceeds to also get five different medicines and three different kinds of tea and a thermometer.
"Literally all I wanted was a drink."
Fitz really freaks out at sickness stuff
He tries to calm down because he knows it'll be better for Sophie if his brain is working
But he's still panicking and he's really guilty
So usually Keefe takes care of the more practical stuff and asks Fitz if he can get Sophie emotional support stuffed animals or something
He also gets Mr. Snuggles for himself
Despite being okay at this stuff, Keefe is horrible at understanding the concept of contagious diseases.
"NO! Keefe! You cannot kiss Sophie, she is s i c k. And if you kiss her, you will get her germs. Don't kiss Sophie, you fucking idiot!"
Keefe demands extra kisses from Fitz as compensation, and extra kisses from Sophie once she recovers
They are both happy to oblige
When Fitz is sick:
He doesn't really get sick much. Maybe he's lucky, maybe he's good at taking precautions. We'll never know.
When he is, Keefe is usually the first one to figure it out
Since Fitz definitely isn't telling them.
Either he figures it out with Empathy or he tries to kiss Fitz's forehead and Fitz is like a million degrees
As soon as Sophie learns that Fitz is sick her brain goes into an extreme analytical mode.
"This is everything I have learned about medicine from the humans and this is everything I have learned about medicine from the elves and if I combine them I think I can determine the best way to treat you!"
"Sophie please chill the hell out."
She just loves Fitz too much to take any chances with him 🧡
Sometimes Sophie can be a little
Overbearing with Fitz, so Keefe doesn't have a whole lot to do
But if Sophie is completely focused on one problem (even if it's not a huge deal) then Keefe can handle the others
Keefe also has the job of figuring out whether Fitz is lying when he says he's feeling alright
Because he would 100% be like "I'm fine!" *Collapses*
He also tries to like. Physically push Keefe away from him
Because Keefe is a dumbass (affectionate) who still tries to kiss Fitz and doesn't understand germs
When Keefe is sick:
Finally learns how germs work because he doesn't want to get Sophie or Fitz sick
So he doesn't kiss them, yay.
But he demands a lot of presents and stuff.
Fitz and Sophie are happy to oblige
He's such a fucking drama queen about it
Sophie knows he's being melodramatic but is still really sweet to him
Fitz 100% believes that it is as bad as Keefe says it is and freaks out
Then Keefe feels really bad because he was trying to get extra chocolates, he doesn't actually want to make Fitz worry, so he tries to convince Fitz that it actually isn't all that bad
It seems like Sophie and Fitz would make a terrible combination for taking care of Keefe
Because they're both panicking disasters
But somehow they do alright
I mean, Keefe's not dead, so good enough.
Fitz's mind tends to just turn to chaotic worries so Sophie helps figure out more specific tasks for what needs to be done
And Fitz helps Sophie prioritize because she's trying to do a million things at once
And Keefe is whining because it's been so long since he kissed either of his wonderful partners
Holding hands wouldn't be too bad? Right? What if they used hand sanitizer-
In conclusion: Sokeefitz supremacy
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solreefs · 3 years
I got an ask about this a while ago but the brain cells are not working so I'll pass it on to you. Thoughts on aroace Dex?
Hmm yes I like this a lot
He’s sex-neutral and romance-favorable. Sex is fine, he guesses, he could do it to have kid, but he doesn’t actively want it and honestly would rather have some cake. Romance sounds nice, and he wouldn’t be opposed to a romantic relationship, but you what else sounds nice? A cat.
Romance was never something he really thought about as kid. People would get crushes, and he figured it would just happen to him eventually, but for now he had other things to do.
He was very confused why anyone would want to have sex if they weren’t trying to have kids, but he figured people were into all sorts of weird things, and maybe this was one of them?
Then he realized that sex was, in fact, something most people wanted/enjoyed, and also that other kids his age were thinking about dating soon
And so then he started to worry that there was something wrong with him
When Sophie showed up, she was nice to him, and she was pretty, and he liked being around her. So Dex was like “hmm platonic attraction + aesthetic attraction = romantic attraction… right?”
(Up until this point, whenever anyone had asked him who he had a crush on, he randomly picked someone who was pretty and nice and called it a day)
So he made himself have a crush on Sophie
Then they had their Awkwardness in book 6 and Dex realized that he had never actually been romantically attracted to Sophie or anyone else
So Dex kind of went into a questioning spiral, because he wanted a relationship but he didn’t feel romantic attraction at all
Then he started working with Tinker and learned how to do a whole bunch of cool new stuff, and figured out how to access the human internet from his Imparter
Because if elvin records couldn’t help, maybe human ones could?
So he did a lot of research, and eventually realized he was probably aroace
He also learned about QPRs, and realized that was closer to what he wanted than a romantic relationship, but romance could still be cool. Either one would work.
He sometimes worries he doesn’t actually count as aro because he’s romance-favorable, but he does
He came out to his parents and siblings, who were all pretty cool with it
The triplets were just like “oh so you don’t really like anyone? Interesting. Can you make us more prank elixirs?”
He’s out to a few friends, including Biana because Dex and Biana friendship is actually something that can be so personal
He has a squish on Fitz
Fitz does not yet know this information
Biana thinks Dex should just tell him and be done, but Dex is like “no, we must wait for the right moment. It’s all about the timing”
Thanks for letting me do this one!
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Alright. I just finished reading the Pride fic. And while I'm tempted to stuff all my amaezement into the tags as usual, I'll do it in an ask because you need to know just how fantastic of a writer you are.
First off, trans Jolie gives me life, as does Dadwin wanting to adopt the parentless kids (that made me want to cry, honestly, how can you make my heart shatter like this with one line–) She/he/they Sophie supremacy. Also, the line with Fintan doing rainbow arson. And the Fitz scene– holy shit I loved the Fitz scene. "And now he has a word for what he feels for his best friend when they make eye contact a little too long. He has a word and he's not alone." AMAZING. And then, in the Biana scene – "Yeah. Yeah, this is home." – this evoked such a strong feeling in me, like it hurt but also nourished me, and holy shit how are you this talented. I also love how you weave the events of your Little Miss Perfect songfic into a lot of your writing (as you should. It's an amazing fic) and the Maruca part. Edaline Ruewen is such a good parent. MARELLA REDEK FI/FIRE SUPREMACY I AM SO HAPPY YOU PUT THAT IN HOLY SHIT. And guess what, I'm lucky enough for there to be more Dadwin, Dadwin fuels my soul and makes me so delighted. And Tiergan– holy shit, I love Tiergan, that rule-breaking gay rock ("The law is stupid"). And the Linh and Tam content with Tiergan being their parent– fjsdjkhfasl ahhhh. Wylie is the tired-of-this-shit aro content we all need, and also him being the Big Brother fuels my soul even more than it's already been fueled. Dex's hit hard in the best way, ouch. I didn't know I needed Math Gay™ Stina in my life, but I did, thank you. Dellivvy. And Fitz and Biana betting on it. The Bronte and Oralie dynamic gives me life.
Whew, that was a massive ramble but– your writing. Saiph, I don't know quite how to say this, but your writing is absolutely incredible. I felt the full range of happiness reading this fic – delight and warmth and amusement and the joy at being near tears. I was near tears. I am near tears, and they're about to spill out, because your writing is so amazing and profound and evocative and makes me feel like I'm home, like this little pocket of this fic is cushions and blankets and soft things and it's just where I want to be. I want to live in this pride fic, Saturn, I want to nestle in its nooks and crannies and read it again and again and again because it makes me feel unbelievably happy.
I think my soul just ascended when I saw this ask because no matter how much I love people screaming in the tags, this gives me the chance to scream back in my own post and *cradles this ask gently* it's something that can be so personally.
I've only had the trans Jolie headcanon for like three hours, but I will die on this hill.
Okay but Elwin just... they're such a caring person and it would break their heart to see so many people hurting and they want to help them but they can't. And then they try anyway and I just-
She/he/they Sophie is one of my favorite headcanons, and I really just needed to give the human family some content. I miss them.
Tbh I wasn't that big a fan of the Fitz scene, it didn't look like I wanted it too in my head, but I'm glad you liked it! I absolutely adored writing the Biana and Maruca scenes. You should know that the little miss perfect events are my personal canon and it happened in the background unless explicitly stated otherwise.
EDALINE IS SUCH A GOOD MOM I WANT HER TO ADOPT ME ACTUALLY. If you've been following my rereads of kotlc I'm never gonna not scream about Edaline being a good mom.
I wasn't really sure what to do for Marella but I think you reminded me that those pronouns existed? And I knew that would be such a power move so yeah. They're fires now.
Dadwin. Dadwin is my life force that is all. And yeah Tiergan is a rule breaking gay rock that is his entire personality. Like "The law is stupid" is 100% something xe would say in canon, change my mind. Linh needs a supportive parent and I am happy to provide that for her okay. Tired-of-this-shit-aro-older-brother Wylie supremacy okay.
Dex's was... I struggled a lot with that one but I'm so pleased with how it turned out. And math gay Stina! I knew I wanted one of the four horsegirls to be a math gay and I figured it worked best for her.
I couldn't not include Dellivy. They're just so!!! And the kids absolutely would bet on it. 100%
Please, thank you for the opportunity to ramble back <3
This fic was really my love letter to pride, because I have so much love for pride, and I really am so glad that love shone through and other people are finding something comforting in that. Thank you so much for this ask because fuck, I loved every second of writing that, and it's so good to know it resonated with others.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Hello! I have many nice things to say today, (Long ask coming up, I’m so sorry if you‘re annoyed by it. I just want to give as much happiness as I can, if that’s alright. But if long asks stress you out, feel free to just skip it. Nothing I say here is urgent or anything like that.) but I apologize if they sound weird at all. I’ve been told that when I say nice things sometimes it comes off as creepy so if any part of this sounds creepy I am so sorry and I promise it’s not intentional. I just have a lot of thoughts in my head. Moving on, Saturn is such a beautiful name. (Granted, all your names are quite beautiful.)It’s actually a name I’ve considered myself, it’s just so joy-inducing. When I hear “Saturn” used as a name, I just want to jump up and down and wave my hands and smile, that sounds extremely weird but I don’t know a better way to describe the feeling. I wonder if you feel this way too when people call you Saturn? Or maybe something different? I‘d be happy to hear what led to you choosing that name, if you’d be willing to share. If not, that‘s okay too.
Have you ever looked at pictures of hedgehogs before? Or just looked at them in real life? I think they’re a “love it or hate it” animal, but I think they’re absolutely adorable. They’re just so small and squishy-looking, like they‘re little rubber balls or something. The excessive amount of quills they have only adds to their cuteness, in my opinion. As if they’re little balls of death. Destroyers of the universe.
Am I making this about me? I hope it doesn’t come off like that, I’d just like to try to relate with you about something. But just in case, let’s talk about you more! You have such a nice blog! So much attention to detail to the book series that brought us all here, along with some lovely and creative ideas/headcanons for it too! Also, you’re username- it’s so clever, I have no clue how you came up with it. Also also, you’re a writer! I have endless respect and awe for writers- writing can be so much more difficult than it seems. What do you enjoy most about writing? You’re definitely a household name within this fandom, I think I found your posts within the first few minutes of joining the fandom.
Who are your top five Kotlc characters? They don’t have to be main characters, they can even be characters who are only mentioned in passing if that’s who you choose. I’ll go first- (In order from favorite to fifth favorite) Tiergan, Tam, Elwin, Wylie, and Linh. Oh! How many books were there when you first started reading the series? I’m not asking this gatekeep-y, in case you’re worried about that. A fan’s a fan!
I’m going to stop here because this is almost an essay-length ask already. If you want me to continue talking, I can (I have too many thoughts and my brain is much too excited right now, like I said earlier.) but if you don’t want me to, that’s alright as well. Either way, I hope you have a great day/night.
Hi! This has been sitting in my askbox for over a week, lol, I was saving it for when I needed it and you know what? Now I need it. Thank you for your service.
Saturn IS a beautiful name, thank you! I chose the name back in May, I think? I'd recently written a poem about gender and Saturn/ring metaphors, and then a mutual of mine started going by Venus, and I went "space name? space name!" and added it. And yeah, I get kind of a dopey smile on my face when people call me Saturn :)
I haven't, but at your suggestion... HOLY SHIT LOOK AT HIM
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Nah, you're good! The username... I was making puns about how everyone in KOTLC was queer, this was one of the puns, and I thought it would make a fantastic username. I was right. What's my favorite part of writing? That's tough. I would have to say the best feeling is when you hit a wall in your writing, but then the moment you break through it feels so good. It's also really good to hear that I qualify as a household name in the fandom, cause when I got started it felt like everyone was super close knit and I wouldn't really fit in.
Top five? Fuck, I'm genderfluid and in capable of making decisions /j. Marella and Biana are my top two, Della is absolutely wonderful, I agree with you that Tiergan is fantastic, and... yeah, Elwin too. I will declare those my top five before I can overthink that. I started reading the series when... Nightfall was out? But Flashback came out before I'd finished the first six.
You seem really nice and you made me pretty happy, so if you want to come back, that would be cool!
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