prathamfoods · 4 years
Best Cow Ghee
Ghee is great for improving immunity and keeping the digestive system healthy. To gain the benefits of ghee for stronger immunity, one should consume 100% verified Satva ghee.
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Satva Ghee is now available on Amazon also! Click here to order
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helloganeshfan · 5 years
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Manufacturer of Satva Buffalo Ghee, Satva Cow Ghee & Satva Buffalo Ghee 15 KG offered by Pratham Foods from Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Buy pure cow or buffalo milk ghee or ghee products. We sell original cow & buffalo ghee online at reasonable rates.
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rankajewellers-blog · 5 years
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prathamfoods · 4 years
Buffalo Ghee
Ab Shudhata se koi compromise nahi Satva ghee ke saath! If you consume pure ghee regularly, it will boost your mental as well as physical strength. This will help in keeping your body fit and fighting off illnesses.
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Satva Ghee is now available on Amazon also! Click here to order
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prathamfoods · 4 years
Truth behind Ghee being the right source for strong bones
Modern day science now agrees with the Ayurvedic wisdom about ghee. It promotes longevity and protects the body from various diseases. In Ayurvedic terms, Ghee increases the digestive fire (agni) and improves absorption and assimilation. It nourishes ojas, the subtle essence of all the body’s tissues (dhatus).  Ghee improves memory and strengthens the brain and nervous system, lubricates the connective tissues, thereby rendering the body more flexible, and is an important detoxification agent. The consumption of desi cow ghee is considered to be extremely beneficial for increasing the bone strength and stamina. In fact, the richest source of fat-soluble vitamins is desi cow ghee which helps in healthy growth and development of bones and brain, also maintaining their normal functioning. Let’s find how ghee helps is a right source for strong bones:
1. Desi Ghee is one of the fat which is lactose friendly, has vitamin A, some amount of calcium and vitamin K2 which helps our body to absorb food nutrients. It increases the transit time through the digestive tract and the presence of normal protein in the diet helps calcium absorption.
2. Desi ghee is a natural lubricating agent. When consumed, ghee promotes the formation of lubricants in the bone joints and elevates calcium absorption in bones. It is full of omega-3 fatty acids that prevent osteoporosis. Ghee is strengthening and removes toxins from our system. The butyric acid in combination with vitamins A, D, E, and K present in lubricates joints and strengthens our skeletal system.
3. Vitamin K2 is one of the most important determinants of bone density and strength. It helps absorb calcium and other trace minerals which are the building blocks of bones. Ghee is an ample source of this crucial vitamin and hence a source of nutrition for bone health.
Conclusion Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It ensures the strength and rigidity of bones. The ends of the long bones are a storehouse of calcium which can be used during pregnancy, adolescence and lactation when there is an increased need for calcium. When this reserve of calcium is not present, calcium is mobilised from the bones. This causes thinning of the bone structure, leading to osteoporosis. Ghee with its beneficial properties is an excellent source of nutrition for strong bones. Pratham food’s ‘Satva Ghee’ is a premium desi cow ghee made with age old tradition of ghee making. Purchase this product online from our website or on Amazon Marketplace.
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prathamfoods · 5 years
The Sun is blazing and baking large parts of India with a searing heat wave. The summer season is at its peak! The unrelenting summer heat takes a toll on our body and it is very important to stay healthy and energized. To do so, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and add nutrient-rich staples in our diet. One such healthy and tasty staple is Ghee.
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prathamfoods · 4 years
Desi Ghee- Yes It’s A Super Food
Superfood – Ghee
Superfoods are specific foods mostly plant-based also some fish and dairy, which are found to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one’s health. Ghee was always considered most important ingredient of our diet since ancient times in India. It was an all-round solution for a healthy and disease free body. Later, after being misunderstood as a source of fat, it got its due credit in recent times as a superfood which has a high nutritious value.
An interesting fact about Ghee is that its origin is from India and was a widely used Ayurvedic medicine with excellent healing properties until now.
How is Ghee formed?
Ghee is simply a clarified butter formed by heating butter to separate the water and milk solids leaving behind golden coloured fat. The remaining fat is an easily digestible and nutritious residue with a subtle aroma. Ghee extracted from desi cow’s milk is considered the most nutritious and high quality ghee.
Ghee has risen to popularity as a superfood due to the evidence of it containing high nutritional elements like proteins, iron, sodium, calcium, vitamin A, D, E, and omega fatty acids.
Let’s go through various points to understand why is ghee a magic potion from the history of Indian food diaries:
Contains Fat-Soluble Vitamins Our body can metabolise fat-soluble vitamins through high fat foods and not in water. The absorption of these vitamins is necessary for a healthy body. Ghee is a natural source for fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and E which are a strong anti-oxidants. Vitamin A and D help in immune function as well as in bone health and development. Ghee contains a uniquely absorbable form of Vitamin D that helps with the proper functioning of the synapses in the brain.
The cows which feed on grass provide us with Vitamin K2 rich ghee. Women with a diet focused on Vitamin K2 close to their conception, deliver babies with more symmetrical faces and healthy teeth. Thus, if you are family planning, do keep in mind to include a healthy diet of grass-fed cow ghee as well.Vitamin K2 and healthy babies
High Smoke Point The smoke point of a fat is the highest amount of temperature where it begins to smoke and its fatty acids are oxidised. The oxidised radicles formed beyond the smoke point are harmful and also give bad taste. Ghee has a higher smoke point which makes it better than other oils and butter. It is a natural fat with a stable chemical structure that keeps it unaltered in high heat.
Source of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is naturally available in Ghee which has shown to be beneficial for an improved heart, weight, and blood glucose regulation amongst other health benefits. CLA in the body helps to regulate blood glucose by lowering adiponectin concentrations which in turn increase insulin sensitivity which is good for patients with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. It has been shown to increase lean body mass (muscle) while decreasing fat tissue in obese individuals by modifying testosterone in the body.
Source of Butyric acid Butyric acid or butyrate is a short chain fatty acid naturally occurring in Ghee. It has an anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a detoxifier which helps in improved colon health. Butyric acid naturally occurring in ghee also proves to support healthy insulin levels and individuals suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can find relief with it.
Improved Digestive system Ghee helps in reducing the excess stomach acid formation; lubricates and repair the ‘cilia’ – hair-like structures that line the stomach walls. It aids in providing natural medicinal lubricant to your stomach lining.
Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acids
Ghee helps in detoxing the body by eliminating petrochemicals, pesticides and heavy metals due to its Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acid anti-oxidant content. Stimulation of bile release via saturated fats like ghee, encourage detox, balanced hormones, and weight loss.
Can be taken by Lactose intolerants Ghee due to its process of conversion by heating butter has a very less amount of lactose present. Due to its low lactose content, a lactose intolerant person can start consuming ghee for its benefits under the guidance of a medical practitioner.
Above mentioned nutritional details regarding desi cow ghee must have cleared your doubts and proves that Ghee is indeed a superfood. Start adding it into your diet in suitable quantities and enjoy its benefits and a healthy body. We at Pratham Foods, manufacture high quality Desi Cow ghee know as ‘Satva Ghee’ available online on our website and on Amazon market place.
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prathamfoods · 4 years
Best buffalo ghee
Best buffalo ghee gives a very unique flavor and delicious taste in all dishes. Now buy the original and pure ghee only at Satva Ghee.
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Satva Ghee is now available on Amazon also! Click here to order https://www.amazon.in/s?i=merchant-items&me=ASX0TRF6IJ7UX
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prathamfoods · 4 years
Best Ghee Seller in Pune
Satvik food is the best diet for physical strength, good mind, good health and longevity. Ghee is good for health and used in satvik Indian food to make it more delicious.
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Satva Ghee is now available on Amazon also! Click here to order
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prathamfoods · 4 years
The unique importance of ghee in Indian festivals
Indian festivals come with various age-old customs and traditions which our ancestors followed. All these rituals came with logical thinking which over time though were observed as per the scriptures, people forgot the importance of them.
Desi Cow ghee is a very crucial part of festivities which involves ‘havan’ and ‘puja’ that has been regarded as a remedy to the poison in VEDAS. Its aroma purifies the physical atmosphere. Ghee has a delicious, nutty, strong buttery taste and is used to flavour and fattening foods that would be cooked during the festivities.
Let’s check below how desi cow ghee holds its unique importance in Indian festivals:
Ghee in ‘Havans’ ‘Havan’ is a divine fire ritual which has originated from the Sanskrit source ‘hu’; which means to consume. In Hinduism, fire (Agni) signifies purity, as it consumes the old and covers the way for a new origin, as an interface connecting the material world and spiritual world. The ‘Havan’ is offered in a square-shaped ‘Kunda’ with ghee as one of its key elements. The fumes generated by havan contains ghee as well which is considered to purify the surroundings and bring positive vibrations. Ghee in festive foods It is an ingredient without which the final offerings of food that is offered to the god and goddesses cannot be cooked at all. Ghee which is considered auspicious and healthy adds both ‘satvik’ and nutritional value to the food.
Ghee in Diyas (lamp) Ghee lamp has more potential to attract the satvik vibrations near the surrounding environment as compared to the oil lamp. It is believed that when the ghee lamp stops burning the impact of ‘satvikta’ is felt even after four hours.
Ghee in pooja rituals Cow ghee is considered to be pure and auspicious. It is believed that consumption of ghee on a festive day boosts memory, intelligence, strength and energy. Also, cow ghee is fatty and no ailment occurs related to Vata, Kapha and Pitta with its consumption.
Conclusion Ghee is “samsara anuvartana”, it means that it maintains its own goodness along with the health benefits of whatever it is prepared with. Its importance is not only found in Ayurveda, but it is also considered as a superfood now days. We at Pratham Foods produce the purest quality of desi cow ghee known as ‘Satva Ghee’. Shop this product on our website and fill purity and prosperity in all your festivities.
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prathamfoods · 5 years
Best cow ghee - Satva ghee
Unadulterated Cow Ghee – The Ultimate Detoxifying Agent
In our quickly developing life, there is a great deal of impact internet based life tends on our way of life. That is likewise bringing forth new legends and misinterpretations. Individuals are supplanting age-old customary practices with marked enhancements.
Unadulterated dairy animals ghee is one prey of this odd pattern. Many accept that expending ghee causes weight and bloatedness. Yet, our old stories and practices obviously refute that it is a discernment. As a general rule, bovine ghee has a great deal of supplement esteem and is an excellent detoxifying specialist.
Whenever utilized in legitimate extent ghee can be utilized to settle a considerable lot of our wellbeing just as skin related issues. A considerable lot of the applications are accessible in Ayurveda. It is a conventional record of the medication, comprising of four distinct Vedas that characterize how to achieve a parity in substantial frameworks and utilizations diet, home grown treatment, and yogic relaxing.
Unadulterated dairy animals ghee has been the essential fixing in our Indian family units on account of it's flavorful taste, flawless fragrance thus a wide range of advantages.
As a Detoxifying Agent –
Change the Toxins
Unadulterated dairy animals ghee helps in the process lipophilic impact. The way toward pulling unsaturated fats and poisons that participate in chelation to pull off dissolvable poisons.
Uses Fats
Devouring dairy animals ghee day by day will improve your digestion. It takes a functioning part in breaking and arranging fats. What's more, deals with your body inside by keeping it warm.
Mending Powers
For a considerable length of time, dairy animals ghee is being utilized as a germ-free medication. It is applied to wounds, cuts, consumes, that fixes and reestablishes the influenced zone likewise gives a cooling impact.
Settles Your Mood
Individuals with terrible eating routine or gastrointestinal issues regularly have fluctuating states of mind. It is essential to eat great, legitimate nourishment, keep up glucose levels and maintain a strategic distance from extraordinary limitations. The nutrients A, D, E, K, Omega 3 and 9 unsaturated fats are available in unadulterated dairy animals ghee that assist you with achieving harmony and shellfish lifting up your disposition.
Goes about as a Cleanser
The every day measurements of cow ghee will enable your body to flush out the current bile in your gut. Bile is a dull greened, yellowish, dark colored liquid made by your liver to start the absorption of lipids (liquids like cholesterol.)
Scours the Intestine Toxins
Cow ghee starts the arrival of gastric acids that helps during the time spent assimilations and mends the stomach related track if essential. It is likewise known for expanding your hunger.
Relax Your Tissues
Ghee will help total the procedure of Oleation in your body. It fundamentally encourages your tissues to extricate up by devouring custom made oils inside or remotely to treat any ailment. Bovine ghee overwhelmed by a decent eating regimen will enter in your tissues and grease up it.
It turns out to be extremely imperative to devour the correct items that will help you in detoxification no doubt. Pratham Foods (Satva Ghee) have thought of desi ghee called' Satva Ghee' with the vision of reliably conveying the unadulterated and desi ghee (explained spread) to their customers. It isn't just wealthy in enhance yet in addition has a ton of medical advantages. Satva ghee is accessible in different value portion and amount from a scope of 200ml,500ml, 1ltr, and 15 Kgs.
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helloganeshfan · 5 years
20 Proven Health Benefits Of Satva Pure Cow Ghee
Dairy animals ghee is considered as the most hallowed, otherworldly and gainful part we Indians have been eating since the huge number of years. Albeit huge numbers of us love to eat up right now sound margarine, we are constantly informed that it isn't useful for our wellbeing and results in weight or expansion in cholesterol. In any case, consider the possibility that we revealed to you this is all legend and you can really eat it virtuously. You couldn't imagine anything better than to, wouldn't you? So today we are unveiling the most astonishing dairy animals ghee benefits that will leave your mind astounded and you will be certainly enticed to proceed to get it. Despite the fact that we propose you spare your time and purchase ghee on the web.
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Let’s start with the Cow Ghee Benefits now.
1.Great for digestion
Being rich in the butyric acid which is a short-chain of fatty acids, makes this wonder food great for digestion.
2.Low in fat
Ghee is extremely low in fat and the studies have shown that it is capable of reducing the cholesterol present in the intestine and also in the serum. You can enjoy it conveniently, how? Just buy ghee online.
3.Gives the necessary vitamins
Our body needs a lot of vitamins to work efficiently and stay in a healthy state, and the benefits of cow ghee are that it alone gives you vitamins A, D, E and K. Cow ghee benefits are indeed exceptional.
4.Makes the immune system strong
Ghee is blessed with a lot of antioxidants which is the biggest cow ghee benefit. This gives your body the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from everything you eat and drink. Now make your immunity strong in just a few clicks, buy ghee online.
5.It is anti-inflammatory
Research says that the butyrate enemas present in them are actually effective to cure the inflammation. This cow ghee benefit can help you to get relief from bowels and ulcerative colitis. Buy ghee online to ensure your health and save your time.
6.Have anti-cancer properties
The best out of these cow ghee benefits is that it contains CLA which is the potential to fight cancer. Also, the butyric acid it has can inhibit the development of the cancerous tumors.
7.Gives us healthy fats
The cow ghee benefits also involve the production of healthy fats like trans-fats, oxidized cholesterol that helps your vital functions to perform well.
8.Does not cause dairy-allergies
Even though it is made from the milk products it does not cause any dairy-allergies.
9.Great to cure the burns
Cow ghee benefits involve the reduction of skin inflammation which is why you can use the ghee to cure the burns.
10.High smoke point
Due to its high smoke point, it does not break into the harmful radicals making it perfect to cook in.
11.Gives energy
With lots of medium chains, fatty-acids ghee is the storehouse of energy. You can save some extra energy by choosing to buy ghee online.
12.Does not contain the impurities
Ghee is free of any salt or hydrogenated oils which makes it completely pure proving to be one of the best cow ghee benefits.
13.Improves eye-sight
If you have poor eyesight or irritation under-eye use of ghee can really help you.
14.Great for skin
Daily consumption or application of ghee can bless you with the best skin.
15.Relieves constipation
Ayurveda advises to take a teaspoon of ghee in the milk and this will give you relief from constipation.
16.Cures a cough
You can cure cough by directly consuming one teaspoon of ghee or by making a concoction out of it. With so many cow ghee benefits make sure you start eating it.
17.Makes positive effect on mind and mood
The components present in ghee result in affecting our brain's neurotransmitters which are responsible to make us happy.
18.Cures thyroid dysfunctioning
The study has shown how consumption of ghee can result in the proper functioning of the thyroid.
19. Is positive food
Ayurveda has always sung the glory of Ghee, and it is considered the most positive or satvic foods because of its capability to promote positivity, growth, and expansion of consciousness. Unlike before, now, you can avail it any time you want all you have to do is buy ghee online.
20.Good for hair
Bring back the shine in your hair by applying ghee. This natural moisturizer will soften your hair too.
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helloganeshfan · 5 years
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Prathm Foods sell pure ghee brands, ghee products online in pune. Ghee improves your nutritional value to stay healthy.
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prathamfoods · 5 years
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prathamfoods · 5 years
Pratham food is the one of leading company.Which is cow ghee and buffalo ghee manufacturer and seller. buy online ghee from Pratham Foods. satva ghee best cow ghee. 
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prathamfoods · 5 years
Pratham foodsis a best ghee manufacturer and seller in pune. you also buy it online. pure desi ghee cow ghee satva ghee. 
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