dreamsausage · 8 months
lesbian robot dream
just had a dream where were walking g around my favourite park with a family I didn't recognise. we were going a route that was totally different to the one we usually take, and it seemed to mix another park I like in with it. we walked past a path that had a big solid dam locking in a pool of water, but we were on the other side and there were about 15 herons all standing in the water eating snails.
then we turned a corner and we found these two guys who were actors I recognised but they weren't actually irl people from what I could tell? like my brain went "oh I've seen them on tv" but they didn't look like anyone I've seen before.
they were working on several computers and talking to eachother so we came over to ask what they were doing. turns out they had found some lost media in the form of a movie that they wanted to publish on YouTube, and they realised they were close to where it was filmed, so they came over to compare it.
we watched as they discussed the movie, and they apparently hadn't published the video yet and were just verifying it before they did. they played it in full so we could see what happens in it.
It was a bit muddled, but it was the same every time they replayed it, down to the voice acting. it seems some kind of magician who worked for the mayor of a town created a sentient robot, and used magic to give her a human body to see if the town would accept her. a lot of the town didn't like her because she was very tall and slightly unsettling, and she didn't know how to use the hands she now had so they were constantly frail, curled up and bruised from her stubbing them constantly.
the first half of the movie was in stop motion animation. here it introduced Seffie (the robot girl), the magician who was like 30 years old? and he didn't do much because he had to travel to the next town to get stuff at the start, the mayor who was a very nervous old guy who had a robot butler that followed him everywhere and helped to reaffirm the mayor's decisions, a barber and a shoemaker who went everywhere together and seemed to be played by the same two actors from before, and Lilith, one of only a few 18 year old girls in the small town.
lilith immediately liked the robot girl and couldn't understand why everyone else was so weirded out by her. there was a scene where she was talking to her mother while collecting up the stuff she needed around the house (because she worked as a carpenter) and her mother was saying
"you need to keep your distance from that robot. it doesn't have the capacity to care."
and lilith said
"you just don't get her mum. she has her own way of doing things. and anyway, she's really beautiful..."
at that she grabbed a long hair tie made of pink flowery ribbon off the hat stand, looked at it and thought for a second, then put it in her bag and left the house.
I can't entirely remember the events in between this and the next important part in order but it was just lilith making friends with seffie, taking her around the town and showing her things, sharing her favourite food with her, and then she gave her the hairtie. seffie doesn't have a lot of hair so the hairtie made it seem much longer, and it matched the pink colour of her eyes. at this point something begins to change in seffie and she becomes more proactive and talkative.
there was one part where lilith, seffie, the two guys, the robot and the mayor were all in a car driving down a long path near a lake. the road was slightly uneven and while they were talking, the car malfunctioned and the brakes stopped working. the mayor lost control of the car and it fell into the lake, quickly starting to fill with water.
seffie successfully opened the side doors and the mayor and the robot guy got out of the driver's side, while the barber and the shoemaker got out of the other. there were loads of long plants coming up from the seabed and the robot almost got tangled in them, but he managed to cut through them with his metal claws and pull the mayor up out of the lake. the barber also nearly got his leg tangled up but he had a pair of scissors in his pocket so he cut through the plant and tried to swim out with the shoemaker.
but then it turned out the shoemaker had his hand stuck in the window, which had automatically tried to close when the car malfunctioned. it was too tightly stuck to get his hand out, but the glass was reinforced and almost impossible for him to smash. the shoemaker started drowning and the barber kept ahold of his other hand trying to figure out how to get him out.
then Seffie realised that those two weren't going to get out, so she used her feet to kick open the sunroof while lilith worked on smashing the window. eventually the window broke and they all swam up through the car and got out of the water at the top. the shoemaker coughed up water for a while but he and the rest of the people turned out ok. originally the shoemaker was a little skeptical of seffie but after this he couldn't ignore that she was a good person who genuinely cared for others, unlike what the town thought.
they all walked back to town and the shoemaker got his hand looked at by a doctor when they arrived. some of the townspeople didn't entirely believe what happened, and thought that maybe lilith was the one to actually kick open the sunroof, or even that seffie caused the malfunction. everyone who had been in the car steadfastly refused any of these ideas and insisted the truth of what happened. seffie stayed quiet because she didn't think the people would listen to anything she said.
there was a bit of a blur where something happened but I can't quite remember, but then it came to the end of the movie and the final scene was between lilith and saffie. they were in an orchard in full bloom and seffie still had the hairtie on. they were sitting together and talking about things they wanted to do during the week, and lilith seemed unusually nervous. she grabbed seffie's hand and told her there was one thing she wanted to do right that moment, which was tell seffie that she loved her.
seffie was quiet for a second, but then she pulled lilith into a hug and said "even after everything the people in town said about me?"
lilith said she didn't care what they said, and she loved seffie anyway.
they started to sing their favourite song together and dance around in the orchard. the barber and the shoemaker had been there too watching to see if it would go well, so they came out and congratulated both of them, and then they all started dancing.
the next scene was them walking back to town and lilith and seffie were holding hands and smiling. lilith's mother came out of the house and saw seffie smiling and looking at lilith lovingly, and she realised that maybe seffie really wasn't a robot anymore, and that she not only had capacity to care, but also to love.
they got married and then the credits played. the two actor guys decided that it was indeed the full version like they had hoped, and they immediately began uploading it to various sites, then copied the whole thing to a disc and made plans to have it rereleased by a film studio they had ties to.
a lot of the scenes in the movie were bloody because seffie never fully learned how to use her hands, especially in the car scene since she tried to break the windows and the sunroof with her hands first, breaking them and cutting them on the sharp edges. when she got out of the car there was blood running down her arms and some on her face from the initial crash. several other scenes had her try to use her hands wrong and hurt them, with lilith helping to clean them up.
during the wedding scene her hands and forearms were wrapped in bandages. she never moved her fingers from a fist and held things with both hands. the bloody scenes were often hard to watch because it was obvious she found using her hands very painful, which may be a reason why the movie wasn't archived. I think another of the reasons why the film was lost was because it was a lesbian love story too, and critics received it poorly due to public opinion of gay people at the time. "why couldn't the robot be a boy?" and so forth.
there had apparently been a forum post where this person had remembered the movie, but she only had screenshots of "when I thought seffie looked the most beautiful". she had posted these images to the forum and they were very low quality, so me and the other two guys started going through the movie and finding all the same parts and re-screenshotting them so they were in high quality for this person.
I couldn't tell what time the movie was set in, but it definitely felt like it was in the past. the clothes they wore and technology of the time felt almost steampunk, but it wasn't as over-the-top and many of the people there didn't really bother with technology much, plus they did widely have electricity.
colour definitely drove the narrative a lot. seffie originally had a very monochrome white theme except for her deep pink eyes, while lilith was always very pink and purple. the more the two got to know eachother, the pinker saffie got. her wedding dress at the end was rose pink.
the barber and the shoemaker both wore mostly brown and their hair was very dark brown, almost black. they wore the same things but clearly were not related, just very close. there was a rumour going round the forums that they were initially planned to also get married at the end, but this was scrapped to put the focus on the girls instead.
lilith's mum always wore green, and the rest of the townspeople mostly wore grey, black and white. the magician wore red and had deep pink eyes that matched saffie's.
weird dream but really quite nice honestly.
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dreamsausage · 11 months
set in neo-Manchester again, like the grey monster dream. I was an evil mastermind that tried to destroy the world or something, and was now wandering and trying to find a place. I didn't have anywhere to stay so I was kind of a mess, hungry and tired.
I spent a lot of time sitting on the floor outside. it was late at night and there were two moons in the sky that would move around randomly. suddenly a bus arrived so I got on, I didn't have any money but the guy driving it (comics guy from the simpsons) just let me on anyway. it was at this point I learned that I may technically have been vegeta?
anyway I sat at the back and was mumbling to myself, but then a guy near the front said "I don't wanna be on the same bus as that guy. I refuse to be near him. I'm getting off."
he went to the front of the bus, waited for the next stop and got off. then when the bus began moving again a woman said "yknow what me too. come on girls."
she got up along with two little girls who were very confused by the situation and they all got off at the next stop, which was like a hilly, mountainous area with a beach or lake or something.
I looked out of the window on my side and noticed a bunch of my mum's stuff inside one of the houses. I got nervous.
when they got off I noticed the family counting eachother at the stop, then freaking out — they'd left a little kid on the bus. an old lady grabbed the kid's hand and told her they'd get off at the next stop and walk back to the one her family had gotten off at. the little kid asked why everyone wanted to get away from me, and the lady said
"because they're a very bad person and many people are scared of them."
the kid didn't really understand. they got off anyway and I was getting really annoyed by people whispering about me so I decided to get off at the next stop, so I did. I walked down the street and suddenly I was inside of this house with my parents' stuff in it. I went up the stairs and it was our attic where my parents sleep. my parents were in their bed, and my mum looked at me.
"oh yeah?" she said, "come back here now have you? after all of that?"
I was quiet.
my dad said "you look like a mess. where have you been?"
and I was all like "well I haven't exactly had anywhere to stay, I've kinda been living on the floor"
I couldn't tell what their reaction to that was before I woke up.
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dreamsausage · 2 months
gay murderers dream
Had a dream where there was a young man and his girlfriend about to move away from their house, an inn, but there was an investigation happening in their town and the family had already partially figured out that the young man was a murderer.
He killed around 3 or 4 people, all of whom were very dangerous and harmed many people. he knew that who they were wasn't going to matter, and that he would be arrested and sentenced anyway, so he had to leave and go into hiding.
There were several other murders that had taken place that were completely unrelated to him though, but everyone thought they were by the same guy. He figured out that the other murderer was the man he was forced to room with in the inn. they'd overbooked and the only spare bed was in the young man's room.
He, his girlfriend and her parents were all talking in the main room. The girlfriend didn't know why they were moving away and was getting cold feet, and her parents didn't entirely want her to move either. it grew into an argument and she told him she wasn't going. he backed away and said "alright then, your choice" and then walked back into his room to continue packing his things.
the other man was still in the room, and by this point the young man would usually already have left for the day, so he had no idea what the guy looked like. as he sat up, the young man looked over at him in passing, but then quickly looked back again, turning bright pink. it was an "oh no he's hot" situation. the two of them stared at eachother for a little while, and the other man laughed a little and said "you alright there man?"
the young man immediately blurted out "do you want to come with me?"
the other man looked confused and said "where? why?"
the young man swallowed, "um. Well the investigation is getting pretty close. I'm sure by now you've figured some things out, and I have too. neither of us can really stay here, can we?"
the other man looked at him for a while and then slowly his eyes widened and he stood up. "...... I KNEW it was you! I knew you were the other guy I had a feeling!! Your methods are fucking WEIRD man like with the abuser in the alley?? wtf was that???"
they both started teasing eachother and talking about their methods and how coincidental it was that both of them happened to kill people at the same time completely disconnected to one another.
as they talked they realised that yeah, they absolutely couldn't stay. this would be the other guy's only chance to escape, and the sooner the better. they looked at eachother, nodded, and then started to pack.
the next scene was them driving towards the house that they would be staying at, but they were being chased by two guys who had connections to some of their victims. One was a short guy in a big white coat with glasses and grey hair who attacked them with various chemicals, and the other was tall and had dark clothes and hair, and was trying to kill them with sharp weapons. they would dodge most of the attacks, but sometimes one of the guys would hit one of the men and they would have to patch themselves up while on the move.
they made it to a safe house that they were planning on staying in at the halfway point. they would have to stay here for a week or so because both of them were a bit battered from the two guys attacking them. The other man had mostly cuts and slashes from the dark guy and had to clean all of them in the kitchen sink. the other guy came off relatively unscathed and only had a minor chemical burn on his arm, which he handled pretty easily.
the young man told the other man about where they were going. it was next to a lake in a forest, and there were cliffs nearby. it was owned by someone he knew and they lived not too far away, so the house would be stocked up and ready for them to live in once they got there.
then it cut to them arriving at the house. there was a police car behind them and also the two guys from before, but when they noticed the police they ran away.
other man had been stabbed in the leg and as they pulled up to the house the young man had to help him out of the car and through the front door. the other man got inside ok, but before the young man could get inside, a policeman shot him in the stomach. luckily he fell inward through the door so the other man could slam the metal door shut and pull his friend up and further inside.
It was an open-plan house with a second floor. there was a TV and sofa near the front door, the stairs a little way behind, and then past that on the left was the dinner table and the kitchen in the far corner. there were bookshelves further to the right, with a desk and some cabinets. overall it was warm, if a little sparse, and the dim lighting from the curtained windows and lamps dotted around gave it a cosy atmosphere.
one of the curtains was askew, so the other man looked through it as he pulled his friend up onto the sofa. the young man's friend who he had mentioned had arrived and was successfully fighting the police off and forcing them to retreat. the man wasted no time helping the young man with the gunshot, it had gone straight through so he didn't have to dig the bullet out. in doing this he noticed a few other deep cuts that he had himself, and he cleaned himself up a little so that helping the young man would be safer.
they sat there for a while, the other man keeping the young man talking by discussing how insane this journey had been, and how the house looked. soon the young man's friend knocked on the window to let them know they were coming inside to help out.
It cut to the two of them patched up and lying on the sofa together. the other man was wiping blood off the young man's face with a cloth and they were curled comfortably around eachother. the other man stopped for a second and stared at his sleeping friend 🏳️‍🌈?ly for a HOT minute. like seriously there was Something going on here iykwim
the next shot was the young man's friend from before making them breakfast while they watched the news, all of them discussing how things were going to go, but I woke up soon after that.
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dreamsausage · 4 months
Had a dream where I downloaded a modded pokemon game that added loads of new pokemon behaviours, mechanics and even an extra storyline to what seemed to be pokemon sword. animations were updated and improved, the visuals of the new area were very accurate, the only issues were a few bugs really.
there was a new character who looked kind of like a pokemon version of goro akechi from persona. he was enthusiastic and friendly, and loved to gush about all his favourite pokemon facts, since he was an aspiring pokemon researcher.
he would run surveys on the new area that was added which would change which pokemon were there — when you went to the train station to go there, the intercom would give you a list of all the current pokemon available. when you got there, you would have things similar to BBQs set by this guy, like catching certain pokemon, observing a behaviour, etc.
from what I remember, the research team the guy worked for thought he was too naive and overexcited about his research. they would shut him down whenever he brought something up, but he didn't seem to get too beaten up about it, and would just tell the player instead. his breakthroughs were usually little novelties like why a pokemon smelled a certain way, or what a specific behaviour was for, but he was certain he'd find something BIG in this new place.
I went to this area for the first time and I found a tentacruel climbing on top of a toedscruel, trying to eat it after it had fallen into the water — but the toedscruel, being bigger than the tentacruel, managed to climb back on land and was trying to shake off its attacker. eventually the toedscruel broke free, and I was able to catch the tentacruel, which happened to be shiny. The researcher guy was very excited about the fact that the pokemon was shiny AND demonstrating this predatory behaviour against a convergently evolved species.
there were some new battle mechanics too, where if you had completed a research task for a pokemon on that day AND the pokemon you were using in battle had a move that was the same type as that pokemon, you would be able to use a HUGE 1pp attack that changed depending on the pokemon you selected. it was called "ultimate (pokemon) research" and would have different effects and damage for each completed piece of research. Tentacruel's one was a physical water type attack that would hit once, let the other pokemon take their turn, then hit again.
If you especially liked a certain ultimate research move, you could pay 10,000 pokedollars to have ONE tm made of ONE of the moves per day. a pokemon could only learn that tm if they were able to learn another move of the same type, and if it was the same pokemon that the research was for, its pp was increased to 5.
after I'd been playing for a while, I found some strange ruins that seemed to be related to the researcher's main focus, and upon looking closer, it confirmed a very specific part of it that would make the rest of the paper way easier to prove. I wrote down the location in my notepad and was about to note some stuff down about it, but then he came up behind me and was all like "heyy what did you find this place is cool"
the ruins were on a hill and there was a narrow space running between the walls of two buildings. the walls were high enough to cover us completely, but we could move between the buildings via a broken bit of wall. a mudsdale got startled by something at the top of the hill and started running down the hill between the ruins to escape it, and it nearly ran over the researcher guy, but the player character tackled him into the other ruin seconds before it would have hit him.
he would have 100% died if the mudsdale had run him over those things are like a fucking TRUCK but when the player pushed him over to get him out of the way, he slammed his head on a part of the ruin wall and badly animated blood started pooling in the small space. he wasn't fully conscious but was in a lot of pain and it was quite frankly a really scary and sudden change in tone. the player character got their rotom phone out and asked it to call an ambulance (thanks rotom), then started to reassure the researcher and try to stop the bleeding with their hands.
they were saying things like "the research is going really well, don't worry, it's going to be great, you're gonna be the best researcher in the region, don't be scared" and the researcher guy was starting to cry.
the game cut to him waking up in a hospital. the head researcher of his group was there and they were apologising for being so discouraging, but researcher guy was more annoyed with himself for not paying attention, and not being able to continue his research himself until he was better. he was complaining like a whiny toddler it was really funny.
that's as much as I remember. it was a really interesting dream despite the scary parts and I'm kind of sad I don't remember more of it. I might keep this researcher dude as an oc for my own region.
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dreamsausage · 4 months
had a dream that mum and dad were watching an American adult TV show that was in a sort of faux-anime style. It was about three different groups of magical animals who lived in three different biomes, which were one that was mainly water, one that was like a jungle and one that was like a desert. The jungle was in the middle and the water part was to the east, while the desert was southwest — I never saw anything about the desert and no animals from it either.
It seemed that they had these temples which would protect the animals living in these biomes, and there were special stones that had to be in the right places for them to work. at this point in the show, two of the rocks were missing from the water biome's temple, and only one of the animals, who was a beaver with a stone island as a body, had actually seen that they were missing. none of the other water animals believed him, so he went to the jungle to ask his friend, who guarded the jungle temple, for help.
His friend was like a bright red tiger who was made of roses? but they believed the beaver and the two of them started to travel around looking for where the stones might have gone. they asked some herons for help looking from higher up, but they still couldn't see where they had gone.
they got back down, and there was a huge commotion at the ancestral dam, which was a huge dam in the river that had been maintained by hundreds of generations of beavers, and sat between the water and jungle biomes. There were a lot of beavers and they rotated their responsibilities, so our beaver hadn't been there today. this time, something dangerous had happened — which was not common at all for any of the animals.
the dam had collapsed slightly and trapped some beavers inside, but they would be alright. The big problem was that the guard of the water temple, an otter made of a bundle of sticks (I'm sure you can guess the joke here) had gotten trapped under the broken entrance, and he had to keep paddling up to the surface for air, unable to climb onto the flat surface because his tail was stuck. all the animals were freaking out outside because none of them could work out how to free his tail without hurting the other beavers, but they couldn't free the other beavers fast enough for him to avoid drowning.
the stone beaver decided that since he was really small, he should be able to fit through the gaps and climb inside to help the otter. the others were all like "but beavers and otters are getting hurt right now for some reason!! what if you get hurt!!!!" and he was like "that doesn't matter I've gotta help somehow" and he climbed in.
when he got inside the otter was absolutely exhausted and his head was bobbing in and out of the water. beaver grabbed his front paws and held him up out of the water, which though very painful since it put strain on his injuries, allowed otter to breathe and for the other beavers outside to be freed from the damaged dam. once all the beavers were freed, now our boy had to get the two of them out.
beaver would have to let go of the otter and smash some very specific parts of the door so he could make a hole without collapsing the whole dam, but he didn't want to risk otter breathing any more water if he took too long. the otter told him it would be ok and getting out of there was the priority.
so beaver dropped otter's hands and he immediately slid back into the water. beaver started to whack some specific branches and slowly light was showing through the wall — but then right as he hit the branch that was trapping otter's tail, a part behind them broke in the wall and a huge gush of water slammed them through the hole beaver had made. the two of them were thrown out of the dam and they tumbled into the water, the otter ending up relatively unscathed but beaver hitting a large log and sinking into the river.
the herons saw what was happening and came down to try to pull the otter out of the water while the other animals tried to find the beaver. eventually the rose tiger found him and carried him onto the shore, where he slowly came to his senses and the other animals thanked him for helping. suddenly, two other beavers started yelling and pulling something out of the water. it was one of the magic stones from the temple.
the otter was still dizzy from the whole ordeal but recognised the stone as the one that protects beavers. soon the one that protects otters was pulled out, and there was much confusion over how they could have ended up in the shallows of the river. the otter had realised they were missing upon waking up that morning in the temple and immediately came down to make sure the beavers were ok, climbing inside the ancestral dam to look for the beavers. there was some kind of weakness caused by rotting wood in the internal part of the dam, and it happened to break while otter was inside.
beaver was training under otter as a temple guard, and woke up before otter. he went out to look for the stones upon realising they were missing. at least they now knew where the stones were, and could put them back — but because otter was injured, beaver would have to guard the stones by himself, with the help of some nocturnal animals that were meant to work the night shift but really didn't care. actually beaver was also injured, but none of the others could really tell, so he opted not to make a fuss about it. essentially beaver was entirely on his own.
that was the end of that episode, but I did see the first part of the next episode.
It was really early in the morning, still dark out, and the inside of the temple was steamy and warm. inside the temple was what looked to be a natural hot bath, and the water circulated via a stream that ran between the magical stones. otter was sitting in the water because the stones gave it healing properties. it was quiet and acoustic in the space, and the running water was calming. otter looked up because he heard someone else getting into the water.
It was beaver, but he was in a humanoid form. he was small and fluffy, but not as small as his usual form, and he had shoulder length hair. there were bags under his eyes and there was dried blood in his hair. he looked very tired.
he ducked under the water for a moment, then swam over to sit across from where otter was, seemingly not realising he was there. otter said "hey little guy, what are you doing up so early?" and beaver looked up and seemed a little embarrassed.
the animals didn't really like to enter their humanoid form outside of the temples, and would only occasionally change into them if it was convenient. for beaver, the ledge into the water was too high for him to get back out as a beaver, so he changed forms in order to reach. changing to a humanoid form might have been considered a little embarrassing.
"ah, don't worry, I get it little man. ledge too high, right?" otter called over to him in a gentle but pained voice, shifting his weight where he was sitting. he changed forms too so beaver didn't feel as awkward.
otter's human form was tall and strong-looking but you could still tell he wasn't at his best. he continued, "I thought you might have gotten hurt back there. the others were totally blindsided by all of this, can't really blame them for not realising..."
"yeah, I guess you're right," replied beaver. he rubbed his shoulder and winced. "I'll be taking care of this place for a while then, huh... I doubt I'll be very good at it yet." he looked pretty sad about it. I think he was anticipating that something would go terribly wrong whole he was in charge.
otter smiled at him. "don't worry little man. if something does go wrong, the others will understand. I have your back anyway."
beaver smiled back at otter and nodded, then climbed back out of the water and shook himself dry. he turned back into a beaver and walked into the main room where all the other water biome stones were, to find that even more had gone missing. he put his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes, his anxiety and head injury giving him a headache. he shouted up at the bat's who were meant to be keeping watch but they were too busy trading cool rocks to have noticed what happened.
at that point I had a weird thing where I woke up, still in the dream, and tried to write it down in my notes app, but the notes app was glitching and duplicating text every time I used backspace. it was very annoying and I was very happy to wake up again for real this time
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dreamsausage · 1 year
had a strange dream last night thta I don't really remember all of. I'll try my best to write it down.
It was set in a city that sometimes looked like backgrounds from gacha life. there were no human beings, it was a mixture of monsters and object characters, something like tawog. there were three characters which were obviously main characters: a blue bottle of medicine who was friendly and quiet, a notepad who was tired and spoke with a swedish accent? and a yellow dog with eight legs and brown spots . they seemed to be roommates and all shared the same house.
they were in contact with a serial killer through an online forum and seemed to be trying to catch them while stopping them from killing any more people. the serial killer warned that they would drop communication if they got the police involved, and the police were aware of this and stayed out of it. the murderer would drop hints about their next target, and if they figured out who it was and told the target and got them to safety, the killer would move on to another target.
the next target was hinted and all of the immediately figured out that it was a turtle. since there was only one turtle in the area, they knew who it was and set to warning her as fast as they could. the medicine bottle and the dog were going to stay behind for more background checks and hints, and the notepad was going to go out and warn her.
unfortunately, when the notepad found the turtle and tried to warn her, she looked nervous, said something about being busy and ran away. he kept trying for several days but she would just run away every time he got close. the dog asked the killer about it and they said that COINCIDENTALLY (ahem) there just so happened to be reports of a creep who looked weirdly similar to notepad — not the same person, but similar enough — and people were warned to stay away from him. lovely. this was quite clearly the work of the killer trying to make things more difficult.
this didn't stop notepad guy from trying. he stayed near her to keep watch so that she wouldn't get hurt, but she was getting a little freaked out. soon the killer said they were getting bored and would attack the next night. thinking they were going to go for the turtle, the notepad guy hid near her house and waited for the murderer to arrive.
the murderer came and they were completely covered up and impossible to identify. notepad guy told the killer to go away and leave the turtle alone, but the killer just laughed and said, "I was hoping I'd find you here." they punched notepad guy in the face and stabbed him. turns out notepad guy was the target the whole time.
the killer left and notepad guy was bleeding out near the turtle's bins. he saw the lights come on through the window near her back door and started calling for help. turtle had heard weird noises and come downstairs to see what it was, and upon hearing notepad guy's voice she came outside to tell him to go away. she was met with notepad guy lying in a trail of blood from dragging himself towards her door.
just a few minutes before, the warning about the creep had been revoked and marked as a false alarm. turtle girl realised that notepad guy was trying to warn her. she felt awful. she called the police and notepad guy was taken to hospital. dog and medicine arrived and they all got in the ambulance with him and talked about the situation.
that's when I woke up.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
just had a dream where I was playing an apollo justice ace attorney game, but it opens at a market in front of the police station. quick bit of exposition from apollo is that the police are holding a market to raise money for new high-quality equipment, so they've made food and various kinds of police merchandise (including blue badger) to sell. mia is also there because maya had a stall but mia wanted to join in, so maya channelled her. apollo is just visiting to look at the things they're selling.
phoenix was supposed to be there, but apollo immediately notices (after talking to Mia at her stall) that his stall is gone and replaced by a baked goods stall instead. he walks over and asks what happened to it, and the lady working at it says that he suddenly packed everything up and left with no explanation.
after a little more time looking at stalls, suddenly mia points over at the other side of the road and says "hey, it's phoenix!"
apollo walks towards the edge of the road to try and get his attention, but phoenix is already walking into the road. he isn't looking for traffic and has his head down looking at the ground.
apollo and mia watch in horror as phoenix is rammed in the side by a car that was going way over the speed limit. it then zooms off past the police station and disappears. thanks fucking god maya wasn't here to see that LMAO
the two of them yell in shock and run over to him - in the middle of the road. he's bent in an... uncomfortable shape and there's blood everywhere. unfortunately, while mia was running over, she tripped and sprained her ankle, so she was sitting down next to him. some fucking how, phoenix is still alive and an ambulance is called. turns out the speeding car had also caused a car crash a little further back, so that's 3 ambulances...
while the rest of the market rush over to see what's happened, the lady at the bakery stall discreetly eacapes the scene. apollo notices this and finds it sus. he has no time to chase her though, because the ambulance had arrived and he had to help get phoenix into it.
phoenix some FUCKING how. survives this. I don't know HOW but he does. plot armour I guess.
but his insides still look like a rat after my dog has caught it so he can't do much for the minute - which means nobody can ask him what the fuck that was all about. now apollo is being asked by police to defend someone they arrested on suspicion of the hit-and-run, and also to help gumshoe figure out whether someone was manipulating phoenix in any way, because this was very out of character for him to do and that gave several people their suspicions.
the first place they went to was inside the police station to talk to the defendant, but my dream ended there.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
kid with light curly hair drops a gun on the floor. they're crying. sniper tf2 is there. there's a dead man on the floor next to him.
he looks at the kid and says
"I lost my mind years ago. why did you lose yours for me?"
the kid covered his face with his hands. then I woke up.
this was the first nap I've had in months.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
had a dream where I was my ni no kuni cross-worlds character. I was in this sort of lobby kind of place surrounded by other players, and this one person was following me as if we knew eachother. I didn't question it.
my apparent friend had cosmetics that I hadn't seen before. their class seemed to be rogue, and their hair was in long, messy light-blue plaits. they had a black and white mask that was reminiscent of a creeper from minecraft. they had a long cloak thing that was something like a dress that wrapped around with a sort of fabric thing like a belt. they were super friendly and jumped around and crouched a lot. we were talking in a vc, but I couldn't understand most of what they said.
I seemed to have chosen a quest where a character had had something important stolen from them, and needed my help with getting it back using a special plan. I was dropped in a town and walked to a tall building with my friend. we learned it was a hotel and I took a room on the first floor. my friend took one on the third. on the second floor there was our client, and on the third floor next to my friend was the thief.
after waiting until evening, my friend distracted the thief and managed to steal back the special item — it was like some kind of ring made of bone or horn. they passed it down to our client through the window, but the thief had realised what was happening so he started making his way down to our client's floor. our client panicked and the plan changed...
they asked me to climb up the laundry chute?? (it had one of those apparently) and he threw the ring thingy down to me while I was in it. I climbed back down and rushed down the stairs just as the thief made it to our client. I heard a bit of a scuffle but then me and my friend managed to distract the thief and help our client escape, along with the stolen item.
we got some rewards and then were walking down the path together alongside another person who was apparently a friend too.
this other friend was witch class (like me) but they were taller. they had pink hair in a style something like a straight bob, an outfit kind of like bracken from nnk2 and a beanie cosmetic. I think they were purposefully mimicking bracken.
we joined a group of people who were walking down the street towards a space near to the forest outside of the town we were in. it was apparently some kind of demonstration for fighting techniques, and we were finding monsters for them to use the techniques on. they found some lower-level monsters and started the demonstration, but while that was happening me and my friends heard something coming from the forest.
it was a fucking huge snake. it was long and a deep pink, with a head sort of like a viper, but with patterning similar to this hognose.
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it had HUGE fangs. it slid alongside the group we were in, and a few other people noticed, but the people demonstrating didn't. I pointed at it and said "SNAKE!!!!!! HUGE SNAKE!!!!!!!!!" and then everyone started freaking out and running away. then another giant snake that was a little smaller slid up alongside this other one. they started lashing out and biting people. I yelled "THERE'S TWO!!!!! TWO SNAKES!!!!!!" and the demonstration people ran over to try and take them down.
before they could get close however, the bigger snake turned its head towards us. me and the witch friend nearly turned to run away, but the small friend was frozen in fear and couldn't move. we tried to pull them away, but we were too late, because the big snake had already decided we looked REALLY tasty. me and witch friend grabbed onto small friend as the snake lunged towards us and suddenly everything went dark.
then it seemed to cut to another scene. we were not inside of the snake, in fact, there was no trace of the snakes, but smaller friend seemed to have been bitten and me and witch friend were helping them stand up — their hp was on, like, 4. we were talking and witch friend said "that was a bad place for a demo," in a voice similar to my friend from Saturday Club, to which I said "yeah those snakes were terrifying."
small friend's mask was off and they'd put it on the side of their head. I never saw their full face, but they seemed really tired. me and witch friend had to help them walk as we made our way back to the lobby place.
then some of the people who were leading the demo came over and said that the snakes had come from several parts of the forest, and they'd had to go and beat those up before coming to help. they joined us in helping small friend and then I woke up.
this dream was from this morning. oddly, it wasn't in the same world as my other ni no kuni dream — or at least, they didn't feel the same. this was the same as the mermaid dream and the hot air balloon dream. it was very dark and mostly took place in the evening or late at night. it was very, VERY vivid, and I remember it freakily clearly.
I like the characters I was friends with. I want to draw them now. I kind of wish they were real.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
just had a dream. ok its getting to the point where I'm dreaming about emmet from pokemon
basically I had a dream where I was playing a pokemon legends game/watching a pokemon legends TV show? it was fully voice-acted but I didn't recognise a single voice.
the main protagonist was emmet. from what I could tell, he had gone back in time to find ingo, but he was sent to the wrong region. he kept looking around and trying to find ingo, but...
anyway, he realised at the start that he didn't have any pokemon. he managed to befriend a ralts and called her Analisa. then he began travelling with Analisa around the region to get his bearings. there were people, but not many. some people had similar clothes — maybe part of a group? the outfit was a lavender-ish pink colour with dark boots and a hood with a brim.
he fought a lot of pokemon, and kept a lot as well. he didn't have pastures or a pc, so the pokemon would just be around nearby wherever he went. Analisa stayed by his side the whole time, and by this point she had evolved all the way into gardevoir.
no matter what had happened or where they were, emmet stayed enthusiastic and focused on finding his brother. he asked everyone he met about him, and got some information from people who had been to hisui and met him before, but emmet still didn't know where he was. he kept his coat and hat on so that if ingo saw him, he would recognise it.
at one point he came upon a large mountain. he had been told that there were huge flying types at the top of it that could help him get over to hisui to find ingo, so he was hoping to tame one. unfortunately, he didn't have a pokemon that could help him climb up the side of the mountain, so he had to go inside a cave that apparently led to someone's house — but this person wasn't fond of visitors, and the whole cave was an obstacle course filled with traps.
at first, emmet and Analisa made it through pretty easily, and they passed the first two obstacles quickly. then came the halfway point. this time, it was a huge, vertical slope, not too steep, but it had large grooves cut into the ground — and before emmet could get a good look at them, GIANT FUCKING BALLS OF STONE started rolling down from the top.
emmet panicked and tried to dodge them, and was doing pretty well, until Analisa missed her footing and got hit by a ball. he ran over to her and got her out of the way, slipping her into a bit in between. he didn't want to continue without Analisa, and he couldn't carry her for the rest of the way, so he started calling for help and hoping someone would come.
then the balls started rolling more frequently. there was less space between each one for him to move to the next bit. he kept trying to dodge them, but eventually he got hit by one. it hit his back, but even though he had sewn some leather onto the back (to make it last longer) it still hit him really hard and he couldn't get back up.
at this point he was losing hope and basically just went "welp guess this is it for me lol" and just kinda lay there. another chunk of rock was about to roll down and crush him, but then an old guy who looked a bit like ramos came and did FUCKING NINJA STUFF OR SOMETHING and took emmet and Analisa to the house at the top — ya it was that guy.
while he was helping emmet, diantha showed up???? but she was all glowy and slightly tinted pink. she was teasing the old man and laughing at emmet (barely conscious by this point) and the old man told her to fuck off so she left. time kind of fast-forwards a bit here, and emmet is back up on his feet along with Analisa.
it seems he's made friends with the old man (who had been meaning tone down some of those courses for a while) and had chatted with him a lot about pokemon and the hisui region. old man gave him some pokemon that were unique to the region, one of them being a pika-clone that looked kind of like a lemming? it was electric-fighting.
emmet made his way up to the top, but I don't remember much of what happened next. the dream from that point on kind of cut into a bunch of people I don't know playing pokemon leaf green on a train together. I wish I knew what happened next.
I remember exactly what emmet's outfit was like. I stopped several times (when it was a game) to get a better look at his outfit because I thought it was cool.
he had a thick, white jumper on under his coat that looked handmade (wow emmet takes up knitting real). he also had chunky steel-toed boots which were black, and very well-worn.
his coat was covered in patches where he's had to repair it and the bottom of it was slightly torn. the back of the coat was covered by a big patch of dyed-blue leather, which was scratched but obviously well kept — it wasn't dry or cracked, and there wasn't much sun damage. I think he cleaned it often.
his hat was surprisingly intact, and he never really took it off. he wasn't bald underneath because his hair had gotten longer and you could see his fringe (ha take that bald truthers). he had also attached a large red hood onto the back of his coat that fit over both his head and his hat, and he kept it tucked in while not using it. he had also sewn some really REALLY deep pockets onto the inside of his coat, and he had really deep pockets on his trousers too. explanation for inventory ig?
it was in 3d, and the animation was super fluid and pretty — the shading was colourful and comfy to look at. each area they went to looked slightly different. there was a flat, moor-like one, a sandy one, a rocky beach, and one with craggy cliffs and hills. emmet managed to get through all if them just fine, and got about two pokemon from each area. nowhere close to a pokedex but he tried his best.
anyway that was it, very surreal but very clear, like all my dreams...
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dreamsausage · 1 year
just had a dream about ni no kuni two where we ran around doing quests and had to destroy a labyrinth to get to another kingdom
and we made it to the new kingdom which was a huge forest. and we got a new member of our team who was a little kid with a blue-and-red dinosaur hood who used hammers and wands
and then we got another member of our team who was a pink mer-dog who worked similar to lofty - and if you lost enough members of the party in battle he would do a big attack that halved all the enemies' health and gave you a massive special defense boost. you could remove him from battle by switching him into a separate menu
then I put my switch into handheld and went into my kitchen and my sister was there
I showed her the new stuff and then showed her this thing where if you found specific item sets you could unlock a familiar that could be used by different party members
bracken had a huge mythical beast that was labeled as "rhino" where you needed to get an item from the first game which was a claw, an armour that was a hide of some sort, and a hammer that looked like an elephant foot. it could charge forward in battle and knock enemies over to stun them.
batu had some kind of giant monster thing and to use it we had to collect the head and the top and bottom jaws of a piranha-plant-like monster.
the kid with the hood could use a giant caterpillar, which needed a cloak made of leaves, a piece of shiny armour and some kind of pair of boots.
I think roland was able to use this huge snake with a golden head. you needed a curved sword, an evil eye wand and a black cloak. it attacked enemies by biting them and could also coil around them to weaken or curse them I can't remember which
tani's monster was a bison cow thing. it was like a baby cow but it already had horns. for this one you had to get a sword that looked like a horn, a spear that had a black tip, and something that looked like a baby buckler but slightly different. I'm guessing it had attacks like stomping the ground because its hooves were really big and powerful. I never selected hers so I didn't see what it could do, but I had two pieces of it so I could see how it looked.
leander and evan's monsters were just silhouettes because I hadn't gotten any of the items needed. I already unlocked roland and the little kid's ones, I had two of the three pieces for batu's one, and I was trying to get the last two pieces for bracken's one. I could see what those were because their silhouette became slightly more visible when you selected an unfinished monster.
when you got the items, you picked the ones you wanted to surrender and it would put the item permanently onto the part of the silhouette that the weapon represented - the claw was the rhino's head, the leafy cloak was the caterpillar's body, etc.
the mer-dog and lofty were in thr same menu, and it was this really cute artwork that had each of the monsters running around and playing with eachother. the dog was trying to get lofty to play, the snake and the caterpillar were crawling around to the left, the rhino thing was meant to be playing with evan's monster. tani's cow was running towards where leader's thing would be, and the plant seemed to be snapping at it as well. it seems that before you've gotten the party member, the monster is just a blacked-out silhouette, and you only start unlocking it with the items once you get the owner. stronger monsters require rarer items, and some might only be acquired through quests or main storyline events, like the dog. I apparently already had a good grasp of it while I was playing, and immediately entered a battle to see how the dog would work. I had bracken, roland and evan on my team, but switched to bracken halfway through. I have no idea what I pressed to activate the familiars - it might have been a power like the ones when you press ZR.
I only unlocked this after I got leander from hydropolis, and it's one of the first things he mentioned when I got back to evermore. my guess is that because hydropolis was set in the past, they kept the ability to form familiars and used them alongside higgledies as more appeared. obviously, due to the lack of familiars in the overworld or the heart-winning harp, you can only form a familiar from your soul.
I have vivid memory of what each of the characters looked like. plus the little kid who joined our team only vaguely followed us around in enclosed spaces; he would run around and do cartwheels. at one point he seemed to be practising a spell that required him to run really fast, but he just tripped over and fell flat on his face. I was worried until he laughed, got up, and started trying again. I think we got him from the new area at some point.
but yea that's it
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dreamsausage · 1 year
weird guy sold me and boj (my sister) a mansion. it was HUGE and in the middle of nowhere from what I could tell? it was cool tho. the inside was all ashy wood with green accents, but there was a lot of assorted antique furniture that wasn't suited to a specific theme.
my sister decided to take the left half and I took the right. mum was there too and she said she was taking the ground floor. when we went inside we discovered that a pub was running illegally inside and we had to shoo everyone out. we went around all the rooms and eventually everyone was out.
we went up to a bedroom that had a floor in the middle that cut it in half top and bottom. I took the top half and she took the bottom, and we went to bed. then late at night I started hearing strange noises. I grabbed my torch and leaned over the edge to try and talk to boj but she wasn't there.
I climbed down and went further underneath, and found her at the back fully awake and saying she could hear it too. we turned on the lights, and looked out the window, but there was nothing there.
we decided to go downstairs and ask mum, and she was in the kitchen making herself a tea. we sat down and told her about the noises, and she said that something woke her up, so she came downstairs. but she didn't know what it was. she finished making her tea then came outside with us.
when we looked out the front door, we could see a weird figure in the front garden. it was staring at us. mum decided to go over and shoo it away, and when she got there she found that it was the weird guy who sold us the house. she didn't let him explain and told him to fuck off. he looked back at us again then ran away behind a hill past the house's metal fence.
then we looked over at a forest a little west of the house just to make sure, because it was the one we could see from our room. we saw seven people in there. they were all people we saw in the illegal pub. they stared silently, then walked away into the forest.
we all went back inside and then I woke up.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
we were going to a football tournament. I was playing the version of my singing monsters that usually appears in my dreams. one of the players was in the car with us and she was saying she hoped that the "phantoms" would be there because she had been wanting to play them for a while.
we arrived and there was a lady there standing next to her friend, who was walking with a stick. they welcomed us in and directed the players to their room and us to our seats. then my perspective changed and I was suddenly one of the players on the pitch.
we were footballin for a little while until one of the opposing team fouled. they pushed another player to get the ball and the other player fell and hurt their shoulder. the ball rolled out of bounds and some of the players started getting agitated and arguing. the guy with the stick came on the pitch holding the ball and one of the opposing players decided to ram straight into him.
I think they were trying to get the ball back but a bunch of the other players also started slamming into eachother and piling onto him. loads of people were injured in the pitch and the guy with the stick was stuck under loads of people trying to pull the ball out of his hands. eventually one person managed to do it and then the fight moved somewhere else.
me and the other player I knew pulled him to his feet and ran off the pitch into the lobby with him. we all just kind of sat on the floor and the lady ran over to us and asked if we were okay. we were all pretty battered but none of us more than stick guy, so we started chatting and the lady got snacks while we waited for a paramedic to arrive.
everyone else got normal food but I was for some reason eating cardboard. it was really good tho. taste dlike cake. eventually everyone else asked to try it and they all agreed it was really yummy. we chatted an Di played singing monsters for a while longer, and the other r player lamented the fact that th e phantoms were not here as she'd been hoping, and then I woke up.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
just had a dream about a dark and ghostly town. I arrived during the day but by the time I woke up it was night. walking down the streets the buildings were all old and crooked but people were just living their lives like normal.
went into a pet shop. hung out with some of the animals for a while — they were badly kept and a lot of them were loose in the shop, and the fish tanks had litter in them. after a while I left and walked down the street with someone I didn't recognise but seemed to know.
someone walked up to us enthusiastically saying he heard that we knew a really clever guy who knew all about the dark ones, the light ones and the monsters. he wanted us to take him to this guy so he could learn more about it.
we went on our way to the guy, but while we went there it cut to a different view. this time there was a young guy with purple armour on a boat in a dark, murky, misty ruin, who was about to climb out onto a jagged lump of rock with a ruined building on it. as he put his foot down, torches flared with purple light all along the ruins.
a... man? crawled over to meet him. he had ratty white hair and arms like twisted branches. his clothes consisted of a torn flour sack and a necklace made of bits of rubbish. this dude turned out to be a shopkeeper who sold essentials and weaponry.
he saw the armoured guy and immediately decided to give him something for free. it was a large, purple sword with one flat and dull edge and one curved blade, with cloth wrapped around its handle and notches in the metal. he said it was one of the best weapons he had and was made for killing monsters without their severed body parts coming to life and biting your ankles. only purple weapons worked like this.
the guy accepted it and right as he was about to leave, a tall person with a long white scarf and black boots jumped down from the top of the next ruin along, slipping their gigantic claymore into its sheath on their back. they immediately recognised the armoured guy and told him they'd been waiting for him, and that he should come along with them until he got to the town.
they hopped across the jagged rocks, killing monsters and picking up things they found along the way. scarf guy explained that some monsters are harder to kill than others, and armour guy would definitely need help from other people in order to defeat them, because no matter how strong you get, you'll never have enough hands to do everything required...
this whole bit played out like a video game. it seemed that monsters had a usual attack and a finisher, where the usual attack dealt -hp, but the finisher had the capacity to kill you in one shot if you didn't avoid or counter it. some monsters' finishers needed two people to counter them at once, which scarf guy helped with.
the two made it to the edge of town. scarf guy was about to shake hands with armour guy and leave, but then armour guy heard a strange sound — almost like one of the monsters they'd fought — coming from inside town. he went to go investigate, and scarf guy insisted on coming along. the sounds led them to a barren field covered in dark grass and leafless trees, with a crooked wood-and-wire fence running around it. there was a large hole in the middle.
they crept towards the hole and upon looking inside found a mass of around 50 monsters all squishing and writhing, trying to get out but incapable of working together to escape. they were all wailing and roaring with pain because every movement made them crush eachother even more. scarf guy said it was probably the work of a farmer who wanted to use the field but had to get rid of the monsters first. they didn't approve of this method.
but then armour guy got too close and in a moment a hand flashed out of the hole and grasped his leg tightly, dragging him into the hole. scarf guy tried to grab his hand but they were too slow, and armour guy screamed from the pain of being crushed.
scarf guy grabbed the purple sword off his back and slashed at the monsters, eventually making enough space to easily pull armour guy out.
armour guy was alive, but had taken a lot of necrotic damage from the monsters, and all of his injuries were a sickly, moldy green. it was gross. armour guy couldn't walk so scarf guy picked him up and carried him back through the ruins to the first one with the shopkeeper on it. armour guy's boat had already left him behind. shopkeeper guy said that he had some things that helped with necrotic injuries but not a lot, and they'd have more luck in town. scarf guy took what they could and then made their way towards town.
then it cut back to me. me and the two other people had made it down a cliff and found a hollow with a small, grotty pile of stones outside it. when we got closer it turned out that there was a small house inside the hollow, and the stones were more of a marker to let people know it was there. we didn't go in the house though, because the person we needed was inside the stones.
there were puppies running around like crazy and playing with eachother in front of the house. they were small and had fur something like a raccoon, but they were definitely puppies. when we looked inside the stones, there were three dogs curled up inside talking over eachother loudly. two were definitely crossed with a raccoon, one looking like a hound but with raccoon markings, and the other looking much more like a raccoon but with the markings being fainter. the third was a lurcher, who was white with brownish patches.
the hound raccoon was very loudly trying to introduce the lurcher to the raccoon thing, saying the hound was her boyfriend and the other raccoon was her brother. the other raccoon kept talking over her trying to ask how they met but she would constantly interrupt him trying to talk about how happy she was that they were finally meeting. they all shut up when the lurcher pointed us out.
my friend explained to the enthusiastic guy that these three dogs were actually dark spirits from the deep below that had escaped and were living as dogs in the overworld. I asked them to explain to the enthusiastic guy what the whole deal was witb the dark ones, the light ones and the monsters, and how the deep below came to exist.
the white lurcher slowly rose up on his hind legs and transformed into his usual form, which was a crooked, emaciated purple figure with white markings on his ribs and a skull-like face with long white-and-brown hair. he stretched and agreed, saying it was easier to tell when you had opposable thumbs. the other two trotted off to play with the puppies (who were also spirits) for a while.
he started with the dark ones. the dark ones were spirits, like him and the other dogs, who made up the land and the creatures living on it. the other creatures would live alongside the dark ones, treating them as equal and making use of their incredible magical power to make towns safer and help others. the dark ones often took form of their favourite animals and beasts to make people more comfortable.
one day a creature rose up from the darkness. it stretched its legs and cracked its joints after years of slumber and travelled into a town disguised as a young man, whose body it had infected and stolen to use as its own, casting aside the original soul and shoving it deep inside of the body to prevent it from taking back its form.
it spoke pure magic. it moved with pure power. the people of the town believed it to be a dark one, so they welcomed it with open arms. the dark ones of the town recognised it for what it was. a monster.
the creature called itself a light one. THE light one. the one that would banish all evils and allow the people to live in happiness. they all believed it because every word it said was soaked in so much magic and malice that the normal human mind could not withstand it.
the dark ones were not affected by its words. they grouped together and stood against the light one. but the light one simply laughed, asking the town if they knew what they had really allowed to walk their streets. the people were confused and asked what it meant. with a swoop of its white scarf it cast shadow upon the dark ones, drawing out their true forms by force, and their wails of pain and discomfort in the darkness were mistaken by the people as the sounds of monsters. when the light one offered to seal away the dark ones, the town did not hesitate.
it swept the dark ones far into a deep cavern beneath the town, saying they would live and hopefully die there in the dark where they belong. it was then that the light one threw off its disguise and revealed its own form — a true monster. it ravaged the towns. it uprooted the fields and smashed bridges and buildings. it pulled its fellow light ones from the dark and they ran rampant across the earth, killing the people and their animals. if the light one ever found a dark one thay had escaped, it would imprison it ether along with the others or inside the body of a monster, depending on how it was feeling that day.
the light ones were still here. the monsters WERE the light ones. their spokesperson was living far away in another ruined town. the remaining dark ones were forced into obscurity and only entrusted their true forms to those who knew the truth, like me and my friend. at this, the dark spirit slipped back into his dog form and lay down next to some of his puppies.
he said that the purple weapons that kill monsters most effectively were forged by dark ones, and cannot be made by normal people, hence why they were so scarce nowadays. the plants and fields were dark because the spirits that embodied life and longevity were banished to the deep below. this was also why most monsters used necrotic magic to attack people — there wasn't much that could heal it anymore.
the enthusiastic guy was surprised and a little overwhelmed. he asked how these guys were free, and the dog said they just found a good hiding place at the time.
I woke up before they went inside the house to answer more questions.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
it was another pokemon dream! new game this time. the player had somehow arrived at an island of some sort that they had never seen. they were met by the professor, who was a rather tall, middle-aged man in a suit. he also had a sidekick that looked a lot like arven. they decided that if the player was going to be stuck here, they might as well have pokemon to help them through it.
the starters were a green fire-type snake thing, a water-type that looked like a vole, and the one I chose was the grass-type thta looked like a bush with bunny ears coming out of it. the bush was actually the little sentient house of the actual pokemon, a white bunny squirrel thing that lived in the hollow inside the leaves, and the bush would uproot itself and crawl around to move.
after we got the starter we learned to battle and catch pokemon (I didn't quite catch what those pokemon were) and my starter evolved to the second stage. it was a bigger bush and it had flowers on it, and it had two branches that were almost like arms.
we went all the way down to this allotment-looking place. there was another one of these bunny bushes and it looked really sad.
It didn't take us long to figure out that this bunny thing wanted to evolve into its final form, but it couldn't figure out how. arven guy suggested that the final form looks like a tree, so maybe we needed to get things like fertiliser or other fallen buntree branches. we decided to collect up 3 of each and bring them to the the bunny.
after we did that, the bunny thing just walked towards us, smiled, then evolved. it turned into a gigantic, almost humanoid tree with the bunny living in the head. it had marbled green and yellow leaves, and red and blue fruit scattered across its branches. it crouched down, handed us a fruit, then walked back up to the professor's research lab.
we talked with arven about which thing could have made it evolve, because it didn't seem to interact with either thing. then the professor showed up with the buntree walking behind it. he said that this had been a test of character, and buntree just evolves by level-up. he wanted this one to evolve specifically because it was a very rare instance of a pokemon being half-shiny, showing characteristic sof both forms. as well as showing off the pokemon as it evolved, he wanted to see how willing we were to help others. we passed the test exactly as he'd hoped and he gave us our pokedexes.
he went back to the lab after that, and just as we were thinking of where to go, we heard a lady calling for someone as if they were lost. a little white speech bubble with a silhouette on it popped up, and when we followed it, it led us to the first quest — an older lady with long black hair. she had apparently asked her son to find something in the forest and he hadn't come back yet. we agreed to help her and went through the part of the forest that he had, and started looking for him.
we found him being chased by a pokemon. I wasn't sure what it was or why it was chasing him but we battled it and it ran away. he was a tall man that looked a lot like his mother, and he was holding the water-type starter in his arms. he explained that his mother had asked him to find the starter. it had escaped the lab, and his parents weren't able to go after it — his dad was having trouble with back pain and his mother was too busy working their mill. he happened to be visiting from the next town over where he lived, and he offered to help find it. unfortunately he was a wimp.
arven guy said he couldn't be a wimp if he had seen the vole thing in trouble and his first action was to run over and grab it from right in front of the other pokemon. given the claws on that thing, that took a lot of bravery. the guy decided arven was right and thanked us for the help. we went with him back to his mum and she was very happy that we not only found her son, but helped him get the pokemon back. she messaged the professor that the pokemon had returned, and while we waited for him we had a battle and the player won. after that the professor came over to take it back, but he thought for a second and decided that his son deserved to keep it. the guy had never been one to keep pokemon, but the professor saw how much he liked the vole and decided it might help with his work — and be a good friend for him.
after that, his mum thanked us for the help and gave us some money and some items, then recommended us some other people who needed help. she became the person you would come to for quests and such (working a flour mill helps you meet a lot of people). the same people can have more than one quest, and if you had seen them before, their silhouette in the speech bubble would turn into them. we hadn't seen anybody else by that point so all the bubbles were blacked out.
we started travelling upwards towards route 1, which went through the middle of the forest, and that was when I woke up.
the game was very bright and colourful. it was in a similar style to bdsp but the environment was much more detailed and vibrant. the cutscenes and indoor areas made the player a normal size, while the overworld made them chibi.
the player character was a girl and had dark blue hair and dark skin. they didn't really have many defining characteristics, and I didn't catch the username either.
the professor was tall and black, and middle-aged like his wife — late 60s? he had a suit and a short dark blue lab coat. he often carried a battered suitcase around with him and smiled a lot. just a generally lovely guy :)
the miller, his wife, was also black, but her skin was slightly lighter. her hair was long and black and her face was kind of square? like she had a prominent jawline. she was big and very strong-looking, and wore a simple blue cotton dress with an apron that was covered in flour. she was usually holding a sack of flour. can you tell she makes flour? she mainly used rock-type pokemon and was sweet and helpful.
the son was very similar to his father. black hair like his mother, tall and lanky, pretty tired-looking. I'd say he was somewhere in his 20s? he also wore a suit but it was pretty messy-looking because of the whole pokemon thing. he held his vole thing like how dawn holds piplup. very friendly but also very wobbly.
arven guy literally just looked and acted exactly like arven. except minus the dog.
It was a very pretty and very lucid dream. I remembered it almost perfectly from the moment I woke up. I missed having dreams like that. felt good.
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dreamsausage · 1 year
just had a dream where a woman and four guys got transported randomly to a large hotel-looking place. some kind of tournament thing would happen nearby in a month. they talked with the people there and helped them with what they were doing.
the woman makes friends with a child who came there by himself after his strict parents left him there with direct instructions to win no matter what. he's nervous and shy and not good at talking to people, but the woman helps him and tells him stories and the child feels safe around her.
one guy starts off really obnoxious and rude. he talks loudly and makes a lot of noise trying to get people's attention. over his time at the thing he starts realising that nobody there is going to pay attention to him while he's like that, and he discovers that his want for attention may actually be a wish for friendship. he becomes quieter and stops being quite so rude (not completely though).
one guy didn't have anyone to help. he was very irritated by rude guy and would tell him off for being mean at the end of each day (they shared a room). soon though, he realised that attention is what rude guy wanted, and giving him that is what makes him do it more. instead of getting angry at him at the end of each day, he started giving him tips and hints at how to talk to people and make good conversation. they slowly stopped disliking eachother and eventually he ended up being the only person rude guy considered a friend — his first friend in his life.
the rest of the guys helped out the others but they weren't entirely remarkable.
the building was huge, and looked as though it was very old but had modern elements incorporated into it. there was a canteen, study room, lounge, and a huge garden at the back. off to the right of the building there were the bedrooms, which were two-to-a-room.
not many people would go outside because it rained a lot, but people would go out onto the deck, which was under a canopy, to chat, eat food and study while getting fresh air. the food was pretty good, made by one of the people who was already there when the others came. anyone else could make whatever food if they wanted.
close to the end of the month, the kid realised that the people who came there would most likely disappear again before the tournament thing began. he voiced these concerns to the group and rhye all took them very seriously, except for rude guy, who brushed it off and said he didn't care. he did care. he cared a lot.
the kid finished up his studying with the help of the woman, and the two of them made sure they had eachother's phone number in case they disappeared. everyone else did the same, but the only person who bothered to get rude guy's number was his one and only friend. friend guy thought it was rude of them to be so petty, but rude guy said it didn't really matter and that they wouldn't want to see him again after this anyway. friend guy was upset by that.
eventually everyone accepted that on the last day of the month, the people would most likely disappear just as they had appeared, and go back to where they lived, leaving rhe people at the place to face the tournament using the advice and help that the people had offered. the woman wrote down several stories and study books for the kid. cook guy wrote down a little book of recipes for each of them. the other guys did uh... whatever they did.
friend guy talked with rude guy about a lot of things, but eventually he let slip that his parents were pretty absent, and when they were there they did nothing but be rude to him. he would have to go back to them at the end. he didn't want to go back to them, and friend guy asked why he never told anyone. rude guy replied that he never knew how. he had hoped that his bad behaviour might get someone to notice that something wasn't right. he said he was glad he was right about that.
friend guy said he didn't want him to be forced to live like that. everyone was pretty nervous that the phone numbers might not work, so they had also left some information about themselves with people they trusted. friend and rude exchanged addresses. they hoped to find eachother and get rude out of his situation at home.
on the last day everyone did a bunch of fun things together, ate good food, shared more things with eachother to remember eachother by. rude guy excluded himself from modest of it, thinking nobody would want to spend time with him. then it got late, and everyone went out into the garden. throughout that entire week people had been flickering and momentarily becoming inaudible and things like that.
they said goodbye one last time, then they went home.
when they disappeared, they looked kind of papery and crumpled. they just kind of got un-drawn from that area?
basically they were gone. and that's when I woke up.
throughout the whole dream there were missing posters subtly placed around the setting, being on the backs of cartons or stapled to trees or whatever. there were never any for rude guy.
it was almost constantly raining. you could hear it almost constantly chucking it down against the roof and windows. it was very dark inside. they had wall lamps to guide them through the hallways. almost every room was lit up by a lamp of some kind. it was even raining when they left.
I never learned any characters' names, or where they lived, or who their family was or anything. I only have a vague idea of how they looked, and for the woman, I don't know her face at all. some of them were actors I think. some of them looked like people I know but they didn't act the same. some of them looked like video game characters.
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